Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1920, p. 4

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i fcir pojrwfitntwrvv ljf qhp arftm jto ffmui uhikhimv aijuiikt iu ijti ontario i 111 la pub i ulwli aubacrlpuiin irlre i 1 co pur yaar n tutaiiu 1 ttliurarod additional to ortlaoa 111 tl u rim duui li whloh ubaritfona aro mill u hi l itl i ii ii nmrvu howl aiwidltihino ijtiq tronalimt advortlaamaiito uuttlu j r ilia usnta mmurnoiniil ttr oral inavrui u hnd 6 t i ff iur 1ih for uoli mihaiutiit inartlon ontruu dim lay wilvartliieni u ror loo iiuiiom ir mn jhh- uiuuih iu it i til imp lnuli niuili inaortlon atlvortlamtit without apoelllo ilirwollona will b itimrtd till ror bid nil j nl iwl k044 nllmily i 1- mooiilfl icdltor and x ul ifaluw- tjixtcl i ionium ludltnrlul ui i llumliiium oaioo h uni i i i ik examples for other boys to follow in the public lifo of citnadn and nlso of tho untied matoht iho fnrro or the- printing ofltee of ten rf- not- guticrally lias iho call prima minister jhoighon was born on iho farm and hpcnt till youth nod early man hood ploiighiiif hoc inn and peddling mitk and on tlioy other tfulo ot tho lino whether republicans or democrat win tho next president will be a man who lcgan lifo as ii prjtitcro dovll mid worked ins way up to thoicditoriiil cllair moral for tho hoys if you cant aa a fnrincr make your start in a printing owlo ofillia packet editorial 1 wo edtrul byo elections will be held in tic maritime- province l on september 20 tho remits may jivc the government a brief breathing spell or on tho other hand may bring on a casa of sudden heart failure time will tell if a small girl can without tiring herself earn 200 in n forenoon picking strawberries what anontdttxortyuf fifty twntwuesfvgood weekly newspaper sell for is tho pertinent query of tho fanncoo reformer a petition has been signed by many ladles of parry sound desiring the tiupporr of the board of trade in a movement to havo the stores cfoso at 10 p m on saturday tim petitioners pledge themselves to do their shopping earlier and assist tho merchants in this movo tor lletlennent of ontario herd very commendible efforts arc being inndo throughout ontario to improve tho quality of tho herds in every county a new element intended to assist in this splendid work has lately been inaugur ated during the last few weeks motion pictures havo been taken df a great many ontario herds thcso herds uro representative of tho various breeds of cattle throughout tho province the pictures will jbo availablo early in tho fall tor use in all tho counties of tho province of ontario they aro specially designed to assist in tho better bull cam poign which is being carried on tho ontario no tion picture bureau is cooperating with tho pro vincial live stock branch in securing thcso dims and slides tho advanced cofi i of all products witiraviow to showing the increased cost of food products the following comparative prices are fiuotod boiwccn 1014 and 1010 farm lands with dwellings and buildings increased in value pen aero trom 18 to 52 the total valuo or livo slock has increased trom 1102 201 q00 in 1014 to 1200 002 000 m 1020 tho field crops in 013 were valued at 552771 500 and m 1017 at 1144030450 between i0ij and 10ijj tio price of wheat per bushel rose from h7 cents to 2 02 of oats from 12 cents to 78 cents of baric from 42conts to lof ryo from 00 to 1 42 of buckwheat from 04 cents to 1 58 and of yhe dsbirk for oetter things u t1ie itesnttr to young people cultivate brain power the school college and departmental exam no tions for promotion entrance to higher schools and graduation are now over for the year and tho results have been published it is now up to the young people who have enjoyed school and college privileges during the year to put into effect the knowledge they have gained through the instruction and tests of the year tho head of a great business enter prise complained recently that there was not enough brain powder available for the important posts the colleges are more crowded than ever before but not every one who this year takes a college diploma will help to reduce that shortage the powerjs inherent in most intellfgcnt young people but it must be developed and this calls iqr exacpng persistent tod if you think more f ease than success you will never develop it to tho point of supplying the shortage of which commcrcinl leaders complain and filling tho vacancies waiting for young men and women of brains gjve yourself a square deal v this is a practical world after all agreat many peoplo complain that the world does not treat them fairly r thd trouble is that they do nqt treat themselves fairly- if a person goes around with a long face and a heavy heart wonderlijg what piecerof til luck wdl come next he is himself putting insuper able obstacles in the way of success smile all you can make a point of looking on the bright side keep up heart even when the outlook is disturbing give yourself a square deal in the way of hopeful ness if you are doing only what yqu are obliged to do putting halfhearted effort tnto your duty and looking with envtpus eyes on those you consider more fortunate you are not flaying tho gamp fairjy givo yourself a square deal by doing your work wholeheartedly it makes very little difference how fairly you ore treated by the outside world if you are unfair to- yourbwn powers and your own pos sibilities yqur success and happiness depend largely on giving yourself a square deal 1 our crops and prices there is seldom a flnancialpage which does not n some burst of enthusiasm point a anger at the good crops in ontario and other parts of the country and state that they are sufficient guarantee of abun dant money in tho land to sustain o good purchasing iipjtqgranwne qn jhepart of the farmer t now this compument may be all right and then again it may be all wropg in ono way it is complimentary to be told that the backbone of the purchasing power rests with the man dn the farm in another way some of i tho financial gucsscrs may be all wrong and no farmer who keeps a close check on his costs is going 1 0 jbo fooled by all the flapdoodle that the youthful fc p i financiers can pen from an impression of farming gathered from being whisked by a high powered car what are he facts crops good yes for the mpst part the price likely to be sustained at a fairlyhigh level cerralnly but remember thist the farmer and the manufacturer are in much the same position this year viz they are both turning out a highcost article the manufacturer is paying a big price for his material for his haulage for his skilled and unskilled labor in faet everything he teucheatja the production of his finished article is at a high level the farmer has taken on a verycon sidcrable obligation in order to produce the crop that now is reatjy for the barn he will have to realize well on it hj order to get out from under and otho end of the reason find that he has a real not an imaginary balance op the right side the farmer has paid a high price fortrirseed fertilizer for feed which in many cases has been purchased in tho open market for his machinery if he has had to buy any for labor and ror everything else that has entered n- to the production of his 1020 crop put tip g a high cost crop on the market needs a high price in return i otherwise the man whx is financing the deal is goind fo be worse off than when he was selling lowcost crops at aq average pdrice farmers magazine mixoafstfisfretfr ssveerrfs price of hay per ton increased from 14 04 20 50 of bran per ton from 10 00 to 45 00 of cattle western butchers per cwt at winnipeg from 0 77 to 1025 for bcof dressed hindquarters per cwt altorjfnto from 12 bo- to 25 00 of jiogs per cwf at loronto from 0 08 to 18 r of creamery butter per lb from 27 cents to 04 centsf of milk per 8 gals from 1 47 to 3 0 of fresh eggs per doz from 15 cents to 00 cents of potatoes in ontario per bag from ti7 cents to 2 05 war and scarcity ex plain the advances it must be re mem hero d also that the war has laid heavy burdens upon farmers who receive these advanced prices as upon all other classes give v billon a preliminary welcome a visitor struck a pertinent note the other day when he said referring to ficton youve got a- good town why dont you let the peoplo who pass through it know wbat it is and what you do hero why not we are proud of acton of tts homes with their pretty ii owe re and lawns its well kept streets its industries and its people and yet as ono appreci ales when he thinks about it dozens of passing motorists might come into and leavo tho town in any direction and unless they were curious might never know the name of tho place certainly they would never know that we had one of tho most im portant leather industries in the empire nor again that tho town was anxious to attract new industries and can offer unusual advantages to these how to do it theres no doubt no more direct method than tho road sign for which hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent annually by advertisers ol all kinds in ontario georgetown has a couple of weather worn signs at her borders and while these aro not particularly inviting they are hotter than nothing but why not something worth while hero is an idea for the proposed now chamber of com merce lets plan for four really firstclass slgrjs to bo placed at tho corporation limits on each of tho four roads leading into acton we shouldnt bo sat tsfied with a plain board announcement welcome to acton suppose we plan for a real highclass metal sign such as are used on the bill boards possibly painted in colors to add to its attractiveness it would be a very easy matter to connect up such signs with the streot lighting system ond to have tho illumin ated with two 4r three hopded lights imagine tho thoughts of motorists coming into acton after dark and being greeted by such a sign immediately there is a favorable mental impression and ten chances to one a man will say to himself thcrcs an enter prising town i want to know more about it a to wording how would something llko this do wlutl l ii htt mkittimytnlt iihi kfwt tunt muk h him kriih linriclcr urov in iwi r uf m lirow mm u loatlni itfn ntf trtoit lilnlit wi rdm wlmt iri ii dint tnuknx ii til tlin dnalro tor i atlof ttilhaii ii hlnl iliu lr if touio tin iiiuh iw ili inrmli illi n un i l urou tim luli muul lw ill ii i with no lion uliil ihiii ik nulilitl ly inlhlll- rvlnlfi r mlml un i will hut thi u nt hiiimrvuji ii f mitul hii 1 will itut iho ilvttlm thn linnrt h irdlnif nil inilmtllliiv ilnalrn in mnhtt nnnti day a ixittnr no thlill dm flay bfflfn to mud ooh jobk lormitnd n lm in vrtnont over til r minor oirn oil u th tliliik thnt nuikfn tim mtw jllo flbvlr u hie lirlmary inrontjva unit without it tliorf dm i i lm no union ik wr of will it in kimmi tn know iii it lhl ilnmlin for i otmr thing lm rmiim 1 many lci kfii inrtt onam lirt up tfiuli i mnrti mi i muk u nw oturt it will itrlvn dlauioiirnomant from tl n tnijal lirinv iiy liurrfauod unui it will iirjuir hi uttht tit iniw tri tlia i i n who iludw hlrtiwair grolnk in din dark 11 ohm of fullum otid tad iilm i iit i1u0 tho minnliln of hiiklilanro uml fultli am i n u wn huv tliu nml fir lx tli r ttilnipi w hnv in inorvo that muuh f plinrrr needed l dukll vim 11 ii ulilmiil attmlnmunt tho nt nf thlm rtiwrvn ihtwaf im id o i i ami bui imtlona rirvut innti urn hut i iminon ni r noro fully dvolnkhl uml rljunml flvm a hlliwkinhar tiy wo1 do cloih 1 jw1 rlimintm thrinmh tl ilr iu ulr fi r hvtltir thlnitu k ut whlto- rlrl i tlu mrvht lnmillir a ahiil i- hrlrt whan a boy rik loan in itnw ant inrwlen hut tin iwil m k i mlhr tind atm hnlnnd kind in iii i1i4 lnnrt urlmilro for better tliltia thn llriml iiim hrml and ho i vkhil to uixiw duma whon it yxiy wm u rthlook till lud mo hi blotfruplmi- ln lama xlut h too imd in hla imnrt m dralra for lmttftrthlnira tiiim tanlr uk him up tha inlilvr vt huo fm unit fortune tl hw brentni onr r tho greatest wrltnr nt rntnrw iixiiklntf of erorit frrnolimni it li ml 1 thnt thlerc a boy wa by rur thn wo rat pupil 111 aohool ut onrn ha cihancod hl colyaa lie dorurvd thut hit would mima day tie pmtlilant of rtunoo aliit ho wn why nhould w lot any pruaont dlu imitmnt uny i iitnt fullunr liaiitf llko a nlllatimn utuiut mir hfnuat tho futuro la nura ll tnim doalio ahoul i hn itmnf iq our hearln 11 doalro to forget pa at full limn mid tjft huilk wti can win if w wilt hr in thlm dmlr to bnw und lo kftep urowind n niuallty pooillli tlhmw wh uro llaciurad tho fnrtuniita uimi ticptl if in tftilli miitntunt mumiui may loud n tn hi uvu hlrrmetf alxiya fuor inonibt- of mlntnuoa or errou nut nrrur ii ootnmon to om nil tho ovorly eon nlont individual mtfy rind hlmaali ajrnplna helpuaaly thp ju8t caliph ol in ihiklul illl hum i mnffriin 1 ilum i uhn nir titot hm multi iillrilk ui ml linpoaliuf it wiim in m iirnry l pill d iwn u amall ul 1 rli imvul thn vlxhr wum riuly t dnuln y 1 liif the il h nnlarwl nmt ii n 1 1 r 1 1 1 man who dwlt tlwi mik ul i i lull fir liui hov t will iut noii hlt tho h r mut my fi rof iiiiutm llvvil mil dl 1 hnre i wlali lo illi rtr t ii ihi mii ii 1 a liil h ha l jut thj 1 nllph otiniil lom 1 t tv win 1 ihlm iiiihw r wum i niuitht hlinjuid un n lia aiihwrotl it hu hovt1 mtuy thfn lii i gnti mo nplon hd luj cool i nilut to my mlirn if mjpla axtw h- ki bltzlutt with 0on ii y wuuu vuy only thn nll h l holf i ul lr tliy ahopl i men tho hnvol thoy ft uld rry c till li la juxt jtimtloo im aroater than rluhoa thn when you travel even in canada carry yiior funda in travelfcniuchaiuca ibflucd by tho merchants panic pomona cheques aro often rbfuiiod money may bo lostortolen travollrra cheques on tho other hand nro cnahod by banks hotels transportation comuanich and stores at their faco values and enable you to raino ready monoy wlioroveryouhappontabo if lout thoy nro of no value to tho finder t if stolen or des troyed they will be replaced without extra ennnre una them for your next journey th mcrchants bank hd ofne montrui of canada eubtlll us4 acton branch u a shorey manaeer georgetown branch h r mimlte manager why we need new money tliis year we arts spending about ten million dollar to extend ouv ystem to ncoonirruxlato new subaenbera year by yjear we must spend millions bo that people requiring telephone acrvioe may be accommodated t such huge aums of course cannot be provided out of our revenue tho onlyway of obtaining money in such amounts la from in vestors seeking profitable employment for idle iunda investors naturally wontr put their money into any cnterpriaq that docs not promtso absolute security and a sure return nowv ndaya security and a handsoma return on irrvtartinentsjtrenol difficult to find 1 r our problem than is w aptio 0 tha high coat 0 ovwryfwnjf wtf buy in both labor and material to pay aach a return to present onvanfor oar shareholders aa wdt attract new money this mast ba accomplished while at tfia soma tuna keeping oaf service up to tha highest standard if tha rata of return fs not n7raorrw than the supply qf new money caasea this ts the problem 6f telephone companies everywhere hone of them has found any other solution than to charge a fair and adequate rate to subscribers the dell telephone company of canada bus diroc thoo qrav m u c m moolll if- ii o v lutliiluruh u w 1 ii ilaaaow uilr hrlluli mwl- na1 aumh lull 11 e omoa krotlurl k it r it a n out dr j a monlven pfiyiolan mnd burgsgn onioo kwrttattl 1 u n ittwr avaipi and lulclu ftirvi 1 u rixld noa ti rmrly inxili m y t m llen daraon aitnn ot 1 dii c f w noon gaoruatewn onl hnus guru 00 gracm hm ho ul vi 1110 1 rtliitf legal acton a canla for leather irouuction antt glove making 200 good people r r im workimt welcomes lou we have splendid industries and splendid facilities koit more to toronto j3 not faster than 15 please to gudph 17 rl expensive yes thoy would cost nomothne as docs evehythlng worth while but here is another suggestion the free press is strongly ot tho opin ion fhat aside from any general value to the town such signs particularly if illuminated would have direct advertising value to our leading industries suppose provision were made for fair sized advertis ing plates below or besid th town sign we bo lrovtthair a dozen of our merchants as well as odr manufacturers who would bo loss directly benefitted would bo willing to contribute sufficiently to do fray the cost particularly if this were spread over a tern of years as would be anticipated there is no doubt that auch advertising matter would at least pay jtho cost of upkeep shall wo have them or not it is foe you to say lets be the first town in tho county perhaps iu tho province to do efficient advertising at her borders if it is done right the fame or tho town will bo widespread and the advertising value very material another suggestion comes when considering tho matter of signs for tho bordcri of the town when a business house a bonk dn industmal concern in the city starts a now building the first thing done oven befpro the excavation is commenced is to put a good sized sign informing the public that the jones manufacturing co is erecting a flvcatory factory on this site to provide for tho demand for the jones cameras this not only satisfies peoples cdriosity but is valuable from an advertising stand point out near iho corporajlonlimlts0nmain streot south on the wallace property is a consider able excavation over which will shortly be erected a rather notablo structure you and 1 in acton know what ilia peoplo from outside do not flow effec live it would be if a fairsizcd sign on the fence at the spat noted acton is erecting here tho standpipe and reservoir for our nw waterworks system an other advantage far an already splendid town will he council jnoyo on this suggestion l liona fit 13 o llux 3j1 harold nash iattmlu m a j lor n tary publu conyany pennvman dlock acton ont uftnv to rxan wuurtiab u 111 id 6 tun conveyancing iiihmim m rlibka wllla rli ii canh alulrai la of tltlna firnlutiml work harmfully uiil l ilim lluur x di to r d m ut tnalii i rival n h warjbbrouo lu- a dr j m hell d d b t- d b dantlat mi8cellaneou8 marriaqe ltcenseo h p mgert laauar marrlag llpan prlvrntft offloa n wltntwaoa ra- qulrad lnuxl at rwaldanou n avanln rub fkfcaa ooloa anton out eranc1b nun aw bookblntur account booka of all ulndji n x la to order pariodloaia of ovry daaohp- uon ckrvtuiir bound itullnr dmujt and prompuy dona wndtim stre clualpb oqt over wlllunu klaraj r j kerr loanaad auetionaar kair ut couhum of hal ion vlllnc ton pmi anu ritftrln rnl tha city o ouelph acton ontario blaa may ba arreni y mall or i r idanaa at jlcton or nt th bvaai prm orflco adto tba uamunr ooloe ouolph tha naw itaoord pwrsrua or with w j qordon ltamenw uakor ullubunr salm eatruated to u j korr r- oalv attention from onto of latin- tn of kalo uat your maitu with tarn raaldanc do war avanua aaaan phone ik aeton call at tn hlxpan j e cheevers book binder quabae st eaat qualph ont llooka and nuuiumjiithi bound lo handaoma and bubauuitlal oovant kuum isttorod in told un lllblaa hymn book and other book a all wori promptly exaoutod d alex niven ontario land8urvyor nm oivtl en din burvea fiubdltflulrmn plana jta- porta tjaarriptlona lutprinta ate cartincatoa for purchanern and nortcaaaea burvoya ror arcbltrcta buuoora and uunlelpal countula drajnafm re porta katlmato oto moilean ruildino douolaa bt guifiiju lhoqo 1084 oni wh buy olt 8hix victory bonds baarer or raglatarad j e carter invmtmant brouar f qualph grand trunk vkz the double track roujte wktwkjicn montreal toronto detroit chicago unokoalled ullilm car iiarvloo hiftupliib- oam on nlglit trnliut and parlor car on wttidpal uay trojna vtill in format lint from any qrmv trunlc tlnktit ruunt or o 1c jcoraln- luatrlut iutiaoiiuor aut t toronto ii iiojhes a acton ont fhona is thooidandheliabte granite and marble dealers wo aro tiutnufat tunm and llnd irnportorh of nil kin la of monumental and htmulhtmiq work wo boll dlroo to our oiimtomtim ut wholouav prtoaa thua imvhiu our uualomurh 40 mir oent- va tiavo tlia ixuit uiipllanam and tha nyhanlo in tha jpmlptmtrho un ttnort imifimmllo tool proptirty wn imn blvo rofuroin frunfhuiiilinil of our hht in im 1 1 run ntn und tlmr luuoit wlnio otliun imwu i lilivo law htillm iii nnlrr to uillll wo imvo tha lariciht and bunt minok if nut to in did dominion or morn tlmn uiiy thraa doalura in tho wvmi wn aro icglu- inata iloalona ahd uinlny no ojmnta and do not annoy or iwtat ouatoraera by aondlrur out lnnornnt asnnta aollolt- in ordfrwu omiiloy only mmhaiiea and defy oompautlon hamilton 6ys0ns oec morwlob 4k woolwtoh qw qoalpk

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