Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1918, p. 3

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headquarters for wedding and birthday piuisents itojrrri 1h 17 illucrwaro krilvfi korlc mill 1pnniis lancy cut glunukuncy china w carry tlio mciut cumpluto filork in town marriage liccngco idqucd geo hynds acton ontario qjljr arlnu 5frrr jlrrsn thiilujav july 11 1018 brief local items cmi mm tho hlmmln tlo jlirloiui tho kiddlci i mllln t iiurkolj tuinio a brick lay weather clovcrflehbi tweirth tnmn r- enjoylu tlc lul rait will n lust year news of local import junior red crosn th- ju foil inr f- huckahnik towcla ill tiirhlij il ilandkirshhm j- anbuhu 2 puniouul propny bi- m 17 tint walir bottle ov ri 12 vcru 3h iialri f dlntty l 1rain- otrmon to lit omiu 1i llnden mui pa he llx rum l in mil fxtirip brethren liu uli wt- tho walla of tho holmes now barn on tho cumblo farm wan tiucccnafully ralucil ycutcr- daw tho palm beach nult will hardly pay intercut on ho investment ihla thn acton qrannernrn orpect to ro to preston lo colcbruto the twelfth tomorrow it tfl rood to toko off your hat to tho flair and better ttuk to tako orf your coat for lt- mr a w cutton of chicago baa mode a sift of 10000 for improvlnir and boauttfylni guolph cemetery the old cwlmmln boles both at fairy lauto and at corporation pond are much in commiuulon these day a wild rasplwrry trlpu arm now be it 14 juranccd tho indications oro that tho crop will nil on a much lorcer cather ine than uiual why elver manoy to tho enemy t that la virtually wtiat you am dolnjr when you upend money in war tlmo for tfalncn you do not nood theoo am tho dellchlful curnmer daya when tlio vcnlnco brigade of sweethearts twoulnif unconccrnndjy seek tho moru or lean occluded lovern nooks and aiiady retrcats the ladles of tho l o d e cntcr- totnrd tho girls who assisted them on tax day at a very enjoyablo picnic on mr collicro tjrounda on warren ave nue lost thursday aftcrnoont william koch of guclph woo fined is00 and costs tft- nrto year in jail tor ha vine thn prohibited pastor iluuaalt flniabcd mystery book a in his poum- alon and jsq or oil months in jail for not working grace method la t church uuj tli presbyterian churgli brampton iiavo united for tho summer whllp their ministers are away on vacation ser vlcea will bo held in graco church darlns july and tho presbyterian church durlnir aucuul rod and gun for july in a npeclal flahlnc number most of the utaricu ro- latlntr to tho pursuit of tho flnny tribe with just enough variety to main tho number of interest to those whoso al- lefttnca to tho piscatorial art in divid ed wnoruj other outdoor porta rod djid oun u published by w- j taylor limited at woodutock onb ool nun mora txt mpllvux uu chrliit rri in him whn 1 at tho out ri1 n ion lilih harurtr rtuilnnl th l liunl tho tux if w111 in- 1 phnrliiod am i informed that social and personal fro 1 1 it it h i vloltod rrlumli vlnlt d jconlo mnnuhl irn 1 mo ill ul fill all vu- 1 tho thin if un and m in tho now llfn lijki waj rijpoclally ipcclal cliaraclur of epwortli tlu wdllll tut liliuil fni pvrnlum wiii tnary uultry in aagua cardan party r 011 monday ovonhii waa lawn ikhlalu tlio tem- uiythlm- but tlio cuiilo- inliliiiiiiiir atmoaphorc htarly wind did not en- fort out tif doom novcr- vji a vtry orodltahlo at- ln mxia at lira alex lice thn i 1 worth ta- hari ind an nxrollont mli1 marcirrt holt rtikiiitn tor holldnyu mlvi in lor mr nd mm a t urown li frlcnhi in toronto dlnaoi marirartlt holiday k i alltj miki kuty clrrlt nrtlycd humo fruii roronti it witk for vacation mrn t0i1 r toronto tinn boo itlik alton frhinlii ilurlii tlio vr mr unit mm fruuk tuycta and dill mni jhoou lrntiiii and dmi f fluolpli vlfiltvd aton rolallv witk mr hunry hllovnlaranrt or in lfiltd ul hlu fathers htmo ov holiday neighborhood news town and country ioua loeali- trot from vr vorod by th fn oallinafad i mm i- mid mm uu allrn ypci iday uric n uutiday iitork han bcon n frotiont caller thn pcnplr j ii left a boy at ni ut and mr i hwlndlu 1 und u ulrl at mr a iiponr r c ilijiwlcki lalily jijiil mrs ira itinisol aoooni- ly mm j f thuiupuoi ai i thompion iipont hunday wltli 1 frundii ruoiciol kecriatioi iecsmi in mclean vlaltcd ell urown of ho parental homo procrammo wan pruvldod then won nolou ly mm ii 11 n 11 il nlrklin mr wni fltiwily mini ijly alilrrann rei lallnii by mloa murjnrio ilo inoru tuiltal iiunilxoi ly mlui uttlo mmti atul milfctlimiu by tho fiunday he juki orrheatra and tin- hoy booutfl hurio ho now p 1 happy inlr ory addr tho rrr- nxilxd a nhii ad knt txhili thuiii l- uui wi1 pat trill llu juii tid th- lul i ofto waa i ulroinr dii iiulto plr lati ul tlw yo 1 with tho 11iltpoouli- ar rmlt of th function interesting newfoundland letter rv dr moor ralatos expartnces on viait to th uund colony tbe followlnc letter from rov t albert moore 15 d toronto who nuodo on official viait to newfoundland within the hut few wfc haabo much of general intercut that wb tajco tho liberty or publishing it itcldnewfoundlaiid ify icavlnr st john npttv r f julylat rjjs mr ilbar rrothcr v j it was my interftlon to havo written you when in st johna but thcao people keep a man 00 very busy that there waa no opportunity now tliat i un enroute homo 1 thought i would ret some letters wiitu- hut this roadtcd and rolling stock arn almost the limit i hope you can read tho oler if rot ltcrr it til i act to arto und ill try thbj vlalt to newfoundland has- b k moat dollchlful one co mine acroan irom north hydney to porto aux ilan- quca was not pleauant but ulnce thuu ovorythlnc has been thirouchly enjoy nble when i arrived ut luwuiporto found llttlo or no nrrrtnccrntntn liaj been inado for any ot mi work theai preachers havo been do of ton illmi pointed that they now wait until tin man arrivi3 befure caaipletitu or- nlncetnenta they tf ii their pooj lo ho has intimated bo will con 10 andlf ho does they will rlim the bell and put mi the aae it han warkil out all rlffht i found i would havo to no about 20 miles from lew is port v to uxplolt that afternoon lo wo hired a motor bot and uwuy wo went over tho bayv sjouud tlio jicadji thruuun tlio ti-k- lea and down tho channels urrului at kxplolts abojt c 01 p in yoi ijiould havo hrjrd the itflu rlru u ivl come aln oat ovurjbotv ij u motln dlat oiu then- nmur wui a umicrj onfereiicc oiiuit ihrro lifom i w oyatty ejr tatiirn anaihw 11 unaudi enco of nearly lti pcoplu on a thum dvy fivcnlnif tin- int dij i went uwuy to lwlll irbmte tho capital of thu north whorv tho jiooplo cavo nir a unait uur irie wo havo two churchia a llttl iarscr thai tho old binu- church w acton and thoy tilled them for tin funday nervier i mvir had limn appreciative uudlcnci and they tnanl feated it by a contribution of 4l uo for our work tho next day i we to hcrrtuic hock and tlmrt luck lewlstiortu wttli ulmllar uiiliiii ui very liberal offer lijua then for conference jral lu 11 always pleasant i wvut about mlca on tho atlantic o couruu 1m11 u lands and ulwaya ucar tlui tihoi lut alwuya in an opn iotor lion ui it ruined ua it known how to ruin 1 this atlantic wouboard tbuii tl trnliia havu u habit of runnhik at iu unreatunulilo hours tm mhlulilit iv a m wnd many other tldi ja hut v itot there and havn yet o makn 01 first complaint there la so mm cenulno hoapltullty and binoruut 111 rrnllty and conllal frutiniity th it 01 forffcls tho lltto inconvviikiiiv- at cotiferunco thoy wcro lotiklni mo and kept 1110 very busy arrlvt thursday ev c they took 1110 lu tl missionary laniuut wlwru i tlvu 1 addrrmi the next day a hunday nd icpwoith luajjui addriwt uu urn and navy-addrotb- and tlirw uhir a l cvonlfu liltinioii when unniiul rpo of dcjiartincnt iu lelu ctniulderxd hulurday i thnk tlium wcrti two m drcitti and on huuduy u aermun 1 1100 u hi an addrcas at hunil uchool mevtlnjr and an addnwi ul inemorta to woldturs ul in tho 101 frrwme church und thenu wnium 1 030 p in in wruley chun h alu aether i ourely wliknunj ouo pop yrslrrday tills mornlij i uaul byo tit eonrorcntr cjitlit thu tr ht oiu orlocli- und in 11 now m r miles m tho lioinewurd journey hwk to reach toronto by lrlday ttuiurduy vvm i many atnu tivt- idu hrrv aad whllb cio people have th wu cjiaractmlotlcoithov uro pure yoia i if in chtiactur ludimty rod fruteruifi 1 like them very ihulii i f liownhli yours finlhfullj l obituary william jamiy pkhiiyman in doulh ournii laid thuntduy 1 toronto of wllllaitf jajnti icrtyman of thu late thonuia perryman br or acton mr perrjman had iteon i poor health for winm tlmo but und three weclaj ojo wau not cofillnod t mill ho wai ixirn in murkhan jjn to acton with hln pansnt when u bubo his lxiyhooi dayn wer hero and niarly ull hut llfo h louely uabocliuil with tho owi xiiit lilu liiliikjuilya liorti und hut a lad curried tho muihi to and from u10 c- t it illation and the ivt olllce hlu father liavlnir thu mull contract for iwran time iortyolcht ycarsi aco ho married iclizabolh wat- 1011 dauthler of th lato itolxirl wal- non r thu iftli lino mm wutuon prudcceaimd him twulvo 1 earn uco homo uuvrntieu yrura uijo tho fumlly removed lo toronto tho uurvlvltu memticro of tho family nn mm goorifo ncllrji acton mm tliomaa llowiuin norval mlaa udno at homo robert and li via toronto and john and ernest who uro no id lent at tho front tils brother thomai llvvji at ilrouirham and his slaters miusca atfnea and iiaruh and mrn robert watson realdo in acton tim deceoued wan a qulot iriduutrioun man and enjoyed iiunerul esteem ho was un udhcront of wood- irrecn mollwdjat church toronto tho funeral was held hero on monday afternoon rov i m mayer olllclutud at falrvlow cemoten anthony stuphlinson lor many weary monlliu this ts- oemqd resident wau un invalid and inablo to iiavo tlu house durlnc hi lone period of ahutln tocporumotui 1 was mlnlatcred to with lovlim cat and constant attontlou by hi 3 devote wifo and daughters kor nururul dayn ek ho uuftcnd uninual wcak- d ho appeared to rcullwi hlmuoir that tho time of hlu depart urn xvuu not far away tho end camo rather uud- mcnly on ivlday afternoon through lajjliln uurtcrhir and weakness ho won moat patient his rrrcatcat con corn lio- uk tho fear that ho wua too treat a churuu on tho mrmbc m f tho family who were waitliu upon him anthony stuphcnaon uon u natlvo of hultoti county hhi blrthptuco lioinjr in nuusu- iawe iiu lii il hoii or thn uto jwntj hteplinimon in hlu younunuti- huod lm went to loarn hlu trudo aa a bluckiimlth at tho nhop of bin brother william ut knatchbull at that tlmo there was u lano blacks mi hi ltttf und plow business thum in 1s71 tho acton plow company wan formed with wil liam ktcphenuon uu munwut und tho knntchhull liualneas wau moved to acton anthony who wan now a younc jouriiimun hlucaamitli and ida brother john iumo hero with thu busl- lieaji when the plow company wouid up hudjiiuiia anthony stephem011 und robert ltumiiliuw now of huirllt- 11 pirutud u general buckuiiilthliit and plow bmdneoa for u time thla ii- ivfullp wm dissolved und mr tup- hinaoii wcuiuj tho uhop on main strvt uhih had beuu otcupl l lor liaiu by wlllliun pvrrton brother uf mrs i hoinaii 1 initio iii he unlit inw d01 lj iuj ll of talirornla hot- 1 uio l auinii iumuifui biinineiia until nine yours aim mal frltitulu in ch inst wciilt mr und mm- c ronto vbiltcd at lust week mrn william grant of ut mary if hits lirnn iipoiullnjf thu wuvlt with frlundu bore mm john c noliion 1 tomato and iibru visited relatives at churchvlllo durlnir tho week mr xved willlamn of toronto visit ed hln crandmother mrs wcav it at uublln lout wock uurlngton 1 ilaptlit uundny helm rule to wnluuiio ihirlc 1 hith 1lloiiiiliuer in mliuicn lluu johnston and myrth clarrldyo visited hockwooj frionlii ovir tho weekend mm william lirown and mln mar- ian of toronto uro opondlnc tlmwuok with acton frlondo mm l morlny ilrfuucslnk and mra ardleyn thortdd vlultod at mr g ii tmtzu last week mr and mm fred hildonhrand ol uiidiiuy vlsltotl at their futhurn hoiiu durlui tho pont week mm f h timlth und sert and mrs w j gould apent a day or two at cajnp niagara laat week mm tlpllmr of wlnnham vialtod nt ho homu of her brother mr 1rank voniiedy during tho week minn muriel mason of itrantfprtllt ialtinir her frrandparctua mr and mrs william manorj john blreot mra william johnntono went to to ronto on krldfty to spend a fow days ut her do ug 1 ucr o homo there mboi ullvo hrown of toronto is uporidinn tho hoi i day u with her irund- puruntu mr and mm o ii hrown mrs jack holts and nous harold and cltrrord at kitchener vlullod ul tho piututul homo nviif lut holiday mr william solwood of now york and mm chcrleu helwood or toronto vhliid at mr 1z heawicku hint week mr and mrs charhn illhlonbrand and aonii vcrn and conrad of llmlsuy vlultud at tho father it humo lunt week mtwa juno olirion of culodon ilast und alicia of toronto arrived for tho numincr holl- ut th r ii d will hold mi july 17 hollduylnjr r homo of vor idei rived 1 f 1 on qrnl family loft for tino ul rod hay on daily niinoiinced that tullnit cltawn which 1 llh has ar- 1ourt huu inutallfd a in tho pout domund for get away for a few dny8 fishing eoj ii ul pl bu rtwunutkaujlil vob inform ion tllratuxc tlfit nd rncrvkiiuni aiuily to a t jut own ir arton oot or wrllo gfnrtid laurntrr tputucnt cb klat tkitc wtst toronto waiflninqriirliern help for on farmers a ladlon anisod georieto ardor pa gcorgctown bowllnj ty ti han 1 nt u larcn ijuota to tho j wm nowtuno ovenlnir o popular homo in u duyu tl f eultit hi hfo ilo ull xp irt worun it lu ul lid or uluod 1 iraead bar k to i lie invej dor of the wluuim wils a plon 1 lud of thlrte h wa 1 1 ul ct lllll ell it 1 aum d 111 ml the 1u ueiit i lllll vl w i nu ttiry we m bo illuuu in tlu c omiu1 p uv un it ev r nd wm hei 1 in ip le 1 t u tl intiiiti fo 11 to ai cipt 1 fin the fu ill on monday uflut la til at tended tin 1 i ui ucud by tuv i j w ib 11i11 ihi by kv ii a u nd ibv u 1- x mi in u a l nl c uui 1 ir and mm ii ii lowrio hd uart lowrlo antl miss hetty halllnafad spent sunday with mr ai mm iirod cooper urctrlciun wilson has brouyht li family to acton from guolph and lu now iretllnjx oottlod in tho roaldei icxt tho town hall master aiuua and mlsu jean k urdy left last woek for manltoulln inland they uro campllijc at silver water nir gorwhay mrs th urnaii sommcrvlllo went toronto thin wm 1c lo visit tier ulii mrs john matlhowa and other friends mlua ada uccompanletl her mm w h iulni and dauehteru 1rinu and tjelmu of lvuncla saukut- chowun urrived hero lost week to upend tho hummer in thu old humo mr orwell johnston acton and mr und mm kobt johnston und fumlly rocktiuod moiorud to kincardine und vlullod reutlvia them over tho week end lira jamoa grayblll mm albert truccy and her dauichloru dorothy lxiubu and vlolot weru visiting ut hor father homo over tlio holiday from wutorloo w r ihivlei tin of tho loul brunch otlu norval huu rocolvod otlon to tho bank ul hrltrdon six mm walter mckay of real uro vlsillni tho formers nir mr oliver mckay n ciirden party iiuilci of tho womens patriotic ldui i ut tl homo of mr and mrs u ij on monday evonlm wuuu truiwl wlthitandlnt the wicartuiji warn weatlieir wamits s thovcjcomo waves of warm weather have- arrived ulrcudy carrccd and como to atay tlic time 13 hero for bright new lightweight clothe mid the place to choo3c them 10 right here at macdonalds our suppues are abundant one look at our mocks will tell you that our assortments nrc uo remark ably varied and complete that no mutter how particular you arc you will lind just the clothes and acccsoricj you want only the favored styles arc represented in all the popular weaves and colorings and all at such reasonable priccu it ia quite likely you havo already made your warm weather plena and aro ready to come to us tomorrow or saturday to fulfill your desire for the right things to wear wirlp bclcctlons and batiafaclory pridngb malio a shopping trip to guclph highly profitable when you can come to a store like rlacdonaxiys 1 all wanted wcajablca for men women and qiildreo and furnishing for the noma d e macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store wyridtiirun macdonncl and garden streets guelp1l ont h jm oakv1llc mr w lic oakvllln in a ll byfl to uhl tho hocord tho other day with nlxtoon drancemon purudoil chhreh on hunday iiuou woodcock preached icrinoi hunday ltov ll h mrii ho eirutl iauit iw or t m euk mhn m e hntumlth occupied iho qakvfllo rch pulpit fur tin kreuted with lors anil and prearhod ubli saturday nfteriioon mm ju tortnlnod tlftoen of tho roturn- who uro now convalcsclnu nt mt uiimui hospital hurllnilon hihimp wurnn of india wu it tho homo of her father rov lett riji town durliii tho past u itonnlncton of newark f now superintending u wlnu in urk hoipitul wuu lu oak vl llo call- imj on old frlondu last wook hocord mr nelson pjiiit wcok in york in thn li mom jl co r garden has just ro- huulnoiui trip ilurliii tho iennuylvanlu and now toccata of messrs unl- m mceaclierii i her parents for nod uf hor hoini no luia bcun vlult- ut hyruouw luut week shu wuu ucioiiipajilnl bv bur idsut mlui myrtlomopor mr w j klin of toronto openl a cuuplo of days hro durtni thu wook eulllui upon frluiidu of u ijuurlir of u century uuj ho wuu luul in hlu piu10 of actouu ltuprovemenin tho followliur frioiids froni n ulo- tmiou ullondud tho fuuerurof tho luto wlllliun j poirypmii on monday holxtt and iiwln and edna of to- 1 into thumuu iurrymau ilrouuhuin mrn a v lovu toronto mr ami m11 thomas huwuon norvul uy watson croeuioro robert und l-red- truk clurk toronto mrs ellsubuth gruy of toroido ur rived on lrlduy to upend the uunumr ut moorocrofl thin elect old ludy vim is tho beloved mother of tho editor if thin journal cumu to actoti a brmu dxtyono ymra uo und aottled on tiiu dlo of moomcmrt mho luudo friends r ull thu reldoutn in those furbut k luyu und uho utliroounui her friends huu by tlio score mm gruy clobrai- d hor rluhtloth birthday on tlio 4th july and rocolvod niuiiy coiitiiutulu- in sliu lu iijoyliif u fulr health minu lijjhiy ijicphu uid mr wu i nlllo mn m luiytkijd und illuj anuio huyllold oi ullul mm robert mcludden unl muulur ilmme ii utuphcnuoii wliuilpuji mm jumeu mcijuii mr and miu charles t mclim mi- and lliu thurlos ix aklno and mlus miuni- mm john htophonaon uj1 mull jtiub ind mlsu mauilo mllno of turin io mr llueh cumoion und mr 1 roil milne of manila mlud n hulllvuii ruiinlua w dlckiami hu uhaw guul hockw ph ood mr ided nl of tho luto anthony t the constant call wull 1 1 allied ulonoiliuphein i co unslstunta niuilipta uu to c no our work through tho oiimi nttin ruter any time tihu nlnesa hiiuolu toionto ulo w h qhaw prs th milton r kchool wl lied cross rahilj 1105 4 at wook mhuiji dorothy and j ure uttendln the evolyn ort hope rnlnc tho body of mono of victoria at trinity collou i iuit thursday iv mrs w h feather street wail found 1 parontly it liad boen in tho water for several bourn nobody had noticed mrs ieatherutono on tho pond bank and how sho not into tio water la un known but htr health hud not boon tood for uonii tlmo and hor frleudi think sho must havo boon seised by dusincan that sho foil in and was uu ublo in hulp hemoir champion judi elliott mid family havo up their rculdouco in their uumnior ins of post ib rk chops lb shoulder roast of pork ib shouldor pork bllcod it iolnu or voal lb hhouldor roost veoi lb l voaj atow ib 1 rolled hhoulder ib i killed ham ib pork and tonjjur lb prousod toneuo ib ruck hacon lb sldahacon ib maieoririo lb oiin ho v l hi a 11 mumhuu tho now puator of tho milton mcthotluit church and hlu family havo urrlvod in town from hamilton mr cliuii mcglbbon of pcnetanj his liufhtor mrs heck and ernna- duuihtur miuu mecilbbon and miss isobol miglbbiu of barilla havu bcon vlultlitit mm j i mcglbbon ljmehou8e mr t p lwmi of hruiiifnrd spent u lav or ik her- this week ui11 at- tniided tho tpmlou party tucuduy nltilit mr g i polklnchtrno who uprain- id hlu riiit wrist by tho slip of tho handle who n trauklu a cur ueverul veelu ujo hi ipuiluully nualniutf urn uio of ho li lluiiil hi ju cuiimiiiiiihl thro uro isly ill is no th newt party at mr wlllluni iuihdiiy ovuult did not dotoi tondln tho ullii line farm pxullfl hit not uuupuiouii but un crowds front orchard jiml lawji wert udmlriibly uda of hlu kind and tli luuh of mr newton un t ordlully ti- prvnild nudi all picuont fool very iiuch it home the plulform and bitlhu were cully ticked with hubs und buiitliif tho maplo iaf juur- tolle of gull provided an oxculloiit and ulod piokrummu fully uuutuln- liit the uploudld imputation uaruod lu thin aelloii ut previous entertainments the methodist sunday school orcbea- lit of actuii uunluled with much out urjtion naq3aqawcya ib list of aimy mudli diowntd orr in hlu lay hchou riuruno ii w xa j ull itlier v vuii lollfcut if the iciu ol wer 1 mis lila k say uk ft iiu tomtit illoll i pr upurou ind th call r dk tuirnrtt rofwvrry well foi primg ilaiinmbs every saturday at pattersqps meat market 42c cash tor eggs 40c cash forbutter buy freshhomekilled meat it is better flavored and keeps better than cold storage meat our specials for saturday i uarrcll choice smoked hams 35c 100 lbs spare ribs 20c choice shoulder roasts of beef 20c to z5e choice rib roast beef 25e boiling beer 18c to 20c round steak 30c chopped steak 25c sausage per ib 20c 35o 30o uoo 2so 20o s5o coo 35o isso 66o 45o 3so wo feed and kill our own coitle and give our customer the middlemans profit strawberries on hand by the box or crate a quantity of potatoeson hand in inborn of the ul corps tulluv- tho hospital nhliil ink by tho ii c elsie bant hrookvillo j utikatrtil ylic a lanjiy elsloy wiul fio itiibiilud bj t week ul f our star clu t 7 jo p m uotidaya tuatday rui thursday n patterson main street acton ont the farmerbanker alliance you ffo to your lawyer for legal ad vie to tho doctor jor medical advico why uo to the merchants bank for financial ad t lf youwonttr1oanto buy cattle hogs or oquipment if you wont information as to how to invest money come to thoao who mako a huainesu of financial matters and are in a position tqjayo you sound and impartial atlvice of canada eatablishod 1cw l u siiokuy manaacr c w orandy maugir economy toiler eirinfis comfort to the home tlmro ta cosy comfort audi content ment for all 4uu for all morubcra of tho futility in a liuinn uinuod by m lcaso itcouomy iijuioj- tho ttuuiwuatura ia alwuju uniform ooft and gcnbu it exactly huits ovcrjouo from baby to jrotnuudiiia peasf foundry company ilhlung htrol kt tokomto ontajua fua mim 7004 lij umjutvhu r tonight tomorrow feel right get a 25 box acton ow jl

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