i ie talent enough peoples with two talents who j rule but the man with ined young men to i to tho things they thing they could tiro fiodpbarro33- pugh lintrfj fkco was scarlet a abi imrrlsd down tho broad steps of tbo central ihefa sehool iioxol was flushed bat while a cyea wero blejcin hanis were ctuldff ul allno yon know i onry half itod it any of the urns and yoa i didnt say a thin about it bursa it did look bad for yoa tho found there in your desk and all byt von bo i wasnt ono to say afcloua word abottt you pall f think the less amid about it allno spoka in an pitched tolce if my my aogoalntahi mt really stand by positive way not lukewarm fas- all the worse for such of girls who hare years and had every wouldnt stoop to deatlnc in e ik ox kuch friends think the worst of rue because appearances were against for a little while ut aline if it bad been somebody z for instance and the clremn- ual evidence had been just the i against mo doni yen suppose might hare thought hasel bad to n stand by mm knights it fence and turning looked stead hto allno eyes t allno interrupted sharply no r uaxel i wonder yon can even m th q ut aline how can you be sure and as i say 1 waa careful not y a mean word about it to any one te time and then when u was all d up aad everybody w how it i knew how glad i was tatfrtof it said aline sbarp- tmaffle thlabas been an i doesat forget rery p shall forget it and again the bitter rword failed to stand for ulm wlnthrop 111 r feel the same toward her again of course she apologised and took i eack before the class and all but there are some things that never be made right aline shook off i her arm now ir a yoa lace oh mother mother allno shook her head in discouragement really it was no use talking to nuoh a trust ing guileless woman as mother who wouldnt belloto anything wrong anybody if it was right under her very nose she was btlll feeling injured and annoyed whan mothers voice with on odd excitement in it coltod to her from the end of the hall aline aline 1 yea mother v como here dear what on earth began aline in alarm for mrs- wllklna waa prostrate on the floor in front of thn opened clothes chute and looking down tie shaft oh mother bobby haan t fall en down the chute not no door but your collar allno my my whatt aline olipped bur rledly into theaeqlher mother vacated for her and looked down tho chute sure enough there hung the missing collar only a few feet below tho open ing evidently it had caught on t bit of roughened wood and hung there all these- days incriminating hilda making aline do the poor llttlo maid this awful injustice oh dear yes hilda knew allno thought her a thief i aline stared with vengeful eyes at her serbian coluvu it hung on the pro lectin oliver of wood really there was anything but joy in her face at this discovery that tho voluablo collar was- not lost after all oh mother ehe faltered mothtrl isnt it awful after tho way ive acted to poor hilda perhaps just possibly mother tried to comfort her mother- fashion just possibly ahe doean t know for certain that you suspected her to speak ftable mm soon to baste it t serbian lace collar never been washed irlsh youd do it care diss allno but which one do that pretty one yon the red cross t why that l in the wash yes hlldsj it was i ripped it y coat myself and pat it down tiuto i remember it positively ook again maam 111 look but hildas egi to look troihled tin aufj mt in with tho other things i 11 tho collars separately see allnj here they are aadtyour 1 distlnaly remember throwing li rn tlie chute 1m positive you ust have to look tin you nod it now it wo in the wash las face was very red now her dropped before the firm steady if allno o picture of guilt thought aline t miss aline i cant look for moan there lent any place bee tho basket is empty and me all the collars her trembling hands wwr fumbl no jig the olean pillow cases and wels i wont and it there said allno x peculiar smile jjut 111 go rs anil you can look around and im you ii nod 1l for it must be hilda its a wry valuable col u know just look around and you ond it it win be all right dad meaningly ia face was criaipca now oh litu uho alammcted you dont you can t be thinking- uly mean i want my collar 1 m oure you can and it and mother enigmatic smile aline u tho stains hot she burst out what do hi uk hilda has stolen m i lace collr- e allno said mothers shock- then as aline poured out cusatlons tn a nervous hlgh- votoo ursxvuklns shook a d head e do cttlra yourself 1 cant such a thing of hilda why i been with us two years and ih aiyrayn foond her perfectly and cunsclontlous you know ra martin told us about ber ras with her three years i do u haven t said or looked any- njake hilda think you doubt oh but she does mother t waa perfectly horrid to her obout it posi tively odious ahe finished vehement ly a moment later sbo was hurrying downstairs hilda was alttlng before the little table by the kitchen window heavyeyed her dinner before ber aline know at a glance that hilda had little heart or appetite for tho meal and could well understand why swiftly impulsively aho wont to hilda laid a hand on tho girl s slender arm fltbuda she began what do you think i ivo found my collar oi rather mother has ob miss aline there was a won derful happy look in tho tired heavy eyes im so glad yes and in tho queerest place where do you suppose hanging in the clothes cfttho it had caught on n silver of wood there wasnt stranger she went on hurrlodly should she could she go on to a more ex plicit apology would it be worse to put into actual words baldly that she suspected hilda with her blamo- leas reputation of being a thief t hilda herselcjielped her to dccldo she was anfakjtur joyouaty excitedly oh 1 am so happy mlaa allno i i couldnt bear to have you thinking mo a a but allno cou d not let her uter the word im so aahamdd of my no if hilda she said no aahamed won t you forgive mot and iii promise nover never to be ao horrid and hoflty and unjust again i hilda amlled genoroualy frankly into the other girls eyes the oriqin of the chimney in the excavations at pompeii and herculaneum no discovery appears to have been made of upy thin ff approach ing tho nature of tho modern chimney the earliest j of the chimney tooe in an anctcnt venetian over a doorway where it la that in 1347 certain chimneys in that location wore demolished by earthquakoa it is by conjocture only that we ore able to say that the chim ney was known in ancient italy sen eca who lived during the first century of our era invented a a peel an of tube which he affixed to tho length of the wall and it oeema to have run through the floors through this the heat poso id from subterranean ovona called hypocauats of which romalna wero found in burled cellars of houses built on the bay of naples but in this there la no evidence- of any chimney in the modern aenao or even of any kind of stove before tho invention of thn chtiniuy ires were rnad in eicovatloiiu ir pits opened beneath tho floor ut habitation in about the ctmtro of tho room as tt eskimos make them totluy the hearth of tho ancient romans vtaa in the porch but tho orea lighted there were not dmlgncd to maku liounea habitable nocmlngly but wore nioro an indication of hospitality to friend the house when oocaalon cullod f r u were furnished wttli tiring pun and 1xjioi carried from room to room by slaves this was ill more or leas constant operation duy and night in very raid weathrr fdwln turrisno talnly have mother said and kth said allno mother how i be so so unsuspicious and t i suppose the temptation jply too much for iii idaeh the cojlur so when x bought she has always had i she probably yielded i know when sh hsm mo coiuu 0n w igcjtstin chain letters aoain ix tho fool killer ovif hots in dcud earnest tha caaunltlr hi tho runka of chain ictur tribe wilt bo otiino h awful jitut how mni and women who tiro ordinarily tountdt rod sane can be frlshtoned into the ailly practice of sending out chain letter is one of the modern wonders juat now there in a letter fcolng the rounds that it to claimed waa written by our lord juat after his death it la du clored thut ho who haa it copy of this letter ami falut toiiublluh it will not jirobtmr and in proof of this the iinmej of a number of poplo who hud a cop of it and did nut iuhlhli it aio iflvou and they did not prosper wo ca i give thojjiuno of several poopto who nevvr hesrd of tho iotii- and they dlu not prospar either texas christian advdcate thinks re can filled up to nlkht aren t fto my friend tho uahor into tho room to find a kaon of people in tho nearer ho replied in a dlaguatod toni of room but it a up in front eople don t want to iro thoro d rather be crowded ai 1 uncom- r three acata from the door tlian ive all tho room they int th seats from the pulpit t oy como along and slouch down in tho first place thoy como to as if they wero too tired to go any further i cant understand it just tho aamo way in other things though lots of young fellows juat manago to got elbow room back in tho crowd when thoro a plenty of room for them in front if theyd only brace up and take it i wonder show you a seat madam and with a half apologetic emtio my friend turned fromme to dtteja to his duties while l loft by myself found my way down the a tile to ano of tho uncrowdod and comfortable scats not far from the pulpit whoro i had on uninterrupted view of tho speaker a chance to hear perfectly every word he spoke and at tho same timo liberty to expand to all posolblo or deslrabl bigness in fhe roomy spaces about m without incommoding any ono or being incommoded by any undeniably th front scatsworo the beat of oil ond i found myself wondorlng with tho usher at tho atronge reluctance of most people to seek or occupy them and then my mind wont off on tho other line of thought that ho auggeated outaldo tho church as well as inside it is the back ecata that are always crowded it is tho front aeats where there la plenty of room tho fomlllor injunction of the otreotcnr conductor step forward plenty of room up front la the atntemont or a historical fact as well as tho deliverance of a muchneeded exhortation i have beei questioning soma of my business friends jpoo the oppottunltlcs afforded nowadaya for young men to get on in the world almost without exception their answers confirm my own impres sion that there never was less chanco for tho follow who la willing to take and remain in a back seat and nover more chance for tbo fellow who is bound to go up front if ono haa tn ntlnd simply tho making of a living he to dp against the moat numerous competitors and the fiercest competl tlon that tho world has ever known but if ho is ambitious for that other and better thing the making of a life h la not content to uvo merely from hand to mouth or to reckon living in tho terms of a scanty weekly wage probably there never woo a better op portunity for him than row the very willingness of the many to toko tho back seats leaves tho front seats open to the determined few tho sharpened and increased demands in all depart rnerta of business and professional life which deter iht mediocre ond discour age tha weakling mako a ladder upon which tho one of stout courage muy climb to tho heights the experience of ono successful man is on illustration 1 began my life in business said he by trolling along with the rest- by and by i lost my place and had to huatle for an other i- dldn t find it cosy to set ono olther it eocmed to mo an thouch everybody else was out of work too z was only one of thousands and with no apodal advantage over any of them almost any of them could fill the place i was looking for as well as i could so i began to open m eyes and 1 soon saw that if i was over going to get anywhere i must get out of the rush and scramble i must get into a claaa by myself by making myself in dispensable by doing tho beat work that coujd be done wherever t might happen to be no matter what it wan f mado up my mind to get out of tho back row and to etart for tho front it woan t losy i vo had a good many knockdowns and nctbacke but nearer to tho front than i wuu or than i ever would have been if i had determined to get there and from my own oxperlenco i have no heelta tlon in saying that this talk of luck u all nonsense tho thing that keeps the average man from succeeding lu his particular lino is not so much poor luck as llttlo pluck tho man who gel anywhere nowadays has to start for somewhere drifting may be a plea nant occ ipatlon for a leisure day bu it lent a liunlnets proposition this is the strenuous life- it i easier to alt down back than to g ud front as my friend tho usher ob sevvtkk xjonre grit to brook away from tho crorfjroto ttwtrgl more than onco nelahbors ore dolnp it demands a certain degree of self- confidence which is quite another and a very dlftoront thing from conceit or egotlim ho un who tl inks ho can thats a pretty good motto to wrlto on a shield for a knight of to day but tho converse is just astruo ho con who thinks ho can l rioity or room up front boys wall ing for somebody better muve up un tuo it a tack srat man ut a failure joseph iconnard wilson v v nodle savings tho beat preacher lo tho heart tho best teacher la time tha best book is the world tho beat friend is god talmud the home is mora than the dwelling the heart than the home la more the loving outvloe tho living i or love la llfoo solden store lotilao s upborn no law satisfies the intercuts of all the only thills to he considered is whether ltls profitable to tho nuijorlt of clusene uvy the countless gold of a merry licnrt tho ruble and pearls of a lovjng eye tio idlo man uovor can bring to tbo mart nor the cunning hoard up lit hla tr usury william hlnlio a smiling face and forgiveness are tho beat way to uyongo an insult hpunlah maying ciout utore uf all aorta of yood bookn through tho great mercy of god itro lummun nuiong ua ho that cannot bu piuy borrow ltlohard uaxtur nor luvo thy life nor hate hut what thou tvst uvo well how lojlg or short permit to heaven milton circumstantial evidence joooph hatton in his book of gossip entitled in jrot and earnest tells an interesting atary of one of tbo tranffo happenings at tho british ttuncum a prince who wan visiting at wlndnor castlo went one day to the muueum to nee a famous coin the only ono of its kind known to be in existence the keeper took him into a private room and withmueh solem nity drew forth tho precious roflc tho prince examined it with the liveli est interest and a suppressed excite ment which indicated that be too wan a collector of coins tho keeper turned away for an in- atant and heard eomothlng fall i have dropped 1t cxclalmod tho prince tho keeper joined him in tho search but nowhere could tho coin be found ten twenty thirty minutes passed tho prlnco looked at his watch i am oorry sold he but i hnvo an appointment i must go ihe keener walked to the door lock ed it put the key into his pocket and aald looking tho prlnco etralght in tho eyes j not uttll you restore the coin i aaw last in your hand you cannot leave this room until you givo it itclc whv ono would think from your tnonior hnt not at all lnterruptd the keeper come ipt us and 1l the prince hit hie up turned pale and resumed tho scorch at tho end of an hour ho declared bin determination to leave the place if you inolot sold tho keeper it will bo my painful duty to call an ottlccr and havo j ou eearched tho prince leaned against tho wall overwhelmed do you mean that 7 he gasped i do then wo must continue the search livery nook and cranny waa reex omlncd after a while tho prince sat down tho picture of despair when nuddcnly ho saw the com packed away against tho aklrtlng of the room and lying oa if rlued to the wood oh oht ctedtlio keeper hero ll thank gcid exclaimed tho prince my dear sir said tho keeper can you forglvo mo yea certainly waa tho reply j waa never more frightened 1 assure you i nover realised until now how circumstantial evidence might hang a man for a crlmo of which hb might bo perfectly innocent stand a little away from me please and i will show i won bo nnxloa imnn who had no children nf lovrn hat thoucbt of adopt in j a father icon youth distantl related to mm without taking tho ioy into his confidence on tho matter ho invited him to spend the nununrrat hi country home and almost a soon as ho irrlved presented him with a riding bo ran it la your own under stand he said to the youth you are not aniwrmble to any ono fbf your urn of it at thn end uf tho nummrr he on- junced to bin nntonlahd young klnn- nn ids intention of ndoptlrg him and 1 ht intlmnta friends he explained w ho liad rear tied that detcrmlna tlon f hpvo rqme to the conclusion he nald that tha ono of power is the truo test of character i gave itoberc the home knowing ha was pauslott ately fond of riding i tnado him understand that whatever he did no ono would censure or crttleine but i observed that tho boy tinker took loo long rides that he avoided the hottest hours of tho day that ho always brought his horse home in good condl tlon and that ha mado dhro it was tared for before ho thousht of hla own comfort my suftimcfa observations convinced mo that ho was ono who could bo trusted to uso power wisely and generously another man had a similar way of testing younger men when ho thought of taking them into his employ 1 like to ace how they treat their mothers and slaters ho aald st a young fellow alts aroupdjfend lcta hut sister wait on him or gives his mother or- dern as if she were a sort of upper servant i look further tho wo you use our power what ever its bource allow tho stuff you are made of tho people who are pollto to their superiors ond gruff and un mannerly to those who take thou or ders from ui cm are not lo be trusted c alkrn southern hospitality i had been driving all day in a re mote part of southern georgia and at nightfall stopped at a cabin occupied by one man he was very cordial and asked me to spend the night with him when we sat down to supper i was somewhat disturbed to observe that the meal oonalsted of a elnglo larr dish of potatoes with ut npology the man with a wave of his hand toward the dish said in a loud hearty voice strangir toko one ho paused a moment and continued in a still louder tone stranger toko two i another pause and then even loud and more earnestly stronger take mighty near all of thcml m o h 1 niac to remark many tilings am well donn thnt nra not worth doing keep busy and you ii have no tlmn to bo mlaorablo after 1i intuition in but unnthr word for fcmiplno nunjilrlon of two evils chooort liolthcr all men are equal ut birth an 1 fit dcatii i homo mens only claim to dlntlnrtlcj la a pair of whlto duck trounem or a three colored hat band most everybody wlahen that ho ronld live hla jlfo over again but fnw would live much iietter ploquenec is tha truth well told an echo the aliadow of a nolao a christian noenn t iiuvo to tnll any enn j mogl nation cauaea mora orhcti and pains than all other ailmentn tnopm with iota of do tormina tlon ftremlkely to be unpopular and ouc eessful j w b helpful thoughts ny gbwardcan fight a battlo when ho is sure of winning it but rvo mo tha man who has pluck to flffht it need be even though ha is not nuro of winning tho greatest secret of ret ting on wellvwlui tho worhl a npcrot which few have learned lu to know when to speak and especially when to keep ntlll how qulotlj flows the river toward the noal andyet it alwnyn reaches its destination this is a point tn remember when you ara trylnr to hurry thlnga i not wait for mmcbody clno to go ahead break your own path ix not put off to day o work until to morrow tn hope that it wlh bo dono for you selected i 6 saturday treat lara new shipment of cocoa buds hatter than maple buds and 10c itj cheaper prlco 50c peanut almond walnut and butterscotch taffy regular 40o n for 29o oanut peanut walnut ond cream icegular ioa lb 25o all lints or goc chocolate for per lb 3flo harold wiles cnd food oord lloatu ho s13sm mill amfict acton q3rkkuotfd3rwr3t tfoftdisrro canada i why 1 pfne you soy ttiat coin tn your hand is the only ono in txistencor the prlnco put his hand in rhls pocket and drew out its follow 1 come into possession of this a year ago ever since i have had a burning deslro to see tbo british museum coin dut had i been search ed what would you have thought of my explanation that there wero two such coins and that i had com a to compare mino with yourst would you havo believed met i am bound to aay air i ahould jiol what would you havo doner i ahould havo been guided by the police of courw ond i could not havo blamed you oood evening i have m toned illy cninpemint but i am no longer afraid to look you tn ti o face the qualities of leadership it lo to your credit if you are am blttoua to be a loader if you intend to be ono of thoao who control events who help to ahapo circumstances but if you are going to be a leader you must cultivate tho qualities o leader ship otherwise your ambition wit end in dloapiolntmcnt and humiliation tho faculty of decision is essential to the leader he mujit be ublo to -make- up tils mind and make it up to stay no vacillating nature couily swayed over becomes prominent leadership selfcontrol is another quality leadership those who are victims or a quick temper or who lose their heads in an emergency forfeit tho confidence which la necessary to successful lead cmhlp before you can hope to con trol others you must learn to control yourself oood judgment la necessary in a lcador tbo moio devoted his follow ers tho moro willing thoy aro t obey hie least word tho greater is hla res ponablllty to lead ortghl tho leader who acts on iro pulse tho ono who de cldos without duo consideration may drhtfultaafer on those who trust him niui no ono a judgment is infallibly but unlosa you can mako yours ro liable and trustworthy you had better loava to otrum tho obligations as v as tho rewards of icadorablp be slow to judge be not swift to judge others when over the supposed errors or weakness of others aro brought to our notice let us hesitate- let us poatpone reflecting upon them possibly some slight pre judice may mislead us and thus in nocent persons may suffer walt in our cooler moments when an oppor tunity is given ua to know their early training their present surroundings and their secret motives wo may be constralryed to modify our first un favorable impressions we all need just suclf leniency from oujers our best efforts those that aro most pro ductive of good are sometimes the occasion of present adverse criticism it only hasty judgment j suspended for a season tiro wflt cause rmch a reversal that our cause may be justi fied before oil men that which may have seemed positively wrong at the flrr tl t ir y il bo an evidence of our integrity iwiiitimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiuu if you ever want credit at a bank or elsewhere the fact that yoa have buflt up a sub stantial savings account will help you get it the capacity to save regu larly indicates the quality of character that justifies credit decide npw to let us help you to save interest paid every six months the bank of nova scotia 1 ojoofiod w k coaiiau ujocoyooo actlof uojw xaopoqjooo llm i toftai the lesser evil in barupiy if ma 11 s neighborhood there lived a family of boys who wtro lr- rrulntibly charming to sammy but mn to sammy a mother in fact sammys mother forburto him ever to go over to play with those boys again and threat ene i punishment ahould ho disobey her hut ono day uummy disappeared and bis mother inada inquiries she learned that ham my was over playing with tho irresistible boys again ac coruingly when sammy rutumed from bis visit ho found hla mother- looking very ateru and with a rcjnarkabty square forbidding lap which suggested a spanking hum my was promptly taken to task und atood for a moment looking roughly miserable suddenly he brightened up and started to leave the room hero air whore uro you gouigt demanded hla mother i guaa answered hamniy holding uadfastly on hla way 1 11 go und rihtlt myjolf up lu the uluett launicna mebqaqu to younq canada uy young frlendn go out into tho rl to ncrvlco muko tho highlit thoulht of nervlt o your inspiration iblcmn there are big problems to jimimw tho duy uftei to morrow it will bo your turn to grapple with n irc oj and vjr country lie dun in tho right tin god elves yoa t ruo ifilit you nmy iqt 1 1 wain sia li ml 1rotrsos la punctured with is vernno you may meet i ovrso but the following duy ntand up agun and renew tho conflict fur iruth and jusi tlce- shall triumph tilths and make the returning soldier welcome his is an important hour for canada the nation is entering on a new era it is passing from war to peace let us start this new era right there are thousands of soldiers returning from over seas the government is doing all in its power to get these men back to civil life it is giving a ipar service gratuity more than any other nation to keep the soldier going till he gets a job gives him a pension where his usefulness is impaired by his service it teaches a man a new trade when bis service unfits him for his former trade it gives him free medical treatment when ill ness recurs and supplies free artificial limbs and surgical appliances it is bringing back to canada at the public expense the soldiers dependents now overseas but the government how ever willing cannot provide tho personal touch needed iu this work of repatriation that must be jiven by tho people themselves the men who went from these parts to fight in fland ers deserve a real welcome home the best we con give in most towns committees of citizens have already been organized to meet the soldiers and their dependents at tho station to provide hot meals supply automobiles afford temporary accommodation when necessary in addition many othr towns arc organizing social gatherings to give public wel come to returned men after they have been home a few days after he has rested the boldierrnust be provided with onopportunity for employ ment in towns of 10000 population iublic employ ment office have btscn estab lished to help boldicrs as well as warworken beeuro good jobs quickly where uiesc ciist citizens should cooper ate where they do not ciist the citizens themselves should help put the soldier in touch with employment tho fighting job is done it has cost many a heartburn ing but it has been well done- the least wo can do is to show our appreciation in no uncertain manner dont let the wclcomo die away with uio che useful goods okatcti 1 qkatcq i hlcalcfi u r uoyn 100 to 1700 mkutdi fur thn men f i 00 to 700 mhaten for thn iullrn 100 to m00 hockey htlckn 10c 35c 60c coe him th n for thn iciddlri 30c 45 c goc 70c 100 1120 91b0 1x5 2q 1047 noqcno platc coffen jpoon pur dnzon 0 00 tea flpoontr per ilown 0joo ixuncrt tj poo un per ilotui 1100 moup ilpoonn per dosntl 1200 itoulilon ilpoonn ptr doxou 2l0 oratiga hponttn i r duteij 000 ilutler hprfiadira ptr dnsou d0 hukot flhrdln onrh 100- tomato sotvim each 12go cold moat i orun urh 150 ilcrry hpoonn nut h 2j0 ionmrt knlvuu und 1 orks pi r dnxen ix60 tohlo knlven and ioruo por doion dessert knlvca and i orkn orna mental handlr per down iuq tnblo knlvru and forkn ornamontal hrvndle per dozen 90 00 the bond iiardwake co ltd phon 1012 quclph savage co cstshflahed 1040 wynoham 8t guelph watch co diamond3 jewellery liorpky desk 8eto fjne china cut cjlas3 bilverware bilk um0rcllas fountain pens specialists in woddlns and birthday el la dxpart watch and jowellory ropalrcru savage co 70 yssrs in ouslnsss in qualph acton flour and feed store wo havo a supply of tlio f olio win jj now on hand tha wallknown brands of kings cholcs norval snd nations flour nothing bsttsr qran j3at chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal special lini5 in chicken f1cdd jnrc onii caw meai a thiai canala i ood hoard uconuo no bo robert noble limited henry awbey- manager get right with your eyes coiinlilcr how lmiorlunt u part vihion tlaiu in your nviry monilnt of llfi dutlum jusrlt 1- urn ti u thut no lym train niuttis ujltorructi d commit un wo vii tll you juit wlmt to do it lu ihi ln whdfe h it k of our btrvlrf thut inula u tills c it u indi mint u afe 1la lo i i tain 1 n hluajci or tiimlttttlt wo grind our own lonies qiiroah on don1 aimjl ulll- 1jon i iky iu i l jain own a bell canadas uest ihu jnut un tj o i 1 not wlltu ft tullllol111 11 w dcttlnu cw kelly son quelph ont f