Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1918, p. 2

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j illrtlia marrlarwi nd peedho art now rluvnd for nt the following iajwi ulrlhn 3tc murrtaiem 60c ieutlto lor mnmorlal rd coc 10c per lino extra fur pom died johniton- at htnwurttnwn tuerf iloi july 0 101y capt j johnnlon uod hu j ram 3 mouths itiavak m hln lato reolttonee in mcmontam wat1 luiotlhi in lovlnjr memory nf my ilcur i miliar jamee walerhounc who dlcd in acton july 16 1017 quietly loplnff mlui- aixjllt woltdls in lolnc memory of ui dmr 1 rothit lllrum ii wonlcn who hod tit 21 lowcll utrcct ouclpl jul n iiu ililothkus and uihtluu qjifi acton jure press thuitsday juir is 1911 editorial notes vancouver iifomlm mo taking tim war ucrlouaty and doing uiclr eharo in a prut tlcnl way in providing for tho inevitable food uhortatrc at u nuuu moollng of nearly two thousand women in that city tho plodo wb made to conform exactly to tho ro- qulrcmonui of tho canada iood boaru ond to apply tho rcntaurant recula tlotw in their own homco further more it wan especially resolved to dlncounluncn any aoclal functlono which promote tho consumption oi wheat products pork oujrar and fata all of the acton candidates passed i for entrance to hju school normal candidatco success rul id lltnhlo ti tho acton rhuiil al 1 lo minn lunnntt the tcacht r t r ill ntriint n lami parti cu lnrl th it v y uxlldoto fnim ai hi school who w c u it tho t ntnincu ex amlniuloiiu li illik vhmollccmilul anothu fi ui r which rtinkn hlithly of tho tall if tiny work f the nchool lu th fit t th i iitrr novi nly prr cent nf tin a i ii iiidllutrit pnaucd with when benjamin franklin and other americano were plan nine tho capture of canada their propaffanda literature waa printed in montreal by a man named rioury moo plat an old country frencliman who had been induced by franklln to croon over to america and cmsago in printing first in philadel phia and then in montreal tho litera ture woo intended accordlnff jd lyman b jnekcawho rocountaafeo plats ad ventures in tho july canadian masa- zlno to induco tho rvcneh canadian to oldo wlui tho invading american force agulnnt tho britlnh tho scheme fojted but thn journal started by ben- jamln rranklln through ueaplat bo- carao uic montreal caxette it la a most intercut ins historical narrative heavy penalties am provided for tho no n observance of tho food laws an orderin council passed june 2nd ayo any person violating any pro vision or any order or regulation of tho canada rood board now or here after made in pursuanco of tho power invested upon it la guilty of an offence and shall bo liable upon nummary 1 conviction before a police magistrate or a justice of thopeae to a penalty not exceeding 000 and not less than j1o0 00 or to imprisonment not ex ceeding three monthsor to one and imprisonment- tho enforcement of tho orders and regulations of tho can ada iood board depends principally upon tlio patriotic cooperation of the municipal iico authorities tho ilftli german offensive of tlio campaigning ucuson of 1918 lias been launched thhi week and so badly that already fa 11 uro seems in sight his boina ut tho inception of tho drive wtro ridlculounly small in comparison with the exertions uf hundreds of thousands of assaulting troops who attacked along a front of almost sixty miles but who at no point penetrated the allied positions to a greater depth than five thaosand yards anct in the region defended by american troops lost tho ground thy had woo in the first rush and more than a thousand prisoners each ttpcceedlng day seems to prove tho futility of tho effort of the hun forces to penetrate tlio allies line on tho western front their power is evidently waning and the end it 111 be disastrous to them i president wilson has coined a new epigram which is sure to bo popular politics la adjourned of course ho did not mean that the administration of public affairs should be suspended on they have been tn misguided russia nor did bo intend to intimate that good men should not become candl- datesfin political office ite won ro- erring rather to the machinations and manipulations ot partisan politics which would divert so much power rrorn rtytnhnl tmngi tn tlin tinti essentials purely partisan politics will not for u long tlmo get a hrurlntr men are too busy with tho ontl- loallug ucto and the inderal gavcrn- me nt declaring that ull ablebodied men must be regularly cngusjed in tsoinc useful occupation canada in in no temper for long bitter and inter estconaumlnt contrsbj for polttlul office tho ptoplo of acton ivavo ugalu amplo nmjmili fur justiuuhlu prldfj in tho mcitncy of uur public and high hoihmjio 1 ho noulu of the rcoetit kntrunco to high uchottl und lower hchoo uuunl nations are certainly grutlfjlut in the entrance uxumlna- iuiihi ecry tunjlltluti from arton pub lie uchool who wrote its tiucichsful mcvcnuon of hie twentytwo pusoud with huiuim ono of the number took icloiiii pluco uniohir all the unlldatcs 0 tlio county in the lower bchool exumliiutliu i i clilrtnko to nu until hchimtl tlvi of the btudeuta uf uur lllgli st hool vrn nucunfui out i f tin ninr loijii who iunor in the six lllsh fichools und continuatluu hthools of the rouutvj this gives acton oer 20 uf ttio uutt eunfu ljlididttfls uf the touiuy had the candlditra who wrote from ull tbeso scuoudt pusoed in tho ni i m jtitln mi from artou high hclhiul then mould mti boen vur forty uttuutul in halfc a coyuly lor thear uph ndld rruuttu grat tredlt is due tin irlnuial and fhc mrmbert of his ry emclont ntaff every teaiher in the athool contributes u oharo in ho ratifying rvhults at allied it is tho bfoundln uf tlio fjupls from tho prlmarv cutiat uil- wartl which aids liy hlr ufi jfam- inaubns thli mini fill unl of i u n ill do tct i foil w i pimi1- with honors iirll n anijl ithon vioi 1 t ijavih i itanci s ituitur ai ici mmh j j c lindhay maiw1ak1t mcnahll 1 a1u i- mcnivln hai1iia wlion mahtha oim jack hoiiihthon w1i i koiiritthon jkmhii3 ituwlll 1 htiiiii btaltkmatv nuouou tayloit waki wallaci may wilix3uht passed ida m dcmvick may caltnochan 1 i-ilir- wppan jushii mann ciiarii a simon 1 llaiirth watkins pass ed on account or farm work in uddl tlon to her utandlng the following candidal en from out aide schools who wrote at acton wore successful tjublln school wins mcciung teacher hiatnick mrlsaac honors maity ohinons ohita btiavabt nfcllii- htuwaitt school no 7 nniuiacawcya miss mc- klnla tcachor ldna i1lll mait jolt annii mccaw m1lohld mohiuall tjchool no 8 nasadgawcya miss clirluuna hcndpraon teacher ivoha smith of tho 39 cintildates who wrote at acton tlio above 30 were successful at acton centre tho three candidates taking tho mr heat marks were esther btarkmun habra nelson and margaret mcnojjb all of acton in tho whole county the highest marka wiro mado by dorothy cox of oakvillo tho necond by esther htark- man acton and tho third by oeoreo kennedy of georgetown certificates will bo sent to tlio suc cessful candldatei during this month normal graduates at tho provincial normal school examinations m1u alicia obrien of aeton uecfjrcd ticcond clatfu standing and miiqi dora harvey acton third lower school examinations nineteen psased in helton county of ifhom five wre acton students the candlduuu named below who wrote in ilalton county liavo passed tho lower fachool cxaralnotlon for entrance into tho normal bchools and faculties of lducation in addition to the above they require to pass tho middle school examination beforo they can be admitted to the normal schools and zho upper school examination before they can bo ad mitted to the racultlcs of education l h ajdlltson n andiitsov j b carblict l e dlwab it m qiuci a 1 hilylh m t htwin p b lanr j i mo wat j i marshall m l maitld honors g m pitoud g a sinclaih m l scott c w sblnly g 1 d wllfcon j it wajldic m t wu1tl e k stewabt el oc of those named bovo tho following arc students in tiio high bchool acton clalta b lantz jessie l mo wat a e purr wilson jack it waldie lluie k fatewaht o addition to those lutod above a number of candidates arc qualifying for certillcatcs under tho farm em ployment regulations all such pasted local examinatlona at leister and aro now- employed on forma- on tho sub mission to the deputy minister of sat isfactory ovldiinco of three months continuous work on farms tho certi ficate to which they arc entitled will be issued obituary oapt- jamr-y-jotrtnstott- at tho rlpo a of 3 eure copt jolmstuti htrwurttown iiansod away on tho jtli hint hu was u man of flno character untl iiu lug his long resldonco in ijniuiuim ho tnjoyed tho highest tntueni during the 1 otilan ltald of ihdg thu cupt was un uulvu member of tho inllltlu half a ctntuil inter he ilollhtitl to recount in lvld detail tin ixpt rli mca of those oxclt lug duys lv viui it iiiun of sterling charactii und hln lnllutiicu in the omnniulty wim ulvvuyn for ltu lie iter intiit hj wan u inmbr of the meth- udlat ciiurclt iitrmunt wus mado at cn fiiwh 1 cirm tcry oeorbetown thumduy the miuiltolui dipartmenv of agri- cultiuu bus uiiiiounrtd plans whldi ura ijwhii i to introami ho wheat prvduithni if that province in 1d1s by doouooj luutnlt liooslcrs have bocn uppoltited i no hi every proviu ctil rid i hi to at uurute thu fanuertt ut hit jiii jujuntltui ijoliil tu break a uiuih i irni ait poi ulhlu thl j numiro an uvoniuo iniituuu in whuut ulreute uf ut hunt ilvo utiui nr furui la the objetuvi 1itnnlii i loyd tuojjtt a ututcniont ut tho caiuulluii irens dinner of tho future pmltlun of si if govcrnini do minions hi docldiiii tnipirlnl foreign military utul itaro lkiluuii was of tho greuttut iiluiiinruiin i mid linpartanco thu ut tf ji ntilnh doilllnlontt hami been ulvaiuid fit ui uituhlp to purl iurahl in tin i unudlun minister tho oainouiuiiumit vuu vtry gratify lng as a kiolnltlon or tho canadlun growth vulur and urrlflco and indt catuj aj uottihil i iju has dune tlluoo tho war torokt nut tho trend of dcntl- lutnt in tim tlnltul ivhiltlom tuwaml tho ocirlovcrnlnr nntlbnu within the empxfo neighborhood news- town and country items of interest from various locali ties coverad by tho fro press rockwo0d tho fnlwlui candlilntru worn sue crmf ul nt the entrant xanilnatluliw at htnltwt a rut lir hctitxil mr k oaktn teirhtr m itd lu tiunnru i- ilurrlti honors v mcalinr mar inn mrculloui i hoiiorn l oakto uiuleleno taylor honors dallinafad mr jtwltt the now mothodlut cr 1 ert rttlnic lino hnprciuilonn cliunh hiit hii 1 1 nnunn hav i hit and helpful thn fricndu hero of alderman w w hlltx toronto will rugret to lcari that ho brulto hl riilit wtl t in thu ealiuitio of n ind lor upon which ha wiui utundlnr pliklnj futlt nt tils farm ut grimsby oil monday liuit dannockdurn haling in gmernl now home rropu hero aro very cood o thorn aro lit tit ctjnelully un old mi atlowii moro of our farmers an run tern plating inveitiug in motor m mr james i warren wli has been in poor health lately enjoy 1 a drlo out to llannockburn and 0 lar creolt farm the scones of his eii tier days last week the bridge on tho fourth line at mr paul kcnni tty a which was wash d away last nprlnr i being replaced tho culvrrt and uppronclirjr cost tho township council a largo sum qeorofctown vnltr bcnrt a itnltth g ijiwmm in rrfrtliut rt lino oil his prot irty on ft i lir lawn of tru w mrlol hi i rl lay july 12th our loral grmiko lxlgo arr nipnii led by thn band rolobrntcd ut 1 rln on the twelfth ontractor j ii miukoisle inn tho new iiendlo fat lory 1 ull ling vtll un lar wa tt will bo a diuhil addition t luddutrlul tliorgf ttnvn br j it nlvm is in new iork for a month tuklnu boat flraduntv w rk at tho now york ionl grnduata hliiooiu un 1 hoiipltaln or ihnt lty herald mlna margaret mill ir b a irlnil i at of tho ivchliyterliui ijidltn col- ilto i dmonlon alberta wan a guest tli lu wutiu at the homo of mr ilalph dublin burlington burlington orangemen held a pic nie at wabassa park on tho 12th tho mothodlot sunday school held their picnic to oakland bark taut wednesday local dealors aro selling govern mont fish frcih lako trout and white fish at iro per pound mr o t hneath and family mot ed from bradford pa- and apont tho lutst week with hln parents mr t mrs t hncath in uio list of uoldlern goxettod as winners of tho mcrltorous service medal the wunu of bergoant john t klfby a burlington boy appcaru caxette ospringc berry picking is tho popular avoca tion jtor visitor uieoo dayii haying is pretty general this week tho yield will bo a very fair one miss hens- evallgh of guolpli u holidaying with her sister mrs v mack mrs watson of toronto and her daughters misses pearl and laura ore spending oonro time with friends in this vicinity mr david itydcr of tho ilrat line no of our oldest residents hue been seriously 111 during tho last week ho la 87 yearn of ago v mrs macdonald and children of rochester n y returned homo after spending home tlmo with her parcntu mr and mrs joitcph stewart tho nolo of tho homes rigs and othor chattels of tho lute- joints mc lean will bo held on saturday evonlnt mcnsto herbert kirkwood and john altktno tho cxecutora aro odmlnluter tlio estate the following candidutcn wero iiuc ccauful at tho entrance examlnationo s b no b i rln mlsn mcdonald teacher ldna mccutcheon lillian mckoown s s no 13 trin miss margaret cook tcjclier clifton ait- krna limeh0u8e miss jian itosxcl of ihvlllnafad visited nt mr john nickolls lindsay sutherland and miss mary lindsay aro in town for a few duya mr and mrs john newton are visit lntz mrs newton s parcnta in brant ford mrs dr sutherland and son gor don are visiting at miss mary und says miss daisy nlckcll of toronto spent the week end with miss hannah newton mrs clarke and children of toron to aro visiting at tlio homo of mm h it smith mrs e sncatli and miss ilhcu of toronto visited at tho home of mrs james grant mhui b tot la hhaw is spending a few holidays with hor slater mrs c e po iking h o r n i- mrs brt prlco and children of acton have returnod homo after spending a few days with friends here mrs hoy choato of brampton has returned homo after spending u fow days with her mother mrs jtos mc dowell mrs ivlrkpatrlck had tho misfortune to fall and break her right arm on saturday ovonlng tho old lady has the sympathy of tiio people of tho vicinity crew80ns corners mr fred basso tt spent tho twolftli in toronto mr oliver green guuph visited frupilji here lnwt mr and mrs harold johnston gait visited ut mr m crewuou a miss marjory banks toronto 1 vlsltlnt at mr lod ijuuntlt a mrs nelson liintmrt acton opci sunday with hir mother mrs ale crlpps mm chester mcbaln and miss mury murdock guulph vlsltol ut mr 1m grulnun s lunt week mlssiu lenoia niim and viol i moore guolpli visited at mrs mi lntojh a un sunday jlov mr juuia opened tils pastor- atu hero on humluy mr und mm junius and uilldruu will bo lurdiully wolcomod hern onu of tho most beautiful flower turtlonu lu thtu neighborhood in see ut mr alex crlpps all tho old thno favorites aro to be found hher and ho delibhtful frngraiko alls lb olr it lu indeed a place uf beauty hi id a joy foruer mr john ilurunldo alius dorothy und mr und mrs crowson und rl dren wiont tlio 12th of july fct 1rln village mltis kiithuleii ml uur oju ilttlo sis tiru on npuudlug holldaa w1u frionda lit quolph u and mm if woods uud babe cumpbeltvlllu spt nt hnnday at mr m crowaon a a number from hero attoiidod the knoi church b union party in tie ioik ut acton last wednesday tilght mn mcconn miss mrcann und miss etlie wilkinson toronto spout tho week end ut mr w n wilkin mr and mm w n wmkluaon ur entertaining numernus rortinto friends ot their luib itnhlir uuuimer homo huro stunuytirook i arm ml wllklnnon wlm if editor of tho toionto worl i hpunda the ivotik end hero ami tlrf wukliinbn lu eiijoylnii it tree ting tljn farm worl durins the yeuk si o i- gaining qulto a rviiututlou us a buttci mukor and piultri rali r notnlti- stindlnu her buuy rural ufa her lit 1 1 ary work dixs not wurfir ami h i weekly conltilutloun to 1ornt joui nalu uregnwlnt in virility mil n rltj fi in lot a color hi numv of hei preaont nbotdr to ntituru on vim n rxnmtn ml is kathhen ulblmna lcaclinr liotim from hamilton for thu ho ii tin j the spit ndltl rop of ryo on the fmontly drained flold on tho heard more form on thn second line is much admired it looks well und will ttinm ha ready for harvesting tho entrance candldateu from dub tin school who wrote nt acton dl 1 exceedingly wcil mlas bcutrlco mc iiiano took lionoro mid mlsneu mary glblhiua greta lite wart und nclllu hit wort ull paniird thin lu very crttlltubln to mtno huttlo mcclung thtlr teat in r since tho llllott mullln rroosroad was tumplkcd ami repaired thin spring tho tramo armas this conces sion has lartoly increased tho mill jmind ii to no roud from queen sir ot at ton to holiortnons corner nuu bt wiroo very rough in places a fow loads of lravot would materially holi it 0pev0idc haylnt is in full blast and many fields are giving good average yioldu berry pickers aro flocking to tho patches hero now from all directions itov dr m j thompson of itochcu tor n y preached in tho boston presbyterian church on sunday his ovonlng sermon an tho choi lento if tho hour wiui a great discourse mr george mlchlo of tho scotch block was gored to death hy a vicl- uus bull while tlio family wore at church lout sunday morning ho won about 7 years of age tlio gravel put on by tho council between btuwarttown and the 3rd lino hnu greatly improved tho road they might have corao on west to tho second lino and continued tho improvement mm m teusmcr of ann harbor mich la visiting her mother mrs gardiner it is years iiinco oho visited at thu old homo hero and her friends of former days njo glad to moot her again a trio of arton citiiens whoso ex perience in woodcuttini has been limited aro engaged in cutting fire wood on mr peter gibbons farm they ro preparing for tho expected coal nhorlofao next winter nas8aqaweya a unannounced wedding was hold ul nhigaraonuielako last thurs day july 11 when two of our young p oplo wero joined in holy wedlock mabel morgan t augusta only daugh- ti r uf mr mid mrti john iorly of comi bellvlllt us unttid in morrlngo to gunnel- ilurvoj boll dredge son of mr and mm isntlian dredge also of thl i township tho prospective groom was notifle l on july to report two days later for oorvico at niagara camp on the tenth of tho month ho won warned for ovcrseau tho following day it wan only owing to tho grooms unavoidable departure that the mar riage was conducted so quietly and without tho customary festivities after tho service which won conduct ed by tho hav j t folrachaa who was ot niagara to wltneas tho depar ture of the boyii from hhj homo church tho typpy couple returned immediately to tile rump whero tho soldierhus band jolni d the ranks of his corps an marched to tho train already awaiting tho troops erin stanley pork lias a full compliment of cottafacnj now guests are numer ous lrin public library ro opened on saturday in mr clare hamilton a now store miss i conboy left on monday lost on an extended visit to frloiids in saskatchewan rev it 1 owllo of colllngwood is taking rev j lindsay a work hero while the latter is uway on his vuca hon tho garden party under tho aus pices of tho ladles of thu anglican church hi id at stanley park on tuca day evening was a great uucccin tho receipts were 11qh tho school board has engaged two now teachers to till tho recent vacan clcs caused by tho resignations of mlnsci mcbrido and kerr they ore miks mcuechnle of toronto and mlmt ruth hull of lrin advocate erin had a great orange demonstra tion on tho twelfth it is estimated therw wre 7 000 people hero for tho ovent there wero twenty lodged in the procession tho speakers were revs white of alton scott of hills uurg promow of brampton and at- r and mcasm c u mrhoowu m v p for duftcrin a r mcmttrlclt editor of thu oranjevlllo homier j it llillls and h chortoru m 1 of brampton and ldward w burns of port credit a c menubb underwent a serious rutloii ut guelph general hospital ho in dot m retiikrkobly well tho moyor anil c ouncll have mcurud tho consent t f ms irs llutk a moruy to deul in 4uver imeut llah at tho liriees fixed mr and tu ps w i dlek and two of thilr ehlldre i hav o returnod from u vltilt of two r to tho misses dlt k hultlmuro mi mm 1 rank ilemstrcor of winnipeg urrived hero last week having been hiiiumoiud on ueeount of uio sirluim lllm m of imr nitilliuf mm j w blaln prof und mrs lltirrlmm und daugh ter veia of now york t lly wero tho uuouta of mr uud mrs w it bows luht wuk ihc travullud by motor ear mujor larl liu hmusil his proa la mutton llxlng witluesiluy 24th unit uu milton h ilvin i ml hi ay diirlnit tin da thoto will hi uthlotlu sports ate it lei purk arthur milium ruturind last week to vupiouver aieumpuiilud ly mrs wluon und miss currlo wilson of junius formerly f milton who will ly jf ler in ml tho uummcr in vatuouvci t 1 i htu luto of mlltan bus re signed tho preston ugoncy of tho bunk of torjjfito and is about to lcavo fi r tho argentine hopubllc having ac eeptotl tin lluikirtunt lioaltlon in a bunk lu tho elty of iluotos aires chum lion eoniieiutluuol meeting uf thu intliibem uud a lln n nta uf tho moth tdlut church uuu held lu ltu school room on widnouilj iveulng to i i- eiuni the now pj it r und hln fam 1 mr and mi i c 1 gillowny huvo in ml fr nu thh diugtitttb numltik linn 1 v t ijm mil huby tutlnwuy hint tiny wire in tho canadian geu- enil hijpllol tur tin euist f ituneu width was buinbid last month by hun airmen a virrria 9 pecimis at the jig store wo lwuitht iicavlly in anticipation of cauui uio koodii wo offer arc much leas than nnxililnk in uibl llat you need buy now and summer and tall mack imperial duchess silk 10 ins wide heavy weight nil p bilk every yard mumped willi the makers kuarnntcc special at w yard come to thla store for stockings 1adiej illack and white cotton hooc a special at 2se pair ladies black and white fiber silk ilcsc special at 50c and coc pair girln black and white cotton hose ll hibbcd spcfinl at 35c 40c 15c and 50d pair boya heavy liibbcd cotton hose a special at 40c and coc pair summer weight blak caahmcrc hose sptual at v5c pair mnda of oxford hhctune at less than regular priccs- ends are in lengths of 2 2j2 and 3 yards and make good wearing aprons boys nmu3t3 etc and run in prices at 15c ggc end less than prints wc advise you to buy prints now at 25c yard it 13 predicted that dark prints will advance to 45c or 50c yard for spring 1010 wo know wo arc selling for less than present cost thus wc advise you to buy now price 25c yard tho warclly anil ri ing prices and in ninny i the prcmt wholcnali irjces if there w buy luavily of ood yu will need for this khaki turkuh towcu for tlio uoyh at the lront we hou thec 20 oz towel o hue our cu having friend m ihi rroni emild cnd dozen or more iowli j ihcy arc cny sent through th mm und there is nothing more acceptable than iowcli special at 30c each allover apruim at 75c each these apron arc made o a good quality ot print in ie ii w 40 and 42 and arc worth si 00 to day special at 75c extra heavy while saxony flanncl- ettc you will think ni rianclotto high in price but when you xd the quality and the width you will thaiigcyour mind this same maneleite will be selling for 45c before the fait wo advue you to buy in a few yard now spctial at xtc yard bleaclicd djauuk tabling for s1j50 yard- tin heavy damask tabling is fuly 72 ins wide with rich satin fnisll heavy weight mi a i lora pattcrij 14 in border special at s150 per yard the kaykcr ioich when you get your gloves at ihi tore you get the kayer nuko the bct glove made in canada to day we have them in black and white ize- l to h at 85c 100 and 15 pair conway mclean mill street wc 8ell for cash we 8lul for lcu3 acton d acton creamery hrlnj your cream to us wo will fclvo ou tho highest mar- tut price for huttcr iiat will bo open monday thurs lay and faolurdayu until 10 lllghuit cream tejlii bob rl allan 41 ixinald waldle 40 w j scott 32 acton creamery willow street acton coningsoy 111 hit i rdi n liurty undi r tho qiu of thu w omaii u iiutltuto on ty iivrnhii was cjrrled out u cordini to announcement notwllii ulandlni thn roln of rourito oviry body uoi i lad to no tiio rain lomt thouj h it rather ilumpened tlionpirllfi of the liulle i of tin instltuto na well iui tin apparel of tho audience an outdoor entertainment vvaji impouiiblo under tho elrcunulance i and tho com pony took uhtuer lu tho school houie hov mr abbott tho chairman said o in en pray int for rain for noma time now ttuit it tius camu let ui be truly thankful and enjoy ourielvej the but me cm iho pruj ram mo uai ilin by tlio acton ominunlty orchestra and thu uirei it ion certainly diuerves credit for thu veraolulty of tho prokrumqio and tho excellence of tho numbers pn tnteil the onliulml und muni cul iiiimtiin wen exrollciit whllo tho voi ul lectloifu wire highly enjoy- ulili ken member of tho company fullllkd hit turt creditably but mr d ivl 1 hob risen in his scotch songs uud other dialectic rujmberu brouj lit down the hou io every time tho community ortinjtra of acton will bo nuni to got further callj from this eeil ti n tin quilt put up for nalo wau ttuc- tloni i b mr it- j kirr of acton and with hilt persuiesun lowuru und blffi of dtbrrliiilun und hunior ho succeeded aehlng 13 for tlio coveted bed the constant call for well trained atenograohi ru and oltlcc osslstanls prompts u i to con tinuo our work tlirourh the tninimur months tntcr any time sh iw u business schoobi toronto ivee catalogue w h shaw pros spr id thu proceeds of tho function which reaelnd a liberal sum will bo devoted to he 1 cross work n alie raw silk light with box design and blue 40 ins wide per yard gdc pink and blue crcpc 30 inches wide 59c navy blue voio with dark cr silk stripe about 10 ins wide yard 69c navy blue poplin 30 ins wide at 75c muslins 4ith blue or pink design 32 ins wide 2 yards for 25c we are trying to sell out our summer stock starkman mill street acton icecream wu latvo our parlor open every lay now oud wo intend to gtvo on eood servlco on possible ico cream bulk 20c m pint lea cream bricks 30c each catndies right prices toothsome varieties dest qualities haroldwaes canada food board llconso no s 13535 mill street acton teach the children to save habits aro acquired curly in life children who aro timghttfio value of money und tho habit of savinp crow up into good busuieiis men and capable women tho easiest way to teach children to save is to start a savings account for each child 100 each is sufficient after a child has saved another dollar to make an additional deposit ho or shewill have a better appre ciation of just wlfat a dollar stands for and how much workandsclfdeniahtrepresents th merchants bank howlomcirmontroal of canada tuumuhod 1084 acton brancls u m afcnasm georgetown branch c w handy rtanaccr yiy bigger bar bigger seller the bigger comfort barmeans more wiap for the money uim ever before think of tjiatin wartime tho quality n uio same tho kind that gives comfort tlio largest sale in canada comfort ask for tho bigger bar your grocer can easily uupply you no premiums with tho wrappera in wartime if you uro atill gating tlio binallur bar however its wrapper la atill good for premiuniu uu comfort soap and get a ifenicr dealer caila waji pugsley dingman co limited toronto now advci liiinciits thcmtlliotlil clmrch mlv i m f io i t i ttor pruiiaocw llw aufjdav jut y 1 11 11 iii ii 1 ii lllllld- ltu i uly i r in i i 1 i i jo in in i y ii 7pm h i 11 1 vi ti i i irnr m illu n i l i nlni- at 7 ii oil ic piano i oil 5all i loiio f r i 1 i l t i ml i 1 vi u 1 3 mill fltir t finc home3tlad tor gale nl vi it iii n i i i 100 ii n in ni u v v i u nn farm 70 unci mil i ihlllvtltin lli tirrei bil h hiil i i ox 7- hrlclt liom 4x20 lit in i i ilr 1 iri i vood jilt 1 noti on lui i n i riiunc well rlfiturn wtiilmlll i itinj i witrr to houiio un 1 hirn i rum htonn roml p uiu n front of i inn two ond thrr ipiortin mil i fr in a ton ii ttllcnt r nor i fir lln intendlrc lurch uur muit nt iromitly for partlcumni npi lv t 2 4 ton i o voters list 1918 municipality of township of nlvuiaeyfl nolico in in i 1 y i trnn imllted or i llv i montloni d in m 1 vot r 11 t t th l cold irctltm to b dollvored of tin lift i wild art of nil ir the in it r vln 1 ai eld miuuelptllt t 1 in tho inhl in nib lp for meml ori if lln tiemhly on 1 ut mm and thut tho ml 1 urn up at my oilh o m nniuincowcyu on th 131b unit n itiuhui ii and i inn by c 11 i tolco immcdl n pn hny rmti r c m occordlnj- to 1 iw dit ii thl sthlny joi 2 2 cu rit of l n hi it i tivo 1 to tho pcrnona f tho ontario nil ii n quired tram mlltod or in uio piiniuunt to un i nppc irink hy in nt roll of tli i rntltlld t voto illty at ikctlon iij 1 lutlvo am- u ii il i lictlon l v i i unit jmntod tin town hall htb day of july n i rln ijhitlon ii on ill votcra to t ttllut i to hav il ilon i corrected of iul 1318 i iisiraxi ial 1 municipality clearing auction sale at os1 i in i horses rigs etc the uxecutoru f thu iilu of th lilo james mclean havo inntruct d tin nmllnili noil to soli by public auction on hlj iitu prcmloea at jtiprlin mi saturday sflthjucy nt 0 o clock jim thu fulumeini 1 borrfll man pooil drlr 8 years old 1 bay ilonit g irn oil i pneu matic tired bui i i nc irly new 1 sinllo iiu m irl nu 1 pony llubiry 1 lutter iii irl now 3 ot hint lo hftnii j i i strltu of hells 1 son ntrheuan kobe t iilr lcaher llonto mti 1 llui i j ieji u brnoll ciuuiitlty of iluy ti jims- on nil iumii nf5c0 and over tun montlm cri dlt 11i bo elven on upprocd occurlti positivi la no lll u i a5 the aiiovl ml st vli- i 1 sold herbert klrl oc 1 john altkiu 1 ic uiv j- kirkwood roy hindlay clerk auctioneer fall term opens sept 3rd yonge fi charka streets toronto aivo blrh tly ill jt el t i trainlnc for chulco bumlni ii pooltlont our oounirn nrv unoirelleil lu catunis domand for our nraduatca five times our supply wrltu for catalogue wonderland friday july 19 the cinderella man with mao mftnh and t two part toto conud oi t mfht buiui saturday july 2d north of 2 a northwuit pit turn with 13 u it in 1 iniuin llir herein lcjud mull ull lie uholeh toiiu i tuesday july 23 in the ii dun frofi tho htvrljtii iininiu wlthiirle wllilumu und epl fu 7 if 1 iio mirilry bhip r l gregory local agenl wanted ior tlil- old ujiable fonuiill nurseries frul l ni i jlttl k 1 ioik ktonl wli j iihton tcntbhi ud j toronto o i r aft 10 highlands ui ontario orfiui you und ull tl family tho outlni i f in jit algonquin park muskoka lakl qlohqiaifjoay lakc 0 0ay3 timacami aro all fuinuiia puyurund modern hot i i ort i i n f rta hut nniiiy pn f i l llv in i i t lotf cftllii your h d i ui i i mi tout ntiiro your 1 il i i ilit ur uetoinino lot i ml 1 ull infi i in ul ii i i und trunk lit ut t vjt i i i lliiiilnt initial i jiiu t vi i 1 i hi ii s- uoimijs aktni acton ont photj 1 4- i wwbw

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