Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1918, p. 2

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hirtha marrtagoo and deaths are now ohar for t t following rnim wrtha aso marriage 60 deaths coo memorial cards coo 10a per jlno oiftra for poems born cvanat winnipeg general honil tal i n ufptfrnber s6 1018 to mr und mm f j fvaiui nco minn lies mathcium of jrtun view man 6 ijmui liter i utrirlii moore died imitii at 1 rln on tuesday octol or h 1318 george umlth in his sou uolhilly in ilora on friday orto litr 11 loii clara augusta ijrolny wife of thomas godfrey and daugh tir of the late james ilrojoy qhjg arton vss prgflg thuituday octodeit 17 1918 l thankboivinq monday lavo rather ideal autumn weather for a thanksgiving day tim iiplrlt of thanltultvliib was al road thanks for the bountiful horvost aafelj carperod and now gradually be in ft thrdhed and tho eolden rraln filling tha granary bins ctatlludo for general prosperity and financial ability in al moot ovory liomn to invest in another victory bond and thus do another bit in helping our government to do their quota in socurlng lasting pence sincere thanksgiving for the bright prospects of tin early termination of tho war with tho gorman icalser ond bis war lordn on their knees imploring mercy and forgiveness truly october i4th 1018 will be a thanksgiving day long to bo remembered the fifth jnnd loat thanksgiving during the treat war will co down in history with tho record or the sincere spirit of thanks giving in the heart of ail the people welcome to pte sorrow cordial flecoption tenifored tfm and donullful quid watch proiontd luiov in hi rrulnl furtnljflitly nomilon of m ii wiii owl id to tin holiduy tuuiliy ovrnlnji ihln woek nliibini were resent and thd nil tli air loi rl f tho i iinilti t 1 j ayn iri iownr uoldumlth c editorial notes provision having already been mado for prompt and oqullable settlement o all matters of dlsputo between cm ploycrs and employees an orderin council hao been passed forbid dinar for the duration of the war strikes and lookouts and imposing severe penal- tlca for violation of the law any person violating any of the regula tiorni in made liable upon summary conviction to penalty not exceeding 10000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six mouths or to both fine and imprisonment canadian hardly realize what a 7 imp lus thellargebscripliolptothe lost victory loan imparted to business it enabled the government to make advance to industries which without tho 1 400 000 000 eubecribed would have been impossible great britain want ed our beef bacon cheese wheat hay oats and munitions but sho ceuld not pay cash for them canada could not borow abroad the money ohe want ed eo if she were to sell her surplus products oho had to slvo credits to britain and advance tho money for the purchases j37 34 i rc ort wan udpote i i imitlon of vorli un noddies meeting jn tho council clmmlmr wan roiilht be tore tho council a alight inundi rit lulling bin occurrod in thin mutter m i noctotloii arc lit lllxirty for tho prtuonl to hold n sulnnn in thin iouu but rwliu t tho ucarolty of fuol it wiiu jit mud wloo to itdvluatho ladles to mako arrungnmenli to donhlo up tholr ni etlni i for tlio minin diiyii and if non suury intur on tho council will ha vu to withdraw tho privilege of any nierllnlii bolnr boll tlioro llio rt ulnr huulimuu nctmlon of tho otincll then udjourncd but tho big vont of ttm ovcnlng was bouoior yet lofjro tlif piocttng uoliamo to pto j i hcarrow owing to tlio hoard of health ordcrn no imbllo mntlng can be hold at thla tlma and urrordlngly n nmall gathering of prominent rlilcena returned men with tbolr wlvcu and famillco and tbono who have lont dear onc were invited to attend this ncealon itoevo ilyndo brought tho meeting to order and in very fitting tcrxno intro duced tho lmportaatjiubjoct o peaking in complimentary terms of all that pto hcarrow has done in hla uorvlco for hht untry and tho flna example ho had shown in being one of tho first to enlist horo in tho 104th battalion ho then callod upon llev j c wilson b a who further oxprcosed wordu of vrol como and appreciation on behalf of the cltltena of acton to pto bcarrow for hla sacrlqcaa in tho ocrvlco ho en deavored to render in prance and pre sented him with a gold watch pba scnrrow replied to these ex- preealona in suitable tormn ho ex plained tho work of tho various or ganlsationa in tho hoapltota in hngland and irunco enlightening the audi enco on the work being dono there and exprcojicd hla regret at being unable to reach franco ho thanked the speakers for their kind words on be half of ho and mm scarrow and tho citizens for tho beautiful gift and the genulncan of hla welcome homo which although not quite as largo as somo had been wan nono tho lens cordial mr john cameron clerk a j mao klnnon mr john u kennody lmco corporal george lantx sorgt tyed co lea mr a t brown dr i coxo also spoke on war conditions and words of welcome to pto scarrow and appreciation of all that ho had sacrl flccfttn huh gtforrtobe oriuo gtfiateae servlco to bio country and humanity tho meeting closed with tho national anthem jottings from general connjitence incidents and festurss of interest to all readers 1 odlnt the vreturns relating to the jails and district lockups for ontario for the year 1017 are a very gratifying evldonco of the improved morality of tho province very subatatlal de creases are shown for nearly every branch of crime in 19173 907 persons were convicted for drunkenness in tho province as compared with s 848 in 1014 the total number of commit ments to jails far the year 1117 woo is 4444g being a decrease of 3 6s9 as compared with the pervious year this is certainly n remorkablo record the decrease is largely owing to the en actmentof prohibition tho general outcry last week for liquor to combat influenza was do plorablo whon so many physicians of high renown decry its use under any circumstances it is just as well for the public to understand frankly that tho suggestion to withhold the en forcement of the penalties of tho pro hibition taws during the outbreak of spanish influensa originated with the liquor dealers themselves their pro paganda la over alert to adopt any entonirlro to open tlio way to the sale of their prohibited products tho public has not been slow to see the trail of the serpent in the suggestion the authorities will not be caught by the whlskovmen a prussian trick u f tho most sinister purpose believed to bo behind the threat of the huna to mako tho terfttbry which they pass in retreat no completely desert that the advancing allies will be unable to live there la tho hopo to create in pvance a sentiment favoring stoppage of tho war as u means of saving the historic cluco and towns of franco ond llel glum from sacking burning and dynamiting tho slow mines wrecking cambrel liavo sent a wave of rage throughout tho country the germm have mado another blunder in judging the jjmchycolqgy of pooplo had the ivench or their allies ever entertalne the slightest idea of holding out t germany any peace proposition not tho slightest vesuge of any such idea remains the temps says tho public is beginning to wonder why it is noc- essary that retaliatory clwstlsement or tho eiiwuy shall bo withheld we imvo to thank god for tho fact that tlio necessary weapons are in our hands to make tho germans feel our outer tho newspaper says lt them bo employed at tho earliest pou aiblo inpnieiit golden wedding anniver sary mr and mrs rolph m lambert celo brats fifty years of happy life on thanksgiving day a happy family reunion was hold at tho homo of mr and mrs rolph m lambert main street on monday afternoon october 14 in celebration of tho fiftieth anniversary of their marrlago during tho afternoon tho family prosonted tholr paronta with aj wolt filled purse hov j c wilson b a- who was present acted on chairman for tho occasion and after a few congratu latory worda called upon mrs i orbes tho third daughter who read tho fol lowing address dear father and mother it is a very happy occasion our gathering hero to day to celobrato with ou your golden woddlng to few is accordod tlio privilege of commemorating such an event and wo want to oxtond to you our congratulations and best wishes for tlio past fifty years you havo shared your joys and sorrawa and have cared for and brought up a largo family of sons and daugh ters yourjo v- and syiniialjiy ji a y meant much to uu and aa a token of tho appreciation ond lovo we havo would ask you to accept this purse wo trust it may be gods wilt to spare you to each other and to us for many yeare to come youil loving family herbert lanbert the youngest eon presented tho purse and immediately after tholr granddaughter mm il c law of detroit sung let mo come to theo mr lambert who is nojv seventy years of uio was born on lot 4 con cession 3 lrin township it was to his homo there ho brought his brldo miss jano campbell daughter of itobt campbell at one lima itoovo of lrln township twelve children were born to them nine of whom uro utlll living they nro jumis of oaprlngo thomas and howard of gualph horbert of acton andrew and lome of toronto mrs james near of detroit mich mrs robert dron of 1 rlii township und mrs xerbcs of london all of theso along with suventeun grand children and two grout graiiu children were present for the punt thrvo yearn mr un 1 mrs lambert have bean highly ca teenied residents of acton and uiolr many frlondu join with tho family in orferjjig tholr tongrutulutlonu and best lobes qeorqetown viuiam ury h j kerr a list 6f 8alc 3 tuesday october 2goods and chattels of the late john dickenson centre inn lramooa at 13 o clock thursday october 31 annual atock salo ontario agricultural college at uuolph tuvvdsy novtmfifp a w don oaprlngo wednesday novamber 1 clearing sale alox mcdonald aoton saturday november 1o at tho city hall guelph ihmfgrn of the late itobert uwjtfrf stcrlsh t tudsy wh 17jiarry leslie garafra nwsft bearing balfl for wivticulnryi tll bal aimlpm j kfhn tolojiliono 3rj n v ni burfuio i hallway i ution town i w lire youno ot aetoi mr wni sklrrow oftodinordcn nut tho witl with frli nd in owi ami took in tho fulr j ii jmkuon is i week uttoiidlni canudli htuanuliit tlol et agoiits coii minn l jlurrioou of california wr rlved hi town luat wook to ht w th hur olotcr mrs j munuhun who lu quite 111 lieut 11 j ltrooko un oil uiu n of mi in i mrt 1 w tf tuiontu in rcr ortud twl for the uoc m 1 urn suffering fiom gus i oleoiilng when tho rumor not ulrt d hore lout hutiduy night that 1 urkoj un i auutilu hud mude uiktmdlttonal uurrun lor tho allies thiro wus conn id ore bio of celebiution 7 ho bulls in town wc rang und a tund conisoj of cliorgi town an 1 qlunm llllams mualcluna rendered iiumeious iitrlollo aim rixun dlol ut oorgtto lust i ridny from pnoumonla ho was 47th ymr ho was lorn ut ath grove on reaching niulurlty bo wui ulhooi ttuclitr for u oln rt tlmn after hlch ho tntired loroplo ulilvurulty u modioli utuilent ho kiuduultitl lth hoiinru ho first prat tlco 1 at mulvou ii romuved tu georgetown thlrtratt yi mi igo to piaclho in un aoruiuon with hla cousin i a xv nixon m v i uurald total membership of tho mrth church now in 388 210 the number ot now memborn received dut ing tho pant luadrcnnlum wan hj 804 i hero aro now 2 7c9 mtnuitcrn and i robatlunem in tho church of uiceo cb3 wore received tlnro last general conforenre there are 513 methodist ministers and probationers enllatol as uoldlnra tbo rhurch ralnro a considerable amount of money for its various nc- vlttca during tho paal four years the congregations paid for local church purjoocn 13 330 g13 for ministers sal arirs 7 273 210 for connoxlonal funds 0 003 811 und tor mlaslono nearly 3 000 000 tho total number or lay onicials in tho church in 40 dsc an increase of 4q1 this includes stewards ropro oentatlvcs truatces local preachers clans loaders hunday bchoul and ep worth lcuguo workera tho quadrennial report i iiows uiat the methodist churches i i canada rained 24 027 309 lor ull purposco an incrcaoo of 212 cio qver tho period four ycani ago tho churches parnonagen furnlsh- ingii colleges rcscuo homeu publish ing houses etc ore to day valued at 44 178 371 an increase of 3 335 701 in the four years without a word of dobato tho moth- ddlst general conference vol ad unanl mousty to ralso tho minimum salary of tho canadian methodist pastors to 1 200 for married men 1 000 for un married men and 800 for probatfon- aftor all tho talk for months yes for ycara of the probable extension or removal of tho pastoral term limit tho conforenco baa left the question practically where it was it was how over enacted that by a two thirds vote of tho stationing committee minister may be stationed for a longer term year by year tho methodist church of canada owns and had on exhibition at the conference tho finest child welfare exhibit on tlio continent of america two fundamentals of christian conquest are intercessory prayer and christian stewardship said bishop berry of now york in his fraternal address two national capitals are bonedry washington and ottawa and i am proud of it said ono of tho fraternal delegates from tho united states in bis public address tho allowance for superannuated ministers is to bo increased from 13 to 15 per year for each year served minister who has served for 40 years will now receive a retiring al lowance of 600 las tea d of 3480 toll tho canadian people that the brluoh havo been always kept in moat warm regard by the japanese alt british subjects are esteemed tho pooplo of japan know tho british have always been true friends and they llqdq that rln rnny navexba c hanged the bishop of the metho dist church japan the conference decided not to open the pulpit to women yet the quar terly boards of tho church will decide during tlio next four yearn whether they will bo mndo eligible for ordina tion a unanimous vote however opened all other doom of tlio courts of tho church to the- women they may be members of either annual or general conference tho methodist church is vitally in tercsted in tho rural sections of can ado sho has more church buildings in purely agricultural districts thou any other denomination her recom mandatlono in regard to this important question should therefore be received with rcspo social community centres and consolidated schools were recom mendod on a means for betterment of local conditions a great movement for missions has been inaugurated at this conference tho financial objoctivo is the raising of 3 000 000 for missionary work at home and abroad in flvo years this will mean that the churches will have to double their ordinary contributions each year for tho next ove years that is to raise a sum of 1 600 00 a year while the drlvo is on a resolution was passed with ao datamation protesting against tho dominion or provincial governments taking any action in tho proposal to lift the ban on liquor on account of tho influenza epidemic tho confer ence declareditself- against any re laxing of tho enforcement of the pro hibition law tho resolution was ordered to be sent to all the premiers in canada an3 newfoundland a letter wot received by hov t albert moore as secrotary of tho conference from the white i washington in answer to tho message at tho conforci co un pnwldcnt wll sons reply to tho german peace note the loiter was as follows tho presi dent asks mo to thank you very worm ly for your telegram and to tell you and all concerned that ho greatly ap- 1 reciates our generous approbation tho lay delegates in conference have formed u central organisation to bo known as tho general conference lay association of tho methodist church tho purpouo of tho association la to inllat th co operation of all lay ogrn fyrwurd movomonl for a greouivo evangelistic and missionary effort to assist tho church in a pro gresslve policy of christian leadership in meeting tho first problem of tho hour tho following offlcero were elected hon pre hon 12 j duvla newmarket pros v b holtby 8t thomas vlco pros 1c it chapman wlnnlplg sec trouo ii w mix ottawa very happy re unions of students uiul friends of albert college bella villa alhcrtu college ldmentou wesloyaii college montreal and btan stead cottc ml allison n b art taking place ut tho conference thi spirit of loyalty to tho respective alma mutirii was in each strongly manifest iv itukrs scheme for u fine nri group tf lullrgo buildings on tho 4h- tho hay of qulnto don kted by tho clt of bellevlllo for albert iicko was o ii thus last lea my received ii p xx cleaning your o sfaai nso prcoalng repairing clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed mid repaired by expert workmen wo can mnko that old ouit look liko new try un geo wallace guelph ontario oe1 auctioneer oopninqc ontario com to qoo culbtrt clearing alo at took implement etc t hie farm everton corner on oat urdey october 19 commencing t three oclock new time wholesale poultry buyer if you havo any fowl raoa rubbers zlno coppar horsehair any kind of scrap iron or metal and farm produce of any kind for solo oend for mo by mall giving your address or telephone num bor and i will guarantee you tho highest cash prlco and aosuro you tho best of satisfaction alex gilboord itblrd door from willow street on church street acton ont box 2fi1 5pngir35e35 ore 10000 head of geese ducks hens and chickens wanted highest cash price will be paid parties having poultry to sell ohoattrf communicate at onco with r milligan cor youno and mill st acton or to p o box 341 harraln no 1 iilnxk imperial duchess silk at 250 yard thu black silk ij extra rood value for the money heavy weight and all pure silk jii 113 w worth at least 50c yard more special at 2i0 per yard bargain no 2 silk poplin dress gooda at 175 yard thcc poplin drcs3 good3 if bourht today would be worth 2 00 or 2 10 per yard wo have them in all the new shades 30 ina wide rich silky finish special at 51 75 per yard barkain no 3 corded velvets at 85e per yard these corded velvets arc worth 100 per yard wholesale to day early buying ha3 put us u u position to give you this bargain wo have them in light and dark blue browm firicn i old rose garnet 27 ins wide special at 85c per yard bargain no 4 extra wide flannelette nt 25c per yard tim line of flannelette ome3 in pink bluo and gray stripes soft warm llnuh worth 28c yard at thd mill to- rhty special at 25c yard bargain no 5 ladles charnolsctlo gloves nt si 00 pair theso chamol3etto gloves arc the knyscr make and arc noted for their good wearing and neat fitting in fact arc the best glove mado jn canada to day come in black white and gray and in oizes 0 to 8 the large city 3torc3 fict 125 pair our price 100 pair bargain no c ladles chocolato brown cashmere hose at 75c pair this line of hose comes in rich shades of chocolate brown sizc3 by 0 uy special 7gc pair bargain no 7 mens 25 bluo and white stripe overalls and smocks for 195 the manufacturers price on overalls 13 2ss higher than they were two weeks ago yet wo aro giving our customers this bargain as our 3tock 13 limited wc make tho limit of one suit to a customer they come in sizc3 30 to m regular price 225 for sl95 bargain no 8 penmans wop underwear for 150 every garment marked pen mans sizes 30 38 40 42 worth jo day 2 00 special at 150 bargain no 9 wool fleeced underwear for 1x0 sizc3 30 38 and 40 good value at 2 00 special at 150 bargain no 10 all wool factory yarn for 20 lb this yarn 13 giving good satisfaction our customers like a good yarn after this lot 13 sold out no more this season 30 lay in a few pounds new advertisements the metliodlbt church ncv 1 m movcn pailor parsonauo willow qt 0unday 20th octoucn tho luntnr wl1 pr u 1 al 1 tli ocnvlcro tim cimpen annivi it i v ui qunday octodcr 27th itov cjiorgo iv uirfctr r iimii j ton irruttlcnt of confi i it n t ri icr pastor bolovcd will i n u h coiurat wi icom13 to vi 1 i oil at all hpiivk 1 11 self fccdinithcatcn for gall 1 iton art huron klf fu 1 1 i lloator in porfoct tondltun al i ly lfl tf ht aliian u it tory live fowl wanted iioni du its und gap io want- i hi hlghont rnurltot prlco paid nt out itin i btahkmam 14 3 mill htrnt acton found on mill htrcot acton a qoihlotnai jrol 1 watch ownur may havo u u by calling at tho num pnuui mil proving tho property and puylnr oxponncn the hough for 8alc night rooms elcctrl- llf lit rutnt nt collar corner church and marin bin acton 13 a i1lnham 14tf box 18c qtorii town ont matting of the officers of acton fall faik secretarys report qhowa balance on hand after allowing for all ex pandit uro a of 77239 tho mootlns of tho diroctora and offlceni of acton tall ialr callod by tlio preoldoat to hear tho secrotary a report and authorise tho payment of prlto money wan held in tho council chamber on tuesday aflmoon presi dent pea ran occupied tho chair tho secretary u able to report that not u nlnblo pro lent had been entered thla was extremely aatutfua tory to thooo in char no tut it la aoljom that ough fulrncaa in judging la ex perienced tho secretary a report of receipts and expenditures oho wed tho society to ba in the best of lnunclil condition tho heavy expenditure and increased coats of thi ytiix dlil uql leave ns larso a surplus as is usually tho caac but a splendid balance of s7123d la now in tho bank to tlio credit of tho society it was moved and seconded that tho report of tho secretary bo lecclved an 1 that ho bo uutborlzad to pay tlio prlco jnouoy und accounts due tho fin to rorrlpls contrary to first reports were practically tho uumo uu those of butt your there bolni only u few dollars difference all tho officers expressed their satin faction ut the successful manner in which tho fair had been c nductcd and reportod that as far us they were able to find out all axhlbltuiu an1 thooo in attendance wiro perfectly satisfied with tho way they hud been treated checks those prle winnini whoa i address has been supplied to tho hoc retury will bo mulled to morrow and those who have not supplied tlulr address may rocclvo the money by calling on mr ilynda f the fruit season at lmngstones this week plums peaches grapes apples other fruits v datable qrocr los and provisions canada pood hoard license no 8 13618 j r livingstone mill street aro you savins for victory bonds t actoncreamery brine your cream to us wo will iflvo you tho hhjheot mar- ket price for batter vat hlqheat tools tho past wools- john frank 40 charles mo keown 30 w o scott 38 w mcculloush 2 acton creamery willow street acton e j hassard 1 right get a 25 box acton ont teach the children to save s oequlrod early in lifo cblldron whonrotaubhtthovnlaaotmoney and tho habit of saving- grow up into good business men and capable woman thoeasiestwaytotoachchildrentooave is tostart a savings account for each child l00 each is sufficient after a child has saved another dollar to make- an additional doposit ho or she will have a better appre ciation of just what a doliatstands for and how much work andselfdcnlalltreprescnts th mrchant5 bank hood ofllco montreal of canada acton branch georgetown branch established 1864 l b shorev mannecr c w grandy miuulir the iialton county taih tho 1017 h tory loan iiiwdo pos ulblo tlu udvuti iut of iioo00dou0 tt rtimiito tlu 1ji7 whnl up aiothn 100 110 0do uuli ulmllurly advanred t i inuiuo tho s ilo of oin xpurtubtt miri lus f bm f an i iorl jroiinis ti clrtiit lliltuln niari huoolioud wi nt to flnumo tin- 6w of ihtc n tu llrltaln in utlilltlou inrnti ml it a of hay anil q it i wero alao provided for aful event at nd wadnvaday milton tuaaday last waak tho annual fuir of tho ilaltou arl cultural sotioty was favored with beautiful wouthor und sood roads tho dlrocloru say tho attendance was be ween ten and eleven thousand in the niornliiu there was a parade of public school pupils headed by the band aiul followed by u number of mi tor tars several of which were do co rated iutur in tho c rounds tho liitflni if the chlldivn was a feature tho show of horses though booii wus hardly tip to tho llalton standard of former yeura but tlio exhibits of caltlo und ulicop were oxceedtnsly nrood alxnil three bundrcif tttlo were on terwl all i luntyju in grain roots und fruit wcro well ii led with quality th lihth cat lliero wus i sploiidld display of mxed u pl a 1 ho lu tiles work an i doinusllc iluimrtinout were worthy of pt lul inuntlon o wau the imjultry tlurn was tjulto u mldwuy ana thu rfrahinunt ixwilhu i f tho lied croon un 1 i o 1 i did a lnurj business ho oirieillpb lontffsltt were u hits urlton a number of funt trotters lomlfitid mil thw nnlshcs wuro uuc i hero wui ulmi a ru nil bur race a iulit mil dunli as txtulne nu the hutu a new uiul o utm fiaturo was i hurdle rui in wliluh soinu tf the most nud 1 hluh junipci i vomoclwl yoarsl canads ur allrlihi two generations use and prefer comfort it has the largest sale in canada the qualityis still the same but the bar is bigger real thrift the demand for comfort the soap that mother used is greater than ever the people know its value try comfort soap and get a brighter cleaner easier wash ask for the bigger bar pugsley dingman co limited toronto comfort soap ailroad and telegraph work as taught in 8hawa school toronto will ensure a good position at a good salary write for partlculara w h shaw pros 3 acrrard st el toronto neglect 1 very nowgpapor every periodi cal and every public speaker mon- tlnu and orates on tho hlffh cost of llvinjr so callod this has ffono on for years and with redoubled onorcy pi nco tho war mado further spectacular boos lb in tho prices of too in tuff i mrcady seemingly an huh as thoy could eo and what reduction has occuttoc in conso luenro of all this aeltatlon nothing absolutely nothing tho tncixano continued apparently what tho public would uko la to see beefsteaks at twenty cents a pound and bacon at a quar ter wo know now that this lo impossible why not try a now way ths uh of substitutes t let s bo a consumer for a mo mont our incomo lfl strictly do nned at u certnln amount per week its juat enoush with treat care to make ondn moot by tho tlmo rent clothlnc fuel and food la provldod for and of tho food bill tho moat eont is an oxtremcly heavy drain wo try everywhere but pricea aro pretty much alike io thfiro no way wo can iot around this heavy ex- penae lls see now how about 1 inlit tho comumir hunts forfuh mru consumer goes out to hunt lip tho fluh posslbllltlco at jones uhop ulio noes somo had dies lylnff in un open box in tho nun at tho front uncovered a prey tor tho il leu and a receptaclo for dust docs u ho fall upon tho aforementioned joncu and press nltver upon hla palm und urcept in return ono of tho unsightly flsht nay nay iuullno blowly and sadly oho wumlu her way touio meat man und i urchuscs liis product even at a hlfch price ofeuntlma mrtj number two con- uumor ruuehes another shop a lox of fresh caught fish hff ar rived a fow houra previously wore thoy nicoly urrnngod to best ad- vuiitm in fresh clean ice laid out cum fully aldo by uldo in an ice fllled pluttor in u show window or u pedal i nluxt they were nol mr drown lc 1 bor to tho box just as thoy arrived the box naturally wna rmikli wutur soaked lco gone fish hulur skelter ovory way did b i uy anything from this wrockt hh did not tho romadv tho ubove inci dents are typlc411 not isolated by any ramni a hundred othor simi lar mdltlons can be described by uny nu with eyes hy tho holy pink toed prophet us cm iy hicks would say wo can t understand why retailers trulnel in thu ways of tho publlo un l tukliti i uliui und precaution with ovory othor food product dla i lay fluh if thoy display at all uko i iron or junk even hard- w ir lu lvt it far better treatment a ikii and uho doalor would blush li hla i ntlut t lookod so neglected a ilry kooda dealer would insist on oolf burial unveloped in soma of hlu own mix k an l if hah la not dla- i layed it iu hid ion away in a place uu imstifhtly us thu koroaeno recep- tut 1 flali la m prima food dont for- kt tint if this fact is not lost nihil t f if v u will ulways remom- bir tl ut thoy aro destlnod to bo caton i y i rtl ulur i oplo you won t niuiilini 1u thoin thoy aro dolt- iuli lii tt itum iii fact by proper hut lay tho u i mi t cut desire to pur i i use lu nui lo on tho ultimata con- uuniur noihlng euto oouala 1l lle- iihiui ir tl ut a millionaire in trunn n lolhlug is erhaps just as mi luu in u fikk ctut but he has i i to 1 1 it 1 1 u policeman ttah coowinu kiuojd there is u uiuult wliuii nli la ttolug cooked ii w ul ut id nut cibbugos utof huttily thoy huvo u umoll und yot ovoryb ly iulu thorn tho fact of tho in iffur lu thut a retail dealer nniol i uvo u varluty und caution bio t list inoru about cooking pro- l oi y noarly ovory cook book itlvu ru it es ii lu ull important thut tlot tuaiiiuur t oks flalx no that luuutusio tho hiest tlsh in tho wot id whun itnpn i orly cooked may ba uji tuutolruu uu uuwduat doudlc and single hougeiu foh haxu that wallbullt douhlo commit plaji- terod houso at tho corner of willow and agnes streets nnd that comfort able nlnglo cement plaatcreti hounu on ajrncn btroot belonglnk to tho uitatt of the into mro david mclceown tor terms and othor particulars apply to axbi3ut mckeown or ciiab mckl own lrecuton or to a j mackinnon ilurrlnter october lot ltuff 143 acton ont one fifty dolllar victory bond will duy 1 400 rlflo cartrldirn or 100 hand grenades or 104 rlllo mnadm or 10 gaa mnnks or co pairs- of mldlcro bocilb or 10 pair of ooldurn booui or knlveo forks and npoana for n com pany or pay canada o war bill for 4 13 neconds or ono soldier for 40 days or feed 1000 so id torn for 40 days- or buy 1 000 yards of ndhealvo tape notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of neil lvrjdi of the townahlp of eaquesino in tho county of halton farmer deceased notice la hereby given pursuant to tho ntatuto in that behalf that all creditors if any there bo nnd other persons havlm clalma galnnt tho estate of noll lynd late of tho town ship of eflqucslnff in tho county of llalton former who dlod on or ubout tho tenth day of september 1018 aro required tc send by poet prepaid or deliver to tho undersigned tho soli citor for tho administrator of tlio oald citato on or before the twcntyhmt day of october 1918 their names ad dresses and full portictilnro of tholr clalmtt duly voririod and tho nature of their eocuiitleo if any hold by them and after tho oald twenty first day of october 1018 tho aald administrator will proceed to datrlbuto iho onnctaof tho said deceased among tho pemona entitled thereto having regard only to tho clalma of which ho ahall then havo bad notice and ho will not bo llablo for any part of tho oald entata to any person of whoso claim hr shall not then have hod notice a j mackinnon solicitor for tho administrator dated this 30th day of september 1018 143 notice to creditprs in the matter of the estate ef mary ann mokeown ef tho townihip of erin in tho county of wellington widow deceased notice la hereby slvon purauant to tho statute in that behalf that all creditors if any tlioro bo and othor poroona having clalma agalnut tho estate of mary ann mckoown late of the- townahlp- of t tp thf ft oi wellington widow who died on or about tho nftoenu day of aukuiit 1018 are retjulred to aond by post prepaid or deliver to tho undcruignod tho solicitor for the tbcocutors of tho uuld estate on or before tho twenty eighth day of october 1018 tholr nunui nd- dreaiica and full particulars of tholr claims duly vcrillod and tho naturo of tholr aecuritieo if any hold by them and after tho oaid twenty eighth day of october 1118 the uajd ljucutora will procood to dlntributo tho unteta of tho said doecasod among tho per sons entitled thereto having regard only to tho clalma of which thoy ubull then have had notice and thoy will not be llablo for any part of tho uuld ei tato to any person of whoao claim thoy shall not then havo had notlco 6 a j maoklnnon solicitor ipr tha juiccuturu dattd thla 8th day of october 101s hulmon irout muliuoii irout hlua 11 l halm ii mtcuk halibut hlouh linn llu t ll hinokul 1ii y koii ring 1 hutu f luddlu and ratb i8 th ca th j0 lb iotb jo lb 10 lb 16 25 buba if 1 tin notice to creditors in the matter of tho aatato of anthony stuphonaon of tho vlllaoo of acton in the county of halton olackamlth deceased notlco is hereby i the statute in that creditorn if any th person u huvlnic olutma qku late of anthony utophemt n i tl tho village of art jt lu tlo in tv halton llliokaiultli win du 1 ti about the nfth duy of july iuih ui required to m nil ly jot ni 11 deliver to tho und ruin tod lb ii i tor for thu lxc utrl i f tl 1 osluto on or ikforn tlu fiuith i y inovimber 191a then utniti i i u a and full p n tli uluru of tl h 1 in duly variilad and tlu n tu r tl i becuritlos if any hi i i ly ibin ui i ftor uio aatdfourlh lu f n v nt mm tho nii i xcntiu t win pi j to dlntributo tho uusui f ti 1 decoujtd amoi b tin p- iu ntltl thereto having riiurd only t it jlalma of whlth tloy ahull tl i h iv hud notlct and they will nil ii 1 i for any part of th i ul i cut a i i l onion of whouo claim they hill then have liad notice a j ma h lln n dutud thin icth da mil grand trunk ivtx wli it i all kinda ef fi aaaaun i have it m1ild i0h and chipo anvl ovutlita any style i s j staui fiom fallut highlands of ontario irhe homc and the mi canaija or the red dcer oosje open geasono i infer 1 to novtmbci 1 ut luilv 3 moohb- 16 in hialvi difltrlcth of hum i and th of tho cunt uau o from tho gujbeo to mnnttol open homum for mount in from ot tola i tif onuirl iik hidlnir tlmo- ut ry nmlh am south tinuut hulhvuy buy j to novamlier 30 inrlufikt write fi upy tf iluyi rouii tn thu mauiilm f null mil uumo ifivh it vnm inwi himthic r bulatlonn it il a hotumks agent actqn ont phone 13 ztejkad3i toussjt jw

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