Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1918, p. 2

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nirthn marriages na i now r tirol f r at tho following nn iilrtln 35c marriages mo seat mem rial cards 60r 10c pmr lino extra for prism born ftrwaut at olovtrnvllth n y oil hnuy aukiiat 5 tn mr and mn william stewart a son luchard j mannino ooii t iay at the residence of the tjln i tarontfl ouelph on tuesday tlontrml or i ll f x w uovnr artoi ocrtruflo o daughter of mr nni joel ij day ouhph to hev austin w guild of voa hi i iott aildpniu5i at v lnnoo or tin brides brothor ouelph on vm1nwiday august x9 ltib x ltov i m moyer arthur ii rillolt of t ronto to hertha jessie ha borrow of ouelph formorly of n aagaweya died hpi iklin rgetown on bunday aui ust j 101b abeirall hammond widow f tho lato if 11 opelrs agod 70 ycaru t daiuu itat the general hospital lochlno qui- on august 32 1ih itnbert llrock harbor formerly of georgetown matih wb- in oforftlown on mon day augiut 8 1018 mary illckay relict of the into hugh malhowo br nsatfrjttr years lani- at lit joseph a hospital in guolph on trlday august 0 1018 john ilobert lane non of jonathan lano llmehoune in hi lint yoar trulhlooi at norroj on satur day august z4 1318 audrey pearl daugl icr of ilev and mm a v trucblood aged 1 month and 3 days campbi ll in guelph oa friday ampiot 30 11b margaret suwart widow of tho late archibald camp bell formerly of acton aged 81 years nhatty at tho homo of her daugh ter mrs james plant qlon lawoon on saturday august si 1i1b ma tllda cunningham wlrtow of tho lata robert ijeatty aged yean shjr arfmt 3ter ptpbh tnuuhday slptfmtjeil t 1b1b editorial notes premier lloyd goorge- ho sent tho following reply to a message from premier orlando co ngrat u latlhg the ijritlah on their success in france slnco tli supremo war council met there has been a welcome transforma tlon in tl o ultuauon thank to mar ybal i och the allied generals and the troops thn german era now in re treat wo feel aura thla aucccasla the bclnninir of the end of dominance of german mllluuiaxa not doni ny photfestants dilict vs iltburn inveatiaatlorm into dublin cemstery outraoy llit nun daily hint lant krlday refern 1 t llm n c nt rtc iccrnll it jjul lln cinrtory on f ill wn tho utor hn rrrnlvtd a it iter from n rorreoponlcnt with n rr- jucot put ii h tl o document lit which chinro la malt thnt on the nlnht of july 12th d prelatlonu wore commit ted 1 i a unman cathollo cemetery nnai arton ontario and the writer allrnea tl at tlin protrntanui who par adod on tliat day wore ronponalblo tho ular iiau maflo oruiulrlrfl into the matter and lino learcd from tho attorney go icral n department at tho 1arllameiit iliillllngn uiat tho crown attorney of ilnlton county had in formed tho dlpartment of tho occur roncc and oaltcd for an lntcntisauon inapcct ir i lei urn of the i rovinclal 1 ollco wiui nunt to invnatlrato and tuui mado u rf i rt to the di partment ho after caroful enquiry it in ntatcd la convinced that tho dcprcclatlonn were committed by one individual and la absolutely convinced that no pro tcatant had anythlna to do with tho dopradatloii at all anotheir winske seizure inspector harvey gscuroa fiv vlncflar darrela with 100 gallons whlakey at campbollvilu dallinatad mm v flprar la vlnltlnff toronto frlondu quite a numfcer fmm here took in t ronto inhibition mr an 1 mm j xleatclo were recent vlaluirn at mr ira uonzcln mr itobcrt coin tiail a very nucceua ful nalemf farm etock last wedneoday mino mry vannattor of georse town spent a couple of dajn lost week with frlendu lioro ilev n waddell haa returned finmo after enjoiijk a two weeka holiday with eastern fi tends peacock fjchuol las opened after the lolldayo with minn m umtth of i rln aftaln wlcl llnk tho birch minn myra vannatter haa roturnc 1 to her homo at arton after opondlnif a couple of weokn with rrienda hon mr and urn itarnell and uascer graham- accompanied t y mr and mm john mckichnle motored to hamilton on mondjy mr herbert harllni of norvai accmiianl tl ty bin m tier ai i nlatcr muis i lien wiro tho k of frlcndii hero on hun lay nt made abrnlflcant rtate neirflborflood ncws ivo to tho position canada 2t i own and country at the directors luncheon on press boy at toronto exhibition tho iron sir james a loushoed minister of the department of soldiers civil he cstabllshmci ment relative to tho posltli would occupy when teims of settle ment were txjlng dec dctl and lndtmnl ties qjced at tho close of the war canada ho sold would hae a rlffht to apeak in the peace councils and it would protest against any maudlin fwntlmentalltj being permitted to stand in tho way of making germany pay the penalties for tho horrors she had perpetrated during tho past four years many problsms would present them aires after peace was signed the re latlons of the nations would have to be defined and much work would have to be dono xasft thurnlay whilo at campbell vlllo iiinpccli r john harvey oelxcd four barrcla of liquor at the c p iu station the liquor was shipped as vinegar by lulga ilonevotti montreal to gul nop pi cosenxa campbellvlllo after a cloao lnnnectlon the inn pec tor found that each of tho big vinegar barrola contained a smaller barrel fill od with whiskey in bulk tho whiskey barrel was stayed inside tho larger barrel and the space lotwoon tho two was flllod with vinegar mr harvey laid a chargo against coxonxa tho consignee and left constable in chargo with orders arrest any min who camo to claim the ihlpmcnt tho dealers in illicit liquor iiosumably making hamilton their headquarters ovoldently got wise to tho action of tho inspector and foiled to visit comr bellvlllo to claim their contraband liquor the trial was apt for monday last before magistrate crawford and lrwin and there being no defence tho liquor was confiscated and shipped to tho provincial license uranch at toronto tho barreh contained between b0 and 100 gallons of liquor and about tho same quantity of vinegar in the outside contalnom tho wot goods in this aolxuro wero valued at about 1 000 inspector harvey is earning a flno reputation for his detective work in succeeding la keeping liquor from reaching tho destinations intended in thin county two hauls within ton days oro surely creditablo cncwaono conntzna mrs w n wilkinson ai d murray visited frfondn in toronto thl i week mian momln mctuvloli huftalo ny vlnltcd at mr iv donnls last week tr anil mm j crewson and chil n oueli h ipent tho ho i lay with friendn ion mr and itru arch currl and chil dren of acton spent hun y at mr geo graham s mr an i mrs e j kintal iry ileasln and itobblo wero exhibition visitors to toronto this week misses parker and olga moore are visiting friends in toronto and taking in tho inhibition mr and mrs- van norman lonoro and donald guelph vlaltod friends hero over tho holiday mr and mrs geo watson and family motored to owen sound and spent a week very pleasantly thcro the schools opened on tuesday tho scholars are all glad to go bock to work after tho pleasant summer va cation mr ed bromley and ulu fftlo wilkinson who have boon spending the summer in tho homo of their undo mr w n wilkinson rotumod to their homes in toronto this week the fruit season at livingstones this week tomatoes peaches pu7bis peaks othar fruits vsgstabls grocr and provisions cans la iuod hoard xjcniibor no s 13018 j r livingstone mill otnect acto a good investment what 7 a thorough training at tho guelph business college htudy this ono year of your tlmo at present worth about 1 300 cash investment about i iso for tuition and supplies next year income of s00 to 1700 100 on investment with continual increase and ucillmlt cd opportunities for advance ment think i act start august 19 181b a l douck prln prop quslph ont limehouqe through tbfb death last week of mr h t blackstone for twenty flvo rears dltor and publlaher of tho orluia time canadian journalism loses a toon of cjtcoltont ability sterling char acter and most loyal to the community which was tho scene of his journalistic activities mr blacks tone had high ideals and these ha constantly aimed to inculcate for the adtontags of his constituency and the betterment of lba poplo generally no was held in high esteem by the people of orulla and by his brethren of tho press it is for tanate for tho times as well as for the community that mr blackston ha left a son mr gcorgo a black- stone whoso ability attainment and inclination ably at him to follow bis father in continuing this splendid business items of interest from various local 1 tlsa covered by thsfras press georgetown mr and mrs gcorgo gollop of north bend neb and mr and mrs george gollop jr or philadelphia are the guests of dr webster norral cadets la woo n and ponder shanks of the flying corps at armour heights and long branch spent saturday and sunday with mr john wrigglcsworth and friends in georgetown they are sons of mr and mrs john shanks or pettaploco man another georgetown boy has made tho supremo aacrldco for homo and country in tho person of pto wm king he was reported missing some days ago but a message jreoclved by his wife stated that ho had been itlllod in action on august 8 pto king left hero with tho 104th batl and is tho second son of mrs annie king queen street to- give up his llfo in ths world war ileroid oakville a survey of tho sugar situation by the international sugar c lacludmg a full review of the balance of the crop on hand and tho allies requirements lias shown tho necessity jor further conservation on this con- tiocnx accordingly tho canada pood board has asked that household con sumption of sugar in canada be reduc ed to a ration of 1m pounds per person per month for personal use tho ut most poitaiblo conservation la needed in the domestic use of sugar to sup plement tho drastic regulations now in force upon all manufacturers who use sugar householders are asked to us yellow sugar instead of tho granu lated product wherever possible be cause in order to obtain tho moat mclent economic results in refining it la necroury that twenty eight or thirty per cenl of yellow sugar be produced by tho refineries our canadian soldiers continue to prove their i row ess in tho great often aire on the western front in france tho grcatoit news that has como from france elnco tho turn of the tldo six weeks ago la that canadian and eng lish trooin attacking in co operation on monday morning on a five milo front south of tho itlver scarps havo penetrated the vital drocourt queant switch of thi hlndenburg unp and now hold tho rl ljes upon which tho ger man tranche and wire entanglements had been placed in the aasuranco that they constituted an impregnable bar her to an allied advance in these great oven to which may be followed speedily by others of still greater 1m portanco tho men whose badge is the uapla ioaf have borne a part their grataful follow countrymen and tho osople pf i raneo will never forget and that history will record in terms of ths highest praise james hunter has sold jwtr uaasona f ne residence on second dtrcet to boy mcgregor tho concrelo abutments for tho new highway brldgoat bronto havo been completed star tho council has fixed monday sep tember 30 for tho payment of first instalment of taxes about forty lpwoxth loaguers had a corn roast in tho forster farm woods on tuesday- ercnlnff tho highway to toronto is now open all tho way a temporary bridge having beer provldod at tho ktoblcoko river t1m hub hocaa bam on tho fair lieut lindsay sutherland was here for tho week end mr douclia gowdy spent a few days with toronto friends miss lay lor of toronto ffpont week or so with mm a halladay miss husaard of guelph spent tho week end with mr and mrs robert doughty mr john meredith spent a few days with her daughter mrs il davies of toronto tho farmers ore very buoy attend lng threshings and preparing to sow tho fall wheat miss marguorlta i venn of toronto pent a fow holldayn with her aunt mrs j n newton misses edith hunt and ollvo mar shall of toronto spent tho week end at tho homo of mr it b marshall pto oscar edgo mr stanley edge and mrs harry clarke of waterdown spent tho week end at tho homo of mr albert ktercdlth in tho sudden death of mrs ilobtrt beatty wo lose ono of our old and highly respited cltlxcns tho people of tho vicinity extend their sympathy mr and mrs james plant- mr and mrs wm mills of toronto and mr and mrs j r crort and chil dren of hamilton motored to lime house and spent a few hours with mra mjlls mother mra lo polflovln mr and mra jonathan lane havo tho sincere sympathy of tho peeplo of th vicinity in their bercavomont in tho death of thofr eldest son john itobort ho took he in imbrunry and notwllh standing hospital treatment for flvo weeks no relief from his nilmeot fol lowed and ho passed away on iriday the funeral on monday was vtry largely attended packet of wilsons flypads wiilkilim0bc flies than s5woph of amy sticky y catcher clean to handle solcvby alldrug- gista grocers and general stores- rasa nsggfegpl n weekly store news e wo stand behind every farh of merrhandfsc wo ocll our prices aro lower than the lnrrc city itqrea wo poy cash for every dollars worth of gooda bought and buy ahead so that wo can give our customers the lowest price u3t a fow of the extra spccialj wo arc oltcring lo day mack nnd white check dress goofla nt 45c yd this line of dress goods mnkea up and fiivcs good wear for girls school dresses odd waists etc is fully 30 inches wide nnd special at 45c yard f mohair dress goods at l25 yrl dress goods are not only high in price but hard to get thi3 line of mohair dress goods wcgot inst year wo have them in stock in block navy grfl pnd maroon 42 inches wide special at 125 ends of print at reduced prieeo these ends of print ore mostly in pink grounds arc guaranteed fast colors come in good length 2 2i and 3 yards and are cheap to day at 25c yd on solo at 20c yd striped crash towelling at 25c yrl this towelling comes in dark stripes is easy to wash and will givo extra good wear special at 25c yd enda of oxford shirting- at lcsa than mill prices oxford shirtings arc worth 40q yd to doy these ends are good for boys blouses kitchen aprons etc will five good wear and arc fast colors a special at 25c nnd 30c yd knda of table damask at 25 less than regular prlce last week wo ad vcrtiscd a lot of these ends and in o few days they were all sold now wo have onothcr lot irt 2 2j4 and 2 yd3 call and look them over tho values aro good you can save your better cloths mens ovcralla 10 doz mens black overalls bought berorc the last advance in prices with or without bib extra heavy weight sires 32 to 44 special at 200 and 225 pair mens work shirts at l0o mens work shirts with collar sizes 14 to 16 worth to day 150 special at 100 store closes on wednesday at 1230 noon conway mclean mill street we bell ran cash we sell for less acton grounds is nearlng oomplotion the high flag staff will be hoisted soma day next week wie methodist gun day school has resumed its afternoon sessions at z 30 o clock tho next mooting of tho county council will bo bold oa tuesday 10th september jtllton has a strong organization or tho canvas for funds for the sailors week campaign last wednesday was tho last week ly hatrholldny tor this year thoy end with augut miss sarah patterson had her ban i badly cut whilo working at ono of tho machines at tho shoo factory on ilon day last lost week the 1 o d l- shipped erscas 101 palm socks and 3 service shirts 12 pulru socks and 2 shirts came from hornby women s institute ho cower bodu on each nldo of the il station and north of tho tracks ara now in full bloom olid worth any ones while go int up to see no such display fo to bo oeen anywhere olso in town except at tho post office lie former 0peyoide her friends will be guai to ssp jjgltf of th register miss verna klfo b to bo about again of hamilton tjayo i tho groom is u the beckcepora in this section report only half a crop this year prices are ttxed accordingly miss 1 thol hprowl continue to im wov bar able v mr tulman who is an experienced nglneer and drauohtsman 1ms u good position in toronto ho nets hdmo asarty evetj- week end a row holes and ruts luivo worn in place hi tho second hn h this vlotn ity a load or two of- gravel judici ously distributed would greatly lm prove tht road at fhvss yelnt nabqaqawcya mr marshall holmes who went to guolph hoapltnl lust week suffering from an atuirk diagnosed as nt urltio lias develop 1 typhol 1 fever tho lboncxer garden party which was poutioncd from wednosloy oven lng last wek owing to the ruin storm was held on 1 rl lay evening and was a gratifying uucoas inspector harvey of acton is doing things again at cami bolvlllo sclxcd four barrels labellod vfneear lost thursday ut tho c i it because of suspicious conlitlons thoy were xuund to contain t 0 hsiioiu of whiskey valued at about ii 000 brutty wedding took plaro on august 28 at tho homo of mr and mrs j w burtmrreo hawltt htroot guelph wht n their sister bortha jessie ono or our 1 right naasagaweya young ladles becamo tho brido of arthur ii elliott of torontd ilev moyer pastqr of acton methodist church cauductod tho ceremony miss jsniilo atkinson layodttht woddlnc march to tho strains of which thi bride entomd tho iarlor urlng tin western crop damage re ports greatly magnified want 1xoo0 harvesters at once reports previously published re gardlng tho damage by frost to the crops in saskatchewan wero unduly pcssslmlstlc uyequont showers and favorabjo weather havo rluingcd tho outlook and it la apparent that the great province of soakachewan will have a normal crop this la ovid neot by western demands for larro labo- crs as not loss than 10 000 ore required immediately for harvesting every young man and those more mature in every communlt in ontario including our own should get away and can mako thu a great opportunity to servo th country in a practical way ami at t be of i e- bchcfit to hlmaelf it neons an in teres ting long distance jjuney at low fires and a chance to see and study the lnunendo new country served b canadian northern tho peoples road pinal excursions by canadian nor trtern trains leaving toronto 10 00 p m august 28 30 september and 11 harvesters from outside points toiuso connecting trains to toronto tuuye veteran of tho first buttlo or the sommo und is engugtwl by tho toronto hoard of kdiitatlon us a toucher a buffet luncheon was j serve l to th guostn who numbered about fifty and mrs rillolt loft on tho train for laks joaoph muskokn will b at homo after oolober hampton avsnii toronto iceoueam we have our parlor open every day now and wo intend to give as good service as possible lo cream bulk 30c a pint lo crwam bricks 30a oh candies rioht price8 toothsome varieties best qualities haroldwiles canada fooif ooard lloonaa no i 13s9s mill street acton argains this week heavy pink toffeto 40 ins wide regular 2 00 for 150 a yard white silk 40 ins- wide regular 1 so lor l0o yard whito chinese silk waists regular si 75at 135 taffeta ribbons 4 ins wide 15e yard b int wido 25c yard l starkman mill street acton bar the bigger comfort my air evening a they r 1 ut ib i actoncreamery llriug your cream to us we will give you tho highest mar ket price for uutter fat will be- opon monday thurs day and sat unlays until 10 oclock p m lushcst cream tcotsitobert allan 41 donald waldio 40 w j scott 38 acton creamery willow street acton fisktfisht a wonderful 8ea food campaign havo you noticed the advertise ments in tho toronto papers did you know that last week for instance more mackore wore sold in acton than i have sold in any six months at my business here do you know that the campaign is proving a phenomenal successt bo mo of the comments of my cue tomers are amusing they seem to think that haddock mockorcl mar ket cod etc are strange and won derful animals of another planet also that ovory thing that joomes from the sea is salty hark back for a moment to the tlmo pin aplpes and grapefruit wjre introduced they vfttro unfamiliar and nurd to sell not so to day how over millions of them aro con sumed in ontario it la ihj aame way with tho deli cious fresh sea 1 lah why do i harp on this sea fish stuff yoii ask 7 simply bocauso it is the only avenue tboro 1 to cut down tho high cost of living and savo boef and pork which our allies ooed at tho front und also fur tho increased consumi tlon the lakes fisheries aro developed to tho limit of production their dully catch is practically sold bo fore it is taken from tho water but if ontario will oonsuma 100 000 000 more sea 1 inh than at presont they can bo provided all fresh boa fish quoted now arrlvo in refrlgorator cars by ex press at toronto and ray order is expressed at onco to acton so it is always fresh and codfish headless no waste lb finnan haddlo lb lake fi3h very scarce white i inh tlf it arrives lb 22o salmon trout steaks lb 2so fresh herring lf they arrive at market price i hehii iiujit and vlg12taulks always in stock my etoaa will bo closod on mun days but will bo opon as usual the rest of tho week s j stauffer fish food specialist canada fooddoard lloan u h t03 gives you a chanco to iavo money on your soap and get tho lamoua comfort quality too everything else may be going up but wo givo you more soap for your money than eer before true war bmo economy the bigger baxa wrapper la not good for premiums and ist5o marked the wrapper on the small er bar yet being sold in some locaubes m still good for premiums of course get the biggewcomfort bar the money maoer pugsley dingman co limited toronto phone 0 acton ont s wa- what will you do for help firm help ii oorco but this condition can b rehovea to a marked degree ty using machines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man power why should the farmer ding to horses a alow expensive moans of powei when every other business 14 adopting the truck and thereby reducing tho cost of hauling speeding up deliveries and saving for human needa tho food that tho horses would otherwise conaumet tho motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum load under tho burning summer lua or in the coldest weather unliko tho horeo it needs no resta while working it eata only while in actual uso and when the days work is done it requires very little attention and ioavaa you free for other chorea ubout the place then it can bo housed in one- quarter tho space of tho homes wagon and harness it replaces it is a mistaken ldoa that a truck la useful only for driving upon pavod roods the ford can b driven all over tho farm and used for hauling grain potatoes fruit roots fertiliser wood stock milk or any other product the speed it travels tho tuns it saves and its low upkeep cost appeal very otrongly to all users of tho ford truck if you need help order your ford one ton truck today abtt a ii ar il a aia m aa i w h- t- cgxe d6hlgr kcton ont- m ikl the vnivuual car ot ta 7s r 6m tul cm c r its 3a 1075 clu csj r ou t rj cw new advertisrmeiite the methodist church ounday ocprcmncn a union hi itvili 01 11 i irnr aui mitiiodi w com 11 ja rionfj 11 a m ii ptl t l 1 r i 2 30 p m sun lay if in 1 t p mjhiio ii i 1 r i ltov i m m yr will servlrea a male g it u fi oxpecte 1 to tuuii t in tl cohdiai writomi lo visitoiui at ai i si uviri j at both indas lavel1er ncckuacc loot a javnller lurklir wiui uamond settlnr loit on j lm t r mill street acton alhi t nc nth tv i indrr will bo rewarded by uavlij ut 1 iii 1 i hi j 1 oitice card of thanko tho ui inrilitt rd le lr t i cxlcjid ulnccro th tnku to tl t moi y kind friendn ni i n iriii r f r tl ulr kind neiis and sympathy durhii the dines and death of our i el v i mother thcso many klu 1 wor 1 1 an 1 kind deeds will never bo forgottc w mil and milx jami j pi ant catt t a5trav itraye 1 frrni i i 1 r j pua linrh flvo hta 1 l e ir l two holsteln throe rrlai i uhlt ono of these roan moolny on tl r a otrtp of tar on left sldo mom or lei visible f g 00 per head reward i r information leading to their recovery itlciiaiuj iii witt it il no c ouelph ont noticc notice is hereby rivcii tl at tres passing on my i rem n la forbidden wo havo given tho public free occea for years to our i roves but gates have been left open fruit de itroycd and wo ore obliged to forbl i f urtheir entrance upon tho property for tho present 8 3 i w oitacn lot 29 rimt lino 1juoelng mail contract sealld tlndi rs n 1 ircasod to tho pottmaatr jen ril will bo recelv ed it ottai ur til noon on liday tho twont icventh h i teqiber 1918 for tho convcynnco of iili majesty mnila on a pronoic i contract f r four vrtirs six tlm n per voik each vay between acton and cton ruril itoute no 3 via qi prlni e fiom tl o post master gcncml n pleasure printed nottcj contalnfng further information nt to con htl ns of pro- jvoscd contrac may bo en an 1 blank forrna of tender may i ol tnined at the post ofhcn of arton a i oij rlnae and at thn nltlco or ti o pout oltlco inspector toronto a suthi uiand to t o hie in pector post ofnea insructor olllcc toronto aufiut 13th 1313 8 3 10000 head of geese ducks hens and chickens wanted highest cash price will be paid parties having p ultry to sell should communicate at onco with r milligan cor young and mill sta acton or to p o box 341 wonderland friday 3eptemdcr 13 0veb there a select i icturo with charlis itlchmond and a m nrt toto comedy entitled i ho junkman 8aturday beptemder 7 when lulso tontuej fa peak a i ox picture with virginia pearson tljeisday september 10 i pisodo j4 of tim mjutcry bhlp stlni urve mrots and an o henry story friday september 13 over tho toi a i ici it with sentt guy 1 mi oy r l gregory millinery opening the ladies of acton end vicinity arc cordially invited to inspect our latest modes in english and american pat terns of hats on friday vtukday septkmber 1g 4 17 m cooper mill ot actdn c acton flour and feed store wo havo a aunlj of tlio t ill i now on hun 1 lil th wall known drandi of klnoa onolca norvl m national flout- nothlno battar n oatohap ffigoato co bpiscial lin1q in clllukl n ifuku orvrj ouu cali mium a inrm oouestio uoiliin oarii tim rnuk canajn i j 11 n t li u nni robert noble limited hknhv awngv mana9i i mmsmki aijlfelfc iiitm firnmm j0efkkmwe

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