Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1918, p. 3

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iieadquaittlils for wedding and milthday riuslnfs rtny cut lura 1 wiry dim wn mrry llm mo i i mph in n town mahriagc liccnoco ib3uld geohynds news of local import social and personal ijf artnu iftvee llrrsa thijmuw 111 i mil it 1j brief local items acton i ill i uir wldntiiday lant hnturda to acton i all i air heart tho intoniutm local now and coimpondonro on unit piio all roadn will leal to arton 1 a voir next turwlay nnd wtdnerliy stay in town nf xt widn idy ovenlnr for the htr i air nleht como and hear tho dlj- lotlt luijnl grenadiers hand of toronto at acton vb1i i air acton mo tori its obiored tlio io sunday truffle roqueut with admiral it unanimity the folliico of urn maplo and uirao other trees in already aiuuminu the t autumnal tints turnip- delllfeaiaavmfamt need tho shippers aro loading cjero nt tho a t r ntatlon this in saliora day in acton open your hcarti and your punwvi lie reafly for tho canvassers there a been a sugar fajnlno in town this week woh all havo to cur tail our eonaumptlon of titular in the homo every tlmo you fill tho tank of your auto or tractor by lamp or other open llfiht you aro inviting an ex plosion mlaajlicta nelson guclplt a tat nted frrnduato of tho conncrvatnry o music will receive pupils in actot after october 1 mm w half main street ha- snt tho run paci a lino sample o irish cobbler potato ono weirjlici thirteen ounces a din play of agricultural prodintn will be held at dublin school on i rl day afternoon at 2 30 standard tlmo vlaltom will bo welcome mm ilev i m mojer vtry hos pltably entertained tho mfmltcm of too womans missionary society at tho methodist pnrsonaro on wcducs day evening of last week ilcv w o wallace who went from qoorretown to tlloor street prui brterinn church toronto thirty jun ago preached his farevell iicrmon thero last sunday morning ijm ii in it it n aj rirulttii i t it flr nnd tt hill at art ii i hurllnj t i cl 1l till iou 1 t must not t voreat p nomiw on coal rrliiii to uitn small tho winter for thu i oal was nont out in a circular lotli r il iitato fin 1 tulmln uuui rated that two- tnal nuiply mlut bo r itpiat to placet of ul i uhio bo cerjily ilalley left laat hi mt iirc t mimrr of toronto at mixirncrtift on vw inert vr luni mm or toronto mclim dlln m mnlji i howie of cleor t u i nt ftundiy with mr and mm a t ilrown miss man irrt kennedy of toroti pent a couple ufvdayn at her ho o thii wnk ruok- filled with yhlnkoy iru 1 i mil d with whlski y tlniuh imlph on fjaturddy frni montreal to ijij th in- oiiilni i iriud of tho contra n in or inr tho roods liad left u in mil i tho mllway olllclalj tf hi rnrnir of tho trunka i th in n ilnlr le itinntlon but i lut r i js d oy tho inapccto iluirii l u uli mercury minn ivelyn ruaroy vlaltcl at mm j j ken street thin week ir j chciitcr mnlthn onto with din brother rcmnliie1 until monday mr and mra il cralr vlitted at tho homo or iaurhlln o during tho wm f toronto wlyu mai holton toclu iliyn will 1 lutt ndul o li i who uttl ira ifiitltuto moota haro iix otitic of tho ilnlton tnut will bo held in i iy mid ivluay octo- 1 iio 1 1 ulon for tho two r ii practical character i r uncut to tho tcaah- a ixipular proaramnio txtulrx lici will tio even violin ml ui illlott of ial klnxd ind ir wat- ci wlu deliver ud- n at qt albana tlianktijlvtnir tl aluun meaant j ilolmen i bon drovri xfm noil 70 head of cdolco durham fttpdo cattlfl at their farm lot 1 mcond lino nrln ono mllo from acton on monday afternoon toptember 30 harry hnntlncn of 1 lora anl mary atklnnon or teniii fined 200 and coats in monday for notltnjr beer in their hotclo whlch contained ovr 2i cr c nt of alcohol a cylinder dead on tho 12 p i pniracncer tnln holm eaat wai blown out when comlns iq the lanlt hcrw on tueadny tvcnlnr the train uji de loyed hero for two hourti until another engine wan necured tho elements ofroctlwly conjplr 1 to rcmovo temptation from kundaj joy rldeji to dlnobey tho request of tlu imol controller to bo patriotic and refrain from motorlnir on sunda i order to navo raaoline tho mctbod colli njtwool united for tho nummi r if they can unlto in tho summer to nac nweat why cant they imltn jn tho winter and wivo fuel or unlto all tho tlmo w asvo money ilefomif r a toronto customer of tho iuu pncas job prlntinriciirtmoniwriti tho box of printing luti arrud w aro greatly pleased with thli work and fool auro u will bo kenrrally a cjatod tho very neat way which tho leaflets navo boetjjulnted will mi much 4o oiolr topularlty l ruvo mu h pleasure in paaalnr ehoijun for j20t 00 to cover jour invoice itov i m moyer pn ached upickil ormons injuickwood and llen mill iat sunday w a cook pauu- of tho lnunnii circuit ireiehi1 j tho methodlnt church alton on sim day ocular m bl r wllb lt m errul ot plan or salvation jt v w 1 of itockwood who u 1 1 uunou jireach in acton v ichml homo ucmionu on lranuum t lr rvut thanuau rtio unnuil ii irvj u 1 ulll lx hi 1 1 1 vnln- mil will bo continued at u ml ik ur on sunday mornlnc an 1 vi iiini to nliht tho ncrvlco will l lull nt s p m and tho itov i cooli lurtor of graco church ullun will im tho iirtirlior tho oer- vlco on l un l n mornlnir will bo 1 ct lil rath it of tlio holy communloi child ran at tho tin jil 11 lint gholtor located at milton tuilliu of jialton county tho following re 10 luti n ua urriid tliat llalton i oitnty iinrll f ivi ni tho purcliaao of tlm ijluinli inirty on tho corner f maln an i ourt htrceli milton inivhlln thi unity of icel pay on a uftj nfty ta li for tho purchaso of tho nny md maintenance tiald mi rty t 1 u ul ui a children a mi itir tin purehauo price to bo 3 s0o a now asuatant librarian at u mi- lit 1 of tho lroi library jianl i 11 moo lay afternoon tho rcjlk- utlin if mum ilurjant wilson who 11 w hi 1 u i bltluti on tho atnrr of tho n i ntti lnil vi is tendered and i i til lli ltale llllott was ap- niiii j to tho xaint poultlon a iiinittn uuj upi olnted to urraiy li ihlo fur tho uccommodation of irtiiir iiddlthni of books to tho lib iry iji i em ihelviiik and stacks 1 hlk i to capacity lie f th ann voraary at limahouao church a 1 nlv irar iirvlciti will iki hi jd in llmi h ji fvj bterinn church on simd of ay ui t jl w 1 mlmr 22 ltev or dlslr til iirtach lit 11 u m and h ij lal music will lie rendered ly t aclu 1 quartette an nnnlvrr- o ijnetrt wlll bo held un monday lll u i lember 3 ftwd pro 1 run nil lu n hi 1 re pared includlm an a i lr 1 hr uliir and mu licu i1ui11 1 by mr caj ti 11 of eonto 1ui1 l i i 1 by loi il talent o c h r th th fsll fair cnterta acton 1 all 1 ut tuesday un i nhne much of ind 11 t n r ill commuult 1 itawjiiloi aro atmhu to nnk it exhlbltloitn t del i now rln hnvi 1 1 havo bon 1 ihtiuimii ti ectlonn td ii t of 1 i usually nttiutlvi an i tho u ing foattn 1 i ivo in 11 vi j exhlbltlunjj at t iwnu un ut in tho llfo of hilatlo hi i un tlcalar lutcivnt ami fumlly at tdo in it 1111 thhiira iiicrleultuiul d n f oa uiey are ihlhltlui tuii realuo the value of a nln 111 tural and live stock dipartun are makinn th idii r tholr woil in f t 10 full f or urns ii tould ubi 1 1 t i without the pnxlueti of th r rcpre iite i lh 1 1 kl bo brouicbl to the ts in courni 1 i to ntii 1 n 1 u ai ii enj 1 th 111m lv x alto huji tin 1 faro of id u i 1 r t jii 1 in ihlt rci iiw iy no and min f nitti utl cum mutt m nf luti f- what pit ludimtry attn the fair 1 on it malt 11 f i hi r with n dl r vi vvj olnu whojenoiuo amuntniiol h order to cut the numt ui otlir to acton ni 1 wltl t liniuovlnr your hinil u t wr10 time to havo r h and nuiy to wetliiefdu llltl cirtainod soldier pationu on tu lay of list week tlio iaub- ll f hi inplru of milton enter- lait e 1 1 lit imidleru from tho lirant muuarj llu pital ut hurllnjtun who uiiai uikirowaltil hy tliroo medical n till liiirtymih burllncton and 1 1 muht tho imrty oer and uilrty tir cnvvjel them lack to tho hos- pltil uftir uupinc uml an entcrtaln- nieul by thu men a most onjoyablo limn wai ihen tho wounded uoldiora ihu t uuiilj couuoll which wan in whin adjourned and motored out t meet id motor party of soldiers and cjiisj uiim into milton wor th n luruter addreaaod them splondid foir niaht concert arranad lln 1 mtiiltto on tho lair nhjht cnnert lmw tcen successful in nocur- hk taltnl for this popular unnual nt width is to bo held next wcd- ly nink tho second day of acton 1 ul lair tho prorrammo will pn 1 ntd by mrs 1 lorttneo wright ii tt tolorutura soprano of toronto h 1 tuiji won ono reputation as an ir if ineilt mr lll sptncer til o ilint who his 11 moat v r 111 r it chin ntr uuikiuoii 11 il muiur lrt powell the ty winl tnurtalmr an oxierl i i 1 1 ii i wli compu to this uph 11 1 i lilixy r 1 iitertulueiii 1 hu plan f t hill 1 1 now upi n at llamiardw u titun m councillor oniluy buys finn farfti of ti 1 mi lllin ililhy returned i im ni sjithvval ho has 1 hut th un ilium of oun of tlio mm u vhl 1 fui t ml ah xmli mi don pit ik fai tnini i i th ii pluo un hl2 ddt n utbul lle 1 illi 1 iltleu mu im uiiy uln it makl vourisclf- fikut class l i vi in ml uply o 1 l it 11 1 t p 1 v 11 in th u liutlej i i f i 1 1 whl h w i i li m ml plai 1 a ii hi thu id ami lm tu fr 1 1 th 11 1 1 llu thu in oeut to thc would ml 11 ii 1 mun conntanro rtnwart of toronto npept tho wcikend at thu homo of mr william hall main i treel m lanes marnwrlto klowart and jean wll jon left on monday for toronto to take a course nt normal school mr and mm jtahlwln of hault hto mario were quests during tho week at mr robert itcnnctfn iiko avenue mr hewitt of meafonl in actlnir manacer of the merchants honk dur ing the abaenco of mr l ii bhorey mr and mrs i n shoroy left on monday evening to upend a couple ol weeks with friends at napaneo am icinlty tr miis viola norris mian owyn camp- bell and mrs cornwall of toronto worn kucsts or mi111 annie collier during uia week mn jamc 1 warren of walkerton fipent a couple of dayn last week visit in- at tho homo of her ntphow mr jamc j l warren mr iorno ilamlln pan of w h hamlin liin left his home at norwich on monday to take a counio nt albert jollece ilellovllle capt arthur konney rcturnctl to the military camp at itrandon man on tuesday after a throo weeks leavo with tho homo folks here serct w j gould went to toronto last week to vlnlt his alnter dr gould of pltliburr who was ocr wltli friends on a motoring trip mr wuuim hlow of woodstock who has been nimnfllnf couple of weeks with his son mr ired hlow returned home on saturday mr and mrs- jonrph aid n wh npent tdo past week with their tuir cntu mr nnd mrs john allen lako avenue leave returned to their homo n owen sound mr j o allen ac companied them on their rt turn the cniaiicrncnt is announced of via entctia daughter of the late charles andrew ilradloy of oakvillc and mrs hradbury to yank izlson havlu of montreal son of mr and mrs george havlll of acton tho marrlaco will take placo today mr a u mattiiewa or denver col upont a day last week at tho homo of bis father postmaster matthews mr matthews is a director of tho nation al credit mens association and was en routo to a meetlnu of the hoard at atlantic city n j im ycli ci ie r when he eaid- either tfto totftan latton mutt gu short of many rtttgi to which it is accustomed in time of feacor oar armia mutt go short of manitiont and otiuf thing ndupstmoble to thca the bell piano will be on inhibition ut tho acton fall fair como and boo it for yourself tho many nupcxlor features which make tbla instrument canada u best will be kladly explained lo you in hibited by c w kelly son guelph ontario argams this week mlii sweaters from j00 to 7oa boy sweaters from 100 to 300 ludicii bwoutcia from nl50 to sj50 womciib i iunnel undtr l starkmaw mux stitelrr acton mow the only way we can possibly live up to that obligation is by going with out in order that our soldiera may have for the money we waste is not money at all it is equipment clothing shot and shell that are ur gently needed in france by denying ourselves there fore we enable canada to hundreds of millions of dollars are of no use to tho country if goods and services caa be secured only to tho extent of eighty millions of dollars so we must do every thing in our power to release both goods and labor for the purposes for which canada needs them procure to the fullest extent wriether it be food the materials and labor which she and our allies need for the successful prosecution of the war what happens when we fail to save a pullonlaborbythegovem- ment in one direction and a pull on labor by the people in the opposite direction coal wool steel leather labor or transportation tbc result in all cases is the same whoever competes with the nation by freely satisfying his own desires selfishly appro priates to his own use that which b so urgendy required for our fighting men in france r for the take of pour country and the boys 6ver there spend cautiously think of what lord kitchener has said and ask yourself first is this something i really need or can i do without it pullabed node th uihotiy of th ib iilijinunin ss btsmaxma every 10 c packet of r i wilsons flyrds uwu kill more flies than i a worth of any vsticky fly catcher clean to handle fa nil di ijiota uroccra and gcncratslarco qotl all rubber jar rinq hi 0 fruit i 10 is iavuu- hi pv ti il poleonljn in supi oed to bo duo to ly put into luu jars that tho rubber rlnej were ih i untd by e neiny uplej by put- tlni phenol on thm cliuiuuta ad v loo all huuel eperi about to uao rubber jliiit fur fruit jars to boll them all eihly 1 eforo uulnt tin m 1 his rtmovu any tuiiujcr the fruit season at uvingstonis this week tomatoes peaches plums pears other fruits veaotablo qrocor- ndprovlaioha canada 1 ooel hoard ijcuj no s 13c1u j r livingstone mill street children cry for fletchers castoria acton creamery liriin your cream to us will tlvo jim tho idi heat ji lot prlee for iluttir lal will bo opon monday lliurs day and balurdays until 10 highest teats tho past wecjt john i rank 40 chorica ic- koown 33 w cl scott 3m w mcculloucb 3 acton creamery willow street acton n every free theres economy tho bigger comfort soap bar gives you mora soap for tho monoy than ever before tho weight has been increased because as you know thero aro no premiums with the bigger bars wrapper here is a real chaaco to savo in housekeeping expenses comfort soap it yoa really want moro good ooap for yoar monoy youujuat firmly ask your erocur for tho bigger comfort bar ho con oupply yon if you aro still gutting tho former mnaqer comfort soap koop on caving tho wrappero tjuy aro btfll good farpremiuma this will lxtkndto you a most comma invita tion to visit gullpii and attend ouk fall opening fashion exposition which will take placo thursday friday nnd saturday oftbi3 week nf youll take nil condition into con- mdcrntton inn is without doubt thu most important opening event wc havc ever held merchandise of dl pcndable quality 13 scarce wholesale pneca arc hifjli and in ninny clasiti of yood3 it is nearly impossible to obtain any but email assortments how well we have overcome thcj conditions is clearly hown in our pic sent stocks rorcaccinp lo a great extent the existing market conditions we have contracted for mtich of our stock far in advance thereby saving the rise m wholesale priced that have since occurred in every instance our prices give- you the benefit of these savinga this is truly a style exposition featuring in generous assortments the fjniist new fall fashions in millinery and apparel visit all departmenta of this lug store this week mens womens and childrens ap- parcl wallpaper and house furnish- inea 0 macdonasd bros ltd guelpirs leading and laegest stoke wyndham macdonncl and carden streeta guclph onl 100 aches eden mills tiutee mhs 70 ulixj workuhli baluncn jtasturu and tlmlcr i aero orclvard uolffeeiay luim irood water urick house 8 rooms ajid pantry cood cellur llank barn c2xl school 1 lot guelph 10 miles rural mail and trlriihone prtca 400 terms arranjrod go acres two miles fhom balltnafad 30 ucrea workable balance teitl tmsturo and buuh iniiplu tcccli hemlock and cedar boll elay loini v ry eomfortablo frame houuo a room 3 clothes clo let back hltchen bxir collar under whole houuc llank turn clx70 tlrlvlnn nlml lsxlh ulatijhtir houae 1xlh school two mi lea ltural mall and leleifllone prlco jtocl terma arranged se oftcton 2u acrlseol 10 acre 1 workable 10 aerti tiu h ihituiieu jiajituro 3 acrti or chard noil uandy loam to clay louru joo1 unrltu wnti r uimki cement hoiea 10 rooms unit claui cellar iiutik tarii u4xh0 walor lu stable ijrivini uhed hen huuao ullu school mile rural mull peco 9000 term 1 arrani od 100 acills acton village fouu miles cs acrca workable balancu pasture und dood hart i wood buuh z acres orchard ikill clay loam to uandy loam lynmo bouse c rooms tood cellar i tank barn g2xb itod stabllnc cement floors tio up 20 hffiit rnttif 3 bof ii r h ntnllt tlr hou 10 1 mall pic p hen house under ham ltural mall prico joooot tcrnui urnutfoq 133 acres alton i miles iullsburg i mujs 7g acres workable balance pa tturo and huah 2 acrei orchard nn water solid brick houae 0 rouinu uanlc barn o clay loam lirli 4x70 ltural mafl price 5200- terms arranged willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario spring lamb every saturday at pattersons meat market highest cash price for butter and eggs special s louib of l joik 35c lei vt i rtah iork 35c loik chupi 35c leis of lamb 10c i oin of i unib 10c 1ront quartern of luinb- 30c sauaugo mc 100 ibo sparc it ib 20c new potatoes peck 30c i klbll i itljiis and vlgltablls alwayb on hand our sloro cluxia at 7iq p in monday tutultyi antf thursday n patterson main street acton ont j acton fall fair next tues wed 4 u j

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