Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1918, p. 4

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ixjfttv i orty fourth year no 17 acton ontario thursday morning october 21 i18 singlo copies five cents i ikrimt 3frrje irj0 tim a ton imria piushm is pub llnhi 1 every 1 huroday morning at tho iftnsnr i ilullilliifr mill htrect acton ontario 1 ho ul ocrlptlon prlco la fl t0 i rr yi ir in advance postage la iiargr 1 n 1 lltlm nl to oltlcea in tho unit 1 it it llio date to which nut rlnthni nm pull la indicator on tli n lunjg lal el ada i ittlmino 11atib transient n ivi rtl inmrnta 10 cents per lino agate m nrurrrm nt for flmt insertion and 6 crnlu prr lino for each nuhsequcnt in ncitlm nntrart dlrtl lay advrrtlno mnnln f r co inches or more per on nfim 10 ronto per inch each innortlon advertl icfjjeiitji without npoolne dlroo tli tin will 1m initrtrd till forbid and rliurifd accordingly ti mpiionlfl idltorlal m d ttuatnena ofllco business directory medical thob jhay m d o m mocill u h c p ldlnbursh ij tl v v h qlnnrow membor british mcdl ra auaocuttton qtc oiuco rroderick btttjct acton ont t nrnist fl rmers auk here just mail your cheques to us we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow ledgment if you need cash we cash your cheque sered tetet m0ney a we underaand the farmers problems and gladly asast rum in every way posable we will welcome your account the oomc oinq0 at dinocn hiiro homlel render h will tin hint rn on tl 6 ithtlio ha bom tho old mrourfoya fourth ii not into thi- war tojteun r rtonnlrnl hirinn lar an alltel aviator cun gilding to baiio ho looked dov i 1 of worry a icrin l on bin faro iiiji enmrndea ran to moot him thoy unw him loop tho loop and then they crabbed hi a flyor and put it in itu cofi orpo toll un vhit you vo iccn anl donr thoy said with ono accord oh well i will if yea inclat ho uald though looking borcl 1 vo linen off on a journey and 1 vo ci mo lack feeling flno ior i vo boon bombing lllngeu old lllnrton on tho ithlno don t mend it to tho papers twill acaro homo folks no and i m not flnuihod with it i m uolnr buck you know tho liuna havo bombed old london and ftench towna by tho score and troubles comlnir to them n car load iota an 1 more 1 in going back to uunland to morrow back 1 11 fly until thoy ro rnorobo hell tho wlrn apirt tho c irrhin moved away leavlni it nmiyiin handful after linn tful r ircan norma n ocooiod fiom tlio pull tin i rul bod it conacloi tlqunly in between tho wlro atran 1 1 ho win determined in t to nllulitmi inch i olli he 1 uml dry un0 cat a betwr n hln foot an t panned from hln hun it smooth an drii i injr two moro turkcya uttiek on llioir ronpertlvo buuopn and ho uaii now out above tho worklnic ixittom of the quarry uuddenly a 0unt blew off iiui lial how hot tho nun wan on hlo un protected head the pixt panned quickly and onco more tho air rrow thick and brcalhlcaa norman could non htu ohadow movlitir alawly ncronn tho hluo rliip utrewn nurfaca two hundred feet below in a eornor tho ntoam drill uiuattei1 fillontly itu cray hoao trailed acrooj to the plpo from tho enrno houuo tho men nlirunlt to pimnlrii wcro eatlnc flliinnr by twou and throea he henrd tiny volrei and lilliputian i laughter sacasjojially a footqnod hparaolteo and nervo tho otxength of tho child cnqulrleo bent to pr j wizicrn in the different counties in ontario eighty ono per ont report that tho dawson a oolden chaff 1a atlll the moat oxtenaively crown varloty wlui tiio objoct of orsitultlnc bettor vorleuca than those already in pultl- vatlon croaaoi have been raaa ot tho oltarto abrtculturol collepi betwoon tho dawson a g olden chaff and noma of the varieties of particularly high quali ty for seed production a exoea made between tho dawson a golden chaff and tho bu tear ion has furnished a now wheat which in six years has surpass ed both its parents lq average yield per acre and is almost equal to the bul garian in bread production this varloty has been given the name o a c no 104 and has been distributed throughout ontario in connection with the cooperative experiment in each of the past three years it naa mado the highest record in each of theso years it proved to be one of tho hardiest varieties in the tests of tho past year this now wheat should be btahmfl in f lu t ty another season it will be distributed in small lots for cooperative experi ments this autumn to those who wish to test variolic of winter wheat this new varloty will be included in experi ment no 1 as siren below as ions as the supply lasts material will bo distributed free of charso in tho order la which tho applications are received from ontario farmers wishing to experiment and to report the result of any ono ot tho following tests throe varieties of winter wheat 2 ono variety of winter rye end ono of winter wheat 3 spring appuca tlons of five fertulxers with winter wheat 4 autumn and spring appjutat tlons of nitrate of soda and common salt with winter wheat 5 winter emmor and winter barley hairy vetches and winter rye as fodder crops the sice of each plot is to bo ono rod wide by two rods long fer- tluxeni will be sent by express for number 4 this autumn and for number t next bprmff att-ied-win-bvent-by- mall except that for number 4 which win accompany tho fcrtluxerb c azavtt2 agricultural college ouelph ont tho bank receives much other voluntary service tho canadl an bankers association has expressed its approval of tho institution and its dealra to help local branch managers without costiako charge of tho lodgers in tho ochoola ono bank gives ltj services free in co schools in six com muni ties soma 2 600 school teachers also render onrvlco frco receiving do posits from children every monday mornings the penny bank ban been a strong feeder to the savings departments of chartered banks hundreds of accounts being transferred to tho latter every year as tho children pass out of the schools this la evidence that habits of thrift formod in school continue through llfo tho bank is doing goodwork the importance of which uinnot bo overestimated apowrftil medleina- the healing properties in olx essential oils are concentrated in every bottfo of thomas ecloctrlo oil forming ono of tho most beneficial liniments everj offered to the use of suirr ffhusanos can testify as to its power in allaying pain and many thousands moro can certify that thoy owo their health to it its wonderful power lo not ed by itf cheapness peevish pale restless and sickly children owe their condition to worms mother graves worm exterminator will relievo them andrestore health prodigal waste by dlq earners side by side with a good deal of thrift there is a good deal of thrlft- lessncsa among us just now in the writers lmraediate neighborhood in thooat endtor toronto and no doubt it la tho samo in other places unthrlft la quite as much in evidence as la thrift it is surprising that this should bo tho caao in this neighborhood for it is one in which only the year before the first year of the war the people very many of them experienced the pinch of dire poverty work was many who had bought their houses could not keep up the instalments or pay the taxes due on them many who lived in rented houses could not pay their rent yet although this was o uy between four end five years ago many of tho peoplo who suffered most have already forgotten that then they went hungry and in most cases almost starving they don t rcalixo that what then was may be again they don t bcltovo it they think that the present boom for wages are quite abnormally high will last for over hero is a concrete case a certain man who four or five years ago lacked rood and all tho necessaries of life is to day waking big money at munitions he la not putting by a cent in the three ycara and more during which he has been working on mudltlona lie has bought himself two cars jjtn first car dldn t last long he bavo tho poor thing no rest when j it was all in ha bought another yet this man will cahl for clothes for his children and send his children to the j school dentist i now when the call is for economy many women whose husband are making big money are outrageously extravagant in clothes one of them in tho oarae locality la bo in love with fine clothes that aha was soon wearing a silk dress whan scrubbing the floor uutl hef husband got his present sco a week job mf tuvd never had more tlian 20 o werto gsc along on they have nothing saved as she admit and if the man was out of a job to morrow all they would have to show am resultant from their present proa pcrity would bo u quantity of partly- worn nno clothes many families are literally eating up their big earnings one that 1 know ww give id co for a leg of lamb for sunday dinner the father takas to work for his lunch sliced ham bought cooked at a store for which big price is puid the butchei who serves tlicni nays ho could not begin to afford tho exi nalve food they consume in large quantities war tlmo roo pority u just giving them a good time for a time what of tho loan years that may bo ahead in tho cases mentioned and they are typical of very many in this one neighborhood no provlalon whatevor is being made for them corns and worts disappear when trcatod with iioliowaya corn cure without leaving a ocar freemen buy bonds 81a vea wear them i just an observation it wo have our parlor open every day now and wo intend to give an good service as possible ice crwm bulk 30c a pint ice cream drigka 80c each candies nlqht priceb toothsome varieties debt qualities harold wiles canada food boafd lloenm no 815685 mill street acton jit has been undermined by tho draughts that the worms have made upon it and that their operation is altogether healthgiving wan a freight engino a great mosalvo mogul wo watched it a few days ago aa upon ono of our leading railway nyntcms as it approached tho cily built to draw flf ty to eevontyflve heavily ladon cars its burden won two empties and a caboose at least they appe to ua as empties th whole oflt soemou so mcreduloua ptqfui stj waste it was as a giant of mountain quarries at child s play powers for herculean tasks set to blowing aoap bubbles it was coming from eomo where with its tiny tonnage to a city throbbing with life and industrial skill and coram of- lal progress and financial blgnoaa why was greatness mis spending tlmo i tho application of its superb ublujcs to a duty seemingly out of all proportion in contrast with tho splendor ailj might of the working agency a battleship towlnga canoe a niagara called upon to extinguish candle a flame and thus wo meditated was that all it wan called upoo- to brlnctpuie worlds market wo have seen men and so have you brainy men mec gifted with hugo ppwern frittering away tlmo and opportunity and pos sibilities wo- have seen preachers capable of ministering to tha hundreds preaching to tho hondfuls teachers worthy of tho college choir tn tho monotony of the primary school nblo- bodlod workers behind tho soda foun tains dealing out tho foaming drink to the gjkhuntf girl the woman ot bridge whoso wealth and position and culture should have her in tho mighty conflict for tho redemption of her kind the intellectual genius wasting golden hours and precious days in putting forth norno trashy novel a momentary bubble upon the ever changing sea of literature men and women created to walk among god a heights and touch tho borders of ills almlsh tineas but down in uwomps and lowlands where ideals are ti burnt and ambition find no vaulting places and thus the freight cnglao came in tha seeming laanltudo and humiliated consclousm of an insignificant task wo could almost hear it say i am mortified at tho littleness of the toll usalgned i ihlo la for tho yard englnt not for mo built for mountain grades turnips wanted fairies mullin are again purchasing tur- nipa for shipment at actpn rockwood and other points wo are paying highest prices for choice stock fairies mullin acton ontario gettinq away with it getting away with it la an ex presslon which describes a very ancient human weakness in plain english this weakness is pretense it is put ting on an appearance without having the reality behind it- there are boys who do very llttlo studying but who manago to get away with recitations that allow them to pass other boys are so hlo h at heart but they give one an imp renal on of generosity and get away with it a diligent reading qf newspapers and a glib tongue will enable a boy to create the opinion that he is a sir oracle and get away with it a boy may act and talk as if he were very much at homo in tho wooda and get away with it as long aa ho does not go camping ho may boast ov blaiprowesa on the base ball diamond and get away with it as long aa tho ground is covered with snow thinboy who is alwaya pretending to bo something finer or wiser better than he la may get away with his pretense for a time but after while his btuff will be found out and he who went up like a rocket will come down like a stick in the long run a boy comes to be rated by those know him best- for just what bo ls- a reputation which is not built on solid worth will collapae at bast uko a ftoy balloon strive to bo rather than to seem to be la a good maxim for every boy to adopt oak rnd mahogany will take an enduring oil2h that no amount of ubblng will give to cheaper woods em croon has in mind those who try to get away with thing when ho says what you are speaks so loud that i cannot hear what you nay are you saving for victory dandst in a real 8en0e rather she la- beach hole just uko home yes its th earth promptl ting away hur writing n choc bllj troth said vlvauoua vivian as hammock on palm this place seems dearest spot on this replied father put- fauntaln pen after or uittt keek a board how to avoid backache and nervousness tou by mra lynch from own experience provldeneo r l i was aj res down in health was nervoa bad b4- ocbea my back ached all t lima i waa tired andbad no ambition for any thing iha4k a number of nadi- cinea which did roa no good ono day i read about lvdli c i inkharaa vgo- table com pea nd ud what jthajj dona for women o i triad it my rwrvooanaaa aa4 backache and headaches disappeared i gained a weight ami foci fine so i can honastfy recommend lydia ji pinjchoraa vctfe- tablu compound to any woman who fa afferin nt i wan un adkunb p lrm ii 110 ilaut flt provldcmca it i llucl nclto and ncrvoosneaa ar arapf tonus or lutturua warnings which 4s- cucatn a functions dhtfurbanca or an unhealthy condition which often daral ope into a ii cro serious ajlracnl women in this condition should not contiruu todntjraloncwitboulhelp but profit 1 y mrs 1 ynclt a experience and try ihu fimatw root and herb remadrj i yd in j ijnkhama vccetabta cotiv edii i j tiul for apodal advice writ to yilul ilriltbammod coljnpuaa a good investment ordering your fall suit now see our gonuinc pure wool guaranteed do tha m navy blue also fancy suitings in brovns fancy checks and stripes all wool guaranteed colors made to your order step in and see our values r e nelson plion a0 nut pot oitic quelph for foch and freedom v buy victory bonds ono hundred dollar victory bond will stove while one burner was going the comedies novo turned tragedies man of fho scenes of actlor ore in ashes and too many of the actors are maimed or dead more will follow no doubt as they are prone to ignore the advice and experience of others instead of profiting by their errors and sufferings pay 80 men for 1 day or buy 3 rifles and tllcir bayonets 110 bushels of oat3 or 8 75 mm field gun shell or v main street acton in octodcn junt outfit in oir uttln yln town ik laf vllliire in ti trccu where ronio artlitu utuyc 1 lant oum- mi munlral celebrltha 1u 1 in itl ilrtant wrens and iwal- iowh in tho nx n i ofnd mui c flail with lien cardinal fir tw ioi lave rare one rtu froo to all now icaf vlllam lo donortcd hut un lovely to heludd ilii rreon roof a aro dockm in crimson and iu ntreets aro puvrd with gold it ju uko a fairy city how wo wish our friends woro bora hut cnm taker h arrow twlluits they will oomo again nrxl year mildred lvons influtnzacomc intereqtinq facto about its hi3tory prevention and ito treatment are you saving for victory bonds quick witted tho evening lesson was from the book of job and tho minister bad just read tea the light of tho wicked shall be put out when immediately the church was in total darkness brethren said tho minister with scarcely a moments pause ln view of the sudden and startling fulfillment of this prophecy wo will spend few minutes in silent prayer for tho elec tric light company got one at homer cant anderson dana who hod just got married at platuburg la a grand son of the journalist c a bona and in on interview he said my grandfather believed in mar hage lie thought it steadied a man fternu uiber a otorybo used to tell- its a story about a chap who asked a man have you ever heard anything about a machine for telling when a man is lying sure uald the man have you over seen onot sold tho chap seen on mld tho man by gosh married one i it is wise to prevent disorder many causes lead to disorders of tho otora- ach and few aro free from them at tha first manifestation that tho stomach and liver are not performing ikjltilnrllnnm n fniirnft nf pnirriplft fl vegetable- pi llsehonld betried and- will bo found that tho digestive organ h will speedily resume healthy action laxatives and sedatives are so blend cd in these pills that no other prepara tlon could 000 effective ca thoy this is better t lax owe ita tafrlet beefa rlgai far awml will cerraet yor cmsuajaueaj aaml poor dlgmtlon and asslmruhon mean a poorly oorihed body aaa low vitality loor elimination means ciocged bowels fermentation putrl- t action and the formation of poisonous gases which ax absorbed by the blood and carried through me body the result la weakness headache dimness coated tongua inactive liver b hlo us attacks loss of energy narv- ouxness poor appetite impoverished blood eauow complexion pimple skta il t and often times serious 1u- uke may relieve for a few hours but real in ting benaut can only terns through use of medicine that tones up and atrengthsaa tho digestive as well aa the eumloatlre organs oct a x5o box of natures remedy nr tmhleta and take ono tablet each night for a week belief will follow the ruy first dose but a row daya will elapse before you feel and realbte the fullest benefit- who you get straightened out and fcl just tight again too rosed not take medleiae day an every occasional kit tablet caaler and cheaper than getting well nature a remedy kit tablets aro old guaranteed and recommended by your druggist e j ha53ard acton ont tahutt37 feed blow gj we have a iow on hand iupl jntho following get the genuine a avoid disappotntment refuse braaxkxu only fha tra mark look for it befere you buy- ghmibia graionola 1 1 1 ii i t fca jalb by cxc speight hactoat0it ibetiittlmii pilli gl for liver ills 25c bn bar barbarism by buying victory bonds t3he acton bapry m edwards co cutada vooa iloonl tlfaio na 0011 mill otbcct acton to facilitate iho handling of i ho products of our dokory and lo nmko it mora lonvonl cot for our vuntomcro wo have secured iho shop not lo wiles confectionery wliero oupllc3 of our war bmul brown brciul thj bihhlltm cdikcm buiiti wild sooiiiw my away im tictifrftl wcddlntf ciifuw a hppflnll m edwards co qirl amoulance drivers there are about 300 girl ambulance drivers in tho bed cross service in france the only other women am bulanco drivers in france belong to the ihrst aid nursing yeomanry corps there la a friendly rivalry among the red cross girls tn the matter of keeping their bus spick and span whenever a tralnlood of wounded arrives the itod cross glrla must bo on hand and this means constant duty day and nlgbt ljc- crptlonally good driving la a charao- tcrbulo of each girl and before under taking this dangerous and arduous work a girl is required to pass a eeveru test at devonshire house among other things she must know how to attain speed without joiui g the wounded as a bit of rough driving mlgbt lrovo fatal to tho poor hid ten domes linked with courago of the finest and hleueat kind la always found in tho girl ambulance driver ton shillings a week with oxponecs la the pay thoso who havo tune to think of uniforms consldar that of tho am- bulauro girl the smartest and moat imioomlng of any war uniform for woman provided it la well cut and made veur asthma too- tho efllcacy of dr j 1 kellogg a asthma lumody is not burnetii lug that la merely to be hoped fori it la u bo expeetod it never falls to bring rolof and in yojirj own individual rriss it win do tho unmc ho uiilvaisal line been the auooess of till fur fduiort tuio that every nulloted with tills disease owei it tilmulf to try it waitinq for it i lu vliia in limiorlnttt enmaqomaul wlli a hunt nn oil men hunt w nlilluad to lunvo hla otluo lu s ilmiiiii of a i hiirwoiiwin nimv mv fiiind wtniinii ho anl 1 lililli nthiu ho ltliinif whim yn i inui ilia hull jiliiiil t llidt llttlo i mm ilnu u l tho tilho and ahuut hulhi who hit yiiiit utitl welt fiu a i till mlcmlutlll im i hccji hlmlh nhtiut lull im lutill wliuil ihu inlophi im hell ihhu fiihiiiihly tin wi limn ivuliod tu lite mil h hm in mil ihu itihmniy imhiv iiihi mlt mill inlvim iii lu i ir ill lillmim fhllll imllllll iuup lllf lllivt i lll h ll i llf iii f i will llll hlull hi drilml lr ill nil llti hmdtf in imw it t i hm i iim inn i iiiiiii temimii il nn i tn lili himi iw hum lint yfiiiimn iimi hhh thi iihu inn hel uiiln lit mllhlmm mill vvimii nn i nth inn i ii iliihiw with mmf illlv in fihlml well nil nh j i in 1 hff ntiiih hill nl wtw rimim ii iiiimi miihimvi hiiiiiikii iii it iii llllll llt w 14 hhihllllm ii iii i ho fffilllil l t i ii till i imid1 hi innmc tn mitdvft ii fin ftn imliihirf ihhf hmlxij ml it lu mill vnmiufltlt m a jlza9 llljr w jcafl ti i am an advertiser i think pretty well of myself i have ambition i have ability i have friends i have experi ence i have honor i have ingenu ity ihave ideas all these things i am using every day for the betterment of mybelf and of my business to the end that i may be able to say in future years i have prosperity and a wellestablished businebs one that i am proud of and yet that i can say as now i have friends i have honor 1 have still my own selfrespect an opin ion of myself that mubt demand ret ogni- tion in this world of business i am an advertiser because of this i am known to stand for the uiings uiat 1 believe imthat i do that i believe others should do and the tilings that will always be done so long as there remains in the world one man who ib strong enough to bay i believe in mysejf and in my future by william m adrian tha well known brand of klnoa choice norvat and national flour nothing better bran oat chop 8hortb cracked corn rolled oato corn meal 1001b and room ilaga special xjn13 in chickln 1 ul l arvb out caxjr m11al a tuial domestic rollojd oath thd bc3t canada qod board ucotmo no b robert noble limited henry awhev manager acton livery and bus one i apllclt with connddhco tho patronogo of tho public comfortablo rlga supplied at reaoonablo ratco bpecial attention to supplying conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cars farniahod when roquired kxpressman for tho toronto suburban railway ous meets all trains l e atkinson ffllbaaitmltvhi ttbronto canada when yoa need boots h5hoes at any juno buy fe0m w williams acton ontuuo famous rok satisfactory footwear reasonable priclb uptodate goods at c c speigihs sllvcrwaro in tablcwaro i iil vanoty also flno cutlery hardware tlnworo and runil big aasorlriant pandora stoves mid ftun i rnious heaters small stoves oil stuva gvebv artiolc in of tional valuc c c speight mui slrttt alton atents si lmyilntobtl 1 fcht fvfct ajuahihanin mi ublrcntty av uoitnuih s irt

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