1 v t- r v3lfi 0 alton jr ijreafi thursday al iuij 10 1919 tin aero jwai ijaoifl is pubhshed every thursday mornlmr at tho ilira pasoa bulldlnc 11111 utrcet acton ontario n o lulwcrlpllan j rice la 1 60 per year in advance i jutsko u rliarced additional to omeea in the unr 1 i lutrn the date to which nulncrlplions ore paid la in ilea t ml on ihn a 1 linui label aivi rtijinp jtatit tranalent advertlaomenln 10 rents ir lino oftato measurement for first insertion and 6 cents r lino f r carh subnoliuent insertion contract dlnpuxy advertisements for 100 inches or moro per annum 1c contn per inch each insertion advertisements without specific direction will bo inserted till forbid and chamed accordingly it 1 mooiie 1ditor and publisher ti lriiiones- ndltorlal and lit i lent don co do not dcmobilizo your war garden it rhould bi put on tlic atrcnclh of the permanent forces of pro duction gardening not only increased the food oiipply during th war but it also added jn ich to the total of human health and happiness it ts an instt ttitton that should bo kept on a war footing llncna oflleo iii editorial the united states is ovidcnlly very much iq favor of good highways both state and fodcral according to an estimate issued by tha bureau of public roads that country will spend almost go0 000 000 for work on roads during 1919 the various state highway departments plan to spend 385 000000 which will pay for building 40 000 miles or road and for main tainmg 300 000 miles and by the terms of the appro pnation for the po3t office department the federal government will contribute 200 000 000 a bill introduced in the legislature last week makes important additions to the scope of the workmens compensation acr the principal clinnrc 13 a 50 per cent incrcaso in pension allowance to widows so that a widow will now receive under the act a minimum of 30 a month with an additional allowance for each child of 7 50 the allowance was formerly 20 for the widow and 5 for each child wonk that 10 its own reward that november 11th be set apart by tho dominion government as a permanent thanksgiving day for canada is being urged by many canadian organiza tions the world war was ended on the 11th of november on the 11th of november right triumph cd over might what day could be more fittingly ct apart on which to rojoico and be exceedingly glad and thankful the farmers of the country are clearly opposed to the daylight saving plan and they put forth very forcible arguments to show why they cannot favor tfiia muchtalkcdoi scheme out of 25 farmers who took their produce to stratford for sale on saturday last only one favored the daylight saving plan this one man was really not a farmer but a market gar dener who thought daylight saving was a good plan because the schools were dismissed an hour earlier and ho was able to obtain more work from bi3 twj boys tho county council of middlesex county has passed a by law protecting all birds and gaaz in the county for a period of five years this actionwas taken on account of the unscrupulous slaughter ol birds and game and the consequent increase of insect pests this is a commendable action the scientists however say the blackbird should be den troyed inasmuch as it destroys much more than it saves tho value of the effort the past year or so to in crease production is seen now among other things in the greatly increased quantities of beans now held for home consumption and export before tho war canada regularly jmported large quantities of beans of all sorts but owing to the very large production last year there arc now some two and a half million bushels available for export wheat flour also can jnst njw be supplied in unlimited quantities at prices favorable to purchasers and there ore large stocks of oatmeal and rolled oats as well as desiccated vegetables in cans stored within tho dominion the mayor of guelpb who xs also secretary of the horticultural society intends to prevent any unnecessary mutilation of shade trees in that city by wiremen or others this notice is published in unnecessary mutilation of shade trees in that city from mutilation and destruction the secretary re quests that all cases of tree cutting or trimming be reported to him unless the work 13 boing done with the consent of the owner of tho property adjoining last year this society secured conviction of linemen and weintcnd to carefully guard our trees a little such supervision by acton horticultural society would havo good results here up to a few years ago the great bulk of canadas gold production was mined in british columbia and tho yukon today ontario produces upwards of half of the gold mined in the dominion in review ing the gold mining mdnstry of canadaji5shown in recent government reports on the mineral output for 1018 it is on interesting fact that the hollinger consolidated gold mines at timmins ontario pro duced about 07 per cent of the total gold production of ontario and close to 40 per cent of the output for the whole dominion this is the mining property visited by members of the canadian press associa tion on one of their last excursions to study the industrial interests of canada tho special assessment committee of tho provin cial legislature has adopted a recommendation by the premier giving municipalities the power to pass by laws for approval by the ratepayers granting partial exemption from taxation of the homes cf pcoplo of moderate means this proposed exemp- tn will be graded on tho following basis houses assessed at not more than 2000 to be taxed on 50 per cent of their values not more than 2500 on 00 per cent of value not more than 3000 on a 70 per cent basts not more than 3500 on an 80 per cent basis not more than 4 000 on a 00 per cent basis all houses exceeding 4000 th value to pa taxes upon the full valuation tho question of tho hours for labor 13 a livo one today in all countries where labor organizations arc looking after the interests of their members the youths companion tritely remarks however that it is often a serious disadvantage to capable men to havo their hours of labor arbitrarily restricted since that prevents them from using their superior strength to get ahead in the world fortunately no power on earth can prevent a man from using his mind o many hours a day o ho pleases in that circum stance lies a mans power to rise if he will use his lesiuro to study his work and to think about it ho ran still get ahead the two great presidents of the canadian pacific railway began among the humblest ranks of employees appearances nro often deceptive the poorly dfessed individual wc sometimes see on tho street may not be a vagrant nor even a gentleman in hard luck he may be only careless similarly tho house that is badly in need of painting may not be the honk of slovenly people or of a family which is financially embarrassed but tho owner may be a trifle neglectfi 1 nevertheless it is true that the apparel oft pro claims tho man likewise a man often cither mokes his own environment or hu environment makes him paintlcss weather beaten bouses whether in town or country have a most depressing effect on those who live in ihcm or near them in addition wood and metal materials rapidly deteriorate if not given r protective covering of some sort tven whitewast or a coot ofjgood ochre and oil 13 better than nothing but for better service and a wide variety of artistic effects paints are essential acton has always been noted for its tidy and sanitary condition now tbat spring has opened there will be a general cleaning up of lawns back jnrd- and premises generally the attention to this matter faithfully is what has gven our town such a renfarkably clean bill of health and also enhanced the attrnctiveness of our homes onr homo surround nigs as well as our streets and ayenues the cor poration 13 pout to engage m cleaning up the streets let every citizen follow this lead and do their exterior cleaning of boulevards and homo surround mg3 i 1 f arm lis to 11 o com mitten wl ich wan ready to offer lilm a largo lium for delivering a coursa of loetiiron gentleman j littvc no time to innko m ncy in deservedly classic hut a rood many pcoplo mine tho d hit an 1 suppono tliat tha observation merely rxi rrmiod the contempt or t m r t unworldly mln 1 for mono tint in nrl tho cinn ixulu atraiuilx i rot at ly real i tod tho value of wealth autl urn worth of w at money can i rinr us well mi any om else hut hit w rk wnn worth uo mi ch rnoro than monoy hut ho readily fiacriflred the wealth for lit sake now thin in not the usual attitude a 1 it been it in unlikely that aran en little t jhech would havo been mrmbcred and quoted numbers of times hut though hi words re pro will a state of mind all too rare it in tlr m ntal ottilu if which should be tho 1 leul for un alt it la the normal ittltuln of tho mch mlndod t la u view of life which m then for liapptnra an 1 tmrlcncy 1 very worker should feel that ho u 1 in b methlnr w rth while tht ki n l mean that hu i lioul 1 aim to in the in mo kind of work tho man who rim i tho city n allryn or pavcti is hi hvt in cinirlhutlnir to tin r i wcirair no that ho haa a rbjht feel a sense pf prl in in hla oecu lutlun tin city in i lileh ho urea la a nioi althful more beautiful place becauno of hla cfcortn and that in moro than tho writer of many a popu tar novel can claim there la no mo work which a more rodtablu than o thorn 1 ut t fact tlut your work hrlncn nmall rtmun oration doea not excuao you for blip ahod mcthodi for indifference and ihlrklnr no one in dolnff tha work ho nhoul 1 unlenn lie fcla that tho work ltncizin hla crcateat reward what an army of happy and efficient work ttru wouul carry on tho activities of thla world if men onco learned to work in thlu faahton do your banking by r f d mnko tho mail your mrasentfor i and nave youruolf tho lonp ncicii to towii dopoaita may bo mado butter and chceso chequoo caahed monoy luidrawn juob aa canily and nafcly by mail aa in poroon wnto tho manager to tail you oil about thla convenient plan of banking by mail or call in and havo it explained tho naxl timo you aro town safety deposit boxes in your own bank a aerica of thirty fi ur rnifety ih p i it boxes in throo oiiwn haa txwin initialled in tho vnult f tl o mrchot tn hank of canada acton thcao boxen am hurrlnr proof hnv doult loclar and nccura to each loaco absolutely tecuro i rt ttvtl n fr m 1m or mod hern you rtava your ovn lcy tho rci tal in ciy umall and it o i oxen nro commodious uco tho manarcr an 1 incurs uno f r y ur d uinontn nn 1 valuahloa head office montreal of canada established 1004 acton branch cnorgctown branch l b siiorey mauaffer c w crandy manaaxr pointed paraqraphg there la r eontakiouii ai hunbniui ico other dlncaoo quito do coialp jf humor quickly meet tho but industrially onanaally and in commercial circles generally there does not appear to bo much pes3i mtsm in canada it is truo that a few years ago one- tenth or the unrest now evident in europe would have sent the financial and business worlds into panic but people havo become used to the worst they believe could befall the human race and are hardened against fresh anxieties tho firm tone generally prevailing both m canada and the united states these days is- taken as belief that all will otne out well and that the world cannot afford not to make peace just now unemployment has been much less serious than was expected and the great business of re stocking exhausted supplies of essentials ha3 still to be earned on if pnly the question ofpnees could be settled there would be much progress ahead with the idea of stimulating trade within the dominion by encouraging immediate buying the canadian trade commission has just secured returns of certain foodstuffs now offering at prices favorable to buyers it is the belief of the commissions ad visora that no immediate drop in general prices can take place in canada yet the commission is doing everything ppssiblo to urge a stabilization of prices to restore confidence in tho domestic market and it suggests that wherever possible it would be wise to undertake buying now it is known that retail stocks are low and that large numbers of merchants aro holding off in the- hope that therewill be n general slump as the peace reaty is not yet signed and it may bo many months before anything ap preaching normal conditions can be expected i europe there is no sign that expectation of this drop is justified hon george s henry minister of agriculture in tho hearst government seems to have as his pet aversion the united farmers of ontario the orgum ration which the agriculturists of this province are effecting he doe3 not like he sees in it a grit scheme every officeholder in the u f o is he declares a prominent gnt and he quotes approvingly a wag who interpreted ufo to mean united for office the fanners organized and organizing are according to mr henry camouflaged dyed in th- wool grits mr r h halbert of uxbndgc prcsi dent of the ufo delivered an address in renfrew the other day in the course of which he told of having come of conservative stock and of always having voted that way before being identified with the u f o mr halbert also intimated that if having to choose between the two old parties he would sho a preference for conserve tivism mr a e white of wellington who accompaniedjrtr halbert to ren frcw on saturday will scarcely be regarded by any body in renfrew county as a grit in disguise bv p certain old cries hon mr henry is seeking to stam pede tho united fanners of ontano they arc get ting rather too clear a view of protection renfrew mercury the labor men are getting as indignant as the soldiers at the effrontery of the liquor interests in exploiting that hard working organization to bolster up liquor 3 dying cause here is a striking letter from the editor of the western laborer of omaha thiu you may depend on the western laborer will never let up until tho booze industry of this country stops using organized labor as a badge of respectability and placards it as such in all the windows of all the boozo joints in the country organized labor is us ood as the elks mason woodmen knights of columbus or the other deceit resperadtft tions of this country and tho booze industry woud not dare use any of these as a front for their game many towns and cities havo experienced a sea re i j of manure since tho vacant lot garden movement haa become so popular tho st thomas horticultural society a very wide awako institution bos met this difllcnuy by collecting and storing annually liboui 100 loadi of pavement sweepings stable manure and leaves this is stored in a convenient place jui outside the city where it decomposes being frc quently turned to hasten rotting and prevent burn ing it is afterwards applied to tho society s boul vard beds and to reclaimed wasto areas whilat sonu is ud to members it is important that as much leaves and stable manure as possible bo mixed witn the pavement sweepings thismtter the coun cil might takt up to secure concerted action a wlao mnn knows all bo telln novcr tolln all ho knows tho man who la really rood often ta a oad look that in dlacouraslnc what a jolly old world thla would bo if all men praetiaed what they preach ed somo men havo a keen oenso of humor judging by tho pointless jjtorloa they tell admiration fa far more tolerant than love a amllo la tho bud and a laugh is tha full bloom small idoaa and bljr worda make a painful combination seelne inn t bellevlns when a man can t bcltere hla own eye competition la tho life of trade and the death of the non advertiser a good hard fall is often tho result of trylnc to stand on onealffnily some men aro locked up for nolo breaking and some tor aafo keeplns lvcry time a roan tries to get some thlnr for nothlnc he sets a little add tional experience if a woman is unable to think of any thine elao to say she repeats what ho said to other people it la truly wonderful how foaclnaf tnr most thin en are to peoplo that axo o of their bualnooa new fashion centre ladies of acton and vicinity should appreciate the fact that wc havo secured one of the best ladies tmlonpg artist3 in canada in the person of mr hirsliorn he has had wide experience in catering to the wants of many of the foremost ladies of tor onto for years tor tailored models tailored suit3 produced in the latest styles we can supply the moat fashionable weaves or we will make up to your measure with equal care your own goods we absolutely guarantecour work special a dainty feeder tho philadelphia telegraph nays that some tlmo oko on automobile party bunccr aclzed tho crowd ilavlnc t with them they decided to make wcluh rabbits instead of colnff tq local hostelry to this end a trip was made to tho corner crocery for raw materials wo want a oouplo of pounds of hcesa and some largo square crack rs for a welsh rabbit said the pur baser after cntcrmc the store 3ot tho chceso all right answered the croccryroon but none o them dig square crackers how bout some llllo oneor they won t do answered tho pur chaser wo must have tho larcc s pouo ye must if ye say so com men ted tho croccryman thoughtfully but it strikes mo that rabbit of yourn la purty demed partiemcr tout hla caun overacidity of the stomach has upset many a night s rest u your sto u dov disturbed dusolva two or three kmfolds oa the tonfuo before retinaf and cp joy reircshms sleep the purity mm gpod ol j mt guaran by scott jkbowmjt she was no lad or 8aver a travelling man was eauna fn a stuffy little restaurant one very hot summer day there were no sctcbtts at tho windows or tho door tho pro- prletareas herself waited on her cum era and shooed flics from the tabic at tho same time her on ergo tic but in efforts attracted tho attention and roused the sympathy of the travelling man who uuid would it not he better to liavo your wit down an 1 the door screened v well yea i sikiso that would help ie replied the woman after thluk moment but twould look mlgbty lay ilka- what good 18 the roblnf nuw wlutt good la the robin t vlrybody knows ho robin a boy camo aloi g the road with a 22 rifle v a robin sitting there and killed i went over and picked tho robin two cutworms were squirming th i round tho robin tied had them i la bak i held the bird up and two moro fell out of his mouth ltu member ono utworm will cut down to in a to plants in a night the worm docs hlii work and the 1 i uu ui lir tho uull mr ilobln comes hoi i ink uoi i icks in there and pull him iut und tun s him into a robin if unjoin tollu you tliat a robin will it itroy ai n hundred culw rnut in a lay tuki it from hun that is la truo jti k miner ut tl e yutlotial confer one i qamo und wild llfe nooko made dy ouaveo itium 1 ubllnticrs in ancient homo id turn out books rapidly and very lh aply a i ut usher of the augustan urn rodurod 1 00 oi les of tho second ixx k t t martial in ten hours vbd thest 1 at uimi it 13 cents aploce gav i im a mtu t 100 per cent thla wm d o i v mini ylnr slaves carefully ml i i tu write swift ait i legibly w rkli i in litrl os of 100 with on ovorsrer urtallng the book in haim tr m i ik wii cmplt cllid ory uho t lime an on us th roplvn were writ ln thoy wore n viae i cirrectcl rolii up u1 bouii 1 hi ir sluves tl o met required niy ma into nance from theli m ntir mil thus lu could afford t fidl thrlr j nniuriis at o very low td tho first five ladic vwho plsca orders with us we call and inspect out iirtew- yrom acton and viclnitj will make a spsclsl offer remember that in addition to our specialty of ladies tailoring we have attractive features in our ladies ready to wear j department and shoe de portment brill co mill and main streets phone 1g7 georgetown bargains in fish for lent mcenery evans having received a large shipment of fish which are in prime condition wc arc able to sell to the public at the following reduced priccs qualla salmon half or wl olu 15c qualla salmon allcid 17c whlto 1ltih 15c halibut ulced z5c fnah ijku huicrlor htrrlng ec ijcklcd llcrrltir 7o 1 inuaii hn ldlo 15c feflrrt m so mcenery evans main street acton ontario new machine shop fred bloy machinist is moving to the newly arran cd premises the ross bowl tng alley on main street where he will be prepared to handli oil repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor hep airs a specialty having cxpcricntx with cil makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installtd a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will be made to outer cases as well as inner tubes this depart meat is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fred blow notice to farmers 1 000 in ad kat llano mid chick ans wanted up to 2o it pound an 1 will ala 1 uy apples all ulndn ff hides and hklns and ore on 1 i un 1 tlilute an 1 all kinds if jmk boukht ivo arcjwiylnj hltihcst cash prices i atnu ixn your neighbor mall or i liono orders will recti vo i r mi i attention alex gilboorcl oox 201 aotorif oni phons s3 corner church and willow ota business directory mcdical thoo onay m tx c m- m6qill l ii l 1 rdlnl uruli r it it p k u fljasimw mcmtcr urltuh medi cal association etc acton ont omci fvedprl k o i real estate it you hava a liouse for sale if you want to buy a house in aclun ak r j ke4w auetlormr mnd ftaal cctat 0u younq otneet actom ont frame house for sale tumble house on qxxtrtb street fifteen rooms large lot pump and cisterns i apply to l starkman mill street acton returned men deserve the very best changing to civics this store can supply you with the very best or j a mcnivcn phyefofsri and ourpeon oftlce and itesldnnce corner hower avenue and 1 iffln htrcota tho resid ence rormsrly occupied by p m hen derson acton onl vetcninary john la woo h vstsrlnary burgeon acton ont cjraduatj of ontario veterinary col- leffo 18s0 oftlce arthurs i j lock ilesldehce mill htrcflt calls day or nljjht prompt ly pftonded to lcoal phono no 23 p o lfx 338 harold nash farmer bl a dsrrlsur get lei tor notary rubles convsnyanccr ctc pcrbvman dlock acton ont siowt to ixjav conveyancing hours ip m flip m at resldence- r h wan8drouch lak avinu acton ontmru or j m bell o o 0 u o 0 osrrtis honor graduate rt trtmuj lnlrts- mttr th luttrntm aoesthetlc used u desired ofiks at ix cgtcx isill aad mf8cejxaeou5 marr1ac ucen8es h r hrwr tmmamr umrriaa t irmns pwrax oaac to wles r- qslre4- tjwmd tu tti4ttcm is cyc peet ptxam ozzcm jutoo ost fftawcis huh ah accoxtbt books cf b1i kln1 rhsrti to order periodicals of erery dfacrl- uoa emref auy bonnd- rtallnj ceally ad p done wyndham street guejph out ot- wuuacis store riade to order clothes hnts caps sox shirts braces underwear and all mens furnishings at ho qoscst prices wc you qu stvicj and large choice ot materials in made tomeasure clothing satisfaction guaranteed re nelson phone 40 next post office guelph r j kerr lte auctteneer bor the counties of ilaltoa welunj ton peel and dnjierin d tho city of coelpb acton ontario the free press ofllce acton too mercury ofuce guelpb tile vewsjtecord ferstis or with w j gordon harness ixajcer uuisborc- sales entrusted to r j kerr ra ce re attention from date at ilitinx to date of talc lul your salea wltn me residence young street acton co0rage and care napoleon is credited wltii saylnff that fnjgordcr to win one roust sometimes he vrry hold and oometimcj very nru dent jld it la tpio that every lino of achievement needs this combination of bol tnesa an 1 prudence of couraxe nn 1 furcfulnth oi e in wl om the elc mint of prujonco is overdcvelope 1 hcnltatta draws hack deliberates ai d often losea tho col len ppportuhlty ono who li reckleaaly bold pldngea ahead without looklns ttie cround over and oftrum finds himself in the midst of difficulties irhieh aro inaurmount able because unconsidered success demands both boldness and prudence ono muat dare but not reckleaaly ono mu t be prudent but not faint hearted courage und caretulnesj to ffethcr conquer the world middle aged womeix are hero told the best remedy l for their troubles veexaont o i was passing uuraueh uxo critical period of life being fortyix vcars of afro and had all the symptoms incident to that change heat flashes narvoosness tadwuio a general ruo dawn condition so it was hard for mo to do my work lydla e pink- hams vofetabls oompouad was recommended to mo ss tha best remedv for toy troablewhich it sureljr proved to bs x feel batter and stronger in every tfsy since taking it mnd tha sonoylng symptoms liva dlssp- pasrsowmrs u qoppxit 0z3 napoleon at tfremoot bortb nstttn ooon lydls e hnuhsmn vegtita- susoompound restored my health sfusroverythlnireuo had failed when paasiutf throngh chance of ufa a hers is nothing like it to overoumo the trylnj- symptoms lfflosutua iasxjuauax 107 north jitcn coos ik swdfa cases dtdia e pinkhams vegetable compound has the record for urn greatest good cdia ekmkmam hcoiciht co iymmmais j e cheevers book binder quebec gl east cuslph ont books and magazines behind in h and buhstantlaj covers karnes lettered in cold on bibles hymn books and other books ah work promptly cxocuted d alex nten ontario land ourvayor and civil engineer surveys ftubdlviajonn plana ito porta dcscripuoua blueprints etc certincatoa for purcliauero and mortsaxeee- surveys for architects builders and municipal councils drajnsi reports tatl mates etc uclean building douglas eu guijju phono 10g1 oni roy hindley auctioneer avu stock uhjvi ls1atl and allhciiandisfc consolidated phone erin 4t r r 3 acton grand trunk the double track route montreal dctrpit u1twuin toronto chicago unexcelled dlnii r iar oorvim sleep inir ci larlor crs u on u u i t trains am i prtnclimil day truli s lull uif rmutl i tri n ai y grand trunk ticket uk t t r c 1- hornlike district 1 aaaci kir viil tom to h s uolmes aficnt acton ont phon 13 t tho old and boliablo granite and marblo dealers wo ur inanufarturera ui 1 dlrn t importers of all jtlnls if uo lumoiilul and lleadatuno work wo u ill dlroct to our customers at wl oluialo iiriuu thud mivhur our cuntomlrs 40 lr cent va have tho bent oi pi ian tea und tbo nly mechanics in tho dominion who can oierto pneutuutlo too la i n pcrly wo can elvo reftrei ecs trx i i ituu lrls bt our cuat iiiits lu rorvnto ui i other places wliere others 1 uvo to havo law suits in oritbr to colltct v i uve the larsest and beat stn k if uranltn in tho ionilnlii r inoto u mi ut y throo dealers in tho vvht b aro ufful itato dealers ai d cui 1 y no mfonw and do not am y or im runt mors by sen 11ns it lt rant iijtirtii r 11 it liiv ordtrs we tiui i y t nly iiioclianlrs an 1 di fy conn ntlllun hamilton sons cor norwich a woolwich hu uualpb