Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1918, p. 1

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jftu fortyfourth ycnr no 12 acton ontario thursday morning sep ember 10 1918 tirra acton irniin ntma i pub halted ovury thursday morning at tlio t1m pntja building mill street arton ontario tho iiuhncrlptlon price la 1180 per ycnr in ndvanco potlngo la charged additional to ofnera in tho unllod statro tjio dalo to whlili subscription ore paid in indicated on the addnuu label advnttisino hath 1 transient sdhrcrtlnemonta 10 ccnln per lino ogata mourement for flrnt innortlnn and c cents per lino for carh nubaoquont in sertion contract dlnplay ndvcrtlno- mentis for co innhci or more per nn num 10 rents per lnrli each insertion advertisements wltlioul irpormo dlroo uonn will bo imiortod iii forbid and chargrd accordingly tilipiionuh editorial mid bunineau ofno ibmfldonco business directory medical thd8 gray m d c m mcqill i il c p edinburgh l il if p 8 qlasgow member british medi cal association otc office rrcdorick strool acton ont dr j a monlven physician and quraoon ofilco and iteaidcnco corner bower avenuo and hlgln streets tho reuld- ncotormcrly occupied by m hen dorse n acton ont veterinary farmers- bank here bp mah just mail your cheques to us we depostt them to your credit fed s u pr acknow if you need cash we ch your cheque yt formers problem ad gkdiy ossw hmi in every way pos wo wifl welcome your account tub bank of nova scotia the pearl of dayo hu in lllio a jol hii casket iimi of every lovely single copies five cento w k oualuk lath uaoam actoajngth john la woo n vatarjnary surfleon acton ont- graduate of ontario veterinary col lego 1880 ofnoo arthurs block baaldonce ulu streel calls day or night prompt ty attended to a j mackinnon barthatsr solicitor conveyancer office mill st in ferryman block dr j m dell d d o l d o- dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latcota aneotbotio used if desired office at residence corner mill ojid frederick stroata savage co eubhhod 1043 wyndham st quelph miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore laauer m arris a lleenae private office no wltncsaaa w quired isauod at residence in svonlng ttaat pesos omco acton ont francis nunan oookblndsr account books of all kinds mado to otosr periodicals of every dcacrlp- tiita carefully bound kullng neatly 0d promptly done wyndhom street guolph ont over williams store r j kerr licensed auctioneer for tho counties of ilajlon welling ton peel and du florin and tho city of auelph acton ontario bales may bo arrangod by mall or at residence at acton or at the free press ofllco acton tho mercury office guelpu the newsilocord fergus or with w j gordon harness maker uilubursr sales entrusted to 11 j kerr re oaiv attention from date of laiiing to date of sale list your sales with me residence young street actoi pnono 38 acton call at my expense watches jewellery library desk sets fine china cut glass silverware silk umdrellas fountain pens 1 j ulut- in wcddlnc and i lrthiuy iiftu jxpert watch uml jowi llurj itepalrcru zq royffindlejr auctioneer sales conducted anywlior ontario farm stock iloal llauto lcrchaudlso ospringe ont j e cheevers dook d1nder qubo 8l east quolph o books and macazlum buun 1 llandsumn and kubstantlul wvim names inttcrcd in 10 11 on liiiil tlyinn books and otlicr uouka all work promptly executed ier is here icenney bros ilavn full uuimncr lines of bootn u11 1 hhom f both ladloo and w itlomuii the dainty new thing8 and the heav wnntinn b ml d alex niven ontario land surveyor nd civil engineor surveys subdtvlbl nu 1 unn ports descriptions itlm prluiu certirtcutos for j un imiwru mortea aurveyu fur archil bulldora and municipal cuiwilu dralnuflo kciorta llliiau ttr mglean duildinq douols ul quuip1i phono 10g4 m the old and roliablo granite and marblo dcalun f mon ul p we uru maiiufui turxn importers of ull kinds and hcailntotio wttrk to our cuiitomnnf ut hliuliialo 1 thus iiavliik our cuntonx ih io p f wo imvo tlio bcit upiilluiiii an only mnchunlcu in tho dtnuini can uihjruto imounuttla tu we ran lvo reftrcmiw fi- of our tuatomprtt in ton nt places whore othoru imvu i suits in order tu colli l w lamest and brnt utick if i tho dimlilon or more tlun dealers in the wi it t mate dealrrs und cmiloy iiu and do nut mnjoy or pent 00111 m by aoiidhur out tsnurunt ajuiiti 1 hamilton sons oor norwich woolwich uij ouwith wii tht ntiw utitj of outins ahocfl in- lhulnt lawn d0wl1nq 0hoe0 tennis shoes runn1nq shoes jntt oililr lines our prices are rlflht and our qualities superior miahuno n1hatxy and 1houitly done kenney bros main otneet acton you know what it means to have a clean and bright auto qckdait polishes 25c 60c 75c 515 kjxx c and jl wax50c jounsons cajujon nijovhr 76o and 15- c johnsons raxliator cuuent 75o and l25 air t1tb auto tubi3 mtind 50o and 1jxl tho holler tho itoad tho tjchtcr it holds roild wiuinche365c- cup qiuiasc 1 lb 20oj 2 lbs 40oi t hit 05c national jjody dltessinq 0o0 and 75c etfecto auto paint 70c 125 and 25 j diiy batticrh1s 45c siaiuc pluas 75c porclilarnioc auto dusteils 25c 50c 75c auto nuas 4375 to j1100 itoiid motoit and polaiund motoit oh- fcoo per callon the bond hardware co hid phone 1012 guelprj bright ho urn thit rleam and nhlnn in radiant cnlorn catirbt from the heavenly nphorcn thny journey throuj h amoiii tin dnyu when fray and thrrnt rnlnr nhftdoi itnnfr oer llfoo pith and 11 darn to podo uii ill 1 hero till tire jeweled bourn with benuty laden thnt nil our dixumn of joy nccm to fulfill iut when tlu habbnth ilailnniii thfttvvlth a huali tumult quullit ihroivif otr each iiour ioldln and cliancci all with nweetcit i10ij- vat spell in a llko fnlr r tund 1 pcurln they pj r hi in 1 1 wlulo ijacb jiio iowa with lunlt nil hl own till bearing nil our prafuo and n flora ntion thoy moot ui ain lxjfarr flo 1 holy tnrono idi kcwlsmlth 1 oinia lta quirt of pcaro hfon halo nhtnlnff in the last resort by rowland thorns lihe oil on troubled waters wearing a pair of savages laau- ea is soothing to tho nerves and a relief for any ono troubled with eyestrain thero la a knack in flttlmr t lass es uiat will bo rcstful you will fmd the judgment used at this es tablishment vajuahlo to your com fort and eyeslffhl we grind our own lenses wo da- blffn tho e lasses to suit you indi vidually we render a acrvlco that you will appreciate the guelph trust co mujiui in cunnucuon with tho lu jiyh mjj ontario invcut- uiuut and kiivlni society directors hurla 1 howltt prtsldt tjihii i 1orbcii vlco1rtjiaont ii howltt m v j 1j mclhlorry a n potrle wluliim l phln it i th part of wiidom to make your will whllo sound in dotiy and mind w htn mukltitf your 1 int thiu coiupiuiy 111 ap- nt as ill thuri luiino ii 11 fill and ooonomliil inmmjji nu nt of your oututo tho uilmuil itm uuuueasid by a re- llnhli ivuit compuny fur nctlnk in uh rapacity us compared ith an imllvldual aro woll re- our hafuty dojioult vault af- fonln u uifo pluui tor kotiluir muiltlcu am other valuahles do not titltu tho rlk of loflu by llro or theft when you tin rent huftly dkmlt liox in cur uult ffit a nominal sum 1 or foil information jlppl r tu iiitlly or by luttor to tlio com- 1 in 1 omo curni yndham ami luik htintf ouolph j l mccrdarry managing dlr infinite are in those little things that are so vital to success is tlio cardinal rule of makoru of thu b10ll riano add to this a knowlodire born of oxporionco in mcrhanlcat construction and judgment of piano tone and you havo tho reason for tho ucu piano bclnr in the very front rank of tlio trrcatost of canadas creat- pianos cw kelly sori s3 wyndham street guelph jzjtandina on tlio concjeto walk fcy uint rlmn tho waldron iiwltn lx mlnff pool hob moray coxed down into urn water this optn air ttutwntar pool nfty feet wldo a hundred feet long four feet deep nt utio end and eight feet nt tho other tho chief attraction of wal dron o mammoth ba thing pavilions at klnmibury ijtach on tho jcrooy coast not a honored utcpa eoot or wol- drons thcro la another outdoor salt water nwlmrolnff pool which h thrco thoanand mllen wide and ten thousand lli long tho atlantic ocean when you atand on waldronn walk juot where bob ntood that friday morning in auimat and find yourself oking up and down ton or twelve ilea o fair umooth uand fringed with half a doxen ribbons of white breakem this swimming pool eoems another case of carrying coals to newcastle all numrocr long thou eandq of hnthora brighten tho beach with gay flnckn of color and thcro to room for countless thousands at nrat nlcht mr waldrono attempt ti compotu with tho atlantia ocean ipolcus t ncvcrtholcjn thnro aro many per- uonu who find all their acquatlc plca- nuro in tho pool and who never oven wet their fot in tho ocean the rcauon la simple tho ourf at kings bury bearh looks noft and creamy from n dbitancn but it han a boisterous ocond to it and a famous undertow ior weatt and umld bathcro and for novices tho pool with ita ouiol warm ijih waltr and its immnculato lining of whlto tlio 1j far more ploasaul tho porcouin lining of tho pool ta tho prldo of bhr mr waldronn heart to kcop it shining ho goes to no little trouble nnd cxpenlio twlco each wock ho hau his pool emptied ecrubbed and oiled again it holds 22h 000 gallons an im- prej3ivo amount of water but tho proceij of emptying and filling tt is fairly rapid for the pump that oils the poor dtiichargea five hundced gallons every minute and tha big iron plpo that drains it into tho oca two hundred foot away below lowwater mark la fifteen inchej in diameter for tho ocmbblng there are nix men armod with wlro broomo and awabo of cotr yu with all that it li an alldny job twi ivo hourato clean tho pool and fill it up again 1 this imday w fo b auch a gar- j gantuan ncrtibblng dny tho valve in 1 tho drulnplpo had been open for some tunc and tho lovol of tho water had ilrcndy uubnlded a fool it wan lio 11 iccond scaron as one of tho atundunts at the pool ho wn einhtcn years old not very largo but iig antl lithe drop through tha jt and brown as tho traditional iiwlmmer rautht in nucli a ourrojil would bv in a norry plliiht atthourh mr waldntn wan not liikinlniulvc flu could prturo it in trrma ot trugtidtcrt and dainnno nutta ho ho hung up hlu iilrit and put hln man on juird 1 1 ii hob moray irurniert iinmethliu of it nil ho watihrd the water ihr morninr wan wlndlean nnd tho pool wji vfry ntlll at unit nlfhl only a fovv rlpplrn mccmnd to mar tho ptrfert mirror but an ho lookod loner it ix came apparent that tho whoh body of water wan allvo with allcnt hut rolvntltsia motion thuuimnda of hair linos veined lti surface und it 1 depths all of thono linen radiated from a common centre a point directly shorn tho bjack jnouth of tho drainplp thoae clawing creeping vclnn nliowod tho trcmondouu forco hat waa at work the uvy plaoldlty ot tho water foncin- ated you and ntado you nhuddor hob ntood looking down into thr water a nuddon litir acroan tho pool a lliht miter of jitopn nnd a ray ooodmornlnsi rouncd him he glanced up with a ittnrt on tho op- poulto rim of tho pool itood a iicnriet wator uprlto of n tirl bob know her it wan madcap manjrry diane idxleon yearn old iet or tho more permanent rciidentu of tho park she waa polnod for a ulvo iruilantty bob nhoutcd icerp buck tho auction will catch jou if you go in there nowl hbo laushed carelessly yo can pull mo out of ltlttho crlod and tho next moment to hob a horror uho wan in tho water iter dlvo wan clean and long she roue nhoolx tlio water dog fauhlon from her cyci and utruck out her ftrnt fow utrokej were cany and quito ineffective surprlao replaced tho laughter on her face and tlo surprlao julckly chanced to rorry i cant seem to irwim sho uald looking up at bob sotnethlngb dragging at ma i itab knew only too well what it wan that wan dragging at her llo did not hesitate quuiclna op tho length of tho walk he naw that it was empty tho ucrubbcrn withthulr awabs nnd bruahea would not como until tho pool was empty ho nhoutcd luatily in tho hope of attracting help and ho ohouted iio pluncod aim 00 1 at onco ho rooo bcaldo tho girl portunatcly margery wait a coed mtlmmcr falio kept her head and listened comprehcndlnjjly to hob handa on tay hlpo ho ordered breathe when you can and roll wlui me tho tnjdccns the only thins tlmt can dig ua out of tliin with tho girl trailing hair uubmcrg od at arm u icneth from his hips bob bewail tho fight tho trudgen for a master of it la probably tho moit powerful of nil atrores bob awam it well nlwajo but never bcrorp as he did then into tho roll tho tremen dous heaving catch of arms and choul- icrn tho incisive nelasorn kick wont every ounce of energy in hla body hut from tho first utroki ho was helpless piuiuro uheod iui ho woul 1 tho suction pulled him back an fo hclpa coming from outaido ho real li ed that- even if any of tho workoru hud heard hla cry they would arrlvo too late to aid him i outer than they could run uiat current waa owccnlng him and marjiry back and down per an instant a hldcouj picture fliuihd befoo hla mind hu could already fool nlmsolf nnd tho girl drag ged under ould fuel the agony na thty woro pinned icroas tho mouth of tho pipe wrenched mantled twisted until tilowly their budlci wore auckod help the boys over there by v saving gasoline the auica need gasoline wute nono of it on sunday motonnc for picture he who isca it for thia purpose stints those who arc flghtmc our battles it in the duty of all motor car owners to comply with the fuel controllers request to save ga3 the safety of tho state beinc the supreme law personal enjoyment mu3t give place to national necessity during war time to save gasoline is tosavo money it will also ensure n moro adequato supply of ka3 for the needs of our war machine which mu3t lack no essential to comply with the tucl controllers request will save 150000 on a singlo sunday in ijnsohnc it will also save hundreds of thousands of gallons a word to tho wisq motor car owner 13 sufficient i an oldpashi0ned handshake when ycr folln kinder in ely an ycr on tho verno o tenro i cw hkn ycr pert nigh femnken there is nothjn quite muit cheers uko a fcood oldfashioned handohake coupled with a ch ry iimllo iv r thoy ciuo 1 p tho hiartnchen and makca llvln worth tho whllo junt a johi ohlfaidiloncd handnhaka willi a uympulhlxln frloud fiecmn tor gother up your truublca an ter malio cm sorter blond with tho brighter thlnrtt erbout yer an tho first thing thnt ycr know yovo fcrgotton ycr is lonely an yer troubled hujl tor go yorvo fcrgotton yora fcrnakon when yor noes tor count yer caroa wy ycr flnda yor aint got any thoy ban all aklpprd oul norao- wherca an ycr rcrkonn yer la llvln in a dlnyunt oortcr plncn since ye haj the frlppln hnndahako an ycr soon that ami tin faro alice o warden uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tabloworo fine variety also fino cutlery- hardware tinware and granite- waro big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stovca oil stoves every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill street aetun bntry atttrmirraottonraaifrwntor wall drying on hla akin through tho aunlt bourn and hla clothing waa a bath in r t- 1hcccpt that tho cheat of the jcroey bore no magic ittttra that eult wu a replica of those worn by tno ufa guard who 0 troll the bearh in tnuscu lnr majtiity it might have given an oljuirunt pcruon a cluu to doha ombl tlon ho ncrublxd waldrona pool fetched buckoui of fresh watar for uandyfootcd occupants of dreaalng rooma wrong out soggy bathing suits not hocauio ha wished to hut bocaun ho must ho did hht work woll an loyally not because he llkod it but locn uho ho knew that it waa the nrat ttcp nlojik th road of his ambition liob wlahud ton be o ufa guard ho wnu a nut oral awvnrncr and in feasant iiructlco hud porfcated hhn in tho 0t ho had hiilcj ulmngtll endurance icarjinnpwa he- know that ho tihouh niivf ix good life cuo in hla rnlnd 0 uyu ho eould alroady koe hlmsolf the litro of marvellous few of lesrue ail ho needed wua a chai hut uiat waa thif hakjeut of all thlnfii to not tho lifeguard acrvlco at klnguhury la a clous corporation itj memhcruhlp la inadi up f young roll co men othlctca of no who nmnnjid n tlmt way to earn during their long vacations vhen umkrkraduuto days aro over tlioybov nuealh their pturta to othvni of ukehx kind in tlio ehaln of auc oaalon for two summer no links had tiro im at toii rnlbjihik and boh had laid tj hlio il time ui it hip for letter dayn ho waa thinking of all that as ho stood on tho walk ut the deep und of tin- pool hu was alone and in a way oil rcuard although tlio watch bo kept wua perfunctory hveryono at kiiikti- ijury park know uiat waldrons jtool waa cloned on tucjulaia and lvidaya i o milio aujuranca doubly sure o bono days ropee were atrcohed ucroaa bn two rimwayaihat led up from the beach uml on ouch ropa was hung a fihm thut proclaimed in isruo black lotterj vo iiauqlng danipirl bool ixiluk cliuiniil but wlslilng to take vtrv puuuliio prec uitlon mr waldron lwau hud ono nttondant on duty as wntchniair until the pool wo empty lib hud a wholoaoino rcapoct for tho en that he put to play when he 10 tho vulvo in ttiat rtftnn lijch plpo und not 2sg 000 gallons of water tko to find tu luvol ho knuw that ho waa n lousing it kurt wihht of two million pouhuji from all lintiiidlato control ho knew that tho wrtur runhod throukh tho iruln at the rnlu of ulshti en hiimtred it a inliiut fautrr thuu u man tan 1111 ho knew thut there wua u tr in ndouii uuliioti ut tho mouth of tho plpo lu tho kvi end of thu pool a in sucked in i with thut bob a brain cleared far action so far ho hud boon fighting only with hlu muaclca once tlio cummer boforo as hob had ntood on tho walk waiting for tho pool to drain a problem had ureuuntcd itself to hid and ho had whllod away half an hour in trying to solve 1l suppose tho problem ran you are in tho pool now tho auction nets you and tho water has fallen no far that therp are no hard ho ida for you on the cut tore oven if you could swim to them and thcro bi no ono round to help you how would you cavo your self t bob had turned that problem over in his niind for almost tfilrty mlnutca before he could oeo any uolutlo and that 00 lut ion had been propoju roi so mock hcrolo that it had mado him grin ao absurd that in another lialf hour ho bad forgotten it along with tho problem so tar as ho had not thought of it since but now 01 tt onco it flushed hack upon him it waa tho uamo problem thero wire two peruonu in thn pool neighborhood news town and country ium of interest fronwarlous locali ties covered by the pre press burlington on iiturdy tho now acrvlco of nix cara dally on tho radial railway went into eftect pollro maglstratu barr who aund tho town council for ualary won tho caao boforo jmhjo hillotl at a meeting of tho hum munici pal association held at toronto tost week mr w a imory hcove of east i lamboro waa elected a member of tho hxccutivo burlington will bold a two cajra fair saturday october 12th and monday october hth tliankuglving day oaxetto oannockburn thouo who havo tlipeahed havo had aplcudld yields of grain especially of spring wheat and oats at tho monthly moating of tho womens inutltutu thiu afternoon four bona of cotnforta for tho soldiers at the front will bo packed a 1 usual tho fladloluu and uiteru of mm n i undouy are among tho nneut grown in thia ucctlou the churches an3 numbers of homes whan there u illness aro fuvorcd with gon croun bouquttu now that troutuahlng days aro over for tho year there will not bo ao many nuhernvjn haunting tho crocks hero nurubcru of exhibitors in tho acc- in are preparing exhibits of grain roots and utock for acton ejld o cor go town iull iaira georgetown tcho aohttlon no longer nee mod pro pogtroua it o co mod hldiuun instead of making bob grin it aunt a uhivi of dread though him hut it was a tolutlen wus thero unethcrt hla otrrvngth waa polng ho glanc ed up oiicj moro no help waa in ulght tho water oecmod to b drugging ot hlro even liardor than before thi toj a jaw sot with grim resolution margery i 1 o gasped iouvo got to do just what x aayl its our only cliancc when i alnk uador you and grub your anklea lot yourself go limp il ay limp and put your arms a train hi up lihovo your head vhalcvr you do dont btrugglo ho looked down through tbo water below and a llttin behind him gupod tho dark mouth of the drainpipe i ear und dcuperution oiled hlin whut bo vriu to tuk hlu body to do wait ulmout moro titan fleah could oubmit tu that plpo was only fifteen inches acroua and it ntretchod away for two hundred feet hut what other ehonco was thero with an inarticulate prayer nob lot hla feet drop hu shot down instantly au ho uwopt by margerys body be uelsod her anklea in a vlao like grip then darkness cliuied abou them both darkneeu and roaring and tho inula- tont tugging of u frightful force seven secoiidu after bobs foot wiro uuckod into tho dralniuihi of waldrona 100i hu and warm ry weru floating in r teverul uxi ihkllnitly uturtled wuro colluctlnj thtilr ucutturud iiiekntly u go 11 tholr aid tery duyllkht fcobly thu blrl hud mint 1 tximrl ueo tht tiitlther of likely to forgot bob for sevoruiyuavioiiit ono of them is thlj whun nixtxiiummcr comes thu puulo lot t lira that v roc lulnt him a ufo guard uro to adornyhls jersey flio mopln of klngabury latk reuldcnts and vltiltorn ntuin to regua him au a ury depend- ublo young -l- iuju hniaolf uaya modatly that io unruly did uia only thing there w44to dp qenebouq of our p a hospital in i watch of curleuj ono of tho doc tho wuteh ai wherw did y lluiopl r he hun guv lho doctor w ingulred how tl jlers lilng wumlcl in hud beiil lo hint 1 and p ullar deilgn ndn u iw beeutno inturmtud m h a queer tin and altct t lu hud to uxrhujijre tori ctuwn lali ialr pruu uuu uro now being aont out knox church annlvcraary will be held on sunday oct 20th mra munahan of long beach call- fornla hna boon tho guest of hev and mm truax for a fow days mr and mra h p clino and mrs s w williams ar liuit aurora n y- upent tlio weekend with dr and mm cllno at tho baptist parsonage mlaa beatiica itaner of toronto formerly of georgetown vrao awarded 1st and 3rd p1xo on her two exhibits of modulllng at toronto exhibition mr a b wllhion ulau wlllson and mra w il wllhion attended tho n- openlna of tho old tcmplo of tlio children of peace at sliaron village on saturday last tha ancient temple was founded by david wlllson great grandfather of messrs w h and a hrwimjorr heradd milton isaac mccready of trafalgar boa bought mra il il iutchioyfl toxin on the 1st con nt s knox chur- h annlveriiry iorvlie will be hold on sept 12nd iloyj c wilson h a of aclon will preach the hormone tho returns from couoctora in mll- ton lout week for british uailora aro not yot all in but thoy aro moat uatla- fuctoxy tho total reported la 1043 with mora to bo addeu abundant rain hua favored tho full wheat in hulton it could hurdl look bettor than it looks ut prusunt champion mra d w uniphell reeilv i word on saturday tliut her son william who went ovuntloa with u winnipeg buttalloii has been womjunl in tho bl- a memorial aorvlco in honor of two recent fallen heroes bomb 1 to land mtrett and pto llhncr tuck will bo held in tbo methodist church next sunday roirnlug hcfomirr twenty years ago from the issue of tha fr pr of thursday septambar 22nd 1883 tho nowlyeown fall wlioat prcoanta a flno appearance in thia acction mlaa morton la putung a twoatoroy addition to her house on bower ave a storey haa been added to tho hteclo cottago recently removed to tho rear of tho lol when completed it will mako quite a dcairablo dwolung three women and ono man form hie town council of lincoln n y and tho reidcntji aro convinced that tho omen know how to rulo tho town harvest homo and plower sunday was observed in knox church loot sunday sermona wcxo preached by hov ii a macphcroon on monday evening a social and lecture were given under tho auspices of the christian endeavor society a bountiful aupper was ncrrcd in tho basement of the church and afterwards a lecture van given by tho hov mr knowlcs of cult on tho sunny south tho choir furnlahed apecial music tho church was taiitafully decorated wlui floweru fruit and grain married chownthuhston at thomethol dist parimago acton on september loui by itov j a mclachuyi m a thomau chown to harriot daughj ter of tho mto ihl lemon thurston i erin at hist meeting llrln towiuihlp cnunell paid j71 for tthouji und laiabu killed by doga mr c ovorland jr of tho union bank htaff han imciv reniovud to tha brunch ut ht cuthorha mra d sindulr 10th ilnu return horno unit wek from uii ox to tided visit frkndu ut dlffurent jkilntu in thu rlh wcat i ilua l con boy returned homo on monday fron a twomonths vlalt with rxlatlvea in hook and rcportii tho conboy colopy ull doing weill hev a tj truohlood of nerval pmuchem the krln circuit motho dial chunlies on sunday and hev j juwltt took thu work on tlio noral circuit mr il j hunter received wonl on monday that hlu bramlrtuif p leo v woodu who wue in tho jttarlcaii lxp dltlonnry lrce ivad been killed in uetlon hdltor j oalo of tho advoeatb to i olvcd wurtl thut hhi ulduat uon pte j jalojsnd c m il who wuo in the rtcont heavy ithtfug lu lyunee hud ikuii wouiulo1 advoeuto tnue to life lhi totraplnr to yung n will muko u botiir pleture if iuthor- ii uturtil plitu my pockal your fathtra uhoulder 1 h wimld make a moro 1 if h put his imiid into interesting letter from the front mri t oilier retelvcd tho following utter hut week from her son mclfort a day or 1 o uftur ho waa reported wounded somewhere in france august 18 th 1918 hear mother just a fow llnca to let you know i um ojko and kicking after tho big erap wc had wo had two trips up tho lino after krltx and wo chased him ro for that i woro out two pairs of boots keeping up with him i uupnoae you have been worrying about mo alnco you knew tho canadi an corps waa in tho push but i out now without a scratch i had a close call however for my mass un and the iiaverxack on tny back were riddled with uhrapnoh tho canadians hare certainly made name for themselves this timo and r casualties wero small compared with tho germana thoy wore lying dead in hundreds and wo took thou sanda of prleonors and many guns i have never had ao much activity with u rldo alnco i joined tho army when we got ttltx on the run it waa lilio hunting- rabbi tu i fired no many ohotal oscd tilx different rlfloa and they got so hot x could not clean them 10 waa obliged to ualvago others it woe lively work for a whllo philip holmes and dick- wcatovor a here ami both well mmmj wood- ff an old 16 tii officer waa killed about a month ago ills home was la st catherines reftlved two parcels of papers from you today datod july flth o- 7th also your letter and annioa of july 21st tell mrs graham x reoolv cd tho pareol aoit by thi haughtera ot tha jnijilre tt waa fire i got it just oa wo were going up tho lino and the aocka came in flno uu weru asking mo what i thought of th y m c a well i think it hi the viry beat thing wo have out here thuy always servo froo tea biaculta and hot tea or coffee to wounded mon eonilug out thoy eot everything free you know the follows who are kick ing aro moutly men who woro in 1 run co in lult or loifl and conditions then were not as perfect oa thoy are now lvery thing la uptodate i do nut knuw what wo would do aomotunea if it was not for tho y h c a say i saw jim coonoy tho other night ua we marched post hlu bat talion ho looks pretty good i um putting in u ahouldor strop i eut orf a gorman olucer prlaonora tunlo with my bayouot you may keep it for a souvenir annlo wants to know what i think of tha 1 tench glrhi well it is just thin way if a cuuadlaii girl had to work like thu lvonch fclrla do aha wjuld bt doud in a week tho glrli aud wommi work on tho forms all day hut none of tbo itoiich glrlt for mo well i must clojo lovo to all tho folks mljfoht noule 8ayinqs thu old ordlr ehaligoth ylouhntf place to mw and fod futflla hlmoolf in many ways iut ono good custom should corrupt tho world tennyson i ho uoul by ceh conflict by ouch tood dued by each word of prayer uui 11m to iit nearer to him iarrar lonvi rnatloti lu tho inuulc of tho mind uu intulleetuul orchearu where ull thu inn runiouta ultould bear a part but slmre nono should play together c cooifui li blow he who woukl t duo buluw ora like utrawu upon the aurfaco sutxh for ptuerla must dryddii topics of conversation uttlo nlster wan twelve and oho aa going to make a call a real call for tho nrot umo in her life sho wan going with bhr slater who waa ilghteon and therefore quite grown up to call upon tho minjotcra nleco who bad como to town for a visit of two or three weeks ltttlo slater carefully arrayed in her sunday beat chatted excitedly all thu way it waa event a crista in her llfo aho would write about it in tho diary that alio kept hidden in her desk sho looked with o tarry eyes at tho lovely blossoming may world nt big slater in her changeablo cilk with her card- caae in her dainty gloved hand but nuddenly oa thoy readied tho minis ter a and mounted tho steps panic fell upon her sho experienced a eenso of emptiness an if the familiar world aho had only a moment before been- ob- ncrvlng and au its hoinoly eomfoxtahlo waye were blotted oul and alio stood alone in an llllmltablo void slater aho gasped clutclilng at her elutcra hand already carelessly grasping tho doorbelb o slater havo yon thought up toplca of convcrna- tion- later ooveral years later eh be gan to tell tho uttlo incidents as a joko upon heme if later still her mind reverted to tho childs question with new i indolence that waa when llfo hod carried her to a time a 1 a plaoo whero a round of ooclal calls woo n duty if only pooplo would think up topics of con vernation i why could not theyt sho would 00 much rather havo fresh mental food than new varieties ot cakea or sandwiches to acrvo with tho tea why could not ohe tho idea waa startling tho child of twelve would have callod it a crisis sho oat down at her desk and began tc write down ho thing that evcryon herself inch led passed round and round tho latest novel and iociai uon dreaa domestics neighborhood gonaip after all that covered a pretty large section of life was tho need perbapa a low anglo of approaching those happenings and interests of daily lifer or waa it perhaps tho duty of relaung these thlnga vitally to thlnira that were really worth whlla she thought of tho uttlo drcaamoker who hod boon with her tlio week before of her quicl ataadfoat heroism in supporting a crippled husband why ahould thoy not apeak of heroisms in real llfo oa wcu oa of those in tbo novels of tlio moment t dress not merely tho fashlonj but tho meaning of the fuahiona tbo changing ideals thoy revealed t not tho latest play but play ovorywhcrot how children loat tho gift for h7 could it bo culti vated for grownunu as well what would play real play bo to different pooplo it would bo interesting to find oul she drew o long breath she had tt great mind to try it to put her time upon now thlnga to think about and to talk about rather than upon now thing to eal it would bo an adventure at least things at home young peopla are not always oath- lod with homo and ita aurroundlnga if money is not very plenty if plea- aurea aro simple and ufo la free from wxcltcmcnl they are often arucloua to get away and try new oconca too often the nnd fault with things at home and glvo pain to those who aro gpondlng their liven ntr ftr ifathcra and mothefa glvo what their children when away from home will sorely mlaa homo caro and lave and tho plalnettc homo with a mother in it is rich with comforta and attentions never to bo found again prixo your homo and those who love you o you will have happy memories whan you look hack in tho ycaru that are coming so fast far you obliged to wait at a railway station eayo a txavollor w felt to talking with tlio young man ho octod au agent ho waa a bright eurring fellow evidently bound to got on in tho employment which hu had chosen ills flrut uorvlco had been in hla homo town and thiu was hla larlicat ex periences away so you are really your own man now and are fro from home rca- trulntat i said to try him yea ho ana wared but i um not over well pleaiiod with the change x used to think that it would be flno to boarding hoiuo and cat 00 u rue luuuoru and havo a latchkey but 1 would gladly glvo thcin alt and ten times more for the tilings at homo wo did not have much money to upend but mother put uometlimg into liar rooking that i dont find at boarding houuua money does not buy from laundryuioit tho careful daroliur mother gavo my clothes i havo a pleoatnt room plcturxt and ull that hut i would rather have my mothers face look hero hero la a letter giving no on ulpoluunetit with a largo ruiuo in pay my if re a tout plca- luro lu lood luck ban ulwayi i eon tolling it at homo and now i m a hundred mllea off i 1 know of co urn c it la rliht uiat i should push out fur myself i could not inmulbly havo ant ed a uvlug at homo but i wkih x had aeeu huw good hoinu waa wlioit i waa d bad uuver found fault with mother thu youth wan now oblbrod to lag train ant loft mo but hla words keep coming up i wah i had aeon how good homo waa and bad neror iund fuult with mother it lectoj a mere acquaintance tha young man wu- cilllng on the daughter of tho household iiu utepiod to tho uuxt room wiioru tier father waa boated iliot hi can i how a tltatt havo whom my daughter of louroo yuu want to marry her dont yuut o air i jbat wuiitud to find out if you would in do mo tny nuto for 1100 certainly nol why i hardly i you eardfarnju

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