Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1918, p. 1

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account books of all kinds modo to order periodicals of every descrip tion carafully bound kuunc neatly wad promptly done wynaham street guolph ont- ox or williams fetoro r j keflr licensed auctioneer pot tho countloi of haiton welling ton peel and puffcrln and uio city of ouolph acton ontario tho froo prcua odlco acton th muroury oulce uuelph tho nenahcconl xercus or with w j gordon harness maker hlllaburff sales entrusted to il j korr ro- celvo uttcnuon from date of lhulm to date of sale list your sales with mo residence young street acton ibono 30 acton call at my llxpaajmi j e cheevers book qinder quebec st east guolph ont booka and mokuzlnca bound in ilandsomo and huuutantla cove names lettered lit gold on iiiblcu hymn hooka and other books am work promptly executed slfes s3 liiciiuaubafc d alex niven ontario land surveyor nd civil engineer survoyu bubdlvinii mi ilunu n porta dvnrrlptliinu 1 llu prints m certlucuteu fur purchimurii unit mortkbitccji hurviyu fur aprhlircte liuildoru ond muulolpal uimuiti iriilmiii lupcitu imluiuliu t mclean dutlding doualee qt ouiyjh tlhonu luoi oni tho old and roliablo granite and marljedealurs 3 wo uro miiiiudu luwn und aint important of all klndu of muniim utul htl3 htuilutuilo work wo uill olrit to our uuslomuru ut whounulu nrl thus ixvvliik ur luatouura 111 p uni svo have tho- bint uppliuiion mul the onty mechanics in thu dominion who can oprruto pnnumutlu too la jitopurly wa rim ulvu rofureiuie rrom hundt u of otti uatimtin hi pun ntit uiul uiiw plilciui wiito othuru luivo in h suits in order to tolleol wo imv n unreal unit b nl btuu if jiunlt t tho pomlrlo4i r uioro thun uny tlim tlenlora in thu wl wu uro i uj note daleni and unploy no u u and do not unnny qr pom umouuvn by nomllnic out ipimrunt iicho wl it ins onion w umpluy only iiuhuiilu unit defy oiupntltlon hamilton sons cor norwich a woolwlui uu quolui summer lere kenneybros havo full uumimr lima or jioutu ulld lilluu for l jji1 the dainty new things 9 end the heavy working doot8 now lluui of uutiritf alio in cludliu lawn dowlinq ohoeo tennis shoes running shoes una utbur uuuu our prio an rtpiit and our oualitie superior lupaiiuna n11atly and 1homitli don1j kenney bros main 8trcct acton like oil on troubled waters wcarlnjf u pulr of tiavajq u 11mm cj li uoothliu t tho ptrvtu uud u tuuif fur any ono troubled with ym train there in u icnacl in lltllnjr uuji- cj uml will bo rcalful lou will ond tjid judmiiunt uiuiil attliu u ablujhiucnt vujuablo to your ctm- furt and uyikiljjht wo crlnd our own lun sua wo uo- jiif thu iluutia to uult you hull- vldiujiy wo rviidtr a utrvico tliut you will upprcclutc alwayn ulw ua uuunl fuwlod iho imhlj ni xt tlmo y hi i t iioro curlier n vtr mluiid u y t lullnd up tlf nl ml- r lurk faced youth in uolf-do- jlut you maku nvcrybody urvouu ihliiuirur you will hunt tleht tlkro t hi lh liil winl r iin cnliif ovur cql v nu utitl throuili i t rtit rutu tluat ii irked tlu nnul ul one bo crtik 1 tho bulhlliu of thu tlrut luiiu dui- nm o tilcphoiiu lino m icxaiiyllii prulrluil kibht horo you will vuui tlio heat stylca iii s thcrt lb a hat luro to juit inot every head ild like wist ibu p tniuicilo vurioiy und wid ruiifjc uf ijctj new ftxh 0lk und iiiddtriitl prictj wu stocic ok summer haaeitiasihy r e nelson phpno 10 roxt pot ollio 9 gullph infinite care in those little things that are so vital to success lu thu ttuulnul rulo of iuiikiru of till illil piano uld to tnl u kiiouloduu born f u3m1iiiou in iiiucliankii coiimtructu u ujul judimitit of riuuo tone ami you lao tho naiioti for tho hlu pfano uluu lu tlo very fit ruiik of tho irtatat of cujumiuu crcut 1luiioo cwkeaiyson 03 wyndham street quelph uptodate goods at c c svetglxvs hilverwhiu iii 1 ublewurc fui variety alw i uitj cutjcry hardware tinwurx and tjiuitih waro uig assortment iundura btovc mid liuuc tamuub heaters small stovi-b- oil sloven c c speight jj mm sticcl ailuu wnii il timk of moirnltuda ahead of il a wrnt llu- onutriinlluii cantf not tin b tho itolcn unit utrintluk tho wlnu it wuit u hurry job to ruth tho bltf city a hundred tnlhn awjj and thu work would iirco pojui muutir in thcao dayi of modem linebuilding our crny followi d trtmmlnir up tlio cjlib thu liui cxpriuuid it uiily wuu u drifter llu luid boon tukou on two avi uku bufure when nit droppol lulu lump quint u 11 iiahful hu wiui by no muunn popular lth thu rollirklnic truui that mudd luiithlni uf a liolhluy uf thu tauk i no thi tmmiuwaii out of pitliirico lth him not bociiino uio boy did ut work for tin wun willliur tnouirli hut bcimitiu h wait uu n tiring tliut it iu dlillcult to illrutt liim 1 hut moriiliii thliiia wtru purtli lirly awry a hlili wind liud loouiuicd thu fn ihlj uit niltti for mllu all ilay wo worn buuy utrjlthttnluk tho lino iiml uiilnit un witlu climb that poll lulld tho boon to unty ut tin hi it uuip tho boy nudi a rutwilnjf ill irt thin h apod with tilu tiplki u t into tho uoft pine ohlnjitnj towunl thi loji liko u umiku llu won u wlwnl t o in hindliiic tho tluiton me iuilir iitiuiuu hut wbun hu rv uriitl to tiurtli 1m tlrubod wi urlly to tho true unl wnllid for ordira iit lu u toou worur but ho nuidu ktlrrlm uii uuili th bou ilii huu to lo ordi rod uvury tlmo bo muvui wh it u thu multr with lilmr ioihuihu thu row tkik tho wordu too uorlouuly anyliuw bud itratuilluld tho liutiiutor of mout of thu rnuwhjef plumud u iimthod of iiirrytni out tho hlia hu uiidurlool tho ihiiui to h ivo llctlcr wuuo him up liadn t wo 7 hit miijktuid hi it noun ail uu hutu naudi il lit tlu uround thu truk yaiuy huil wmnuixd uwuy out of uliht down u llttlo iilouh liauchlncly tho llnumun pluood u ioul bourd ucrutfu two polio lylnt on tho trouud nuiik wora drjviii into it and tlujv uttutlntl to wlna leading to n uinull ikitury t irriiiu uii u tlutlng ollttll win ii thu utujo wuu wot wo wnltt d tulkliil in tvppurtnt uiicoiuurii ubout tho niiiu lalnu und tho tdw1 r tho utoriu umy iimu ulowly up from tho druvv ui u tuul in tint uu if llu thought hlnum if inwuhoiui hut thlu tlmo bo iui u in irty rotiin uivo uur lhro 11 u uud ulvo tho hoy u hi i4 1 wdiii on hud uiul yunry nw huatlly prcpurod u carry maud hhrddlnir bin heavy cllmblnc bootii pnd hrowjnj bin hat corclcanly toward tho truck bo clnmbvrcd down tho bank walt callnd tlio bonn but tho rivcxn1 roar drownttl tho word whon bo bad uccurod n foothold in tho tirideoo titonoworlc nar tho watora iiurfuce ho took bcarlncn cauttounly und plum od into tho roaring flood wo caw hln head bob undir thon thu burfuco it wtui a hurder ntniktlio than ho lntlclputid hu dtenlyhln bnro hrmr i ihht out nnduiuht tho polo slippery uu it wan ho lune and climb id up und up toward tlu tanffltd wlrcu about bin head than umu u rraiih from tho nouth iwnik oih wlm hud brokn under tho utnilti of bin woliht und tho iolo in tho lured not dr wlrl hulow bonn id ipado u will ward him but it full t iriod ok 11 in thu uf th f roup on thu ixmrd llul of tho truck win m ful nliutiin wfi wult injj wuu louihliu of wib muklntf a llio with thu battury und uho k wont into thu nullu in whi hu boy iuit looking uni will jiruiui1 ut tho luudurit u uu un old trl n ii n luuih with ono in from tl ill htm folli id hu b i td nituim i hi tt yu llu wut uii uily i tiiun hllur itn oalu nil tbn of lln 1 tty hid hlu fun ojuliiut bur ooft kk n r durlm thuoiii ufluriioun lid h up ik ixipt to nay y4i uir o thu oilifii of thu boau tp und duwn thu ml mi luuuiliiy tiu ut uu thu wlriui hu ijuukly uud uutuly lid 11 work tho loud t ldy uud hlu uiivou fu ooillikhl ufciunat tho loudlul uky that bout ovor thu at lum wi ihd hi ulu luv i mlipt i by hlu utuliik ut th i pi ad i part in t rrom pliiij ovtron tlio truck uat yjinry ho wuu oplnir hi i illutuiico from thu m w lylicn not at worlo uo bud ihcii for by tho j roup irutburtd on tho brldcv wiuj middonly iilo a vblrlwtud ii thu punkji and puohd y into thu inldid of tho watch h islnc tho ropo from tho bona ktaop ho tlod ono orul to tho bridl niflini mid tho otlpr uround hlu wuut ho foro wo undurutood what ho wuu dolni in illld ner tho tdtv und woo h tlliij blind if down kwhlnif tho hiuth of thu ropt bo mivo u mlyhty kirk und wi nt iiwlnirliii into um out of uliht und r tlk hrldi o ilmir th ri out ho lamo ilk u iriut pun duhin hu 1 omu iiion und yet ui uln uuh tiiui hit ik r und firtlur cj h tlin w lit llthu btrum th into tho tmil at lout tiachlfiff bin furtlu lit limit llu uuliitlon of your loyalty to your kivnrnmcnlt what dum loy- nlty nu un to you 7 uocu it muin doing whnt tho oovtriujiont roqulrca at y bund or doui it gu farpiar and impel you to do what roay only bo ouctcot d or aokod of yout what hi your attitude r aro you iflvlne rudilncy or uro you watching pjirtunltlca to holp a uugjiuitlon oa ti no nm mutuod of economlxlnc do joi luuvo it uu appropriato for aomo nm oluu or if it uppiaru fcaulblc do yoi accept it an oomcithlnc you can uaot when leanilnc tluit tho oupply of gae in limited 1o you bccln to think w many trips yon can avo in your cart are you keeplnir oyes and earn open for waya and meana of eon- liorvlnir anythlns and ovcrythlnc that may bo neadod forotbero are you wllllnr to wear your coat another ara- oon that you may gjvo the cont of a imw one to ited croaa wprk are- you wlllillr to co wltlmll l fhit tb motk y hun saved may provide food for aomo ono that la huncry are jou tnir vou mind inlclunxently in your aavlnji where it la real inff without tho lhliurs tbit ii ik oi eervlce to othcro aro yu lalib rlnc earnestly the work yju inft in it a work that needs dolns could you better employ your time il tulcntn in nomolhlrur of greater stlicra are you croehetlni you mieht be knitting nocko lttlnir iioclui when you mlehi k woldlurat in ohort do tho thine nt hand hlni that bcloniie to you to do tuuk faithfully and well ready npontl bcurtily and promptly ivur may x aakttj of you ntn nifth of our country dopndu ita loyal citlznna wo ohajl win nr throujjh tho eftorla and aacrl of tbono wlio arc loyaj- ioca that to you7 i you ready bonuu to iriui for i take your pleasure now jhd thu of the i eor th n- breuklnt wood und wi iiaw lilm linn with ono arm to tin jhuc bin othur urm hivntliur limp by hla nidi how hu mu nil j i i to loop thu ropo over uio ih1u top uud hold hluoiulf f do not know hut lit u moment hi wuu reuthliu down onu boot li und ulnkliijf thu m iku ho woru on hit boot for iliinblui into tho yicldliu phi bt hi h ilkd hud with u uprnii itort found th foot u luldlm iiluo uit ulowly lift d lilfuiu if until it luut l loo uiuil iluud by ti w beuuu yli y hud had uu urm uro imnid uuddoioy lo hu jturri wi uu iiw v btuikliiii tn wilder d wljh villi h ii hud bap willi nil 1 i thu iklu thi hrldi uud th upldlti th tho lx ru liod tin ov it i it hour to uu half litrryli umpunioii yaany huu faint hlo4ated by tl wu pull iutit uputrtam toward in llfjiu u ladder i uud from thu truck loiilit w poumjimj1 hr tihid from tliij hrldi i of tho poll tropt hud tialf druiiiu hlu ulundir on wl hnnd vut wllvll if piu-1- hut ll t tbr 1uj i thu iluh in uhuuldlr lu lui ii out ii on tliu oldliur the itiiubt r urd in ud lhikiu up vir ly tho shocking an ul lurly lidy of v ry in in i hucu 1 ufluu ilk uii uiolioil pink whul in youn i urt it ui tin half thu joy of lifo eontca ilnir thu loud out of thjiilo t wo eo i h uj m nu f uh urn nlwayn puttlni it our iijoiihii after uulujo wo hind to tuko u r t ueo u friend or r id u book hut aftir a while novur umu j thu food tlini wu aro lookhik forward to 11 u iui fur ahead oa over all llfo ij npoiit in nu unlnir to nyir- tiku it und enjoy it meanwhile wo tidl drudt o and trow old j man i ntr by with uimioliu eyo tho bupplnaaj wu inlkbt but out of nvery day yji ovory uonlld commoiiplntu rtuy huii lt wiulth of oujoymoiit for uu if wo only taku tho troublo to j t it out tin ru utu tho frh ndu wo love nnd who lovu an if wu utoppd to tlilnk of uuiciouuuiiu would uladdun llfo thtro lu tho beauty of tho earth ijid wo only open our vyta to uoo it wo uhould lo mudn tlud in uplto of our- jilvji tliuru uni people whj bnvu iuid on uurtb thirty or forty yearn who tuuld uiarcely toll you the color of tho uky frojn their oitn oboervatlou i hoy tau it for trrautod it la blue biwauuu thuy hear op tin ru am joxetui of nlmplo nloaaurea wi tub bt eujoy to i minutes vcry liiy wltb a rusclnatlnr book an imx- pinuko llttlo jaunt wltb aur fumily or a loiiqonlal frluud nftuen raluutca of brjillit intulllbont ouvcrnutlon with tin homo futku on uunio othtr niihjoot thun thu aonlld uutulu of muklni ndn nikll a lew tllll iu ixu ariiia jujit to look ut ono lood plctum tlilm um iimm or til llttlo uvuryiluy huppl uu i wu uilltit tuko from tho louo a tho free presa thuradoy uuly 14 1c33 tho wheat liurvcot ima becun thero waa a nljcht froat hero on sunday nhjht but lbo cropa aro too far advanced to nurfer injury tho ladlca aid of itnox church hold n very enjoyable lawn ooclal at uio homo of mr charles davidson lout thursday evening tho proirrainino wtui ulvon by acton cornet hand ar- thuru fcjtrlnu liund piper douglas an uddreou by d liondoreon m p and numbers b mian leilnaky of toronto mian jonnio umltlt mru mocpboraon muui watklnn and mian ulllo ilaj- utcod two moro aplcjidld barna worn rain ed during tho week ono on friday on tiio farra of sir andrew scott fourth line and ono on monday on tho closer lllll dairy fatm the property of mr martin plynn tlbo public library la evldenjjy flll- injr a inn foil wne it is beta well patron lied 4 000 viol lorn at the oranjicmon a celebration on tuefidaj mr itolrt mllla who inai yearnaf uiof wulkeir with the acton oranxo mcid uj tho atatioa clb they went to toko tho train for goonretoirn died camuionat tho family hojne nooj acton on july h mjosbio van vjack wlfo of thomao cameron utrl cxplainod oblic nnvir can remember r tlui 1 cornea drat ii junt ullko and put how old are you of the many proverba on tho topic of ui noun lu no common afl tho one iiliout a man bttnfi aa old aa ho fee la tho trutli of tbla eayinc la illustnuod ulmont dully in our talk about our ucqualntaiici i we all know people who when itiikd bow old noma ono cjfa may rc will nply why ive no idea bow old ho li lvn never thoujht of it but i uuppouo ho may bo ooracwhero between thirty und forty if tho con- venuitlon iut any farther rceardlac uio pt rjon in uucation it will fro- juently end with tho commenl nvell wlmcir bin ajco may bo ha certainly lixikii und acts youruj uoei thia ncceajorily mean that nomo puraona look much youncer for thetr yian than do otheni7 thai we ull know to bo true yet there la o much mum nujnlncant cauao for thin fulluru to havo oplnlona upon tho ajca of our frieimia when any demon la enthuslastl over hlu work wo think oi his cu- thuulaiim and nothing else if ho la nmciidoujily in earneat nothlap but his curncatncfls come to our mind whenever wo bear hla nonja if he u u luihorlflt wo think at anco of hhi funny uayliis in short if a friend huu any utronu churactariatlc wo ro- lunur hint by that outstanding auu uy thlu lu nulla iui it uhould bo per inollty lu llfo u dearest poaocaalon it ohtlii rutca overy other clement in dividual character and without a doubt la rcaponaible for our etmcroj luiblt of lunorlnc such incidental thincn 1 ajro or puraonal appcaranco la out ollm tloii of our frienda ilulph waldo liuraon azprcouodtho whulo laatiur in ono eontencu wo nut count a maao ycara until han no thine cu to lounl il tu be proud if men remember un in dcoda not lu yiim thun wo may know that wo uro duitu oomothlrut in this wurbr o turn uu tty and oo well that nothlru liui in tho uyca of othcro rcartxlnj uu lu uulto nu important aa that tho yum innly won whollirr thu i so i wnilu tli thi dot 1m twi in tho room wlmmi tin clrl iiat wril- lli a dlctljiiary iiummi hjmh thu book oholf a rather tmall ijictlonary 1 i true but quite art0 tinouch tc ue dualnt tlio eiiqulrer with the proper way of ipollliu receive hut tho youth ful cneaylut hod found it too much troublo to walk to thu alii if and con- ault tho autliorlty hbo preferred to leavn uio reader of the cuuay to oupply tho ruiht upolllni ttiat wan eanler it ia aurprlalni how many workers aro always lookino for uio coaler way ono strl in duatintr tbo jiorlor token all tho umumcntii off tho mantel ano dusts first tho mantel and thou each object aa alio replacwi it and an other dunts around tba ornamenta iw that if tho otntuclto hi lirtid or uio match holder puabed u ono aide a duaty aaoa la rovcalod there aro a groat many ocrvanto who never a weep hi cornera nor under beda unless ea p octal ly reaucflted to do iw and then aa a rulo they act injured amonft workoro of a hbjhcr prndu uio aamo weaknexa ia noticed they aro trylns for tho eaay way not tho beat way it la often easier to ay i dont know than to secure the do- olrcd information it la easier to say 1 cant than to lit onaa so if to do tuctlng work it la cooler to bo up illclal than thorough to rhlrk than dft- chareo every task faithfully and thouanda do no tjoulanyjuruicc tbo men wboso names aro oynouy- mou- with aucccnaful cntcrprlao aro rot thoco who havo been in teres toil to find tho eaay way they havo not boon afraid to toko palna they havo been ready to work hard to toko tlmo to bo oure life baa been easy for them but it hao been aplondld trium phant it ia perfectly poulblo to haw an eaay tlmo if you want it to ahirk and ovado and smooth over but remem ber if thlfl is your choice you rule yourself forever out of tho ranks of victors- in oavintr yoqraclf trouble you ore likely to louo ojl that makes llfo worth jivtru aivln n brooka wu wi too i thought thu hu ben nth i hit miitdv phuuuii in thu futu mukuup jour luliiil then t lir iilouuunu will ulwuyu trlu nhull nuvor enjoy llfu u urn to enjoy tho llttlo huppiu v ry eouiinonpuico duy aa aloiii philadelphia jjullotln which bur one talent people nom u of vurlud lulunt ull und uehloyid iiuto mi lu uuv hut ail u ituuiiul i hint- thu ono- t mini lu to iki uouurutulutihl in duyu of ipreu loiupitltliui it lu itu to dlvllo your tltuu uiul i nuety rul lntireiitu u would bu u uuieuiuful buolliiou man i i ii miit lunful urttut ut uio ruiiuu no a ihyuleluu may find tnualo u iiuuiit dhitraetlou from hlu profuu iiul dutlutf but hu ijmuot puruuo it riouuly and keep up bin pruttuo it lu u tuattur of fnxiuonc eoujui luru luit be omuu uf thu youtlin who iia1 uir ollito iluutieos ulid why h hi ut thu uiom nu dlotro atudciita uro a oiua tu ho heard friim lator rti 1 1 no unlvoruul explanation of thlt ixaic hut pvrhunu tho fullnwtutr ex ulna tho majority uf ctumu the brll limit youth niulu l hurd to chooau from out hlu aluiitu ho lu continually uj turnhi ujiju by thu lualutumu if ltll of id ml ftu and hi kly iioro o nil nary i iiiimiiiute who has i jui tuluut folluwu that uniiwurvl in whim out uhiuot lu thu un itud of luuklm with envlouu yon oi our taluutud frl ud who un do uny hi ui hu turnu hhi munition to on- iutulutu yuuruoir that inu will nut tlilutcted ly half u aioio of tuluiltu huiiorlidc to hu utllled thut on run iui ull your iinruy intu niaklui tho tuo4it ut una durn your own 8moke- utneu uuiuu 11 luwiiu rcrnluda uu i th unit luuun of llfo lu tu bum own amok w jnuul not ho tella hur1 u ouiiilbrn with our pttty du but nuiut ciiduro alloiitly tlio hurd lliinj cuuiiuiiii tu ull human llfu if uympathy cunui it wilt uiun bo all thu morn ru ful txiuuflo it will cmu unaouht uiij ii iiuluoly from tho heart hun t sund your turn to a private tutor wuniud uti old mchoobnaatur wliouu b ut frlund was ttcckiim advlca on tlio oduitloii uf hut fourteau-year- old boy sund blin to u achool whero hlu eluuuniutui will bulp odumto blin whul do yuu uicaut quuriod tho otlur iiwu i uiuuil thut otbur boyu will touch hint hpw to utund hard kuocku without tlvlnt up llu nupiuthliik lu loacliur an do foi him und uuleuu bu lournu it ut ui hool ho muy ipv t u liarilur tluiu thlu lu muroly ollu llluutrutlun 1 hi iilut to burn yout ou iiiku i i nothing moro thun kurnli w to nil hiijfully your own plu ion your follow it lu thu pruutl eryduy living illlvf otln loplu llfii for uyiuiuthy luudu th ull thu lii vhiuio o tut ir ud to mil rmly to exlului at leant liiwuriily hut u pity you uvr lournuil lo burn your own uinokel thlu practlco lu nu doubt only u liuhlt but it lu ono from which wu muy all bupu dovuutly tu koup trn and tba beat preairlp tloii lu io liuro uurly in llfo thuuiht- fulneiui of othor popl ituth havlu l a serious task nnuhod hla ilrot day ut i und wuu on bin fulhoru kuua bolr uuuul avouliijf tulk baforu uut to btd will how do you you wilt uko nehuuir bis fotboi u llttlo fallow bocujuo rluun i in afraid daddy 1 vo utai t- i iiumuthliii tliut i can t nntnh bu uuod aailmuga ulrod substitutes for wheat flour every homo in canada muetuas other cereal with wheat that canada la at war will bo brought home to every man woman and child now whun ull bread noado from ctandard wheat flour must bo labelled victory uroad and mixed with a pcrccntacev of uubaututca for wheat cour thlaln tho cucct of a recent order luauca by tho canada food board in a vigorous tftort toaavo tho uxlsuru wheat ouppllcu so aa to mako them loot out until the wheat of tho comlnff harvest reachej tho nour mllla and tbo now flour is distributed for conjrnrnntion tho new order defines mjuatitutca for wheat an com oata barley rice rye buckwheat tapioca and any mixture of aomo potato dour bran ohorta oatmeal corn atarch hominy corn ffrjla rlco meal and iolato meal commcncliit july l ujio pound of wheat dubatltulo must bo uaod by all bakcra confccuoncr and public cot- infplocca with every ulno pounda of standard wheat flour in ilni any bakers products and uio camo ruin onoll apply to every pennon in canada who makca bread rolls or noatry for private conaumptlon on and after july 1c in all canada coot of port arthur uio proportion is to bo increas ed to ono pound with every fnur in port arthur and tho wtut this incroao la aull in abeyance procucellnr tho re port un uio juanuuca of nutoutntea uvuilablo reputation ano record too many ikxjpio uro moro concerned tn keop their reputation cmki than tholi reeonl euan lw iuii no foouali oo not to catu what otb ru think about th in onu mujt bo tvckleou indeed not to jxului lhul n putuuon bi qapitaj which it lu muilueau to uquandtr iut thouaandu huvo mi idea that tho wrranc- dolnii which can imj auceauafully cou- cealeu lu no i rent iwirtn many u youth who ualu un i xcmplury ufo lu tbt country bum wheru uvury act will bo known uud ooinni utikl on eoatu dluirutlon to tho wlndi whin ho iou i thu trial ilty whero hu may train p jout ull day uud not ihm u fact hu hua uvur noun bufurv i in um do uu ha picujilu liu tollu tilmuuir tllu repu- lutlon lu aufu tueb iwooio full tu dl itluuuliih tho lhaluneo from thu utiuilow a j ikmi pututlon i only tho u i wilow of un uliultubl ehurui lur itu- worth in not lluulf hut ui whul it renruiiuiits to huvu othiu think wall of you if v m inlutuktiu lu liolhtui iuiihx lul ly tbulrablu why m ur heart on ihiuui mini cuiidurfclt iiln viu it ou paau it on on ho uuuuhimwiiii uuop youi ikoul utu uiul lot your upulutluu tuku um of ituolf noull uayingu i of 1 run nd i up iliy luhl uluill lend i until it fadua in inorntiil l1uw ami heuiti on uurui lu won 1 redurlk l ihwinur what iitfht what truo wliul ill wo juatly all ia1 thlu all ik my uuv- xui thlu lu ull wh n i follnlly of i ull to oihurtulii u lutloml luan uu io huu lo u th ul had huttii im iihyuhauty luoially nil nt d uuuil thuuihlu that i tim nulot iiiliul i r

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