Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1918, p. 3

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santa glaus iieadquaflters you will imi mro than ploaood with our rroat nnnortmcot of christmas jnwellrry ullvorwaro fancy china ftoyn lxlla lltory hooka lilhles i tirlitiann anil nnw year cards chll ilrnris llilghn etc ho othrr ntoro oftcrs you such a nurlt ty geohynds ton oktanio ijp artnn jtro pua tuuioua i ixvcemimil 10 1018 brief local items clirlntmuntldn approach en ohrliitmun next voducoday turnip rhlpulnc j stlil uvolj i itiinlu tltn years shortest day rim christmas of peace la ap iluy your boy thrift blamun fur christmas tha roidn hao been lood for i torlne this week uolph winter ralr thin year in reported tho bent yet held the guelph novltato quesuon ban annln becotao a live issue war llavlncs thrift stomp ni a it n ino christmas sifts tho ijuoi pkxss will bo issued next wrck on christmas momirjc thlo lu renewal time ilaa your itiua prtcaa label bean advanced t war flavlncs blamps make nice christmas rtfta for old or yonnjr please oend in copy for advertis ing mutter not later than monday next the beautiful decemberrnoonllsht nigh to this week have been much en joyed there has been splendid okatlnffor ri th fairy las aid corporation paad this week messrs ecardmore co are huat- ling fnnr thn cmmtructlon of tho new okatinff rlplc have you renewed your firm pnxos subscription for another yeort hun dred of others have news of local import fine record tor nod crota workar among tin w rl in who iuip m nplcnilld m rvlro in tho 1 rrp irntli n of suppllcri for sold i cm n llui flrl 1 mil in thn hunt hull in mrs jnmru hon dornon marla iilcrt mother of artlnc hrevo hi udt nion i ho linn u dim ro cord luio imn knit ho pulni of porks 19 pairs of wrlnllotu inn do 101 honpltal nulla mid 17 pairs h l itocun f kennedy fie clectgd oupormtendont at tho annual mntlnt of tin mi tho dint liuiulny i li inr mr i mult k unifrintrnlrjl f principal kti wurt mid ijih jikiu1 annorlatii hupcrli fi ports witi vory slouary off rlnj social and personal i rank hnyrrn i yostc rday n tfrnln tho utinrurti ry 1 uru i truly hi a doliahtful trip throuuh tho flockie at tho millhif f thn fpworth idu io on monthly tuiiltu ml i itrtio umltli nvc u 1 luhtfii imvil talk dincrlptlvo uf her rtntit trip throush tlio lufilra nnd at tho rontiu mli1 minlth word picturing of the many vointn of lul- nt in lie nionntulnn lone tho rlvini tho r uicidci the ulacli rn ami numorouit other fcuturca waj c iptlvntlnr it la announced that torontos new union station will bf ready for occu pition by may 1 191d a number of the woodmen or georgetown paid their acton brethren a fraternal vlalt on tueadoy evcnlnx mcasra hobl mcphcrson hobt bcolt and j r llamahaw or the ro urine members of uio board of edu cntlon i would not like to bo without tho old homo paper x enclose s00 for my thrco oubacrlptlons mrs j b w quclph wo h build a house for santa claua of do ft december enow and here on christmas eve wo 11 hldo until lta limo to go it la bald the cattle thieves arrest od at georirctown a to to ontcdala worth about fl 000 and sold them fox about onefourth that sum chrlstmaa creetlns cards roeclv- oc they aro neat and attractive and will no doubt filvo plcaauro to the ro- clplenta d it london the womens institute has on in- tercallnc exhibit of clothing bcddlna etc prepared for french retuocs in mrn taylors ahop windows o bella of christ ma at ide bsln tho uwords arc sheathed tho ffuns are still fine when the midnight hour la in uio ancel s aonff above tho hlll t a klnff xjornby breeder of hlbcrian hares sold a doe to a cobalt man at tho guelph winter fair for 5500 00 and refused 1500 00 for a buck complying with the resulauons of the milton board of health rccardlna public ktttjierinffs the wardens dinner to which invitations had been sent out or tuesday woa withdrawn walter rcadbcjidof lowvlile was a uucccssful exhibitor of hereford cattle at the guelph winter fair lie donated a fat steer to the milton hod croso and daughters of tho empire i at auction it brought 13500 tljo december issue oftillod and gun from its drat page to its last is replete with articles of interest to tha uportsman and lover of the out of doors stories articles special de partments ore rood of their kind and tho roofioxlne is well uluatraled throuthout hod and gun is published by w j taylor limited woodatock onl marching into germany pts john wstsort lth s conunaont datslled foe ths rhina a letter rocoivod this week by mrs janet watson willow street from her mm pta john watson of the 48th imglilin jl e iin k intlrrtliiut inrormatlon it says bcbjium kcvember 17 118 itar mother i am on a journey which perhaps you w roud about in tho papers we rti now in llelstum and expect to murch through until wo reach tl ttlilno it is a mreat trip and will ftictm a trek of about 130 miles wo will it trn to fifteen miles a day i think wo are tho llrst division to joavo for canada when peace is pro claimed i never saw such tarao in my llfty cva had a biff ay yesterday at unna ho wcauier u bettlnbt a utue colder wo bc2 boid places to stop ot now i um wrltliur by a warm stovo in a llelalan homo and it is quite comrort- ablo wo aro ntw two bis coal mines tho coal is carried up to a height of ubout nvo hundred fet ihc iiroplo hero use us pretty b boltugrl ting mot j q time wo liao ureal fun lists ulns in tho jrem h unl llolfiuns irylna to ox nldn thlnm to eaui other 1 have eurmrt iullo a tivt wordi in both ian kutkiu ih comical for them and u to try to uiako ono unolwr undoiwtaii i tho iirnplo arc nmwwdwtth oor-hiuh- ltind ootttumo thoy touch us on tlio j rtd usk if we arc cold i ain uullo wall hope you all aro at liunip i will ie ud indeed to ct homo uk an wish you all a merry schtlstmas your lovliur son joun old h alton jbov now in tor onto buys paqsmonc faom on fourth line west of ch1nquacousy mr itnnrr hold dofldod to to i hi k m tho farm th passmoro farm l i i tvely oil liomrslwiit of ho atrrs will k v n4 jl tiato was madel by the wlllouahljr yftn ainoy i n j c will i actlvitu iast hunday hoy j c wilson ij a preached annivrniary ncrmonn at claude ltov p w hptnco m a pl1 of that charfe occupied tho pulpit or knox church here on turn- day itnv mr wllmin who has lcoi moderator of tho churrhrnnt iloclcwood and i3den mills ulnco tho death of ltov mr dodda presided at tho induction of tho new minister itnv oilbert c jjtuo ija- lato or paisley hydro clectric rsvenus j 1200 tho ravenuci for uio current and power from the axton hydro 1 itctrlc syatem fur tho month nflliii nuvcm ber 30 totalled nearly 1 100 tho ro eclpts for tho year will arrrocato about if 000 when tho hdro nyotcm wait installed acton had nllchtly over 100 metres to day thnra aro about 400 consumers of o lec trie current in to thcuo are bcinc added to oji rapidly an rxtro power cax bo secured falnco tho hydro ayslcm won inatallod hero tho rates itavo been reduced 30pcr cent tho price of lamps haa oloo been considerably lowered and a further reduction in prices of tungsten and itroffen lamps is- looked for early in tho now year tho hdro h stern has been a great benefit to acton and its citizens and became aval la bio at a time when largo expenditure for addi tions to tha old steam plant wcro lm- pcritlve viaitsd hia homo of forty years aqo mr prod ii itooa a prominent real eatato man of toronto ma do a brief visit to his boyhood homo hero on tuesday mr iuni lu tho eldest aon of the lato john itosa who wan prin cipal of acton public ftchool from tho tlrao of tho rcalcimtiun of tho lato robert llttlo to accept tho county inspectorship until thtj appointment of his successor tho lato thomas t moore in 1870 mr itoss wau un ap prentice on tho rutn piicui fur a tlroo over forty ycnrn ujo and related ln- tcrcatlnc incidents of thouo early days d urine hia call ho njocd a visit to the o school and endeavored to ooarch soma of tho land marks of lone ceo ho has two sona ovarnron ono of whom la an officer with tho imperial artillery a creat norrow camo to mr iloaa houneliold lost month when tho eldest daughter died of influenza ofur havlnir given her services for a month or so in nurslnff iufluenxa patients mr patterson sells meat duslnssa mr neil patterson who liaa con ducted a very successful meat business on main fitrcot for uio pout eighteen years has disposed of tho business to messrs mclnery kvunu mr pat terson haa conducted a flno trodo and had a tarco patronage ho huljt uio patterson block and hum up ono or the flnest meat shot n in tho country mr patterson has ucnirmccmij as n business man and will bcmluscd from hia usual placo at tho storo ho in tends stvliur hia attention to his farm 1ns and stock ralslnc lnterrutv for tho lieonu the jouni men who au eced him havcfa una opportunity for busi ness success mr mclnrry la a you nil former from tho itslllnafid dlitrlct who is favorably known to uie cum munity ho is a jrraniiaoo of uio lato william mcxjiery who was for years member of lwiurslnt township council mr evans la wellknown in the business in which ho lias bocomo a partner jfcr six years ho has been employed by mr patterson and his experlcnca in uio butchcrlnc business soes back of that a coupla of years tho many friends of uio now firm wish for thrm a career of aucceia the i 0 d e chanty concert the concert eivin in tho town itall last thursday evening under tho aua plcea of tho 1 o d l- and for cliaxl- tablo puriwoes was a dccldod success the attendance wojj good aid uio pro krajnmo presontod was of a moot cn- joyablo cliaractor tlirouchout mrs harold nlcklln and mlnu hcrtlo smith contributed soloa which were very meritorious and which won the plaud its of tho lareo audience tho inatru mental duets by mrs muunsoll and mrs nowcy were niuiji enjoyod tho pressiica of miss hymmen violinist of kitchener who had ul ready won a very warm placo in the hiarta of tho acton people ojilded iiiul1i to tho in terest of tho oveulnc htr lolln nuin bers wcro moat irtlutlu nnd all wcro skilfully inculcil a pluno number by this talcntod touiij lady viui also appreciated mlns 1 lult filfnurt ruvo a rrnhlhc vhlt ji q uumn n n i un- panlmont by illsr lauretta jray which was welt worth aiilau on tbo pro eramrse tho drama tho ladles masonic iolnt- was in mnuulnir lako on tho bnthieti or tho various secret societies it plruurd uio uu 11 e vry n uch tin nmuvrous nice lions by uie ucthixllit huiiday hchool oixhestru added u ftaluro which iways icct tahlo mla ray was tho icoomp i ilat uir mlm- 4uilth aid mrs nlcklln in menioriam john h hamli ton 1 or ovur thii ly yai i juim ii hamilton uiomiiikm i innmif itiiifr nualphluis ixon otiu f thu b u linowj hunliiiiut mun out of town whu v km1 ac tut i ho wui lojhitu inr j mil luj a lumo ituihiii i rtiui itl in of juuli iwi piuiitlutnt iltlii i itad 1mwu1um ux thtolty fttitw ymrs and wan fr ik yiut i un uhliniutn ills death took pluio at un early uo if op tiutiiay ho hud ik u hi for m mo tliao and his iai ilup uwuy was not mtrxpcctid iifbualiu i ho wn i tin senior lunibiruf tin inn of hamilton st tiona hah m in munuint uls jo wun a prominent 4hlilelluw anil wan also a ui ruber of uio m iuoiiii- 1 i ur njly in tho 1 alli of mrs hamilton fhrvo yurs bk tut i hlj l luut sou mt year mr hamilton was ittuly trlckoii ltu doiio and i ilauj ht r charles h and altxrt chu lo hamilton boui of tho firm of hamilton honi unl laura lrtriilu all at homo our vivo mi jumllto fti i a jn ifi t ui t of many uulluil ti illtlen lino who were la uitil with li fih iuhlii rsilemod tlih most hlr lily tim fun erul look plaue yisurday ufttrnoon mlaa jennlo whitley is homo froii mcdonald hall gunlph for the hrlnt man holidays mr c williams of ilault hte marie mailn friends in tho old homo a brief vlnlt this week miss turner of hud bury waa o i umt at tho homo or mr john it ken nedy last weak mm hartley harrison and miasbeui of ilocxaldr aro vlnlunfi at tho homo of mr d c hussell mr and mrn thomas hint ham are spondinn the winter wlui their dauch tcr nt mllwaukoo wis mr alex mcloaac attended tho fun eral of hia friend mooes lips to tier at new hamburg on prtday last mrn f a mclean and babe of watford aro vlsltlna- ot tho homo of her fauior mr william johnstone mr charles conway who spent a week or so at huntavlllc and mrs conway at toronto returned homo on uonday mr j chrysler of bault to marie tracher of manual tralnlnc spent the week end at tho homo of mrs janet waloon willow btreet mrs w a stewart and her son pto itobert w stewart who recently returned from prance spent saturday with gcorarotowri friends mr william jones of buntcssvlllo was a cueat at tho methodist parson ace a day or so last week mr jones was a judfio at the winter fair mr huch cameron of sarnla apent a few days during tho week wlui his brother and other friends mr cam eron in always a welcomo visitor to t old home mrs a il brown who was taken suddenly ill in church on surnlny mornlnff spent a couple of days at tho homo of her son mr a t ilrown and was then able to proceed to her own home rev j w mcleod of pitts burs p3- has accepted a call to 1ho west hill church scar bo ro and will leave the united states and come to canada to hlflh6v cliargo hi january sr mc- lcod la a son -in- law or mr it j kerr young- street and la well known here rev dr t albert moore and capl oliver hexxelwood of toronto left hew york for great britain and france on monday they will obtain information which will assist tho church in dealinc with tha returned sowicr problem in the most effecuvo manner and in elvlne thef maximum of help to tho veterans and their faml they undertook this work at tho request of the combined executives of the army and navy board and uio department of evangelism and social strvlce mckees our chrfcilnuei gift supjicfluorci llgqctta chocolatc3 waterman pcno xmao btationcry hpony manicuilc 0cto mirrors and bruohcq tyory orcaatnq caoca manicure and to i lett coo do jontexl xmag cizto perfumeo and toilet watenfl kodakq and brownies mckees tha rbksii drug utoro quelph ont -t- kiiaiji ishld iq72j inteiiesting educational anniversary splondld address by profpottsr of toronto in ths methodist church on sunday tho visit of rev w a potter m a b d professor in oriental laneuoecn and uteraturo at victoria university toronto lost sunday was greatly en- toyed by the ionjnfjnitlon of the meth odist church it was tho occasion of uisdmiirn uorail annivjaaxy anol professor pot ter presented tho interests of ttit fdu catlonal boclcty and particularly the work and claims of victoria unlver- lty at uio mornlns service tho professor rjavo mocb inurestuur lnfotmation ro- spectlnr ttie hlsjpry and work of vic torla it is a crand thins he said to bo welt born with a clean parentase tho third chapter of proverbs vividly proves this the methodist church was the only church in the world born n university in old oxford itself end in a prayer meeting in which john wesley took an acuve part no won der our church has always placed to the front the necessity for educauon an educated ministry is at tbo back bone of otery successful churcb victoria was the first col lego estnb llshed in canadstwlut a royal charter it waa opened in 1334 and had slven eightyfour years of service it haa over z 000 btraduatea in arts to its credit lloo than 1000 ministers havo ben prepare for their life work and tho 05 missionaries of tho church lit china and japan victoria haa edu- tod 43 of 1 to carry the living mossago to the mission field vac twenty flvo years victoria graduated ry doctor who took out his degree in uppur canada this department was however discontinued when tho medical college was- opened in con nection with toronto university since 1 s03 victoria has been locatod in tor onto and affiliated with toronto unl verslty over coo graduates and under graduates enlisted for service in tho treat war for which germany s god- ess universities were- largely respon itblo becauao they porpetuatod mill tarlsm about ten per cent of vic torla s men in khaki have mado thn supremo sacrifice jl oho avsuius aarvlo pro feasor iottcr prsuhod ai able unuixl 1 itli was greatly enjoyod by tho congrega tion from genesis 33 18 thy namo aliall be no more called jacob but iaatl for is a prince thou hast power with god inl with men and hast pre vailed tho blessing and value of a kood horitago wjza atconsly impressed a lood namo is better than great rlihcai no human being ever attain ed to qod s best whu lias not had tho horttago uf good parentage make fortune for your children if you can make it cloan but above ail uiings h avo them with a clean wholesome beautiful chare ter in their parentage i to men and women who know qod as a persons diond many parents 1 ut liamllcap on uio character uf then rtilldreu- it la wurth whllo foaur own oakui and our children s aakos to uvo rtean1rv jacob learned thlta his uoiniwr but god vuecoeded in makl of ijhii a now mauliood and ho ga him u now namo ii ncroun otflrliu fur tho lduc uqilu fuiul warn presented duxlul uie day i tui tholr reildercil siecal inu it was a ureal pleasure to liavo miss hcrtlo smith in her place again after an at aonco of suvcral months in tho wvst tarbells teachers guide inlcraauonal sunday school lessens for 1919 by martha tsrbsll phd a most populail intkiu st- rnq and ihlprul comment arv gives expianauonn comments or icntallama uie lesaon ouulne tho historical background lesson toplcn und illustrations for all grades of scholars has maps and diagrams of special interest- price 1135 wm driggo toronto ibank of hamhltoh kccocd of froirrckh for five yearn txdtcn from ihc cjocrnment suitcmcnt im of october 31 35 rrt oiiu j29 jo 000 iig nil 000 12 7h0 itoo 11 14 too 44 h3000 3c 131 000 11 g 000 4fl 037000 ij h30 000 31 jui 0l i 7 gg 000 c7h 001 14 11 1 000 ctf 501 000 ro 014 ooo ig 11 1 000 74 554 000 j i unijgcnernl mnnapcr ooorptown branch w n moky martaubr christmas ladies silk crepe de ciine blouses all sizes ladies silk blouses sires 38 to 46 ladies voile blouses sizes atlo 44 silk handerchlefs l starkman mux sttreet acton nelson farm goes to isling ton man tho 300 acre farm belonging to w nelson wuu purcliascd by a s wood of isllngtou halo was raado by wluoughby farm agency pattersons meat market successors to neil patterson having purchased the business anil all fixtures etc per taining thereto wo invite the patronage of tho many customers who have had their wants supplied during the eighteen years of mr pattersons successful operation of this business we will handle all the best lines of rreah beef pork veal and lamb fresh poultry sausage lard and butter salt meats rresh nnd cured fiah nnd dairy produce having had largo experience in the business wo have con fidence that we can please all who favor u3 with their orders courtesy and promptitude will char acterizc our business methods our christmas stock wiil be attractive main street evans acton ontario a- zljj i z lz z jtt ill jiefflii already the great irs nerucctions can be seln auovek this big stoke 55 for 42 give warsavings stamps as christmas gifts buy a warsavings stamp for 4 00 and affix it to apace no 1 of the certificate that will be given you fill in the immeof the onctavooi you wish to makcthhchfut- mjd gilt tlic most drarablc of gifts for it may well mjuk the contmcnosnicsit of hobita of tluut the atrppum ouc to success the certificate in offenne your pift you could eay if you mveat your naviana rcjiulariy in war gavuii stamps you will soon fill tills certificate which become canada a pledge to pay you 50 m the first day of 1924 with every 25ccntsyou saic you con buy o thrift stamp 1 6 of which on a tlirilt cord will be exchaufied for a ws a an excellent invctlmenl for mall taeins ant a jltvjj inccrdnt to everyday economy sjr thomas u u1te minisfer oj ftnarux sou hale at uooeyonlcr pot ocicci ilnta and wlona h w oil jun la uapuycd handsome calcndarq troruu wsiislo tho tluclph clothier is nil u in dlstrlbutlns uttractlve calon- daro ono is a beautiful panel show ing u skilirutly esccuted ihirtralt of a wlfo or sweethrart looking ovrr llirro wltli triulcr thuu of tlm ahntnt luvvd our tlio other daddy s i htlo kwim-thctlrt- la a uf suod pic tuiu of ilttlo ihirothy tho clianulnif llttlo ihunitor of mr wallace this ono will ik especially lu demand housewife knows that comfort soap will save her time money r and labor it has been tk call doing this good work for 25 years it saves time comfort soap quickly diaaolvco dirt and grease which can then be rinsed away in a few minutes it saves labor cleanses clothes with little rubbing comfort saves the clothes it saves money the bigger comfort bar gives you more soap for the money true war time thrift aak for it at your grocers pufllcy dinqinnn co limited toronto comfort soap solving the gift problem which is the momentous quc3tion nt present uppermost in the minds of most good people is tho great task that every hour engages all the thoughts and energies ol every individual worker connected wrth this big departmental store every day we must find innumerable satisfactory ways to settle the many ui- dividual perplexities of throngs of gift- buying people how well we arc suc ceeding is attested to by tho bounties of gift goods that greet christmas shoppers and by the satisfaction they evince in tho broad range of prices and the wide variety of selection offered uuscful practical and acceptable gift things for men women and children abound in all departments- the christ mas shopping trip to guelph will be full of pleasurable interest and economical profit may we serve youthisweck d macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and laegest stoue wyndhum macdonnel and carden streets goelph ont- f history of the world war this splendid book should be in every home rtmselcre and authentic canadas part tt told vividly contains ncarjy 800 pages ahd hundreds of maps and official war photographs rcadabout the glorious chmdx of the greatest war in history get yours to day descriptive circular on request in two styles and prices cloth bound 3 50 leather bound 4 00 postpaid the christieblack co station f toronto canada mmmiaulummmmwmummimml lu arton stee tyteas order it now to start on uie 2ath to your friends address btawrmmrerarwwmvtoaffirmffi r farms for sale 100 ackes lyi miles from acton 70 urrcu w or lai bio tialanto buali and puaturo 2 acnu orouird 3t uuna full ploutehcd mill t lay loam tjprlub water good frumn house li rooms and collar hunk lturu 00xi0 pood otubllnff cement floors tlu up 10 ticud of cuttlo box utullu drlvhik ijlicd und lien houso sihool 1 lut ltural mail irloo oooo terms urrauod 100 acres of a mile from acton dc ucrui wi rkublo btuiiti imuturolaud ijjlto orchard 30 ncrcj full ploukliod holl tlay to uruvt lly lumn good water 2 uprluua and u ciek urlck bouju 13 rooms und bathroom mcclary furnace ltank horn 6qxu nmont floors itui n no 30x10 shoep ien ulono pin imn hho i o me ut od floor h iih1 3 lulu imiurch i of u mile ion urruimutl irlto ov500 trnns urrunod i 80 acres acton iv miles on the county stone road cj uirci workuljtu ulmuu liuti 1 utru orchard 2i uorcu full plnulhvcr loll day to irravlliy aood wntur hi ink iioiuk jo rutins furuuca liuiilt lijrii l tilmiiod on utonu fiiuitdutluu ccx3ij u pull 0x30 pl pen umluiiilikth ui ivliu ohcii wutoi in titnbu a wlml- mlll im liool 1 lot llmnh is uillow lluiol mail nnd tolophono 1ilco j7 500 icrnis uriuiucrd 115 acres rockwood zvi miles tin ninii wi rkalilu imuncu bush an i puutiuu 3 acres orchard li ntrcs ull tilouklitd good wutor houku tust liouno 10 rooiim btona founlatltii opuiylid rl hunk bum room for 40 huiul of tuttlu boo1 iruiiury lliii bouse urlvlun shed olid hchool 1 mllu vliurcli l mllu llurul juail lrlco 300 cash puymupt 1 ooo willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario

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