ijr art on 3rec heaa i ml it l imui i 1 j1h tml i amilv tiuh lu tht fihn u irmo und no who wuiln f i hli family ill ho iluy this i th hull win ii noon bo a llo lull i lilu i in th r in iiiik li uu in ui thlu in tli l i i i nth hul mil i whii tlu mi hi t ii 1 my in lr ilttln till i ihln lu tl i il j nil ilinuilcd una nml iiow i oft 111 i wit hlltllll 11111 111 hill lt j 1 k fit i i ntjur uml uu tti r iwki ill iron no tutotlii r jo in in nm faintly i mlun loiilusou danggn or losing h10 jod u ii if ih it iln t tho limit num 1 ui i i tiiiini hi i aiuo down tint i i f u iiik r i i i hul hi hi ut h jtii rli 1 tun hi illu i uli n nvirliiuril thv lontmi ivluutlt why i xpluliiiik tho tnuit in iruy thu w mini in itiut houuo suyi thut ir i ilon t itnii irlli r uhull uut bur jnllru fn in li mi ith r carrier inllunuioll ntvvii a pill that prove ir valuatlliiuii it w 1 t will iii j in liihi in lariiuha ltuhlo i ii in liitmino ih y i u in tlnlaln ihi in illliful nth n iff hi iituiuiili und tin liver jri iilnrill i in wul it uii moiit dlii- iriiln hi i ill no well ueuuulnl- 1 with tin in an t vuluo thcni ol tholr pupir wi th liny iiuvn ultonltd re iii win li otlii lirt iar ttlonu have fall tl an huv nrr i ttl uu ny remark ubli oun i in alllili ntu of innjf litnml ini whin 1 r mullein ji wrru found unuvnllltii life on a oudmarlne r juhjf niitnnurln munlu an tin rink iihli of the bout ii won tii if lo watur on a hot i uro on il llirtio ho urn uouknl thoy uluy thut ii nbuolutuly no in at at tho bout in tho um- mitiiuln air beilnctiincu tho doetoru uuy that ubmurlnu never ulcep loiiio unconscious lor uml ul like u pltrhir day ileforu w our cloth u nr wuy w un whicli muiiiin tl peruturo of tlu we nearly tutzu th mtni on u they merely he loiiio brief intervals tho from tho machinery tho constant vib ration und tlio lntt linn utruln umlur which yoti lulxir makes nloop iui im passibility in u utorm win ii wo liuvo to oeal up tho ulr loui woniu lliun anything you am imutlnij thoro tirii eighteen men and two ofllccru in one of our bouts tviid at any momunl any ono of thu twenty may cauuu tho death of ull the rest thoro lu no room for mlatukci tho ujiuco in which tho mm hvo la fifty foot lorn und ubuut ten foot wldo i can utund uprli lit if i tilck my place but mout of thu tlnio my nhoulucra uro bent there uro no bunks wo all spread our mattrltiuiii on un iran dock tho dlnlne room conuliitu of four oloc- trlc hot plates nothing in thu nut uro of a npiirk lu allowed below dicks but wo can heat up etirtoo on uio hot platuj and occuulonnlly fry uiliuu can t smoke and tho lbrutluu of tho onclnau make it impuuulblo to read or ovon play cards no whin wo aro cult of work thoro a nothing for un to do but to alt on tho door und look ut each other pltuibure dfnpatch children ory for fletchers oastori a castor ia for infants and children a use for over 30 years always bears fff of mlllora worm powaoru arc com- pleto in themuolvea thoy not only drive wormn from tho oyatom but repair tho damujio that worma cuo and do invlloiato tho roiuitltutlon ttiut it ppocdlly rlcovim from tlio dlaor- derd ot tho cliutuiiloituiat arolh6 to- ault of tlio work of theco paraaltlo intrudcru tlioy do tliclr work thor oughly and strength pnd rourdncij follow their uuo dnacinq a corncr poqt wlyh conccrtc dig thu holo in tin uuuul nannor thun in thu illntuuiin oppoaltn to tho iull of tho win ii dlr truiichfui 10 imhcii witl mid fmt lm iut li iii mo hrolii i otoiuii or brlcland iiour i c imint ovtr it unit u layer of utono thou uom coinont and o on until ho tniulilii uro llllotl tho tronchca of co o r it l iiniii t with tho post holo und uro illlu 1 no tho xi j in bo inn hold in plato by u timporury braco after tho flllliii in tloin a hotter braco can not bo had uiul tho unulghtly corner bruco in not lidded e nervousness told by mrs lynch from own experience provmonco jl l i wan all raa down in hcnjui was nc rvous had tirad- qchon my back ucjicd all tiio time i wan tired nnd had no ambition for any- uilnn i hod taken a number of medi cines which jld mo no rood ono day i rrnd tiboat lydii e iiokhamavoj tamo compound and what it had dona for women oq i trlod it my ntttcoancas and backacho and headaches disappeared i raned a welchtand fool line so i can i mesuy recommend iydia li iinvhoma vrpv- tablo compound to any woman who 1 ouftrrincaal wan mrs anruho b lynch 100 tlaln st providence rl itackacho and nervousneas aro symp toms or nnturoo warnlira whlcn in dicate a functional distur banco or an unhealthy condition which often dorcj- opa into a moro norious ailment women in this condition oho id not contintio todrsinlonirwithouth ip bat profit by mm 1 yneh o oipcrioi e and try ihli famotm root ami horb romedr lydin u pinl hams v ratable com- eaund on i or i j clal dvlco write to ydiae pirlhnmllod co lynn mass ncwtt op ric day of tho cvnt natunco ourqical mcthoda tin tin vioim 1 ut tlni ium if ninny f un tin fmnll twlftii mill uiihill irtu oft win ucedlriif lu n fu ii uv villi in tho utot lltr lacon ibo dlui rlct of albortu thrt wt itu orth t i nty t utc 1 htt otil 40 000 to ll dp ult 111 nilr ivliu niutln the in ih of the it i nn ain tiiuiii lu tin ulllh rail id shi 000 ovi half of tho ohjft vii 1 1 ii ml i in out add tholr oniluliit tu thu lumrul urlov unco of uhortiii t of nood urn mlun j loly of main tltrotit tjult wau badly liijnrnl by an cxplonlon wlim alio put li ian uni powjor lu a kltuiiui utovo ixllovlne it won coal i at khi houcr aid a ii camphol wdii i ii nun htm for irjo by mugljitrato wfllr on tho ohurjra of dafamutory llbol pnforroil hi a a uty nowi editor of tho unlly tt liiruiih tlu brand jury ut huult ho mario on foi id i jail a returned vhona ft mi had expired u hul nit kept uioro for tiu than ihut ho had no place ijght olive trcco on he mount of ollvca jorunujom uro known to bo over h00 yearn old keeping m soldiers strong early in the world war experience proved the extraordinary value of cod liver oil for strengthening soldiers against colds pneumonia and lung troubles- thousands of our soldiers are taking enii15im because et guarantees the purest noraregian cod liver ofl high in food value and rich in biooovmaking properties scotts will strengthen yoa against winter sickness beware of ateokobc snhntitxttes qcou st bowm toreato oat memories of scholars dr hakakl profooaor in tho medical college of tho imperial unlvorulty of japan haa been carrying on oomo in- tereating invcotlcullona oa to tho mcmorlcii of children ho tcatod ro- peatodly the dovelopmcnt of thu fac ulty of memory irj tho cauo of 1 02g boyfl aril glrto of tho i ukuoka schookt covering u period of neven yturo tho reaultt of ntnxly ho 000 testa ahoved that hi memory for tlfturua tlio younger wore ouperlor to the older and of chlldrun etwn tho ugeu of eight and thlrlc n girlu x iiljui flutcr- lor memory to boyn w illo between thrcen urtt fi urucu vtars tho rtveroo la true attacknd by asthma tho flrat fear ful sensation lit of im flotation which hour by hour lutomui mom dciiiicrnle and hopellh1 to uuui a cauo tho re lief afforded by ir j d kullogga asthma itliucily mi m nouilnj itwui thjin mlriiiuloui uu imlp in itulckly uppartnt and pmn i liuadful- all uk in mauri 1 tlu uitlnnaic who lai found out tho dipimlalilllty of thin sterling remedy will ucur bo without it it la sold evurywhere ohildren cry for fletchers oastori a an effective screwdriver wjbcn ujicrnv cuuuut b turntd vhh an ordlnury ucrowdrlver tho following method lu mm illy uucreimf ul jjit tho cutting ed of u cold chisel in thu lot of the at row h iul an li sllbhtly turn tho ehlael in tho diructlon to loosen tho screw thtttwill cauno tho chlsol to t limb out of tho ulot a trifle hit thu htud of tlio chluol a light sharp blow which will w h to ihjttom ltt tho ulot hut tlio luortlu of the chlacl in turning to itit orljluu1 poaltlun will cauini tho hi row to turn a umall amount in tho lunlrinl dltik lion ity teprttllih tllla novirul tllliejl the ucrpw can in loou tied ta it u easily turnul with a iurjrlvcr the prompt answer i f f the habit of answering promptly when the telephone bell rings were universal the saving of rime would be enormous j few things are more pleasing to telephone users than aprompt and courteous response to a telephone call in business the practice of prompt answering has been a money maker for customers appreciate it practice prompt answering yourself and make it a rule xn your business the bell telephone co of canada dltir there und vfho u other rrui o to go rjuday tho i ity of cuolph has raliiod jlq- 000 in u three day tampnlgn for thu itrd croim und tho iutrlotio rund the london mroet lullway lt ask ing for un incrouuo of farcii ard tho mutter in likely to go to a vote of tho people ito ilurton htoroy of ilrockvlllo han rt turned from the war tjllndod by woundu und rough treatment in a or man military honpitulu a ro turned noldlcr who found him self without funda ut chatham ut tempted to walk to london and ogc climbed to fraten feet it lu fwrod tliat tho mails foot may havo to bo am nutated tho ilmt cargo of canadian fish to bo lundod ut ltouton under tho now duty froo r gulutiumi wau g3 000 pounds 1 of fresh iuught ilnh it wan nold through tho now lngland tluh lix change rices circuit which has boon travel ling in ontario became atrandod at ouclph tho manager wired from hartilu that uio allow was broke und tho uctora und uctrcaueu were thrown on their own reuourcea an lnupoctor from ottawa will visit london where it lu alleged people uro violating tho puel controllers order that only oaventy per cent ofrtholr iiormal fuel iuily for next winter muy bo purchased satuitday more than 000 uutomobllou have appeared in montreal ulnco lunt llcri- ulng uxiason nocordlng to the ilcenncu already taken out ideal weather for seeding provallo in alberta and in the lothbrldgo dis trict from twelve to twenty per cont- of tlio wheat lu ulreudy in tho ground tartou uurcliauod by tho ontario hydro llectrlo power coram iaalon all along tho routo of tho queenuton hydro- power canal will not llo idlo this yoar itcavor featured tho fur ualcs in now vqrlc the hlghcut skin bringing in 20 a amajl jiuuulun uablo brought tho dayo hlghoat prico of 130 tabby cut uklna cliungcdhands at doc tho canada i board makes an urgent nppcuj to every employer to arrange utaff holldayn during both uoodlng und harvcut tlmo to enable u wider cultivation ol vacant iota and gardens tho offer of tho arroy and navy veterunu in cuioidu to ruioo a com pany or draft for overueus haa been accupunl thu diuft will bo for rail way construction work and mon up to flfty yearn of age with provlouo military cjrperlonco will bo accepted a vigorous protest to tlio govern ment against tho employment of aliens was decided on by joint committees or tho kingston trades and labor cormei and tho great war and army and navy vetcruna associations a demoiuilratlnn will follow monday the city of winnipeg has nubcribod jisou in four days for the llod croaa iund ilvo years hard labor wau tho enco in culgury on threo mon who re i in titl military nervico navigation lat open thlu weok at suult ste marlotr wcatlicr condlth not change mutirlally two i w w publications tho weekly industrial worker and the lumberjack bulletin havo bean pro hibited entry to canada wo can hahg on juut ou long as tho germans want to koep tho oflonalvo up thoy uro lowing throe mon to our one wrlteu major gon archibald mucqonell to a friend in windsor tiool children of jlrlln will bo luftl tu iicniiiiulatf thoy i row into nil awkward j 1 uiinlgtuly plli upon inv ulli utlmi any ono of ttiooo rtokon hits of tree provoj to bo dend it brtiuku riuidlly with n dry mini how lug thut no life uivlng onu keontt it green and dcnlntlng riu ru la a renoon tor thfiuoilnml twlgn ami iirniuhta n rwiull of nu turo ii nurgi ry in the uprltlf win n tlio pun ut tioo hnn uu ovuruhiiiulant sui nly of nutrition llttlo twlli 1hm1 out lu tltnt nuwlioru und no loin ui tholr xlatonin docii not uffei t tin food iilmly of thu trot uml their inmiodl ato i fivlrofiiiioiit lu well united to f loir growth they uro allowed to rcinuln lutor in ha summer when tho weuth r lu hotter and dryer and tho young brum lieu m c demuiidlng more hit more food nature iiuitoyu her blond- ituu uurcury by euttjnu off food uuiply from tho purlu to uu aluptltatod 1 ha umullor twlgu uro ollnilnutvd unit thou if rieruuuarv t save uio llfo of tho tree nature forms ubicens rt un em in ling tho part o he retnovul clone to tho trunk or limb so um to shut off nutrition and tuuau tho nffoetod mem ber tu full tho ilrst symptom of thu pruautuo of ubscosseollu is tho with ering of tho loaves next tho twig or branch uocmn i ha drooping or dying quito froounnlly ii strong brooro eom- plates tho droccus eif amputation tlio uami operation tu psrfurmod in canru where tho tw gn or hrunchen mo toy abundant r unnecejary tho ucaru of tlicuo apotntlunii uro noon healed es ttmmmuiiwumui it uiuw4hfejjmiujlja railway time tables children ory for fletchers o asto r i a i llnouic ypmli ittccrfcssiudbatw 1 miller opl mnttxtt mineral sarnacimq atsssssh lossnsvi brkoflwttcrtftosi for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castorla always bears the signature of no 37 3 17 n m 3 17 p in u 03 p m 11 qzom c 52 p in 7 4s o- m 1 ct p m 6 is p m nsam g w p m at acton nd trunk flailwny gytem coma wmt fllj sl ior j 21 p ui p si a gond ent 1 0 og a 11 za a aa p jse for iver thirty years or 7 03 p raw ouburban euctric railway gomd wt ially cicriit jmnday ially except liundsj daily except bunday sunday only liu lajr only coma east dally except bunday raly except flunday pally except fiunday tlunday only mill etreett given he ulohrutu uio vlo- ths oil of powor it lu not t laiuied for dr thuiniu 1ilotrii oil thut it will euro every iii but un um urn no various thut tt nmv lo lookinl uimn iu a trencrat p iln klttn it tina ui litovcd that gleutiuui for ituolf und ull it temptu to nut pun i l uyi fulbd ita- excelleiiiii lu known to ull who huv tested- itablrtiuu mil liarnt by oxurl cnoa few thut fool u will i twit 1 lit will hit tlu wibu mothi uf motlu r i tor ulwuyo h i proves lui u insect foreoiqht llib laat u uu oil u lertulu eve nay a tho v auhluitou star u iioup of fanrti m nut touti 1 ttio utovo in the general ntoro and j iln tl in a tiurjl and hoortfllt i uinplaliit ui out the ravages of tho potulo hut the pints uto my whou iotutu imp in two weoart null ono fiiiuur they uto my m i in two duyo said a ueeon 1 fiirmor and tin n tlioy roosted on tho trei to woo if id blunt more a salesman who wu truvollliij fur u ooed house unrul hlo hi out thais rtiuirkuhlt in mid but lot mo toll you whut t iuw in um own storte i saw u toupli of i oiuto biis examining iho hooks about u wm k befom iilantlug ttinu tu oo who bad bought si ed when llolliiwnj n om lure up pllwj to u urn wail u i ills iho roots mill tho inllnulty ofntu out with out injury to tho tiesh get the genuine grafonoia avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafbnolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buyj columbia graionola i c c speight actoh ont uduy to lory of armentlcnri tho unit aimrlciu pruoncr to es capo from tho fiunuunu iu rcachod hwltxerland uayu tho lorls tompa air ilnieat ii hharklotou tho ant- rtic lixplorer urrived in now yorl viutorduy fmm houui amirlca a broiiro i tutuo of lvederick thu great in u washington utrcet lias j been reraoved by order of lrvbldont viiaon tulhday thepa will bo l 000 ucrtm ut eugur leetd plunted in tho district of lon don thoy will tie lured for by llel 4juna it is iitutid thut guelnh com xitsw cent llotpltul lt to be convcrtu t into an liibtltutlun for nldicri vnutluuul training jmumtnui o tho central stprul judge undir thu u b a have pii printed und were tnblod in tho llouao of cuiiiinorui yeutcrduy tho talo oupt geo luchardi lvliiiiuton who was killed in action cl jit 000 for the ejection or u public i uthlioujo lu kintltni tho uuuhobu lourt of appeal ivuu uumihiiou ity ilcolured thut thoro lu a divorce law lu muultubu which uii be upikoalod to tiy purtlou auuklng dm tiolutlou uf oturrlutc i tun wtio u rvtd seven yearn of t tfo duutinto uu u eonvlit in kilu- mton lunltt ntlury and was releuued roinu montlui i to tight in 1 runeo hau met hla lcnth on thu battlenold kheru ho uhowed ireut herolum tint am riiim laltor li loyully and t illy tuhlnd lvesldont wil- lum in his wur i hi ley la tho meuuugo in tut takiiu but k to 1 uglund by the lirltluh iubot mujiou whleh bus just computed iti tour t tho blaten tdntaija lomlon will try to ruloo 1 3 tli 000 fur putriotio puriioutji lli j shvar detriment luoj do hied to utuko tho gurinuii prluouers of wur now held lu jlio ountry earn thuh kui nlutaru 1 allu r poit u uhurtugu of houutu ttiieily duo to thu influx of iiip lu wi rk on iln onturlu iemf duwuon ci y has njoptid duyllht nvlnj fair its eloeku though that vory northern ueetlon of tliu curui now lias 4 liouni uf d lyllght per day klulunur city couuell lueo pause j u tiy law jitvldiiib for tho taking oer of vacant lota for production purposes front thu ownuni who rt fuso to cither ulllvuto the lots oi runt llnin major leijuut eailud uu the utudeuts of ival collifa0 in quebec city uud aoked for vol an toe ru to form a tank unit thu prupoual will be given con sldurutlou ulthouh no one in the rujiks uf tho ututlunts otvppod up to eiillnt liniuedlutaly 1 ho new zuuluud goveriuiiont ut alsliig ouotner twenty million war loan 1 croon a ablu u aubeerlbe but fulling tu auborrlbo will lo flnod juat double tlu amount thrnirh uiclr in itiinc tsa and compel lod to nubscribo to tho loan ui il reoolve only uiree per cwjil lulcruat opportunity j r livingstone grocer and provision merchant oftors tho people or acton errcry opportunity tp accum their i upplles freah well ujuiurted and at reaaan- able prices a few barrels of apples to bo sold at 60c pack your orders will de appreciated j r livingstone save money enter the elliott ilcforo the tuition ilatea are ln- ereajitil great tlemond for our rruduati write for our catalogue and learn how our former students aro succeeding open all year w j eluott prin hct0n liyery and bvs lin having purchased ibchvcryond goodwill of tho btmcss from mr a mccann i solicit wilh coofidenco thoitalrosagc oxuhn public corafortablo rica supplied at rcasonablo rates special artcatiod to supplyinp convoyancca for weddme uu fuacrala motor cars furnished when ro il utrcd bob bbeta a1x thajmp l e atkinson acton ont complete service to for- owners everywhere courteous attention to your needy ihjruver you travel is bomething yu appreckte iuul beink a lor owner you can got it you are alwjtys unonuinenas there are more than 700 ford duller service statioru through- outcanada these are always witlnncay riuhof kordownera l for gasoline oil tires repairs accusonu expert advice or motor adjustments the cost of ford service is as remarkably low a tlio cost of tho car itself nineteen of the most oiiilj for parts cost only 540 just compare tins with tlio cost of spuo parbi fyr other cars and you wilf reahzeie advantage of owning a ford xuriosi runabout coup 595 575 770 970 535 tbe universal cas oneion i ruck 750 y o is iuhd oni h a goxe dealer acton ont s grain q chopping y s rj well done and jj j quickly at only n u xi 5 cents i j per bag ree press advertisers are always reliable harms co limited nocuwood ont x 0 when you need boots shoes at auy time buy rnoni w willi ams1 acton 0ntab10 iawous iok satisfactory footwear riasonahi l lkici j atents j promptly securew ti all esntntfavk tor oar i ive jhuatuv smlk j1 dn arit irta 2bi uty royalty am mowthsai