Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1918, p. 2

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r births s marriages and deaths are now charged or at ths following rati iltrths 36c- marriages 60a deaths too momoru cards coc 10a tier lino nxtni fox poems died paoit in canboro onl on monday dficomdrr 16 1918 jnmca noble i cm in his 64th year hamilton in quell h on fjunday decemlifr it 18 ib john il kami i tor ex mayor aged 63 yearn mcioaac at his residence main hlrent acton oh thursday decern brr 6 1018 john mclaaoc in hla 81st year editorial notes premier hearst has given thd strong cat evidence that the provincial gov eminent in determined to atand behind tho ontario temperance act without qualification for at least a year after peace ji declared in answer to tho appeal of various organisations oak ins for icaa stringent legislation and a higher percentage of alcohol in beer tho premier emphatically stated on monday that no change would be mada in this direction canada may wall bo proud of her soldiers general clirrie soya that the canadian army in tho laat two year of strenuous fighting haa never loat a pn haa never failed to take an ob jcctivo and haa norer been driven from hn inch of ground once consoli dated tho world admires our fight ing men whoae aklll and proweaa have been developed during- tho war but whoae courage and indomitable ng grcsslvonss have been brtd into them for generations in thla vigorous cllm ate a brief session 01 council claaring up th a iihnrt mm rounrll wnri cham bo r nls final account for rror1 yesr nr f tli miliiihial ill in tho council slny vonlns to hit vrtiro all ureionl nvbno accounth cannhitn oontrul i lortrlo co ouipllct j121 20 n 1 m or urtao an rein 1 b0 1120 09 oj nl ral account kelly jlrofl wi o 1 for twon hall 2 0t it m mr ronald i rttnjuin on treasurers bond 32 00 jno 1awiwm unllirf division court allowanco 13 00 grant to i 1m ilriirado v 110 00 1108 09 the count it haa received no oinclal ntatcment f n in the ontario hallway hoard respecting the rpi oontl annex ing of certain proi crtlos to acton tho fooling la strong throughout canada and la growing atronjrer as the man in khaki return from their actlvl tlea at the varloua battle fro nta that the soldltfm muat be generously treated by tho government upon their return homo njid be given special attention and favorable advantage aa they re enter civil life national igrautude or any degree of carelesanesa respect ing these brave men must not be toler ated thcro must be no between- times no painful state of transition for the men who have been flgbjing their countrys battle they have 0 beanooin nart cstahllnhmmt in war time and must be kept on a na tional establishment untu they are well started la wngoearnlnr employment again soldiers pensions most be generous especially for all men who aro lncaplcltatcd- prohlbltlon is still a question of great importance to the people of can ada as well aa to those of the united states and great britain one of the very uvcst innes before the temper ance forces m canada today is the permanency of the dominion regula tions that temporarily prohibit the manufacture importation and inter- provincial trade in intoxicating liquors unless the orders in council giving effect to those regulations are put into permanent legislative form the opera- 1 cjrwfll become tht people of ca wore to day we believe thoy woi wholmlng voice say that they want tho total nation wide suppression of the liquor trade if is confidently expect d the government wlb pass thla do- slrable leglalauon at next session the school examinations in july the school term will be cxtandad until the lsst of june to enable the public and hlsh schools to mako up tho loan of umo occasioned by tho epidemic hon dr cody minister of education has do elded that it will not bo noceasary to hold any of tho departmental cxamln atlona in juno next no that the aocond term of tho school year will bo longer than it haa been for several yearn the minister aald ho i ollcved that with tills provision and with tho terms of tho regulations for the conduct of these examinations the ill effects upon tho echool work of tho interruption which occurred may bo reasonably well overcome in view of tho unavldablo intcrrtlp tlona to school work which have taken place tho holding of tho mid nummer examinations will bo dofcrred to the following da tcai junior utah school rntranco july 2nd junior public hchool graduation june 20 lower school july 2 middle school july ii pass matriculation july 2 upper school and honor matricuuv- uon juno 30 n viluini nturriu ii opcyoide preparations for ci rlntmi nnil now motoring la much lens tl rourh hrrn now a fow v drlvern ntlll om soon wodd in being teamed out tnw those rortunato jnonsh to imvo a nup ply are obtaining floo i rlcon tho toronto i renliytrry nl itn inoct ing lnnt wtik nuntalnetl tho call frt m uoaton church iaueslng to itev w t conn of markdul i ho will rncnlvo a etjpond of 200 and a manoa frro of rent neighborhood news town and country ttams of lnurinfum varloua locali ties covarad by the fra praaa 08prin0e mr andre iv murray ohipped clbht pigs last week that weighed 2 450 lbs tbey brought htm a bunch of money mlsa nisla mccutcheon who has been 111 in rergua honpltal far several weeks boa improved sufficiently to bo able to return homo naooaqawtlya 2fuidl it is moat commendlblo that so many of canada a soldier soita manifest m deaire immediately upon their return home for the attainment of higher educative quallflcauona since the signing of the armlsueo five weexa ago it was announced yesterday by tho toronto university ueglatrar no less than 110 students have registered at the different facoltles open to thera sixty have registered at the faculty of arts eclciicca and lnglnecflng d0 have nlgn d up seven just returned from over seas entered this week men are con stantly coming in and it la likely that registration will be kept open for some time special preparations are being mado for tho late arrivals and it is probable that they will recelvo extra tuition next spring a summer session may bo hold for them thla year what la true of th provincial university is also true of the secondary vocational and technical schoola this movement is highly creditable to our soldiers military news a lottor from pte herbert httcbis received on tuesday says that sapper victor colcmah and pte cameron lelshman had just been transferred to prance 1 e h cleaver barrister of hurling ton haa hoard from his son pte hujhcacicftycr tank- ltial ion iteevr ofhurltngton who said ho was about to sail fur canada itev mr moyer received a letter from the hospital in england where his uon la receiving treatment on monday saying that he is making satisfactory progress toward recovery capl a o t deardmore w in town on tuesday he and mra ucant- moro will attend the heard mo ro christ mas tree this afternoon and evening in a couple uf weeks they will resumo their residence here ptc oeorgo lants has juet received from hla chum in france fte george ullck an interesting souvenir tn the ahape of a uelgian one frano note issued at mono on november 10 1911 pte lloyd cooper who recently re cervetrnul olsctnsrge was inrtown on the teacher and pup la of no 0 school are having a concert this thursday evening a good program has been prepared by the pupils the annual school mooting will be held on thursday 2flth insc this year the funeral of tho late char i en borthwlck took place on saturday afternoon from his late residence to ebenexer cemetery a largo concourao of friends and relatives attended itov j t strachan conducted tho service assisted by itev goo i stephenson the pall bearers were messrs john locker john taylor jos little jas lind john wright and anthony a1u son milton imnh winter pair pb telfcr w stallion foalod in 1916 waverly king ir clarence w field elder eon of the late james tleld of m lit tin died at his home in edmonton on sunday bth inst aged 2 yeoru messrs c d galloway and stanley buck went to winnipeg a woek ago last friday and returned a few dayo ago with about sixty head of cattle with tho arrival of winter and slip pery icy walks tho queauon of a rail ing nt tho uo oftl attopa agitlu come to tho fore it shouldnt be left unui aomeuno ialla and its n broken limb or worse older pooplo eajoclally would apprcc ate it hofoimcr geonoctown knox church sabbatli fochook has takenjqvo r well f6iolfrphye2n und tench era and oftlccru mr and mrs richard dick ore leov lng this week for cleveland ohio where they inlcrid spending tho winter months with tholr son char lea at tho meet i ni of cltuans it wan do cldud to oroct a aultablo memorial to the boys of georgetown olcnwllllatiis norval and lsiuealng who havo rallon in hftttlc the arreat of harry hill and mrs waito waa effoctod at brampton they were brought to georgetown and after a hearing were committed by magls trates heartwell and near to milton jail to stand tholr trial for bigamy herald enin ilev it s bcott who has boon u for tho puat two woeks lu still confined to his bed j w hurt fit bona took eocond oruo on a two eur old heifer at tho guulpb winter lalr mr and mrs j stead left on wed nesday or toronto wlicro thoy will remain for tho winter f ororjtc illbrrton vl n haa spent the past fow months in tho went re turned homo taut weult mr and mm j e lultth left on saturday laat for kerresdato ii c whero they wll upend the winter with their dauchtei and uon in law the electors of tho township will volo uikon a by lay at thu municipal tlons srunthig u franchuid to thu cataract llcctrlo c i xs furnlnh cloc curront to thu t cui lo of hillaburi an 1 to furmuni mi route to w matthum rtturnu 1 liunu from ottrmiau on ihumduy ovcnlm last and looka as if intlllury j iff tia 1 agreed with him advocate oakville cncwoonq conncno tho mild weather lait week spoiled the slrlghlne which was very good for a few days mr james gamble lout a valuablo work horse on saturday nlitrlt appar ently from heart disease one of our most popular youns men mr orrlo lamb was quietly married last thursday to minn mar n ret hon demon daughter of hit itolert hen demon isqucalng the ceremony was performed at tho parsonage erin by llev m jewltt mr and rn lamb will reside on tho lamb homestead his parents retiring to live in actou orrle has lived here all hla lire and is a general favorite with every one and his chorminit brldo will receive a wurm wplcomo from bin nianj friends hero mrs johnston who haa opent tho summer with her son mr w john aton on tho nellea farm r turnod to her home in toronto thla w k a number of tho frlonda nnd neleh bora of mr and mrs w lamb met a their homo on monday evening prior to their departure to their now home in acton and prcwontcd them with a handsarro mantle clock nllvor butter dlh and pair of candle sticks mr john dennett was chooon chuirmww and he called on ilev w e r jamy to read the following address mr and iru w lnmb dear friends a fow of your many friends havo gathered hero this ovonlng to spend a social hour with you ere you depart to your new home in acton knowing you as wo do and knowlns us as you do it is unnecessary to assure you that wo very deeply regret your departure fnom us while wo ro jolco with you in your now daughter and are delighted that they are to occupy tho old homo wo shall mlsa you from the church on sunday and your place in tho life of our community will be very hard to fill lew things are harder to- gahn and keep than an unsulllod namot anil this you both have had all your life while you are in acton wo are sure you will koop fresh in your minds tho memory of the many pleasant associations wo have enjoyed wo shall hold you in tho kindest remembrance and are glad you aro to bo so near us as a small token of our regard wo beg of you to accept this clock and butter dish hop ing they wll ever remind you of our friendship signed on behalf of the people of crcwpons corneni ilov w li h james messrs e j icimpitniry colin c kttohlng a 12 pjehardaon j il bennett mrs kitching and mr c kitcmnff made tho prcsentauon mr laiftb although surprised mada a very suft ablo reply thanking all for the beauu ful presents and tho kind words spokon of hlmsttlf and mrs lamb speeches wero then made by the chairman itev mr james l j kingsbury c c kit chlng and orrio lamb games i music were then indulged in violin selections wore given by messrs c kitchinir j moore and w lamb oc com pan led by mlns mamie near also gramophone ooloctloos lunch was provided by the ladles andean fvnjnx able time spent by all present wonderland friday dcccmpcr 20 the law of the land with mmo i etrova fratunoay occcmdcn 21 tho call of the iost with flennu t llayaknvra ilia jap tuesday dcccmdcfl 24 iilii mothr- lit y a plcturl cation of ilupert huslica atory hen i ko in marks 1 down chniqtmafj day matinee it 3p m evanlno at 7 matcrllncltn tho uluo jjlrd a special artcroft picture coming marruorlle clark in thfladoven swans r l gregory postponed the onlo of 200 shoots tlm property of d iycitch will be held at lot 14 con 5 lrin on monday december 23 roy hindley auctioneer ft r no 3 acton turnips wanted parries mullin are again purchasing tur nips for shipment nt acton rockwood and other points we aro paying highest prices for choice stock parries mullin acton ontario xmscandies rxn spite of the ahortage of 2condtea wo still havo several hundred pounds in largo variety for christmas chocolates in bulk at 40c 60c 60o and 70o tb in paokaaea 30o to a0 chriqtmad mixture 30o and 40o tb wo will also have ice cream bricks for christmas and now years canada food dosed llosnsa no 813s96 harold wiles mill 8treet acton tordnto poultry buyer if you have any powl qccae ducks or farm produce any skins or hides or any junk jpj sell call up alex qilbodrd box 2o1 acton onc i will bo sure to give you best satisfaction let rao know your address and telephono number and rwlll call at your place and pay cash alex gilboord credit auction sale farm stock implements etc tho iirjflctjuxned lias been instructed byi s w c cunningham to sell by public auction at iuver viow farm lot 21 8th hue georgetown on fripay decem0er 20 at 1 30 o clock sharp tho following houses heavy draught bay mare 7 yrs supposed to bo tn foal heavy draught boy horse fi yra old heavy draught bay horse 10 yrs old blocky bay horse 4 yrs oil general purpose hay horse s yrs old standard bred bay mare 7 yra ojd by senator mit chcll a good one not afraid of autos standird bred bay horse rising 4 yrs by senator mitchell jr catttj3 durham grada cow calf at foot durham grade cow calf at foot durham grado cow calved tn october dark jersey cow calf at foot durham grade cow due robruary 1 durham grado cow due in february durham and ayrohlro cow duo in pebruary durham and ayrshire hel fer culvod in june fawn jersey cow duo in march fawn jersey cow sup iioscd to be in calf 2 dirk jersey hel fcrs 2 yra supponcd to bo in calf fawn jersey hotter 1 yr 2 lioan dur ham helfcro rising j yrs 2 hod dur hum hulftrs rlnlng 3 yru 4 itod dur llairt hclfcrs rlsinc 3 yrs 4 lllack helfcro rising 2 yrs 2 spotted hei fers rising 2 yrs drlndle heifer rls ing 3 yra ayruhlro grade heifer rising 3 yrs durham and jersey heifer ria ing 2 yrs itoan steer rising 2 yrs- jlcd grade durtiain hull 14 months iloan irrndo durham bull 14 months pawn jcraoy bull caf clijrlhle to regi ster shi lp 1 grade oxford down breedlig ewua 13 en tie oxford down cwo lambs 1c grado leicester breed ing ewes 22 grado leicester owe lomhn puro4jrcd oxfcrt down ram impllmi nts seed drill irost a wood mowlt c ft cut deerirg mower 0 ft cut good covered uuggy 3 mu single harness horse collars forks ind a few ither artltlrs not mohtloncd tlum8 ten dollars and under cash cvar that amount 10 months credit on approved olnt notes 0 per cent per annum off for cash bfn rpxou auctioneer tuesday lieut oordon cameron only so arthur i cameron of viotorlab c formerly of acton a member of tho iloyal air force arrived homo re ro crflm france after spending four months in french andjfingllsh niuilay hospitals through an accident with his aeroplane he waa seriously injured 4n the head but haa recovered except for tho nervous chock from which he still surfers copt percy edire brother in law of lteuvcol lo pan was one of the rifflccrs who n turned- to toronto via portland on saturday capt 10dgewrw is a graduate of the university of toronto and of oogoodo hull went overseas with a draft of ortlctirs in 1b10 anij servotl in rrnneo for twenty- two months ho was wounded in tho hip in hl lember while serving with the icth llattallon cupt ktlge states that vtry few of the original ith omoem are loft he la the only son of tjio late ilov joseph id revere i pastor in acton ovf twenty yeara ago jno h vouj e son of w h young dlej iithurfcddyat interment will bo mada tn oakvlllu friday tho re o rem ilte l oulivlllo ban l been un lor the direction for novtrul nlbtits of xtandmuttter hlutr f tin colcbralcujuliihul i rji n i f toronto the school room uf tho mi tho hut church was well flllod on monday evening for tho talk lvou by cut t stafford i usk gruiida n of dr i unit who hud teoently roturncil from lranco wlurt ho was uu omoer wltli um iloyal maval air 1 orcr u u i had tho real ukperleucn of u uadetlu air nthts mid in ono instuiuo an tui bullet puuuurud u ttltrco through whli h hn whm 1 okli e iiiiimi lug his houd by oily n fow iulikii m a tho wrftlainaon farm at acton cues to a man frt in tl e north mr john wlltiainoou lias sold hlu 100 aero farm west ofaotnn i charles ol lhain of ultoril muskoka ualn was ma lo by the wluougiiby lurm agency christmas goodfhings at m edwards co christmas cakes wedding cakes all hixlu an t decoration cookies doughnuts fried cakes gingrit cakes bran gems jujns and kolls mince pies r- apple pies raisin pies fruit pies ordcru carefully nnd promptly fiued m edwards co canada foo iloartl license no fi qui acton ontario y bo your shopping at the store where your money goes farthest wo can help you in the election of your chris tmim purchases the chrfcjunna kush is on it will pay you to mako your sclccuons early just a few of tho many useful holiday gifts what nicer gift for a lady than a dress length of handsome suk imperial duch ess in black only 30 inches special at 5275 yard fancy stripe silks done up in 2 yard lengths for waists special at 100 per end a grand collection of ladles neck wear in ninon silk crepe voilo and orgnndiesj the styles are beautiful and moke a most acceptable gift 25c to l75 handkerchlefa for gifts for men women and children there 13 nothing more acceptable especially for friends at a distance handkerchiefs one in ft box two tn a box and three m a boy very attractive at 25c 30c 40c 50c 60c and 1 00 mens linen handkerchiefs at 45c and 50c ladies hemstitched linen hand kerchiefs at 25c ladies fancy handkcr chiefs at 10c ige 20ct25c 30c 35c and 50c childrens fancy handkerchiefs at 5c 7c and 10c call and look these h nd kerchiefs over camisoles and boudoir caps these dainty creations mako suitable gifts for women young and old they are made from combinations of silk crepe muslin not and lace special at goc 75c and 100 girls woo sets scarfs and caps to match it 150 20 275 and 3j0l v girls wool knit mitts all colors at 25c 50c and 65c a list of very useful christmas gifts hand bags at 75c l00 and l50 purses at 100 l50 and 150 string beads at 25c and 50c fancy hat pins 2 for 25c fancy brooches at 25c 50c 75c and l50 mens ties at 50c 75c and l00 mens gloves lined and unlined at 2m and 20 mens garters and mens suspenders arm bands men s hose at 50c 75c and sl00 you will find a great display of merchandise at this store drop in and look them over it will help you mako your christmas purchase mclean mills mill stbeet we sell for cabh we bell for leso acton david h lindsay proprietor 13 prepared to do chopping of all lcind3 of grain prompt and satisfactorily actora jslectric jflotii oats barley mixed grain bran and cream of the west flour now in stock orders promptly delivered a supply of chicken feed now in stock david ho lindsay mill stbeet acton ont clearinq auction sale in lhqueainq m stock implements hay qraln and fowl hu undcrulsnod has b6on instruct william moencrty 1 1 y yubllo a on l 3 co friday january 3 ut ouo o lock shurn tho following holtylh 1 11a y marc 15 yours oil hay colt 3 ynini old oo 1 in all huriilan 1 llrown coll rising s yearn hay colt rising 3 ytaru catttlr 1 cow duo in january 1 uroy cow calf at foot 1 itoan cow duo april t5 1 lied heifer due ai rll t 1 uotl llolfur milking well 1 lllacli iulftr inllkh i well 1 ltod uow dun in marcli irlliitf hoi mi j tfear hi it htort i calvct jiu 1 1 anh 1 las 7 lelclutrr 1 weo i llrood bow due to farrow march i 1 owl 10 whlto leghorn hojis 3 1 lymouth hoc it lions cocao uu 1 1 quantity jr thy liny 00 bush oatu nt fir id o a c no 72 200 t ufih minftl oruln 60 bush hurloy sip ouan mattsom nlboutinntity o turnips imi li ml nth aji hahnkhh i mjt lviublo htrnetiu 1 sut piuw liar nttis 1 nut ubht drlvli llarncsn 1 tft suiqio uiirmos 1 lrt t wood mi vwor jilarly now 1 htoti hulky 4thv ingofni reperi 1 ieter-hsmm- ton cultlvattr 1 hruitfird ue 1 urlh 1 i lain wuguu 1 loniotrut l tm lulu llohtiluliha 1 wukoii hox humy 1 cuttir 1 hayrack l hcuf hor 1 wot to ton hurrdws l l loury 1 low no jl 1 maaiicy jlurrla uepar it r rood as now 1 lanntnr mill 1 whrcltkirrmv i maxwell 1 uluur all lutw kulvuh cioumww i jrlnd- t ho l ssliib chain num f clrilu hiin orki si ovola bix i 1 act w lull hcaloo zoo ihs 1 f love ikhmtt j1j aul under cash iy that amount 11 months credit will ba irtvm on furntnhlns spiirvvvd john b i ci cent iiur unnum off for hay uraln hoots and liwl iirv as proprietor is lvln th farm graham r j ksrr auotlonmr clerk i hens 30 actun farmers account book this book 13 aa complete aa wo can make it there 13 a place 10 it for everything you plant raise buy bcji have on hand with a summary of tho years business it puts your farm on a business basis it is free to farmers call or write for a copy th mcrchants bank head offico montroat of acton branch georgetown branch canada established 1004 u b shorey manabcr c w grandy hunager cleaning pressing jlepalrlng your clothes thoroughly cleaned tn sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can mako that old suit look liko nev try us geo wallace guelph ontario actoncreamery bring- your cream to i wd1 give you the high est market price for batter fat acton creamery willow street acton new advertisements the methodist church nxv i m moycr ptoi psrmonsos willow si nunday dccehocn 22 ii a m a i hrlitnlui m m 7pm a ciirl tinaa tx t i 1 with niicrtil mualc by tin h ir 2 30 y in hunday iihmji nrynrammn for christmas hun u you ara cordially invitad co for rent mrs mrkllnii hauae- comer f main utrcet an1 1 alnrlcw avhiup tcnm reasonable apply to mailclallirr mcihaac r tf main treet a coal heater for oalc coal i cc ler in r rendition aloo a numlir of pieces of furniture call at tho jiomo of itmit oiiihonb 2 tf krcdcrick stir t arton horoe for galc iiur year ol 1 clydo cjfldlnr fr nnlo at a bargain clean limbed and quiet ovcry way 1 chlhtrit ilanh main ttret actor orick otort foll gale or to rent tho brick rt ro and residence n main atroct opposlto tho 1 yder t mowat olovo co is for nalo or to rent ror particulars apply to oloitol aonlw j tf mill atrct acton house and lot for galc tho comfortable frame house an 1 two lots on artnur strwt ilvo rooms rood well tlno carden soft water in house lor terms and particulars op ply on tho premises to 234 robert jaino a christmas suggestion a box of neatly printed calllnc cards is alwaya acceptable orden for either ladles or gentleman n cards promptly printed in ingraytra or wed ding text or ncrlpl at small coot tl o kara ittesa la ready to servo you in making boroo friend happy in thla practical way fitub prisa ounce acton notice to creditors in ihs maltsr of ths sstato jamas mc dougall of ths villaos of acton in ths county of mslton carpontsr dscaaasd notlco la hereby given pursuant to tho statute la that behalf that all creditors if npy there bo and other persons having claims atmlnst tho cfl tats of james mcdoogall lata of the vlllago ot acton in tho county of hal ton carpenter who died on or about tho eighth day or august 131s aro required to send by post prepaid or deliver to tho undcrmgned tho admin istratrlx of the said estate on or be fore the twenty fourth day of doerrobci 1918 their names addresses and full particulars or their claims duly verl fled and thi nature of their securities if any held by thorn and after tho said twent fourth day of december 191b the said administratrix will pro coed to distribute tl e nnscta uf tho sold deccoael among the persona entitled thereto having regard only to tho claims of which sho rhalt then havo had notice and sho will not be liable for any part of the said estate to jmy person of whose claim sho shall not then have had no tiro mrs malgaret mcdougalx admin la trat rir dated this 3rd day of december 131s 3 s nil no r interesting items in special xmas values just akkivelfta big shipment- of umbrellas fok our christmas tbade thrare aro ladles ullk and wool covered umbrellas with fancy liaa ilea and the now cordelier loop from 3jdq to pjo s men s ullk mid wool covered umbrellas with case for 325 an extra dkc1ui lino of ladles and menu umbrellau ultli hllk uu 1 wihi covers but sllstitly 1m lcrrccl away below robulutrice tor lt skating sets are ideal for ciiristmas gifts wo have a oi loudld dlsilay of hasting beta at 1 rlcei to suit cvcryoi l r knlttc 1 in soil 1 colors as well as many pretty oolor combhmtloiiu i with lonu ocarfii 1 rices 2x0 and up strviettes a muat uunptubla lirlutuuui uift would bo a act f tl ruu uulntily jru f very flit muuli at joq ier doson of all wool either brushed iwo sty lea tams or toques nbroldered uervlottea they the xmas display at 10c wo have u lino tolltttlon i f 1 in trays lion lion dishes hut 1 in holders etc at 25c the luhlo at hla i un timull i lattui cups un 1 tiuu iin ii iir ltecolvors uiluur and cruum tiutu 29c to l00 n am bomo very choice i of c bins in larscr and bet lo ilu tlxau other collection sale olf new neckwear 1 1 otti him to i lain and ollai and tuft at tn 111 cowl tuxrxlu ur 1 i1i1u utylta of ualln lhirtt trunjy und 1 1 ui 1 liu scuson t ciiurmlt jr ntylu fur 70 to 25c habutai ijlouses charmlnu while lubutal lilouscs with the now roun 1 nock m0 and jd0 stlbtscaius uiluu luiudaonio tllllc ucarfs cumo in plain un 1 otrlto rfoctn and can be had lu bluck as will an neaily jery color 1 rices 2jx lo sjxl crete te chine blouses in inalco 1 ink while flcali peach and imvy 1 uilus f r 40 sale of millinery silk velvet shapes at 200 now hllk velvet hhai ea mostly buck bu some colors regular up to 7 00 fur 2jx3 trimmed hats at halt price ihttu tut 1 it tf our hole trimmed hats 1 i liua running from j to jit for half pries moore armstirong notice to creditors in the mattsr oftko estats of john robert llvlnqssane tats of tho vt is of acton in ths county of hal ton merchant deceased notice is hereby ctven pursuant to section 6mot the trustees act ic h o 1314 chapter 11 that all creditors or others having claims or demands againat the estate of tho said john robert livingstone who died on or about tho 29 day of october 131h at the said village of acton are required on or before the cth day or january to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor herein for qraoo livingstone the administratrix of tho estate of the said john roktrt livingstone deceased their chrlatlin names and surnames addretuca and descriptions the full particulars in writing ol their claims a statement of their accounts and the mvti ro of the security if any held by them and take notlco that aftir such list mentioned daf tho said administratrix will proceed to distribute tho asictu of the aald leceaaed among tho parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which sho shall the i have rotlce and that the eaid admlnls tratrix will not be liable for tho aald assets or any part thereof to any inr sons of whoso claims notice shall urt have been received by her at the thro of such distribution anuvron waiajjnroac dalu george town ontario sollcitora for the said adminitratrix dated at georcetown tills 2nd uiy of december lia j notice to creditors in the subrogate court of the county of halton in the estate of archibald john macklnnon deceased notice la hereby clven tlut th i creditors of archibald john murkln lion late of tho village or arto u lu the county of hal ton itarrl i r at law deceased who tlictl on or about tho sevcnlceuth day of november a l 1818 at tho said village of aclim ui i alt otherpersons havinr eialmrr arotniit itia ettato ore required un or b fotx lbs 17th day of january aj 1919 10 send by post prepaid or othcrwui d liver to harold nanh raxmer it t town of oakvlllc in tho sola c unty of- italton rarruter at law tho uoll cltor for allan jamca mackinliun or j tho township of hay in lb county of huron physician tho aiunlnl trit r ot tho estate of ths aald deotasel tlttir christian and surnames ad imcilm u 1 deacrlptlona rull i irticuura or tin lr claims duly verified by otatutory do duration and tho nature of tho sttun ties ir any held by them and notlco la her by further k n that after one month from tho lat i seventeenth day or january a j 191 tho sau admlnlotiat r will i u ccetlto distribute hie ouulii t i said estate urconllnk to law in i amonu uio imrtlea entitled thin tt and that ths naid udmlulstt itor wiu ov h re ntlbr nt xeh r iwrlod nxetl ror nuui dlulril any claim br which ho shall pot tl i iiave reeelveu notice aa af rvuul i dated this nth lay or doc niu r a d 1918 alla jamis mtu kinnttv m l admlnlatiaiu harold n karmlit io itog47i oakvllle on i vyndham street gueuh ontario winteir term begins january 6 prepare now tor rcconatruc tion days our homo nod ex porl trade will demand the r vicei of brikln youiij ptoplc get tho new catalogue lodu shaws bubinc3 sthooli tor onto w h bhaw prca k 4tb

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