Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1918, p. 2

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wlk ihrtna marxlauoa and o rain illrtlin 2c montapw mc i cor- memorial cards w 10a per lino extra fur pur nut ik k at lay 12th ifo or w 1 11 lam atlomny born milton thtli lilh till i utrf county twin ilrl ami boy married mr ill l uiggj at tho liomo of tho iridoa parents mr ami mm a c lllj i ii oi thursday beplemuor s 13ia by itov o w barker lillian illcrt to mr james mopho of ponllnch died hoiiiutmon at tho family ro tier lot 2 ton 7 nanoajtawoyo on fuinday hoplembor 1g 1b18 john luitcrtiion asd 73 years mai1aij 1 at tho residence of his damhlcr mrj goonto bateoon now i laltrtrd on tuesday boplember 10 john mnsaloi ttffod so years ha htilt ii hqok at tho residence of t v 1aiiterbrook burllnjilon on saturday september 14 101b do ixirah jnno lmcry relict of the lato thumaji auter brook in ho blsl year ip arfcm iffree pmsa tliohdalt 10 ibis editorial notes a letter of appreciation of what canada has done for tho cauno of pro hlbltlon has been received by blr itobert borden premier from tho women n paulotlo cnioado for w tlmo prohibition of aiaaow scotland tho letter says vo oro filled with admiration for the noble exomplo so culclcauy oet by tho dominion to tho mother country in this matter it in our hope that the government of tho dominion having a clear sense of tho issues at utako and havlnjr provo1 tho praqtlblllty of wartime prohibition will imprest upoi tho homo government tho noccunlty tor almllnr action speaking on monday hir william i learnt mode tho following comment on tho anniversary of tho ontario tempcranco act com j us into force each year tho act la in force only makes it mare apparent that tho legis lation has been and la in the bant intercut or tho whole province tho benefits accruing therefrom arofunda mental and will be realized in even greater dccrcca on the cessation of the war it has resulted in less crime greater wealth mora prosperity and lanror war effort than could have been posalblo under conditions that prevail ed beforo tho legislation was enacted canadians on their honor in the patriotic effort to coniorvo floor guusr mnt cta in iioino quartern it luui boon hue- ttr itc 1 hint aimdlin i bo put on rut hum unl nnt on tl i ir honor re riirillnj food tho canada lootl hoard tiim do houichol l ri hi canada nock to ovado tlio food rtrulatliinnt am tho mor- rhanlii of muilfi coinilvlnir at tlio ovarii mi f tho food rrf ulallonat lot ui neo about tiiat tho main ohj ctlvo of the canada i ood itourd in to nupply great britain and tlm alllrn with viul foods with thin in vlow food rrrulntlonn nro made whlrh if n u pec tod by tho peon in of canada will nahio canada to kcop faith with tlm alllrn on food do tlio people of canada want to keep tauli with tho allien on food 7 aro tho people of canada keeping faljh with tho alllca on food7 they arc to lakn any other poultlon in to niike t that tho ppoplo of canaila wiajiii rather krp tliolr pro war habit than keep fauh with tlio allies oi food nu truo cnnndlan id breaking tho refrulntionn of tho canada pooti hoard tot ho known thono rirulifllona are mado in order that groat ilrltalu and tho allien and the canadian army at tlio front may bo properly fed who or u1 will cat what uhould bo con served for tho canadian army at tlio frontr the henrtn of tho people of canada aro oound and in this war to a finish iood la a flrnt clan munition of war add canadlana no view it it will be time enourh to so in for ritlonn in canada when tho people of canada rcfuuo to conform to national oftorts to conitorvo food for great britain and the aluc t and tho canadian army at tho front when that tlmo comes a policeman not a food controller will bo neodod- v obituary john ilobentson the death of mr john robertson of tho balsamtt lot 25 seventh con cession nassagawoya camo very un- cxpoctcdly on sunday avenltu mr ilobcrtaon had been in poor health for several years about a week ago he suffered from a stroke for several days ho was in a comatose condition but ho rallied and was quite bright for several days on sunday bo took worse and that evening passed away mr robertson was n son of tho late donald robertson one of dur esteemed pioneer farmers both ho and hla wife pasued away la 1892 ho wuibam in l county seventynine yearn ago and camo to this vicinity with his parents when but a lad thereafter ho resided on tho homestead his brothers daniel and donald and their sister miss catharine have lived together at tho old homo through all tho years their sinter mm w c beotty has also resided with them for several monlha tho third suiter mrs peter campbell resides at spokane wwih and their brother james m has been in toronto for many years mr robertson never married john rob- crtuon won a man of sterling chris tian character upright and con- john robertson was a man of sterling christian character upright and con scientious in all his dealings and a cllixen esteemed by all ho was a member of tho disciples of christ after tho discontinuance of tho church here he united with tho church at eyorton but he frequently attended tho services or the baptist church acton tho funeral was held yester day afternoon and the body u laid at rest at fairvlow cemetery neighborhood news- town and country items of interest from various legali ties covered by ths fro press crewson8 coftnefia ulan mclean nrln visited at mr r mckachcra n lout week mrs charleilarnbcrt of hooplor npent a couploof days last week with miss dorothy burnnldo gunner herbert brown lias sent home oomo very lntercatlnff scottish views which ho obtained whllo on icavo to kdlnburgh tho young pcoplo will hold a debate in tho church hero tills evening the subject will bo which wields tho greater influonco tho press or tho platform speaker an interesting timo is expected oakvillc chief sweet nan rcairned owing to somo words between him and coun cillor blakcjock chairman of tho pollco committer tho big fall fair has ocouplod tho attention of tho community this week mondays weather was very unfavor able but plans were changed to suit and tho fair has been n great success on prlday september 20 palermo will havo a grand patriotic evening when rev ii newton smith will glvo his lecture on ilro and sword in belgium this ohould bo of great in tercet star limehouse miss u bliaw of toronto spent tho weekend with mluu dorothy polking- homo miss wlnnlo polunghurne of tor onto spent tho weekend at the par ental home mr and mnt joseph meredith mrs- dr hall and daurhtcj elena of toronto visited at tho homo of mrs ii b smith mrs robert smothurst and daugh ter nancy returned to their homo in toronto after spending a few weeks with mrs r- j famcthurat mrs albert meredith who has not boon well- for the past two months las gone to tho lospltal for treatment mr alex garvin passed away very suddenly last thursday ovonlng ho has been a resident of umohouso for over forty years mra garvin and tho family havo tho ulncero umypathy of the pcoptp of thla vicinity annivcraary scrvicci will bo hold in limehouao presbyterian church noxt sunday neglect i very iiawnpiper i vc ry period 1 al mil very utilln npmkcr moo tloriii nml rntt i n iho hi it cot of llvlnic no t til j thin linn ronn on for yearn m d with red iliblrd encrry nlnco tlm war mmlo turtlirr nplrtnrultr liooi bi in tho prices of foodntufti olrenily ntemlngly an high an thoy cotil l f and wlint rrdurtlon bun orcurrrd in ronnofiunuro of all thin ni itttlon nothing uhnolutely nothing tho lurrrano rnntlnuod appnrcntli what tho public would ilko h to nro hi efntunkn at twentj contii rt pound nnd bnron nt a quar tor w know now that thui iu impoiinllilo why not try a now wty the uio of substitute itii bo n roiuiumer for a mo mont our incomo tn mrlctly do lined at a irtnln amount per wiclc itn junt nnoiii h with jrrent enro to make endn moot by tlio tlmo rent clotlilnr tin 1 nnd food in provided for nnd of tho fooil bill the moat ront in an extremely hra y drain wo try ovrrywbtro hut i iron oro pretty much alllto la inert no way wo can gel around thin heavy ex- prnnot letn noo now how about klnht tho confumor hunlsfor fish mm coniiumor imca out tohunt up tho fish poimilbllluri at jnnen oliop oho eea oomo haddln lylnt jn an open box in tho sun nt tho front uncov ore 1 a prey for tho hica and a recoptaclo for d nl dora nho fall upon tho aforr intionrd jones and prenn nllver upon his palm nnd accept in roturi ono of tho unnlghtty fish nay nay paulino slowly and andly nho wondii her may to tho moat man and durchnneo hlrt i roduct oven at a hlfh prlco meantime hfrn numlwr two con- numcr reachco another uln a imix of frrah caught fluh has ar rived n fow hourn previously were thoy nlcoly arranrod to bent ad- vantigo in fre ih clean ice laid out carefully flldo by nldo in an ico filled platter in a uhow window or special ico box thoy were not mr brown led her to tho box junt ai they arrived tho lox naturally wa rough water noaked ico gone flnh holtrriikoltcr every way did uho buy anything from this wreck sho did rflot tho remedy tho above inci dents oro typical not isolated by any mearui a hundred other nlmi- inr conditions can bo described by anyone with ejea by tho holy pink toed prophet oa cappy ricks wquld nay wo can t understand why retailers trained in tho ways of tho public and taking pain a and precautions with every other food product din- play flah if they dliplay nt all ilko pig iron or junk even hard ware ia given far better trratmcnr a boot and shoo dealer would blush if hin product looked no neglrcteil a dry roods deilcr would inula t on oelfburlnl enveloped in somo of hla own ntock and if tlh in not dla played it la hidden away in a place as unsightly as tho keroscno recop taclo fish la a prime food don t for got that if thin fact to not lout night of if you will always remem ber that thoy nro dcotincd to bo oaten by particular pooplo you won t manhandle them they are deli- cato in texture in fact by proper display tho greatest desire to pur chaso in mado on tho ultimate con numcr nothing olao eoualu it lbs member that a millionaire in tramps clothing la perhaps just an rood at in a frock coat but ho lias got to provo it to a policeman fish cooklno of course there in a umcll when fliflt la lelng cooked how about onions cabhnwi etc surcly they havo a ami 11 and ct everybody catn thrm tlio fact of tho matter in that a retail dealer must hnvo a variety and caution hla cujtomcrji about rooking pro perly nearly every cook book gives recipes it 1j all important that tho connuracr cookaflah no that it satisfies tho finest flnh in tho world when improperly cooked may bo on tasteless oa sawdust and clonnlnu icn inu repairing your clothes thoroughly cleaned in nanltnry workihop prciicd nnd repaired by expert workmen wo can mnkc that old suit look ilko new try ua geo wallace guelpii ontario gmnuirunkytti highlands of ontario canada the homc of thc red deer and the moobe open oeaoono dhi it november 1 to november 1 inclusive mooi november 1 to november 1c inclusive in no mo of thn northern districts of ontario including tlma rami ami the territory north and south of tho iiiidian gnvcrnmont railway from tio quebec to manltniia boundary open nciuion for motmo la from october 1 to november 30 incluotvo writo for copy of playgrounds tho haunts of 1 lah and game giving rrao lawt huntinr refutations etc to c i hanlnr dlutrlct paarengcr aidnt unloii station toronto one h a holmes agent acton ont phona bibious take ttatura rstmdy is dttr and gajsr than cilooiel clssas out systsoa wlutetit ohplnc steps sick hdsebe ore news ig store every wcey wc try to kvc our customers extra good vuluc but with prices on i t wc ask you to jook o hi3 ii3 cvery the jump wc find it hard to pick out lines one here is a bargain and cannot be repeated black duchess dress silk at 275 yd this filnck duchess is a heavy all pure silk and guaranteed by the maker to givo good wear is full 30 ins wide ricli satin finish special nt ytl 275 black nnd colored silk poplins nt 175- yd these poplins are very much in demand for dresses and suits wo have them in black and all the new shades special at 175 tweed drcos goods at 300 per yd these tweed dress goods aro extra good value and arc very suitable for girbi coats odd skirts etc full 50 ins wide special at per yd 3joo mens full weight underwear at u5 x 125 penmans make of mens underwear bought beforo the advance in price every garment is marked penmans- a guarantee of goodwear our stock is limited so come early to get correct size 24 30 38 at 115 40 42 44 at t25 iznglh stripe rtannelette at 35c this line of i lannclcttc wc bought some time ago and ts worth today 45c whole sale wc have it pink blue and gray stripes is full 3g ms wide with soft warm finish and special at yd 35c stored stnpe itannelettes nt 25e a heavy stripe flannelette firm and strong- with soft warm nap 32 ins wide special nt per yd 25c ends of flannelette at reduced prices these ends of flannelette como mostly in stripes and in good lengths of 2j 3 and yards and arc good for childrens underwear night gowns etc and you savo 10 to 15 ladles full weight underwear at 50c underwear has advanced 50 since last season still wc are able to give our customers this line of full weight in long and short sleeves open or closed white or gray turnbulls make at each 50c store closes on wednesday at 1230 noon conway mclean ips 6k ud military news ptc vd hill sou of byard hill formerly r stowartlown is reported killed in action loat month itudto ji ii bmlth son of j 1l farnith ofhvhltby formerly of actonr was admitted to no s station hos pital on beptcrohcr 2 having received gunthot wounds in action dr ncllson formerly chiropractor here itft georgetown last week to spend a fow days at hi homo in lud- dlngton mich previous to going into training with tho canadian 1 loyal atr lircc mra cecil swackhomcr received tho sad iwwa on tuesday that her brother pto itobert johnson had been killed in action in lrnucc pto johnson and his brother charlca enlisted in tor onto in 1014 and went overseas wtth tho nrat contingent might ucut n m craig of the hoyal ar puree second sou of col craig jtvnrua has arrived homo from avcrscus liavlng been sent homo to oomploto his medical studios ho left in may 131c witu tlio hospital unit from queen a univornity ho served n lgllit in the aegean and in itnnco lieut col c a warren formerly deputy assistant director of medical nervier undtr col p w morlow but lat y on olhelal work in now york and olln r american cities is mention h1 as tho man to succeed ijcut col ii h itjcrkin annlatant director of tho toronto military district who ban ro- slrnel na8saoaweya mr john mcalpino is jll it la hoped 10 may noon bo around again th niif- mm ru dntlujni anil alexander mo lfcuitld i eivd nowu on l ueaday frtint mr jaiuei m ixmald iwst tor onto that hui younrest wiu handy had pild llio ouprcme sacrinco at the front on the oth last lly a gunshot wound ho loot the left hsnd and ono hk w u amputated above tho knee pto mcdonald went overseas about a year ago a letter to the ln puw from ite arthur watson written since ha was vuucdt says ha is in no 3 western cjencrui hosultal at manchester icng- rf tho 16th august at nu o clock in tho morning hj is ulowly recovering but cannot aiak abovo a whlsir owing to tho erfe ta of tho gus u the throat arthu wl to ivuuc- ave and p lutif months mr 1 loronco cook predorlok utroet received u mesuugo trvm ottawa hatrdu stating hat her husband hcrgt ueurga w cook of the ma chine au lirpb iad lfmi twmuod to no 23 tleiieral hospital cannes kruncoon ueptcmbor 10 wlui gun- nhot wound in tho left leg a cable gram was also sent to mrs cook by her brother inlaw in fcnglaitd snylng itsc htmbands wound wi llklt and lifers was no cu to worry will bo hold at hrookvillo to day jur and mru gilbert klnrubury who wero out west on a trip havo ru turned homo hatbrdays paikru rejorted tlutt pto t howard luul been wouudud in action mr oeorgo cruoimctt hiui iold hla farm lot 2 con 3 to mr hhaw f 1alenno preparutloiui aro in projrij for the lbcnokor bamiuut and auulvcruary services early in ik comber ho anniversary tiervlcejj of tho niui saga we ya prusbytcrlan cliurclt will bo held on fjumluy faiptcmber 22 itov h davhuioii m a of cult will duct tho iierlcea which wll bo hold ut 12 a m and s p m nuw tlmo tho mario luf cjuartctto from qalt will furnlah nix clul muslo in tliolr usual effeetlvo niuuiic r a npeclal offering will bo taken at both uurvlcos all are invited tu att snlmon trout balmon trout btcaks it c balmon bteaka halibut keak jl pinn haddlo j23lb 25 lb 5tb jaotb 20 n gmnkod digby ponolcua her ring jotb ivcali prill or bolcj 18 tb hhreddod cod piah packugo w 1o whan it is in s j statjffer fish foodspeciauqt canada food board license no phone 40 acton ont rockwood fifth line erin an en ujoynblo uvuiilng won npent ut tho hum of mr john doyd on wod- ntjday tieptinilhr j whuu tho peoplo of thla i ehool motion and other frlonds met to bid farewell to miss m major wliu ban km tin torn her for uomn tlmo a brief pituramnio of mutili nnd n adlog iii i ivun and mluu jjunehn yaid tlm folloulnj tul dreun and little 1 thrlyn hoyd pro ntitd mbia major with a biutitiful jjoht wilnt wt h a r trnclm i w our puiilbi and ids of tllln hon iiuvo luurnod with imiijt r ut of nur luttndel do part tire from out mhlut 1 tu it wu and nix minuliu jou hit luutht oui uchool to thn n itlufiu tlun of tlio truu tees tlio pull n tw mid ehlli1nii you hnvo iruttl jouinclf an t huieitt imlni ktnjc utiil ciiiiii luittltiua uailier pti if no tstru work to uilvunco oi ucuttoiutl intriotitn ou liuve tuiight vuiteod uchimd work for which you havo rceclvtd no n iiiuiieruf4on exc rtfolt liatltudo of your pupil and tholr parents yoil havo ulno leo most faithful in instilling into ou minds moral truthu uinl itsnona wiileh ant benefit tin in of t r cirn not ly lit tho o hool room will jou bo missed but you have uiluinl jouiitulf 11 tho people ir tin community loth old and youm ui upprceliiti very fully tho i nod win it jou hnv dono ulnco u eatjii aiiumi t ua and us a alight token of our ixiiiimit wo aak yuu to uce pt thla wrlut wat h wo liopti k may recall t nder nient firif of tho tlmo ipunt tn thin net lion you havo our but wltiheu thai youi futuro may be vry irurt inful and wo onauro you a heaity woleomo whuimvir you visit ua tllgnetl on behalf of the tit hool and friends i hi i 0 1 u a k1311h actou 1l it no 2 btptomlfxr v lulf mlu major replied brlolly thuukln all for thn tin xiiectud iiiliibiub pio vldod and tho vutuuhlo gift besluucd cadet xorno guild who was report ed 111 last woek li ttttur atnln pto iuuben yitllrej lft last wook for toronto to join tho itoyal air iirco pto hurry lias been woupdc 1 uotlon with tunuhot wound in tlnh n a uiua i 31 harvest lionto nervlcti wore held in it john u chureh luat ijundoy llov ir maunui ii of acton preached a iiji lond hi npiclal ul nnon ulrui confurtno will bo held in oludutono hall on ucpteiubcr zh and 2d ttiero 11 bo u progrumino for tlio two duu und u mother and daughter lianguet on ttio uteond ovculin a couplo of caru which broutht pouplo to ehurlli hero on bumluy uvuit int wero put out of eominluuloii by a uulf nppolntud vithaneo cummltuo of young lyuu 1 huy determined that no ears should run on uiitlgauollno layu was a myotery to him will hiram iiald ono farmtr to another iii uorry to luar tho bu 1 nuvii about your woinuit tmruh ij it really uo hut who lias boon tuluu to tho in nylu rtaluly husband und jou how tiarah or oho hado t l bo said tho rarmcr on t undcruluiid it id hao bono eruiy out of iho kitchen a day in twjnty leaxu ic clearing auction sale bilious attacks constipation sick headaches etc aro in tho great ma jority of cases duo to dlgeauvo troulilo and no reasonable person can oxpect to obtain real or lasting benefit until tho cause la corrected natures remedy ntt tablets is a vpretnhlo compound that acta on tho stomach liver bowels and kidneys tho purpoao being to bring about healthy and harmonious action of all thp organs of dhrrrstiun and elimina tion it acts promptly and thorourhly rot so mildly and gently that thero la noter tlio aughtcat crtpmgor dla- imt thnt is not all natures iropmv ing tho process of dtgcstloi nnd noa initiation tho nourlshinont is derived from food tho blood quality is enriched ltallty is lncraacd and the whoto aystcna alrcnrthened oneo you get your body 1n thla cplrndid condllion you need not taka medlclno eicry day just takn an nil tablet occasionally when in dictation bllloencsa nnd constipation threatens nnd you can always feci your bcl urmembcr keeping well is easier and cheaper than celling wcll eet n 2o iox of natures remedy ml tablftn and try it it is sold nia ran teed and recommended by your etrugglot j mas1ard mcton ont llatificrefneilii tablets better than pills i get a for liver ills i 25c bflx mill street we cell for cash we bell for les3 acton e a good investment ordering your fall suit now sli our genuine pure wool guaranteed cloths jn navy blue also fancy suitings in browns fancy checks and stripes all wool guaranteed colors jvkulehccarrordeif sup in and see our values r e nelson phono 40 noxt poat office guelph icecream wo havo our parlor open ervery day now and wo intend to give as good service as possible tea cream bulk 30c a pint les cream brick 30c aaeh candbes right price8 toothsome varieties debt qualities haroldwaes canada food doard lican no 2- 13505 mill street acton 10000 head of geese ducks hens and chickens wanted highest cash price will be paid partlej having isjuitry to sell should communicate at once with r milligan cor youno and mill sts actc or to p o box 341 a good investment what a thorough training at thegijejh rusinpxouegeji htudy this ono year of your time at presojat worth about j300 cujn intobtminl about 1c0 fur tuition and auppllca noxt year income of jioo to to0 100 on investment with cun tin hal incre uu uinl uultmlt- cd opportunttlea fjr udvanco- mcnl think i act start august 10 1013 douck p prvp goelph ont the youmg mans best recommendation a savinffa account ia moro than a start towards fliinnclnt indopendencti jt is a mark of cliaracter ono of tlio atronfjeet recommondntlona in the world of buaineoa that a young man can prubont laamerehojatabankpaasbook oliuwincr a record of consiatont invldtm a sivniiro account may bo opened with m 00 wjncli ohowfl how highly wo regard uio nccuunu of thoso who tlcjiro to uavo 70 head choice durham cattle ndiruuuiul hnu leen jiuttrui j holmes son the by to moll by t ul attend line lri acton on monday at ono olocl 1 1 lowing l hit ii i 1 lied cow i ut foot 1 hud t fo mklo i on lot 1 jithwtut of 3cptemder 30 utndanl time the fol aili no iitn if ut foot wjlh til i ot i ovt fl yeai ill willi u t cow 1 hnlti old 1 lllai k l nv a sean u ut ft it 1 lllai k dui time f tmlu uin id dm o tnhii i i oiui am i il whlto liolfr i mliick llelfr du moist i in ii it iu 1 ettlhu u r ivit i riult v i i 1 yoili hot nllm 1111 of t it 111 bo soil ikimhr bo given on notfs iflvo oil hoatt olhco montrcal acton branch chohgttown ultanch of cajmadjv established 1004 l u siiohcy manajrer c w handy manaacr approved j lut shorey r j kfiir auotlonr clsrk phono 30 acton new machine shop iltul blow ajocldnlat ih muviiif to the inij urrnniiu prcmies tin uoss bowl- l- alky on alain strcxt where ho will bo prcpurj to hundlc all repairs of inucliiiilry piomptly unj iutislucturily riotou iaaaut a siecialty limine cxperuncu mitli all maktb of motors rpain wjll bo cllkicntly lttcuttd vulcanizing tiucs llavnik instiilhil a mllcupknik ontlll atufiiltoi j riiiii3 will bo nindi to outer cucj ni well n intur tirtie i liu ikpir ment i minncd by mr i hoss bring a youit h hl main 8lret acton fred klow ailroa and telegraph work as taught in shawtf bchoolt toronto will ensure a sood- nonltlon at a eood salary write for narticulam w ii shaw pres 3 gcrrord fat u toronto- cbbiaaiamstoi tforonto cwoba acton 1918 faulfaim tuesday and wednesday september 24 and 25 open to thc world special attractions at acton fall fair 10th eoyal grenadiers band of toronto the celebrated jay eamiiy comedy acrobats and many other attractions before the qrand stand- splendid fair night concert on second night with special features the prize list new alvci li nu nth tiicmcilinh lunch ik j ncv i m fo it pnro- yil i bunoav bli 1 f hi i it 10 x ityu in iii 1 uko u hi- i30 iklll i in 1 y i i i 7 p ui tl i i i i u vino yard wanted drug apprtntice tho hi hi i i r i n l il hi boy 1 iii d pi of co 11 z t iph men wantld ktcady wurli tin y ir mint clood ware auply 4n wrltlr r troon ally to 11 3 hut 1 m wii1uti i t imnr illll rodow wnj miss ncta nelson tsachor of gmfjinij will receive i unl in in rt n after october i lor li rrn i ajjily 12 2 74 i1ak1 i 1 ml uii hou3e to rent avnllablo ly thn 1 i a i 1 r hccnft street acton it ni it f i r month hnqulrn of pr t i it m mas ten 11 3 r au3li brand new 1010 ford on sale 101h mnit 1 radius tiros a s77c 1 onl t nrludlni- roil nl in iuiui h wl r nd 1 ir ill t v ml lulp- 1 x tread a urap at outo teacher wanted hero first actnn send duties nd claii i rot and junior publla ueh tcotlntoiilali to commenct il n i k- coo 1 htl i i t ill rim 1 1 1 r bonier cla jt in ury jsio ivmur 112 ii p mooiu act oi ontario wanted to rent or purchasc a houno und uinl u with irardra ni tun ted in the north wct wet ni tit acton muut bu a ci infortil o macs nnd havo conveniences uuch as water etc muat not bo nrur elllier railway lino und not far from iiimji and church would pay j12 t 14 for a ou liable nitre and will nei otlite for purchaso of a satlnfaclory property mih1 j ii 1 lwillltl j tf 1 ox 1sj orai uclllc oct board and lodgings for con vention delegates accommod ttloiit art di in i for tb delecntci to haiti n tich ri ira4 lui to- bo hold in acton on tin 10tb acd 11th october i or the four meals and onn nlcht dolctati ii on j n iiared to nay 2 60 all cltlzi u i lioare pre pared to nlrrtun ih l ilc are re- questcd o mtify iho m itra rrtd and stnto how tuinj the nu jccoraeo- date not later than iviii october 4 olla aiuistronc 122 veioi p o- s1 prizes i name by a uimo by j i receive same by i kvuon co 1 box best 10 lbs ituttcr 1 lb prlniu l n conway mclcan cuuh best c lb pall or crock of iiutur by il p kelt hard t co toronto co 10 iha 0c tea best 10 lbs butter in crock dt nor to r hill cash batlxnmirpairorctotirirutttroiiui o campboll toronto dclktri comfort soap valuo beat 10 lbs bnttor in bloclm oxhitiitu l by u maker who has not won an eaton prise at any fair uiiuu 1316 by tho t eaton co toronto cholcn f li i low hie a rocker catalogue no c3 u0 vuluo 7 uo l ciilna tea bet not catalogued value 7 7c ii ciinil catalueuo no 3js47 value j7 ta best c lb buttet tlther in i rliitu or mil il u r to roceiva same by john lpiiouii iwli two pounds butter lu four lulf otin l 1 hutu djuallty and ncatiless to ba property of d i by it i warren i toronto cash best b lb crock ox built r d nu r i n- umo by m ldwarda acton 38 mj 1 lour vjiuu plants and ilowelts hue 1 collection llouso 1lunirt in 2 puachla in hlooui 1 besoula ilex befonla 1 louerltu 5 petunia tlntlo lcmnln doublo 7 oleander lu bloom b geranium doublo s geron1u falnele 10 lalmo 11 1ems 13 frolulsrs 11 amaryllis 1 00 0 co notice to creditors n tho matter of the estate cf hush wllce of jjto viiaae of acton i the county of halton gentleman decsasod notioo 1 hcrcdy eueit iiuiuontta tho titatutn in that bclalf tiat all creditors it an thero be ind other persons havlnj claim t i h t the catato of hm h auc t of the vlltaro of acton in ih eoutty of halton gentleman vh i j an or oiout tho thirteenth u r jj 1315 nro rctiuird tc und in i i i tfiald or deliver to the undtn iii i t c iaoli- citor for tho txccutori x t i uid catato on or before tho thltith day of boptember 1318 their naait a-1- dresacs m full iarttul tri of tselr claims duly lt ul nnd tin- iatre off their occurltlt if nnj hi m l them nnd after thj iai l thlrtuii tly ox september llh tlio i 1 iutors will procpod to tifctrlbulo tlm ucts of tho said deceased nmotij- the- jtcr- entitled theruto hmlnir regard rsl to tho claims of whlcn tlnj ill tby hato had notice and thi ml ia 1 liable for any part of the eil tate to any penn of wiimo lin tfcey uhall not then haio had tuiilci a j mwklsnon hollcjtor for tlu 1 xwuiora dated tills th day of number 1318 auction s4le in nauhaovj hor0c implements etc thf unit ii lwm iff ou by wilfred 0oul3uy to sell by putilln nu tlm n ho at mier of lot in con t nni tuwa thursday oeptemulut 161ft ut ono ovloelc tlio follow tut htocic brown houi l jtartt m iioo rtm a piup wrii ut ninu liu tba cuch alniut in pun in iii i li- mouth hoik ilnnit ttltilldu iliulil imlll munlh- a mum wanim binder 0 rt ut mi umin n i take 10 ft miiau v huil- t l vmii 12 sjiout mitmuoy lliuli m un tl rt now man hi v llnril t uul tl i 13 tooth now miinjioy itniili in m n rtiwm 3 soi it urn ih tmlll it 47 qnntf llow new llh h m m nn i m with sprlnj eoalj lint itumiv in mod condilloni 1 hcl hhiau harm u w laming mill tlh inn i lm ul tt i nnt brooder iinm chin it m t m m t cream heinrnnr wwi l i ir irmtulit 1 uuiiar knltloi i i oh t v l b hloei l wi ml ft i il h nil h crouneui kitt imintliit it tin nnl various oih r imii ti on ion v toiirliih tur in u 1 n cxrullim rilrinhm unl i ililftltl yintji i 1 unl i t h yiwvfd mitt mi n m for cwh ir in chapman ll 0 aietlmtt- nml cut frlowut l aslrs not 1 oi tl 3 aiadlolus 3 dahlias 4 sweet leaa k phlox e isituwia t otocks 8 vorbmas 0 cannas 10 punslom 11 nasturtiums 12 talvta 13 bouquet auy kin domestic m vnuivrruiu class 0 harness 1 best lxhlblt of harney notlhiac ou tlm ku uujj v111 l h i t and airenta for the uriwuv of exhluulm iuini wii implctuents eu but m 1 1 1 ultl t uu i it i uo ui one aitts wonijkuhmnl phidav llllmrlmlii ii a il 1 h i mlull i ii oatuhllav 11 lii liii i mil i i i villi ii u i lilmiiln in i i i ii i hi ly tuiblla ml ii ml i i i mlll i iii mini i i ltiii it wbiinfmiar ml i u ii uu n lufdcturem utlcrii lai nt of this kind bindb wiiwe clauu za landscaikr or miuho in 1 tiiurs uubjw t hi oil anlmnt huj i in ll ihowor or prult in oil any oilier ubjeet jn oil tahdacupe water color ii 00 i 00 1 00 ihiu 1 ml nj h mtk l m t i conaluiud on psao four liil a y

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