Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1920, p. 3

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bhfe attorn sta ttaa tumllay muiticmlikk stand bv vour towtj if vti think your w the lf4 if vilim huv l iml tho i llnlp kktw wlsn lhirj iliivllniii to do if n riinw iiiuiii m you yoiill fctd bully whim ifit through joittynii know if you win it to idukfl u lilt if i tn other fallow it wiiom to blumst hpentl your tommy in your town thinly koop your price down gjlve the ma tonoorit w frown that m the giatnol lf youm used 1i giving knockx h change your stylo throw boituuet lnlrad reek kor n will lot the other fellow roast hliun him a you would gol moot hlm imnimor with u itoaut anil lb umlla whan u atrahgnr rrom afar camm along tell him wlm and wluit you oro maka ii strong nvwlnt nailer mnver hlutt i tell tha truth for thats annua join tha booster that tho it turf wo belong well vary and i sal horns from very pleasant vlalt with our daughter and her family hut week w enjoy od ovary day of our slay with thorn there ws very much to give uof i good time tha abundant crop na- turally nuiln u feel goad thn at tan tlon paid um by our young yolk and their nolghbor wu gratifying indeed only it kepi um just a trifla too bony for wuci an old pair of visitors w warn kind to mni tha gnral imiirovo menu in tha farms and farm aur- roundfnga alnoo our but vlalt aom year imifom that war i found ovary where that whnthnr the ftrmor nn making money br noty improvement and iinvnjanoe are tvnrywhi whin w wnrn hunt laat and want to ohurah onftunday thara wu only uutotnoblln among all tha conveyance which brought tha farmm families to rhiirrh audlt w unite a novelty lujiimwlint of u wohitnral that time it wan only a word too on thl vlalt who wa want to church tha condition were antlioly ravtird of tha twenty or morn rigs i rounlad only two worn horse drawii a aliigla bus by uti fanner market demortl and tha cunl warn not clinui unnx thnr iwgun to ttotlr thea thine bttaly anil i mw them went dodsmi and overland uclduhun uttd- fltuda bokorj il ax well und llrlocoea gray dort ntid lo and beheld one younte farmnr drova a franklin ton y biiu it would liava takan tha itrloa of the farm to buy oiia of theee epen- alva maohlntut tha tin xjasina were of vrtumo in avidanon but tha blcrcr cam wiem to lutva coma and noma to toy i well a i an id we rnjayixl our ink very mtiih but 1omea home hnd bcth uary and i wantod to cot back to our own fl nuil do ho wa took tha una to palmer ton and then to clualph atxit hank homo to our own ac ton wa noticed that tha gram crop wa nearly all in alane tha road a kood deal of flax la crown up that way and much of it wu atlll out thoush it waa cut and atookod tha train waa crowded all tha way ulonjf the farmeri anil momlwr of tlmlr fqmllle aa wall a poopla from tha town and vllburea were makltut their way to the bbj tonmto fair aa x oxpoc to do one day at loaat thuwock ill be able i think to bivu you mum of my ifn- praaalona of the fair next week savl juat l expected when uary and atapped off tha train with our telasooim arlp the other nbxht then war a aoore or mora of town people thara at tha train rubber in that what tha youn folk cajl it unt it ta nao if thay oould apot the old man and uary well it wu in tha duux and fortunately a lot of other people kvtotthcxo to vlalt rrienda r beforo thay left for the exhibition and uary and t allppert throush and rot down atreet nod i dont believe any body who won there la any the wtaor the editor told me yeatarday that a friend of hi a prominent matiufaetur- er in town called laat week and told blm ho knew all rlhttiowyhn tfail owmah la ho waa quite poaltlve he anbl but ha never mentioned ma if ho thought lia maff u coming home from our vlult to uraoe he waa much m la taken bocauae from the editor record a he wu at the ottlca the day before wo cam homo now for old- time recollect lone aaaln on th extroma northwesterly coi ner of lot s3 in tha third cancdaalnii of tha towiumlo of isaqilealna in tho county ofhalton rltfht acroa tha town line from lot i oonoeaalon throe of the towruthlp of krln juat four farm lota from tha centre of aoton atand the ilrlck church thla tidy htfla ohurch wu built in 1b rlftyelaht year uir thla ummir by teii hnyder controetojnnd bulldorof aotoiirvhe erection of thla church and tho m-raitl- aatlon of a ohurch noddy wua tha oulfonm of u xnirliuia ruvlvul at camp raoellhk hold in a licibniid maple iirovo one lot wat ucroaa lha road from the churchill bury in around it wan called the lirlok church becauae it wua the tlrat nhurro built of ttrloff for mile around them wua not n brick chbroli in anton even at thfit limit nor until thirteen or fourteen yittr tifterwiird when tho lueaont uothodut uhiiroh waa erect ed it la n matter of favorabln com ment n to hlit hklll and relliililuiy that the builder of tho utile lirlok church on lot 33 n 18 3 wua ulao the con tractor who built tho aeton mcttiodtet churcli in iuilit the aroction of the lirlok church waa an vmptirtant event in tha unnala of the community tha rum i ilea moat intlmutely aaanclated wlttl the anlar- nrloo wore tha hnydera and iallea tle johnalnna iid allan the urown and tha bliarpa tha jumble and uokuioh and olltera whom f i am un able to ramamtmr after theae nearly ixtyyeora have iwoaed mr snyder bullb the drlvliio ehed flmt and for the aaka of oonvenlenoa to the work ha ami mr huydnr oicnplel a couple oj temporary room in the north weat corner of thn ahed they were a youn ooupln than their famly of three had nut yet imn to thnm mr and mr hnydtr iimmmhi awa jnw year nun und thny ulnep with many of their frlndm of ili- onrly daya in our w4ullful 1ulrvlew feipelery tlmlr hlldriiifutirvlvi knd uaeh oooiiple n protnltkinl hillim of ihihniuhillty wlllluiii nkihoh hi lowu dink of north liny whh h hiiwuhiilrulloiim for tjtlun ui ti dty lfjuit lhlllp im imiihm tor of tin lloyul hunk of otuuda und ro- uhloi- in miiitr nd minn lirtl i llrilt uld iiuruo ut th work of the motor to durrerhi ftlrmt toronto i tiurlnd the jirtln of tha cliuroh i people willhirly kvo all the a- uulanoa the could ottr they hauled ilidltmn und hrlok and lumtwr thuy lielpeil in vurtoa way in tha m of erection thay made abo ahlnsled the rolf in one day mr john oambla wo ao pleased that a chucb wu to ba opened ao nut her homo that aim votunteervil to arrtili tho church in preparation for the nnlnif aurvloea hh did thn work 1 hail great joy in it hut unfortun ately ahn contract is u heavy wim in jh- damp naw bullillntf ami after a fnw weeka paaaed away hor wom the ii rut funeral oervlre held in the new church tho rhurch won duly opened with appropriate cnremonlaa it tf apihlntment of tha cleorretown cir cuit of the mathodul eplseopal church vnt a time it wam attached lo fftilhng -tifiunr- mlntytemd to tha rotikreaatlon tba people were proud und happy in tlpdr chrlatlan fnllownhlp their annual tea rnoetltik were lime of pleasure and rejolrlna tiihhi were alwoym btraely attended from acton in isbi thn union of tha methixlut churche timik pbmiemm ltwaaumiuht byaoomtto be an unomoly to keep open a rhurch of the name denomination within a hjlt- of anton when there w plenty of aroommiklatlon for loth ronfrresa- tlon there tha nftlol at anton realised however that there were atroiih attachment and hallowed na- oc in t limn in the ilrlck chumh for tha older people eapaolully thoae who had worshipped there for over twenty year it waa decided not to disturb their ralatlonahlp but to uaalat thi in vr way to make their work proa- iter time wiw- numeroua rhangt the church waa for aoma year a part of kvertott circuit finally it waa at tached to hookwood tahlc already hud thrm nppollttmenta am tha yurt prokreaet tha old member who liad borne the burden of tha rhurch reionlblltla puaaed uwuy until only the venerable inurae vialla left ii r johnston jacob and laaao hnyder john uamblc llobert john ston jacob maaale and numarou othm went la their lowr nl other famt ilea removed bervlcea were held only twice a month vi nail y the war cam and decimated largely the rank of the ministry of xha methodist church and it wam found impossible by the conference to continue to sup ply the pulpit tha church waa re- kretfully ctoaed and hut year lh memberahlp and conarecation wai transferred to acton church a cor dial welcome wam extended and arete- fully aocepleil by the people of the ilrlck i am given to underatund that the ttew relationship its worked well during the year the peopto uro a tending the servtcc ut acton mil regularly becauaa there la alway atirvloe to atlend every llunday mar ing and evening tha children ai young rolka attend tha hunduy hohihtl und enjoy it a number of thoae who were official membcrw of the old church have been given position u otncuu of the acton rhumb ami tha uriel- church people have been 1 liter i in their contributions to the rutul their new church horn judging the matter from the standpoint of an out- alder tha pew urra ngrment seem to me to in a very happy one und i feel ifulta aura that all thing considered tha friend who have come in from the country are now really batter ner ved and will alwaya feel happy and at homo lh the acton church trom present indication and pro- sent and future plan of rhurch acti vities it la not at all likely tha ilrlck church will aver again be used o u preaching appointment thla fact will however never obliterate tha hallowed memories of tha past the eorni atrugrlea for the extension of pod kingdom tha conversion of aoubt the building up of tha people in faith and graba and the aspiration to good work tha christian fellowship the community interest nil engendered hero will be cherished fo all time it la interesting to note that lllahop krone la w wunu of india when a young- man going into the ministry manitoba preached hi last mormon before set tin out on hi great and influential ufa work in the ilrlck church which ha had often attended boy it waa here that i lev xlanlal johnston now of tha montana con ference received ila early impresalona of duty and cell to tha ml n la try many eminent divine occupied the olicrod desk and number of prominent lay men gave ol their talent in officiating when tho mlnlater wom unablo to be present well here i am uplnning it out again fur over my ojlnted apace erhap tha editor will overlook it thla once seeing my column ha been almoat empty for several week hut i must dry my pen right here excels all 1 for purity flavour and aroma sa1ada takinothi harldest way iliitduht wo hoiuii luiojil i till ii li ivotylliliiir im law till tin in iul tmi iii uw i hi i km nty they ill llwji ihdl mlllowllikh of mllll w liy tmvo tiiiiiihr fliiitlurfy drift into ii imnh ii v iuiihit ht d loth uulnh jr i into tliuli wtmli niv mi unllid thut only riiukd moi uhhhur iuii tiitahi ihim whlli nuiln tlnru in nuiln liulli thin poohy in thn imyliiif unit tli tny tuuo tho ihiut jutlliu thn pkiipio wiio mldtk und oviiili uud pohlpoim inviirlnbly midomiti v ii ilny of i mikoiiliik iioonor or liitoi if liu wntif to do your work with till iiiiut orfoit do it promptly nil tlkiiuinflily when using wilsons fly fads reabdirettions carefully and jeiirollow them fjs exactly v0 far more crtectivc than llcby fly catdicrn c ii to handle knltl hy drutxmta mild ijrolejn everywhere the hiqht tlmc tllo uuik ohuplwln vtrvmueh wnntrd to um nun ux well mi liiutnn t hi hihh and uroordliurly on ouo oociuililii nti- ruiix1 for mi llluulnitoil liuturo on ullli nee i m and lljnmmtu ono boumaii who iiiioiiiioil u plmihi- gruph wiut dt lull ii to duooiimn nppro- iwula inuulo hotvmi platlirea tlu drat of thowu roiwriientud adupi ulid leva in thn lurdtii or is km thn uuluii midvoled blm biuluu wnd ran throiuch hi list but ha coihl think of no inuulo exaiitly upproprlutn to the plutuiu iiojuo iy upl whlkipoi od tho hahhihi thin of tho chaplain und tho dohicht of tho uudl- nnon tho lihopouiaiili uroiiml out thumu only ouu ilrl in this win id fur thuuealthimo tiim uuillol thn fond yomiu wife a whu tuiul a pinto of puildliiu to her husliaiiil lu mttuuo puililliuf i made it myaalf tho huahuiid tnutoj it id huvi known it wuu cottuun puihllng hn to- tumed would youf ulif linked ilollfhtiil vea i cull tmito thu plimtnr und ho wall poller joyful eating fatti ooj is ligestbl with o painful acidity at of both eating kim0id5 aovseal la ikeur kelp ta ibe jkv scott suwwtsv mftr t nn aom tma tannery cooperative tub uptodatk gltoceky and provision stork rurtijiiliod with tlio moat modori equipment for imiidlini prtyvjuipim ami porlfilifiblo iooda in n cloim military way oiirurkd lofrifetirntor inlcly iimtnllnd with h frecjiifr lliilcliniojllcjrmko j ta ijrrir irt onplyb roritic iil porol urowlnltf is uutomnt lea 1 lykcpt jitiibout tho nnmo dofjreo njl tho time this niukeu it perfect condition for iccopinii butler bncoii cooked meats etc groceries and provisions aiavavs iltissh ano oftlffii best quality picocoitallui mens and boys overalls smocku shirts working coots tfuo boots lohj ruhbcr bootii underwear etc at prices lowor than tho lowest farmers who bring produce got tho benefit of theio low priccu cash pnid if desired tannery cooperative c a conway ufanaisr mill street acton bu will like lantic for bafctng par pound tea ami ponga cakca coftee cakes ancd cuke layer cuke fruit cake cocoanut cakes pork cavea nut cako lwt cakes macaroon and biscuit crutlenu rolls bune mxi coke ilantlc creama joajjtr with tha butter because ita kink jwotra0fnteilkst raapactlno toronto exhibition tha largeet annual fair in america it la estimated that there are 10000 liermunent resident of kxhlbltlon city lurlnir the two week of the caitail nntlnnal the canadian national ixhlhtlnii ground comprise 564 acre and extend upwards of a mile along the waterironl kxecpt at fair time tha ground- of tha cuuailbin national exhibition are uaoil u a public park the industrial iroces building u the urgest on the grounds of the cunadlun national inhibition it c tulna 7oto feet of floor aiwce the art uallery with km4 feet floor sitae i the smallest of the more lmpfrtntitbulldiiumat the oapndltin national bxhihlloi itmltwny men give the canadian nu uul aeedlt for- ltlnk the greatest creator of traffic on the- northameri can continent the o rami htand ut tha canadian national ks hi hit i on la 71a feet long built of brick nteel nod concrete ha rating capacity nf nboo and coat 183 goo a urtlclea otrnnslva in odor or n- lenranie or of n combustible or ex plosive chnracttr are unocpteil for dla- phiy it tho onundlun natlnnal liuhlhl- it i eatbntlfd that lhra will lw 76000 glnlpea mnt in tha lighting ihemo of the cunudlan national mxv hlbltlon sm00d people front tha fnlterhttitem annually vlalt the canadian natlonoj kxhlhltlon nearly over thing that canada make mines or grow bt exhibited each year at the canadian national uuhlbltlon n in the cattle section at the cana dian notional hxhlbltlon there am st gnattons for short horns 90 classes for yle re ford a e4 fpr alpcrdeeiitanktv i for galloway 7 for fat cattle and 11b for tb dairy eatu for bbvbragrs for tea oaflbcv cocoa lemonade root beer orangeade lemon pop atuj fruit punch in fact for all homo o lantic there wol uien be no waited spoonful eft at the bottom of the cup or bjuuerbecausa its vxnk fine in granulation fitter than all other sweet eners in actual use finest in results obtained fine has many meanings to the lantic userl in snowy glistening crystals of pure cane sugar all sugar and nothing else lantic brings you concen trated sweetenings and because each crystal id fine- and even lantic dissolves at once it instantly delivers its great sweetening ipower without hesitation i of course it goes farther of course it costs less of course you will like it fine in preserving lote fruiteu quch as pears plums and pcaclies it ellmin- atca the danger of overcooking wlucl roba fruit of its natural color anil b1wpc and bomo of itbflovor m imbajking lontic creama quickly with tlu butter which makes tho cake lieht anctdatnty creaming need not be tedious in candymaking fine granulation gives cnudyn sort velvety quality most of the highest gradri und finer candica dre made with xantic the eatqublte velours of tlio best chocolate creams comes from lantlo fineness j in ta or coffee in fact in all beverages hot or cold every lantic crys tal dissolves at once yielding readily tha full sweetening of the purest cane atlantic sugar refineries limited montreal aw pttesettvijvo for jpcachc ncaui plume ood itrupcs if you use lantic you can unlla at hie old caution txt it atmmer until all tho aucar la olmolvcd wliuo yet tlia fruit retains lu beautiful color aiul attractiye fora tlio tac tona because itj fink for for candy- making radar taffy butteracotdi cara- ntcla orul fondants walnut and nuplo creams murahm allows peppermints peanut brittle cuwllwl fruits nod of course all iclnga lantld tum the call with the best candy maker because tv fxnbt 7- 1 qqa tuesday ani wkinkh1ay g aaa 1 3za3 skitkmitkk zlht and 22nd 1 utu acton fall fair opcn to the wonlo many special attractions new rovliied and knlanjed vrixo unt splendid j air nifihi concert on second nljfhl trinln or speed on an excellent half mile track cuelph musical society hand in attendance the prize list class 23 hoot8 yeqeyadleb and fruit continued a 31 ileut vivo amerlcuii lohlen kuusnt as honhury uimsot 33 uurilntoh lied 34 lullawatr 3t mann 3 northern hpjf 3 1 jlhedelaland- lrem 1 ner to 7k 10 10 wagner ontario king illusion ii itnow llleiihelm 1 cplvr ipplh lli ijiwrtnititi vurletle cooking apploa 6 of each viirletb ueiisert apple e nf each llox hpy apple utiwrapitad llox lluhlwlu apple unwropimkl pears 1 bo 1 co 1 to l to clnrigeuu ilartlntt jnichos lln uro duiik tin flomlsli llauuty other varied 1tur 01 lest imvti itolno claudn 03 oennun 1runo 63 ithlppcra lrlda h4 ilrudahaw lotiiliurd 00 other vurlutloa xmui lvlunw grapes at three iluiubn concord nlugurri v other vurlety illack oraim white aruiw llml orupom 8inqle specimen pruit riout dun hjiy applu lluldwlti applo groeiiliig appla v unavf applu urtlott in t co dairy and similar products class 23 duttr boers folnta flavor 4o grain 2s calor 1ski salt no duttar shown for seelaty prlxa will be allowed t for bpaelala 1 llox dulry ii utter 30 lt 2 mvn ihw diihy iiutter in 1 lb print 3 ituut 10 ibu llutter in lb print 4 homo rendered lard 3 ibu in pall g kfuplti llyrup 1 ipmrt in kiiimm 1030 n c ilomy in sec ion- net- lea than ft ihw light 7 ilonoy extracted u gulo in a inn light h tlpluy honay extract und mention clover lluuawood amlnr not hn thun 30 lha 101 tipete 1 t0 300 jf 1 co 3 00 1 00 3 00 i no 1 00 domestic science raking ktc class 24 no artlclsa ihawn in thla class will be allowed ttr compete forspeelau 1 loaf ilomeniuda llreud id 80 10 40 b loaf milk ilrettd b0 40 i half doxon lluln huna o 4o 4 half doieu laioy lhinu 0 40 5 half dosen to- iiikcuum 0 40 0 half doxftii aralmm llmilt l co 40 7 onn light laynr cauu o 40 8 omi dark layer quu o 40 d ona hiiotigo cake 0 40 10 ono qiinre ainger llrend x 0 40 11 turta hulf do on cuoh yult mid ixmon co 40 13 cookie half doacn each olnrr hiiaur oatmeal b0 40 13 ono apple plo 80 40 14 ono custard ilo 0 bo 0 bo 1ft ono lemon pin co 40 18 ono 1timpklti iln co 4o 17 host imnfiluy wuoy llaklng 10 vmrletle 1 ko 1 00 lit ltout display ilhlu luikluif 10 vnrl-tlo- 1 60 1 00 10 currant jolly 80 4il 30 applo jelly 4 niononnrtrchneorrriilcirbht 7 bel 40 aa ono juart canned krult durk 0 40 33 heat collootlnii cuiinoil krult i light 3 iliirk 1 so i 00 34 one pint horn in nail a unviuuhida b0 40 36 quo liottlo uwoet llnklit l do 40 36 1 ltottlfl hour llokhui b0 40 37 ono auiirt riokled lult 60 40 3d ifiut collection ilokln 3 uwect 3 aour 3 pick lml fruit i 0 00 3d ono bottlo ciltnlip 0 40 30 ono ikhllfl vogatubln uuliul 0 40 31 on-lkttle-oiilll-luoa- co 1 33 two viirintlou ilomoninilii cuiidy co 40 33 out lkltlo orupo wino i bo 40 34 ono itotlht wine uny othor variety 10 40 35 one iuurt utruhind honey 60 30 llout collootlon camuml vegotnbloh not ltmu than 3 varlnthih t 76 30 tlants and flxweits class 2 ouu llogonlii llox 0 7g oiiit it an ii hi any othnr vailuty t onn iuunhlii hliigladii hloom 70 ono iiihohlii doiihlo in bloom 1 7k out pot u ii u hhikl in hloom j 75 onn lotiiiin doiihlo in bloom 75 ono coluilu 7c onn wri aupurukuu j 75 ono vini lloutnti i 75 ouo in blown ttt- ono oiirunluni doiihlo hi bloom 75 itaut lloiimi plant in lilootit 16 ono tfoplcul llaiit hour 1hjpuy of lilnnlu d varlnthih 0 t0i 0 2s 6 z 61 cut fasoweus class za 1 autorx bt 13 hloomu mm vnrluty 3 antoruhpmt dlmphiy hhhiiited 3 ojiulloll limtlnplayrviilrrririihnwwkiiir uintoly 1 4 tlliiilloll hmt 0iililkfh i k ijuhliuu hit dlnphiy 0 hwoijt iimim hut dlnphiy 5 oimmv 00 id in 7 hweot 1oitm hfht 3d npi im ono vnrlnty h i jltikii hulftluxuti -lilliutiih- i 0 ulookh btiit duphiy 10 comiiiom hiil iluploy 11 naaturtlfitn best dupliiy 13 antlrrhliipma is aplkrs 13 pulsion l i phlox 6 aplkeuj 14 phlo prumomll hiiit dlnphiy i 15 pitiinlih bcutsllupluy ill dlaplay annua in 8 or morn vuilutlvh 17 tablu puuknt ill viimh jlouiilit not pyramid 10 vwrlionu boat display continued naxt wk 0 76 10 50 so 35 26- 76 so w 10 34 76 ta j6 75 60 85 nl

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