Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1918, p. 3

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santa claus headquarters mi will bo mure hum pleased with our itmi uf iiortniont of chrlnlmnn jrwi lit i hltrcrwure 1 ntiry c lijna turn liolli htury hooks jjlhtcn lirlnfmun unil now ycur curdn clill iln 11 ii rl tin i no iitln r ntoro n fieri you nucli n k t geohynds acton ontanlo news of local import gflje artnn strw tyrem imik uai di rmiinii ixjoia brief local items i it h ii lilj- wind r i nlclit decern her do i ivtiuc demands uneful prof potter nnit 1 mi rliunllounl ixlliit outuli ii u of u ivill immi i xt oumio wli 1 iiln tul iilu ooidura py maycontmu general mow hum iii ttm thin two i il i hi u i rhurli of oohlli i iy i ut for ulx inoritli i liiiitt i i i f thr to tldn tin imn on r tin 1111 ult of winter l kit the donrdmoro an tim clirlntmuii treat l ndrrrd iho plovers mill iiu i chrinl ill mi iii act ill ulllllllll i irly- 1 t 1 ly fmtlvul nil mj niy hn ni uf rin i tm 1 1 i 1 y hi kiddle will i lull till il illj t social and personal min i i ilu m i lie joronto iii with liifluoiuui list isudurr- cluvnll of hamilton n town rcuowliir at quiilntani n ii nitty i malic ii howie of leorffi iiliiiit hi today with mr arul mm itrown j 11 iarlnh of buult hto vlilltd mm j is jnmblii ilur chrhituiuu md dciir thin iho iilorcu urn chrliiliuni drctialnirn will lio ocorco put tine on their u boon la popular with i nyaln i llko u wl ho christmas with i ood slolclilni chrlalman irivliiff will bo r uucruuu thla year tho wur belnc t lliruitintui plunn ni mo ixjliur muilc for family ro ll inuny iiomcn qublph docgr hsiao tooa il nuutlti if julh i hyi h iitu tly it vsmi finally dnhlid to in o thu fm rj u lint i ill frnni tl lu uutl that fur uulmiqui hi jill l lf lljil doctor lly lout mutiny itry from 11 in si f ifittliy of thllr ijll i ini ntry iht iilu r 30 per rout nliic ac tun i week huve dropped about tho clono of tho wnr mbtrn liiivo trono from flucldi wlnlor i air thla tho i i tllloe i u hiir slu iliiirtio illllnc the how different christmas will bo i j car with no terrible war c given caiiuoeinc has i mccullounh farm lot 17 on tho municipal rlretiona aro com- lni i houc to bo your itcevo ami couoollloru tho g t it delivered about fl 000 iii i lit riutar to our merchants during thn j mat wtclc tho parish of acton nttocd 1215 go for tho catholic army huta in tho ro ctnt c iipiulsn r it j kerr wan on o of the iu cm at tho winter rulr at h yesterday tiid klddlca hud a clortoua tlmu on 1 itunjuj rollinc bin anovr btvlla when thn mow waflnoft ita comlnc oh ito coming thj wondrous liolldwy when caro la all for- ottlii for everyone hi ray two wtcku from ycatorday and bantu ciauti will tinve completed lib lotlni duties fur another year tho wurtlcn liaa luuncd tueaiday 17th iniit uj tno day for the final meet jiuj uf thu county council for 1918 htiy thrift otampa with your oparo ciiuuc- it ii be lino to tiavo tho gov sanitarium contributions from acton tho trenmmi if tlm munkoka irif loepltal fo- onouiiiptlvi dwiln i tu 1iiit tully in 1 miwdilj i ti folk vliij contrlhutlom rcltl in acton hi the i leld ucroturj of the nutlmuil mnnl tarlum aimochitlou itov i nthi r ixj lo coo v a fitoroy j3 00 a j mr klnnon 13 00 u a ilmdrron s200 n iattcruon iz 00 conway mi lcanj2 00 tho nilnon co z 00 u itcnwlek 2 10 w it hti wart h 00 a t drown u 00 itrv- i 1 vaiin- noii jioo r n storoj jiuo v n orahapi si 00 o llytidn j100 hev j c willi on jl 00 1 c viloll si 00 ii j itamiilmw tl 00 mini m j hcnnatl si 00 j ijjtnoii si 00 h 1 iucau coc mm a i mcklln tnc mm l stiirkmnu c0 john ciinirron 25c total j33 7gqio a i held bci retary 1 rcuuurcr inspector harvoy makoo seizure inapcitor john hurviy ui nt to cumpbcllvlllo la ut i rlduy on hlii round- over the county tiul at thn c j it frolkht ii tied found a coujilo of nhlp mciitn of a iiuiiplclotii ch intrti r tluiro wita a box and u bnrr 1 nddrriaed to ii wataon and a box to c liurk while ho una the ni a limn unrn in brlnclnir t addltlomt nccmbear1nrr tho addreimi of ii ilirron num of tin personi namul wm known nt camp- bellvllle thn ohlpmcntii till anio from montreal tho inspector in 1 d them after uxnmlnitlon nml ocut them to tho li genua ijuportmi nt ut toronto tho three shipment i cimialncd ovtr thirty gallons of alcohol hi one cullou cans a trial will bo held at campbell- vlllo to morrow jt hi not llki ly how tvir tho iirtlcit nnmi d will appear thla alcohol when dllutrd uml bottlud would hrliifr sgo0o or 37 000 at the boot fegireni prlcej j itov and mm it l junen and oath i rlmi iijk nl a touplo of duyq lnnt week with tmonto frlondi mm it m mcdonald ban n turned homo uftei npcnriliui a couple of wco with frienda in unnlnn and mitchell xmas candies wl fltlll iii i inn i rlrly and mm niidiiu the iw of woodiiiocb ik ut tho homo of ed illow church wen to oilier ilrock ulreol lral of llulhlo so tiye fotherly of a on monday mlsu cliliiyn huffman wh ban itciji tuidln ouelih ltuulnrii1 colleen hau inn a poiltlnu in the ouve uf j a wllliiuuhby georcctown mrr w l on nt in your debt and wtogos iutircjl lliuutrh the- wcathera very cold lwiu a warm wluh very old may jour chrlatmau day bo merry very very very very mall carrier ajcx mcdonald fractured hoicral rlbj by failing from hln buity una day lout wcok la buay au ever on tiln mail route warden 1 arotcr haa sent out ln- itatjoii3 to tho ivnnuiil wurdena dln- jier the hotel alcolbbau iiuton on j ucjdiiy evening 17u inul thiro wan paunublo aletclilns for two or thrco dayn last wlcic but tho mild wiutlter on bunduy and monday bimjllt b iclt the whceut again tho lluai puxilj la like a vlalt homo uvery week alwayu welcome little hut buod lieut chrlatnuu wiab ld j l c hoiioyburn il c mr it h waiiubroubh who in on experienced convejunccr will prepare iktdu mortcaficu or other docunaonf that may bo i cqulred nt uls rcaldencc uilco aicnue ondir oueliiha now opecial muni clpal act thu elections will bo held on niw yearn duy therell bo no elec tlon of mayor tho chief magistrate will bo elected from tho wldermcn who are uueeiuful ut the polla mr john williamson who recently nold hht splendid farm lot 25 con c n u1iaiuwoyu two and u luxlf mllea wttrt of town to mr charles oldham of uffurd migkoka will hold a clour- ni iuiil on next wudncsduy lath lnnt le ii a ooder liam chairman of uion lorontoixamlltoit illtfliwny com- min ilon tiaju tho tncouia from ancijwlll moro than pay for thin ycaro main- t limit a of the road 1 ho enwut i- cuini praetleully all fiom rlneu la ubout 0u0 do ou teullxo hut two woolen ftom itlrday la chrlatmua duy uo yotu hrlittniia oliopplntf ously uml tliujrfilovo tho hied eleiks iatron uu ui juci who adviijlne un these alono mo publu ly uollcltlnu your business joou u i tho advcilliieinents in then taiiiiniiu frm wc4lt to wuok it will li yyu kind wqndo from frcc phc80 rcadcrg ui u clplel d worda from aubainbcri i an they send in their ru- 1j13 ihirunto ouys cunnot do n noway homo paicr w a huthnm couldn t do hi 1 iui iuuj i onclooo s3 00 til ht mnryu wiltia we li li- rnuu us mueh us evci f t uuruo many tiro now llvluif anil vicinity who wero not wo wore thirty live or wo llko the old 1iat uirrttu iinini uml uto ulul l of tho jiiir in ufa of th liiw tstiri w vfiivioum lyrr nirfmi i th i ountc fulka then 1 1 j tiuuliu hi piopoalth itiil n loon between bo vuluo you i vr horn u years subscription fur 1 iiiuwu wetkly hun aid hut i y other faun paper to nt file ring ii tirt muihot fuircuutn and it i i th hi ttrn ptito doubles 1 in it in a rinnan s puxo with ufa e i ry line nd lucrouso in prlt a dollar pin year tho i o get tho ncort to night mi iiplrit uml ca out and enjoy un exceptionally linn muni cal and literary pro rninmo m well u n hearty lauih ut tho llinelt concert in tho town hall to nijht ihumduy mlofl anna hyrot i tho cliver iullnlfit from kllthouir who w u ii irl tom advantnto hi acton u t winter comlne nnt will uelluht jou with her wellchonen ilction a rul pru- crammo of ocul i ml inutrumental muulc will liflliat on by locil talent nd mm hurold loi i ho mual- d by tho literary itloi vca nlotor inlaw of has been chorion to by tho toronto din for tho hoard uf our chnstma4 gift surjccslions ligqctto chocolatc3 watchman pcmo xmaq ctationcnv cdony manicurc gcto mtnnona and druqheg ivony oncqaing cagco manicurc nd toilet goodq jontecl xmal gcto fcrhjmeo and toilct waters kodalfe and drownico chqcolatcs bulk t 40c oc coc and 70c th psckaaos 30c to flio chriotma3 mixt6ric 30c and 40c th h will ulii have i o vena jlrlrkn fr hrlntmna imtl new canada food hoard llcon harold wiles mill otrcct acton actoncreamery linnjr your cream lo us wc will ge you the hirh- cal market price for butter pol acton creamery willow street acton fj the raxall drug qtors guelph ont mr a i nicktln returned on mon ibv from h i fall bcuticaa trip throufli the north wrjt itovinceii ho aiya tli indurnxa lpldemlc was very uovcro 1 tho aiiorla rltlen mnuiru jumrii i rank and hoy mc lutonh attended tho funeral of the luto william johnston ut guolph on mon day mr hoy mclntouh cam from orillla orj hunday mini hannah niwton of llmchouuc lilted her sinter mrs jamen ilrowp hurrh street thin week mlns jsew- lon intends polns to harnla to spend the wlnttr with her slater and brothers there jlr genrcnjl acncaunf- tlio- ilcr cliantu i link ataff has lren trnnuferreil to ronl georue will bo miaacd in tils old home circles he has grown up lo a younlr manhood of flno character and hmilniu7i ability mr john s coleman who with his mother hau been spending the past yi ir nt tho homo of mr thomas j ldmbiton at driver sask has gono to new ilrlcden alto to spend tho winter with big daufihler there mru itov j it ijrown at tin methodlat i anion nee nicklln contributl cal numbcrn will be uupi 1 an excellent orchentru part of tho protrami will flnlsli with a play lad lea mason i c lotlno very clever an 1 fu i iy i ur i net ohowlnn how tho lidl tho new members ntulid tlik it iiiato in mio initiate i work is in ii put on rltlit ujj to tiio third deinac it in a laugh from tirt o llnluh ad mbvilon 35 cents ull through tho hull children 12 cento library re opened with new gooka tho pupulurlt of tho i rco i lbrary hrns amply mnlfentid monday- ovon inif by tho crnvvda who juuienihka for tho now 1019 hupt liiiniujri tuitnlotuo anil tho books now uvallubli owint to tin inlluouu ipldenile tho lihnr was cloned fur nomo ulx wiw ks int nl miss built ubrailm and mki llllott her mulntunt wiu kept ver buully eut 1 i wppu lnj tho elo- tnand for books and ealalofn n thu i aupplcmontary eatulonuo eontalun ultructlvo llals of new lxioku in ull classen tho wur has bom tho triune of lh writlnt of numerouu now hla i torlcal hooka tho bejt of which will bo found in the hook committor a be lection and now uvillabk to the dura uteraturn mid fl thin em brace the inunt popul ir niw books le biography natural ucji mo un 1 uocioloffi oro well rcpn ctitod in heir lasses in thu juenllu t uctioti them u an unuuuatly lino uj iortment nf new i md helpful rcudlnt thli la truo not unly in rcfervmo to tlthful uturiri t in tho claauil of imtuiul uuline i useful urta etc many of tho buouii in i section may piolltubly bo n4l by so who huvc kuiia uluio puuuod the udulcacont iitfu in memoriani john mclmaac double john m ilnuiu main pmistd u way last thin lay h 1 year ho vaa a tl uuii of tnv fihlre hciithuid ills early llf spent uu u shut hi rd and 1 irl imtl 1 1 in ttlm hi p 4i1 ti u tho hltln will hli till ml un t lilt filthful ihiii 1 ifty eits ml jul ho tml uln 1 i i inula v utf m ithi r u 1 family of mm 1 divn inoni ih i u ii em v lau john loluii ml f ktne who wi nt to hi i uh lounly m a tie bin irook fulhc in of lorm ntbrook fan ntu i hint hti i l hln ty hi iiktlrollck mclvlllnp nlnr potion u i him in j tuu duuichfem reshlf imo in oiy in now i lulie itiuni diel in juiiuui j tildes in hunillt m 1 j blend in o euph 1 i v i j ui iiul jam i ll u tho on who aid iih 1 th i nl ttrd to iri i wlf irrvomeiiii dluti mr mliuwii hiuullton llolluiji now i ink u 1 m inaat walton mourwlu i i nnd inuae m luaui ljaji i lioaren won miuin jo llilam 1 ruwl wuitain ulllliiiri uiomphon ji a and a t muun it v j ii a tho puutu of d tribute to his t hrii tl i ivu 1 mia h il i h mi i 1 he all m uiui i m pniiii liyn hiion e witfljn i i tl i hitih mi ii t r ut id iy aft military newo tabu tn to tho memory of ileul- nl john mccrae capt 1 q hond and w c tannor havo been creeled in gui iph churchea letter received thla week frofn xi liieer harold ti nicklln aaa ha in imo of a draft of twentyfive from his i nrps to pu with canadian troops germany intereatirljr ootrvcnlrs from him havo reached relatives hero ito normati iloher luia returned to town tho second canadian tank imtta lion hiving been dischnrirnd hrv jiii hokcmmii buck in civilian clothca and adit htuurt iorster of hnlders corn- eru haa ulao been dischaiced oakvtllt kliir cdltur whits of tho reformer re eelved a litter fom ills noij faignallot 1 illakn whlti from prance i nt week in it was enclosed a souvenir a nhoul 1- r straii cut from tho tunic of a cap turcd hun of tho 104th german krpl- ineuc a carij received by mr alox mfc ki nle wolilncton hlrcct on monday from ito jumus ituharuain uayu i im o k in lncland on leave will mlaj tho march into germany but am lolnt back on doocmber 2nd merry tirlutnin to all jlmmie tho uteut letter from ptc sheldon moyir uun of itov i m muycr uo ttio reujtiiirlnc nuwa that ho hud sum clout ii recovered to ito ublu to ho tran if rred to a military hospital in ihglaud his wound la scrloua but rn uvury lu how well uusurcd dvld llutcheon county treasurer has n eelved official notice that his uun troopi r it o llutcheon canadian mounted ulrica had landed in icniflaud trooper llutcheon haa be on a prisoner ucnnany alnco juno 1310 when ho i captured in be bloody fight at irtuary wood ti- william douglas who was in railway construction corpu in nee arrived homo last thursday douglas hud stnjio exciting ex pctlcuccu ut tho fronl ho was twice uunded in ontraeemcnts in iuu of hlch a bullet passed through tho riyhl shoulder hilly looks well as iic ii j cvr but la exceedingly e ltil to ho homo afcalu tho dally pajient on monday un- nouucid tho death of capl luv t a arthurs from pneumonia at havre 1 raticu cuit arthurs was a son of mr 1 humus arthurs who removed to mnulmba noveral years uun ho waa a i rail unto of itonx colleie and wont lo t tiinu uu u missionary about two yoiirn uijo ho want to franco with u t lil in so iibor corjs mr a grant of ht mary a tisilulx aetuu htiy lu writing tha ltujij- nrt ilurlnn tho week uld woliu ur uoldler non homo uiilu ho iuu jid u hard tlinn nlneu tho j4th march tun ho irnii hla rllht unn in in tl 1 v i i atrui k with nhmpne neat tin h iui u r and tho arm wan mnputute 1 t ih dtiotjldoi joint itut wo uru glad to tiavii him homo ugalp tarbeus teachers guide international sunday school lessons for 1919 oy martha tatbcll ph d mobt iopiiiail intmtv 1n and hllii ul communttfn tlves cxpluiiutlonu commentrt or ictttallsnvn tlyj lennon outline tho hlstoclral backcround icnoon t ipicai and llluutratloiia for all era lea of- scholars has nnpu and dlagmma i f special intvrciil pries j1j5 wm drigg9 toronto peace with honor of wai electric light ills tl lfic u uml pnw i bills bo tn fin puld ut tho lcrk nay lio laid ut any in ii ht oelu a i i m hour f k m lir to obtain tho 10 u ha iiu inmit ho paid uu ur be fm o the hadit of feeling rich i pie hli tho faculty rich til nitytricy uce and ji mutu nuchifui out if ii than tho ui tual owjjciu utirul liumca arc delight tttouth i proplo occupy them tloautlful it nn ilvu plcajiura though otbiru the tiloanotpa an old huly wu lllmtsilcj ty u friend u hei nf fmi futiitj xuu must havo t uml ntiwn auld the film 1 y ytu usni tho old lu l iho full of kii ihl ulik oplo gl opio icttlll ri h of hei ell it inly frul real kind kimw that ouch nlin haj pi nine hut f tiout i w nlthy fir tho j nod ford w lid i i t iclt i i ultivuto thn hnlilt of feclhie i l h it in j uu i an easy to aeiiulto art th hit it of f illig poor and it in vuntl mum tomfortable une of tho hcd crois jiullotin 1 o lmotit a pile ir e ruled of tho canadian ti to prcis when in tull or rumors of pcaco eertalnly before these words in print tho great war will be luiil dtace dictated by tho al ilea will bo cs ui hi luhcd icace with vlctorj like tho ounnhlno spring upon ui irnbouml world peace will unseal th currentji of normal life troioii by the chilly breath of war there will bo a lcncrul impulse to turn from wjir duties and uctlvlllcs to busy ouraelven uiinn inure in the almost forgotten tunka and joys of peace 1iuco wfll tluinjr god eud our casualty huts but it will not euro a jiflitjo wounded man u will not even clone our honor rolls lor years to como the men who have fought and uuffored lot 1 of health and limb will need the patient skill or the mdlcal ucrvhe and tho unwear mi try of the red c oas minio may uuii bo call cd on to pay tho uuprcmo sacrifice for their country other societies and o- lunlxatlann may feel and feel rlftbtly r- that pea ro hau relieved them of tliclr rcapnunibllltlea towurds tho nick and tho disabled but so much the more la thd hod croaj in honor bound to carr on itu work us uu auxiliary of tho army mdleal jirvlce und as n apent for relic lii j huttcriin caused by war ivo one can viuw thu procejtalona of threfujreei return inf lo their ravaged homca without rcallxlug ttiut mucli still cmalua tu te done und that tho red roiei may uno the potent ojiell of ita ui m and num to atisirt the splendid work of tho vurlouu allied rollejtj hocletlen germanys indemnity tu ivruce and hclgiutn and serbia how ever treat it may 1 cannot clothe und fved their reiialrlated refugees for m llhoi gcnifiny nor france nor creut hrltalurltavo the nfccauary fooe- tuffs nr then essage dealing withjplothes and christmas giving 1 heres a double messapo dealing with mens womens and childrens wearables tor one thin and with prac tical qinstmas fiivinu for another acton bakery m edwards co canada kood board laccnae no c013 mill otneet acton to facilitate the handling of tho products of our bakery and to make it more conveni ent for our customers we have secured the shop next to wiles confectionery where supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns in the first place talking o clothes wc would like to have you call next time you are in tho city and wc would like to remind you too that it will pay you to mako that trip to do isuiri im portant shopping jj anctscones may always be secured mi mutt rial lot ica co crown 0 ur ilod oro ilaco with hono r a m i canada warsavings stamps tho canadian gotcroment offers- interest- bearing warsavings stamps issue of 1919 payable jan 1 1924 order incouncil pc no 2462 outlionica the tasuc of warsavings stamps for the pur pose of a m the financing of govexnrncnt eltxaadjtures as sir thomas white minister of finance poinu out w s 3 will provide on excellent investment for small aavuio s stranc inccabyc ta evcryday economy 500 for 400 until january 31st 1919 warsavings stamps will be sold by all moocy order post ofltrca banlra and other autlianxetl agcnfica for 4 00 each and on january 1st 1914 can in la will pay 500 each f oc them registration against loss a certificate is provides for the purduuer of n w 3 s on the cert t pica te arc spaces to which lo w -s- s- dmv be sjuxetl a certificate bcartoq one or roorcw s s may be regtstcred at any moneyorder post office fuhy protecting the owner acju loss by fire burglary or other cause the certificate also abowi the cash surrender volus ofws2 at various dates before maturity macdonalds clothes arc the most economical and iatisfactory buy you can make assortments arc broad styles are absolutely uptodate prices in a wide range fa cases where wo ask you to pay a little more than you pay for ordinary clothes the difference in price is nothing compared with the difference in quality fc 1 as for christmas gifts useful pre sents are the strict order of the day practical guts abound hejti this is santa onus headquarters for these parts- make your christmas shopping tour early s e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and lakgest stoke wyndham maedonnd and corden streets gaelpt onl zz lqu nmsevu tuu ucn is dlbplayeu every housewife knovftst dreads tha oldtime wash day with ita worry ita day long rubbing its exposure to heat and steam and cold its all right when you use comfort soap it cleanses the clothes honestly heartily and jjarmlesalyit saves time aijd rub bing try it and have a brighter cleaner easier washday eugsley dingman co limited toronto a comfort soap flour and f ectric eeo ml david h lindsay proprietor is prepared to do chopping of all kinds of grain promptly and satisfactorily oats barley mixed grain bran and cream of the west flour now in stock ouders promptly tjellvered- a supply of chicken feed now in stock mux street y lindsay acton ont is wc arc now in the wholesale business again it costs money to deliver moat in sniaif lots the customer has to pay the shot wo have now on hand a choice lot of fresh beef pork and lamb at very reasonable prices ouit specials injueat ixr ituday an1 saturday lcj- of lamb t loins of larab 1 ront quarters or tjib shoulders of irfcsh pork loins of 1 rcsh pork i luult rrcsh pork bpiukcd rolls b lb tins of head qiccjc 30c 30c 25c 30c 35c 35c 35c s100 1 ton of uavies pure lard a bargain this week fressi fish c huvc ulso a great bargain iu fish this week 200 tbs i rch codtish per lb halibut per lb whitc i tji per lb herrings per lb rinuun haddie per lb 12c 30c 22c i5c jzoc iluy recn ground uone to mako oor hcrci lay 8 pouiuls choice flutter and new laid uga always on hand n patterson main street acton ontario ajaiwsas

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