Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1920, p. 3

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ohfp acton 3ffro prsb tiiuiihday noviomllult 1 vev ihlitl knoll of purlins tlin oiirfow tho lowiktf hnrd wliidu a jowly o er tho liu rim plnwmuii jrahku i lux uwuy and louves ilia plain i now fadna the cmwi and llmmorlng jundbcapo amlull din worl i a woletnn atluneiu ho i da haw wlmm tho rum parade in oon alant fllahl ami n lay lidiikhihn fvum the distant fohla bftvo hint rrom yonder ivy mantled tho tni injf owl doth to tho m complain thut blow outu haii nn nlmiwt every itonaatti those runml nlm in that old nbod j home tiim of jirtik their silent vigil koip thnr tank nil mated tun their on bin dead ttm houat of ehaurfoura or thole en binna power and nil tho speed that aaaollne one v a wilt allfan tin inevitable hour the junk mitt cotn what taint worth while to wave noiyim ye rood impute to these tho fnutr if km nn ry t or their bono no trap hinw ruliu f what rood nuiiir that un t worth it alt whom iiwimra itot for apeod what a termed u craiet can brand new urea and highly paint od frame make an old tlnbus ira vol good u xv hoard it aald they will but just tho nuna i muchly doubt it u i tio do you full many a tank which nnoe held caaollno i lloata here now full of hausht but dtiat and air ichlns crowd a tjrooblo vmr from the trlfo they reat in euce and hero we ii lot thorn at ay they led in youth a faat and wayward life i and on thla junk pllo now tho prloo they pay pete fr r qoinq through the mill uualness men often apeak of 111 ne tho mill and no truer expreaalon oould bo voiced urn a soneral definition tha m dif oltuauona through which wo ar around soma of ua arebelnk etc and one aa we v through tho bl mill of life improving the time by rtorlne our tnlnda with the vory beat thoutbu and information to bo had the hours of atudy and preparation doom ions but nothing worth while is aver ground olt of the mill in a hurry mo the beat method la to take your place in the line and take whatever cornea along with the firm resolve to at least do your boat in every case being ground line tn the milt of life is an accomplishment all of us should strive to attain for it means the full development or our character in the most efficient war- when wo spook of our dally grind it should be in a thankful spirit for what we have been able to accomplish with tho grlat which after all is only the life we are living from day to day what did you do with the leisure hours yestar day afternoon or evening r did you grind them one by getting all the good possible out of them and staring tho gain tn the great granary usually call ed your brain or into the upbuilding of pour physical sou which la equally as important there is a great art connected with going through the mill and not being ground so fine or so coarso that your being is not overbalanced but rather has a viewpoint that through grinding makes you realise that the opinion of others should be considered and re- enacted thla is one detail in which many of ua fall and some of our beat efforts should be given to oonalderlng our i companions who also are going through the mllj at the same time we do ilemember that w must not draw too flno a lino or rather grind our opinions too strong and lino or tho others being ground might object to us sotting the grinding gauge too fine for them this part of going through the mill of lira la woll illustrated in any kind of orgunlsauon whether it be that of a business downtown or a bundify school if we wont the cl to grow and move along smoothly vfe muat grind our uvea and opinions together bo finely that our one aim will be to do everything that will build things up conatantly of course a person should not deratand this to mean that we must never express our individual opinion tn everything for j ma always beat to lot everybody know jmrt what wi think then there con ji no ralsun derstandlngs and the ducerent opinions of each member will only be that muoh mare valuable grtat to go through th mill juat be euro that your individ ual uqlnlon la thoroughly i ground in tho consideration qf others and you may rest assured that it will he wel comed in the great mill of jir however it u not every person ho aeema to want himself ground finely in the mill instead some are inclined to prefer a big gaugo through which they can go very rapidly and without being ground so finely these are the people who cause all the trouble and dissension in th w they never toko the trouble to glnd in tholr opinions with those of anyone else tholr rough grains ge in fhe mach inery of the mill as they go through and every nnoe in a while the mm has to be stopped in order to get them out how much batter it would be if only finely ground products camo from che mill so that we could always depend on them being the same yet at this time about the beat thing we can do la to continue grinding njong in our effort to make u flno product ot tbo one life wo happen to be putting through the mill and possibly the rough vnes wll finally notloe tho difference and change their uvea to the finer gauge wo are using namcmbecsa that an- oibclent brain and a healthy body depend on kaoh other so never neglect an anc portunlty to improve bottt of hfim whenever you can not a layinqbiro ft v tommy had been naughtf u iii mothe did not know whftt tafjo with him she wanted to confine hj hyt t- i si n ijho out she irathought hersoir of place wharf there waa nothing to brblc and whore ho could not work anyeerloua revenge ho waa carried into tie car dan and locked up in the fowllhous i he waa silent thin wna something be yond hla caiiaolty to talk about out na hla mother was going nwjy biu head appoared kohlndthp wii mammal hla mother stopped mamma you can look mo tk here youjike but i wont lay any waal flny theiut ftutomobueit and motor cycles nr dodging nvniywhnrc these uoyu and old folka hke mary and d hi t know whnn we are cmiwlnir the trait whethir to mmt the ilrlv rw net tnuuh y u know thorn must ihi u it t r rollnwm now who havn hiul muoh nr irion x waa rallng tho thnr dny of u hurrumdwl looking woman hi tho slilo rur of a motorcycle fill youth on tho miiildln ot laun by in ill wiiu nujolnd into going to ii m th to i ill vi lo ho look tho o ith ml i in tb voting 1m with thn illuming idxr ankod who h wlhinnnvbt rot rt i iilol but jim wun not u en mil iluto mil thn mhntlul had no ldi of wliii thn r lid liinttit w ilia lack tt lilnjllktii 1ht him hla rranchlno for no vote wim hlle i tim htory uonm that rim wnu unnvumhlng charlie the chlnnu for iiih favorlta cundldutti nnd ihimuurtui 1 im that an his nume viun nn thn iihi hfllng il tonaut ha klmukl k utid v in chnrllfi wont but botwnon tlm laundry and htmiurhts lirti bit fora t vi rylo ly hut jlni anton iiiim nn ithor votnr in thln hill inir aulitllvtaloii who known but one rmiilldulo hlii lly aucutliinal ad ituuatl wnro i i alt to 1 win nnvnr nrnrtm thomyrettatrwlitctiwba a ecundalouhly fupl i iwo over the road auhtlo enquired the lxy aftor the fourth or fifth hairbreadth onenpa from collision with other vuhtnla vou ro iu t feeling norvoun are yout 1 am rather auyn auntln thia la only my third experionoe in a motorcyolo welt you vo beuton mn nald the boy with a happy grin tt only my firnt this la somnwhut almllur to thn en porlenc of un ol 1 rtmldont ixacton who hvom on mill htifiot blin had been 111 for tnmii tmo mui oondntwl to tho houbo whjm she began tn get well uguln u kindly ill mum ml young man who was u friend of thn family called and asked the old ludy if uhe il like to go out for a little motor trip she replied that she would thinking that an hour or no in the freeh air would jlu r guud ud cojlctl v- little later with his cur and the trip around town began in a little while ha enquired if mrs was nn joy inn the drive oh very much uhe ranllod hut you know i can t help feeling nervoua was never in a car hut onon before replied thn young ahauffour tbi b thorm you re llkomu this a thffn i ever drove thaiiiir by myself neel less to say mrs nervouminhm did not vanish until aha reached bar own uoor safoly again well here i am up against main street remlnutoenoea aguln and here aeos all thai section ofaaten south coat from main nnd mill stnjots was orlglnaly included in the farm of ztinaa adanut who snoured it from the crown in 1828 whan hla brothers kim and ltufus secured thfllr home steads and founded acton or adamh vllte as tbay wero than ploitijnd u call it about 1835 or a little lateithla section wasbub1lvldod into town lots streetm were laid out nnd a number of them were named for momlhirb of th family that is how we havo john street wilbur street agnes street and maria street tho corner occupied by woodli- mckay and which was purchaand from the seoord estate by john d mokoi sla lost summer waa onn of tho first lots to be occupied as a place of bui ncbs i do not remomber who built the first store there perhaps lachlan mcdonald or mr itonxiu ut about sixty years ago mr surah augubta seoord cuma from lowvllle with her three son jotat fred and icrcy and opened a business there more than fifty years ugo this tore waa burned down and mrs sooord moved acrosa the street to a store whom cooper a tailoring shop la now thut utore was also burned down aome thirty years ago when a fumliy tiumod carlisle were keeping store there and living in the residence attached mm seoord rebuilt the a torn on tho and her twp aona john and hivd ran a grocery crockery and hardware buslneas there and called it bacord brothers great tea houso bualnesa waa done for a time but eventually tho wholesaler becaaaa cl4proufl joi ynpaid bllla and tho bujigess vwt finally wound u t beoord brothora wore optlrnlstla they booght in large lota and tho com munlty got the udvuntago i remem ber on winter they brought in u whobt cur loud of ualt horrlnga whttollah aahnon iojejlc tha heglnnlng of lon the people of acton nnd surrounding country had cheap fiah that pouruary and march a whole barrel could bo bought for a duuar and u luilf and no family cuthola or protehtunt was objured to have potatoes undpotnt for their manti thtmo days it wm itotatoow unri fiali llah in abundance while that car lasted a our loud of tea was another venture and beoord drothers 3 bo taa fui u alogan which adorned billboards and enoea from here to milton und georgetown rund campbellvllla and llnokwobit and us tar aa ouelph and srin too and thay sold the tea and threw in a tea cup with z pouijd and it wbb- good tea hon r j i aftep tliesexprd jjrothera tliero wag quite a line of merchants there c u grluln of lorint hughea and arlftln and it ii jermyil duncan vorgu- aon of stratford rnn a branch store there for some tlrno thpn symou dro had a hardwarq and jowellery bublteas in thn prom una they and their brother ijiiiiw hob campltell got the fover to go to sault ste marie and help to make it a city and they sold out to william white of cramp ton mr whlto gut f thbuuih nohb and boa it out ho plaoe waa vacant for a time d then woofljiall v mckay keoured it and for the years or their lmrtnershtp in acton they has prospered there adjoining this go cord property waa the property ot michael speight father of c c shlght tho present otyier i ttlere were two idu on tho cornerof main and church streets on tfieao ots mike speight the blacksmith built hla hnuha blxtyfwo yeafl ago hero he came with hln jlarriet chapman whom ho hud en in love with at mtirkham the or his birth jo found them a ime here their two noun nnd tour uughters were burn und here tbtry lived untl they returned tn mark- ham nearly forty yours ugo and hero charlie and hla wife and daughter jlvo tit lit whun charlie wonb into tho store and tinware business ha built tho store t the main street front which tll atands there itor maiiy years it luta been uned only tor storage exoet- lst on election days when it ta uaud an otao p plaaewma a vote municipal leglnlutlvs nnd fodoral hua caat in thia polling place jpndod of cltlwina both mnloandiehlbje havo cant their first votaa there some of our elector have voted thare at avorir election for a quarter of a bentilry many an aspir ant for municipal honors has had u puhllo career nipped in tho bud vy sho votes depoaltod in the jtilllot boxea in thla bulldlne r r f there imve be some amusing iri- ejdentst eleotlona there prlnclpojlk wkittllena ami elnctora who wcie un- bfe to read one time a calomta into a crockeiry teapot put a taenspoonful ol the genuine salada fpr every two cups pour on freshly boiling water and let ft stand lor tve minutes the result wlu be the most perfect flavoured tea you ever tasted western farmers building silos -to- uui vollut iw tt inutility to rnul u made and ho goeu lii to v tin with thn anxlntanoo of tho returning nlnonr im tho law pro vides wlujinvnr ho im auked for whom im don iron to votn hn invariably rmil i om davy llanderai n when th hon ijtvld uomlnrmon wan in the run ning ho always got this cltluins votn hut an it is now over thirty ynars slnno wavy wux a candidate tor council or hohool hoard his unread ins frlovifl has generully lost his votn xnept when a i irllnmentary election was on for many yeuru tha main and church htrnnt oorner of thn kplght property wuw vajaiit hfty years ago a fine row of maplns fronted it on twth htronta ubout a rod aiart orty- elght or forty nlnn years ago the old tempornnce hull which blood on main street whern the roadway now leads into hendamonw mftl and which was the town hall for thn oommunlty waa moved to tho alto tho building now occupies on church street when hjrt dynea got if down near to church street and wlahod touriiitnn to th h row of mnplns were in thn way the building coul i not pusu the muploa hor coul 1 it bo turnol nt thn at root interaectlon becnuho at that time two huge maplen utood on church street with barely room for a loud of bay to pass mlko won importuutd to allow four uctwtpo tobeutdowrn ami allow the building to pobm through reluctantly but with his cbumcterla- tlc good tin turn be finnlly conentd when ib i undertaking had been nuterod into by ld dynoa und the bona of tempornnce to replano tho trenw with new mnpleh oa hooii na tho biillllng waa moved thniugb i think new trn worn plaiitod but if they wore they never grew und that gup remain i until thn pronent double houso was nre ti i on thn torn or mlko dldu t llko t but ho nwnr hold a grudge ugulnxt any nyin or mon in hla life ha for got all about bla nrouohen when ho got away to the orund illvor hulling with charlie thompson a few years ago john ii muckonale with hlu well known onterprlan begun gupplylng aclon with uddltlonul hnuatim and having an eye to prominent hlteu to made ovorturoa to charlie speight for a part of thla oornnr lot und charlie noccpted tbo pronont aub- utantlal two atory houno waa built and mr maakenile and hla faltbfullmd helpful apouha isilxa mcquettti utid their children uvod hero until their removal to georgetown mrs huff man now nwnh thn property hho rosldoa in onn upitrtment and mr und mrs mouonuld in the other next week well get to the lenas adama realdenoe which jiaa interesting blta of family hlatory for numerous acton famlllea besldua the adamaoa psowth of the grain elevator the grain alnvatnr ayutom has grown enormously in canada ujid duvloid rapidly in tho 1at row yuru thin growth nnd dnvolopmont havo no far bnen mainly onflnnd to thn i rnlrio prdvlncea of mujiltolm saukatchtiwun and ah ertn but tho eyatem la uttrant- ing mora and mora attention in the other provinces particularly in on tario wham noverai wlnat growing und ahlpplng cant ma notably toronto arc ngltatlng for tho erection of bio valor nor im it only in numbnra that the ayatetn hua extended but the in crease in alae haa been audi that noma of th structures can fairly be termed mimmotb suoh for inatanoa an those at the bead of the lakes there are according to he hon george langley mmutor of municipal affairs fpr sas katchewan not fewer than 3 000 elo voters in the three provlnoes referred to from 40 to so foot high and capable nfatorlnu from 20 000 to 80 000 buahnla each an tint average a few reaching to twice tho greatest nnumeruted capo- olty in other words upwards of 110- oooooo buahols of wheat can thus bo atonjd ut the one time these funis and figurea urn taken from un inter esting artlclu by mr lungley in the jniwnbjuuiumbflrjjfuitlaxloultiiriil odsetta of canada dy the terms of the canada drain act tho owners r the elevators mostly private indlvl dual or incorporated oompanloa are compelled to accept all grain offered by formers unless wet or unatorabte with surety henoo the general and common uu6 or tbn ayatem tho ole vuffira urojutl i loon bod by and tire under the buliervlalon of the vootd of grain qoramlbaloners of canada- be iirukon and no iiiim will fall in mnkn a bualnesa of tt vrylnmly keep it up on sunday nnd monday all days mvnryona you ace invite to church service und worship and when thny come glvo u nm a good h niho wtfrmlnu it won t drive tham uwuv tho way to lw social im just tonlriiocmi ah nr wiioiirrroapectr fully sulunltted 1 il 7- church ftociaoilitv thla la an age when a groat null po pin ure away rrom horn sm ana klngpnuisiini aiui tp mrm tending to business thny stop in our towna and oltlea and orten drop into the sunday servioom a great many nf these are memhnn or thn nllurch at homo and others are fuvoral le ta the church and there is scarcely a sunday whnn there am not several such per- aona at puhllo worship the local nhurrh tlnan peoptq a duty ijl making thtm fil at homo by giving tlm m a rordlal wnloome to the fellow ablp f thn oongmgatloil they bto b nnnomi nnd long j r a word of friendly gmetlng i untor and peopto ikbiu ihi n the look out for auch linraona so that tiond of this abusl ib mid get awsv from clod h houssj umlor tlm imiirnsalnn tliat no one cures for them neglect here la not nlwaya intentional but we are all human und to bo quite overlooked is not a pleasant experience it oasts but little effort to be polite and kind and much coureslns are fruitful of mwurd tho people who show then univtm friendly will alwoya multiply frlenda und do thtimgreat good spirit ually and otherwise tu mn time ago lajy waa noticed in a congregation by tho pomtnr and utter thn service hi liaauinai to e traa hu gratlltcatton nt borpresence uid invited her to return she cor dially rmponded to tha salutation ntuled that she had been attending a neighboring church in the i ity rra yeur and that during that time no ono had spokon to hnr she attended this eliurab reguurly-therntfter- eatttr hrr lot there and likimn one of lis tukifill membnrm th way to b aocltil is simply to ho uoclil strip up to tho stranger jid hiy f am goo ran washington jon uhl may l have tho plcauuro of know jmnrn yoir jftwlu ww htltr w theht wtrn initiative as a directing quality what la initiative it u merely tho ability an i tho purpose to toko earn of ourselves to mucceaafully solve our own problems and overromw our own dlulouluum to keep our courage ntrong in tho race of dlhonuragemenl thla ability or thla quality is devel oped in our youth than is tho time vui first meet dimcultles iewtnns are hwril and mimmlngly beyond us yet we buckle in an i muster them by deter mined study assignments om given ua that nro staggering but wo take them cheerfully und by a concentra tion or effort uuljurposa gat through to shrink- from a tuek because it is dlltloult la to prove a luck or initiative to refuse uny assignment mo rely be- cuuae it la too much trouble la to provo tho aaina lack we oahnot de- volop thla strength building quality by escaping rnnponalblllty thn dodger never haa lultlutlvn or if he has it he soon low il initlatlvo belonga only to tho courwkoouh the determined the rouourocfill und thn strong one of thn surest waya or developing initiative la to tuko up a piece of work from which we have shrunk and put it through tho glory or the winning la our best reward for j the glory u but an inward proof thut we fecl the thrill nf nowly developed power and thla powr la initiative the farm business a farm to bo successful should maintain its productivity and should return h rvunnuha wmkp for tho labor of tio farmer and hlu family after paying farm expanses and deducting a fulr rut of htrtnt on the invest tnnnt iour imimirtaut fuotorra tnxthe sue ochu uf tho farm busluoas aro nlsefsgj liualiieaa yield of oropa tetuma from llvo slock and urioloucy in tbo use of labor whut la thn wise of your farm bust- what part of your investment la in iilid hullngs live stock machinery utid other capital 7 is your area properly proportioned to the vurlous crops with regard to pro rttst with regard to labor distribu tion ifow dp your crop yields compare with tha average ylaldaof the locality what classva m live ntpck return you tha moat mooeyt how o the- beturna from your live stork oqmpurw with the uvemge of you loculiyt how many acrom of crops do you rnlbb twr mulit ar horbat la your farm so organlaed that each purt of tha buslnens u ylaldlng satis factory returns how much have you left for your own labor after deducting from your total receipts your years expenses virtue of labor performed by memhera of your family and interest on your inveatmentt how much dees the farm oontrlbuin toward your family living olxildreii ory for fletchers astoria xstabushep lba money ikuve stock careful seleotlon of breed- 1 ifig catto and tfio right kind of financial backing will put you in a position to make money from your herd tho bank of hamilton is prepared to promdte any legitimate de velopment along this lfn bank of hamilton georgetown branch u cacky manager m it la to bo anticipated that before many years have elapsed almost every farm in tha canadian pralrlo provin ce will havn its alio thn growth of tho dairy induafry would naturally bring this condition about in course of time hut tho movement la being ex pedtted by th succeas farmers are having in growing aunflowera small fin ida of from three to thirty acrva have ixnti planted in various ports of thn thren pralrlo province of canada the yields are proving mora satisfactory ill urr yields on an average from fir teen to thirty ton of ensilage jinny armors have erected silos on their rarms during the summer to care of this crop but most of them have under estimated their require ments and will have tnoro crop than they can put in tholr alios suittlowor a i to o i dun for a mora extensive trial this winter than it has had before tho results in previous years havn been very satisfactory but only comparatively row farmers have grown tho crop for ullage previous to this your if in its moe extensive use thn crop proves to bo as satisfactory as it baa already provod in tha few cases where it haa been tried it la oate to say that in a few years the farm without a silo will ne an exception in w aste c blncq last years results havn become known considerable interest haa been shown in alloa and enallage in western canada and several hundred silos have ikwirtnrected during the pasl summert typical of thiamovcmentla the card uton rtbitrlct in bout hern alberts where eight slou liave lnen this year and where about fifty acres uf sunflowers were planted the crop hau proved so successful that it la prwllcted that one hundred alloa will be built in the dlstrlrt nvxt year and more than a thousand acre of aun flowera planted similar plana are being made in qthrr parts ot western canada and the already rapidly k rowing dairy irt- tiuslntpromltukl to grliw lliuill fuutei with the general sconptance of the sunflower aa a silage crop another evidence of the value of sunhowem aa a forage crop will im tho big gab nnlshod bteora many of tho larger livestock raise ra are growing aun flowera and erecting alloa for thla pur- pon thus will be considerably in creased the finishing areas or canada which hitherto have boon somewhat mpawwd with the large est i luted feeding areaa throughout tin and thn livestock industry in tho weat will ho placed on a sound basis f6wriuzcthe orchard fn tho november issue of the ameri can fvult grower we find the follow ing question from a subscriber in virginia fmy treca are about thirty yearn old ond havo not bean bearing vory woll lately tha follago doesnt aeem to hi very strong and the fruit la rather small i havo done so mo pruning but thny are still ruth or too hlrk in the coniro of tho treen x think what treatment would you uaot thn or chard la in sod and la too stoop to cultivate tha answer will probably be inter esting to our reader wo quo to part of tt as follows judging from tha description your orchard i would say that your treea are starving for want of plant- food there are hundreda of orcharda ovor thn country where tha treem aro in thla condition but if proper methods of fertilising and care of trees era aeod thaao orchards can bo mado to produce very pro n tab to cropa of course your trees should bo properly pruned thin out the surplus llmh growth particularly in the centra of the tree ixtt in aome sunshine and ulr your fruit will color hotter and have leaa trouble rrom fungnua dla uane if the head of the tree la open k your orchard la too a i twp to cul tivate x would gdvlse leaving it in sod and depending on fort 1 1 lain of course your trees should be thoroughly apruyed ydu will be surprised what n big dlhorenoe thla treatment will make in the first year it will pay you many times over for the fertlllaer and trouble an it is now your or chard la not a paying proposition ity hiving it thn right care und following this method of treatment you can muke it a big payer juat remember that land that boa been planted to corn so much that it hua become poor will not raise u good com crop particularly if the farmer dpea not cultivate it thn same thing applies to an orchard you have got to give the tress some attention and ir you do you will be paid handsome ly ror everything you do ror the or chard didmetkmovv- bmeut said thn leuohir of geo graphy tell what you know about thn mongolian race i waant there explained km wit hastily 1 went to the ball game children ory for fletchers castoria yonga and ch arise sto toronto htsparea young men and employment ua accountants sleno- gruphera ty pints prlvuto secretaries roahlnra commnrolal teacheru etc kularies to uturl tl6 to uk u week fommunce ani tlmo write for par ticulars w j elliott principal tax notice 1920 municipality of acton the mooond instalment of taxes for 10 will be duo on nnvomtier is yor the ronvenlenne of ull emicarnod puymenta have ixieu ur ranged to bo mado at the merchant i tank second 1nstaijhent novembeic 25 on 1 inataliuent of tuxh u or lefort villi thla urruuk4nant cntullu oxtrn all rate pay era muat pay thla november tt ruilum to comply oxpenne and trouble an addition f llvo par cent will bo mude to nvory tux rate or aasesamont remaining unpaid fourttiou daya uftar the wild 2clh day of novomlwr for thn unwind irtatalmont ultd it will 1n the duty of tho collector lmmodluliy urter thn mil 1 uevorel day upiolntod for pay ment to collect ut once by dutromm or otherwluo umur thn provlxlonh of thn rusjtuio in uiut b hulf ull much taxu or inatulmunt of tux a ileabe take vourtax notice with vol to yhe hank when making payment t w j reid collector tannery cooperative sugar flour etc are gradually going down our customers are receiving the benefit of every drop in the market fall and winter underwear at very close prices all kiiids of rubbers fori men women boys and girls fine and heavx boots for men overalls working shirts etc farmers bringing produce receive tiie benefit of our bfteatly cuv pricks r 1 i v street tannery cooperative a conway manager rheumatism neuritxa sciatica ncurnli- templetonsl rheumatic capsules itnvo briutflib irood hotiltti to hujtaralluon oufforora c a lir ilthlul inonrj savlna renjedy will icnuwit u r nitron ycora pre- scruxwi ly tlo4tpm aold by tlrug- bistv 1 00 alki ask our bjjents wrlto lor a free tnnl purkaee untf w toronto templet ons 112 kln it j ilauaard 3rmwwdw54boow hay fever nnd asthma con iiierml by tlm world a oniy v wobouio umi u4 y pon c a a mluuto iirr moid today 4 13 day treatment trial also agc and guu rant pimi w k duckley mfa chamlat 07 duntlaa bl e toronto real estate if you iiavo a houso for sals if you wont to buy s- bualv acton oak r j kerr auotlonsar and rsal eatats dalar nionb sb bower avenue acton ont tom rumley general slaok8m1th and woodworker vrnmptnoss and eulclanoy our apadlal attantloq youhs iioit nuainkfls shops corner mill bt and park avenear the mill acton granite works j nicol experienced granite etfptbr la pretiarod to aupply monu- menbj of ull klnda with bklll- fully cut inaorlptlona at low prlnea ho samples of work and stylos of monumonla at tha monument works i klutvuan iliock mill street acton ont fall arrivals to hand 8s ell goods juat put in stock mans tweed cops 100 lien a spring capo fs 00 good twoad knlckera for tho wo mon 1mtvv asaortmant of sox and tjtockliiija all also cum in and loo if thm ovor tlhor hhpaiiunq a spkctaltx wo xoii t qobblo e k cook mlub btrbet acton notice to crcditpra j op the estate of qeorqe mobai de choari aitora uf oi orattucbuln4ata ot tho vlluitid uf acton con tinman who dlol on or about tho firth day of oatobor jujo uro ru lulrcd on or bc- for tin twnty ninth day of novora- lt r lojfl to huiiii by ijoot prepaid or ttlmrwliio itbllwt to tha undorniknwt aounllor for tho admlnlatratrht a atiituinout of tholr ucoounto tho nature of tin mtm nrlty if uny hold by them und full imrtlculum of tholr nutuea ad- drtiuth nnd dcaarlptluna and notice la hereby furthea kiven thut immodlntoiy urter tha aald twonty ninth day of novombcr 1sz0 tho adiillnlatrutiix will proceed to dla- trihutn tlio auut of the aald oatato uinonw iho durtlea oiitltlod there to and mini will not bo rvnimiiihlblo for any jliilmu of whloh hho shall not havo ifcolvud notloo ut the tlmo net forth for fuah dihtrttiutluii hutod thla iwnntyulrhth day of ontober a d iu30 xlvijd afauy mou nt a lmlnlatrutrlx lly ii n 1 onnor h i tlolloltor 11 p- t of tin vw4t l i nriiroituia u 8 m jit o bu uld by tha court ok revision cement sidewalks takn nolle tmt tho counari of tho tho oh orutloii of tlio yntuko of acton bun c i mi true tod ub ulktal improve tnunt cunint bldnwulhii on tho aouth alilo of llownr htroot bntweon tqlln btroot und willow htroot and on tlui woatorly aldo of itodnrli k atrcflt frora mill btriut to ohuroh btrcat tho totul clt of llowui btn ot ua n of which ts70 1a lit coriwimtioii inut 17 7s by tho ownera of tho nruurty utteotid tho coat of tlm work on vr d rlok htrect la 37td of whtol s114uu la to bo paid by tho- corporutlon nnd it os 47 by twenty yiam novembcrpa d 1050 at 30 o oloolc p tn ut tho council chumlior for the purpona of haarlim oomnlalnta mialnat ttio propouod ahuo mini ittn ftc tlie ac curacy of frontiiki inn lauromontu or any other ootnplnliitii whloli ponsons liituroattd may dealro to make und whl h la by inw ounluatilo by the couit 1 any ptirnoihwltthliik to oxamlno tho spocinl anhoaanti hi holl pmptired by the hurvoyor yiliuy do ho nctaveeh tue houm ir d30ii in mil d n m at the witlito of thoolerk n ll hahmlflu i ib j clork lr

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