Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1918, p. 4

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qllf f acton 3xte tcs8 i huh 1a jtjtv ie l13 oui1 mothers iiuilli f up nui n bluird lint wiiii wi ivt with lit rubtm tho jrfl i f r rim hull ihimriiml to inyttlr door or llf pr i i tl i ti i r i ir helmed inn io il ly yi u in nit thi m fortl to front hi unit wnvliu i nr boj i fnriwr11 wth ninilnn that pour mruiu th irrni thr r youim wmls your lirnjt rn implore tin minv jcut your love mi uniinl ii 4 10 hum willi wild shicldlnc arum out iprtirl if thn vnll howovur vnrli l addcgtoa wopp a ib i i itjbro wltfgmii l rn it in mi it llrnt tin 111 ill u r uiii i not iifti ilrl ill in 111 il t th nitlvo i in nt 1 ml ly uril tin it in nmt rlili in 11 li 1 ml toi tlit thlrk 1 t iii ill 1 tho in yiuii alan to uliou tinned exceed in if crcat r you o you moat aacru 1 von lrlotw royal purpl what the honqc would gay in july 1 talk tin would havu nay when nuramer j 1 it 1 1 1i1 11 jhr lilid kuiiw ftil 1 r 1 un into nn 11111i doth 1 1 ilia llii 1 1 hi if 11 1 n it in but in iiiurli hardor nl hi i 1 1 ii 1 1 it 10 tit ulity iiruut iki thui tk ami ltn iitrtmui li joul uii tu trl rn til 1 ir whlti in ai 1 t w oil i 1 limn porous tii it 10 lu r it linn ni- ilii 1 i til i lii 11 10 linpr 1 imtil it hui mm iiuiulatliu uiuiliueu as tut win ti ilr but not hint tl 1 f ivm ihly with idtito it irli no brittle mi tlilior of 1 liutittoiu 1 matt rials bo t utlihlly dhdurtid ly hoat- 1 on itn iturfut o t ltlo th in uuulil toll hlii ilrl i heap 011 u very wu ii h nn if ho could ii- that ho fot hi in day qulto as read the thcr ii would nay cllvo mo a lit ho water many times a day when tho heat lu lntonuu hut not much at a unto it i ahi warm if sou want mo to 1 well dont water me too ooon after i havn t lton ho would nay whon tbo sun in hot and i am worlcinc lot mo broatbo onco in u while in tho ahado of mma house or tree if you liuvo to leave rao on tho ntrcct leavo mo in tho ahado if poaslhlo anythinc upon my head bo- tweun my ewm to jteop oft tho nun la bad for mo if tho air cannot clrculati frcolj underneath it ho would tell of tho luxury of t fly net whan at work and of a fly blanket whan standing otlll in fly actx- son and of tho boon to him ot ocroenu in tho diablo to keep out tho lnaeata that hi to and ntlnic ho would plead for as cool and com fortable a c table as possible in which to rent at night after a days work under tho hot nun ho would suggest that living nil through a worm night in a narrow atoll neither properly cleaned nor bed ded la suffering for him and poor eco nomy for tho owner ho would oy that taming tho hobq on him in altogether too risky a thing to do unions you are looking- for a dick home hprajing tho legii and feet when ho in not too warm on a hot day tio would find agreeable he would say please sponge out my cytn and nose and dock when come in llrrd and dusty at nlftht and alio unongo mo with clean cool water under the collar and saddle of tho har- li linn trlk ho w rkotl with ordinary t hard v001i anil it aliou iikii il tal i 1 1 ulnt ami nd in itiu ficiiultlvn to linui than iriliniiry on liillamniuhlo mid lltnlii plarrn wi ri iropnioff d 3tart taoy with tractor a intlin 111 h ik in ilo or rv 1 iiiliuil iliirlni ln hi t mil ocll iir wlml rmurl1 th aiiiuihh atrl 1 ulturl t n 1 1 11 tiuitli in ir th it i iii lit tllill till llllll iliollll lllllt tl i hum it lutliij ui hi a kjd mill it lai tin nil 1 of th 11 moil p th if lor 1 i v ri 1 u flw lllll jii tl llv 1 it in ur 1 oihiii i tin hill 1 on hit i liul tin ti 1 it r iini r 11 1 lift l mi tin 1 wiull ink hit casto for jnfnntn mid children fln use forovor 30 years always beam the v eilffnotuio of zr point v ruikitii h r it it cui nittl on u imi iilnh ull t m on pti uric oil it in linn in tho ivood and mnutl r pioyol in 1 1 tl wood were hitherto m their mill r n worm iowdi m pro aluf llicy do not cauuo nny violent llnlurlminreii in the lomnrli any piln or grlplni but do tin ir work nutctly and palnhitily iq tli xt tho destruction of tho worms in tmporcc iitilio yet they nrn thoroui li ami from tho first done th ro is improvement in the con- dluon or tho nuffcror nrd m entire cjiuatlum of manifestations of internal trouble wfa that fly i 1 llii iwnyn horn dirt and rry 1 ennu y to you wliy i ict in dlrly ici 11 thuy an dlii mi with hilin huy c on their fiut ami ran on typhnhl foitr tutu ixuiouli ill irrhoi ilnd ninny otlu r dlnrmini r lly can ijirry and may li iv on yu food nix inliriori cernyi ally rjwi 1 ruw from an n g lit ilsh than itht ll in ordir to ilu our nliar in ter- mlnntlin urn lly itjl cluin up tlior- ouhhly ev ry wi k uip all narbaje ami manure tljhtly covert d and do not leavo crumbs or food about hcncc the opidcr liwjrr had inn uwy in 1 li iv nrlti r h 11 wi 1 1 ir tlm ny th j uut i ii junior 1 it only an 1 1 ur aio ihunili rd kit iinpl ii it that tin ro 11 a i i iii 111 11i1i111 und that 1 i ovi r tin koihoanit narurd tm lit 1 ii trll r wan n ny in the w rflln itiatitr than vm 1 1 ntrapi liif tho limitt luid th iiiilli r sir pass gunarinc around of power dona ink in nhoulil 1 ihk lany r hi nln oliildrba ory fon fletchers c a 3 t o r i a cxpect gucccoo kxih iit u fn nml art tho imoplo whr if you go 1 urky tlirj aro invite anurn hi that your far jourvolm our wholu dciiif anor la antlclimtivo t tlm ixnt tliat in to ix liud if you ian for failure you will not tin din ppolutrd if you oxpict huccoii and l on tint anticipation you will uiir- ted nothing nucci 1 dn llko nuccuai waited long cnouqh lie b uilif ill man nflcr rourtlng the girl for twltm montlm had at last screwed up nulhuciit courao to pro pose by li tti r immidlatoly his noto wan poult i ho reitetttd his rashness and toleirnphid lu has to to the young lady posted wrong letter to you leasi return ynopouid hut it dldn t uorle two hours later 10 rccllct a wplj so no you posted right letter it was about time too nodle 8ayinq tho world is upheld by tho veracltj of good men they make the earth wholesome hm arson love is its own great loveliness alway and taken new lustro from tho touch of its bough owns no idoccmber and no may out bears its blossom into winters cllme thomas hood great minds llko heaven uro pleased in doing gooa howe the human mind has threo keys opening nil loom knowledge teftcxion imagination in thcae threo thtngu everything li contained victor hugo there is no study that is not capable of delighting us after a little applica tion to it pope the only freedom which deserves tlp name is that or pursuing our own good in our own way eo long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs or impede their 3nort to obtain it john staurt 1111 ai it vlcuslfs ur sivirut lvvcr tho extreme- weskocu often ccsaltalri impaired bvlrjwteacd eyeetht bmnchltli and other troubles but if scott emttlamn is liven promptly it carries streotftb to the ornn and czcatm rich blood to build up tho depleted force ry ioctn packet of wilsons fly pads will kill more fues than s8wdbth of amy- a sticky tlycatchei x s clean to iiandlc bold by all erug- ctsb groccra anc general stores a pfo pill for ouffonno women- tlm n luiltil life of vonon wllvll ptr ml tii f ului ho illhful t xercino in 1 fniltful uurw or iltrarii cments of tin iitomaoh and lln r and is accountable for tho piluii and lannltudo that no many of them experience parmoloou vt l table pills will iirriitt imgularl tics of tho dlgtntlvo onans and ro- storr health and vigor tho monl dell cato woman can uito them wltb safety because ihtlr action wliilo effective is mild and loothinn ut w ilk ju u 11 1 wo 1 wn in mi 1 tlm mi fin i in 1 hulls of m triluj to dp tlm 1 it tiny r fri in oi ti holt nit am it i ti t pill no nuiii wiui vr inn in a utroru ir 11 an or a boltci tan hy hilnj ruiniil fault with nrn- tantly lhat irl of think paralyzes ml liritij 1 ilrfoit hvlpful rrltlilnm 1 a t 00i thlni i ut 1111 rn f uittfljitlliig 1111 i 11t ti 1 anywhere iiuiuihlno nnuii and tnalij finmr in whan of t it i imnj thit 1 in th lilu tin in for bin 1 past and othr i up i tii d lo him 1 hern in ininuhliui euoiii h to ijo all round if wo all lit it nltliiu the inuiiiu in not no mm li tliat wu want nil tin ninlli h or airmhtu iui it lit that wo u111 it from uhlnlng on the lliur follow ir wo only know it tho i rami and tln lient thing any or ua could do would ho to nay to our fnl- lowi c011111 011 out hero old maul i hem in pli nly of nnim for un all to hand in tin nutnhlnii i lw llovo in yon and you i llovo lt mo lt rubs pain away there in no liniment no cfllcnciqus in overcoming pnin as r thomas eclectrlo oil tho hand that rubs it in rubs tho pain away and on thla account there is no preparation that stands so high in public esteem there la no surer pain killer procurable as thousands can at test who have used it successfully in treating many aliments 1 its the farmers comfort it will be a matter of snrprue to many to leam that tho forming com munity owns mare autos than any other class in ontario and it max be a realization of the growing numbers that la impelling tho agrlcultiirlstb to a more liberal attitude with reference to tho improvement of roads in tho country tho occupations of tho owners of liars jn ontario is given thus accord ing to figures of registration varmem 23400 skilled trades 10 837 merchants manufacturers etc- h e35 physicians 2805 other professions 330 commercial travellers 1079 taxicabs f 1 c3 ulscellancous 20960 78 8s1 uconoed drivers u41 lotwrne over 101 reoutrauoa 3s00 everyoody happy what loniitituti 1 rucreulon depends or count on tho point of vltw ihre i that of a ctriain small cltlitn in a school for dependent chlldnn wrote to thli father thu 1 wo are having a ood time horn now mr jonra broke ids leg and cant worlt wu went on a picnic and it rained and wo iot all wtt many children hero uro nick with mumps mr bmlth ftlfiorr of tho wajon ojid brolto hu rib but ho can work a jittio thl man that la digging tio deep wtll whlppid ua boys with a bujgyw hip btcausu wo thrcrw nand in bis machine and made black and blue murlut on it hurry cut his finger badly wo uro alt very happy a careful witness a farmer alhild that afroluht train of tho defendant compani liad hit ana of his tnuli j now mr jonts said tho nttornly for tlio corporation to tho farmer will you kindly tefl tho court whetbtr or not your mulo was onthe track when hit by tho train well replied the farnur this was a bright mulo and i reckon if that train had tpok out after him in tho woods which fringo tho track there where he was hllltd ho would ttuvo got behind a troo farm and homo services appreciated villaj o tuiiilp had ll that tho quils- bys wtrt not luconnolablo whtn aunt jemima iwi i itlitred to in r f hhtni tho imiiii tllatn 1 iu io of tlm wtalthy aunt 11 d mhio wni tint 1 wrckn utr ant ilrl hid lun in r 1 tlaji of oxalic ijd in pluco of n li irinli n 1 iiohl iiut it was tliciui lit tint tho tjuijii- byii cpxritd u10 malt ji iilllu uiu far in thtlr fmldtlon of an tpltiph upon tho tombistoim they put up it nan wtll loot thou and faluiful sorvanl dollars on side of justice liirly in tlm war lloyd george was fiuotutl an uaylng tliat the nation with tho last hundred thousand dollars would triumph monty never does the work or men but tho economic balance in blihly favorable to tho united htiua anil our allies tho worlds itt iti4t budj el is uiuu an on courarini indication of vigor it la a iiledi n tliat min will never fall bc- causo of laek of tbo resources of vi tory it in a welcome aasuranco of tho future the amilfii of liberty li spired by tho tnuiio of eternal rhl are also snfeiiiardcd by tho economic nl tuat ion oollarti aro now too the sjdo of juillct chicago herald speeding up the spuds a california ixitato grower claims to gf i potato a ready for market twenty days tarlhr from seel plorcii cut from the ipi nd of tubern than from tho nli m mid it is now tjulto cnorally lenoun that placing tho iwod iwituttxji in din ct iiunlliht for two or threo weeks early in the oprtng before they ttri phwiud will hanti n tho ma turity or tho oik- nl iic of jotatoea at kant two wcekn i or smalt potato- growing operations enough seed can ho placed in tho kitchen windows to nupply suillclcnt utcd for a small gar den natcii vfldymfikmfmr a thorough prode ilder noah tener who was pastor at tho colored lutptlst church for tho uont two y am took for hs text last sunday night tho itooster row ilia dlvlulonn wore an follows in do fum placo hrtddtrn an alotm i 1 un nil imiulrn oh do hcrlpturo why did dut rooster crow 7 in do aocond place why did dat rooster crow again an in do third place lot us take up do thought wluit wu it da finally r oppcd him an in do lout place an in coiiclualon let on make a remon- utrauco an sou if wo kin find out just who bfcome of dat rooiter in do rnd it- l 3j acliihllvritijffltral similaumluroodtryiuu hj t fiinthcstotaibddl icratmlncssflnuii mincraufrnaync jt ahtlpfulb laassis for iafanta nnd feliildron mothers know that genuine castoria always beaxs tho signiture of railway thin- tables at actotj grand trunk hallway goniu wet no tl so 3 i xui 11 j 10 it3 p j k a j h pi r iti p 1 sn use for over- thirty years time to resign in the natural order i hear the 1 tad of tho t nn diclartd ho would put his foot dt a on any birthday prvue nt from i1i1 mpoy im that n exat what lie ill 1 do put hij foot down on il uu 1 it pentd to be a huiiilionie 0 llct rui doctor urgeo umy r tnila of nn army examiner who h id before bin a v ry dull candlelit tho man prov- ini appirtntly unablo to mako rcu- ponno to tho mom iilmpln fiuuitlonti tho examiner ilnall rrow tmiiatluiit nnd iuit 11 irciitlcally pu this uuin tlo let both uuppo ied that you ura aln in immaud of infantry in i tr 1 1 an lmpaisatilu abyss on ildi 1 of yau thi ru rlno pcrpendi ir rc la of tn nn nilous helghl in ut of sou ilea tho enemy outnum ing sou l n to one wliat sir in h an i mi ri tin y would you do i think air mid tho aspirant for millt iry lliiliuttlon i would resign pniloct the children from tho ravag es of woniu by using mother graves worm lxtarminator it is a standard remedy and ycir of uoo huvt enhanc ed its reputation ready to odlige among tho letters from franca that have been pi luted in tho atlantic monthly there is to bo found thla en tertaining clpuodo the code of tho german officer is never to surrender but of course they cannot alwayu live up to it in a re cent mid a sergeant i know inadu a prisoner of a german captain who an they walked to tho rear qursed hlu i nek in fluent lyeiuh sajlul- that he was eauiht unawares that an omner never surrtndorcd but fought to the end t tyop in ro my captain and let ua consider thin said the sergeant seri ously there ore ocviral articles of your equipment to wnlch my fancy runs rtiat watch for axomplo thoao leather putees und that fat purso i saw you change to your hip pocket perhupu i tun otillgo you and gratify my whim buppoao you were nuddonly to run a jui k shot would savs your honor and for tuo the troublo of os corting you to tho rcai and i um ati excelltnt shut unnuro you hut tho vlinnuu wuji not lutctentu i be alive if sou expect to accomplish anything in the world you must be alive very nruch alive alive all over homo people seem half dormanl they im press you ua iiortial possibilities as people of tbo continent within ihcm- salvcs most of it remains undevelop ed territory a man who docs things la one who is alivo to tho tips of his fingers he is alert always on tho watch for opportunlucn ho does not give- idleness timo to dissipate him outlook yell fr a polishman whinowr amiybody offers to glv ye somethlu f r nawthln or nouiolhln re less thin ltd worth or more fi somothtn than its worth don t tak nnyotiaacei iill fra 1 ollshinanl children cry for fletchers casto r i a hold nothing dack children ory for fletchers asto ri a livery pen on in thin i ounlry in to day u loyal uli 11 or aif tun inj vois jpatlun ustrul i iionueful in ro- ten to wliiiiliu jim ior um lv ni nt iain iti haudii on 1 very mai from twuiij no to thirlyfnii yi in of ai u and till 1 i1i111 that ho tmiil iro pn iilvtly lu wliinliii thi vi ir it lan un iiauthi on t nouili dollais te carry on uu um an 1 iii that limy nmttt lrurnl lud illlur tor boudu or in tho iay of tasti for lhi war iimut bo won and mom y und nun are iiuihi d for wlithlm it not tn dujt o material ntedid ami not 1110 iirj m ml ed foi wlimlnr tho war mud 1 with held or wuntod instead i took lydia pink- barns vegetable compound and was cured baltimore md nearly fourieara i btutcrtd iroiq orcanlc trauhlc iur- vousnea- and hi-il- achca crd ovory mo itiv ouuhuvoto stay 1 1 led mo t of tho timo tr au li would rell iva for a umo but my doctor ras al ways urging mo to iiavo an operation my aljlter oskcil ma 0 try lyuia ii 1ink- a ma vetretaalo y comound bsfora ff consenunc to an fj yoperation i took j two bottloaof hand i it has completely t cured mo and my work is apleasum i tell all my friends who have any trouble of this kind what lydia c lmnlharaa vereubu com- gjgnd hna done for mc nllur b rurringiiaucoocalvextoaral lialu- tnoro md it fa only natural for any woman to dread tho tboujrhtcutan operation ho many woman iiav been restored to health by this famoua remedy lydia pmkhama vcro labia compound afur an operation nos been odvuiad that it will pay any woman who niffers front such aliments to consider trying it b- orebubrnittidctobnch a trying ordaal over caution taumn pioplo nt ill are uo tremedouuly 1 ucato thatthey nr afraid to upoil nit plainly about thin war for fuar of hurtlni tho fi ollngu of sopio pro- rman lelilat or plotting traitor 10 10 who havn noun in tho war and wlioii htartii uro what thoy ought bo in true loyalty aro eoncerned only aji to how tho moat effective blows may bo ndiplnl iteretl for u10 di feat linunt enemy herald and bytcr bilious take jar tonight haturoa rsatody is oattar and ssfar than calomel cleans oat syatam vllhou chplrc- stops sick cuarantaait exact copy of wrsppcr niuous altaekn constipation sick hcadochca etc nrn in the great mi jorlty of cases flue to tllrestlvo trouhln and no rcaoonablo pemun cin expet to obtain real or lasting benefit unlit tho causa in corrected natures remedy n7t tablets is a vegetable eonipountl tliat acts on tlio clomarh ihvr bowels and kltlncys iho purjioae being to bring about healthy and harmonious action of all tho organs of licmtion and elimina tion it acts promptly ami thoroiurbly yot so mildly and gently tliat urnro la nnver u10 allghlcat griping or dis co mforf- ltut that h not all natures remedy nil tablets have a benefi cial erfect upon tho en uro body ijy improving tho process of dltcatlon nnd assimilation iho nourlnhmtnt la ilrrlvcd from food u10 hlood quality is nrlehod vitality li tncreeied and tho wtialij nyalrm ntrengllmned lnen you rot your body in thla ojiliiulll condition you ntel not takn tnthiioino vry day jusl takn an nit tnhlot occaaloqally when indlscstion i llloiuaicja and const lpit i on tlircatens and you can alwnys feel your beat itemnnlier kacplnr well is easier and clirircr than culling well f et a jo box of natures remedy ml tablets and try it it la sold kuarantccd and recommended by your drugciat e j hab8ard acton ont lcflimt0mechi better than pilli i gei a kor liver ills j 25c box relief rom asthma who an do- nerlbo iho 1 impliu nil- f fiiiu ufc r lug tjhlctf full hh tlm uui of ir j i- kellogg n amlhjiiu iu nn dy who 1 an express tin fiulliu- of joy thai tomes whin its nart nnd 1 nllo liillumno ro moves ihu hi hit in d hulling air tubes r it lian inmlu uallmiii itie ullllrtlon a thing uf tin put fin thou tan in it 11 fail im i 1iujli t t vuiywht in u old it for jiuru pleasant lapse flow is charley trcttlnir ori in thu stage vrry nlbuly tie hopva to u a tdar next year why not a oomot wny a cnmntt it wtmltt t bo mm to mrrq him obino bwft tp addtit itaintytejrlm vhr common uln3c younf man to lug tor a job on tho new ork polho forco was aukod tho followlm iul itlon a man buti un urtu li fu 1125 aid noils it for 5j 71 dottt in 1 aln or loan by tbo ininiuu thin after pondrlne ovif thr iiu itlon ht rtiplicd iio gains on tho cento buthmte n tho dollars canadas victory bonds at 98ji and intcrtst alu rur in douj1uj uldi gutlph if one bo troubled with corns un 1 wurt i wlt nni1 n liolowny o onrn core an appllaatlon bat will tmtlrvlr nutfirb naffvrliis get the genuine nola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grarbnohs and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- graionola eca sale dy c c speight acton ont n 3 1 jip hiniliy t li i i thi id h acton c 15 p m t io it ti i un aot at toronto qu uurhan cloolnc railway coinu want 0 17 a m illy i pt lunday uilly mil ilundky dullj iixti pt mundar ii o a tn hunilay only huuday only qono caat 7i3 b m dally ctrepf handay i m iill xupt imnday lally scipt hurulor hnnday only hunday only acton livery an i j busxine i nolle with lonlliiinco tho patronn1 of tho nubll comfortablo rliit iupolli d at reuaunabl rutin h pec al ittuiitlon to uupplylng convejaui ot for weddings and funerals motor tarii furiiliihcit when rogulrod hx pre uu nan for tlio toronto huburhan ilallway dub meets all trains l e atkinson acton ontario when you need shoes at any time buy from w williams acton ontamo famous tor satisfactory footwear reasonable prices 0 yor uundt duo it docmbar 1022 yildjno 070 iu year uondtt du it dcomjr 1027 yioldlno 6 m 20 year donda duo 1st december 407 yielding 6id il itnuiim uia- tlio imut hultulilo kocurity in lour ordi city of calgary bonds price s100 and interest yielding w h hamilton co the pease air blast will save you money at tlm iumm of i tiro- ik t of cvexf pease economy furnace is au in vuioui dovlro uli u nirrrnt of but nir cmurs llio 1oubuctoa eluumbrr uiil anurn will tbo ewen gi by tbo lire uiirlni cnplfc tomlmtfin lb7 foauiro dollar otvvcr and wlil uppc il to nnyowo imesmtod in iik lihu uiu dwtirrt mil 10 natal furllirt lnturuijl trhn tr pp fntir 11 ujunu 1 lht toikto tyjw1 maai n lthnatrcaj wln1pa advertising in its highest scubc is the creaton of a new want and providing the means with which to supply that want the aim of advertising is not to spread tin name of the firm so much as to get imsi- ness for that firm the ad tliat counts is the one tliat makes the luxurieb of to day the necessities of tomorrow a great many people advertise as they give to charity merely to get rid of the solicitor then the advertiser says it doesnt pay and when done in tliat spirit it does not advertisers must put their brains and sell ing force into their copy and when this is done they find tliat advertising is not an expense but the finest kind of an invest ment s c d0bbs past president f associated advertising clubs of ameriea the free press is read by between 4000 and 5000 people weekly most of whom should be cus tomers of the acton stores to get their business advertise in the free press na3iip grain chopping well done and quickly at cinly 5 cents per bag harris 4 co limited rockwood ontario acton bakerf m etjwakds co mill street acton to facilitate the handling of the product of jur dakory and to nultg it ntora cenvonlant for our customor mo have ocurod the hop next to wllon confectionary where supphom of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones mey alyyyo bo secured wcddinq cakla a specialty m edwards co p prompt v secured maji10k makjon 301 uinvermltyavf stom tluaaia 7 ix 3sa s3

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