Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1918, p. 2

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nirtha marriage and deaths now chnrijed for rt tho following mien illrths lc manlaces k deatho toc momorlal card too 10c iter linn t xtrn for poems mannicp okiii t m mkl- t the rrnlilrncn of the i rlili llnwir aymiiu alton on iinnduy july 21 101b by hcv j wlliiun jt a nicholas l7irlcn to muty duuf liter of tho luto joseph mtllurt nil eif acton died pniibytnrlan minnie prlduy july 10 131h raniiloti ixjcldi ured ml ron j luxkw itnv wlllin 60 yrum uarr i a odncnilu hiitfliirty hi ml rutin yinr at arden man on july 17 10111 edwur1 ion in law or j unit i acton in bin ilftlnlh mrmiun- hudili nly at tho homo of her hi i ruuier thomas i urrclt fifth urn 1jquwiirik n thursday july ik 1018 charlotte mcmillan orcii ic icarn unci 0 munuio a daotardly outrage a ocore of mo lumonli nil toml dublin cemetery wn nnil broken defaced iwo n tin huh in f ui dlp ml imnit i tin dublin itoinn iuhi he irtlt hilly nt 11 inf nt throw do lit i up tt tin liroinl n- lint wan in throughout illpilt f 11 ully tit lire to i which hull th link qhje artmt jfftw nnfi tiiuhhday july 3c 1d1s editorial notes tliu unpen of tlioun wliu nhnod to qacapo drafting us soldlors through hubouu corp iid applications arc doom ed to disappointment loot ividoy tho supreme court of canada in the coifo of edit in oroy un ontario draf tee by a majority of its members do deled that tho ordcrlncouncl of april so 1018 cancelling oxcmptlona granted under ttio military service act woo within tho power of tho cabinet und lu effective the result will bo ii great relief to thjytnllltnry authorities much of wlioao present work wtui threatened by tho proceed ingn in uio courts of alberta ontario and quebec 11m followlii in tho hut of ono r mini t ltd ihoiuun llbhonu kruiiho n din und ciomi thrown ilowi mutlln iv micunu u iirunlt cvirmtly ft d dead di pr ilu- more anniverqary conoratu lationo tlioy continue to overwhelm tho fret jrros witi kind word and ganotoue wlnhoo 1 un vi ry itln i eipn m lonn fiom mil ii rlbi rn und from follow uuwnpupi i in n rtnpetutig th lmii lnrti annl ml tln furty y urn onnoi tlon w ciicwoono cornerq nrn a and rlppn ivne hi ernoll flvir lliiinluy arthur mourn find lltllo di 1 th pr otitln rill lito in i pllll it timy uppeur uum i inly tu putillidi tllnm lliiln wok ut r wi iiiiukum of remit tu uiiiiirn tin tiny rt id tin in with krowliu fnttierlt 1 lu xpn iilonu urt all litilrti und full of tin kind ft himmihlp of cordlut friondiililii anil idutirii l ttl wlnhi i no iipoln thtifoi tilr iipix t inn to ho olu ury t 1u ui tho colllnffwood buuetln common c cd lta fortynlntji year last week thla ttnterprlnlnir journal waa cutabtuihod by tho lato david iloboorf in 1s70 a few yearn later tho bulletin waa pur- chanod by mr w wllluumi for near ly forty yearn mr wluuuna and hln son david wllllama rutvo mucceobfuily conducted thlo very worthy journalbj- tlo repreaontatlva of colllnfwood and vicinity mr javid wllllama tho pro- aent proprietor la a bom newspaper toon and baa occupied tlio hbh oai- uona of president- of tho canadian preofl aujoclation and cf tho ontario library association lib not only is able to produce one of tho beat nowo- uapera of 1u class in ontario but d votes much tlmo to local matters i lnterent especially in uio public lib rary and in the museum which con tains many articles associated with the early hiotory of that section of canada nlchnliin dulton n murblo tut imiil- top thrown off tliomui und ann iitnlio toinhnkuio iliokon down ooorlo tttoroy u ttiinbiiton ilrakun rr john o donahue u tombiitoui ilrou- n down uml umajihed wiltlunr- uslck u tomlidloiio llrok en down juincu dunn h marbln moimnit nt umanlud georifo 1owell n mouumoitt cron4 broltou off iatrlck ltinib a monument crotui torn off thomas lnmli n gtanlto monument dlo and column broken off john dunn a granite monument cross brokon on t william kctly s monument croua gone ooomo mulholland a erinlto monu ment cronu brokon oil peter ldian monument top damag ed with bar of iron railing jameu o noll a marble tninbutono oman hod timothy roly yrantto monument top brokon off patrick moloney a tombstone- droit ptit lulljf us our honor hull mid trudu to lint urn no ittudly rt f t rrul to ii iioii f tlitni wv idticirtly ii prorl to all thtut ulnil h mrs james coiirilullutjtii your forty yi urn lntii it it ulw ut oin homi um on tlmit with 1 nowa from tlm i nrclny millno iii i upon com lotion of un udltor f diti luuo- tyii ii wt let mo vjnltor in vi r full i to urrlvo u weekly udiet of d hoinu to il the pioneer toronto torty ytam uudor tho numtv odltorlul tllrrctlon in tho rorortl of tluit ncwuy wetkly thu atroh lliu iuuui whl li by thu wuy huu bet n u ntiiu irh frliuid of tho jirohllilllyn rvunp for unit i tiro tlmn mr ii i mot in editor mr anil mm w nel litnill yhro it 1 nti iip durh 1 th w k on lidni in jilu mimkoli th lulr ii mi if hit 1 bun tullw iy i n itlll tin t liutct lul t nt th nttip whlub tht rullw iy mlint to iiiiiti a iih n ijprltli in liiitlly jmarkham t ctuisralulatlonii tt pnuui whleh h ui n yearn of publication its forty fourth ye vior mr h i 1 llnlior and edltoi inss ilitu wl it uio atrot iina pit ltd forty thn o und huu titurted r with jncrcluuid ooro in the pub- d tin year id h t 1 i- 4 with tlio purpose of bet urine hous ing conditions in the rural and civic municipalities of th province tbo on tario government lias arranged tt lend xz 000 000 at the rate of 6 per cent interest corporation taking advantage of tlio government fund may either construct tho bouses thera- aelvco or do so through a private build ing concern the offer holds rood up till january 1 1020 and the terms of tho government old tp municipalities provldo that tlio municipality recclv- lnu a loan from tho government must add at leaut 2e per cent to tho amount received no that for every 1000 re- s celved uy way of government loan at least 1 1150 shall bo expended in house construction reasonable rentals arc iu 1u ctuimuq tills would bo a very desirable enterprise for acton coufp- cll to negotiate wo ore badly in need of houues hero and this need will bo aggravated when tho now shoo factory is in operation ton or twenty houses built at a cost of 1200 to j1eo0 wpuld materially help to relieve existing con ditions rockwood j thoro is cenuino sorrow in many homes hero because of the dcatli an friday of ilov j it dodds b a tho minister of tho presbyterian churches of llockwood and eden mills death followed a long period of illness the deceased was greatly beloved and es teemed not only by tho members of his own congregation to whom ho hod ministered so faithfully for some ton years but by tho entire population of tho village he leaves a wife and small family to whom the sympathy of all is extendad murun drumeoido murblo ulal urokon to plocon in addition to tlio heart coj doaoc ra tion hundreds nf dulluru of damage has been done dublin cumotory is about two miles from acton and was opened when bl joseph u church wuu built over sixty yearn ugo about twontyiivo yoarj ago tho present church in acton wos oecurcd and tho old church removed tho cemetery lu in a somewhat iso lated position and no rcaitlont of tho community would readily see any de predation that might bo going on tho person or persona who com mitted this coutly damago must bo of most reprehonslblo character tho publlo generally will hold them in con tempt and all will hope ovldcnco will bo available that will result in im prisonment it is just poaslblo tho outrago is tho work of foolish thoughtless boyu as was tlio caua in tlio old protestant cemetery off lualn hiroot lion fully as many crnvestoncs were demolished ten or iiftotn years ago if doosn t look like boys work however the 8hoe factory duilding a little hitch with reference to pro gress certifies tea adjusted at mondays moelno of council tho regular ucuilon of tlio council woo hold in tho council chamber on monday evening with councillors kon- ntty uarber and henderson present and reeve hynds in tho chair tho rinanco commit tea presented their fifteenth report and payment of tbo following accounts wan recom mended i hydro account t milton hydro commission j10 00 hydro klcctrl power coi the russell hardwuro co z ral account wm cutting town hall 10 00 mooru printing votora list etc adam cook tiro and light goo dills park goo dills streets und walks dublin last weeks rain did great good to tho growlnff crops kvcn tho hay picked up aomo tho fow days beforo cutting mrs weaver returned to wlarton on saturday after spending a month very pleusontly with mr and mrs williamthorn peon there was 43 yards of gravel spread on o crccmore s roatl division last month for which tho township coun ell puid 10 20 for gravel and spread lng a few loads of gravel to oil it tho holes in tho second linoroad from ilcardmorott farm to- tlio dublin cross road would much lmpiovo tho road way und save iho foundation from dis integration mr john riynn who has resided the paat tdghtcen yearn in kitchener was hero on tjuturduy visiting at tho old homo prior to tho removal of his family to buffalo n t two daugh ters have rino positions in that city and mr klynn is anxious to keep tho family together their friends hero sond boot wishes with tlio fumlly to the now home unin mlou v mi mane of mllvcuiti in hero un u vudt to hur nlstcr mm il w hull mr il hey imlds of toronto tin beon hero on a visit lo his hrothur ir reynold ii mrs cuniilnghum und throe chll dren toronto in hero un u visit to hei mother 7lh line tho ten little girhi who did the tug ging on tho 12th of july raised g0 36 fur tho hed cross miss iltuifo hamilton ctevolund o and mhui m hamilton toronto uro hero on u visit to iholr grandmother mr arihlo maelohlun of prin has been uptolniod asslutunt irlnelpul of tlio cuntrul hthtlol ijarrlc ut a sulury of jo0 a iimnlmr of tho tviivutlon army fnni orungtivllla visitnl lirin on fri day lumt holding tiicotlutrs on thu streets mrs a osjr oraiigovlllt hati be n in town thin uok shipping tir fur nlturo to that town whuio iho has riirchuootl u ret- j in c ah the formal tieliool surtoiiis irom thin vltlnlty wire outciiusful in pass ing tho it cent examinations t n y uro mirtsos ur harbour k cheynt jjertha llarnllfon una m bytldn ajvocau cl cc 3 1g a oo 13 00 s3 80 tho report was adopted a deputation of rculdontu of nowor avenuo waited upon uio- council und requested that thlj thoroubhfuro bo gravel i od und tlxud in some manner to allevlato thu trouhlcuome duet cauued ount of travol thoro special meeting of tho streets und wnlkn commutoo will be callod and tho matter gone into at once mr james mcintosh who wan pro- sent pointed out that tho nldowalk leading to tho ijuptlat church un el gin street was in had repair and uablo to be tho means of broken limbs tho municipal omcer was instructed to ro build this ploco of plank walk tho matter at the mothod of ad vanclng money on tho erection of the now ehoo factory to tho contractor on proffreno cortlflcaten eamo under cusslon tho unit payment on tho dobonturom fell duo oiujuly 1st but owing to tho delay in completing tho bylaw und having the building ready on time lha company u humnoss plans had t t n dl oitl baby tho 1 itoj iuriui lu ono vt uio bent and cleancjt weoklltu in ontario und thn publlnhor mr mooco has evldontly prospered walkerton telescope tim actok ikioi ituia boa junt com- plotod its fortieth year under tho ubln editorship of mr ii p mooro the ittui press lu a clean live uptodulo shoot and in many reupocts tho mode umulltown nowupupur of this pro vince tho publisher lu a man or hlh ldcaui und forty ycuro of nervlcti in tho public intt revt ilndii him not an old man but rather ut hlo best wo wish brother moore and his excellent paper many more ouoccssful years guelph dally herald tho herald congratulates tho pro prietors of uio arrow lna3 piceon and georgetown herald on the un terprlao they havc rocentl dltiplayod tho former colobrtilod ltu hth anni vcrsary by appearing in a new dress that promises to continue tlio clt an prosperous up pear unco of tho incb pnras whilo our georgetown name sake colobruted its fifty oocond birth day with uie inatallatlon of a now cyllndor press and its roturn to the herald building recently gutted uy fire with a apodal edition lost week forest free prats mr il j pottyplccc oxm p i at ex president of tho canadian pre association has boon kind enough to mako tho following editorial comment tho actom purs iusui publlnhcn un anniversary in commemoration of ltu 41th volume a very interesting fca turo of tbo number wm u uhort ukotcti of each of tlio 30 graduates who iter vod uielr apprenticeship then tho hat includou ten who huvo cnllnted for overacua ucrvlco two of whom have beon killed in action ho t albert moore of toronto tho woll known methodist minlitcr was tho hrnt jnn piucut opotico ior forty yoam tho paper has been owned and edited by ii p mooro and in among ontario a best weeklies cornwall freeholder it is with genuine pleasure that wo congratulate our old unel valued friend h p mooro of tho arrow 1001 paras on celobrutlng hlu 40th anniver sary as proprietor or tho lmns piusl lualtuo uiaby liislalllii fish fish a vondcnrul oca food campaign did y itltllllt 11 i aetoi nu tintlreil tho ailvertlso tho toronto papers t i know that lust weak for r- murkero old old in any arranged uml they felt ual this li payment nhould tie doforrud and tho bills for eons tntct ion paid without queutlon until tho building is rcadj for occuiiancy tho cou icll debated tho muttur an i refcrrctl tho question to elticonu pro aont tho touseiutuu of optulon wui that tho wlner plun would bo to pro toad tu honor thu ecrtlflealos for work und mil to rial und liuvo the build ing completed for thu ohoo emuputiy ut uio time at reed upon mackonxle thu contractor military news unit putty oil ui join boon inn this wi two wi i hn vlnltln llttlu chll inn 1 llrltluh uiivy whwti d itiiull duwar who wont over of th l4th lljitt lluud u a tiuiift bund u iciik- llu i hi- nl chuutplou liui urower il n i on u fuhouirh nf bin wlfo und two i eullnted lu tlio ii tiiuiill lny grow iot lib illneharti um tliu wur broke out ho eould leuvu ho ut art ho in a llrut i i um n wuu rupld mllti i tht jvemni culverly i ho flyliij ln knr- hon of mtejoi cul nlhf li in 1 rut i nlm on her portotl killed bmd iio wuu t oukvlu tho 1 t itlnli rikji lieut c ilvoiloy i i uml mini born ii a won cdututtd i t i toy ul mllllury aftn h iiuinutn ut tlvo m 1 iu in und itillluui 1u0iuu hli flit l uunilllt rtnii 1th llutuuo iho luti elilt t fiuun oultvillu un 1 i ill oi i iwlnuutoi dlr u ltd t ti 1 i th w ho was 1 tllti- luuih enl i lb formerly pioneer iuttuliuu iid ww huapiul 1 lohy ni und spimr perty tho ro jncna nau tluo inispllil and tin ill ntlv and 1 bin n ipldly hilim ltrr- f tint nd cuuulllui linotype with an enurti now outnt ol udvcrtldlng typo ltom tho vorj first mr mooro who is ono of tho njjr prlnfcrs in canada made every luauo of bin newopapor a llvw udvcrtlno- ment of his job otllcc and in nuullly of paper used and general iot up it certainly excelu any rural weekly uiat rcachoa this office while tho news l- always attracuvely preirntod and the territory is thoroughly eovorcd in tho local columns that it pay i to do things well is proved by tho- liaiiduomo office of unitjuu and citable- dc ifjn a r holograph of which upponni on thfl front pugo und the equally leiutlful homo of mr mooro which u iilno llluu- trutod that mr moore may uvo for many yconi to publish tho in u iiujii and enjoy the fruits of ills induutty and activity is thu earnest wlah of hlu ntwupaper friends few of whon ao uttalncd the prosperity that huu eotno to him i uv n of my huutm do you know that tho campaign hi provluff n phenomnnnl imrcriui homo of tho catntncntti of tu cus- tonit rn uro innii ilng they ucem to think that hruldock mackor mar ket toil etc are ntrangn und won derful oalmuhi of another planet also that everything ttiut comes from tho oca is salty hark buck for a moment to tho tlmn ptniaplpen and grnpefnilt w lr i littrotluct d they wero unfamiliar and hard to uoll not no to day however millions of thorn are con sumed in ontario it is tlu iinmo way wltjt tho doll- clouu freuh hea plnh why do i harp on this sea pish stuff you ask him ply bocauao it is tho only avenue thoro ut to cut down tho high coot of living and oavo boef and pork which our allien need at tho front and also for tho increased consumption tho lakes fisheries ara developed to tho limit of production their dolly catch lu practically sold be foro it is taken from tho water but if ontario will consume 100000000 more bea pish than at present thoy can bo provided all irosh sea fish quoted now arrive in refrigerator corn by ex press at toronto and my order is oxprcssod at onco to acton so it is alwaya fresh and herring lako huporlor 3 for 10o codfish head icon no waste lb 15o rinnaii hatldlo lb 20o lake fish very scarce salmon trout lb 22o whito fish if it arrives lb 22o salmon trout steaks lb 25o fresh herring it they arrive at market price numiilm oni hot houfed tomatol3 my store will be closed on ufln- dayu but will be open as usual tho rest of uio week s j stauffer fish food specialist canada food board llcanso no i jt 4rna en wc itavc junt placed in atock one hundred sulli of lhe rumoni hncliclor mrike tlili make of cluthlnff in kunrnntccd by uie mnkcr to civu j hiiusfncliim kvcry piece is imzul tailored tho trimmlnii ore of the bejit no truubic lo fit the bachelor malic wc have thun in blue and brown taney wontcdo sizejj i5 to 42 at 20 22 24 bull uofr ovcralls pr men bull doj overall art nuidt of the heit quality of dennii und drill and the good workmaiinhip huu ctiilrou no excelled by any other mnktr wo have them lnblfick and biuomiiiii while itripc with bib and in block pnnl tyle the price of overalls arc advancing tho matcnul i limited our price to day ii ics than the manufacturers come here for your overall needs iadieh white untrimmed jnp pan ama hats the tnot popular hat for the hot day this seasons styles at 25 and 3j5 middies in all white indian head long undlhort tlccvci extra at 100 and ij a bargain in handkc chieffl just 20 doz in tiny lot of ladies handker chiefs made of fine quality lawn with embroidered corners cood value at 25c tuch on sale at 18c or 2 for 35c iadica house dresses wc have a kood range of hou c dresses all sizes made of ood quality print at 125 and heavy percale ut s2j und 20 gtriy gingham urcascfl all sires in lock in stripo und check ginghams a special dt 75c 90c 125 and iji0 stripe rianelettcs at 25c wc have about 10 piece of thu line in pink blue and gray strspc- carried over from last fccason the wholesale prices for this samo flanclctic today is 8c to 10c per yard higher remember while- this lot last for 25c yard rmtlctte blanketaat 325 pair this is pretty warm weather to talk flancl- ette blanket but wc are doing so to try and save you money our blankets arc the ibex make the best blankets mado today are extru large size in white and gray the wholesale price for these blankets today is 4 00 per pair a limit of ono pair to a cus tomer at per pair 325 l store closes wednesday at 12 30 noon acton mux street we bell for cash we sell for le83 phone 40 acton ont pownssen news tho airo i fieh imsia cole bra tod its fortieth unlilvuruary by making its nppeurunro in a complete now drouu although thu old ono was plenty rood enough for any onllnary journal it also publlnhod a list of 00 mo uilrty- nlno sruduatcii amongst which the proprietor of thin paper is honored in ixi in f numbered tonother with u brief history of ouch tho lto piirss wlui alto the president 1 f hamilton confervnce uur lint ton out july 17th ijiu mr ii p mooro acton out dear uro moore i dcslru to bo ono of tho number who sond you sincere cuutratulatlo on tho forty years of splendid work you havu done an editor and proprlt tor of tlio flics piicsn also for uio excel lent auccess and prosperity uiat have been granted you for these forty strenuous yeurn you lmvo mifii mi udvunces lu tho art of prlntlnir tho ilirp iasas bus kept in uio front runk i think perhaps ono of the tt uchlovejuents of ui forty yearu hua been the uplifting iind purlfylntc work upon the publlo and prlvato llfo havo mlnlstcrvtl unto tbo con urn tnilo of the community has bt cn kept tu a higher nlutidnrd by tho woukly visit of tho ti rig lit clean and who no mo ftuai iluyio ierhupn those of who lived fur u tlmo in acton u now thlntf of your work know how much yuur llfo and work count for both at homo and abroad this tri bute of n ulcere appreciation is aunt that 11 may add sunic pleusuru to your llfo and work with boat wlshei continued prouperlty und b lean lug i am yours truly u w hakiuh mount forest confederate tho atrbi uch piuji uhvues turn eif th fort most local pa pi rn in on turln hnn limtullid a i luotypii und lunt wiok cniriq out in 11 iiomplote now drms and el brntetl its isid ymr tr liubllrutlon tho pr sunt propi it tin mr ii i mini lutn been ut tho holm for forty yearn ills biiithu ilov ir r auiatt moon wan tho 11 rot uppitiu tlm an yhoiior lint of ton two of whom hio been illhd in tietlon in blveti of uiouo kulduutoii of the olllcn ho cliu huvo bono tu n fouttii of tho eiittr teu durlnu tlio forty y belnicirlven w wish proj1 o mlvir 1 onti nipo iho ilu1 piiksii ha yturu of pubtltntlon under itn prim nt editor und pr mi ii p mouru no bnttt r 1 kly unteiit thin ollli u u lu u i prlnttd on ituplot d 40 el pipe 1 111 ubvi utuli 10 1 of honor f 0 mm lu jtutly proud it tun hi kiuduu 1 loin til i 1j ttto m ioll i iiuai a mod 1 1 ih i it 1 t 1 hav nun of th j p at tho helm for forty yearn con tlnuously has enjoyod an enviable ro puiutl6n as iho dudo of the country weeklies and u model newspaper olllca it hua been an immense influence for tho cod of that tltrlvlna ooinmunlty and wo wlih oyr old bosh many ddltlnnal ycuts of uorvico and pros- perlty mansgino director of colorcraft limited ono of the m out cherished uxpres- leniu ruclvt d lu tho following from lr chnrle 1 a g matthews munag- lnjrdlroctor of color craft limited onto cue of tlm numerous success ful ilici ijicu giuduutca confi di ration llfo illdk toronto july ic 101h h p mooro izati acton one ur mr mooro jn thu occasion of tho recent annl vertiury of uio iuxs ittcis i liad in tt ndod writini my congratulations although uomewhat dolayod kindly accept my very bejit wishes for many mora t aril of equally oueccsuful work this is also an opportune tlmo to onco ugnln cxprcsa my pleasure ut having upont seven years under your direction yearn which i ahull always feel helped very materially to u mo for whalovur ineasuro may attain and whatever good i bo ablu to do 1 or younielf i would wish a hreator mnimirn of hi tilth thnrty for tllb boys at the front gl oilqtrrown will have x patriotic ootihg directed by tho drummers snack club under tlio pitronagu of tl ft iudlcn putrlutlc lcuguo c f georgotown open affi concert friday july 26th in uio park it 8 p m special lir ncrvlco un toronto subur b 111 hallway for guelph toronto and uhcrxnediuto points after concert flag procession saturday july 27th at 1 pm lvory boy and llrl marching htu u i lug and i rco admission to hportu sports saturday july 27th at 5 p rn in iirk seo hand hills for iroiramme your presence will help surplus coca to itcd cross and rilmlhir funds a cood whole r o t the constant call for well trained stenographers and olllca assistants prompts un to con- tlnuo our work uirouffh tho summer months enter any ume shaw a huslncss schools toronto itdo catalogue w h shaw pre juilysale raw silk light with box design and blue 40 ins wide per yard 69c pink and blue crepe 3g inches wide 59c navy blue voile with dark er silk stripe about 40 ins wide yard 69c navy blue poplin 30 ins widcot 75c muslins with blue or pink design 32 ins ide 2 yards for 25c we are trying to sell out our summer stock sitniuub ob- 1oct ujlp tho cuuno by booming tho concert and sports admission concert adults 2ic children icc vehicles 2c sports adults icc children 10c georgetowjn friday saturday july 26th and 27th john allen horns sec r t a ry russell smith president juod if lute that you may still con tlnuo tu bo um power for tood whleh huu i liuiuctvrlzed your ufa hjarcrely cha11lih bowmsnvllle sutesman mr m a james editor of tho htat i hfimn ex itcuidcnt of tho cuniidlan iirin aimoihittou says th acton 1 iuj iiuats of july 4th was jiu unnl vflreiir number celebrating ttio close of 43 years slnco that journal una started und 40 yours thut mr 11 p moore bus bun udltor und publisher uhln epoch in marked by u complete now drcus of tyiui tho liaai press lo iino of tbo eory popular woolillcs u eal homey uewupapcr contuliung very week articles of int runt for very member of a family lu hbh r oml larpent uikoraey tuime tiro fcutuiiu that irublo wet kly vl iltor to ry honu iho udllur of tho hit pti wi has one month loin r lo hli n il j t as editor than the tdltur nf thu mtuiniuuii und they have hi mi anno i luti 1 in morn wuyu linn any tithci i rwni oir int n in onutrlo imih boll nieiiiliiu or tlu cuuidluu promt auoo vhl h both huvo hnld in iw holli uro niemhern of onforonio of tlm molho lu cliiudn und iuiwt huld pnultlnnn on the hook uml i tniulltee mid win mini injlldlim coiiiuiutn whin thndltit hook and publish i loioiitn wan be ni erei t lurkut und bent itiulipml publlihliu tatuhllsh- iti dntninltiii 1 hoy um a i no oyer of aloe llu lru pmj i ititllntti d dei ltu ubln udltor mr h l pull lll und on tho lxet u i inmm to of tlm ontario ilrant 1 pom tun ullutin hotb hay f tin 1 ouo inn fitiv jluilit rh in lu lhi etidrfcvori or u ih tht lr- f position fruttr- in 1 th nvl jtro ii i mo h till ntiy l fn i lhl i 111 yt rti tlvt lmt thill h n tily und nlm ii l oni t uuuil hliu i nitiilliui tjlt ftur useful do- call c j hi uttivn juunialltim i to de ready for great things no ono wu o cr mado ready for sreat things by nlttlni down to wait for them pltneai comes by doing tho uttlo dull en which each day brings no ono become i uhlo to lifl u great wulcht by reserving hlu otrcngth but rather by using it on small burdens oril larger ones l starkmaw mill street aclon icecream wo huvo aur parlor open every day now and wo intend to give an tjoo1 bcrvlco as possible ice cream bulk 30c a pint ice cream d ricks 30c each candies niqht prices toothsome varieties best qualities haroldwiles canada food board license no 013535 imill street acton arrange now to fataitt at tho guelph business college quelph ont fall term starts august 19th illactical courses ll4lltint instltuctous modlfln equipment guelph business college l douck prircprop qualph ont do your banking by r f d make tho mail yourmesaengcr ondsavo yourtelf the lonfr rides to town deposits may bo mwo butter and cheeao cheques cashed money withdrawn just os easily and oafely by mail as in person write tho manager to tell you all aboat this convenient plan of banking by mail or call in and havo it explained tho next timo you are town th mcrcmants bank haad offtco montreal acton branch georgetown branch of canada tutibluhod 1004 i b shorey manager c w grandy manager p earaa t n one bar in every five free theres economy the bigger comfort soap bar gives you more soap for tho money than ever before the weight has been increased because as you know ihere are no premiums with the bigger bars wrapper here is a real charjee to save in housekeeping expenses comfort if you really want more good soap for your monoy youll just firmly ask your grocer for tho bimjer comfort bar ho can supply you if you are still gottlng tho former smaller comfort soap koop onbavinff tho wrappers they are stall good for premiums pugsloy dingman co limited toronto ef new adverlisenieiits thtmellioiiim church 30 p m moyi i p lunday july un 1 1 7 p in nl j t thn iritl jhn i if irijur m tlm i 7 30 oi lo 1 coimiai vvj i i o at a i i hi vis1toiuj fine homestead for oale ml vi it itl mi r 100 tureii lu m in iwi ya a nne fann 70 mn i unlir mltlvuflon is nertn bu hunk bun cttxlj lolck bnuno jjxan kltuhm 1 in i ir e wood ihel l or li ii i n v r filling well ciiinfn windmill i iiiihui water to hnutiii nnd burn n n f im t stone roatl laiiiui frut or farm i wo and throe jnarti ru iull i fi m tun izx- ttlhut reatot i for n ii n inti ntlltg i urellant r mu it m t i ritnptly for partlculun apply to il 301 24 at ton p o hc voters list 1918 municipality op- thc village of acton nourn in hnriby rlv trun imittnl or thllvtr mentioned lu kec 1 j votern list art tbo- n that x have to ho pcrnons f tho ontario lilin required b tiald inctloti to lm tin trnniimlltcd or delivered of um lint mmla pursuant to naltl act of ull pi rimnii uppenrink by thn int rovlred ai n niimnt holl of the iild munlelpillty to b i i milled to vote in tho uuld munli ipillty nt elections for memboni or the ixj ilutlvo a- nembly and ut municipal 1lecuom anil that tho uuld lint wan flrnt posted up at my ollh o ut tho town hall acton on tho joth 1 iy of july 1d18 antl ritruiliin tin rn for induction and i bert by call ujhjii all voters to take immcdraio prbei i illiijni to hat any errorn or oml don i corrocte4 according to law bated thin tb tln of jnlj 1018 v j mukrvnon 24 cloik pf itltl municipality wonderland i friday july 2g on to berlin with ceon o u itl di 1 ho screen tcuirim and u ullllo ithodo comedy saturday july 27 honeymoon a ticket picture with conolaucl anil n tvo part charllo chiiplln comtdy tuesday july 30 a vltigriiph featurt lpluodo 3 of the myntery hhlp coming the k liner iho ijenit of berlin r l gregory the fruit season at uvinnstqntq this week cherries- raspberries other fruits vegetables grocer ies and provisions j r livingstone mill street aotoi fall term opens sept llicrn iyongo c charles streets toronto olycj ntrlrtly llr it t ltiei training fpr cholco buulnea1 poultlonn our eoumi i aro unexcelled in caiuula demand for our graduates five times our supply wrltu for atai0iuo local agent wanted ior uie old reliable fonthill nurseries ullu ei b 1 eurlm fiult iliuruili i ih 1 irh i 1 u 1 stoni ev wli ling10n establmhad 1u1 toronto ontaiuo highaniss0stario r iw ur- algonquin iahk muukoka laklt glohgian uay lakl or uayj timaoami a all fimunj ploy in h it it iift id llj u s holm us iicnt acton ont phono 13 j iuu4 fain bnil6toix

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