Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1918, p. 3

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headquarters for vtdoing and iiirtiiday presents it- irn 1k17 ilh nvnr knli i i inttii il tljoomi 1 xita nt ol nit i nn y lilrm wo rry tlio mu it i jiii tct link in town marriage liccnsco iqould geo mrnd acton ontaitlo ghje adult 3trr in 00 thuiema jiiu 3g id1k briefjlocal items je dado t tlin inn ny to acton vote n win poiud by unlurduy malm ivrry riiiy 11 thrift day liolp your cvi rnmcnt to liclp cmltho war ilnjn havo ou lkm u rryplckltu7 lotn of people are htlpltic l produey iheoo ilayn new of local import 1 by hov dr mcdnde dr m iui 1 f i am imllii 3 j 11 nt umliiy un ullli 1 1 mlitr doylo jj j i i 1 in 11 ut jl jfinopli ai li 11 iiml nt tho t liurch d luolph mualcal iocloly fjnnd commy lt allnn t hurili bun lirryiird for social and personal t junli h miiulcul in r 1 iiiif 11 rod cro gordon party at limohouio a luiilni iirl will 1 in id ut the hutni of mr john uurdhut lot 20 ilxth lint iirur umiliounoon wcilneii- duy iveiilup july 31t tlio pre inmtih will l r mih 1 iv joe wll- iyrle nlm lcartio in id thci t tim nricicii 011 the ipwortl weekly mcotloir monday evcnlui thfc oamracr tomprnturon have reached 90 drier 1 in the 1 hmlo hero durlnc tho wctk at iu lint mrotlnir alulmur towr ship council hud to pay out 331 for heop killed anil injured by iioed thousand of poundn of wild roiip- berrlea hove been brouuht into town tbla week by family plckorn for homo use acton ncedn mow houneit en qulrlea nro bcltiir mailo every day by doplo deolrlni to uottlo hero for n-i- donces a cltlren oiiki d uji the cither even ing it tho tobacco act wa 1 in forro in milton- if o why arts there no many jrounciiteni in town nmoldnc clear ettca cliamplon the toronto suburban i lull v ai will run an extra car from c orco town on frldaj nlijht leaving there at mldolcht liter tho dnimmcm snat k feativiticn aro over for acton the toronto mull carrlcu otrlke lii farreachlnff mailo from toronto theae ejays are demoralised tho an nouncement yentcrdoy momlnc no papcra was mlher dlaconcertinn here in nplto of tho abnormally hlfih priced of palntlns matcriala now pro valllnc more cltlzcno than usual aro re pain ins their liomrtt and outbuilel- inga tho result in certainly cnitlfy- inff tho acton red croiui bocluty ha ahlnped a bojt or nupplicj durlnn the week to the army medical corps toronto containing 30 pyjama nulla 28 cuuhlons 8 pergonal property bar 4 caps the membcra of acton citizens bond aro rcqucutod to meet in 11111 n ilnjl next monday evening with in strumental and mualc tho futuro of tho band will bo connidcrcd n h mooore secretary treasurer xurlnff tlio oilrcroo heat of tho week every verandah hammock bal cony couch lawn tent and frequently mother earth under a nhady tree liuvc been in comminalon in tho eftort to securo a llttlo alcop at nlcbt some bojaplaycd a mean trick on a fellowbwimmcr at ralry xaka awlm- minc holo on monday they got out of the water flmt and act lro to the g nfjtr wibere hla clotliea wcroiy- loc tho lad a summer suit waa burn ed full of hole the carden party on monday renins on tho lawn of j v cantol6n hornby under tho auaplcca of tho iadlet aid f tho muutodliit churiji attracted a very laryo attendance tho prococda uro reported to have bocn 340 champion a youne lady from tlio country v who wcn to buy 100 potmda of hour xho other day and learned that lq order to get h oho would havo to taltt twenty pounds of rtcc taplocajotato ca etc- waa very much ataecered tho new law mixes thlnes- dont borrow tho liuat pacuifrom your neighbor tiubucrlbu for it and havo a copy of your own it only cohta one dollar and flfly centa for a whole year or lean than three ccnui a week quoncrlbe now as ucorcj of people aro dolrc thin month dear header could you a pare time to take a stance ut youtlax psxss addretu label ha tint y yourself whether due credit has lxcn clvcn for your prepaid uubocrlptlon if pay ment bus bevn ncslcctcd fur a week or two you know how tho matter may it remedied there are numhem of fine fields of prlns wheat in this section this sum mcr but tho lnjt vo have oocn lit 1 hold belormlnir to h m iaiiby on tho warren i in tho roar of mr j warrens n slditteo nil mill blrcel rr 1 of the muniulu variety utid in well worthy of lnupectlon g 1- mm iow drubl t of grand valley and jiuni uto of acton sold an urtltle to a utranitr a few witui uffo mrlectlit to ulilk n war utami acctinltnir to law tho man pruwd to be u revtiitlo olllct r und for this ix hlbitlon of economy or forntfuliu jj mr morrow paid 110 und coitu tho surpri id hi not that tlmro ure so many niopur uecuitutas but tli it there ant not more many drj t rs consider thai the pl iwiiro of mi torlni conn ib l of initkltis their cam k a llttlo faster than the other follow u and it is this speed ruo that eauiica the sreat majority of lliu accidents oalltnafad mr adpiln llllts if toronto it rv newllifx ucquulnttneeh iround lit ri mrs morlu and ehltdron or liruuip ton tho 1 iti tlit ill tounb vlt j t ku 1 nf carlini lltlihti uinijiin him nt thu wml uul nt lit home linre mnf kirk mid ehlldn n of loroi lo are the uuentt of mr untl mu jon mckcehnle tin iitotk talkil niii kit u llttl ltbv 1i1 1 ut tin homu or ml j11 i ti 1 tltt in ul wrtk mrs lia 1 inol mr un 1 mm i h tei hurt and llttlo 1011 f i onlfii j spent lunda with rrlends here mlrti malm o illhtinu mil llttln mux ter jnhimtoft tll son and mlui myrtl olhno 1 of tiiturml uro the iutitii u m mid m11 liu ltonkcl the hid troin eirtlon lart lit 1 t at tho home of mi mm e uurl iii hint thuruny ovi nlni umlir tli uuslpcts of h women n lnsihul wu u ilu idml luiiituti a ve ad hjtutruieo tl i lint thuriiday when churlotw mi yj un 1 tepdaushttr nf mr 1 111 ii wl ret wntly jiliu tinned tin l 1 opcr fun on tno fifth un took 11 ilomi ut un tlintia width eiuled hoi oifo ihi wui uppurntlywi cause fur lit un deed tho fnnilly la trlefntilik larw thu sutl cvont and u ilu i in ro jlir nliun preientatl wtth gold watch and locket mr john i u mi vvho went to lvitch- ini r ijjiikiii yt n 1 i from aton to tuui a poiltlon tho btroet jtullway ther rttveruil hi onncctlpn last week to remove to hulfalo n vcvhtfo two dam litt m uro itllii i i ood poultionu und otlrnr immlnni of tho family ro- iilde 1rlor to i ivint ivltchenor tho strut t 1 mm ilom ru t tlio city pro ne 11 km mr 1 lynn with n valuable ilo ml polil w itrlu and rornpllmnn- t rj 1 1 iiijj xprcailvo of appreciation of hi 1 luiil unit faithful iiervlco iiiil ft hon miilojcij of tho utrtot railway yixitt m ah o 1 ri iientcxl u fcold locjcot luith worn 1 utt ibly enrravod mr ilynn upont iurday in tho old homo here quietly woddod tuesday cvonlnfl a qulit widdlm wan hold on tues day e vt nl in ut the homo of tlio bride on i owir avtnui whin two of our esttmnitl litliii wire john d in holy wedlock mrhe la of hi rtrict and mary mrclurc ljto jo iuoh mcclun uuil tho room hnu norlatcd with knox ltev j c wllion tho ceremony in the tho immediate frit 1 inc part daughter of u10 iioth tlio bride pl un acuuly uji- church forreara b a imirformod j prcaenca of only in of tho contract- il mrs 1 cirbui will pretty rtiildtnco at tho ornrr of church and billow fatroota their boat of frit ntbi will wish them very liaiiphiciu death of edward hagnorty last lyldnj mr and mm jamea ilondcxton maria btrcct rccjelvod a telcbnan statins that mra iklward iiastrrty their daurhtor coldins at ardcn man was dt id and that letter waa fullowlm tlio parents were dis tracted by thlj information no lntlra ntlon bavins ruiched them that their chutijitir was not c njoylns her usual health monday u mall brousht tho promised letter and it roycaled tlio fact that it wan mr hnscerty who hud pu ised uuuy tlio error evidently beliif made at wimo tolejrrapli olllco where the meiluijjo was repeated for tranambjjlon mr flaj crty had been in poorflieillh for some time uo waa hero on a iill hut wlntir und waa then comiilalnlnj mm ilasstrty and four sons 21 10 15 and 13 yeara of ueo survive tlio oldtjt nan is in i hakl and lu tralnlnj in camp ut wln- nlpes fiftieth anniversary picnic vv h storey son limited officer and employees have enjoyable annual oil tin a tho buslncui of tho canada olovo works waa established in 1bcs by thu luto iv ii storey thla year w ii storey f son limited are r li hrntlng uiclr soldcn anniversary lost batuniay tirtcriioon tlio otucers and emuloycsa or tho company and their families held their annual picnic und it proved to bo tlvn mojt success ful and enjoyable for icura about 130 tlio lurso company num- berlnj about 100 anccmhled on the boulevard at tho workii on bower acnuo ileatfcd hy a very crodltablo band madu up of musically trained employees led by mlaa lottie v mason thuy p trade d down bowor to willow btrvet and turning at tho sov- imcnt buildiui proceeded alone mill troct to tho warren larm und thonco to warren 1 irk hero a most enjoy- ublo afurnoon wai spent tho follow int hut of athletic sumea waa run off and van tui noted 1 glrumct under c leant c yardn itcta mcnabb 2 girls race from 14 yoani and under do yureui mlnnlu blalr 3 boyn race under g yearn 25 yards bluart malcolm 4 bojs race from 14 yoani and under co yards wiulo katuy c iadloa ultcult race miss li- sio pre v out 0 ladlen nollins contest mru f hpellvoctl 7 glovt mukeni lfty yunl dash mum 1 lorcuinf leo n married ladles valklnc c 5 jrdi mrs i me inlimh j hmol itii kill so y irdi clmrllo mcleod 10 ihro leoed race go yurdo kuky r yardj v ilie i mn rrld m 11 11 jili u- iuco j0 111 it will murtay 15 1 mini lihhju c i1u arda 1 a arnold mi 0 arnold 1c co ard 1itlltj late llttlo v 17 lu k r war capital ui il hcott mid jo hull won by it totl 18 j 1 ball lualtl- ci ui w ljilrti 1 rhat ilel cod won by e lieui du knni re j 1 it- m m 1 ii ill iiuiulr vi th 11 ilui 111 r i una u 11 mnry from cl uiti for holldi mrs rionrtto 1lnknny of toronto visited nt mm w a utowarfit thlf week mlnuen ina nnfl mflrlo ford of mil ton iprnt the weekfild wltlt aitni mm wijilnm lay cm mum who wnii ikrlounly iii hut wnk tlty cleric and mm t j moon 11 guelph visited mr j l warn n 01 haturday mrs itov a 13 hmlth or toronto vlnltei mm anthony hlophcnsuii 01 jiaturduy mrs wilson and daunhter of cab don limit vlnltcd ut mr mheward 1 thin wot k mr o ii laiitr won callrd to to ronlo on tueaday throuiti tho ntiin l of his molhnr t iiiinolltan ijivt win it im liar htunlcy bui yvlnlted acto liah of toronto rlurlns tho week mr and mm john ijvvcrty monk are vlsltlns ut tho homo of mra alex hmlth lako ave miss johnston of toronto haimbcon vlnltinp hi r sister mm j utiles hen derson this week miss mnrsuerro hlowurt wi nt to lunntdalo iarm near mtltmi to pin fruit for u few weeks ra j m i ernloy mid miss muritlo mattliewa toronto are vlnitlnt friends hero tlila week master travora coleman of toron to la a suest at tho home of his uncle jus r coleman 4th lino mm hhaward and two daoghtem hnt a fow days with friends at culu- don last durins tho week ii h holmes airent o t it hies been in poor health lately und 1 taking a few weeks holidays mrs konnoy and her suest miui cine motorod to toronto with mm ntljon wilkinson on wednesday lr and mra gcorgo wallace and lr llttlo daughter of guelpb vhiltcd mrs hush wallace a one day lust week miss bansun ft tlio burllnftnn school atan has been the tucut of her slater mm w arnold bower avenue during tho week mr c lihdenbrond who lias boon lr poor health for some time was taken rlously hi last week ho has been some better tho past few days miss rioronco holmes left lait wnolt for ottawa to take a position on tho mplllos staff of tno canada krgij trntlon board during tlio holidays mrut clarke of acton uro the guests of mr und mrs charles rlochford nt their summer home maxcngali island lake itouscaa- the globe- mrs walter mclaughlin of sasl- liiiw mich laytultlng at tho homo of father mr david htorcy mill hlrect and mra fred babcock and family milton and mrs frank wlck- and mltrn jsaji of gait ejknl hun- day at u10 homo of mr wm lanthi borough mr d k roister who ocupltut an important position us n cicctrlcal en tineer at niagara lulls was home for few days this week visiting hut mother and uloter ilev j c wilson b a who has hcen moderator of tlio i lock wood presbyterian zhurcii fur uou10 timo suerlntcndod the funeral of thu lata ltev mr bodds on monday and mra ft l johnston and family acton and mr and mm itob- johnstoh und family hock wood motored jlo jmarwlch nnd spent tli kend with mr and mmw l hamlin hcaars g cor go carter walter qulnn ilobcrtmccrca ired wallace and william mcarthur ot c a ii t- of paisley memorial church guelph spent sunday with ltev olr moyor tliolr former pastor ot tho methodist parsonage a neighborhood news town and country items of interact from various local i ties covered by the free pro thompsons corners tho garden parties of hn section have kept thu farmers families busy those summer evenings tho past week tho foundations for col llallan- tynon uumtnor reiildunoo on his farm on tho cnuo road near the cilghtli lino aru being put in llasplrry pit kins has been engaged tu by hundrod in the put elicit ut th uiehlh lluu and uia cross road tiio past week the owners or tho properties whuro tho patches uru situated are quite wilting to liavo tho peuplit come und kuthur this wlihlcuomo fruit in tho largo quantities they lire securing wo ull ohjuct however to tho un seemly vorl of tiuudsy berry plcklni iisl hunday tho people cunio in drov cs they eaiiio in motor cam in llvury rle and ia tlielr own carriages they came from oeurgelawn and acton and lrln mid from point 11 iietwecn ttio lainu early in the morning they wiro thuro till la to fn tlio aftimoon we quiet law- abiding rum i folk strenu uiialy object to thlu babbath iliwifni tluit if it lu coutluucd tlio owiuw may feel obliged to diuto thu berry putrhca to thu public and muu li- u nip ilu of those wiio so wantonly vlo lulo thu sunday lawn mm ii h t llln llnrry i- win lia mill iilfili 1 11 ro a it m li ijn ntu 1 lilldlltt 1 wh nil ihtnr mil llt th 1 or mlur gcorjlna li who journoye 1 ill fated aniioiila t tw the iirmd to milton with tnnii whllo in i-nr- l mar withy mid was in r husband frrque nt dannockourn i 1 mini jieavy jleldj of hay linvti iicen lion in thin vlt inlly tho punt wemk mi a t mann inn 011c- of tho flnmt tit ml 1 if j prlnir wheut that has been ue 1 ti ln thin in 1 tloji for many a day i ho 1 ravelling of ihev road thnuh tin iw imp nppoilio mr wm mrdon- 11 i fitrin on th four 1 lino ban help- 1 il 1 1 loxim loads of i 1 i p cd to tlm section fn in mr i vintt li my 1 farm lano tj tln town lino many lrlwm would be l lud this him u01 a vt ry rough pie ro for four or live yonri mr ambrose m mcinn cf cedar ikiii i 11 in fourth line baqurnlni inn illiqojed of his firm dairy bust m un und e rop to mr crlrkcrt of mh hli an mr crh krrt lion tuktu im 11 1 1 ion and will ci ntfi both farm uivtlij lie luui co mo into poshes ilon of u lino farm property it was tht homo of the latn county wonlen toh n s lerruu und fnnilly for upwards f uixty jiars oakville ii ui 1 h wilson tioi bought w d unl ra on 1 lino propi rty 0 1 tho akn froi t 1- 1 t t 1 notoru havo re ilace d tho mi wil ir 1 ho 1 wlilrh hoi 0 tlio 1111- ehltun in a ihbur 1 mill tin oikvillri 1 iro hhudo alt ndod dulim mrvleu hi n body ut tho mntho ill it church on buuduy morning a 1 mild nrej tlon whji accorded to llov mr bexiimltli tho now motlio- dli t inliilntir 11 monday evening ik councillor w j hhaw paused iiwn on tliumduy ufter a eory brluf htncj two of his nonu aro with tho canadian forces in irunco a ncmnriul window wmi unvellod last wetk in st judns church tiio memory of capl william h tuck who fell at tlio battle of tho foomme ll col w g maclicndrlck has itno hick to iytinto itoad 1 in irunco and rone 1 at homo aro his hobbles at pvccnt it in a ca m of husliicon before put itei 3rd glenwilliam3 mr jo 11 ph willi ims of toronto viiilted hli old homo village lost week gle 11 n lntoru urn mime rous thiie dan many old friend 1 and former teiiidetici and their ramllloa enjoy 1 feiw d ij 1 or wteii sojourn in our pretty llitli town in our ho ipllublo homci a id on the productive farms of the neli hhorhood tlio nunn rouj ianl en portict held in ttie vlrinlty infoly apparently did not inte rft ru in any way with tho ouc- ce a 1 of tlio 0110 hi id laat friday even ing on the rounds of tho methodut chun h tho wctthor wa 1 ideal and tlin ittendanco larjo tho programmo wiw prov ided by duncan cowan en- tcrtiiim r turonto ki v mr trueblood tho pastor und mini hartshorn mr cowan wan as humorous as usual and tho pastor and jouur lady yocullst gave tlplcndld numbini tlio glon iand contributed a largo share to tho muccritj of tho e lunlnrh iinjgnunme the refreshment booths were liberally patronised ii i moore j p of acton7 wuu emliultfrnn llfdchouse mr and mni wcilcy ijvno of to ronto spi nt tho wcol end with mr robert lane mrs ivlrkp ilrlck uho wml injured by full some weeks ulo is nhlo to bo aliout again mm bchoalcs and maa elsie of toronto n nt thu wlck end with mm j tjmeuiunil mr john nowton of barn la is spending a f 1 w duiii with his olstcr mini h ntwten mr john lano has again been con- lined to i1l1 bed it is hoped ho will ioou bo utuiut uguln j mr und mm g 1 coo of goorgo- townsiiiont tin ttmlfcntl ut tlio homo of mr david bwncu hammer mr and mrs t i ivcna of brant ford are vl dtlng nt tho homo of their daui titer mrs john nuwtoti stop i look 1 lhttin a garden party will bo licit under tho auspices of ttie llmohcu i junior itod cross at tho homu of mr j w harding lot 26 con c on july 31 keep thhidalo open mm mcdonald hi r duui hlor and runddaulit r of tonnuo roteurned homo lilu iipiidliij u oouplu of wuwku with mljii h niuliiii who turn been riot ut v fire pk un d to 11 i ill 1 111 w lull ioilll ru thi promotion results i i line hou le school tv vrlhur inrntoyu- i olio- u m th ml ml i in lit ii ii 111 nplell uo hlrhli ki i j ji 1- luiri vi rli t d ii 11 j u 1 lv in i ltuth evuiu luii 1 jim it to i oljw given beitrho lane iall m1u1 n jttn itosi jcun qwun a lof lerry hill inoihe iuno h lcn hoiis tcaclior naooagawcya glorgltown lh tli u di in in 1 k t 1 loay ib ii putrlo- mid balur- uv 111 t i 1 uffi u th uu l ull ill 11 a r iui 1 ji in 11 nt ion titl m uni under on uh id 1 it ti 1 il lit ubrui li j 1111 1 omi and itiout 1 be niied upon mi h 11 mil ibboi un 1 tils fiitlui 1 ail v j h 1 mi ibtu 1 wmi at life pit- i mi ill w i i i 1 in f setflk unity mn metuh 111 y a ui miss lji a 1 mi mis wt f of sitloin wrre wnk omt nittlwii price lwakt tt10 s uue ro1 of tho lato archibald mcmillan wun largely attended mr mt mlllun will be greatly mlaucd in lilts eommuntty lu the 1 renlivterlaii tiunh und in public circles flo waa ill his life time u resident of nanua- luwuyii und un esteuniod lllti n tlio inhilsler of nuosuguwcyu circuit la tali inn his hollduys and tho luinnu uro huvliig un inning in tho pulpit mr john murshull nupt rliitoiduiit of tho hundny mcjioeil pnuctiod a ery 1 ur fit 11l und utcctitublo sermon ut 1 t 1 uexer lust tiunduy inoruliu il p moor j 1 aejton is unnouneed tu in ath on htuwunlshlp thrro next blinday morning 1 he nuseuguweyu womuns inutltuto lominonced a new years nicctliib with a most interesting omi lust wick at tho homo of mrs william 1 rank after u practhul bunlncss si nulon 11 prugiummo was prcnentil liieludlng n splendid nirt by mmtur mi im curt e paper by mus n mali llano and violin dui t b und aiiilrow i rnuk mu 1 ickett gurlph after tliln inn wan served mrs drank pruvud tie m if an idtal him t con i ho iioxt 111 1 lug will bu held at tho hunie f m janus mohon when the udlui into pcklnjrboin for multri ovweeeita guelpirs civic holiday monday auyual 5 three har ness races two jockey baseball bandit etc 100000 in purees trains kac in all directions after the ruccs uo lure acton creamery bring our r itn to in will glvo you thnhlihi t i knt prlco fur butter lat will bo e u mon 1 ey 1 hurl day upil uituidiyji until 0 oclock v m ulrhist t ream 1 allan 41 don lid w j bcoll 3h acton creamery willow street acton acton flour and feed store vo u ii upi i or tho roiiowiui i w t hail i the wellknown grands of klnun choice nerval and national hour nothing letter bran oat chop 3hort3 crackcd cqrn rolled oato corn meal pi iai i im in ciiicicl 1 ui iv1 oult calf m11al a trial domltir uolli d oath t1il blst rohcrt noble limited hcdrv awiicv manigcn spfimg ilsumtol every saturday at pattersons meat market highest cash price for butter and eggs buy fresh homekilled meat it is better flavored and keeps better than cold stoitage meat i banxl smoud roll all shouldci hoa ts of beef rib roasts choice hca cittli rib roast light cattle rump roasts round steal sirloin steak sausage legs of pork loins of pork shoulder pork legs of spring lumb loins of spring limb front quartlrs of spring lamb 35c 22c 2c 20c 23c 30c 30c 20c 32c 32c 30c 45c 45c 35c these are not war prices new potatoes 50c pk old potatoes 25c pk choicl but1lr always on hand our store close at 730 p m mondayo tuody and thursday- n patterson main street acton ont when you take die radial up tb guelph you get off guclphs leading and largest store where it 13 ever bo convenient and pro fitable for you to do your important shopping in providing wcarablci for men women and children and furnmhinrs for the home una store will serve you well j yes service ia our watchword i wc were naked to give in one word the reason why thisstoro has ptotc3sid wo would unhesitat ingly nay scrvico our service offers lnr aglortmcnts of jur the thines you need moat tviry article of absolutely dependable quality our service offers lowest possible prices on the best possiblo merchandise our large volume of business and our knowledge of how to buy nnd how to sell with greatest econ omy and satisfaction to ourselves and to you makes such prices possible our service offers prices that arc lower than those of mail order houses quality and good3 considered and some additional ad vantages arc 1 that you dont have to wait for your goods 2 you pay no mail or express charges and do not burden tho railroads or mail service with your shipments when every available car is needed for war shipping 3 you dont have to write letters 4 you dont have tovoit for the return of your money and 5 you can deal with human beings face to face personal service d macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store wyndham mncdonnel and garden streets guelph ont garden party canadas victory bonds at 98 and interest year bonds duo lot ddejembor 1022 yield ina 570 i 10 yoar bonds duo lot docamar 1027 yioldina 6 m 20 year bond duo lot docombor 1037 yioldina g0 iftp rrom lodcrul incuino tain ttie rornit huttablo becurity in camilla for ine lunent iour onloni will bo miiirecliitcd city of calgary bonds t 100 and interest yielding 7 w h hamilton co douglas bldg guelph phone 1328w idici0i recheatioi iec0ni ui t b mlti i ji yi nolo bj rimi wn get away for a few days fishing eiy ii awl uml bttw aa it u j 3i ir i w4 j itauibaf i m wtlh mn j gnkl fctbtui bj luhtu 14 tiki 11 wit euvl ilu cftnadanndrthern the firepot of every pease economy furnace m imal in two ocdoofi wlilcliclt tocook wltli cub joint till me aoca vay willi ji esiuuxcr of cnteklii- uil at uio bmii umi crimlnftlm uia rwiiulnoo unlna nu4ft nboliiteiy ftrullit ei uio luslila from tho ocntrt tlowii it ievus iiacu eamllj tuid cimiiplctrly ery tiuei uw jrrtc ar tjuken anil uureluro allows no wmu f lc ilowklat no 14 dcrllxaj tiuuiy oltierr labor and fool lnjf ttmmttm sulkdlt9d lu our luniicort wlito tot cotjt toeuy pease fou company 1 li m rrcd hsluur buimit l toronto ttltphvam ulu too in the park at acton wednesday 31st july the guelph iisical society band w philp fco bandmaster programme part r tho jdtor spunelotl ilanner ooil savo uio iclag irraiicl by w plillp qnuij murcli of uio allien v phllp untroauclnir municllulau itcj wliuo anil dluo ituly cittrry owen camp be un aro comlnii itulo lirltuxniu muplo lcat god have uio klnj r oranil ovurturo ioot miil luaimeiit i orent ldioem intcrnioxxo cjiuid bulihiuon 1 runt uio oinjct puiuit coucort walls now of tioul amerinili an occtduntul incjtlimt i utilioiill m bolii afturwanla ctiflxliij wlthlnirton and llund m ixji of uio ituyu1 auntxallan navy von sumxi luuecendoan ctqunod joho jtlxnor bmlllr bulllviui utbkiiy intiumihaion veidlu ikluljieci jrjiiil mnrcli i roin tli oikiru aldu huetion or eiim from 1muiiii concert cuirlca vol iu iineoim viii of thu iliuuint ii0111hi11 grand koleiuon of aiutrluill aim ilirjlliinon ljetllai3 tlio rjrejim of a bu idler iluy munuco 1x trutiilttlni tlio troll to nnnnanily ix kin 1 mo good hyo failllor daddy ulnu lion got riuma lllj llluo lyuti hlo uu iii tlm ileal tit of tho he rktihlro llllla dulill j someday tlio lloyit ar comliy lluiuu akuid llilbcrt thu mliuourl wultx loiciui loin iwy olio iiten wffilltor good be jdaw good byo iuw xiouabjo mulu with your old liu haw hymn- abldo willi mo hulllvuti goo uavu 1iiu uing w philp muaio olrctor aclon onr- new machine shop krud blow ftlachinlat iu moviuj to the iiewlyurruined picmiscs tlio roia bowl injj alky on mum strtut where ho will bo prcpurcd to hundlo all repairs of machinery promptly und satisfactorily motok ruaiusa specialty having cjrpcricnco with ull imikc- ot motors rcpuir aviii he llucicntly exccutnj vulcanizing tutls iluvinj mtulkd u vulcautziuj outfit atisfuctory rciutts ill be nuiilc to iiler tj l 1 well uj inner tubi tht- dtp 11 tikiit t- y ml 1 uosa brin ai i your ki 1mus hi rl main street acurn mu211 ulow

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