Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1918, p. 3

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headquarters for wedjhng and ihrthday prisents jijn 1h7 illlvorwaro knlvni 1 orltn and diioonn i miry cut qltuin rnnny chlnn wi rtvrry tlio mont complqte tltoclt hi 1ovii marniaqc liccnqlq iqqucd geo hynds acton ontario ijc artnu ffltet fin uu tihjuhijay hiitimili3it 2c 101h brief local items jll t front n aro froijuont n nix tliti ihijii urn iriivlm pc nil un u i t ult up nmi nit iju tlir atli bout ii i nil lolr la over yit news of local import 2o0oo for guolph mr a h u conlrlbuu 1 i of tho oiiilnh 1 u nn inherit in i and freumntly h loyalty to hi 1 i i 1 lhliiuni inn vu tho dobt mr ruttni n b i rouilly inn nplrlt of ouccmiiui chibitor of poultry at lln n k 3 1 tlilrdu on iii j ijititnhiiiiii 1 willi oipliii f cennful ul oukvl u iii ii alio milton church coko in be i tiff delivered in auoili in hnlf ton lota adollar naved over horo hcilpu tho boyn over there kcrfiub pall palp will txi hold to day and to morrow onjcvlllft ralr had an attendant of h 000 tho lant day iltchea in wartlino oro often an evidence of patrlothtm tlio cqulnoxlal period juutaod with out nny acrlouit titorma tho ralr night concort lant oven- inft had itn uttual largo patronaho in ens land thoy oay a nhlllltifr wanted ntaba a ooldlcr in tho bock bavjiiff lirlnrtn itn own rovard com pound od wear that old hat another acaiion ljiqucilng iall kulr on wodnco da nnil thursday october 2nd and 3rd nt oeorcotown parnlmony to proniotq your countryn wolforo lu now a virtue in deed it in expected of you l tho bis itoial gronadlcni band on tho utroeta and at tho lolr yester day created quite a furore a guolph motorist wan fined jg00 and oosta on saturday by police mag istrate watt for riding on the nldo- wnlk tlio blrda arc flylnff to tho south tho nun doth later rlae5 tho pumpkins in tho carden patch will soon be grown plo alxo georgetown fair on wednesday and thursday october 2nd and 3rd has nn exceptionally flno list opcclala over l 000 wan modo by tho lied cross society at tllsonburg lant week through tho efforto of tho members at tho iatl fair there liiquealnff fall pair has an ama tour ladles work department of 4 sections open to esqucslng and tho vlllagcfl of georgetown and acton at a recent plcnlc of can ad la rm at lou angcjca cax mr jamca browi formerly of acton was awarded first prize an tho oldest canadian who par ticipated mr goorgo wallace was tho nuc ceoaful tenderer for tho stock of art ilolllc tho upper wyndham street tents furnlnhcrp and took possession of it on 1rlday guclph mercury tho ladies aid of knox church will hold air entertainment on thinko- klvlnir evening october 14 in knox church tho proceeds will b usod lp bujlpjj comforu for tho soldier boys itov ooorco lounds of brantford will preach anniversary sermons at tho urlclr clturch n bunday at 11 a m and t 30 p m anniversary concert on monday ovcnlng by tho i lock wood choir and soloists alii mllti i it fl r ikih and 3 ii birds l i ulno imr ulxmt tin in school room ru no uourd of ti monday oven 1 1 tlio church nl r monthii in ni in order to tr of tui h ruaj nliortajfi social and personal mr j ii aeed irloudn in toronto ipont a week minn kun mrliiernoii olldoylnir nt her homo of toronto i hrro mr john colo or chatham vlattod acton rolatlveo durlnff the week mr mid mrn 1rank molnlonh lu lalion up their resldonco in acton mm noll mcdonald is ftpondliig tho week wltl friends nt harrlonnd ilraoo bridgo minn jonnln aitrhenon otioat nt mr a church street if stratford anderson n mr c j iy iii f mdnally nbrnnd who ivrrnl mmitlin rin in cquoino fa fair oct 2nd and 3rd tim kul i j ii f lortotown will bo hold on wdnmdiy urn ihumday end and 3rd of 0tilr tho prixo lint la unusually iittractlvt all di pnrtmonui nn wil rilled with u i tlonn coverlnir fully the ntl i ruin fruitu vejo- uibltji la lit ti wurl and lino arui clnnnrn tim hut of upcclol nrlzcii ddiliruaji many ftiiturui of intcrof rally day in tho sunday schools fjcxt jlunilu will bo itnlly day in tho bunday luxin 1 bin will afford a fine uimicirtuiiuy fur fat hi ru and mothem lo utuinl und nliuw by their prcoonto uulr ui prt latlon of tlio delf- imrrinc luj win li ik ln cloiio from wcok to uuu in tli uiiluj in lioolu by til omctru unl tmclitrti luilo a point mr rhaatr plank loft thin week on buiilnoiui trip in tlio northwest for ours w ii storey- a hon mrn d l joncn toronto wan hero uln week visiting her mother mm arch mcnutib and other friends mr a n niclclln loft nn monday on bin auturpn trip to the northwcit in tho ititcrruts of w ii storey son mimi kerr of ierffus has been a bueot at tho homo of her brother mr it j kerr young street tho past week or no mr frod iluntor and family jiavo removed to kitchener they ronldod in acton for sixteen ycaru und oro hold in high esteem birim up- the mighty national fofob returned pending bor sacramental so rvc at knox church tho sjrrj in it i f tbu lord ii supper will bo lul 1 11 1 nor church next hunduy inn uli si rvlrci pre para tory to tun nil nil i will bo hold on ividay vmi n nl w iitlock when hev 11 v cttvm r i coriectown will preach rti tlllu ii sunday school itally will 1h h l n bunday evening at 7 o r lock it a in jxd tbat therodll x3 u lari ii u ttc idti co of pnrentn und rtiudrcn it la for ever o no of ua to say ho- much patriotic endeavor how much loyal nervlco wo will mako by oavlng our money by doing without so that each day will oeo a surplus to add to our own and tho nations otrcnath tho canvaas for tho sailors fupd in acon and vicinity is being coi pletcd this week a full report of tho amounts collected in tho various dlvl ulons wlu bo given next week porno of tho camajiaera not liavlng been obli yet to complete their canvass rov dr moora toronto next sunday lun t altrl mimir ii d head of tlio imiurtnuni f hoi la 1 sorvlco and lvandhini iiul jirtary of tho oon- erul conftrenro of tlio method lot churclf will upend next hunday in hla old home ho will occupy tho pulpit of tho mcthotlut churcli und will ad- drcuu tho sunday b hcrtl nt tho rally day ovicu ui i ho nftcmoon dr motro will rufir ipiclilly to tho work of his deiijrlniint ut tho evening uor- vlcc our silent pohceman tho kt i v to tlm itljtht silent nolicemmi at tho intcraoctlon of mill and main st roots in rendering traffic thero muili luci mkly to accident a mo tor liit from now orlc sluto uald to tho jun luej tiu other day i concratuuito at ion n toivli authorities uikn ntutlonliii tho nllcnt policeman acton lu tho tlrut town wo vo pasjed thromli ilium wo left ningura falls win ro wii foiinil thin splendid help to safety tn drivliik on tho tit roots another gaolinolfli acton mwloriutii to tho iuel fotilr bunday not u uri turned durl outnldc cru r alxni four talnlni four men that itn lnliil oi neccaaltj drovo do thu am ut n it lehuru of publlt sunday ro certainly loal otitrolli ru rcqulut lant l u urtel of tlio local earn i tho day a couplo of irovo through town how- clock a car con with no evidence was ft case of n mill streot from ial upcud llu jo opinion ntid of ho country needu wero null umorouj uturnful lance i and uorao eplthjui they would not rellili minn jcnnlo mnctlregor homo on wednesday ufter two weeks with her cousin mru a campbell of atevrntivlllo capt itov h ilnnn of montreal areompunlcd by mrs ilnnn wcro gurnlji at tho methodist parsonage lost wednendny and thursday mr and mrs w c dovorell have tho sympathy of tho community in tho death on tuesday of their dear llttlo baby boy who won about a year old hxwardon and mrs george havlu of acton were in oakvlllo yesterday attending- tho marriage of their on i rank havlll to mum tena bradbury oakvllle star mr frank havlll and hla brldo who wore wedded in st judos church at onkvllle last thursday arrived in town on monday to opend a fow days ufhia fathcrn homo itov i m muer and mr j c mat thews mr c ujlalley mr u bes- wlck mrs jamen moore and mrs alice ricury attended tho september meet ing of the quolph platrlct of tho methodist church on tuesday mr and mrs j j peters and their nbn wlllard of gloverovlllo n twln havo been on a motor trip through canada spent a couple of days in acton last week both mr and mm pctcra wero residents of acton in their younrcr daya and enjoyed meeting many former frtondn mrs lepnge of toronto and mrs isaqf itaker of wnterdown accompanied them on tholr vlult here editor lambert well ro mom bared friar- to hla ntmoval from uodnt forest to toronto last week a larce number of mr j a lamberts friends aascrnblcd in alton s hall mount ior- at on frr and- presented him ulth an address and a handuomo leilher club bag completely fitted with brushes and other accaaorleo mr lambert ma do an ablo and fooling reply touching upon tho death of his wife as being tho causa of his selling out hut newspaper business and resid ence to mako tils home at present with hlu youngtnt uon hlmcr in toronto ho waa reluctant to lcavo the town of his adoption where ho had spent oicr 35 years uuloglstlo addresses were klveii by col j j craig w a clark m v v chambers m p 1 il v gardiner and o thorn all ox pruts lug- appreciation of mr lambert nor vlcea as an editor and ritlxen and ro h recti ut bin departure inspector harvey sad nuvvn eamo and fjimily and laughter aunio lotno sadly bereft mr john harvoy pcclally to their tucaday morning tho ntcuunu camo that her huuband mr a w somervliio had died and denly nt i urt william on monday mr somcrvillo wuu hero a few uccka ago to vuilt mm hmimervillo who camo hotao 111 with her mother in tho uprlng ho wuji nut filling very well at the timci but hlu uuililin pusjlut away won nover anllclpilnl ho wail a bright ytmnj muu und had won u oiltlon of treat naponaiblllty with tho c i it liavltii been btvon charto of their l iimjhip himliu j ut 1 ort william tlm holy uj now enrouto eaat in charo of u broihtr of tho deceased much stntuthy will bu felt hero for mru honiervillo in her uruit- iioccuw xho runeml will lo h id from mr john iiaroys niiidouco thin afternoon at two u clock milton 1l ii culbrulth offers n lurgo 1 lfi aluo j10 00 for tho beat chorus by tho pupil i or one public school itachtr judi lup will tako placo on tho gnunds as soon as tho proceaslon arrive u thh county 1 air iho milton feranch of tho canadut ittd t rous society packid and shlppul t jieajiuartrrs thu following hot or urtloh 13 k llnnneirtto shirts with cuilum 102 pairs of ooi kn 42 ht liiuii 1 turkluh tuwclllnj wunh cloths 21 turlutdi towi 1 12 ik ruonal pnimrty baj ii 21 utnulxr cjia 0 iiultu of pjjimaj roll of old cotton gunner 1 rank il mi caniull is to talc un ollltera triiutiig courov ut klnirnton to iuiillfy fin u coiuuiiiiaioii an u sulalterii in tin loth huiioo illflia he hna already inmlilled as un infantry ottlcei champion oakvillc iturold w 1iirmor m a burrutur of oslwhe has joined the law ilrm of weeks at jucbson of parry iiouiul thu lit hw y commlaajon bus lm l tt tiuiieli fence erected at cither shlo uf tho ruiilway immediately cuut un l u it of aberdeen brldo mr and mni john buoliy of 1 rt i 1 in un in town mr uuuhy h dl in it of hb buuliuss in imt town a i i v111 lihutw in toronto tho w omens 1ulrlotlu luuuo uro pitiurlui to nttul chrlotn un boxes to oui bou ovcrncan thoy wunt soekn o tlou t foittet tho uiys ite unl mm j i munro i lined of tho wounding of lliolr no m utile another iclth pto who t clvttl a kuiuihot wound in the back ik was sent to manchester kntf llc j 1- munro iastor of kim chun h kavo a sermon last uutida evening on the uno und atiuso of tin cut mobile on sunday tills wa ile ik ui ncrmon hiard hero on uili jectamt would multa any joyrider f guilty itocord tha havill bradbury nuptials at ht judmi church oakville on thursday liternoon september 10 at three o clock tho marriage took place valentine youngwt daughter of the late churlej andrew ilrudbury and i ilrudbury to trunk luion havlll montruul uon of mr and mrs gcoriil haviii of acton tho brldo ullircd in jicr travelling nuit of biwwti buuirdlno with hat to match wor u iiiruu o bounuot of nun- burnt rtuiii hho wuu feueii uway by hr lintlkr lihw mr kih ii imr i licit hi ion hillinr niice of iho brl tt wus lluucr iri und wore w wiili voihi jcitu und rofo uathi hut uiul crtllil u bouqui t of iiwoothoort tho curtmony w i performed by llu hey canon cnpu woodcock and tho wod ling muulc wu ptuytd bj wr 1 ielch ir firgnniiit of tho thurch aftur thu i n inony tho iiuntu wi nt to homo of the lirldoii muthtr whtro a burr t tujkheon xviut uerved the brl h und urooin left later for a uhort trli lf proceeding to- uioli tiunui in montr t a bnlondld concert tli of th i jul u n aid m tl idi i hniih lu r iho 1 elity vul dlroc in tt lend i intci iitlm ii a old nlckllii ctru i mnltli f ifltatloiih wll rm lend ho uundiiy bio nj umtiem m 1 a ten line ov h hu t moutnil 1 itouio of cuinp i 1 conduct if t jural atan lpolnt rvutltin with mtliui l lloiioi l ivo u llaki popuhu li uorles rtliufjy n j duty entitle of his k i of sumntlit llpl hanir 1 lt tho liioiul eiiililuit ttf jiuhii in sum l lor to that f tho s im ago h ilvll 1 treua ufurilng u moyt tali man 1 frier in kin neighborhood news- town and country itama of intnrcat from various locali ties covered by th fro prss crewsons corners all roads led to acton fair yester day mrs william dennis spent a fow days in acton last week mlsu dnmn watklns new york 1 visiting- her brother mr t p wat klnu n account of tho rain last thursday nfrht tho dubato here was postponed indefinitely t tho nossagawoya township school ialr held at broolvlllo last thursday mian kathleen millar wan uuece isfut in wnnlng unit prlxo on her baking kathleen who la only nlno years old is to bo congratulated on her culinary art ur und family with typhoid georgetown tho fall fair on october 2nd and 3rd mm l e fleck picked a box of ripe litrawborrica in iter garden tills morn ing mr 41frd bethel has purchased mr h curkes house on john street solo wiui made by e a benliam ituv w ii hlndsou formerly pastor of tlio baptist church hero died at london onu last wednesday wakefield i ord son of mr and mrs cleorga ford fell from ono of tho wire swing j at tho foot of main street on monday night and fractured his wrlat- ah tho falta dont happen to own motor cars oro a unit in demand ing that sunday picas uro driving should bo dispensed with for tlio baliuco of tho war herald burlington llcenso inspector harvey of vcton won in town on tuesday mr and mrs w m oilbert loft on sunday for hcglna where ho haa boon canada tha harvest homo services of tho baptist church will bo held on sunday sept 29 th mrs dlngla has returned from a three weeks visit with friends in ot tawa und other towns in tlio ottawa valley mrs geo allen loft last week to visit her toother in chicago miss m e allen und mrn u w qulun will spend tho winter in toronto work on tho oouti bay pier at tho canal has begun tho contract which in coii ting th government upwardn of 10 000 will be completed by novem ber bov o w barker president of tho hamilton methodist conference had a very tmcctsaful day at waterduwn lunt bubbuth in connection with tho ru opening of ho church thero after larfeu improvement coating nearly 2 000 tho offerings of ho day muro than covered tho cost of tho improve ment gaxotte and mil ii llu who imid nil boon fevor aro r jv ring mm ovcrl nit while about her houuehohl vorlc or o day uut week trlppeeli and fell breaking tho bono in her wrist harvest homo and 1 hanksglviiij faervlccj will bo lu id in conlnguby church on o t 13th whin itov ur mcarthur rorraer pun tor u expectoi to prcacli a veck ago sunday evening citizen i wcro treated to tho upoctacu- lar nlihi of an auto rjico up throubh main strat u laiiiering tho lives of children and othcru whllo running u prcoa at tlio advo- do olllto uno lay last week mr it w hull had tho mlifortuno to tut two of hlj linoro jaramod which will in capacltuto him fur uumu time mru c uluibford who wuu taken rlouiily hi wii n moved to gram o- vluu hiwpual oi mljculy ntght where be trndtrwout an ofcratloti for appen dicitis il at lrln of tho lito cadet harry creli bton i aundcni who lout his itfo nt iciiaulo on tuesday tool placo from tho homo of hla father at lrln ividay afternoon and won very lartu1y attended a light on the street on wednesday evening of last woek brought tho combatantu to tho 1ollco court und tho end lu not yet tho cauu was adjourpod jntll next friday advo cate limehousc wcdtllug be lln are ringtnk in this vicinity mr w shaw la visiting his slstor mm g 11 polktnghomc mlsal oilvo marshal toronto spent k end mitts palsy nick oil of toronto pent tho wtiuk end with miss 1 new ell of surnla visited newton during tho mlus sadlo nk li ht r aunt miss h past woek ura willi uu mills of toronto spent tho woekond with her inn titer mrs lo pujdovin mr und mis t 1 ivens of uraut- ford are vuiltlng at tho home of tholr dnuglitor mr j n nowtnn muster josi ph mi ihiuald umlurwcnt an opetatton for bin tonsils in tho quilt rut hospital guulph last week the anniversary services hold lu iho i imohnubo presbyterian churth wnro will atten led a number of former miiihcra ilnd others from tleorgetown and at ton and noujhborlng towns at tomlod to hear ilrv dr blair ills iiermons wom kiwerfut llscourarti und bin aildrrati on monday evening wiis greatly enjoyed mr caste i george town allowed u series of attraillve vluwn of lngland por fifty ycaro the teuton peoples havo been trained disciplined whipped into ccrvilo cogs of on implacable military machine by which la maintained the prussian doctrine of might and the kaisera autocracy the teutons deny themselves they mako oaaifices because they ore trained or forced to do eo but they do it tho peoples of tho allied natlona must make great sacrifices and tremendous efforto in order to defeat tho enemies of freedom but because they ore free peoples it is left largely to the individual to say what or how much gclfdenial each will practice so if freedom in to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be greater than the farced sacrifices of the enemies pf free- dam- the measure of your love of freedom la your willingness to deny yourself so that the strength of the nation for war effort will bo increased this fselfdenial must takfc tha form of monojeavin thrift bach person knows in what way he or she may save the national need says you must save but free canada leaves it to you to say by what mean3 and to what extent you wicave- now it is for you each of us enneayono of us to say how much patriotic endeavor how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our znoney by doing without so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the iiarions etrength no matter how small the surplus it fci important because each saving 13 an ecfifctrt xnado nn many small individual efforts r the mighty nnhnnal forca l p under tho witfborttj eff b mtnjtwa of jtlcoqco of y f rf ft erin mr ildtiffiesftetnetfii tablets- i better than pills i for liver ills i c j has3ard acton ont jslqavinc g3riacuottdhtva3t ttoronto can ana farmers business for tho past 51 years this bank haa given particular atteation to tho buuneas of farmers wo havo helped many bjexjjiarourur places anclhavo aided many more to tho nirjheat piano of success wo aro prepared to extend you every aid within letimato banking practice come in at any time and talk over your affairs with us you aro always welcome established 1004 headofficormontrcal of canada acton branch georgetown branch l- d shore y manager c vs grandy manager at macdonalds coultlnt be more attracuve and no where in tlicic part will you ilnil a greater assortment to cliootic fpom tiinifl can lit no denymp unit thco new tnll coaly suit and drcsscj povc more grace distinctive ncvs jind hcnuty than nny brought out in cnr und it it atill further to thtir advuntngc that they lend tlioic very qualities lo their wearers it will be greatly to your advantage to mako your selections at once prcs ent stocks were contracted for long ujo nt prices that arc far from 10 to 25 less than present day wholesale cot ihu jrf addition there i- an absolute shortage of nearly every sort of desir able material under these circum stances we feel it our duty to tell you that on later purchase at wholesale we will have to pay more for inferior qualities nnd you will be asked higher prices than we aro asking to day for superior garments choice now in these early weeks is wide and comprehensive and values un surpussitble blens womens and childrens wcar and home furrushings all in wonderful new assortments d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store j wyndham macdonnel and caiden streets gnclpb onc ahe elltll 100 acres eden bjills three miles 7u irrcn worltuhlr- bulitnco lueititro ttnj tlnilicr i ticro orchard lay luim eooil watir llrlc l liou ic s ronrau tencl iantry rood it uilt liarn c2x1 school 1 lot quolph 10 mllcj rural mall and telephone pnco ho0 t nnu arrunccet bo acres two miles from balunafad 20 ucr4 i u or it i bio b ilunco itiil ptuituro and lu hiuuloclc vmi cdur boll etkylontn i ry t omfortalil ruotiui 3 lotlu i clotutn uuctt ultrhoii rflxl- rdliir uiu iunk iwirn li7ttdilvliitf4iifil thrill ultttijitg- imiu two ntllej ilurul mall ivnd tuldphono prica f400 tcrma turraiiectl 2u acres four miles from village of acton i0 ucrtj worlcublu 10 nrrei imsli halunco pcnturw 3 ucrwi tir- churel noli nandy loum to clay loiun lood uprltur wjitor good cuinont liuuao 10 rouma llrut rlaiu cell vr i lank burn mibo wutcr in utublo urivlni uhed lion hocuu uiln fachool mllo rurul niall prica fjoooo tcnnu ivrraneod 100 acresacton village four miles plo ikocll ic hou io 9 olo house fc school- cs 2 tvcrej orchard 1 ood colhir it head cattlu 3 ihx ntallu und r hurt uruubli halatie toll clay loam t punt uro and kihki lucre iwocki butili wuidy loam i ranm hoiato c rouma ul utahllni mini ut loom tloup 20 nuillu drwitii houiic jniall plr pvn culj arraiibcd 133 acices alton 1 miles mllsburg 4 miles 7s ucrtit woruablu ialanen ujituru und bunh ncrej orclturd uoll clay loain hprlnj- wutir hulld brick houuo c rooma ltank bom cljt70 iluntl tnall pnco j600 tetiiu umnieod willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario every saturday at pattersons meat market highest cash price for butter and eggs lunio jjf i rlsh pork 1 gj of frcui iork iork chop lcib of liiinb loiti of lumb 1 ront quarters hf lamb sausage 100 hu sparc ulbj now potutoca peck 35c 35c 35c 10c 10c 30c 20c 20c 30c i khsm iuuitb and vfg11au1ls always on hand our star clao at 730 p m muny tuesdays nd thurjiy r n patterson main street i acton ont make free press ads your salesman -j-

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