Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1918, p. 1

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fqrtyfourlli year no 3 acton ontario thursday mokning julylh 10ih sinclc copies five cento ijr art uu jfrrr jlrrss tut arron ncnn ntixin is itahed every thuniday morning at tho frxv isktui hulliiiiig mill street acton ontario th uuhnrrlptlun it rite la 91x0 per yeur lti chare additional id u united slates tim date to which ubncrjpmuua nm paid li indicated tho addrcon lawi aiyvthttisino it ati transient d vert lucrnciiui 10 cenpt per lino agate measurement for- find insertion utnl c enta tier lino for each iiubnoqu ertton c outran diipuy udvertlno- zneutn for co inches or mom per an num 10 renin per inch each insertion advertisements without nixxina direc tions will bo liitxrtcd till forbid and charged accordingly measure your rossieimties some one has said that to be as food ua our fathers wc mut bo better we have the benefit of their example the advantage of the work they did before us they jed the wayand we should not be satisfied to stop wiierc they did ah that has been makes possible broader faith more generous charity loftier aspirations greater ac hievements wc ore called on not to mea sure up to their possibilities but to our owrj s a j mackinnon barrister solicitor conveyancer office mill st- in pcrryraan illoc dental dr j m dell o d s l d s dentist honor graduato of toronto univer sity tlio la teats anesthetic used if desired miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer marriaaa licenses privato omcc no witnesses re- aulred issued at residence in evening txx piccia onicj acton out j francis nunan doo it binder- account hooka of all kinds majo to order periodicals of every descrip tion carefully bound itullng neatly nd promptly donu wyndhom street guotph onl over williams store r j kerr liconaad auctioneer tor uio counties of haltun welling ton pocl and duffcrin and tlio city of guolph acton ontario bales may bo arranged by mail ox at residenco at actdn or at this frco lycss odcc acton the mercury office gueiph the nowullccord ierguo or with w j- gordon ibnuma maker uwaburg salon entrusted toll j kerr re ceive attention from date of llnunc to data of bale lint your aulas with nu raldnca young street acton pboa 38 actou coil at my lxpuiwo j e cheevers book binder qlmbm sl east gueiph ont books and inagaxlnca bound in h and substantial covers nsmcs lettered in cold on hjblca hymn hooks and other books ah work promptly cxocuud watches diamonds jewellery library desk set3 fine china cut glass silverware silk umurellas fountain pens sierlaliutu in wedding and ulrthday giftu- import wutch and jewllory itcjiaireru savage co 70 year in ousiness in guslph cqiuamokdarvaar 7toronto canaw d alex niven ontario land survey sr end civil enonoor surveys subdivision ii huns iu- jrorta 1 script ions n lit jlf illtll ett- certificates tor mortgagees hurvrj r r anlli sunders iiiili muii ci al touu drainago id ports ji inat c ti mclean building oounlji st gu1lpii rtnti dc4 tnl 1 the old and reliable granite and marble dealers we nro nuitiuufturvm und lirxl lmorturti of all klin of mutiumntttal and ileadntuiiu vrurk wh twill dirctt to our cua tome ra at wliolciiala rlci thua knvlnir uur cu ton era 40 pr i vw iibyo tbo ixnl upplluiitra unl the only mechunlca ii- tlie dominion wliu can oprato pneu0utio tnnla rvjkrty w can bvn rrfuruma from iiumlittla of ur cuntioktti in turtni uitd i th- plncea wtnre otlicrw havi- to huv i ulta in ordir to oilli t wu itavu thu urtfeot and ixut utoru of cramii in lho jknlnloiior iiiort tluin any tlino dealera in tlio wmt wo un uiil inato drtucru und cnipluy io uruin and do iiot minoy or pfoi tuututmra hy ncndlilif out urnuraiit umuh millijl- ini orders wo employ only wotliaju and defy competition hamilton sons cor norwich a woulwicji tit uuoiph summer is here kenne y bros llavo full yumiiior unci of liootii and bhixi for both uullra and tnilnn the dainty new things and the heavy working ooots new illicit of outlni uhocu lo- rjudlm lawn dowling shoes tennis shoes running shoes and ohir llnex our price nro riolit and our qualittoe superior ltlllauhno nliatiy and rkomltia donu kenmey brosr main street acton uiflit here you will iind the it stjlea in panamas ihcre i u hal hoie to uil hiom every lie id and like wie the price ilmnerc vuriely and widi futile of size new freh atock and moderate prices fuu stock ok summkk hankitoashkhy r e nelson pli 40 next post office ouclph otkwfl iolikifljk 25c 60c 75c 125 5z00 c and h wax 60c joiihons cajtuon humovlll 7gc and 125 johnkonh itadiatolt ciiiivt 75c and 515 air titi aiito tiiiii wiv- 50o and loo the hottrr tin kul tli tulitr it holda ioiti ivhinina 65c ciji hiai1 it 20c2 ibu 40c itw d5c national uooy ijitljhlng 0c ud 75c iificto auto iaint 70c ijj and z25 lilty rattkhics 46c spark plugs 76c poijilain 45c auto luktiitj 35c 0c 75c auto hugs 576 to 1100 kohi motor ani polahinl motor cii0c per kj lion the bond hahdwake co ltd phono 1012 guelph like oil on troubled waters wearlnir a pair of savacoa tlaan- ca la tootlilnc to tlio- ncrvca und ju relief for ay one troubled with ejcii train there ui a knack in nttinjr claaa- ea that will bo rootful toy will und the judgment uacd at thin ca- talillalimont valuuble to your com fort and iytujfiht we criud our own lonuce vtv do- nlrrn tlio iiiuaam to uult you indi vidually wo fender a oervico uiat you will appreciate war uuifost orncp fmixztoslt uuklrt onh infinite care in those little things that are so vital to success in tlio cardinal rulo of makeru of thu ulill piano add to thht a lnuwlllcv ixjrn oc ciiki if iuo in ineolianiril cunfttructlon und judjiwunl or ilano tone aud nu havo the reaaoti for tlio ulll piamo heiiiir lu tlio very front rank of the crtateit of caiuiduj jrvat iluioa cw kelly sdn 33 wyndham street guelph uptodate goods at c c sliilghts silverwur in tableware i- me variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware und grunilc- wurc big aisortnieiit iundoru steves und uune famous heaters small stoves oil stoves c c speight mil surct artoil il iulld u lloitliii doivn the lil mrvloo ii u of tin- iiehool cliimrrt ram all thfoiijli tin rimin- and every boy and ilrl uulol ly riuiitrd tlio blue ntir liritn or tin in represent ini former pupil nliitd tin prim ipal named tlm younc men for wlimn lliy utood dlliman know mom of thrin the canliler of lho iilj wliito lunk on thn corner the tjrttcccu miii lho ilrivcr of tlm exprenn wacnn and tlm principal o1cji took on u toiith of pride when ho flnlnhed t1iit nrticnth in for my nan captain i urn harmon dilltnati iihtlted nroimil over the audiwikt he could vlck out the fnml- hcii that had iwen honored ulmuat nr hoy in bin claim had a persona in tt it in one of the ntarn hut there waji no htir for the jiarlillnn noliody looked with pride at him nobody ttiouclit f hlii family vet there worn two bii lirothtni 1tank and jhn ono wai in lho city and the other had tilmpty difinpparcd wo mijlit have hod two titani tliouiht the liny far tiack in tho centre al do v hi in tho laut noiu wan bolnk buiik lio idlppcd to the door and out under tho etnuj it tlm iitrcct hlu eyca wcro nilttti iimilmw he felt that ho waa out fir it ho dreaded to luick to tho unk mpt llttlo hiiuuo at tho odiro of town vi hero tin re uui only poverty und lonilemi indeed he llnjcrod lonj after school wmi dlttmiaucd wandurlnt almlcusly around the utreotu out of tho way there cajno a quick order und an ha wan puahed anlde around the corner came younc men in khaki marching four abrcaut tho new company of iuanla on their way to tho public uiuiro ilancrly ho hurried ui n in hti ido alni in admiration on the wi11uit up iioldlrru they drew up in a loni lino und utnud ut nilute while tho luilo played and a tiljr llaff wuii lowered for tho niiht iniillnctlvety dulraana hand vunt to hlu head and he pulled off hlu cap and atood uncovered an tlio unioi jack cuno wlowly down tho staff that a rihl hi looked up und uaw tho principal ftor t l d ptdn ii inuui k hlu f hu t ut laut ho lltood wlicr vi ho dun- ti look btclt 1 1 turn d km t- inir t l u by ihi dle hn b y wh ad irive u o uur nlnj 11 ut ho wl 1 a id in i r hi ire waa maldi v uu way h 1- jl n ii ed o tho v itr al uk y ih plain w tnrn hail lhm tho eon lp w lit auwh rl v th in udily watt r iviiti were 11 uaiiu hero und then thtrtj tujuod ut their r tlu wn cativan bi lirlinr frou the incoi nin r tidi the r ver cua t kirn then out ujrain tn lti cliannol and on toward lho ilea makini a loni detour around tlio iloodoil ground and camp dlllmuii an hour later irucd into lib own homo and taklnir at hlu wet idioca made hiii way upatalri to hhi bedroom he had fly touched the 1 d when he hcurd a noft footjilep and lila mother conio in u you lcen7 uli to tin n mother i they all kt irrmind tieforo the myl it wjui a cloio b iild hln it la not iry boy that taken off hiu cap to tlio lut went on mr har mon i am iljd to ecu ou do that 1ouru itliiht- nxorcii throm- p ui wiui iniiviiu nnd j 1 lima n follow- eil the uuilni illio down tho ntreut und jout to the wml i nd or tho town win re it turned to itu campliur place a iwauuful meadow in the bend or tin liver white tunui wore cvurjivtioro and rfftrii of towniipeotdo wero vultlnc with the men ulllnutit ntood boilhfully in thu due of the crowd unnoticed uul alono piliully ho went to the ahudo of u id tn und uat on tho rujlti uutihlutr thu ireautlful uconu lv idnj anie tho viittorii dcpurttj the iuirdii n ru pouted and rccret- rully ho turned honiewnnl ahini thu river hank he went the prliik raliii had- awollc n tho utreani tid it waa attic rlly pouring iui hood iown tlio broad channel farther up win the diin and beond tliat tho iiu um ummxuti t uiiliitit urd he eulrtd thu kllchtn hi- faiur wan lilnc on n hliu wh owhl mr wei mackllu ull thla tlnn ju uco jt maeklln hlnniuir hud put in tho daj ihlni umitniiiii scolni the nuldl jm replied dill an iilletl well lho mddlera will yet uoiif wllbuul cu imrttrr attend to huulini- t ho oli lut father wo cant tot loru an l w 1 uln ae buiili one uuiut tldi neither an lio boy a llttl alone juut ut wrryloj dont y utjh y noi lvyll take nd jim aall rly hut i vulul thin about yuur lu uur mi j pur al ida t rtuppur i od lh ki pt hln nllppr wanu for i iju hr hand gently on lila u i ulio utnod in ur tiliu u tood boy hu whispered ordt tut u hrlll tlirouih hiu ui oventii ir tho day he hi into eh op when iiuldenly thu follov lio had pinned a onmll lu thu pork after u u hut ho wan too ur ban tilanio ux h lay thltihlim over lie half dosed uro broke lltmiin x uueor iratldok ua of iui tie uuped to tile i out of tho low window i rimhliik pout an before ut the tl mutual iioluu in had drcaocd mid ullpped i through tho nutted yard the lira tm y utrolch botweou id the utream gresp lujjn i down and the river wan lily hlkher than before the banif he approached 111 vllh ita ancient dam alinujt burlnl benettth fldort an thu onioni lu where haio you icen7 ulie aaked uhtly juut o tioullht tho iaildlor u1 the dam waa hreakllit on the camp irri er runhnl 1 rail for them vou ulwaii think of the thlnjp to to holp folku dllliu i dont know it mother would do without uu paid lira macklln wrappluir hr army about her boy there itu all hcht moth waant much to lo dlllmnn ions hnath im kkid i jot tl time do you know mother tl a blj llai in lho nchoolroorn red bund around a white iipace and n the white fifteen blue elan wont ou como over to nchool with io tomorrow 1 will iillck up no you ill bo prtmi of mi scmetlmea may hendont think of it xvell you miiht bo u little men- ireful hut dilllo i liavo n tiurprlae or you i have been worllnj hard nd i iiave not told you ww hut i ave a now coat for you what do you think of thutt- oh crlod dlllman itiu uliouldnt have done it mother- hut utio wail already out of thu room and t moment later came hack wllti u utrutuj well- made tweed coat dlllmunii ejea opened i never lial a coat like that mother no but ft la filmr lo niake a man of you aho ttaid r doht like to fuel mother that a euat tvlll mako u man of rne but 1 will try to bo a nun in he coal and you wjll iu to nchool with mo and aeu thu llairr yea ill to with ou and tioo it i wua iroiui to town unywa with inimii aim said the nuxt niornlnc droautd in tlm now coat nillman tarrid hlmmilf bet ter than he ever had wfore ua he walked to town with hln mother hlltf left the eiilia at the trmusry and they made their wa to the uchool bulldluk- tlio journey hol heii lunk for they had roundid the rlvuru bend und tlinramji irround now a bedraxrv khd ilea of mud uhnwed w hero tlio force of thu hood had panaed mabo they wont want me to t in iiuijestod mrs muolllu idlchtly lalln- y they wjji ruutiierj lota of paro n ta como to viult the mhool uri- td nillman luiilntr at in r hand juat tome richt alouu with me u bo proudly led the way feelh ijulio like a protector tn tho tdiriiikliu llttlu wmuuiirhyfiittoemt ten ycar3 old today ten yiuould today niuinnia now what ioro im dt 7 i want to crowr up ioo ii id rimart an imd anl nuiart n v nd folka oil love you miiinmn im hire theyll lovn no tdn n lier boy dubdued iik iil j neat ben and laid her hand a low tone lie im proud of juu which tho hoy made reply ui it wiuml aujtlilnu yoq i dayliiij fur th thu willu titr ihiyi henuiliii eye j tin heala of the hu uid mil mlu hr ok d i till t willi i stated in i uiul louklntr in thai dlr hull alra mavkllu naw that captain harmon wmi walk- imk up too niule after ho laid ire tel thu teacher lie aald i would ijko to ueo ijlllinon ma k- lln ho lunud and looliwl over the ucholam und not meiiiinir to um tho one hu want eft he uddod i havo iouiuliiluk to iiy to dilhuui mai kiln und i wlxli to uhako haiulu with him tho teuiher hn koned fur dlllitmu to i iiiuo forward dllluiun iiu dud with lourinduii uindo hbj way to the om i pn ho ruatrum thu tu tiln alill 1 tr luplni bin hand itnniy in him uil ned io tlu upo lho laid iiiirbf do ho old jillll why thiro waa m il uatli n our ilv d ju know thi io llvu wh ha nd i idu dlllu i have here a itac lu illlut hi i mutkuu d liniuulit mo lam lu briak youll all bo aavd uu for mid iiianhed pd ba k to u tlu utari hiwertoldrt of if h with that your ii honor i his vvo on gnd a inolh r i id not f land on i my r phi th h ban nin i wuntliu- ii the lil uhouldi v hy ttieiu mnv i d re on thu ki r joinliu tho nuikii la tho nlu digcipline and caste in qer matjy t tho time when ho lu four yearn old ii i n former ainbauuadur gerurd in my lur yari in germany the h rmui la diiieipuned and taught uiut t li the only iood mid rrmilvo form the teachira in tho hooli uro on paid by the irovorumeril aud thy teach the children only the prltiolphii that the rulcni of tho ger man people dejlre there are no sat urday holldiijh i the german nchoohi and the summer hnlldayu lout only thrim to five ireeka iver wo croupi or amall boy a alone in germany their kiima and their walka are nuperin- teuded by their taclicm who are nj- waya inculentlnf- in them reverence und nwefor the military licroen of tlio piit an the prcot on but unlay nliht thy german boy hi turned over h the utatepilil nchool teacher to the ntatpiht pant or who ndila divine au- ity la tbji prlnciplefl of reverence german nyiitern thero l a real iintm or canto hf grinany pur example i won playiok tnnln one day with n man and while dreuuiiik nfterwardn i ankii film what hu waa he answered thatho wan a laufmann or merchant lor tho ger- miii thin annwcrwoji inoufh it plac- sl him in tin merchant claaa i naked him what aorl of a kaufmann ho wou 1 1 then told me that we waa jirenldeiu of u larco electrical company but wlni a german ho merely dlnclowed hln eaate without kinr into detulla on the roiiateri of eueuln in a ger man flummir nirt jou will ee mm minufiitoryinprietur schuluo rrir- ith itn lundrat kchwarta second lieutenant vun hint of uurae there la no doubt an to the relative bicud jxialtiomi of mm manu factory proprietor schulue and mm second lleuleiianl von hlntf mra muiiufactorypnipriitor scliultie may have a nteatii yucht and a tlaro an op ra liox mid te mllllod nuurka she may i mi old lady noted for hi f charity her husband may ado dhicuverlcu or enornioi value to lho human nice lt alio will nl way ii ho compelled to take her place behind lira second lieutenant if the officer wife la only tiul mn twenty years ago from th uud of the fro prm of thursday jyly 21 1803 tho fiirracm uro all buoy with their wheat hurvnit owiiijr to thu dry weather tho roup berry crop la conulderably reduced the noaaodu have juat complotod a very line freoiitono foundation for a new bank barn for mr william plank of tho unit line in tho report of tho rocont high school uu trance uxujninatlpnii in thin county tlm nomeu of clara cobban thomuu henilenion and hattlo oram pjtear lunoiiff tho aucccaful ono who wrote at gcqnjviown mnl s a hocord who had boon a resident ox acton for tho lant forty oio ejiru han removed tn orillla whoro uho will reaido with her uon mr john socord i a bulletin from tho poat ofhco de partment at ottawa requeatn uiat tho name and uddrcas of tho writer or nendev of nny letter bookpacuel legal or commeixllol paper uumplo or parol nhuuld bo printed or written on th upper left hand corner of tho envelope or wrapper dr j p uren left loot week to enjoy a wellearned rent for a month or bo durinj hln uhicnco pr j m mac- lunuld of toronto ho won nuch favorable opinions for hla treatment of tho anthrax caaea hero laat uummcr while ntipplyliifr for dr urcn haa charco of th dra practlco oeulti corn kdcukd in acton on july id to mr und mm t ii m sceord u duuffhtcr luivi ithik why the setting sun looks oval aa tlio ouu jieara tho horizon in tho evening it uppeuru unlarced and ujiu- ally wcomej oval or lon in breadth than in hejitht thia eulartcment in ketierully jm optical llluaiun owjuj to tho dlflkoj the ami appearing clouo to the horizon which wo know ut bo far dlnlatil when uio utimiaphcro u dualy and hut it acta aa a mjii-nlfyim- clans ur a kind uf aerial hum tho effect helns increoned about alxtoen tlmeu hy tho increajjod depth uf air lookod thruujrh to tho inhabitants of thu ajth aud other plane ta if they tiuvo iiihifbltaiiti tho utin la tho moat im portant of leaveuly bod tea it la over ilchtliuiulred thouhiind mllru lu dla meter and lu in an dhiluico from thu earth in nlnctyuirou million nit lea u not only oundil forth heat und hht uulllelunt to sum tula llfbut ixwjiujo of uu in at uiko exerta a jwwr of attrac tion that holds tho pianola in their nivldo ntral phitoiph ii ph tulf o wl ope t i it in nut uou illy bright in all parts but pr imw u niuttlnd up luiruini eoitipurt d by uoine to a our- thickly covered with leaven tho pfctroacopo nhowu the nun to contain it leant thlrtyuix elements ull of vhiih uro found lu the varthu oruot hu niotit tmiiortatil of iheao am iron alelum iuunium4e copper hydro ilphur and imiiaaulam how two tempehamentalu quahhel oliata tol- oiltem hoy huj a utory falllutf 1 ol i u rifuii llurjph th y had met at h friends house turgtmov spoke ntjiustoatu ally of tils jautditirn liihliah ovii luui and mid that eho rgulnd tho hid to i old iiikd cuuhes to ulvo to the pior j jo you think that a kood thln to jot dunandtd totutoy i rtulnly do replied turev it iiukia rharltx everjlay u di and i think thai i with illtliy diuloilo halidt lu atliuf uu oiiiiiiitd tolptoj i tok you noi i laiuuhl turtieiev h why nhuuld 1 ii onvlned lu true- if you nay tha on j i ell dr retort d toto uipiln ill ul y crlod whllo v enny wrui an urfe uu i oy uddroaslui him us tlio titer uf our rusyutn laud potato floufl vir one doesnt know it but tho fuel uniulns that dcllcloua white bread may bo made limply und solely from potato hour this la not a war dio- i ry i on beforo augiuit 1d14 and tin- lieiliiilni of thu rwlkii or bloodnhed piuutn flour won in uiio and bakers llltvl it particularly for making bpoueo rake hero are enormous quantities of potatoes in canuda ftho farmers iow that their wives know jt city ople know it what or wo going do with them all aro wo going to allow huoii valuable faod materjs1 to go to waste senator colby loaned by the united statea food admlniut ration to canada food board and who haa juat returned from tlio front lu imprrasliitr it on his aulicncea all over tlio country tluit ho would nut alt down at a labl where thcrii waa ono ollco of pun wheat brood arter wliat bo imw in iurope to eat it wonld aecm to him like rimhtug out hiu 1ml d and unutch lug it from tho mouths of otarvlng people lai subotltutoa ho says hat iiubntltutea tho cunadu food bwird ban been preaching for months i iit p4it suhatitutes eclift ull uilnk- ing and wirnnil minded people then why not encourage the manu- faitur and tho free uuo of potuti ilour it lu whulesomo makes tdo llciouu bread und doea not rlrthi- pjpto or eunipc of lho thlnn they most need wheat and tho majttirue- tured product the utoff of lire thread la the hauls of vuclul onler uverj tblmj that makes hfo endurable in tlmeu of otreua depmds upon broad have bartered their uouln beforo now for a crust of bread indeed starvation has reached such a point in certain dlatrlotu of jltmnla thu i minberu of tho impoverished climn uro nulling their wlvoh and ehlldrtui for hugs uf flour lu ii not ruaeutlul then thai we uftvo white fluur lest our allies in uuropu njch uch a pitch as thlt wulwtu thowhratr on iluuconti- nunt tho unite states and cktiadu alunu wi in u poultlun to nuot lurupun diuperate need for wlu-at- and ntlll wo go un using whlto hour fiieelyl it in time for potato hour lo be k a trial in ordur that increasing yuantl- tlen of utatidard hour may bo wavid lualthy men hivn lived and worked for months on u dlut of nothing oth than potatoes oleomargarine and a little fruit the food material in po- ea is hu per oiit digestible iutu- inir lu voy tine in ttxluro und ha igretahlo flavor put it in youh hat i want lo look juul llku you too v your face to miii tho na and all that you aro i wmi id rj aud o you know tlio mil m helen ncft tiat eliai oil o what veiy mini milting ur jne wlial u count mud tuto thm f our read army rei the folio wllg an army curps in cu000 men an infantry division lo 1uo00 nu ai infantry brlgado la 7000 m m a rglnunt of infantry is 3100 1 a battalion is 1000 luvii a oiapauy lu zlu uiup a platoon la 40 men a corporals ntpiud is 1 1 men a field battery has ido men a ilriiik siiuud la 0 men a hiii ply train lias 3 men a hiuehlnu nun battalion has gill roglni hu an unihuluiuu company tuis co ut a livid huspllai han di uie a tncdlvliio atlaihuioul luis 13 mo a major neneral heads tho nell iuy aud also uuh army v ori a brigadier u nerul heads each lu- miry irlkiulo a klonul hcu11 iwih reglmum a lieutenant olmol l next in rank below u tolunul a major huda a ballalluu a captain hcadu a iomuny a lieutenant hunts a platoon a mrkcaal i next boluw a llouttm- uul a corpural lu q oquad olflcor every oaroener hiqownoccd- grower while rigid uelectloii from year lo year la necmaary for must kinds of vegetable wliun grown from need and whihi to keep them puro thu dirfcront varltlei havo to ho grown notno dla- tanco upart yoi most of tlio seed grown in thn homo garden in likely to give- almost or ijuite an nullnfactory results or oven liettor hum that which is bought and uu uumo need may bo dimcult to otituln next year it l ro- commondod for each person who haa a garden to lot a few plants ur npecl- niuou ripen from which need con bo saved it is better to mark the wat planta and tiuvo lho ueod from them rather than to save thb need which remain after thn plants havo been eroinved tho need stalks of lettuce uro thrown up after tho lieutlu uro full grown tho uood ripenu ruther unovetily and in urderiiol to lose any of it each head uhuuld be picked over ai it shows white it being neceuaary to go over tho planiu evury few duyii tho planta can however bo pullod nd hung up to dry if radio lieu aro left un pulled after being ready for uuo ihoy will noon thruw up otullcu und good uood will develop 1or will reuultu tho planta nhuuld w ut least ulx inches apart spinach if thinned to ulx nclicu will produce un ubunduncu uf deed in saving ho mo grown seeds it js imihirtunt to dry them ua uoon on poa- nlhlo after they uro ripe then clean them and keep them dry until noodod tho following spring pcau und wans will noon bo n polled for seed if they do not dry mpli j in tho pod after being harvested as corn iiometlmes has to bo pullod beforo it la quilu hard it fu dcilrablo to iioo that there lu u good circulation of air around each ear a good plan is to hualc the ears and then titlrk each ono separately on nulls driven into a board iuid far enough upart so that tho earn vyli not touch tho iietd of tumntoc for homo uao nhuuld bo nayed from tho plant bear ing tho largent crop of early und beat frult whiro a quantity of weed is ed tho tomatoes may bo cut in half i the pulp pre uat d oul into uojno vessel adding about one third lta volume of water put in a dark room until fermentation uotu in which will bo in about two days when tho aood will soporutu readily from tlio pulp wash out ami dry whero tho nun docs not uhino on it allowing are tho quantities txt oood which ono might expect hcaus 1 or more o- per plant corn 300 to coo kcrnuhi icr car cucumbers 1a to 14 per npuclmaii lettuce y ox per plant onion i us per plant pea 4 z per 3 ft or row pepper 110 to 18 qs per npeeimun radliih 1 as per plant epinaeh 11 os ier plant squash 2so2 to a oz iali tomato 50 to 300 each lxpcrhieulal karm notes a hero of fourteen years perhaps tho moit drumatlc and her oic act of this world war was tlio noblo ticlfsacrlilcu of a mere child of four teen years an aluatiaii hoy scout whoso father had been killed in alooeo offered bis services to tho colonel of a regiment near altklrch knowing every path mountain trull und road bruvo and intclllguut ho was accepted during many weeks lie rendered valuable uervlceu bringing informa tion enabling preiuh progress and thu capture of prluoueru ou day tlio colonel nuked htm to mako a longer and more perilous queut than usual our uung hero started full of renl and hope and wau allowed tu take his dog pidele hiulllg to lllctp out two tilghtu lie knew hlu dug would not ba lmy him all went well for u long wlille al though thu journey was full of perils suddenly iwu burly iruiudanu tiartcd hlu path and he wau taken befuru lho enemy ulllceru lu cliargo of tho utartui pout as led hlu name icurl wcblor hu rilplual r whero do you tivo with my mothr at altklrch your father kilh a you war u gor man name mid npeult gorman why uru you helping tlio enemy i am aluutliiu and hivejpniieeltiy tamt fool uald tho nlhiv r do yuii know i our fato u spy t vta ulr do yon lovo your imjther with all my heart very 11 you love vuur mother and you uld like to live i will let jau go and givo yuu ono hundred franca if you will lull inn how uuiny regliqunts and how uiuny buttuilea uru defending altklrch no ulr i cannot why hokauue 1 promlacd m ver to bolray my i ountry idiot 1 thu unicer thun said i will givo you mvo minutes accept my guneniuu offer or you die tho futful minutei llnishcd wolir sir 1 uiimut and will not betray my loumry a fw mluutui later tho litllo hero mid hu fallhfjl dug vveie dead tho mlory wau rdated by a prisoner who ivittiviuiud ihe scene thu widowed mother now i hlldlcss uiokeiihenrted but pruutl points to visitant tho two mtdau eeiil tier by tte 1ronch gov riini-nl- la medalllu mhitalr and ia ciolx do guerre vard 1 ox txilliouury the workers s to tho man who labors and with a sougl ii idlmulhlss lghlhirs uud hdpn the world along i like the men who do things wlu w and ghiw lhlngu and idi and mn dig unci wavi man groans wiittulh hit bu dun w- ioaa neith the ihulu lie wears til ntll tho tollers gliordou in worth tho pall men 1vu tin rs no natlifactliiii hououll idin sky llku thr of hi iluit iiij i whoa i ibl l ulgh to look built oer fho winding uu h dark and roiky road und know you hoio youi giliidlng and uoul fulliu- lilg loud aa iilruiig men might to boar it ihioujtu nil tho tilrvu and uli id thats ihe reivaj d uf merit that if the bulp or life 1 like tho men win d tirfiig who plough and onw mil np who build nfituulvu and imw thlugn while the druuinuru aro auluop w

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