Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1918, p. 1

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forty fourth ycar- no 4 acton ontario thursday morning july 25 lu artun 3trr r tytena tin aptot tok ntr la pub lished every 1 htinulay moniltir nt the rsxe pium unlldlni mm firect acton ontario 1ji mihirrlption price la si go pir j r in advance pistngo hi charred iidilii lonn i to emeus in tho untied t nlcn tlio into to which ultfcrliitlotin am paid in indicatod on tho utmnus in 1m 1 air i iitiiino ltti vtranslent advert limonti lo r ntft per lino agate measure ni n i for firm luiuirtlun mid c centu per iiih for tach nubanqucnt in sertion outran iitpl iy advertise ments for co indus or mora per an- mim 10 c ntji per lmh tach insertion advortlmipinln without nperlur direc tions will 1m l d till forbid and charged no ordinal n liphonih kdltorlal and business oftlcj jtesldflnco business directory medical thoo gray m d c m mcglll l it c p ldlnburgh 1 it r i a s glasgow member british medl- caj awjoclaho ii etc ofrico- frederick fatroot acton ont dr j a mcniven physician and buroson offleo and ken hi en co tornor bower avenuo and llgln htreeta tho rcnld- trace formerly occuplod by d h hon seraon acton ont veterinary john lawgon vatsrlnary surgeon acton ont office arthurs block itesldence mir street calls day or night prompt ly attendod to legal a j maekinnon 0rriter solicitor conveyancer office mill sl in pcrryman block patriotism is lovis not hate dental dr j m dell d d 8 l o 8 dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latests anesthetic used if desired miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer marnsao licenses private office no witnessea re quired issuod at residence in ovenlng bxr piucsa omco acton ont francis nunan beokblndar account books of all kinds made to order periodicals nf every deaerip uon carefully bound ltulinr neatly nd promptly- done wrndbaxn fatreet guolph ont- ovcr williams blare r j 1 licensed kerr auctioneer watches diamonds jewellery library desk sets fine china cut glass 1 silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens specialists in wedding and birthday gifts ilxport watch and jewelle repairers savage co 70 years in dullness in guolph ocldah poijsiiks2sc 50a 75c j125 j2jml c and it wax soc johnsons caiibon juimovlit- 75c and 125 johnson a radiatou cfcillnt 75c and 1j5 air titc auto tuj1u mind- 60o and jjh-fjo- tho hotter uio bond tho tighter it holdji roild wiu3nciecs 65c cup glthahb 1 lb 20oj 2 ibo joc r ib 05c national uody drk33ing soo and 75c citecto auto paint 70c 125 and v pry iiattkiu3 46c spajtk plugs 76o i porcklain 45c auto dusters 35c 50c 75c auto hugs 5j5 to 1100 1xjiud motoit and polauinl uotoit oil soo per gnllon the bond hardware co ltd prion 1012 guelph for tho counties of ixalton welling ton peel and duttcrln and tho city of quelph acton ontario galea may bo amuujod by mall at real do nee at acton or at the fro press onice acton the mercury oflloo quelph the ncwniuscord fergus or with v j gordnn ilarneoa maker ulllsburc soles tntruated to il j ken re ceive attention from date of ilillnjr to date of ooje lint your sales with me raldnc young stroat acton phono 30 acton call at my 22xpenso j e gheevers dook binder qubeo st east guolph onl books and mofazlnea bound in nndsome and bubatantlal corera noaies icttertxl in ijold on bibles hymn books and other books all work promptly exeouud ipravlngfo cbriauwkdsivfer d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys budl visions plana re ports uoacrlpttmwr lllueprlnta etc certificates for purchuscrs unit mortftaceea purveys for architects bulldpra and munlcliul councils drain do ituports lullnuitcs etc molcan duildinq douglas st quuuh phono 10c4j oni tho old and reliable upanito and marblo doalors wo ero manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of manunicntul and iloadntono work- wo ihui direct to our customers at wiioilojiio urlcca thus imvltik ur customers 40 jmr cent we liava the beat appliances und the only mechanic in tho dumlulun wfut can operate jmoumntlo too hi itxcrly w can jlv refcrenrcs froni tiiimlratla of our oiibtomt ra in toronto aiul othrr places whoro others have to liuvo luw sulla in onler to coilecl w have uic lknrost and best stock of unuilto in the dominion or mora than miy three dealers in the wcal wo uro lcnitl- mato dealers und employ no usonm apt do not annoy or pest customers by ncmllnit out ttcnorant nuents sojjclt- inr or1n we employ only inochanha and defy curapejlun- hamilton sons cot norwich a wooiwlcu bta quelyh summer is here kenneybros ilavo full nmunar lines of boots und nliotj fur both ladles and lcntjcmcn the dainty new things and the heavy workino boots outlnc shoes in eluding lawn bowling shoes tennis shoes running shoes and other lines our pnces mro right and our qualities superior lupaliunq nlatly and puomitly 1xjnij 7cenney bros main 3tncct ijteht here you will find the iscal stylea in ananas there is a hut here to sail iuuji tvtry htij und like ii the price 1 lnuuiruc vanity mid wide raiiiio of bijlj now trcsli atock und modoruto prices mill stock or summer ilvulltdashlkv r ea nelson phone 40 nsxt post ollioa quelph on troubled waters wcarlne a pair of savages elasj- ca la soothlnc to tho nerves and a relief for any one troublod with eyestrain inoro ia u knack in nttlnjr elaas ea that will be restful you will llnd the judgment used at this ca- t valuable to your com fort and cyeolghl wo gxlnd our own lcnaca wo de- ahjn tho classes to suit you indi vidually wo render a service that you will appreciate infinite care in those little things that are so vital to success is the cardinal rule of mukuni of tlllz bj3il piano add to tills a knowledge born of experience in mechanical construction and judment of piano ton and you hava the reason for tho bli l piano betnff in tho very front rank of tho creatcst of canada a creat pianos cw kelly soti 33 wyndham 8jbxet quelph uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tdblcwaro fino variety ajso fine cutlery hardware tinware and gruintc- warc big asiortment paqddru stovci und ftanui fanious heutcra small stovca oij stoves c c speight mhl stnrct acton i haim rtin iliichlno com p iny fi iron i inuki ilarl two hunilrxil and un feet high and ti n at id a half feel in its ilium ler ivua by much the tallest t uio buiy connecticut city at us itof hero ntn tchcl tho reat three lory factory of class and ntcol and oncrtto that hummed night and day activity an fast as it could hamcrton a wan turnlnj out certain machine porta fnr un at half past four o clock on a haxy mornlni in june duncan crashaw tho titepio jack was preparlnc to ilnt the hamcrton stack ho had cllmlnd the iron ladder and hauled op hln tackle with a tuind lino prom two hooka that ho had suspended about four fuct apart on tho rim op- jitlle tho lidicr ho tiad liunff blocks id fallii by mcami nr which his crew h n they quid at iwvcn ovlock mid holiit a ntajtr dunnn kept early hours in summer ti this mtirninir ho wan in an unusual hurry for it vraj part of his dayi work to crt another utick linlf a mlli dlutmit rady for another crew than ho himself wan to paint on ntlll third it took him iciui than half an hour to nrmnrn hla rliinf betoro ho des cended liu stood for amomctit on tho laddnr lookinc round iom tho deep black- brick lined pit beoldo him rose a hot tide or smoky ran the air vibrant with the metallic clancor that came from bntiitli the cement roof furlhilow itcond tlio maruhcarto tho notith of the factory lay ionr island hound overspread with pearly haze through which burnt- a round aery ilomomberlne ida next stack dun inch iron runra were each fastened separately to tho ntack at intervals of ofticn inches by single rivets in their flattenod endu hometof tho rtvorfrtniirwaii clvtfijf heads were badly rusted with tho thought in hla jnlnd that ho hud no time to waste duncan dca rentlcd in a hurry nteprlnc none too lihtly vlicn ho was about nrteon foct down a runjr suddenly gavo way duncans foot dropped heavily to tho next which yielded like the other then a third wont a fourth a fifth hij iwmls clutched tho runii below just oil hlu arms had strahjihtonod out to thelrtfull loni th both feet struck tlio ulxth runt it buckled but held thoru huii tho utceplo jack with his btnu stretched straight up his face and to i ajulnut tho stack and his ufo deptndinff on tlio two rusted rodn under hifl finjreni and his so lea for an instant tlio terrific suddenness of the disaster paralytod his brain then ho i ucasod what had happpenod inuldo tho utack wiur a lire brick linlnr laid up ua fast uu tho chimney was built lliro und there a narrow itpace hud lc ti left hulwixm tho brick mid the iron and aftrr the mortar had drud aiul uhrunk ami tho hrtcku crum- ild thu lire und uu tud utnumrd iiij uiul burnt l out tho ntoel nlioll thu k1lcu or tlio holes hlcli tho ladder rivets paus- chi hull thus liuii a ten away and uler tho oujkn extra strain tho ltuui hud uullol out jiojxujll j tt he co u la t to tho nt xt runp ur i inch without taking unilii off thu rung above a n1 unt ho did that he would fall not drop his ft tx t he in to lc r litnscu kwunl from the laddor juili two hundred feet of empty iipuce htarlng blutikly at tho rusted iron uiuau went iivir tlm situation in hb tulnd ho was on tlio south side of stack toward the marshes and tlm id no one was likely to bo abroad hut direction so early there was hji t try to shout for tho ham- merlin in the fat lory below would make if rcuuid at nil ho must hlmucu but how ropes lio hud jual pulled up behind tho stack out of sight many fot out of rarh hla nmin to safety lay either up or ii hat treacherous ladder dun- dcjibcratcd ibs body was strain loss against ttio hot sjron ho i not i t furthur away from it within tho utui k u llrry column was it umijjjliiily und it scorned to iaji that tlni iron was frrowing holtir every inlnuto it ro wich sari ty on tho rim ot tl e moy tould lio only nat h lr thrro safety lieluw too if ho ujuld tilily hlu itumlu on uui rung where his ruatid und plant his fiet on tlio juuis ikiuw but how was ho to eeomiiiluh if ills ufo huns on tho nswrr huddenly th ninir under his nngerj ulvt rrl 1 1 looked up ajid to his orror saw thjit tho righthand rut was liaruly tutiiglng in its holo luru it moved slightly hold llango inside thu left rivet noomid nrmer but he feared th it at ly muiiii nt it loo mirlit work lxe uiy uutlnusly ho shifted his krnop w ird it while- lakes of rust hjirlnl 1 i wu lot h r ii ii at list bin luiiub were as near the ft i ii i uj hu nrod tii slide thorn oiio irt tf his piohleni was nrttled tlio til tit the rlin was uirrrd for ho mv hint l lio second ho threw his holo rln lit on tils hku the ruii would give way thtt twihttwri uk althiugli and ache knew that bluty wrre firmer runes within jlxc mlnuicj tho oulnjiic if ho were u wln th all ll was tint or a two iiundrcd- ot dnii down tho jlih of i id lacj dune in ii tjeulfht win blurrlnj weight i ruwlnr ever hcavh r jre on hh chtal i when at least half or hln mlnutt grnco hod lasscd u pi in that iftor a clianct lo him he muit tnko oft ha and paaj rung to which ho was cllnj lug tlinii cms ping both legs ho mutit ulldn hlu hands gradually down then partly ting hu weiiht und nt tlm time stepping cirerufly dn rung after rung until ho nbuuld iw ugb to got hold of tho jung on which ho now stood could hu do it than two mluutes would tell ixtung jo with his right hand dun- bllngly unbuckhd hln overall i rtrapi first tho left then tho rljht huh holding to tlm runt with hlu left hand ho next worked tho m p r part or the overall gingerly down hlu bod sharp nod by danger his mini oi touch told him hat tho runt wuii iio t cnlne again llttlu purtlchm or ruut fell tho 1 ft rlvot wan worklni ou through tho thick bliick nnmlic th stack wavered before hu eyeo and ti almost forgot everything tin n h roused hla falling brain and rcimrmi his tight for lil hln ovtrullu had fallen to hla jxnccu beaching down as far as he could with hla rli lit arm and lifting hln rhht foot h llnally managed to gut that kg of the gar ment on but mar hln lift hand the rlvot was working looser and immur grasping tho rung with hln rli hi hand ugaln tie let go with hlu left hand lifted hlu left foot and trlid to pull hlj overalls entirely oir it wua a longer job than before and to hln alarm the runf hlovo walibled ut hi i very motion tho smoke vnn uo thick now tluit h could not ecu hhi ct ho had to work by foclinr tho ncid of haste made him a uttli careless ana as ho twisted hlu foot out of the overall i leg they slipped from his hand hi heart accraeu to leap upward if ho should iojo the overalls his only bopo would lie gone rortunateiy thoy caught on hla to tu- ttajnfai to recover them ho was trcmblln lth excitement ho must ho u for tlio rlvot was null nin nil it iu a poor patriotism in which hatred u the chief ingredient if your loyalty must be fanned into ijanio ly bitterness if it takti an appeal to tho wont in us before wo can muster courage for the duties thaf confront us wc have little rca on to ho oatisficd with ourselves the right sort of patriotism is pure love love for country love for god love for right it does not need any appeal to hate to make it vital and strong single copies five cents passing onu ick or tho overnll i up over tho shaky bar ho grasped both legn of tho garment and lowered him seir until his right foot found the next rung below there wai urgent ne d of ipecd for he could toll by focling that ho rung was olmoit oft his left foot found hu second rung ind a moment later hlu right pouched tho third two slepa mure and he would be safe buddonly down came tho overalls tho rtvot had pulled out like lightning tho ate pin jack swept hln lift nils down the side or tho stack ills tinge n struck a rung and loeked bout it just as lie falling bar from above hit hla chink and vaiuuhou with the overalls it had been a close calll duncan began dixxlly lo bimber down boon tho smoke und i an thin ned and before long ho vv uu bulow thirn but tlio cttictj remained hi head ached his sight was blurreil and did not nmni o liavu ntrentth cnoui ti to hold on hu ncvir wui utile tutu how he iot down that two hundred f ct t hutu afti r mug rung ufter rung climbing ctlmlilni limbing luddi nly ho truck oomethli g tie iuhl nut push his foot d iwii au furttier hla leg doubled up lllco a bbly hintu n fused lo uupiui home canning vow that ttio nrowlhg season oi veiiiabltu in prattywoll under way it in uell for tlio housewife to think of how oho lo going to prcaervo them r uintt r uiie there arc flvp principal methods of home cunning thcao are 1 single period coldpack method j pracjjonal or intermittent aterl- llxatlon mdhtid 1 open kettle or hot-sck- method 4 cold water method c vacuum seal method of tlu ie mstuods tlio oi mended svr homo una li the slnglo perltiil cnld pfkmottiud it u mucli in bi a bnduuo of its simplicity and ft ctivenri und in thlj paper oc tal led instructions will lio glwn fo- tho outlines of the various mi hinds are as followu fctlni lo period coldpack method thi pre parcel vegctablen or fruits blanched in- holllar water or live steam then tjulclly eolddlppod and packed at once 1hjp hot jam and nterl- llxcd in boiling wuur or by jtcam pre is urn tho jam uro then scaled tt ited fur leaks and stored 2 i rat tlonal or intermittent btcri- ilxatlun method vegt tables aro tialf ticiltd in jjni and stcrllixud for ono iour or more on uicli of throe sue- t live dnyn this method hi cxpon slvti as to unto labor und fuel and il iiioouruicn tho home canjilng of vege table 3 oi n kettle or hot pack miutod v ii tables and fruits ore cookod in an open kittle and tiarkcd in jam tliirtt is alwuys danger of sporcn and bit it riii being introduced on spoauu or othtr utmulli while tho jars art im ing nilitl thlj method should nover bo uj ed in canning vcfotablcu liven with frulti it li not oj desirable ulil pack j cold water method t ranljcrrleu goojebcrrlca and clnrries b catiuu of their acidity aro oft n cannod by this method tho fruits am washed put in stcrllixod jars cold watty is added to overflow ing and the jara are then aealed dil method is not alwuys successful as thu ad 1 content varies with tl o rliciicij and tho locality in which tho fruit la grown v a method vir urc aro washed blanched cold dip oked as for table use pack- it d hjjiicciallytnadts vuc iinm in frftti f7i tho jars must bo well made and uu work done properly to bring jliou sjith factory rciuitj il ho bottom of thu fsiuun ua i i a i l he lit tl utatk iouth ii the wasted wheat ou in lvansas wtieru threnhlng lj dono in tliu open a fanner uakrd per mission of one ot his icbliboru to follow up tho threshing mat lilnc lit thought it mil lit be jiosalhlu ho sale to clean up and uollcrt thu grun hero tho thrcslicr iiaj stood in turn out quantity lo earn a llttlu moot tp nel hhor smiled but as lio was in eusy ciri umutanceu hlinulf an i tin toiued to a pi liny saving policy bo fcood- nature dly and half pityingly agreed tu tin iropuuluou lhreijiing ntarttd and for thrlo wuuilm tlia liiiui followe i ttie craw ho hud only one team unu a fuunlm mill body to help tiliu and uiaify to uuili at hlui ho wurkitl to xruln tonlly huwqvir tlial tiiiu uveulng tho uround t uriouu to mid out what tho result had beuii woll in tin- three weoks tliui he uald i averaged eui tly jj7 17 jr day for myuuir und team i suht that wheal which would hav tie n wiu tod and got i00 fur it similar ex p rlouro o urreii in ro thirty nvu or jnrty ytara ago tho lato lll hnydcr wtio wan uiiit for a now steel horse ruki vvhu h wui takliu the placo of thu mura ilumny wooden ruki canvassed a farmer on thu mruu i lino lth a view to nulling him om of tlm w rukts 1 ho funner was un ibl to o tlie advailluus cialmati and htsl tated about giving an outer 1 luully mr htnydnr auki 1 if tho faniu r would liennlthtui to ruko ull ills gruln lit i tu lth tho new ruko aftur thu grulu wu t hurviitotl unit nil iw him thy leap inus tm urotl uu imynii nt fur a ruin this proosltlou wus r uilily uiteit gleanings worn rahetl up und w tieu stied vloldcil nuilli lutit train to iiay muro thou double the prim of th ake tho faruur gut tlm raku un 1 wss satisfied i ho igmit mid un imtwqul ebmraimilbii on htn snlo w10hcg there was u utllo bo with two little eytu and ho had a little h ad tliut wan just tho prop i r site and two little arms und two little on two llttlu ltii this little boy stands now thin little boy would now and thou lie email llocausn hint ho could only bo the very thing ho wis ho wanted to ho this and ho wanted to bo that hh head vaa full of wishes under neath tils utllo hat i i wish i woo a horso to go sixty roluv an hour i wiuli i was th man hint uvea up in uio uglithotmo tower j wlnh i waa n seagull with two long willi 1 i wish i wat a traveller to see ull aorta of things carpenter wish i hubafb calling the cabinet to ptvjaver uoiitlcm n i wish that thorjo uf you tiu belluvo jti prucr would pray that o niuy lio guided aright ln this mat- r this very rcmurkablo and tntry sli ii in cant remark was made reoonlly by no leui a pcrsonago tlian president uoodrow wiuou and tho men to whom ho upoko were tlm members of tho cub i iml it had been n critical day ln tho ilfo of tho nation matters of the utmost importance had boon considered by ttio president and his oulcial advluers at tho close of tho session tho preul dent arose and addrcauod tho cabinet in tlietu words that give tho key- to tlio mental attitude or thei man during tlieao trying days hon josophus danlulj who by tho iuy is u member of ttio methodist lplucopal church bouth waj uiiak- ing from ttio pulpit f grace muthodlut i plscupal church now york city of u hieh dr c v itolsnor is puulor when hu told of this stirring incident but tills in not pll somtiurnu ago continued mr duii in in u iresbyti riau elder frti immto-to- thowhiro lore and in afmniiln room tound tw llier pet jbyttrlan elder engaged li riyur onu of thtiui was bulwir aiuilne secretary of btato tho of as woodrow wilson ireslilout t f th idled btates noahv ills alvuuilu good rticl needed to make a qo0o fire it takes good fuol lo mako a good r bomti hint that uro called coal ud look llko coal will not burn so us to throw out much heat if you want a tire at all it li i eoiiomy tu got good fu i tho body lu a sort of engine und ho food wo eat is- fuul whit h gener ics tint uttuiii it pays to git good fin i mun a utudtint sturfi his morn ing u work uu u cup of strung cuftoc ny a tired girl tiatlsfleu tho pangs ippctito ui i oon with poutry what i ler that aftur a time ttio furnace diuea clogged and rufuui a to ilu work t it pays to gi vo tlio oral n lh u 1 ho intoutcbiu tunitt will uot bunt u ur if you un reading all thu trashy lories you cut lay your bunds ou f you will in t unten to a lectuni lu1 it au full urtuuny stories us u ding of plums if you will not talk any subject that requires close at teiitlon if your reading tu to uiuuuu tiurat if und savn yourself tliu troublo f thliiklnu tho urus or lutuuuct will omoiln time to bo very sluggish ur ilrs it tiikort good fuel to nmliu goo i irej tjlvo lotli liotly and bruin thu iout to bo tiad pointen fob motheb n tlm uuiull buy t tl 1 lit it would bo uu tho kin i i t fumily lej to let hliu nted im tvlu loitilt now willie uu muy elt him husu paupi on ttio countt r ojii pulr you like chulce tna nali llllo ht tho ear17 it road these pants cant bo heat i lexchanje twenty years ago from tho isaua of the free pros of thursday july 2fl 1838 komotlmo next woek you may try now pavement thu mercury registered 03 dogroea in the shade on sunday twocent letter postage is an ad vantoro soon to be enjoyed by cana dian letter writers actono rate of assessment for this yiur is eighteen mills tho ladies of ouolph hud hargo of tho electric earn last friday and as a miult cleared s34c4 for the general hospital pund lust lrlday malcolm ucfherson of the bcolch block out ton acres of heavy fall wheat in ave and a half hours with a itoot wood binder drawn by two horses mr mophorscn thinks tills beats tho record ax a moetlruy hold in tho town hall hi tuesday evening alacrosao ctub was orcaniiod it h to bo known as tliocrrscent iacrobse clqb and tho following ofdcn rn wir3 eectod hon ircs hoove pearson president j lawson v k vice president j il matllions 3ctroaa j d jlsckee managing committee ii btatham e idcr and o wlllhema ceptoliir thoraai mcphnll tho laui of mlnto has been appoint ed a overjior- general of csn in nurreaslun lo the larl of aberdeen born iohd in oakvllio on july id to mr and mrs james c ford a daughter died mndo ll 1 hia home lot i con hiiiueulng on july 0 aloxander mcdonald in his sflth year mahaipy at milton on july 23 chri itina jean cameron beloved wlfu of ilov a mahaffy pastor of knox church 1 wlnh i was n was a lord i wlnh i wan a uoldler with a pistol and a a word 7 wish i wan a hunter with a cap from a raccoon i wish i wlili i wlnh i could bo some else and noon i but ajltho wishing in uio world is not obiroc uio that ilttlo boj this very day ho stands in his own shoes and bis father and hia mother thoy say tliai k tho gn- clous powers those wishes cannot wlnh away that lltuo bo of ours i bmtth at uio manse guclph oi july 21 brv james c smith d d- pastor of hl andrews church the manly boy couerul j union powell has dono much to lnuplru a nanty npirlt axnonff tho bou ho tells tho story of how some bravo ii- hrtiv ship britannii tho was so foully torpedoed i ialsod womti and cry wa chtdrcn first when ttili call was heard to resound from tho captain a upa through tho length mid breadth of tho vessel number of umall boys came to tho captain and respectfully asked that uiuy might not bo counted with tho children thoy said we einir to bo treated an men sir ono of these hxdo- waii tho iart tp leave the boot but ho wild rewarded for hla heroism by being among tho saved lvurybody admires a manly boy wo aro not ford cf ho smart aleck ho mukeu tilmself a nuisance by try ing to li clover but wo all delight in ii is instinctive in children to want to bo men and women when parents try to keep them in uhort pants and short skirts thoy overlook ttio fact ttiat what uioy want to do is directly opposed to tho aspiration of tho nurj- tnul boy or girl no boy or girl thanka ou for speaking to them in terms of baby talk you honor a cldld when you take it fyr d ran ted 11 mt ho can judge of thing j from thu adult standpoint it is not nccjuttiry for a lad to grow up to be a man before ho can be manly ah workers among our boys and gtrls should realiio these facts uud govern thmuuolveji an ordlngly moat of our lads and hi ica wul oven resent being by peata trf follows and wo would iilopt hhi nomenclature concrete roads save power tho surprising differences in tho amount of iwwcr need ml to haul loada oii different kinds of roads went shown in tests made recently ttio rtulntuiit u to a trucks power offered h a dirt road was nluetynlno pounds per on liy a gravel roud eightytwo pounds per ton and by concrete to whirl i had been addod other surf ac ini material ntty pounds while uio ik ol showing of ull namely thirty piiundu ptr ton was niatlo on a smooth wmnio hlthvvuy tu which no other uurfmi iiialcriul had been addod tlnlng as a standard a three ton tru k with u caput uy load and a speed f twolvu nil lea jier hour on an un- urfut ed cuntrut u road says iopular klence tliu trutk will make uuvuti and two ten tlm mllexi pur hour on surfac- i concrctu four uud eight- tenths lies uu gravl roads and three and x tuntlia milts ou dirt roads it la itiiuatcj uui if all tho highways avulled dy tho 400 ooo motor trucks i america were com mte the annual ivlng in their oporutlon would be r tj7 ooo uuu pur yuar as comparod operutlnif huni uu lirt ads potaah from weeds the pn valonco of water liuoa aid ulnr tabbugo oti tho surfat u of thu n nam a anal chunnul through cutui kko huu trtiatrdi a serious problem cause thoso loatliuf plants become ltuugti d in tho nhlp prupclleru ami li msehlnory it upitears also that nutjultu larvuo uimuumcu escaiio 1o int uultocatuil by the i rudu ull poured ii hit water by lodging 111 thu rootu f tin no pluutti and hr athlug throukii in in analynln shows that this vugu- utlon toiitalus about nvu per cent olnoti und an thla on bet sure la much kednd to fertltles local plantatliijirj it n troposrd to make use of these growllis which heretofore bsvp been wioulfht ci uh3nlt rtctvkvic a i a plea to the housewife tako ho keenest interest in tho voluntary rationing nchvmn tho pro vincial committees of tho canada food board aro busy drawing up rules and reffulationa fortho different provinces you aro going to bo their chief helpers ln carrying out thoso regula tions mako it a matter af provincial prido and competltlaic aim to make your ico quhlo tho other eight and hjch of you can do tho most in this way for tho causa of tho allies nd our own canadian men refuse to deal with any grocers fish mongers butchers bakers or trodoatnnn who leave not yet nccurcd a ilccnflo from tho canada food board iidw am i to know you ask tho cajiiuil way in uio world lvcry dealer ban to display his li cense number on all stauoncry u voices eltx so uiat you can readily as certain whether ho is licensed or not it is now against the law for tho varloua trades to operate without a license from tho canada food board tho same applies to public oatlng houses and women can help by refus ing to patron izo uicm unless uioy aro duly licensed un courage thu fish business for all you aro worth you are doing pretty well about it but not well enough fish la canada s own food and it is tho most satisfying of rjubaututen for those things which wo must send over scan it la cheap and plepuful thanks to the efforts of ho c food board mako it tho piece do resistance at moat of your summer meals it la better for people than meat ln hot weather it is easier to coole en courage your dealer to hacdlo plenty of flab by asking for it every day yourself give halibut a rest and buy plenty of cod haddodc fiat flah ond tho other varieties which aro ovcry bit on good and cost half as much wcathcr 8ign ncro aro come of the rules by which you can tell wha tho weather is to be- theae were published in ao ul- roanuo in tho year 1700 resounding of sea upon the eh ore and tho murmur of winds in tho woods without apparent wind show wind is to follow a murmur out of caves portend oth tlio same tho o be pur ing of uio smaller stars is tho sign of a tempest also if tho stars necm to shoot wind will come ftom that quarter uiesittar came from the often changing of winds ahow- cth tempests if two rainbows appear it will rain rainbow prooenuy after rain de notes fair weather if tho sky be red ln the morning it a sure token of winds or rain or both because those vaporo which cause to roddnsfl will prcueutly dissolve- if uie sun or moon look pale then look for rain if fair and bright ejepoqt fair waath- if rcu wlnua will come if a dark cloud bo at sun rising in which the sua hi soon after hidden it wlu dis solve and ruin will follow if the sun socm greater in tho cost than common it is a sign of rain if the wcut about sunuotung there uppcur a black cloud it wlu rain that night or noxt day mists como down from tho hills tuuecud from the heavens and but tin lu uui valluys it promlsuui fair -luor- ncmvonina show a hut morrow while and rugged clouds llko horses and tails furtolleth great winds i under in tho murnliu if it be to uoutliwurd and tho wind bu thoru itcs every timo a tumpestuous da nol1le sayings this life is tliu rail to in are prepared for tho life t joubifrt wtutt lu sw elor t tan a woll- tuned lutu and v liat mom tlulghtrul thu n a triond one wh urn cheer uu in sor- row with hbi wise aml affoctlonato discourse golliiulo 1 u guneruus in giving say i i the thing whit li hu gives i dmiy that ho ran ttvt r tako back again ijlisaheth barrett browning ho ufo that gotn out in lovo to ull is uio ufo dial i full rich and con inuully uxiauillng 1 beuuty uud lu powur it w trlno moral good is tho highest good ami urul evil the doc pest ovll harriot mortlneuu a noble lift rrowi iltjutli risen ulmvu a pride and pomp am ightiust umpire of ti tie nt tlarfluld ui with heroin j tiutllvtu tho glory or tho uartti prosi- hi0ing behind the war tho win baa taken ti t ruin eil workcro whoso been filled by grecji hu cases buslneis routine h up or disarranged bu itokolhcr too conimui great many placus liavo ids lu many m tieen slowed it la getting to hoar tlio ti her uio baker tho eamllcstlck niakor and uio elovutur luiy buujio the c when tin y are thriiuuilvus iuinus iwil makti uio war the olupeguat r shortcuiulhgs work with ttreult thuslasin atrlvo to mako up tor the fullow who has donned kliakl if you t up oti tho wrung side of tho hod if yuu ft ol laxy if you step on a ban eel or swallow a butuln dont hlomo tho war the war ban uough tb bssv a i v

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