Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1918, p. 4

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qjif e artrnt ree jlmra tlfuiuiuay disclmiiml 10 ibis of the l10t w f n kntily claun come knockln won 1 nn iiim u 1 onn ho cant liana ui iila nlockln ilia mummy nay lilt nhocklnl i in tie ii ilon t have no fun in novpr tiana hi atockln kux hr don t wwr hut when honly claun ccme knockln or down do jchtmnoy run ii n ii mebbo feten a atoclcln ka you aint got nonol frank ictanton juqt how much 1 would juat do anything to cot an education aald joe aaraeely thump- ins tho down oota pillow till a flno fluffy dmit flow from beams and cor- ncro just how much would you do jot said practical undo phil interestedly as much as ehhu burrlttt how much did ho dot inquired joe wan ho a boy without any chancer no lndocdl said undo phil who never sympathized with w mains joes way of looking at things as many chances as you have or any other boy with brains and ten flnsers- had to work at a force ten or twelve hours a day but that didnt hinder htm from working in hut mind whllo bis bands were busy used to do hard sums in arlthmeua while be was blow- ins the bellows whew said joe as if he too saw a pair of bellows at hand tiow old was hot older than i am wasnt about sixteen when his father died by and by he besan to study other things before he died he knew eisht- teen languages odnearly twice that number of dialects all this time be kept hard at work bjacksmthlnc i don t have to work as hard as that sold joe after a while with shamefaced look that rejoiced his uncle a heart joe waaa son and in busy times there was a rood deal for a boy of his oso to do bo far be had not been spared to so away to any pre paratory school to flt for collese bo ho had faintheartedly and sulkily stven up the thousht of golns there somehow uncle phils words bad put thine in a new itgnl uplook a business mans prayer teach me t sixty minutes make one hour sixteen ounces one pound and one hundred cents one dollar help me to uro so that x can tie down at nlsht with a clear conscience with out a sun under my plqoir and tto- haunted by the faces of those to whom i have brought pain grant that 1 may earn my meal ticket on the square and that in earnins it i may not stick the satt in where it does not belois deafen me to the jlnsfe of tainted money and the rustle of unholy awrta blind me to the faults of the other fellows but reveal to me mine own guide me so that each tsht when x look across the dinner table my wife who has been a blesslns to me i shall have nothing to conceal and when comes the smell of flowers and the tread of soft stops and the cnsotns ot w outja front make s 6trflnybort and the epitaph simple here lies a kan novel ty news man a temporary post n nm bonirt younr poopla who do m it think it nrn mtiry to do it nl in work wliuh in not imt t i nrn inly iirrn fur the r jmiiiiiiw nail n utuirnt ihinftliuiwltli a local uiou nmnllta noth nkliic u rocord il whlla nnli mrr wait injpatimco mil finally xt ho hud tii rirm ft r tin intt ltiwnli and i ho wiui lili rri rj with n runo nnd left ti llrfiito clirl itnmn tlilrt you riff man wan iimkl i f r w rk iilu father wa in uiinlririn il i iii cult i m ajid could m longrr uuj ort hlin naturally the boy went at ytira to hln employer of tho prcvioun nummnr onty 1n imi assured that there wan no piano fur him hla work lin hiwl boon ponaoruted of the idea hint it whu unrfi ciuiari for him lo mnko utcord nnd ho had mado reputation for lmricirnc vhlrl inter frrcd with hla ublunina a poaltltn not only in tlio ratabllalimnnt where br had workatl but olsewhcm thcro ehoulit bo the aomo lnnplra hon to do ono n best in a temporary poaltlon u in a jkirmancnt one for both afford a chance to moko a repu tation and to build itp character what enthusiasm id nntliunlanm in a toloneopo that hroadonn your vlaw of aclilavemcnts that are still to bo attained knthualonm la a spark that kindles a lire of welcome warmth from tho man of bona nuproach nnthuslasm in a magnet that draws tho listener close to you and your ideas enthusiasm la a bond of fellowship redocmablo in a mellow camo again instead of a murmured goodbye nsthuntosm in a magnlfylnff shuts of possibilities visualising a prospec uve chance into a poaltlvo certainty enthusiasm la an ally of immediate action and an enemy of procrasuna tion enthusiasm is a producer of per fection in your proposition that prompts confldenoe in your product enthusiasm is an alarm clock mind awake nine the mower of bt under your feet the red hot atlmulator of your whole bclnc enthusiasm la an injection that dis solves tiresome tasks into delightful deeds the rtlqht direction youd better ask again after an hour or so said a farmer to a blcylist who was trying to learn all the turn ings he needed to take in order to reach his destination ah too need to do for the present is to keep on coins youre headed lis tit and thats enough for now that la wmcthlns wr way profitably keep in mind in many a perplexity of life it is nat always possible to ten how the thins we are trying to do is eotmr to turn out rearms ww fre quently h 11 den from the most con scientious worker but that does not matter the important thins to know is that we are moving- in the right direction if wo are headed rigbt everythtns else will be right and that la enough for now the worker who goes first when times aro a little had and business slock the orders slow com ins in the working force of the office or factory lu likely to be reduced and the young man who lose bis position under men circumstances fre quently has a ercat deal to say about hla bad luck now it may be that he is not at all responsible for his misfortune perhaps as the latest ad dition to tho f he was first to be d hut tho onowui whocf an employer parts first la ha who has proved least of an aid the youth who bcepo too close an eyo on the otoee clock who never seems to make any progress when his superior is out of tho room who crumbles jr ho is colled on to do a piece of work which he thinks belonga to romo cno else is tho oort of person with whom on em ployer can part wlthoat any wrenching of tho benrtstrlngs and on the other hand tho worker who is intelligent earnest and who seems to bo working for something benldcs pay day is re tained as long as poaslblo and parted with reluctantly hebrew university at jerusalem the foundation stones of the hebrew university at jerusalem recently laid in tho presence of gen allanby m representatives of the french and italian detachments are twelve la number one for each of the twelve tribes of iaracl tho alto or the university is on the summit of the mount of olives facing jerusalem on tho one aide and the hills of moab on the other volcanoes found hottest on surface scientists who have made extensive investigations in craters in hawaii have come to the conclusion that jrolcanocs are hottest on tho aurfaco nocwlthstndlns what school books work and trust this is a great world full of the lovellneas and laughter of youth we havs won tha war for democracy and will in duo tlmo net straight the wrongs that have been wrought by the vandal and in tho meantime the days come laden with the splendor of the autumn sunshine and the lips of maidens are bright with the red blood of gladness nnd do let us take up the great work of tho world that lies bo foro us and trust in god wwtii will render the prettiest hands unsjjhuy clear the ecressencc all away by ylns holloway a corn cure which acts thoroughly and painlessly have informed us these scientists- r but our country right or have obtained camples of lava before they reached tho air and a careful study of these has revealed the probability that much of the beat required to keep an open lava basin in fluid condition is supplied by the chemical action of tho gases from these investigations tho scientist con cludes that in times of groat activity the temperature at the surface of a volcano undoubtedly is higher than that below the surface sheep with gold filled teeth the sheep of the western islands of scotland are almost as stylish as the dogs that ride in automobiles on our own irtli avenue in new york city tho canine aristocrats have occasion al cavities lu thor tectlf filled with sold dut tha goattlsh sheep have thelr entiro set gold plated before they have had any chance to decoy the sold- platlng is due to gold dust in the soll as early as j630 hector boece bishop of aberdeen speaks of the remarkable appearance of the sheep that room tho golden mountain in central aberdeenshire their wool is yellow their flesh in rod flocked as it were with saffron utid tlialr teeth aro tho hue of told ho uaya popubr science monthly my country right or wrong wo frequently read articles in which there is a refusal to agree with the words of decatur in her intercourse with foreign ruruans may alia always titfor tat wrong thcse critics do not get the real meaning of his words many years ago j remember hearing a daughter apologtxe to a sheriff for paying the one against her father and taking him home bho sold drunk or sober is my father she recognlxcd the relationship aa forever settled and also her obligation to the father under any and all clrcwnstanceo- decatur bad but one country ho could have no other lie wished it to always be in the right but right or wrong it re mained his country and his obligations to it fixed unchangeably fixed be- causa of uuvt rt luonshlp i can see no reason for wiiium of his word i m cj rimes guelph business college whs you gt out of llfs to morrow dprtda on how yau prapsre for ft to day our course of training will prepare you to rrnl any einrr- sency in tho bust teas world ma j cis all voijit ajutanae- mintj now today tho guelph business college harold dido guslph onl all kinds of poultry wanted alxvr oil dressr d geese turkeys fowl and chickens newlaid ego 3 hides and tallow jtarmera having poultry to sell we advise them to call on us for quotations r milligan corner young and mill gts acton or to p o uox 341 grand trunk vy the double track route between montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled diains car service bleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information from any grand trunk ticket ogenfor c et ttomlng district passenger agent toronto h a holmes agtdt acton ont phon 13 vegetables promptly delivered potatoes cabbages onions carrots radishes beets celery a bishop market qordsnsr fairview ave acton it takes courage to llvo according in your canvlr nous nut to iwn 1 to opuinr prejudice to ny tjo a ntarnty wlici tliono an un 1 you nay vo- to mfiwo to make a llvlnrc in a questionable vocation to remain in lion rail poverty wlilln ollirm grow rich by questionable mellnkln to nxak tlio truth when by a little prevarication you can set aomo groat ail van logo to do your duly in sllenco obscurity and poverty whll others about you pronpar through neglecting or violating obligations to reruao to dp a thing which you tlilnk is wrong because it la customary and done in trade to face slander and lies and to carry yoursolf with cheerfulness grace and dignity for years before the lie can be correct od to throw up a position with a good salary when it la tho only business you know and you have a family depending upon you becauso it does not havo your unqualified approval oclec ted our debt to our work when we thtnk of our debt to our work we ore very likely to begin and end with the fact that it gives us n livelihood to our work wo owe food and clothing shelter and ore but when these items have been enumerated we have only mado a be ginning our work is our most con stant companion it absorbs our en ergies probably onehalf of our wnklnrr bourn and much of the rest of tho time wo are thinking over what we havo done and looking forward to what wo have to do there aro fdw things whjch cirrt such an influence on our lives ooour work through it wo learn method and concentration wo learn faithfulness to a routine work hag a big share in making us what we are hut big as ls our debt to our work we might easily make it greater if we put the best of ourselves into all that we did if we dealt with each task as it came as if it wire the ptvot on which our future fortune depended what possibilities of development wa should and in our workl to what heights it would lift us and how abundant would be its rewards t was she not another womans child a little chill wuii rronnlng tlio road wlmti aim suddenly qtopped to watch tjin camcr of it runaway dray horse that wan rotnlnr down ukn her tin pasnern by hoi 1 their breath in horror for it ncrne1 that nothing could save tho utile ono anil that tier ufa was doomed buiumil at tho rink of he own life a woman ni rang from tho street and running into tha road anatchod tho child from tho hoofs of the homes flinging herself and tho child on the ifrounri just fru of the vhoals a rtlifltriif cluer a rooted her aplondld t itd and a lcntlmuii stepped forward to help tho woman and child to heir feet what a wonderful forco mothers lovo inl said tho rcntlomnn p i risked your own life to save that of your child my child she repeated in a pus sled voice tho child is not mine sir then what on earth mado you do ltr naked the gentleman your act of bravery seemed certain death tho woman looked at him with smile of perfect motherlovo ah sir oho anawered was sho not another woman d child awful asthma attsoks is there member of your family who is in tbe power of this distressing trouble nt service you can render him will equat tho bringing to his attention of eh- j d kelloggs asthma itemody this re markablo remedy rests its reputation upon what it has done for others it has a truly wonderful record covering years andjreareof success in almost every part of this continent and oven beyond tho seas t- langs of jealousy were in uls cold foots heart when she heard that her lots admirer had been accepted by miss lovebird and whenshe happened to run across her in the bargain rush contd n thrust 1 hear youve accepted jack she gushed 1 suppose he never told you he once proposed to me no answered jack s rt nctm lta onoe told roe that there were a lot of things in his life he was ashamed of but i dldn t ask him what they were a puzzler a itrsnehmoti boasting in company that he had thoroughly mastered tho krujllshvlanruage was asked to write the following from dictation as hugh hughes waatiewlng a yuls log from a yew tre a man dressed in clothes of o dark hie dunn up to hugh and said have you seen my eweor if you will wait until i how this yew i will go with you any where tn ehirupe to look for your awes aald hush tltxjlt wiles of friend wife when miss ivdneru wanted a now dress or bonnet she did not nag her husband or ttnk for it outright oh no hho was much too tactful and dlplomutlc to employ such meth ods thus mm podgcm to mr lod eera tho other morning ut bmikfuat james my dear sho said lu her sweetest tonrn i havo decided to gc without a new dreati for tho tunulgs dinner the 1 i one will do with tho raojwy 1 havo mmtnr can atay litre a nice lour visit what aiild mr rodders youre going to wear that ahal by old white dress that a dona duty fur moru than a year not if i know it go ti your now gown lltmnnlicr you huvo u cer tain poaltlon to maintain and mrs iodgera nave lu muhnils slvely on her lips playd u pvcullar emile lmttsblig chronicle the camp cook tho cook at forgot lu r luisu oi tha aollfer at h are you the ci tomato soup u oin sho replied soldier saluting soup oils noon told cuni mr gnu who site uu t hho makes tat id tho sentrr i iari decreed tho i want uunio of that clilld rrnau fieri ng from worms soon show tlio symptoms nnd any moth cl ean dcuct tho presence of thoaa para sites by the wrlthlngs and frttthtff of tho child until expelled and ilia m tm eloaml of thorn tho child rumu t regain its health millers worm iowdcrs are pruwpf oid cfllclunl not only for the eradication of worms but also as a toner up for chlulrvn tliat a3 run down in consequence fish and chips and oysters b j qtauffer 2xas opened a dining itoom in con nection with his fish store where fish and chips and oysters ore served in all styles day or night having had large experience in aomo of the best restaurants in tho united slate i am prepared to serve all customers to their entire satisfaction farmers their wives and families wu1 be served with lunch hot tea or coffee any time they may bo in town i love a hot cup of tea or coffee and soma crisp qsh and chips or tasty oysters before you go home everything clean ond sanitary try it once ond youll come again full line of fish always on band s j stauffer fish specialist ond rsstsuranter canada food board license no s 10416 xjoenao no 10 1g1h phone 40 acton ont sleepless bleep in the great re storer and to be deprived of it is vital loss whatever may be the cause of it in disunion novous derangement or mental worry try a course of par melees vegetable pills cy regulat ing the action of the stomach where the trouble lies they will restore mal conditions and healthful sleep will follow they exert a sedative force upon tho nerves and where there is unrest they bring rest keeping our friends on trial some people never get beyond the trial stage with their friends they aro always walling to see what going to happen after an intimacy of years a friend i some little blunder fails tn show tho consideration they think is their due mnkes a tact less speech or otherwise transgresses and years of the most cordial relations do not save him over he goea ills friend has no mare use for htm i hardly needs to be said that friendship which has not got beyond tho trial stage is not friendship at all tho people ro stand ready to discard their socalled friends tho moment they displease hi in any way do not really know the meaning of friendship the spirit which keeps our intimates continually on trial is not love but selflove comploto in itself mother graves worm exterminator does not requiru the assistance of any other medicine to mako it effective it docs not fail to do its work the new soldier vsoncral leonard wood said at i dinner in washington a now soldier is apt to be nor voua apt to make mistakes but this o sign of cowardice it soon wears off a new soldier was having his first experience of night duty the pass word was discount as tho soldier paced back and forth in the darkness a black figure sudden ly bounced up before him halt who goes there t bo chal lenged a friend wan the reply advance friend said the new soldier advance and give ma the discount smiles for overseas ljr novelty of conception tho pro position of the iioraldfexomlner of chicago to send smiles to tbe front free of charge beats anything yet pu forth that paper invites all parents or near friends of boys at the front to proceed to tha nearest movla establish ment and there to present to tbe film their most generous and captivating nmllo these thousands of smiles will bo sent across and run off for the boys who when they detect a father or mothers smile will doubtless go up in tlio air for sheer joy splendid that one smile will be worth tons of pro vender now if tho boys could only smile back in tho some fashion well from the way things are going these days they will not only smile face to face but they will bring us a world redeemed tis a marvslloua thing when tb cures effected by dr thomas icclectric oil are considered the speedy and per manent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever it has been used itmust be regarded aar a marreuotts thing thnt so potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients wnlch enter into lis composition a trial will convince the moot skeptical of its healing virtues what foch said an amusing story is told about mar shal toch when tho american jour nalists were in franco they once en countered foch s chauffeur and plied him with questions bald one 1 suposo you have often beard the general talk about tho war i no said tho chauffeur ho la a very silent man surely you have heard him say something about tho war no monsieur ho rarely talks do you mean to say chirped one if the journalists that you have never heard him soy a single word about the war or when it will end oh well yea once when he camo out of general headquarters here all the journalists took out their note books and was stepping into the car ha sold my brave jacques whan will tills terrible war end a child must grow a child cannot choose its period of growth nature attends to this with laws wellnigh inalterable a child of retarded growth or feeble vitality needs and should have help to promote healthful growth scotts emuision abundant in nourishing substances that promote growth and strength is invaluable in its help to a growing child scotts helps a child over the weak places scotva balpa a backward child develop natarndy uoirmvmita0l utt new machine shop fred blow fllnchlnift is moving to tho newly arranged premises tlio row bowl ing alloy on main street where ho will bo prepared totiandlo nil repalro of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motou repaiksa specialtx having experience with all makes of motorsrepairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having fnstalled a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo made to outer cases as well as inner tabes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fred blow railway time tables at act oh orsntl trunk railway cytan oolna wait no no no no no so 31 33 189 37 h 13 ft in 10 2i n in z io i m r2 p m no no oolna cut 2 33 a- ft 3 a m hunrtoy going wcj 8 lf p m 0 37 om 3 j2 p m 109 p m uojum 112 p m 748 a m 3 03 pm 111 p m 9bb am us pjm fl i- p m trnlna pans thrnu li arto i it at 10 id a m ui i cant at ou bur ban cuctrip railway oolng wmat ozcnt hun lay dally cicrlt ftnnrfay dally cxyt hiinday oolna eat dally except sunday daily except hmihay dally except sunday oiinday only sunday only get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- coliimbia graionola in france bargains this week childrens school dresses from 4 to 0 yearn at 115 womens flauclcttc kimonos at tip25 womens riuhclcttc under skirt at 125 womens flcccelmed under- akirta- at 200- l starkman mill street acton tlio ccocraphy leoaon woa about to begin and tho uubjoct of it wan to bo rraneo accordingly tho teacher atartod off wllh ui question now in thla pra t terrible war who la our principal ally- prance camo the answer from a caonja of vol ceo quito rtirht ooid tho teacher bcamlnx now con any ono of you blvo mo the name of a town in franco t a amall boy at the back of ino claim ntmoat fell over in hla casernesa to tall somewhere he sold breathleao ly ilttabunc chronic lotelesraph discounting the future what ore all of these woman dolnc here aao6luaycr la having a borsolu day year ii or usual fco for tailing fortunes la 3 but to day ohft a reading tlio future for 11 s3 to check contagion do not couh or anocxa without handkerchief bf oro th face blnco the outbreak of lnfluenxa how often hate doctors and others inter ested in public health advised us ot this and yet how frequently is tho warolns disregarded tho foil uro to obey this simple rulo la probably responsible for the spread of much contagion tak for example thoso in tho early unsus pected staccs of consumption oln is unsuarded couch may reloaso millions or deadly tubercle bacilli to be breathed in by others around until recent years consumption was considered incurable but wo now know that it can be cured if taken in tlmo tha sluskoka proe hospital has proved this without a doubt for rhnnennrta frf its pitlonts hutp bflfln restored to health and lives of use ful nooa oho ex pauent of that hospital writes as follows juat elxht years asp tmo christmas time i enter your sanatorium i was a very pad and discouraged girl that christmas eto but i have been homo over even years and x can hardly- believe that i ever had tbi look back to tho days i spent there with treat thanks to god and those buthful worker whp understood oar and needs and ministered to us so faithfully to carry on this zreat work the muskoka preo hospital fos con- juiptlvcs is attain appeal ins for help taoro is much to do will you lend a baud contributions may be sent 31r william j ujo 84 bpedlna avenue toronto or to coorce hold 6ecretarrtteaanrr uase in stitute sst collets street toronti lahticlcmahi better than pills i get a for liver llls25c box e j has8ard acton ont for sale by c c speight acton ont acton livery and bus line i oollclt with confidence tho patronaae of the public comfortable lies suppllcd at reaeonabla rates special attention to supplying conveyances for weddlnca and funerals itotor cars fumlahed when recinlred ex for the toronto suburban hallway dul meets all trains l e atkinson acton flour and feed store wo hara a supply of th following nowon hand the wotnknown brand of kinaa choice nerval arxf nauonaf flour nothing better bran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal salt in 0r loom and 2001b does and barrels special lints in ciucken peed qrve otm calf meai a tiuai noitesnc rolled oats the best canada pood board license no 8 robert noble limited henry awrey manager press advertising sold victory bonds q cjj before the war bond buyers were marked men in number they were 40000 in march 07 this is shown by the number of purchasers of the government war loan of that date but in the autumn of the same year their number increased twenty times to 820000 i this was the number purchasing the victory loan 1017 lost mo nthnov ember 1018 over 1000- 000 persons purchased the victory loan 1018 1 these wonderful ycsults were accomplished by press advertising before the war onehalf of one per cent of our people bought bonds now quitc twelve and onehalf per cent of our people aro bond buyers i deforo tho stupendous amount of 670000000 worth of bonds could be sold to our canadian peoplo in three weeks a most thorough and exhaus five i campaign of education was necessary and this campaign was carried through by advertising ui the public press the power of tho printed word never had a more con vincing demonstration by means of the printed word through the medium of advertise mems m the press of our country the canadian people were made to know whar bonds arc the nature of their security their attractiveness as an investment and why the government had to sell bonds every point and feature of victory bonds was illustrated and described before and during the campaign in advertisements no argument wab overlooked no selling pomf was neglected the result is thatcanadians tcda arc a nation of bondholders they know what a convenient safe nnd profitable form of investment bonds are instead of oae man in two hundred owning bonds now one canadian in eight men women and children own m government se curity tins complho transformation in the national mind and habits was brought about by advertising in the pres of the nation press adver tising bus justified itself as tho surest and speediest method by which a man s reason can be influenced and directed the minister of jjnanco aoknow- ledges tliij his own words aro the wonderful success of the loan vox due in large measure to their tho press of caiuwln uplcndid and untiring efforts during the whole of the campaign mr u it wood chairman of tha dominion 1 iinutlv immtttr iiuvlns ovrralulit of tua laiiipuluii to rauui victory loan 1911 uul t tha pren publicity campaign will rank aa ana of ths most ramsrkabl and fftciont publicity campaign avor umlartakan in any country uiul mr j ii urundy vice tluuriuun ot tho miiiiu commltluc nail h hava baen aallina bonds far a long tima but i nevtr found it to aaay to aall tham aa at thla tlma tha raaaon la tha apurnim work tha praa baa do no- i take off my hat to lb- praaa of canada the success of victory loan 1018 and the knowlodge which canadians now possess of bonds- aro a straight challenge to the mun who doubt- tho power of the priniod word in tho form of advertisements to c joods and this upplicj not to bonds alone but to the goods you ure interested in celling 1 i uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite- ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous meaters small stoves oil stoves every article is of excep tional value mb street acton wintea term opens jan- 6th yonga a charua straata toronto ilaa recently had poalllona tn till nt 13 h u7 and 18 a wok anj 1100 a month a coorao hero la a our route to a aood poaltlon write to day for oui catalogue- w j elliott prn ate nts promptly secured1 v when you need boots shoes k at any time 1 buy from w williams m1u sireet acton st- tamous rem satisfactory footwear t reasonable prices as maiuom fthajuotf 164 untvoralty at montiucal

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