y a lmmis srfnriffivll m iltululday janiialty ii lorfl mother 8 vofik nolmly known nf limwirk it n lnnly 1iiiiim to whluli j imi on n hoily i aim 1 lv nobmiy miy tin tin 1 i ub m ilt rhll hull i i one hu ve th ndrwd foil to hlvr lo twenty- n worn tho horaee just at ttit 1 hiiddenty hi yanked on tho hit h pull 1 will nil til might id dm ix 1 iho rolim anil wa holding kin with e fool whloh h had l n nlmuit llli lmih hrmldlrt he grip tlu ion wji1 1ull th head f hi- lk l l wnni ai il t mlnil l hxi i i mwtinir around nihody aimwi baby brother h tlio lender iroyni- ly mouther no runty uimww of the i anno tin taught of loving ono another ntiy snow of imtlnnoo sought nobody only mother nolxily know nf anxlou fuar lout darling inny not weathor ttm nlorm of life in fli ynar nnihifly knowwbat mmhw nobody knevl at lb throne above to thank tho haventy father vor itm awiciast gift a- tndtliorm lovo lul m ifi yjttir iriikinh wob homeward 111 horaea nt a walk worn lng through a long stretch of woodland which ended at hi father farm very well dtaod wan sell juat then tno nigh home whloh bo had pur chased il hour urovlou wu a fine looking animal a splendid mat to th off horse true the new home wm u tilt loo hottlesome bavin ah led no lea than thros limes within that hour but beth hail roncldeaoe in himself and in a wuy ho wm not ii aleoaed to find th animal a bit irons on the irn jj tlunaa i nan get over the around a ijttle foater now that i ve got a pan that can utep llvoiy rtmmrkwl bth tulklnir to himnalf wii1 have to ant put a now aoliedula lor the children ha ohuoklwl 1 11 got them to achoal baforo thoy know it i suppose i tiara will he mmo who will have an idea that i con t hundl auoh a kiun but lm not ufruid of thnm with a good trona liarnotn i can nwuttor them the irood otronr harnea 8etb ota not own at that time ife had been plannlnk on aettln it toe aome doya jn anticipation at the uurohaa of the new homo but had put it off day after lay and now he had put off the buy- lruf until a bit later that bvtfx m blk fault puttlna off thp ooln of cmnsa which needed to be done i buy a nw double harneaa within i lew daya ho mutinied i muefl thli one will bo all rlsht for a time the following mornlns bath atarted on hla regular trip blcklnx up the eobool children here and there alone the country roada the tuna that ho liad taken tlla laat young paa- aenser aboard and now with a full borate ho headed hla horwea for the vlllajra aohool two mlla dlatant yiojoar atep atood jotuu qroaainan blc boy of the aohool hlow of wit- seneraliy apoaklns wan jo nam ilia backward nan accounted for- hla prea- nnoe at a cuuui of boya and glrta mldarably younaer tiun hlmaelf awkward looae jointed bbl of frame be waa tbe laugliin atock of tho achool the new horae actd badly from the tart that morn in if the march wind aeoiaod if make him mora fiery than he wu at hla yrorat tho prevloua ins and the mora tractablo off horae caujfht the vplrlt pulllnjt with un- won tod atrensth at tlie bit i wluh i had that new harnaaa oi them muttered beth brioplng the rein a bit more urmjy ft the barce nnarmt tho creel of crooked lllll hill rnoro than a mile lonar and end in at the riven toad if one of tbeae tolne nhould break id be in a ono 1x7 juat tui the horwea reached the top of the kiat rlao a partrldoa whirred acrotim the road directly in front of them inatantly did the new horae leap in tho harnaaa hla nuto following a fraction of u aacond later the next inutant thoy were pi u rutin down tbe hill toward the river there could be no auch tblnk aa topping tho frlshtcnod anlmaht with that pair of rein both knew only too well that were he to jerk on them aa hn wanted to and needed to on or both would anup the children were quick to note tho dancer and their aoreama of terror till farther fright ened the horaea like h panoxatna opened up before beth the entire lunxth of tho hill every crook aoemed to come before hla oyom in a aecond he aaw the laat ateep htollne and the aharp turn onto the river road lie knew that tbat turn could never be made by the aantlo horaea without an upaeu he waa coitnlaant of the tact that were the horaea to t1une atrahiht ahead unto the river ice there could be but one reault a terrible traaedy ono jother thins cam before hla eye aa the maddonod horaea gal loped down itho first incline a bl- hayoock oon- 1 talnlnie to ton or more of aalt hay it stood at the foot of the hill on tbe river road on the rlht hand side whan makirut the turn to the left hans on jorum yalled beth over hi ahoulder ifank onl dont let ant null joho waa not alow to think that day before beth ahourad to blm he realised the areat dormer raauulna from tania ii knew that were the ohtl dram to set by him broken umbo if not broken necks would be the suit bit down i bithundared the while rlpplnar the upright ban on lther aide of tha door you don t set by me bit down i ttfl youf the acore of children ware lust wjthln the rear doorway while puahins and ecreamjljix were tiurslns at jonaa hands in an effort to break their crip while othen were push in acalnat hla breast the while jonaa huntt srlmly on meanwhile beth had stooped and picked tip a half inch hitch rope which waa colled at hla feet it ww a rope doaen fet ion at one and waa a steel snap hook hookln tho reins np abovt hla head beth stepped over tha daaher and down onto tha pole an instant later ha waa making hla way out betwean the two horaea the bar was then halfway down tha hill with a straight road ahead or quarter or e lmr- the undertaking was hmardouit th the extreme the pole jumpingycfm and down and sway ing from alda to aide but beth are thatport nofhoukht tho time that h got a grip on the oollar of tho nigh horae and reaching- down he managed to snap tha niton rope onto the inside ting to iho nigh horsas bl a rhomant later and ho was work ing hi irfray baclj to the barge ilosxhlng bia seat- beth seised the grains in his left hand and gripping the hltoh rope with his right ho await- odviha oraolaf fnomenu tho horse b nawalunglng down tha laat ateep ic hundred yards of so dls- 1 the turn onto the river road evstood ha big book of aalchay hlri jn uitd with trrini fori t i iud ufculnul ttir mh u of hay hranely hud the uiwot rome whnit hlti oapd 1 tlm around and un limlnnt 1ft tr w r the f niton hornn rould roaolii ht ft otl hud ltolh animal ly tho hit vhtl b mtnui kind with thnm j nan oai t hlu uuatlatntifli xr jonuii lonkud urn thouah hu hud oom in rontnot with the hutiliiuau id of a flail ilia fao arm and liandm wrv mrralchnd and bloodlntf while hi nldtlttm wore half torn orf of him i t they aidn i jict by m math 1m churklnd aa hn helixid uulet tho horthii thoy are ou how end with h hroknn bona i kiixhi tliy finlght liko wild indluiia but they ooiildlt t linuk my hoi i tnko crul itnth i wm dopondlng oi you mill you h i nut full tnu invwfuvution abomthl thul oulahli of n iihii frtcht none of tltn loy and rlrlu wont injurxd and wllhln twenty mlnuutti tlm ttarao hud ln rlkhtl und ttm trlt to tha iichoolhousn w rrouiadl im found itoth liorim s vory much m im irnntnlil and i although till kopt tho hitch ropejattanlxul to thu nlah imtrue u bit ho litti ocean loo to pull on it ilflforu- futh tt turn ml if tor young rhrmi that afternoon h it a point to purvhasa thu new double harnomii and with tho horae thu equipped 4t fomul tittle tmuhle in handllns them tlio losnon h learned that ly olunic to him the habit of putting on tho itplng of tlutt whloh heeded to be dona uasaod that hnvf to return the finest and purest tea sold salada there is genuine and unnvistakeable pleasure in its dally use 4mack green try a packet from your grocer or mixed j but be sure its sajada forests of canada are source of rich revenlie the oenmuda of to dav 1 1 j i iirmi i tho day winter layers of different aoes that armor ufiflll noils for prontahln winter production and it 1 utao a common bellof that late hatched pullets oommenc to lay ly during tbe following wprlng to thrukf some light on this aubjoct it waa decided in 1816 to compare early pullnt lain pulleta veairllng htsnu and old hen as winter layer at the cap itouaa kx perl mental htatli the kxpchment tho experiment bean on the flint day of novemltef nnd ended or the laat day of february during five consecutive yeara the number or bird in each pen waa about twenty five andthe whole lot ocouplod ttm same house a strict yooortl wu kept nf toll feed consumed nlao of all essa produrel by every pen at the beginning and at the end of each nx perlmont th hlrdu wen weighed if tlutt in tha spring the gain or loo in weight could be jrtvlfod or debited to them the ileeults if the roet of produc tion of one doaen of egg during winter la taken a 100 for early putlata hatched before uay i would e re- praeniod by 34 for yearling hen by cbo for lato pullet hatchwl after april and by 8b for old hen in otlier word when pulleta hatched before may produced a certain qumber nf egg at a cotjt of 91 00 yearling hen produoad the umo number at a ooat of izt ihjlletrt hatch uftor april at a ooat of 9310 and old hnna at a coat of id 48 1 xvalght of isgga it la aomotunea ob jected that though early pullet lay mora egg than yearling or older ban tbe alae of the nggv 1 such that they would bring much less tr ever egxv wero sold by rvrelght taking the figure from tbe preaent experiment wo find that for the same weight of eggs when it cost ii 00 to produce tham with early puletlt coat 336 to produce thorn with yearling bona is s3 with tate pulleta and 810 with old hens it will be seen that a ex pected the weight of eggs from hens was a lutie larger than that from early pullet hut the dlfrerenco doe not materially change the figure for tho oot par doxert bama ulrds compared the birds used for this experiment were not apeolaliy bred for egg production o that umi early pulleta put in each year were not from boiler stock than the yearling or older hens two season tha yearling hens used for thla experiment were tho same birds with the exception qftra vory fow whloh had died as the one in the pen of early pulleta of the yravcu ymr and in both case they were for cost of production below the new lot of early pulleta takon indiscrim inately in the farm hook early iuuot beat that early pul let are the cheapest producers of winter eggs ha been told and written iften that it u like an old story but a carefully conducted experiment wmi again remind farmers of a well known fact which thoy often seem liable to forpit flu tan gel i or hup ertntendent experimental station cap itouge qua i thouuhl u i wnhd hro omltm or tho hui of thlu mmtt tnr n wlormy four duyii uking froi lhlirux lltut 1 imil liovtn ufu itu mmioujiiri i f my two fumu in louriw lii it lttihrllitrluii rhirmlua uw u iippiorud to me tlile llm lucit hiiiiwom had glvru tin i lomi rut in wiul uml tho jurd t auua u inorw ihun iihualty utlrutlv tint of icrui ii ihu tlumliut polimattlum hiniil hpilully lirlliluiit l oumoivliuu iw- eml in puriile tmiiku among th tall cihlnru un thw uturry rod lilhlncum iiioh soniu snuniuil to mpuligto rnoro ditlng- ly thnn ov r tlioli vordunt a ttlnti of arbor uu 1 of in dgcrow hohom w liloomlng vorywhori in mil pink and whlto and tlm odor of tu wly oiuulng lolatu wbh ulrcsiiy pvrineutlng tho at- iinhphort tho hploo illy had nponnd ii all it voluptuouanvm und an uc ram i in in i uliuwy pmiaioii fl twoi eould ho aen nlhtglng to the wall of hamil ton pretty park tho blue ounvol- vujuu was vrywhm carpollug tho rock ami iho wuute plunea yellow ulgaoii berrivh hung hfo and lioro in graceful cluhter unit iho acarlot huen of tho oontewlint 4nora commonplace nugo an 1 heath nnd trumpet flower edarnod tisarly every hodgo and gato- jai morn onplimhiia hpfl at4eiahb0r that appreciates canada it doe scant juat loo to canada to call the big dominion tlm best neigh bor of the united state home of tbo other like mexico and llaytlj ore very troublesome and some whloh ore always wellyfiehavea and cordial enough are too email to b of much importance canada hu both also and character our long northern frontier does not need a military pat re to keep out bandits- or u sanitary cordon to exclude pestlltinoe u mapk tho boundary of a country whloh 1 clean wound rleh in oommn sense and tharefore friendly indualrlou produo- uva and full of ambition and ability to make ambitious dream pome true it is well worth nqllng in those tlm of change and more than ordinary stress in the business world that canada a country whloh was in tho world war from start to finish a nation that carried it full share of the load for- more thai four years it is demonstrating must remarkable strength of industry commaree and rlnanes business failures for one teat of present conditions in tho dominion rauke better comparisons with tile re cord of oommerclal ship wrecks a year ago than we can show in the united rtes- the market for foreign money new york establishes tha rate of exchange proves that canadian credit l better than thar of any nation in uurops which was involved in lofl war cnnadlsn imports and exports and the revenues of the dominion government tell the same story of canadian vigor and progress and now and again some incident in canadian life nashofi out like the result of a twoweeks drive for a j6 000 000 addition to the endowment of ejicolu university montreal the sum obtained was l 11611 all of these proofs of cons dlan success and canadas fine promise far the earning years are welcomed by the american they know that the more the dominion flourishes the bet ter- it will be for thotr own country and they uketo sea thagood fortune ol a good nalghborefrplt journal thludtcut temper am rtnt wnicptywlfe grid 1 disagree she always rignt said on upstate jimtce at enypttvba added rttmliutlng ho iget the deofslon n1 tork this ieoerabr morning aoom- ed tho ahlmmer of ihn wurtu nun on hamilton ialunil dotttd luiy nnd tho lordly mahalonti that crown tho iugt t hltl lookod maioslfcally down in jju ir enowy whltonomt from umld tho high and evorltuttlug brmi ry of tlm daru that nmhoaomad llum tho cllnmto too was naluhrioiu in kvtlng with those mmauoii utirroundliiuii and very hew arrival mm mud roudy and utixluuil to dom his or her heavy northern ah th in and gut into tho ugh l- and airy garment ami head andfoot- goar of e hubtroplcii hut thoro lu unothor a lonu ploauant and u mom dlallluhlimfi7g hiiid to ttm lowly plnturo that 1 huvo j nut trh a t paint in word an attruotlvoly aa i ji a lltllo hiveutlgatlou uulckiy rovalh 10 tho new oiirrmr that thin alluring pot ho tilooiiutit m itu bconlu aur- roundlug and liorotoforo ao sought i aftor by the tired or dollcuto poraon weary of utu hrvan wlndu and miuwm of tho norut has bocoino for tho pros ont at loiut tlio ufomplng ground of the grafter and uxtortumul wlthoht any honcat r suhntatijtlttl hhii dur- in a the lunt two yearn houl and pun- lon rate huvo uilvancotl here to tnorn than douhlo their former llguro and the vlultor who hu juut wclcomnd ut home thu nomlng of lower prliim in muny oommoiuthu i ulmiily uppullod ut the dimatidu tlmt any made oil him for ulcommodatlon in thlu utiuid ool- ony uud i am told iu ill thu 1h1uii 1 winter rtreut furjher south tito large hotqht ore cliarglng 80 tvock in our money twrgtfciit tho small mr and panaloaa from so up xrruuio and bicycle rato rmvo plan doubled the former ilka nagll round u our- cnes nro conkregated about tho two largo hotels becauaa thulr drivers know that ull the other unfortirnato travel lers have no money left for driving or any other auuwmont after paying their huge board bill now tho per- petratorh of nil this plundering when askod tho reason for their extort lonuto demands will mutter aome tiling about the increased cost of provision for sometime post actually on tho doollnn as o very ono knows und talk alout some import tajjon food that their government ha recontly imposed hut the honest llcrmudlnn he who 1 not in tho business hlmwolf apolwgatiuuily admits the rapacity of hi 11 and s hotel men and uppourtt while doliiif ho to be thoroughly unnamed uf it where and when all this orgy of ipoliatlon and plunder ts going to end is problematical dr i rajik crane tho wellknown american journalist now ylatt lie re has sounded n noto of warning to tlermudlans that his countrymen are not nil millionaires and will not all statu for unlimited pillaging tliora aru some who think and many who hope that these pro foealonu marauders wjll tivurrench themselves that tho totirlut will ulti mately decline to bo mblwd in tbl wholesale fashion and decide to slay at home and that tho hotels and smaller resorts who mnka these ex cessive demands wilt did thomsalvoa comparatively empty by the middle of january und their owner or manage tnent taught u wall deoorvwl leason for thslr unhluahlng and audacious greed how the reader will ask has this doplorublv condition of affair com about t no doubt in purl bociiuse the owners or managers of thoao resorts i moutlom 1 on tho ntrit and in liluu mtuli hirhullllldlilg titles tl a hoitoruhlu tho attorney ln- i tlio hnornlia iho colonial tutiry nnd tlm honorable tho ivui ut tn rat whin tho numlwr of pwn h win hnvo to submit to und imy fn ull thin ginx nintorla para- 1 itiorti nil r ml- iwiismumo 1 laaa- than iho inltiil ituntu nf ontario s nnmuoat im unity and two third of thorn hegroes nt limit rhy havi a titled chief lm 11 i in ii too proul ling in wig un i ii ir t lolhn iivrr liu mlmlo oourt wiioho lutlu slrlpihid of tlmlr sunar- ii hit frill un i fur imi in wu nro not u i m i turn itiut whun miictlons are po i ii in inn rtirnt xn t imhmtbly where tho trial tt an nrooalonal capital irfviuo toiiuh 1 oforo him than those of tho h iht wnrkod and lnast jiald of hi- canadian county judges tho rdhiic nfllcor of th body hut llvrmu la ruha the lorn auunnbty but whlnh in fealtty about loinupomii in impnrtano with our iimly councils i doslgnaled tlio onorohlo tha mpoakor although by stfanieolmootltig of oktrerrins he hap- pdih to lit only tho proprietor of i luodoht looking bicycle shop and seed utorn th ik worthy gentleman glories in tho honor and dignity of knighthood or t nurtu lljo avnrago hermudlen will ronint thoao mfloottone and chafe under thl criticism of the government of hi inland dnmeana he ho been tlt i i1ii nna wiintorn automobile and start skates auyomooile f it bl ir btalin no lta hk i ir jo i to mkut i ulr j it hknlfrf pair no ltd ukuun 1 tlr vo 17s hka lr ijrtl hturf hlarr hlrfl tuuru 5 rtftlv will in 32s 4jd0 cxo fjoa b0o u y mi nuj h kry 170 too 7 10 3ldo zfio loo an 1 ssjm im if thry c yiur frf in dolo f 1 btr ui i il j iinu rt i i ifoll hkai pulr 1is the bond hardwaur co ltd rmn 10u oublph roicant iiim ulsudm a nomathing mom until an j rdtimry imrt of the world with n rtitaln mvauuromant of geogra- phlenl ml leu utnl a oortaln number of plulii nrdlnary bleople to tm governed and tnknn euro of in epltn of his ubuolutn dnpondonoa on america for hla llviiid and his ndopttou of her ouulomu and i ohm ho ho talka proudly nloilt lurnitidii holug tho oldest colony in tlm llrltliih lrmnlrn and looks with boom on any ono who uuggnats that tor rrll pmctltlttirpoeo ahe would ihi 1 iltnr on mm a county of nova h m thi or mivfl the tinpatriotla tlioiiglitll hiroino through noma pro 1 1 uu of inu riiultmiul iwrterlng a part or ono of thiiho amnrkan ktute w whom ithn currlcn on ut immt ninety por rrmt t hi r onitnorolul und tourist trunlc hut ovm noma senslhlo tier- mudluiiki hootn to ho ut length real islng tho ftbitiinllty nf tholr purllamon- tury pupliot nhnw and the empty titles mil un ho with whloh its bur oinlo u lorn try to parpotuate tho iiirl4itiio ihun a local paper report tliut whin u voln of icoo with which putuhauo thalr hpoakcrin wig and roljoh out i id imforo tho iegielatlve comicll tho nllier day sortoua objec tion wad tulion to uuob u waste oi goo 1 mom y tnul tho motion wu finally luiilclitxl out if iiurt and tho inulliki nt if only casual ohhrvr htuhl mincludn lu uplta ol iho miiny pro tot ts nnl uxtomtulationa of tho wtlfiiatldllsd natlvo bf thui ar- rultinmi4 of iim long nnubllhod carl- utum on piirtlumonlurv goyertimenf thut thnro i inn much admin intratlvo maflilmiy it iii for tho lmpulatlrin und miho of tho phi tn and hut ho element of tirtlllrliillty nnd even of rldlculqu hnh mill ovniwhalmlngly involves und opprowttu tho ihrmuil of to day my unxt b ttor will dcu1 with uum othor phuhuh utnl puoullarltlcti of dec- mn ita uml will mdcavor to throw noma further lluht on condition and ihlnifh of hit rout hi thlu beautirul but ut nriont gmft rlildon little island colony hamilton hermudit uocember 39 1030 atl it vnrmlfugo an excelled prepara tion in mtrthar umvw worm kstor- inlnator it ha havnd tlio lives of cotiiitlesh chlldrtii the upper picture nhown a log boom on u new tlruuuwlok river tha plnturo on tho lift is it scauo in hilnglng lu tlto big cedar and that on the right a reproduction knowing the big hrltuh columbia woods canada s z26 million acreu of mer chantable timber i tho mmo mi lurgnst utmet r ior natural resnnrcii wnlth the bulk of this ttnuifli lu within mhy oh of tldowater novo hotl now hrtiiinwhk and hrltuh columbia run stmout dump tholr lagh in tho ooewu wtitfttqubhao an o h t mt luwrsnro ltlvr for a path to thu su in idok the groator part of catiudltin lumlr xportx went out lu thv raw stuto only u utie over una third was mnnurnturhl in canada tho next ton yaru iw a atrong and continued inurvnmo in industrial development and by 10ir tho tahle had ouuo turned it yvui ttt of can- ure maiiufac- thlril left thv than niurt turd and lou than on ountry hi d raw stato kvor increasing demand fof pulp- wom1 nnd paper is responsible in large ineuhuri for thl rapid development aninrlrun imports of canadian wood pulp ull kind fur four month end lug july si lozo nmouutoit to 10 hs5sju atronllng to istoat statutlc canada avnllabl miipply of pulpwood lu qoldboodo oonls and covor 3b0 0a0 h unr mllih oyni- a t f thl lu upruco mil batwrnnina mami in thu ountaru iroviuctm oonvnnlent to tlm tinulorn states with their many nowhptmr and publishing houses u niitlmatftd tlmt at tho prexnttats j of cutting thl hupply wh hold out for rz yiur mulct nutting rogula- j illmut tlonu wlsa conservation end rofore uunilhirlng haya not hii owrlookod by i tulloil plait wro looked to to prevent i tapltal bunking investment the annihilation lof canadii nd lumrlng industrie lliltlah columhla woods or at- timrtlng much f roign capital am my i going into nw pulp knd ppr mill on tho faclria coast al t roxlnmuttyux of oil capital in vitod in the pspr pulp industry in cutiailu i american an english syo- dicut 1 building a loooo furniture factory lu hrltuh columbia ho furtorla- tlnorifh all ormt th province tho small trult vgtabp honey and iioultry runchts uf tho southern part w ti b s lm o nd imixps for getting tltolr producs to murkut lirlttah columbia wtraugto aituiitlnri for shipping to taelflo coast port and the orion t its numerous goml harlor and the fact that th the year round logmen lrsdurl years during tho war whim there w no vsnsetfi to carry the tnurlut bavs decldeatby a combined effort to muko up for lost tlmo and opportunity by lay lug hold on all thoy can itow that travel has iteguu again hut there is another a more pruotlcul and u fur more degrading reuaon the wholo of america lu now dry ijermurtn und the other more tiouthem i u hinds era esssntlally und permanently wl a largo numlmr of wealthy americans chafing under thena dry conditions and willing to jmy almost any prioe for residence whom hit u id refresh ment is plentiful and unrestricted are flocking here and to tlio islands further aouth undeterred by tho extorlonute und the sober must pay for the hi tempera to and for those who are look lug for a whole wlntera carnival of liquid conviviality i harmuda admittedly beautiful essentially artificial in uomparlson with her rich financial harvest from the arnerlcaii tourist trama alio looks disdainfully on the natural products of her own soil and lta inhabitants notwithstanding her loud lirofessions of loyal ly to tho ttrltlsh crown and british institutions her in sat lab to craving and greed for gain lutsjiow brought her to do business atpaost entirely in american curtoiiny in order t6 toko advantage ut the existing premium on united slate money tbe poor old b t system of thq mother country has therefore gone into the discard nnd from tho groat hotels down to thu persistent garrulous cabby the foreign dollar 1 univer sally demanded how artificial tea is that travesty on government that ono see hero that toy imitation of parlia ment that cuibert und bulllvun might wejf have parodied which invest bermud as 1 it 1 1 o parochial polttiolnnu wjlhtsjuuqnal nnd with almost im perial titles 1 it is highly amhalng if it wen not eo rlnlmhonn and no foreign to modern democrat lo notions of klrnple tnexpenblye government to read money proverbs lime lu money und ono should hu no us well uu tlio other tho tlmo to save mono 1 lu the inrnlnir of hfu don j put oh tmtll afternoon what you can do in tho morning tho way to make money is to take advanttigo of overy opportunity it uift way to nave money is put it in a bank on interest can yuil iniugllio the satisfaction of tho man lu an nriniltuir lu front of a ili lit lit homi who icnowe he has s savings account in u bunk wory dol lar of which is working for him night uml duy the prat dollar deposited in a bank mny bo the tlmt brick in tho new home you ve dreamed of monuy in ono pocket burn a halo anil drop through money in a bank ouriih liiuruwt every day in the year the mitrel of making money 1 the uaving of it it im not what you earn hut what you nave tlmt makes you rich tut your having in a reliable bank und lot t cum liitorestfor you ily uavlttg uontethlng every week you wglii anh weaker i ah or f hpuudlnb all you- earn now do not mi an future praoporlty i ivo within your moan and ppt atimothlug uwuy for the future jmmimilrmmrmmr studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars thebfl two famous makes of autornqbuctt combined in one agency offers to every purchaser a car to euit their requirementfl wbither t b a sundnrr four cycllnder light six spcdal six or big six or seven pasberiger or any thing- in tho closed typ of cbjh i two of the largest automobile man ufacturers in the world stand behindthese cars j n oneill georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetown and milton j r lejshman local representative this stores policy to represent good ex actly as f their quality to sell to those wbo know and to tboae who dont know ef a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mti takes to deserve your rnnbrfnrr br ilffrra itine you aatufactioo savage co guelph 1 fall arrivals to hand be tall goods juaft pu us bcaok mens twoed caps t m uea a boring- capa 3 m9 oood tsraed knlckars htc tha waa man ijajrgo assortment of baa and stockings alt alias caw in am leek tfcoa onw biiog ilkpaiiung a hraaaxttr wa tjont cobbu e k cook ml ix rtuect jtotok grand trunk wstm the double track route llfctwfkw mont real yohonto detroit chicaoo unokccllod dlnlr rtr svrvloe tjieeplna cars ni utght trains tv parlor cars on lrlnolnal day tralad vull information rrom any aran trunk ticket tgent or c c llornlty lmitrlct aaaaagar agxi t toronto il s iiouiks airent cton ont kos is millions killed in action wondorful aowal uluion and mil llona of norma killed lu action and tliouhjtndn and thousand or victims tohovoil of broiiejiitu nithnta eoukha nnd eoldir i thnro b treat ro joining la tlio faot tliaj aolnneo has al last lu vwilod tlio worlds surest death trap far dprdiu lluakloye ilronchltbl 111 tiiro wllh thu fltst doao thla remedy rntfj rlglit down to lliialaeas and never ooaua in it dcalthiqltve worlt until owiry trnoo of tho dleoase la oomnlaloly romoved nnd the victim reotnrrd to iiomuil lioalth lot tore from u pari of canada imiaing tbja wonderful mlxturo are lltotally pour- ins oto headauarlern itesil this lat ter- yearn of auffarlng from that terrible aftlletloii bronchial aslhiua ordnrad by all nodical in en to aloso my bualnoss la moatraal and go aouth to a warnior ollmnlo but i noticed your ad in the montreal standard for the ubovu mixture and i said i would ujvp one more trial to health before i loava my native town sad thank the good lunkor j did mv hronoblal tuues are alenr the hacking eo ugh lias rilsajioearad tho wlieetlnff eouvh has ceobeil a if hy mbe and allucdruforla have gonu alneo taklna your wonderful mixture llorlwrt corrl 417 ilolcay btrtiot ifontteal there fa no reason whaloyar why you cannot bo completely anil speedily ta ilored to lioalth if yna 1ko thu rom- pdy you aril natlndod or tho money refunded ecanrdiiuj lo our juaran dont delay hay a bottlo oqw foolish saving a penny saved is not always a peniiy earned some- j times it is two pennies lost the merclftmt who spends nothing on advertising loses much more than j lie saves the moneyspent for plate glass windows is not look ed onas lost iior is the money spent on better in- terior lighting anything that increases favor that adds to sales that multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good investment advertising is a good investment just as plate glass windows are advertising sells more goods to more persons than shopwindows do a word to the public do you resent having a merchant addyebsftbls mes- i sage to you in the form of an advertisement in our columns on uieseonjasuialjabiyourj impulse to respond to his frlendjy overtures r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity of keed cottn and oil cakb just received noun mn norval iumn and shorts hay straw r noble ltd henrv awney manaaen t56e acton bakery call iliono no 77 ii you want a delicious loal or broad or brown bread or a boston load steam loaf buns and rolls ple and all kinds ol cookies and cakes 1 also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best fooll eat more of it teas phone 77 the wanton at your door medwarbsco a0tqiotitaitrql star cead bvar 8apt frj e sr by j i