Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1918, p. 1

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jtttt i orty fourth ycnr no 31 acton ontario thursday mohning november 21 1018 single copies five cents ffilji jrtun 3tet flrwjh tin acton iriikio rjtnnn i pub lished nvi ry thursday morning at tlie luai 1itnifi ilulldlng mill btreot acton ontario 1 jio oubncjipuon price is f i co pur year in advance postage la charged ndlltjonal to office in tho united i tin ton tlin data to which rnihicrjntlorifl nm paid in indicated on tho ndurrjra label advritti uno itatis transient ailvcrilnnttiantn 10 conlittper lino ogato me inuromonl tor first insertion and t cpiiin r linn for each subsequent in- sortton contraot display advertise ments for co inchon or more per an num 10 con til par inch each insertion ailvt rtlncmcntii without npociria direc tions it 11 bo innortrd till forbid and cliareed accordingly thidcitlonffl anil business office lis business directory medical thob qray m d c m moqill u n o r edinburgh u n v f h glasgow member british medi cal association etc ofllco iycdertck street acton onl dr j a moniven physician and ginjson ftftlco and residence corner bower avonuo and j igln streets tho resid ence formerly occupied by d m hen derson acton ont veterinary john la wo on veterinary surgeon anton onl graduate of onta ve col- leeo 1680 office- arthurs clock realdenoo mill street calla day or night prompt ly attended to a j maekinnon darr liter gonoltor cqnvyartor omce mill sl in p r jina qlock dental dr j m bell d d 8 l d 8 danuit honor graduate of toronto univer- alty tbo uxtesta anesthetic used if dcalred omce at realdano comar mill and frederick streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p mo are sautr marrlaua ljoansaa private oibca no witnesses re quired issued at residence tn evening itjies pracsa office acton ont francis nunan bookblndaf account bookavof all kindd xnodo to order periodicals of every deacrlp- tlon carefully bound itulln neatly and promptly dona wyndhain stroot quelnh onl over whlloma store r j kerr licensed auctioneer tor tho counties of hal ton welling ton pool and dufferin and tho city of auolph acton ontario tho rroo iteaa offloo acton tho mercury office gaelpb tho newslteoord forgua or with w j oardon haraeaa maker illllaburg sales ontrustod to h j kerr re ceive attention from data of listing to dato of nolo xaat your aalaa with ma raatdonca young straat acton phono 36 acton call at my expanse roy hindley auctioneer osprinqe raisn block rfco estate and merchandise soveral choice parma for sale j e cheevers 00ok binder quo boo sl eaat gustph onl hooka and magnxlnea bound d handsome and substantial covers rfanio la in e0lqon illbleat hymn booka and otbor books all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land survayor and civil engineer survoyn fmbdlvlalons plana ho uortn descriptions blueprints etc ct rtlflcatc for purruoacni and uiortgugucs hurvoys fur architect llulmcr and municipal counclla druliuujxi iloprta unllmatrjj ra mclean duild1n0 tjououe 8t avlau phono 10tt onl tho old and reliable granite and harblo dealers wo am manufacturera and direct himortcra ff all kinds of uonumontal und hradfltono work wo aell direct to our cuatoniors at wholosalo prloea thuu imvliift our tuatomera 4a pr cent wit havo th boat appllanoea and the only inorlianlca lu the dominion who ran oieruto pnaumatlo tool properly w can blvo referuueea from hundred of uur uuatjmrrn in toronto und other plrt ui wiiero o thorn have to havo law milti in order to poliecl wo tiavo tho laiint nnd beat etotk of aranlto in llio iximlnvtm or moro than any throe ileulora in tho woat wo arc oltl m to doaleru and cjttploy no omenta and do not unnoy or ioat cuatouiora t y no n1 liia- out isuorant axenta aollclt 1ni on1ertwe employ only znochanloa mid defy oompotltlon hamilton sons cor norwich a woolwich tit qualph dream dreams and see visions but to make your dreams come true and your visions matcriaffee gen erally means having a little capital to start vvith the way to get capital is to save a part of what you now earn decide now to let us help you to save interest paid every six months the bank of nova scotia paldop capital 000000 lacmrnul 13 ooofiot juooroea 1 w k cqa1uu avagecot eatabliahad 1848 wyndham st quelph watches diamonds jewellery library d8k sets fine china cut glass silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens special lata in wooding and birthday bif ta hxpert watch l and jewellery hopaircra the bondstore is more than a hardware store it is a fountain of knowledge at your command when you need hardware for any purpose uscit get what you want be satisfied it is not too late for fall painting martin scnour paint is the bond brand the price is 75c a pnt 1 35 a quart 5 00 a gallon all information as to quantity rcquir cd for a job just for the asking come in the bond hardware co ltd phon 1012 quelph savage co 70 yaara in buelnaaa in qualph is coming kenney biros pull assortment of heat ijnea for winter wear including felt boots heavy winter rubbers pverqhoes heavy mackinac socks our price are rlpht and our qualities superior repairing promptly apd neatly exeoutad kenney bros main street if ita something really sty lish in menu wear you ii find it hero the latcit up to date hats all the newest neckwear elegant lines of mens colored shirts mcna gloves in all shades see our lines of mens sweater coats r e nelson phon 40 nt post oma i quglph common sense tells tou that eyclkht io your moot lm portant unction it eyesight la ajl important then full oeelnk power li vital to lour welfare and should not bo neglected to protect your eyesight from being injured or impaired through cjcceaalvo e train uncorrect ed defccui or weakened muacloa you ohould make up wliat you luck in your eyca with correctly fitted glasses sjvuco optical service makes you uce look and feel ojj you choujil gvwujrh oai november 11 hut ytnlcrrtay iwun wnr to lay the nnla of nlrriln bclht and nuillr itwcet pvo claim in joyoua tonca with no uncertain voire rhot iearo nt length haa como on earth to reicn i il of trombonea double to dulcet i ii a from bras in ihroata a mrnaaire awcit they oend luphonlurrui comctn ho na with top mont c a tho asuro flrnuunent attempt to rend the crowds in their sud holiday attire or in fantaatlc camouoago arrayed take up the strain tod by the heard more choir lcnd life to acton m thankafflvlnr proceeded by fcr honored s m i tho rjjughlcro of tho empire lcatf tho van next in ita float aonern crpno wo oco tho worthy daughtere o llnrj duranl and butt but not fho icoat of that jrreat thronr colno whoaawa hand no mean pet- formcra they vaatera af oaekbut naaltory ntid tin can their otlrrlns martial ntraina lead ua to pray that munlc of that sweet portlc ler brand ita bnnred from canada forever and for aye now peaceful nlcht opaco cornea on tlid acene mnlc with mirth and donclnc hold their away to fiery death conahjned tho lcnlaoro been 1 it termination of a pcrfoct day acton november 13 1918 m peterwilsons wonderful story by gertrude norton lleanboa odbon baxtejt eat by the wlndowf la tho- old xay farm houae where tho light of the beautiful october day could fall on tho paper before him he waa npurlnff with a dull ahort pencil on a piece of no lied wrapping paper but out of tho clumay combination were being evolved dreamn and vlaiona on which mra baxter and wne the alx teon year old daughter of tho bouae were luuiclng with breath leas lntcreat tho corn eald dodaon will raako about thirty buahela to tho acre how can you tolit naked mra ilaxtcr it haan t boerr gathered jtave i irot ter explain oo me thin ita took ma forty yearo ter lam beforo wo can go on with thla dgurlnt cried dodaon no dear replied hla wlfo- it deemed ouch a lot i am glad you havent made any miatake thirty buahela ter the acre went or dodaon on thara fifteen acrea that la tour hundred on fifty buahela at dollar and a half a buahel lie nauaed and boot over the paper and figured a few momenta it will bo ix hundred nnd ncventy nvo dollam qoodacoa that aeoina like tl lot of money don t ut aald mrs baxter yes ila oomo money nodded dod aon but thara a good many places picked out fcr 1l mow tho sorghum will bring about fifty dollara after wo have taken out enough to lost us all winter then there a the hogo wc anal havo throe to sell and thoy 11 brlnr about alxty dollara apiece which u ho figured a few momonta ono hundred and eighty dollars that 3 about ull tho crop and aa wo 11 havo to keep about two hundred buahela of corn to food tho atock that will leavo only about twu hundred and fifty bua hcla to bo aold which will be throo hundred and seventy fjvo dollara that with the sorghum an tho hoga wth make about alx hundred an thlrty- fivo dcltaro well we ought to bothankrul tluit wo vo gol that much- aold mra has ter it aecma llko a good bit for tho small crop ft la nodded dodaon baxter with batiafacuon an tho way i figure it out bally were goln tor hayocueh ter git that phonograph icr yo op tor send lfilo ter the high school in town ob daddy you aro o goodl mui mured kmc ao olio gavo her father a fcood hug it aln t me thats good ho protest ed ita the corn an tho price hut you raised the corn insisted fjtlo o child ho said i jtat kept tho weeds away an stirred tho ground a bit on tho lrfjrd did tho tvsl lm going to bug you good again biiisow laughed bffle and i gueaa y havo got another good hug coming to you from mother ah right aid dodaon im will in ter tko ull that la comln ter roe and so whilo tho utile family re jolcod om with tho othoi over their eood fortune and laid plana for tho future and dreamed dreams a uttl hut the rtit of it dtalt with mail niiart from whfit uu rnn thin lit when itnr wllnon arrive a w later us ho had indicated lit 1 gven a warm wolromo for them w lovnblo ijtinlltlcq nluit him that dearcd him o ull who know him timutoly hut he wan not what hi rolled a good mixer ha in ft jo few ucquatntanocn an ho wandered up and down tho worl 1 and ho was one of hi o no who talk but utile i think it in about time 1 hod settled down ho onld rubbing ills injured leg which had been badly hurt in an accident oit a skidding car i am not going to he aa spry aa i oh on id llko after thin arcldcnl 1 am got ting tired of drifting about the world it urn t what it once wan to ma to tho uttlo household he brought a loving personality and good cheer but with thttao an air of dupendonco that presaged un adlltlonal tax on tho family treasury ills injured limb wan still to bo treated bo hut 16 would not render him permanent cripple and tho cool of thin an it wrmhcurcd up would bo something llko two hundred dollara mra huxtcr was opprenod with a aenso of having contributed to the family burdens of bringing her brother into their homo and tome of their dearest cxp ctatlono might havo to bo ibondoncd of co unto teter whion could well earn his board and keep and mucli on tho llflo farm when ho nhnul 1 recover tho una of hut limb but that might bo several monthu and lu tho meantlnie thoy wcro talking it over ono day whilo tcur wllnon was hohbung about tho uarnyurd looking after tho stack so yon jay fetor la goln to hotter havo a liundrod or two iraitacd dollarn for doctcrln hla laigt said dodaon looking over the rlma of hla opoctaclcn at hs wife i m afraid so dodsoh sho replied weakly ills leg may become stiff no h ii no nti f iiin 4ttnueh tf he- don t eet tho treatment reckon tho doctorn won t meek it any wuar askod dodoon tliey any one uv em killed mel prltchard tryln to straighten lila ankul ha thinks they can cure him sold mrs haxter to you think we can spare the money fiho looked out of tho window whilo dodaon oxamliod the flgurea ho had been making spare the money did you say sallyt ho ooked itu jlst nochuraly got ter bo spared we can t go hoard 1q up a few pennies whan a man la iff is at irtaxot- t aint a toln loso thaf lulg if it coats rao every cert i vo col tcara came into mra baxters eyes sho got up in 1 put her arm about him it is so good of you aho eald dut you won t havo to give much may bo you can tako tho money you wcro going to uso for tho phonograph no sally he protcuted i ohan t do anything of tho kind if we don t have enough father interposed fcftlo i can wait till next season to ia to tho high school and ho money can bo usod for undo peter- no you don t objected her father lm a doln this flggerln and if i cant figger out enough fer peters lolg 1 11 borry it on everything will go piglit on oa if wo had monoy ter burn oh daddyf cried nrfle you aro tho beat in tho world and i m going to glvo you another hug and sho did oh well git along someway said the father an sally you alp t goln ter be without that music till winter lm sorter wantin it myself i heard uv them phonygrafls a ptayln silver threads among tho gold on luite icd tar it an thoutht uv them ntrcaks uv silver in yer hair bally i come mighty near btubberln right thar you ro goln tor hav6 ier phonygruft an that the very first tlmo i go ter town thero waa a light of joy on mrs boxtcru face though tlio tears foil upon her chceko oa oho got up und went over to dodaon lm golnt to glvo you ono of thorn hugs now oh said und sho suited the action to tli word sally baxter aald if you an lji1 don t iult hugln mo so much i 11 ht ter git ono uv thorn football aults ai wear it when lm round tho house thero was ono thing about polor wilson that mudo him a welcome ad dlllon to tho little household ho was good company and ho had tho subtl art of narration ho could tell a atory lu such a way that no one was likely to leave tho room till he had nnlahod ituvlnt traveled much his personal txpcrtcnco wore rich lu the c lumen ts of hurruiii inttrttst it wan a durk rainy evening m d when thu lamps were lit and the uttlo bouaehold wtro gathered in tbo coin fortable living room where nn old fashioned flrcplaco ruldlatcd its sum ptuoua warmth jsflle turned to peter uncle ltor she aald wont yau plcusa tell uu of your adventures on weutr peter wilson nmlled why i don t mind if any ono wants to listen ho eald you will rtrnomber ii travels well some say it was writ ton with tho intention of discoursing the travel era in those days who hap penrd to be prolific in tho tolling of hilars that nevir happened and thlngn that nover were now to keup you from clusslng mo with that bunch us tho boyo say i wont to give you tiu raiju way op winning there 13 not much credit in winning on the mistake of oomcone clae the baseball c gamo may be won by a run scored on a wild throw by ihc opposing 3idc but this victory is much ics3 satisfactory tban if it had been won in spite of the good piny of tho vanquished there arc people who go through life looking for a chance to get ahead on tho mistakes of aomo ono ehc but such success brings little satis faction with it wo should throw our selves into tho cdnfest for all wo aro worth win by what you havo done not by what some ono else failed to do bauaroanvtofo nouiffffcr-rnjirr- it diemtrmgutarcothntwnarttonrynti mans hand was speeding on its way in not jjitenthd to dhtcourogo those uiroaa iho conlinci l over mountain and stream and across tho burning deserts and tho billowy plain to find a haven at last in tho gray old form house lnhabltodby tho baxters the letter was from peter wilson a brother of mrs haxter ho was her only brother a man now of soma fifty odd years a rolling stone a roan born with tho wandorluot in his heart and the rcatlria spirit that drove him from plate to place lie liad not prospered and in limes past tho good dodoon buxlur his brother in law had con tr touted smill sums to help lum along in tbo world peter wilson was not laay but his labor was not always properly dlmcud and hla ever shifting from one place to another had kopt him poor lie had been out to houthern california for aomo years and now ho was comlug bock ho had met with an uccldent which mudo him a crlpplo and ha wau now coining to make ns homo with lho 1 lux tors believing from past ex- porlenca uit lid would nnd a curdlul welcome the i rodlgul m returning he wroio to his stater and he is hoping to find a home unacr your rout for a time i am getting tired of wandering over the world and fool a lunging for a uttlo liaven of rest where- i tart have utne to think and a liiupm to bo with those i lovo h la saddening always to bo u stranger among stranger so i am coming back to the old scenes un 1 familiar pluos just us tho lime in its flight returns at last to the phu o of starting hopo you uan muko a platc for me in your little household i ntudl uxrlvo about a wk foohjjld thin letter theio woo much more of tho luttui potjjitendi d to dhtcourog who cxnggerutfl when a person gocu west usually cullod a tenderfoot potcr went on and that wus what thoy called mo but i dldn t mind i hnl boon west when almost u bay knew u ow thliu about tho wild und woolly it wan in tho little mining camp of hasan hen or aomething ilk that in novudu that i ran into jli 1 lnnoy 1 1 1 wus also a tend rf und llko tho rout of ilium wi re un xluui to go in uuiirxli of tol i wo wei on a tour into tho deaort an f for mouth we hammered at tho ouuoii pings of every mountain and hill an vulloy ucuulrlm enough junk in thu way of apeclinops to it ad when we ruturi cd to tamp ut 1 hud i ur find look j- i over i y u n uu wh thul and nothing lso for living was honest enough to toll us that tin ru wus but ono npculmuu uinong tho lot worth wlu we took his terlinmtn and trhjd to get sumo one wltji monoy to go an i open up tho i de hut thoy ouldn t ikj found 1 inauy jim offered ins two hundred for my ahum in tho lode or if i preferred he woiil 1 sell his intenat to jiio for the sumoumount well it mstlerud uttlo to mo except that jim hud money with which ho might muko a trial at dvaloi lug it nnd i dldn t b i took tho two liun ilrcd and inuvol in when 1 next hourd from jim i leuruo 1 that he ha 1 mined tho loih and hud utrurk some high grade ore un 1 sol j nut fur fifty thousun i dt lldiot good grul un ijmlol li u i 1 file wus ii t that i lmlt whut a pltyl dldn t it w trry y u to think of il will it liiui muku mo feol vory j illy iiifiiwod liter hut v oull i d it was mmuo tylibotrtlloil to know lht jim unney who was as fine a fellow aa i ever met had mudo ills plo and 1 was glad for hla soke 1 think id havo cried my eyes out declared efllo nonocasal aald peter juat think of havlng to havo some ono to lead you around tho rest of your life besides crylna don t put ene cyea oat btit i ra not done with my experiences yet o if i had done oa you thought you might have done j wouldn t have had tho chance lo look for another fortune an it was i had a chance and took it i went to spokano washington just at the tlmo when it had begun to grow i hodn t boon there two hoars till thoy had tho two hundred dollara that 1 got from jim and i had a dcod for an aero or so of something llko a volcano erup tion a half mile from town you hang on to that they advised mo and you 11 muko your pile totayed thero a month and then hit tho tran for tho south i dropped into doa angeles and got a job in a real estate agent a offlco and it was there i learned so mo thing af tlio flno art of rotting so mo thing for nothing but i dldn t profit any by it aa i was only armor bearer i otayod there two ycaru and then i got a letter from a fellow up in spokano who wanted to glvo mo thirteen hundred dollara for my patch of volcanic rocka there j never knew why ho put it thlrtoon hundred initead of thirteen cents un leas if was to clvo tlio propoallon an ir of having been figured closely anyhow i tooli the money just as soon an it could bo got to me and then i gave up my job and went south and lnveated a thousand of it in oil land they told mo it woa a flno proposition d i suppose it woo for a man who had the land to sell but i had the ud land and oil tho dreams of fortune that wero to go with it thon i sont for tho picture of tho spokane man who bought my volcano up there aa i wanted to keep him in mind for future uso in c tlien i went back coat to visit my old homo and wait for tho oil to scop into my land it waa years beforo i truvelcd westward again much oil had been struck in tlio region near my land but mlno was now pro uounced blank i learned from a man just from fjpokano that the property there that i had sold for thlrteon hundred dollars waa now worth about forty thousand dollars ho again i found that fortune whlrh seemed dlnposcd to favor me was just ono jump behind what i wanted to do i now decided was to mmc with less acceleration and glvo jviendly i ortune a chanco to catch up and cut acquainted it was no use to cry over split milk no i uot to work to dovclop my oil land i dl 1 not have tho money but i found a man by tho name of charles ken worth who lid ho waa looking for oil bind and o noon struck up a bargatr ho woa to furnish tho capital to pros pect tlio land for oil und for this ho was to pocolvo u half interest in the land so wo soon had a drill running pjid as thero luid boon many strikes on now land in tliat region i was hopo ful thit wj should bo umtpg tho lucky ncs well at tho and of tho third wovk wo struck it a flno gusher that blew thlngu around recklessly but wo ttot hor canned up and thero was a big oxel lament around that nock of the woods oh men fat and sleek with millions to th lr credit thronged tie place thoy cornered mo and literally turnod my head with offers it was thou x did uomo tall thinking i was lu no hurry for i wanted to glvo kor tuuo u chance to got good and up with mo before i luade a move when at lust i got an offer of two hundred thousand dallnro i took it and i think i did right it was enough for me and i did not sant to tempt fortune too for ha puusad his auditors wore hang ing brea on ovrrxwjoxdlii ulturou ttiid now thoy out looking at him blankly and undo ter cried cfilo whut how did you como to loso all tliat money v i dldn i lose my dear chill said roter i left a hundred and seventy five thousand dollara in tho bonks of x0s angolc und twenty five thousand dollara i dopoultod lu tho i uirvlow bank here ton thousand to my own re lit and if toon thousand to your du 1 y s credit sove ii ull huvo u uttlo chungo hundy whuii we want it them was u slloneo in which the bputturlng of tho wood tiro lu tho lice pltico hoeincd to mock at tho cold fingered ruin laj ping at tho window punoa dodaon was tho first to apeak ou aln l jokln aro yo ietpr he uoked u trlflo huskily 1 oter took u bank book from ills poutit and passed it to hla liruthi rtn law ixmbiun fumblod with it saw hlu nunio und nftuan thuueand dollars credited to it und thu alguuturo of tho cuuhlor of tho lialrvlow hunk b low diiiiaoil ijuxtor looked tit his wlfo no it lun t any joko hully ho said loter dofyi doal in that suit of jokis anyway then thorn was silence dodaon full to looking ut the uttlo bank book in a duxad oort of way and i mo cumo over un 1 put her arm about lctir it was a ntruiige and thrilling experience for tho uttlo household hut n short tlmo ago ihryfmd heen ilttlng tin re planning soma way to puv tnoro uoftly tho harl roud thuy had nil b travelling to luug planning h iw they might by i inching and saving make th ivud a uttlo enslc r for ono anotli an l now ua c by magic thoso hurtl thlnus had ben swept aside und i thtlr ili hud omo somnthlng red unfl yet move sumptuoun with the glowing- color of opulence than lisul iver bforo visited them in drcarrui dodaon was trying to realise it all and again and again the figures in tho book warn in a blurred camouflage beforo ils eyes how did you como to give uh bo much peter dortson said nt lost jf wc spend it i m afraid wo cant ever hiy it back pctercwilaoi laughed and laid hla hand gently on dodson a shoulder you aro my good brother he aald and when you thought mo homeless and a crlpolo without morcy you and yours ffavo me a homo and a welcome that waa better than gold oood gracious podson if you dare speak of paying say sally ho added turn ing to his ilstcr t liuvcn t told what havo got for you and efho yet bo cause i winlec oomo ono to help dod- ron spend vhat ho s got but uicre a one thlnrxgul foryou nndimd oanl out tho day you wcro over to uie babbotta it a a uttlo trinket 1 11 just show you ho stepped into his own room for a moment and aa ho cumo back and iicatcd himself tho sound or vlctrola filled tho room with the sweet und plaint lvo silver thrcada among the gold twenty years aqo from the issue of ths frae prets of thursday november 24 1633 to day national thankaglvlng day mr w h denny ban doclded to re tiro from tho grocery bualncaa and win hereafter dovoto himself entirely u his loan and insurance bualncaa tho man who w his per j down a well about tlto goods ho hajj to sell won t reap tho gleaming golden dollars liko 10 who climbs a tree and hollers mr e h coluuu has disponed of his butchering business on mill street to mra gardiner and her son mr maur ice gardiner and hla brother ired both of whom understand the bualncaa will conduct it mr collins nrd family wll remove to buffalo georgetown concapon donee mr j l warren s tender for oupply tho public schools with wood at s3 co a cord has been accepted tho district convention of up worth leagues met in tho methodist church acton on tuesday and wednesday thero wore many practical and inter ostlng addresses and tho convention was in all respects a success thoso who attended tho baptist loung peoples unlou lost wednesday evening received up intellectual treat hov mr mcalplne explained in u very interesting paper tho origin of plant life blvlng tho hlatory and uses of tho various woods that grow in con ado uev mr liorbas gavo a moat in teresting paper on tho lessons ofjln soasons bad roads has boon a common com plaint tho past week j farmers in this- vicinity havo almost finished their fall ploughing puzzles foh the poilu cutoi m main oul many times havo rho kiihiioii nolllci yet ho in elmi go fouu l ho toll mo onro that ho wmi up u tree yen du tin un arhn when ho stood on tho ground hu added laughing un tho i ngllnh do 1 in in a hojo i did not this bellovo i or i truiiilato hla uontenco dans un trou and not ono uttlo holo could i perceive and when am axe old man ho say lo potage iihrasol doom he believe day 7 camo my comrade lm fairly in tho aoup flguro to yourself thin am a child at american chivalrty and per man kultur harvard has had oomo pretty good en on her football teams in recent years yalo and princeton playorn who faced them on thn gridiron can tent if y to their grit epeed and ability to buck tho lino hard ono such man famed in hla colloga dayo for all throo of these charactarlauca wo will call him holworthy in tho present chron ic lo graduated from harvard uirco yearn boforo tlio beginning of tho world war married and wont to europe i hla wedding trip in tho course of their travels mr and mrs holworthy found themselves in ono of tha largo olucs- af germany a morning stroll took thorn to tho bridge spanning tho river which in- tcspiilu the town aa they started to cross the bridge thoy saw a german o itlccr approaching them striding along with tho military otrut which bet olio no that class tho pathway was wide and tho american couplo left space on tho projer side to pel mlt ft hla passing them but tho officer plowed between them knocking tho lady over and proceeding on hla way yrlthout stopping buch proceedings were foreign to all the harvard nthleto a experience as be helped hla wlfo to her foot bo called precmptorlly to tho officer como back heret tho german stopped turned with look of amoxemont and sold in good but oomawhat heated english what tho devil do you wantr thereupon holworthy explained tn olll more heated english that ho waa thatthtriadt american tllaen had been knocked down waa his wife nd tliat in tlio country from which h camo it waa not tho custom for men to knock wmon into tlio gutter f such an event should accidentally oc cur ho added an apology would bo quickly forthcoming and this woj the least that woo expected on the present caslon tho oinco a responno to this auggea- on was to whip out hlu oword and remark what right havo you to talk llko that to a aorman oltlccrl why didnt tho woman go out of my wayr the otneer woa big hla aword waa keen and hitherto in his ntrut through out life his diosont methods hod evi dently prevailed in hlu particular cuoo however ha had made a m in tako ajl tho antecedents of tho harvard man had hthf ia jf woman tj havo his jrifetl by a brute in a public street oven though both tha street and iho brute were german was not hi accord with hla idea of what waa right and proper indeed the occasion called for immediate action holworthy gave leap for the officer grabbed his sword with both hands and boforo tho astonished man could collect hut wits broke it tn two on hla own knee and threw tho pieces into tho river below thon giving tlio ofllcor one mighty lunge ho sont him on his back nt about tho ipot previously occupied by mrs holworthy by tho time the fuming swearing ocrraiui had gathered hlmoelf together holworthy was in tho hands of two pollcomon under arrest for assaulting ono of tho kalacm oineera tho young american know- enough about tho halo that surrounds u gorman officer to rcuuxe that ho woa in n serious pre dicament again it was tlmo to act swiftly ind ho at once hu true tod hja wlfo to go at onco to tlioomco of tho american consul and tou that o metal tho wboiony this wuaii3tib7l tu noble 8ayinq8 wo enjoy ournelvcj only in our work our doing uiid uur best doing is our best enjoynjint juohl ood made both toara and laughter and both for kind purposes for as laughter enables mirth and nurprlse to breathe freely so tears ouubla aor row to vent itself patiently leigh hunt them lo this difference between hup 1 in tos und wisdom ho that tltlnku himself thu floppiest man really is so but hu that thinks hlmsalf tho wisest la gutiurally tho greatest fool c col too uu youraelf apo no krcatncss bo initio to pass for what you are a goot farthing la better thanor bad ivcrlgn h coloy whatever makes men good chris t inns mdkca them good citizens daniel webstor keepino ahead a re n t you dreadfully worried ub w you ii gi t uluiu thouo times of chuugo und tiucortalntyt somcom put the question to u po r worklnj uuit i shu sliihik her head un uln ipud hot soup and water wilnklod hands to ma am i can t huiiostly i am sho confessed thuo was t i of a twlnfclo lu hor bright oyts you ato i vo wviru enough to taku all ti v tlnio exci pt wl ut i havo tu spend ubed uud usluop and- that work keopi ino no utemjy on tho jump that it keups mo just about u jump ubiud nf w iriy i sutsa her laugh was catching keeping a jump ahead of worry by keeping busy wltlpsomathlng more hoi th whlli is a ti pi on did idea to huvu in mind worry is a waste of nouded vital mental and nervous force it la a rebellion ululnnt things as god per mils ur plana them u doubt of iii power and wiilom und goouueau im it out of your life if you aro ono or uu- worrying kind by filling un plana m full of faith und hopo i ruyer and oltort that it will bo utterly crowded out hocp uheud of it ir it uttcnipta to dog jour rootstt i by steady ear ncnt in pllcutlon to nftme needful work no onu ablu to work need ba or jlioul i lo i lie lu tin 30 buny days the woru needs yuui work it run get along vn y well without yout worry oet 1 hue iet yi ur job whatever you are ruted for and jump into thn harnens with a ceal thut will leave worries out fit sight in tho rear tho consul of course approctttuyl tho situation ho aald that while the of- fanso waa p serious ono under german law ho would make ltjiis bualncaa to soo that holworthy was released if ho had to call in tho- authorities at wash ington to accomplish it hepalrlng with mrs holworthy to tho police court ho found tho prisoner and tho omer tolling their renpecuvo stories tho- consul thereupon mado his prose n co and position known and entered so strong a plea that some what to tho uurprue of all concerned tho sitting magiatrato dlnmlaocd the case on leaving tho court room tho con sul warned holworthy that jicro wduld i robably bo jjftother chapter to the affair tho pksjcuoapravedoorreot for tliut iilfcbr attlhrholol holworthy wus vjlteir upon by another gorman ofilocr who handed him a letter from hlii udveisary of tho rooming tho missive lira ved to bo a ch alien go to a 4uol 1 reuriot tho letter into blta jioi- wor tululd vt ffnrrfhf ha 1 not apcoiit the challene ho said ho hud whipped thq man once and that waa uuiriclcnt for his purpose ttho surpruio exhibited by tho german wjf unbounded wliott you tha cluxllongo of an officer do not accept it is necessary for yoy to fight i holworthy s reply was succinct forcorul an 1 clear so clear in fact that thu german emissary did not parley further th followlug morning round hol worthy at the coiuiulato sock lng ad vice ua to his next move and that artrrnoon uaw tho american couple ulutly lea vhii tho city it waa indeed u otruteglc retreat not tho sort of vn thut holworthy liked to make but it waa nuido for tho pea co of thp aulutu iui well aa for hla own in lorentu muuiey a i fittinq ourselves to our environment in tho uuiuo hull one plant receives luur un 1 uunshiuo and takes h ele- nionta fioiu the uoll an 1 hecomen a ttulk of torn whilo another grown into a daisy it la foolish for un to try to cxoiiao i uroolvin for being what wo aru on tho ucoro thut ono is only tho bum of the infiuimou to which ono has been aubjetod for each individual u ituro ui proprlutc i lujjo infiuuiioos uml traiintormn them into holjifuliiubs or harm our uiivlronment un 1 our lump wiloutihwu ura tiu ruw mitorlal cut of which wouiikh chunictcr and from tha itium suinundinc d pruo ueally the nanio influcncca m nuttilu may run t sph ndld heights whilo aiy ilher uiovtlii your uiivlronment do a not ill tcrmlno wl at you shall bo you i un nit it for y iur bettunncjit or the oi poult c just n you will vv

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