Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1918, p. 4

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iu arton 3far ilrnsn i iltlll uk july 2g 1018 a vliqctanian 30nq hli i n nom- of nvrr t com v i inlrii full of chsrd- lour nnd twmty ms plantrt iniwlru if tlm yard when dm ropn nro gauiered tim folk enn havo nom ft lunch lun nun tfih a dish to tn i before a bunch i knhtri it nillnnr boots ond chlvm itivinr uu nome moner milium out ninohg tho lilvru taking off tlio honey rim 1i1im nro in tlio garden 1 ulllnf mil tho wocdu don t w not a lot of food i rom iv cck of seed f dcttcr dayo ahead tim iwilo who dony this and de clare an homo do that the world in jtottliiic wiiitifl und wo mo are simply ignorant of tho facia a llttln knowl edge of hlntnry would bo the apeodleut euro for that connldcrable clans of ileum qunncno ears tim rrl itlm 1 hli loin y of various do- vj foi i m w iitlnit injurlm to tho tar lirt i 1 1 tmifitltiiui wmi tnntrd on i uln- i ill ii by cull 1 1 irlit pro vrrntu t hue ik i n t i i in tho work to dftti 1 llin iidflltln ni drum proticti i i mmy militlng hnll w ii ift nil im r nph rl l bulb i mo iildu iiiriiiuiidod by ft flrw a divl n liivttitid uy lit j oi r ii n wllmjn and pruttiur a a mlrlii i i tiiilullnir of ii hollow rrntiiwor or imrd ruhbt r n which in iiijri 1 i alvn of hi mnu4 no irririf 1 ii i i i tuy ipt n nn 1 permit inllnnry lounli to pano ihn odtfen itit i r 1 ilnil iltitoimtlon wavcu iwi ctu u ii tui hut by muvliii inward ind foiiiilni ntio t with what may m rail d ih ilvo ueiit tim llllult i i rfei t i ir interior 4 iho mnl- oclt an mmon i r dt fender c wux tonr i which guild inudo utter the diucrlptlon i ivlii by iui mi havlnr born adopted in tho italian army 0 dry cotton plated irmly 7 cotton tiaturatf rt with glycerin curtfull dinl to drlvo out all tlio mr hub bleu h cotton nut lira ted with pctro r fully worliod in what thc oca ooco for uo i rltiitlntji uny thai in tlm w itrrri o tlio n a am to bo omul i ilutlonn i i reriiiun metnhi mi well an null thin in rvj lemly morn weilth in wntrr that dr ill b lluc tin i tliinlilnr that i ro inn i thhiirt r f mother i urth rnt kht tlm rllritut nly fr tho i loni ni o in n flnlu rmnn dotri dny wltliln tw i tlciit inluntry hdltdj nihil iii woll-dinionjd- folk who an ixirpotual ly mounlnc and emanlne over tho ttlbry of tho vanlnhcd yearn if tho wlno lirottchor could nsnln return ho walka of mon h would no doubt reprat with added cmphoiiia tha ad- men whlcd ho uuvc to hi own fctnrrn- tloi aay not thou what la tho cauno that tho form r daya were better than thpfn- for thou dott not inotllre wisely concernlniff thla tho world at men individually and in groupii la retting bettor wider morn sonorous tho church 1a awnk- inj to itu bocioj obllkuoq as never before societies of mutual banctlt and eood will aro up reading uio world over open cruelty and oppression art becoming- impossible eunployeni ore btowiriff every dor more oqdslder- ato of their laboring people aroused public oen tlm out has come to bo mlshty engine fur the suppression of thoao abusi by which men and wnroi are doprived of the common hjrhta humanity tho rich aro mors and more sonnltlva to the judgment of tho public concerning the proper use of their wealth society bids fair to be come ere long thoroughlyhuouaod to the crusudo against poverty drink and pro von table diseases selected tnen i ft the oil for the athlstsc- in running down tho athlete can find nothing oner than dr thomaa eclectrla oil it rend era the muscles and sinews pilot it taku the ttorcneaa out of them and btrengthons them for strains that may be put upen them it stands jjri eminent for thla purpose and auuetes who for yearn iiavo been using it can testify to its value as a lubricant form nwifii nn obtulnod in the hrst croup tiulld placed tho tommy and the mnllorkarmntrang dovlcon thoro la nutlilnn nlmplnr to ltccp clean than tommy und for army une it nnemn tho bent of thoiio tcatod tho wax cono ot tho italian navy typo roraco next in order followed rloaely by cot ton tioaknd with petroloum cotton aoukod with glycorln did not protect julto no well an tout saturated t petroloum the explanation probably ilea in tho frrcator vlnconlty of tlte petroloum tho llllott perfect protector and tho wllaonmicholson dovlco rnnlc togothor with dry cotton as halng beai riven tho leant protoc- to tho middle ear ports of tho ani mals used with uil tbroo provcntlvo nioaauron every animal showed posi tive lnjurlcn and one out of each group of three anlmalo had a ruptur ed tympanic roembranc of tho me chanical devices tho islllott roducoa ordinary ubunda tlio least and tho tommy tho moat ly yh id of ll ih ilnv lio unnt ihia whftt thi 1 rlnj- to thb ii tit v niontliit by hln im whm the ttnltid 1 ltn hint annual ro tort on uu flnlu rli n nomti in rt oi mnrr o thin jutntlon brcumo i ntn non knowlodico it ii re inn hint to day ho oovtrnrticnt linn u urly u htindrod hd nfty iitatlotia for rnlnlnic fluh of all hurt thmn umnll fr nn thoy am rallod nn tramiiilanttd into the ann rlcun utniimn inland mid nrur tho cirran nl iintlnfai tory imuihinn and aftr proprr tlnio for jtrowth linn paua cd by tho huluiitrlriiiii fluln rniun not thorn bat k from tho wntorn for tin i jiii t yar they hrauj lit to ntuelcn a hnlftnllllon poumlti f na nun alto bother worth nt lrly went nvj mil lion dollars victory our first business as canadianb la to help win the war and that stale ment does not refer alone to the gov emment but to each of us individual ly tho first business of a fanner or a carpenter or a bousowlfo is to do his or her beat to holp win the war everything elsei cornea second the war should bo no aide lasuo with any of us many good cltlxens of too present umo itavo an idea that they can go on wjth their work as usual that thoy can have the some enjoy ments as in former years and glb to tho war what is left of their time and energy and money that will never do tho war must be the paramount thing in the thoughts of all in order to bring victory children ory for fletchers oa r a huns to go barefooted go barefoot this bunruner and help the fatherland la the latest patriotic catchword to bo placarded in ger many in view or tho alarming scarcitr of leather rich and poor alilce should an explanation of tho placard in the zthenlsh weatfaliacho zeitung of es sen tho old are urged to set an example for the young why not wnik on bare feet hf auauaart says tho zeitung neither old nor young neod be ashamed to walk bars- foot anywhere at noma in bo streets at school or in church packet of wilsons fly pads viu klumorf hies than s8- worth of any sticky fy catcher- clean to handle sold by all drag cists grocers und ocncnu stores k word for mothers it is wrong for mothers ta neglect their nches and pains and aufler in ailence this leads to chron fltckness and often ahortens life h your work is tiring ifyonrnerves arc excitable if you feel languid weary or depressed scotts lunubion over comes just ouch conditions it possesses in concentrated forra the very elements to invigorate tho blood strengthen the tissues nounxa the nerves and build up your strength ink idwm iwonfp oat m0tori0t0 havcriqht of wav tho municipal world nlvrn partlru lirn of n rano of intnri nt to mi to mo i ijimn it iinyn a homo drawn vnhlqlrt inuut turn to tlio rlht of a lira ton i nth or roadway an 1 imnnlt i motor ooinlnt from bthlixl to dim 1 nlluro o io no ninlcm thn lrlver or tho form ir vihlilo i ulliy of nmiijrnco in tho opinion of a jury tomiiom 1 of fnnnrn nlwot dntock thin verdict won reach cd nflt r a trial lantlnic tlirof dayu mrn rioronro held riled milt ngalnnt i ant htiivoiln drmanllnr t00o lom njcn for personal iiijiirln rrcdved in i ruiifiwiy cauned as alio avercd whrn ntotmin rtriho hlii car np tier liuirixy whin nho irnon d tho rnpe iti d nliuil to turn out ami rlvo half thn road an htovenn dmni past tho bill iry th i car rollldrd with tho whoolrt of lliu former vehicle tho cranh frlitht- rnlni tlio liortioj which ran away throwing tho or upanto of tho bucne nl mm held received lnjurlen which dh inlmn pnrmancnt after a hnrd foutcht trial thn jury decided ih favor of tho dofondant claiming thai tho pliilnttlt wan nonllfnnlllrt not iiur remlerlnr ono half of tho road tlio ilnrlnlcrn cntablinhcii an inii ortant p redonl and onu that will bo b in li rent to overy driver whether of a motor car oi ti homo drawn vrhlclo 0awino metal fliuint rnftnl in oany if thn wiitkrr hiiimvn junt how to do it othirwlso tho rlilef r nulltjin niiiny an nmulrur rriiftnmun linn dine ivrrod in brliurn hlaini icnlj im nro bent not only nro lliu ly to bo in bool hey jan lio more cually uko rindy by crnwlnfc to tho be in h a in anl with a v nhnti ml in tho fin of it so ptnrcd hint tlio v will oxttnd woll out boynml tho tdi of tho in neb tjio now ffnmi and lilndla nro wlmlinr to thoao for fret nawlni wood when t hniirlug tlio illrlloii or thi niw irep it in niotli it yuu attomi t to muko a turn with thu naw motlonleau tho hlndo w break do nut work too fnst two tttrnk to thn hoc ond will glvn thn bent r nultu if tho naw blndn njb a little been wax on it nrovtli tutto but followed j children cry for fletchers castoria how to control wild mustard on a number of forma in dundaa county where tlio commission of con servation is conducting illustration cultivation aro bolng tried to chock the spread of mustard on holds whore corn wan grown laat year and wherp grain was sown thla spring part of tho land was ploughed and part was thoroughly cultivated only before needing on fields where the corn was kept clean last auramifr and no mustard was allowed to go to seed tho cultivated portion nbows much less mustard thli year than is to bo seen in tho grain on tho land which ploughed twhllo tho otond of grain is equally as good on tlio cul tivated iortlon of tho field there aro two things to be looked for in- this comparison nolo which part of tho field gives the beat grain crop and which la freer from mustard if thui teat in contemplated on your form next spring by all moans soo that the mustard in your crop of corn bi not allowed in rn to n- thcru to take to cover thoro is an organisation of motor car ownors in ixmdon england which has rendered valuable ocrvlco to the publlo in connection with tho raids of tho gorman air plratea when warning of an air raid is re ceived in tho city explosive uky rock- eta are flrod from various points the automobiles then drivo through the city streets honking their hornn to at tract attention on each nldo of the car abovo tho motor hood a largo olgn is carried on wlilch la printed the warning tako cover when tho dangor is passed the reverse aide of tho elan in nhown which reads all clear a hoy scout bugler who rides in tho car also oaulats to inform the cltlxona rjhat tho huns liavo de parted tho drlvcrn of tlio caru wear a v form which includes a metal helmet similar to that worn by tho aoldlera in tho trenches this latter la worn for protection agalnnt ohrapnol from tho british antl cruftguna which unu ally provldo tho rnldcru with more or less special entertainment he knew the place now boys aald tho teacher in tin juvenile sunday school claim our lesson today trachea un that if wo aro good whilo hero on earth when wo die we ft 111 go to a placo of ovcrlaatlng bliss but mil pane wo aro bud then what will become of us wo 11 go to a place of everlasting blister promptly answered tho nmall boy at tho pedal extremity of tho class brooklyn cltlten choksd for air some utuo irritant h lodged in the btonchlal tubes others gather and the awful caattngot asthma results nothing offer quits such quick and posiuvo relief as dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy th healing soothing smoke or vapor pene trates clears the passages and gives untold relief usually it completely cures ii has behind it years of sue cess itjs tho sure romody xoejsyctz sufferer aro many uimllar nlmplo tels that at y farmer might conduct tho way to ond out if a thing is good la to try it out on a umall scale at first on your own farm do not plunge head long into some now thing ue first time your hear of 1c try things sldi by nldo uo that a comparison may bo made f c n outdoor life let outdoor life at thla season claim ail ones leisure momenta the house should be but the adjunct to the porch and yard lunch when possible out among tho trees ar on the porch bring from tho woods tho wild flowers afoss them in every poasible nook and cranny that thoy may woo yoa from tho house into the open air soldiers producing food tho food shortage in recognlxed as so serious in euro pa that the aol dlera are cultivating 60 000 acres be tween tho lines in itrancc 7 000 in saiaolca and approximately 709 000 in mesojhimmla tgypt palestine and cyprus in isgypt palestine and salanlca tho urlush armies will this yenr g a own vegetables sod a largo part of their hay and forage all tho mllttor camps in knstand are being cultivated also at ajdarnhot where 28 acres wcro being cultivated is months ago 1 too av are now under cultivattaon quit laxatives pu t nr ha tolt-r- tomorrow feel rigtt children ory for fletchers c how it happened tho chairman of tho end lob lecture bureau footer cyascr inalsta that whatever may bo said of engllshmoi in general tlio sri inn xomray certain ly has a flno nenoo of humor and h tolla thla ntory to llluntrato the point in england ho says on in america there aro noma women who like to sco their pleturea in the papers and to whom a hod crots uniform is particu larly becoming one of these joined tho ited crobs ordered hn expensive uniform wont to tho photographers to havo her picture token for publica tion and than announced that she would mabo a visit to a certain hos pital qn tho following day two hours after the appointed timo she arrived and on her way up tho walk nho stopped to speak to a soldier who was sitting on a bench nursing hla remaining lor one arm in a ollng und a bandage over his loft eye nuppooo my good man oho be pan patronizingly you wore wounded tho war no ma am returned tho tommy looking up at her with almost a tear in his good cyo i was cleaning out tho canary cago and the bird bit me othero of thc ilk with what no emu iiomo times to bo pi rvcruo disregard for tho ntiicou things comical incidents have a wny of happening with inappropri ate frequency at tlioe moot pnlheio f institutions asylums for tho in- iihjic it is tit- hits that vouches for the following lit ory lord llalstjury tho former lord chancellor of inclajid during his teem of ofllco had occasion to visit in ills official capacity a certain lun atic anylum 1 m tho lord chancellor ho an nounced to tho attendant at tho door tho man looked at him curiously for a moment thla way air ho said very nrm- ly wo avo throo moro of cm in ere the kind you havo alwaya bought ond which has been fa two fax over thirty yearn has borao the blgnatoro of j0j j fcod kao been rimdo tinder hhi per- jcj77hr fconol onpcrvioloa lnco ite fnfnnry uttrztfctc u no ono to deceive yoa in thfa atx coanterfelts imltatfons and jagtanfiood are but experiments that trlflo with and endangsr tho health oi intonta and children experience against experiment what is castoffia ccjtccria la a hrrrmlesa onbctltnto for castor od potesorlc drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine- nor other narcotic snbstnnceu its age la its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been fa constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allayine fererishness arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels olds the sbsfmostlon of food riving healthy and nflttira dee the childrens panaceatho mothers friend genuine castoria always beara tho slgrmtara of a lucky man i know junt about everybody in this town remarked the prominent cltlicn lucky man replied mr cayenne no matter what wrong number tho telephono operator gives you you can always nnd oomoond to talk to washington star in use for over 30 years tho kind yoa have always bought railway- time tables at acton grand trunk railway byatem 2 k 0 17 n 2 22 p m 101 urn 11 02 a m 1 pm 7 48 a m 02 p m kit p m h iburban cloctn colna womt rtlly ejr lit ll n day t ill ir ei 1 ml nday iall lu it mil nday j nd iy only t mit y only no c ct imily rrci t b lill oir i t bu nday dally rxr pt bu nday hi ly only t ulldcy only motorcycles in war from the arrival or tho british ex peditionary force in belgulm in the late nummcr of 191 down to tho pi out umo the motorcycle itaa steadily gained in importance in different branchen of tho military nervico iti use ban not been roatrlcted to tho al lied armies the best authorities place tho number of motorcycled employed by tho armies of tho centra powers at tho time of tho battle of tho mamo at 18 000 the britli h had at least 40 000 in aorvlco in tho spring of 101e whilo tho french had about 11 000 tho ital ian forces up to tho present havo 10 000 according to rocont estimates says popular science llonthly it has been figured that more than 7g0 000 motorcycles have been in uso for military purposes by i tho belllgor- t powers ulnco july 10h thla docs not lncludo thoao at present in tho united h tales army service for prior to their entrance in tho great war tho american army did not havo more than perhaps iso machines in ojl too literal these pests attack the tender lining of tho intestines and if loft to pursue their ravages un will mateiy perforate uio wall because theoo worms aro of the hook variety that cling to and feed upon interior surfaces millers worm powder will not only exterminate these worms of whatever variety but will servo to repair tho injury thoy havo done experienced tho head or tho household wore a worried dark ook when he behold the numerous bills tl at confronted him your extravaganoo is becoming un bearable he growled when i die youll probably have to beg woll f should bo better oft than some poor women who never had any practice replied wa wife cliildren ory for fletchers oa all ao one views it an irish girl callod at mrs arsons ta get tho placo as cook aro you a plain cook in quired mrs green woll mum replied tho glrj yx may tlnk bo bnt omsdr mllllgaji was afthor tolltn mo thot mo eyes wor lolho th lakes or kllurney kx- chapge nearly all children aro subject to worms und many are horn with thevn tjpare them buffering by using mother graves worn kxienujnator the best remedy of tho klnduat can bo bad rabbit wool i iubbit hair is supplanting wool in the felt hat making industry ct an trsjlo where tfaero aye- thirty fseitrrica in operation at prrmtrnt making uso of rabbit fur for this purpose it is said to bo superior to nho fluent merino and minions of rabbit skins add macs uso of annually why gnffer fntth cbrnti wjan tfoey cati bo palnlesaiy rotted out try using holurwaya corn cm a tradesman in a certain town put box outside hla nhop one diy lab oiled for tho iwml a few weeks afterward tho box disappeared hollo i whats happened to your box for tho blind ho was asked got nno money piled and painting upward o tho ijiw canvas blind that ahotcred his shop window there- tho bill bad la itt london anawcru not castoria for infants and children in use for over 30 years always bears the signature of a war child representative asbury levey of uouth carolina said in a ited cross appeal in charleston food saving will greatly help to win the war let us all then bo as saving of our food aa a little girl i know in newberry julia saltl thin little kirls mother tho othur day did joii pcol your applu htroro eutlnif it an i told vu tor yeu inn uin said julia and what tlld you do with tho peellnj sal i lit r mothi r ato it said julia calmly louis- mllu courier journal tha foa of lndlosatjonliidlgeatloii la a common ittltnont und fow are free from it it in a moat dlntrtnilng iuih- plalnt und of ti u hid niiffcrlnji attend ing it in most novero iho virj best remedy is iarmeleo a vokotahlo pills taken according to directions they rectify tho lrrckular action of tho atomath and nstoro healthy ac tion lor many youra they havo bvan standard rcniody for dyqjiopala and lndlgwutlon and aro highly tstoomed lor ttmlr qualities for mending runs btjtbli up tho runn on a sowing mn- chintz by using thla method they will not ehovr as much no when done by hund the mending furthermore will photo pontumaptt eajtai uasllt pi 11 a calomcj oil purgea ond catharuca and force bowel action it wcafcrns tha bowels and liver and makes con stant dosing neccsary why dont you bwrfn richt today to overcoroo your constipation and eat your system in such shapo that dairy purging win bo unnecessary- ttou- con do bo if you ret a c box of natures romaay nit tablets and take ana each night for a week or so nr tablets do much more than merely cnuao pleasant easy bowel no tion this medicine acta upon tho digestive as well aa ellmlnatlvo organs promotes good digestion causes tho body to get the nounjhment rrom ait tho food you cat gives you a good hearty appetite atrengthans tho llvor 9 vo ream on biliousness regulates kidney and bowel action and gives tho wholo body a thorough cleaning out this accomplished you will not havn to toko medloino avory day an occasional nic tablet will keep your body in condi tion and you can always foul your best try nsturss rrssdy nr tablets and prove this it is tho beat bowel medlciao that you can uso and coats 1 only 24o per box containing cnouirh to i laat twenlyflvo days natures rem- ll ody nit tablets la sold guaranteed and roco by your druggist e j has8ard acton ont tlaluicfti mulii better than pills i gh a for liver ills i 25c bn a helpful club a wlldoyod and dinhovollod looking woman burst into tho local police n in tl on lly huuband has boon threatening to drown himself for noma vb 5fto cried hysterically and lio o boin now for two days i want you to have the canal dragged anything peculiar about him by which ho can bo recognhtcd suppos ing wo and tho bodyt inquired tho inn pee tor tho woman hcoltatod nnd sccmod at a i6ii3rur armfnulo orturo then a look of relief slowly overspread her face why vcs oho exclaimed at last hoe deaf pearsons week ly d nervous mothers should profit by cke experience of these two women baflala hi y i am tho znother of four children h far toajstitryftwrt jttfitnnftftrih frrrni am-l- rrmh wwl p in my batsc andbideand a general weakness hapxd- feaatonal attendanoo mostafxhat tunc hntaianctnmnaut get troll as a laat resort i decided to try lydla bl plnthanra vegetable cbnponnd which i had seem odtertised in tho nqwrpapers and in two irreexs r a marxed improtement i contutnad its as sad sam roenrr free from pain and able to do oil my boase- work mrs b b giwntirr 202 wefas btnl baftjoo nt so badly from it at times i could not be on my feet at all i was all run down and so weak i could not do my housework was nerrons and coold not lie down at night i took treatments from m physician but they did not help me mr aant rneammtataea acton livery and bus line i solicit with cattl iinco tho patronajo or the j nt lie comfortable rjrr supplied at reasonable rate i special attention hi nuppllng conveyances for wcddlncn and funerals motor ca required nxpreaaman for tho suburban hallway dus meets all trains nlnhcd when toronto l e atkinson ijtdug plnjm yegctieia coiiibounj ibdsd nd well uaia and i ft and nawt am i inr own woric and ig i compound tha era 1 kiottt s3s wat 1 j lydla xplnkhmli mn i sbt astlaad aid every scfc wooaan should try lydia pinkhams vegetable compound dmunniii mucme cebhi your weekly newspaper perhaps you havent been thinking much about it just taking for granted that 1 50 a year is a right price for the free press year after year let other things cost what they may ut you are a reasonable being and so can sec that the price of a weekly newspaper should notnore remain fixed year after year than tho prices of such common things as beef steak sugar coal boots wheat eggs potatoes clover seed when you need boots shoes at any time buy from w williams acton ontario eia famous for satisfactory eootwear get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuinecoluntbia grafbnolas and records ler this trade mark look for it before you buy columbia graionola tor sale by c c speight acton ont can you think of nny other commodity except newspapers and their like whose price has remained unchanged and un changing year after year why then should your newspapers price remain the same the same for example as when you cauld buy a cord of wood for 1 50 a bushel of wheat tor 50 cents a common fowl tor 25 cents a dozen of eggs for 10 cents a pound of butter for 12 clints a cow for 25 the war has brought to a crisis a condition of thing- which has vexed publishers for yeors tho selling price of their newspapers it has sent prices of paper ink type und uppliu skyward it is costing us many moro dollars a week now to produce the free press than before the outbreak of war where do wq get off at in the slung language of to day wo must get more subscribers for the free press you are reasonable and ha wq count on you to meet the rweesalticj of the situa tion cheerfully three cents a week for your oeulnewspaper it la worth the price is itnot 7 less than the price of a smoke vi njnritifrvt ff fcrour mvntccausm sats4intii ahli aui be- seat fraa mari03 a trtaltjotl 164 university ave mvmiluai w

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