Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1918, p. 1

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ctn rortyfourlh year no 10 acton ontario thursday morning september s 1018 artnu mvtyvesb this acton ntke toism in pub untied every thuniday mornlnr at urn irwm vnrjm ijuildlnr mill street artoti ontario tho auhaorlptlon price in 1 co per ywir in advance pontntjo is auargod additional to oidcmi in ul united tjiatcji tho into to which subscript lonn nro paid in indicated tho udarens ill nl alailtislno it vi i j transient advcrtinoinriiti 10 ei ntn per lino oj ate measurement for flint insertion ami c osritn per lino f r eneh nuhaociunnt in 1 ertinn contract display ndvertlno mentn for 50 luc bur- or muro per on num 10 rantn per inch euch ininrtlon artvcrtlnrmntn without uptrlflo dlrei tlonn will bo imirttcd ml forbid am charged according ly zmwzl tisrriiionn editorial and bunlnriiu ohlu ileal delicti business directory th08 gray m d c m mcgill l k c p edinburgh l it i i v 8 glongow member ilrltinli medi cal association otc omco ivodorlck strcot acton ont or j a monivcn physician and surooon oolco lintl residence corner howoi avenue and hlgln htrcoln tho rtnld nee formerly occupied by d m lion deraon acton ont veterinary john lawson vstsrinary surgeon acton ont office arthurs block ileal den mill street calls day or night prorap if attend oil to a j maokinnon barrister solicitor conveyancer office mill sl in perryman hlock dr j m dell d d fcv l d 8 oantut honor graduate of toronto itnlvt r slty tho luteals anesthetic uimi if dealred office at residence corner mill i bredorlck streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore tamer- marriage licun prlvato ofllce no witmuico i quired issued at rcsldcnro in uveal tag pueas offlco two or more persons may use one account the joint account u a very popular fauureof the bank of nova scotia service each person may depo or wllhdnvw independently interest quickly accrues and with two saving the growth of the account is rrtore rapid and pleasing husband and wife brother and sister father and son or others are enabled to save systematically by this means the bank of nova scotia the war rosary i knit i knit i iimy i i in my lcnfttliif in rny rosary ami un i w nve the alltrhrn iircy i murmur pray era continually firfy loop a nl li y knot a wluli row a lialn of wlntful prayer thus to nit and knit and pray ihl i lu if war tlio woman a nliare and no i knit and uitiii i pray and ke p rrpcatltir- nliht and day may loci lead nafely ttiono dear feet dint noon filiall wour tlilfi web of grey nuw and ni sin a i i midi ti train jjut mirtly wnmaiilm nrt munt yearn ami pray nomollmrii that oho may bear tlio nuund of foouitepa ttiat rot urn tint f o g- 1 not tie i t f it munt bo lucrlllco omplcto then i will inint that afterwards thou wilt luldo homo thdno prcclouu feet ncllio hunit savage co established 1818 wyndham st guelph acton on l francis nunan boakblndar account hooka of all kinds mado to order perlodlcaln of every descrip tion carofully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham btroct ouolplil onl over wuluuna hloro r j kerr licensed auctioneer jpor tho countlca of halton wcllliit ton peel and puffer in and tho city of ouelph acton ontario sales may bo arremred by mull or at realdonco at acton or at the free prcso oulco acton the mercury ofllce quoluh the nownltecord iertrus or with w- j qonlon ilnjnooa maker lullaburr sales oo trusted to it j kerr re ceive attention from date of iluttnj to sato of ealo jjot your uaicj with mo reeldence young street acton phono 88 acton call at my uxputuia watches diamonds jewellery lidf1ary desk qcto fine china cut glass 3ilverware 3ilk umbrellas fountain pen3 i i ill 1 1 in weddln and ulriluluy tlftu expert watch un 1 jiwilir itopalroru you know what it means to have a clean and bright auto o ckdaft polishes 26e 60c 76o 125 zm c and u wax 60c johnsons ca11don jigmovxr- 75o and 15 jojinsons iladiatoit ctjmnnt 75o and ft25 allt tite auto tvdtz mhno 50o and 100 tho uottcr uio hoad the tlehter it holds roltd wrenches coe cup qnuase 1 ih 20oj 2 ma 40oi lltii 90c national body dressing boo and 75o eittjcto auto paint 70c 125 and 25 dhv uatteries 45c siauir plugs 70c porcelain 4sc auto dusters 35c 00c 75c auto rugs 75 to jt1 00 ioiu motor and polarine motor oucoo per gallon the bond hardware co ltd phono 1012 guelph savage co 70 yon n ouslneas in guelph roy hindley auctioneer sales conducted ny wlitru ontario farm stock real jtuio mercluxndlae j e cheevers 00ok dinder fluabq sl eat guolpk ont rocjcs and maufliua buunl in jlandflomo and subetujitliu cuvum naraes lettered in told on liul a jlymn lirwka und other bookj ah work promptly exocutod summer is here kenney bros iio full iiumtner linea of boota un l uiiou for both hid lea and tmiuiiiwi tre j3antynewthingaf and the heavy working boots of utlnic slioca in- lawn cowling shoes tennis shoes running shoes id other lines our pncoa are rl and our qualities superior hi 1airino neatly and promptly dond kenney bros main street actoh r d alex fflven ontario land surveyor aru c enpinoor survesn subdlvluh u i i porta ikitcrlpucma ultic i rlniu cor till cat en for j ui lm t mortjraiura surtya fur an hit ilullderu and llunlcliul cum dralnufo jteprtu 1 tim it j mclean duilding d the old and reliable granite and marble nodloiy wo uru munufat ttiroru n i i importers of all kinds of moinim1 i and luudutouo work h bo to our cu atom em at win ml thui ffavlne our cuminum io j wo luivo the beat appll ta an i m only mochunlca in the domini j can oporate pneumutla tools nrui n wo can irivo rcfereuer f i 0 our cuntonim in lunut i placta where otliern tmv t i suits in cnli r to colli t ivlv urreat und bent mot i f i the itaminlon or ninro thu 0ralrs in tho wut w mate dealcra nu employ and do not annoy p u by rnifhur out iajnorunt ullrll in ordrre we employ and dfy coinpoutlon ll hamilton sons the guelph trust co mmunnl in conuoltlon with tho u11i1u ami oiitarhi invuil un nt niul tmvltuu botloty directors l limuu l llowltt irtuldtnt iimj loibu icu 1itiildont h hovvltt m d j i mel ulirry a 11 ittilo william i ihl it it tho part of wisdom to make y will while sound in dody and mind wtiun multlntr yor vrill op- l lut thlu conipy lo aa ur lsliiltor iou will thum ennuitt careful and otoiitwnual hin munt of your oilnte tho udvaotatiri imust latd by a ro llably lruit fiunpaay for ucltmr hi thla caput uy un compared with nn liullvlduul aro well ro- coj nird our bafety iwpodlt vault ut furtl u info pla for ueoplnff hveuiukrt and othi r aluiblen ih ml lalto tho rlaj f 1 b ilro or choft when 1 a mufcty drpmlt 1ux vault for a tumitnul mini 1 or full inf rniatlon apply pr- tonnllj or uy niilur to tho cant m 11 oi11 e rormr wyiidliam and c rk hlrtt t ilm llh j c moelderry manaono d our addos queer courtship oy c a qtaphona like oil on troubled waters wearing a pair of savasos clans- ea urn 00 thins o tho nerves and a relief tor any one troubled with oyer train thoro la a knack in fitting caua- ca that will he rcutful you will find uie jinhrment used at tills- 00- tabllnhmunt oluablo to your com fort and cyeoleht- wo trind our own lenses we do- alcn tho clauses to suit you indi vidually wo render a service that you will approclato infinite care in those little things that are so vital to success la tho cardinal rule of majrcni of tu1 hell piano add to this a knowledge born of experience in mechanical construction and judgment of piano tone and you have tho reason for tho 11lll piano holnj in tho very front rail it of tho ffrcalcat of cailadaa croat riauo cw kelly son 33 wyndham street qoelph uptodate goods at c7 speights silvcrwuro in tableware pino variety also tine cutlciy hardware tmwaro and granite- ware big asaortmont pandora stoves and rangca famous heaters small stoves oil stoves ccspeight mill stwet acton ht tho county fair that wan held every fall near our old homo- stcau in sfalno many prlrcfl were offered for tho beat farm products aroone thu awards wcro a drat nnd aeeond prlxa for the beat bread hiked by any clrl in tho county under eighteen yearn of ne any mnd of wheaf bread woo od- mluiblc but meat of the loavca en tered for the prhto wcro yeaat bread tho managers of tho fair appointed three judgca two men and a woman who was usually a housewife of wldo experience tho men had merely to aay which loaf lasted tho boot they nut ntn table in the committee room cut and buttered sllcei of tho bread and then tasted them judicially tho competition attracted consider able attention and people gathered round the table to aco what went oa it wan a foodnatured and often very inerrj competition rrcnuontly some of tho bj ntandcr stepped up and naked to taato this ar that loaf the apnear- inco of which they especially liked homo lilted one oomo another loaf hcict itut tho judcoa hold their own declxlonu tley took into account the hchtntju tho whiteness and the do greo of nwentncuuj whether the bread linl rliuii tuo hnurh or too little or whither it iou baked toolonu or not enough on tho whole thu judfres dcclatons wcro uoiiatl reirarded aa fair and juat- my coualna theodora and ellen com peted two or three times and once dllcn won tho second prlzo- ono of our younr neighbors qcorsle wilbur won tho first prlzo two years in sue- ccoslon the third time oho competed oho lot tho nocond prize some said that even that time tho judnea con- nlderod her bread na tlio tcat but thnl thoy feared to rlvu her the first prlso three times in succession becauso it mlght dlucouraie the otlicr curia and lend them to klvo up goonjlo had won nearly ol t iu ccuten not with ordinary hopycaat bread but with that peculiar kind variouuly known as ealtrbilnff bread pnttnt bread or mllkycast bread at tho old onulreu wo called it mujr bnid becaujo grandmother ruth always not tho brcavl to rlso over nlfibt in a latro mug ceorfie wilbur would probably have continued hide finitely to capture bread prized ut tho fair hut her elnhteenth birthday fell a few montha after oho tuid received her third award and that of coumo excluded her from capturinff any morn but qcornioa third and laat leuteat was a nicmorablo ono for her 1 anion c the younf fellows who rath tn jocoualy about tho judjias tablo hn tlifv tilcd the brend wni a hov ed adonlram dudley addo hta friends altcd him llo was the son cf a lumberman and mill owner in ono of the northern tuwnuhlpa of un county it was tho rirst time that he had attended tho fair with three oung f rion la ho bad cume to nee the alchts and to have a ffood time and the little croup uf them had drifted in to seo tlio loaves or bread eamplod and to hear tho numoa of tho prize wlnneru io wto a tall healthy rc- solulo looking hoj plainly not one of the diffident sort seelnc several youns men stop up to taato the brrad addo approachetl thu table and asked if ho might do so ctrtalnlv ont of the judges re piled and a woman dtandlns by th table lunlltngly aiked tho boy which loaf ho wished to taste addo danced ut them critically well thats the bent- looking loaf ho said pointing to one of tho loaves that ceorijio wilbur had brought looks to mo thu lightest and thu lit id like to taato of tliat if you pk i you ilmll replied the woman and pultlnw a attce sho spread it liberally with butter and innded it to him addo viewed it approvingly and without muro ado proeended to show liat bread iti made for alcanwhllc irtxorul of thy eomnfunir hrlu qoorblfl amnir them who were grouped on a mtter f irtln 1 baelt in tho room uud cl one anntmr 1 xpcttojitli and pricked uji their ears to hear what thlu jounk tntiibtr would noy hull no doubt tho mortal was tooth me and icry likely addo was very huntfrj well tlmtu loodl- he erled im- phutrally to thu w tun an wlm hud ved mm that u tiptop thats better than mother inukej im ilad jou nko il thti woman anld siiiltlug at his enthusiasm lluitu tho beat bread i over ntol add cxclulmed if etr i get mor- rlwl i hotw my wlfu will malt brend like that tho girlj nnlrkertd audibly and the woman aaldjo kingly it rhaits tluni you would like to o the ulrl who made ihlnt ca 1 nhould tried addo well tin re sho sits unclaimed tho woman laughing heartily und to clt orglo s consternation pointed hex out to him uy that tuna the judges and every one clnu near tho tablu were lunlllng dty thty ttiuutlit thut thoyuutig man had gut hlmnt if into nn awkward ituatlim and that ho would probably beat a hasty n trout not ho aftei onu gooil straight lcnik at gourftle ho puohed ttiroukh tho crowd to where ho nut ami to the hilarious uurprlao f iteiyouc exclaimed huj id lko to marry youl poor uour mho waa dre idfully mbarruaecd and angry too go awnyl ho tprlfil dcupcntilj oi of aildoi frlcittlti now tried t pull hlrn nwny but he renlnttd 6h im in cume itt i nn nn ik ho cried 11uu faring tho rmirli huntrr ed girl uy thu uuio ocorrio w on her fc anxious to je you iniiut be craay nhe crltd why you irrcat hlorkhcad i item t even know you go away i tell you hut aflilo looking at her with entire nnknriwi ntc od hln nnurd icvcrj fine wm irenhmdoualy umunrd fjreept fleorglo who with two or threo of tho other glrln now mnnnred to mnf o her way from the room afmld that thin loony nn nui eillnl him tiouhl follow her she immediately left tho fair- frroundn and wait oil outnldo until her pnrento cnmo to drlvo home naturnlly tho younjr people in tin nr lnhhorhocd had plenty of fun with gtorglo about addo hut nhe refused to nee nn humor in tho incident junt beoiuno ho liked that 1 rend to come nnd propone nnch a thlnr an trait i nho exclaimed lidlgnuntly to tlio other girls ito munt be a plgl she had not seen tho lant of addo less than n week later ho drovo into tho yard of tho wilbur farmhouno georgia caw him through the window and would ut t nnwf r hlj knoelt her lothcr went tn tho door jt lant and hen ho angod for oeorgie told him that her daughter did not care to noo him he lookd very much disappointed tood there n while and tl en iuked hrsltatlr ly n thcr oorgln were lcccplnr comiwiny with any ono ehie whj no i ion t think no frn wilbur r plied for nhe rnther liked althou loolul out you dont acorn tr know that girbi are not pleancd to have nuch pointed attentlonn paid ti them in public by stangcrn i suppose tliat la do addo- nald thoughtfully i wlah you would tell her i nm oorry i plaugned hoi thnt i will call again ho added as he went away after that georgle lived in a ntate of alarm lent addo nhould appear again she entreated theodora and kllcn to be on tho watch for him and brlnp hci word if they wiw him in tho neighbor hood about n fortnight later addo drovft tjqo tho wilburs in a sleigh for by this timo snow had fallen georgli sinter klale went to tlm door addo naked whether gcorglo were at homo and said that he hnd como to oak her to tako a slelf h rido well til rail her replied elide who wan nomethlng of a rogue como in please shes in the kitchen ii tell hr ouro here addo nmlllng hopefully followed her in doors and toolt a cent ho wan quite unprepared for tho ntorm that hurst about hi earn when mnle de livered hla menaaro tor oeorgie after glvlnr her bister a stinking rush i angrily into tho slttlnj jopm tou hero aualn nhe cried you 1 au hrend eater can t you talo a hlntt munt you hm t the lorn net on you before you will kct p awij addo slowly backed to tho outer door i t didnt know ou were no riled waa all ho wild and bucked all tho way out vt tho houoo pink with vexation gcorglo ran hick to tho kitchen and hintllj wrap ping up a loaf of thlir bread told elnlo to ldco it out to addo who wan turning hlahorno she meant it to he not p prenont but a partlnr lniult toll him i oont him that nho claimed rrcnd la what ho wantr toll him that la bread tell him to take it and go eltle par hied tho mtumgo nhume leanly ttcro n a pnncnt from my ister nho rnls nn oho hinded tho loaf of bread to addo she hopes you will like it addo ronnldcrahlj ijewlldentl toov the paelcago and drovo on 1 tb not i now tiow ho explained the prcjnt in hla own mini ills mother afterwardi declared that it waa his flmt experi ence aa a nultor perluipn ho imaglnetl tliat all girls behaved in that way nnd that hla rebuffs wcro mich an any one might expect flo carried tho loaf of bread home end showed it to his mother who nli misunderstood the re tl meaning of ttv gift they uto tho bread and nrrced that it wan the beat that over via baked and a hopeful indication of tho young ladys real sentiments singlo copies five- cents a pithy old saying every time the aliccp blcnts it loses a mouthful is one oi tlio pithy oldtime sayings that arc worth keeping in mind every time you stop to grumble you lose o little happiness every sigh spoils a emile every moment spent in gloomy apprehension counts just so much off from your ppssibn achievement if you arc to get all you may out of life you must make every moment count do not waste any strength in fretting over what 13 going to happen every time tho shevp bleats it loses a mouthful every time you yield to weak complaining you lose your chance to do something better a saints face i had 00 initch to an it of chrlnt litloro i nw ills face iiornr yearn contentment peace tin prlrikl joy in hla dwelling place hut when my llpn had klnncd hln feci mono of my neetln i plod ii t but my lovn make- answer meet to thy dear love uald i had no rnucli to nnk of man honor nnd ove and p iwcr prulnn for my life n perfected plan help for thu buttle hour hut when mine earn had heard tlio cry of floali and sou for bread lot mo be spent amine and dlo hrothcrn with you i uald mabel korjo more inventions are wanted twenty years ago how definite in faculty la man najd hamlet accoptinr this mther nattering view of him ono in tempted to imagine 1 within tho next fow ccnturlen ho will vo uohnd many problcmn which now em wellnigh hopeleua iio may diocovcr a means for com- unlcallng- and exchanging news with other planets if pcrchanco any of them nro inhabited think how inter tttlnr it would ite to pick up onon mornlnji paper and read of tho latest happening on mara or venus such an achievement would not bo uo very much more wonderful than wlrcleaff might wo not learn how to telegraph or ovon telephone to venus nlonrr a lirhtrayt wo ought ourely to find out before long how to harness the nun f xto cannot do thal wo may harness tho moon hy machinery thnt wll utilize u o power jf tho tides dut uhlio we uro waiting for these great things there ore many amollcr ones utttt invite attention inventions thnt are wanted but which havo thus for eluded the makers of new ideas an clastic glass that will not break eanilj how about that tho ancients are onld to havo known how to make nuch dans but rf they could the art has been lost a relatively infrangible tumhlrr or wineglass would be a grcnt comfort another tiling badly needed is a fireproof paper of asbestos or other material that wll tako ink from a pen nnd not hlur it is rcqulrod for deeda and other valuable documents how nbout an artificial rubber with it tho situation lo much the name when columbus arrived in tho new world ho found the indiana playinc amen with bouncing balln tho ma terial 11a he aacortalnod derived from u trto today nearly 400 yenrn later wo are unable nil pec an fully to lmltato tho utuff of which those halls were made reetj i t a iuvn ttri tmtvn burs again lean than two weeks later he brought hla mother with him mrs wilbur who had been trying to play the difficult part of a benevolent neutral went to tho door and after somo convernatlon with mrs dudley lnlted them in although oeorglo from the background wan making frantic signs of proteiit rinding that tho vial tors wore rcilly coming in gcorglo scurried upiitalrs then down a night of back stairs and fled acrosa tho floldn to the old squlroa where sho stayed until nhe was sure that the dudloyn had gone meanwhile mrs wilbur hal been very much nttracted to her cullers mrs tjudley proved to be a kind motherly ponton and trvlked a great deal about her eon and addo li aplto of his luck of tactsnwooliig wan apparently a lino young man when gcorglo returned home that evening iclolf nald to htr nilifenlot oualy since you dont want addo i ftueoa ill try to catch him myuelf if jou will make somo more bread i think addo la a pretty good nort if ho does like bread at any rate id nther liavo him huu bread than whla- kev or tobucro ioure welcome to him if you want him i oorjio rtorted hotly hut youll havo to make your own bread to eutch him with addnn vhiltn to the wuhuru con tlnued for u miir or more and it bo- cumo eldit that in would not let lilmuelf bo caught hy anyone exctpt oeorgie an ttmo paused goorcie obvl- oimly not to like him bt tter for earli thut in xt wlntrr wo tuw tin ni drlvo luuit tho old farm in a nlriich together 1 lints gtortui llkuir for him grow rapidly in ahown by tho fart that in the following all just two ears from tho time whoii ad lo hnd made hla impetuouu prcpounl at tho county fair there waa a wedding at tho wilburs it has proed to lit a ery happy marriage addo hnn made 11 flint hua baud whose thltf uro litu lxi n lo make georglou new homo a plrunant one dale pas tlipt ho noems navrr to have got over hlnmlng hlmnolf for iho blunder ho ntatlo in proivoainr mar riage no pre lpltntt ly nml uo publicly and thut ho has leen trying inprd to make it up to georgia ever alncc keep growing o kct p working an wi nhould we rnujt kocp growing ontuunl activity munt be baluimi by the inner lain if voil inar u loung rhan cumplulnlng that hla work la all u round of wtarl 10 drudgerj it lu fllfe to net it down thnt h tuin como lo a nliimlntlll within if wo kcp growing sett day ii work will havo nouh tliliik funh and now and will furnish liihplrattnu fur further browth it la positively dlncournglnf to con- alder tho fact tliat big fortune j money nro waiting nnd all ready tq bo grablied by lucky pcraonn who by ihanco br othenvino may tilt upon me new idea or nnolhor not a few opoeh making inventions havo attributable to pure accident natitfactory submituto for leather n will nupply it t are wo alwayu to rely upon nature for tho production f tho raw material surely not and et though inventors havo bualod themnelvce with tho problem for many yearn they havo not tlio solutlo who will invent a machine that can pick henn whore is the genius who will contrive a mechanical oyster- fihucker how nhail we find a pen knife nhnrpeiicr that does tho work and which nn man can keep on hin deiik wtiat alou un envelope nult- iblo for mailing small articles or sample among other lnventfotu wanted are a wallpaper nut rhino a scrubbing maclilno an envuloie tliat cannot bo opened will mmitd4iw ti o n a contrivance to rooolvo malluacks from moving trulna a nubatltuto for twine for tying bundles of mailed lcttini a euro for seasickness a roally practical car fonder a rocanu for securing window panes without putty a street car register independent of the employee a method of cleaning a ahlpo bot tom without docking a kitten story scvtral heads of departments in ono of our principal manufacturing con cern nru noted for their innuto lovo uf an innocent joke ono lj n haptlut another an anglican and a thjrd o presbyterian tho othur morning tho three of tl m nn t when dave nald to jack have j on over heard tho kitten ntory jack no 1 don t thinkno repi id jack havo ou jim into rrogt ted dave no uald jim it 11 bo new to mo vvcll continued dave itcro it la a little lad in hcotlniul had a pair uf hlueini ho desired to dlnpono of and took thorn in u btuket to tho haptlat ruin later dont ou want to buy n pair of klrtoinjt qqerled tho lad no i have no uo for tin m nald tho mlulalcr but replied tho little chap rajrt rly theyre unptiot kittens and uu ought to lave them thu milliliter howivir tlnhniil to purehaae about u wt ek later tho lud wau ui aln trudglm alnnir the road with hit lltuim wlun ho mot tho haptlat minl- nttr und tha ireabyti rlnil mllilnter kolng ultuir toltiliur ho at unco op- proaihtd tlm lrejhyterlan mlnluttr nnd oftervd uio kiltena this milliliter alnn dtcliutd when tho lud with hln nnlvo pvraiiauuunetis ajiptuleil but they are ittabylirian klttuna and you ought to huve them ut the mnnao at once tho haptlut minister turned tin thu laddie ami said mow ho c lught you jim little rascal yquvu lying ion told im hint wn k ttioy were haptlnt ltttcns tlo they were iluptlst kittens tho iwiy rejoined hut sine a i siw you before theyve rot th ir cyeu opin and tluu jim nnd jick lauglnd with vim ut davou old chestnut the right kind of king king george in having hla cxjxrl- onim tin no iluyn one day eating huckwiuat ii nn akeii und inuplo syrup nt un am rlean oinrera mma and the in xt bring taught how to pltc h u biiiebnil in irepurhtlun for tlio opt iilug 1 uuio in the lnglinh imp of the mntnmlen ftlt majesty la becom ing no tlenuirvio thnt hy the tlmo tlitj war in ovctho will hardly know just whether he la a ulnt or juul one f the ibmmon people calgnry herald from tho issue of ths frsa prosit thursday september 0 1008 vlaltors to toronto exhibition lant weok did considerable owcltcrlng tho rnercury registered from 03 to 07 de grees moat of tho week it la generally in july or august ttiat excessive heat is looked for but i la left for september 183s to break tho record for high temperature in any month in 44 yearn the- record h os degrees and not alnco 1864 has it been no hlgli mlssea nettie and ada clark leave next monday for olovarsvllle n y where thoy will mako their future home the rev william walsh of cramp- ton will bo tho preacher at tho an nual harvest festival nervlceo to bo held in st albana church naxt-jun- day september 1l the church will bo appropriately decorated and a special offertory will be token at each ucrvlce in behalf of the parsonage debt tho unlted btutca have adopted nmokclea powder for the navy born moitat in naaaagaweya on satur day september 3 to mr aud mm james moffat a son died k anna win in california on satur day september 3 john v kanna- vvln formerly of acton watsoksat hla homo lot 27 con 5 lloyucalng on monday september c hobcrt watuonj aged 02 years died dy hundreds victims of u- boats merchant sailora paid supreme price defying germanys undersea pirates itut llttln 1 1 known of the empires merchiiritil murine tho importance of- thi nucejiauc sailors lias not been fully uppnrlatid yet it la thcao 1 who fenrleh 1 mil tlio seas in defiance of the iiubniariun and tlio floating mine lo carr tho precious cargoes of foodituni munitions and relnforce- mcnu to our gallant armies without them tho aulet could not mako war for a week curious as it may seem no provision la made by governments for thom in caue of disablement or death their dependents enjoy no lkjtuuon or other ofilclal remuneration thoy cm but look to tho gratitude of tho nation already flfteen thousand im reliant salloru have mado tho oupremo oacrlqca of their dependents many families ou in dlro want hailoni week is being held from ticptember 1st to 7th to raise funds to holp tlm iioirowlug vrldows and orphana of our mercantile marino ontario ulmi tu coutrlbutu 91000 000 thu cuujui i mi uortliy otie ahd ontario ha r failed to unnwer thu appeal of let our donations hj ulminil lei our slogan bo tj uiy tlh treju lllwnil l ntuall not want storks wanted why huvo we no utorki in america the most valued ocnumcntull 1 of ni feathered creatureo is unknown tn tho new world one reads about tho stories that hulld their neaui on tho chinnaya of metx tho german fortreaa city that was rrcneh lip t6 1b71 tind will bo ivench ugnln before long but those tlrds have maintained this hahlt fej muiry ccnturtca over all of northern durope a german njinulit book dated 1di5 aeon by the rrlter tho other day euntnln 1 a halftone photograph of n pair of atoka and their neat on un enormously tull thlmnoy uomowhere in iast prussia u region dovaatutod by uio ituooliuiti curly in tho war tho building to which tho chimney be longed it mi havo been a factory h to minldliod but the 1 torks have como buck to tlio chimney their ac- cuutomed natlng place doubtless for many yearn und huvo reoctpupled it juot as tlioujh there wcro no ouch thing uti war iltlsh trooim in mesopotamia luivo hem surprlaod to find sreut numbers of storks in that country au nearly everywhere tilno they are protected nobody la illowed to kill thorn tho reaiiin why of tho seemingly wldotllutrlbutlon of tho ntork la thht it la a nilkrutory bird in summer it builds its mat and rears itu young in tttitrul und iinitlicni ifurope as far to thurliorthwurd uu lhinmark when told iuutlmr urrku it ilea to ttio uuuth llmiio hit upim iojiio ih mwo- potumlu und clnuvvtu rp in troplo lutl- tudti ludiitul it travel lit ha inlgratlouu many thouuuinla if inlleu oven reach lug llritlnli south afrit u iosalbly two br tlirto other mtotlm of birds certainly uo more nurnaau tho stork in thu tiavula they undurtuke ihrdrr- of morn or lean ntailonuy hubltat may b introduc etl friuxi one enuutry into aluither where mllru- toi npi 1 ku nro cone ornod tho prob- u111 lu ihltliult umt for thin reason it lu more than doubtful whether tlm lihn it will ever bo persuaded to breed on thin t oiitlntnl proof what wau it tho rich man called or in hulir tleniamlrd the frantically excited tonipcranro uoturer was it whliihey no was it runt no it win wall r wat r elrnr cold sparkling water from uumo brook or mountain titieum now brothel what doca that uhow and the mild person in the crowd i marked li tihowa where all yuu toototnl ftllnwa go tot j- cheerfulness happlnenu la a thing of clrcum- fcinee aaioclated with vsliat liapa to liavu wliat you want nnd to want what you have m happlncna joy la the liahltant of uio licart and spring from tho deoiia beneath hut cheer- fiilncua la a thing of the face an both tho day and tho dictionary toll ufl joy and happiness greatly contribute to choertulnens but wo may bo chocr- rul even when neither happy nor clad when rra fast out- master tells un to anoint our face and ovon in our oor- rown hln good spirit can anoint and cheer our oollcd faco with tho abund ance of his grace whatever may be our inner experience or our out ward condition it in given to un an social belngn to front racli and events with ra smile in lifes dim cul ties to put a cheerful courogo on and in lifo a drudgeries like a cheerful tra veller to tako tho road nlnclng besldo tho hedge so wo may make a pas- tlmo of each weary utcp until tho last step uhail bring usto our lord where wo shall rest it is utenincant that it in nald of cain in his early sin that hla count- c nance fell and by thlu ono indication can 11 fo often be tested man thoonly creature tht can stand n hla feet a id look up to tho rky was meant to have a sunny countenance uln always cauaea tho countenance to fail and blots out uio sunshine god gives tho hum in faco its beauty but wo mako our own expression if women were wiser they id seek to adorn their countenance rather than pllo ornoraontn on their heads over dhrcatistled and petulant faces and however plain a mans face may be it may bo bright ar taxcrxea noticed that nchcm ia countenance waa sod and guessed that it waa sorrow of heart a clear indica tion that it wan something unusual tnero are some of us in whoee life tho unusual thing would bo to see our faco uhlnlng and we might well join in tho prayer of psalm 35 13 it v margin o 0 pare ma tliat i may brighten- up before x go hence and be more again und again our xord said to tliose ho helped iio of good cheer tho men at tho front bearing unthinkable hardships uend ua bad a rcbuko tu all our gloom they havo astonished tho world by their cheer fulness and perhaps their philosophy la beat expressed in tliclr own rough aont put all your troubles in yous old kit-bag- and smllo amllo emlto the contagion of cheerfulness la a reality for clieerfulncaa not only hejpa uo through our own troubles it is contorioua ono of our philosophers wished that teachers wouid dwell on tho duty of happiness aa well as on tho liapplikua of duty for ho said to be clieerfii ourselves is tho moat ftcctual contribution to tho happiness of othcra and itobert louis steven son whouo morning prayer was tliat tlio i rra ting concerns and dutiea of tho day might bo performed with laughter and kind facc and that cheerfulness might abound with industry- uald tliat there la no duty wo so much under ra to aa tho duty of being happy by being happy we now anonymous benefits upon tho world which emalti unknown oo to ourochca and when they are dlscoverotl surprise nobody so much us tho bancfactor payoan when dylhff longed to hand a cup of happiness to every human being it la not lutrd to do it in our own circlo wo cheer othcra when wo ore cjiecrfui chceerfulncsa la lifes overflow aro you cold this morning said a city man un u dull day to a newspaper boy i wun sir before i eaw jou answer- od tliu little poet of the pavement tho followers or itrancla of atibi were known as gods glecmon they t about in their itoyrrty rnflklrnr other peopla glutt they appeared not unto men to fust it is not without meaning thnt the word cheer behtln- nlng with tho thbught of tho face nnda itself auoociattd with the voice and becomes a about of joy not content with tho conquest or the voice ll des cends even to thj feet and tho deed done cheerfully means tho blithe oral aprhihtly stop the hearty and ready response to need noqle say in 08 tho world is a comedy to thooo tht think n tragedy to thane who feci horace walpole idvu among men aa if tho eyo of god wcro upon you pray to god as if men were listening to you senoca the mystic mait11 or thy will the shadows of celestial light are past thu powers or human aklll uui what tho lternnl aoa la right thomas chatterton true glory la tlio unantmouu appro bation or ood men for their pralso is 1 ot bought with money und thoy alon are able to cntlmuto real merit at its pro iter value cicero htrlvo to attain tln truo tad of your i lnd to do clkk both u way and a will wulk in uprtklitntua beforo tho au- immllllg and while thu duy llugeru keep labor ing still henry 11 haundoroon a lesson in punctuation at uelioot out day tho 12m 11 si li lu- struttur put un tho bjui ktioard for iiin pupils to pum tuatu whi t appeared to a mcmilinil u4i jumblu of words ac t glance it upieured to bo an mi- olvwl iludio but rnrrral muiuttu tlloustut and thu proper puiirtuatlou rkn nmilu it tiuar eiioutrli liu iiniilcinc ei mui an follow that that in iti tit it thitt in not in not is not thut it it in when corrected it read that that in li that that la not lu not lu not that it it la speed the happy day kimo day tho now itunala will arlao an lutdlltrtut cdmaied hard work ing modern kuimtu a uultod liberal tlou she will look back on tho craay excised of hur 1 evolution an frame looks hm k on thoeo of hn but with thin dim reneo hut wheroaa fr 111c o hid to thht 0 lorn ugainjit inonarrhlal isurupe und was given tutik to the ilourbonn for a tlmo hunnlu hnd tho help r ttio great liberal 1 oijiitrlifi wli3ii nho lay at thp tnerey ot her cntmleo dotroil nirara a itisiii t

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