2hji artmt 3tn t resb tinmoiiay iricimuaity 10 1021 half past eight half past eights tlte meanest tlmel when 1 m aoated in my nhalr and i boo my breakfast there tpon that little clock will nhlmo i up looku father oar hi plate j lurry won or vou ii te into llk liulf past night after school though i do thing- wy my kite or pliv baseball rill i hoar our hannah call wlm 11 tho auppui bull alia ring after too they ifgtit ho grate and i mad there while i wait pr half paat eight umunn to iiu i haven t read half u ima whan i hear pa lii t hi paper down and un it a time- for john to so tenledl o i tiitvai yield t rntci if ho 1 hnir pn limn oiale 1 ighf johnuon morton defeated hlu g tho girl in tho blue sorgo and the can- fully mended glvas in tho and of thn cur ant looking straight before hor with heavy sullen eye a woman in tlu soul opposltci thought what an unplouhhhl fane it waa hut tho girl in the blue aerge it happened wa fighting tb luavleut battl that had vr come hor way as aba left tho cur uml walked alowly up the wlda uvtiiiun to mi14 davenport tho battle gruw honor und rteioer the day be fore mis duvuiiport had paid her for thn timiinittiorjr ano had bn working upon for thn post six weeks axqulalte falryllko monogram and wreath that inudo ming davenport trousseau th udmlmll n of nil her friends the bill hml been seventyfive del lata but by a tnutnko miss ravenport had pa hi her ightyflvo and jennie qow carry ing ho inn a lout bit of work that aha hnd overlooked carried also the extra tru dollar util thn burden of her great tonptatiou ton dollar meant so much i it would moan ifshs waited until mld- lumtmir a new autt in place of tlm three- year old blue surge or alio 1 iidjijiflirjibliraiuiiitijt ud want a now hall and what would tan dol- ura mean to mis davenport t iur- hapa aho meant to give it to bar any way t then why don t you thank bar for 117 oonaclenco intervened tho girl turned about and wgjked back quickly mis davenport waa in tho maid aald and after n moment jennie waa aummoiied uputnlr ulna davenport young and beautiful and radiant with her new happineam met her cordially o miss oow you broucht m that lust sleete didnt yout i dldn t rata it til the seamatrca began to put tha thing together ira juat wild over your work and so la everybody who aeea it oh and 1 must ahow you the strangest colnrldence a blouse x have bought at mcveigh that almost ex actly matches it lant that odd it la quoer jennie answered her tongue felt atlff and heavy who told beraelf that ulaa davenport did not elvo her a a banco to aay anything tjlaa davenport taking the blouse from a drawer looked up with laugh- ing eyeav- liut you dont know the atrangeat thing about it yec it waant the blouse i bought x didnt see any like una i bought a tendollar on juat for travelling you know and thla la marked arteen they tnuat have made a muuiko mixed addreaaea or some thing hut if people will make mis taken ihey noiat take the conaaauen cea it waan t my fault i no t its very pretty jennie juat stammered thank you for the work ulaa davenport a moment biter h waa out id the treat her face waa burning uid tha tendollot bill waa atui in her pocket est- canadas uaple products the manufacture of sugar and ayrup from the aap of the sugar maple la an important fgrn industry in the kast em provlncea of canada and partlcu larly in quebec long before the white man settled the country maple syrup was known to the ubarlglnoa and apart from wild honey was the only inten sely aweet product at their command tho methods of proourtna it were naturally of a very crude description modern methods have greatly improv ed the product and have led to on ever increasing- demand quebeo province la tha centre of the industry of tho 30 000 000 pounds of thereabout proi duced annually in canada more than twothirds have to be credited quebeo ontario in officially reported to be responsible tor five million pounds and tha maritime provinces for half a million pounds only to other provinces of canada do hot figure in tlio culoulatlons these facta ure feathered from a timely pamphlet just burned by the department of agricul ture ut ottawa of which j o spen cer director of publicity la the author from ihhf well illustrated and techni cally detailed publication it la also jeamdil that the production of maple sugar and its equivalent in syrups jc late years has shown a tendency to decrease from 1sg1 to 1861 w are tald the avertuj yearly production was about 13600000 pounds and from 18s1 to 1871 about 11 boo 000 pounds from 171 to 1181 1 000 0qq pounds and from 1bb1 to 1891 21600 000 pounds the latter won urn pinnacle of annual pro duction for in the next decade the average per year was 21200ooo iounds and in later years he average per year was u 0000 000 pounds it la thought that perhaps with the increase in price that has taken place recently greater production may be looked for it la estimated that the value of the yearly manufacture of sugar and ayrup la 2000000 and that d 00 00 people are employed in the industry at the height pr the aeoson which la of very abort duration extending over only ave or nix weeks at tho most stringent laws n gainst the adulteration of the product have burn pasaod especially in que bec whore schools of instruction have been established and tha wire maple sugar and syrun cooperative agri cultural association haa been organ- laed huy bhtuu me if ukampla un t a iwwerful thing i told you a week or tut ago nlmiut tha cultltiu down f thn eld tlmn npulo tnt ut tint tolillors immunity koump and how i find nn othnr has kmn th nnmo wuy n lui- othvr old homnutiad its thin wayt the tmlllervhrnld ult in hi lnlrn chair and sec that other hlutorla tree belnk cut down miwihi up itml rnrtsd away the fnifli f aumpli was utn very shortly nft- rwurd i wulkml past mooritirirt lnut week iohi ynu not lung in noth ins a blank in tin or hnnl there upon lonnr mrullny i found that tlie tulllor hud mt roluumly un and don what william i oladutone had done at hla entut uhd what the soldiers hai lone at tp htomy immo- almil cut iliwn a porfnity mound tree tha titnt in this case waa a cnnada itwl of ooiirtm canada kcd npplcw aim not up to much wlmn compared with a spy or a klnnf but no tmo looka pre tt lor whrn loaded with fruit thaneroanada d wclllipwltlv his own hands and a aharp pi lining aw i ut down that tine tree when i miked him what lie did ii for he replied well ymi noti the fruit jwas not much eoml exrepllng n graft pi harvest applen on one limb and it hudd0 much of the garden that we jliought it would m lie t tor down in one way i dldn t llkd cutting- it down a bit for my father and mother planted that tree bay x don t wo rut or ho felt bad when that od tree was down it made me feel bail myself why lliat tree waa planted about hlxtyrlvn years ugo by icdward moore and ttjuiihoth hem- atreet the mi mm or after thoy wero married mid culno t41vo in acton it was sound to the heart ajtd is hard as maple the newspaper man says it will make fine wood for ills grate fires after t year or two of seasoning well such is life but aayyou aotort folkno- dont follow up this business of cutting down thn old tmo a theyre landmarks everyone of them is t friend of mine nnd i hate torrlbly to w hem go i bay i came across a pretty good ana on an iqngluhmau of the hlua blood type the other day lip was in con versation with a yankoe and it turned oo the recent presidential oloctlon aw it must be aw very unpleas ant said the englishman for you to be aw govurned by people whom you wouldn t awsk to dinner oh i dont know repllod tlio am erican no more so than for you to be governed by people who wouldn t ask you to dinner 1 is aald the englishman went away back and wat down nft or that to moke a little boys troneern last when you make a ault of clothe for him rtnlal the coat first and by so doing- you make the trousera last in tho only way the thing can be done f lav some smart stuff v a story i told of a printer who sup plied a mistamor with a quantity of bltheada the price charged for the job was so absurdly inadequate that a fellow jrlnter in another city who learned of the incident was embold ened to ask questions why he eajd your price would not pay for the utock let alone print- in of it well replied the printer ance you think yah know ito much let me tell youetmethng the stock cost nothing it wus deadstock which i had had on hand for two years neither did the composition coat me anything for- ny daughter did it bo you see you are net so goldamed smart aftmr nil denrvtynklln witness got aatlimil then youyo naver tried itasmah thf h j llaaaard carries ua juat as effectual as tem- s famous nii qanaulea pjj u ta t- aampla ltheunitlbun ask for a free well i uueuw iui tip to mo to got hack again to my remhilaoeiiori of the tanneries again homekdy asked mo the other day after my reoolleotlons pf the late tlenrg xj lleardmoro and his kindness to thn aeum boys and girls of hlm day got into print how long if is hlhto mr lleurdmorn died well to tha bent of my memory it is about thirty no lot me see its juut twentyeight years since- ths tlno old gentleman went to hi reward its fifty years since his eldest son mr walter d was admitted a liar i iter of bis father whom he afterwards suc ceeded come to think of it it will be six years this spring since he regret ted death of mr walter occurred mr george w then itecame the senior member of tho drm ilotf a line fel low a furseeing business man but why on earth he never got married beubj mo they hay ho luiw a itno resi dence flown there in toronto and is a princely pntortalnor lil fact that ho has entertalnod real princes of itoyal blood more than once well anyway o very body who knows 111 in is glad to aee him in acton on his occasional visits well 1 vo boon telling you about t number of tho mn whose suyso bos meant somethluif ubbut tha tanneries f think ive done up most of the old chops but thorns john clarke i ve never had a word about him yet but then nobody ever think of him as nn old man hut dont you folks who know him and read this deceive your- selvea jack clurke bus been here about thirty yenrs he cam herewith bis young wife but bless you mrs clarke i a younjr looking woman yet if she is the mother of four sprightly grownup daughters nnd a sou who a old enough to be ope of the onlcers who are running walker lodge of the masonic fraternity and as a sldu line holding d nn accountant a desk ut the oftlce of the acton tunning com pany as i wus saying john clarke enmo to atitim with bis young- wife from knglaud and settled hi aoton and they vo huuu here aver miimi huppyt yes happyt contented pron imroun tcood ollltcns and butter nclhh- bors and real nlepdm to tho folks for tunate enough toget up olosu to them well john ns r say lived in eng land before ho came to ciihada and ittlod in attop ijik homp thty any wua at mly undur tho sliadow of the noted cathedral and in thla utmost phere john was raised his father was a prominent railway official one of tho happiest summers john has had in canada wji the year bis father came out to see him after his retire ment and i think the worthy father enjoyed the visit tq oaiiada anil his eons home us well as mr chirko and hlw family enjoyed huvltui him hero well mr and mrs clurke are ba coming old cltlaens thoy vu had their christenings nnd jollyhjtnos these have been aid they ve ud their wed- no excuse me i nearly got into n mess with my poettu references fil ham been narry u wuddlnp vft tn the clarke home itdt with such charm ing daughters hints sura to com sooner or later well john clarke ihtnn to acton about as green in canadian way on an irishman from 1 1 merle it but what john dldn t know about keeping books ml accounts nliotit keeping tab on business entrusted to mm in the tan nery or opt of uwrm mighty little indeed he noon won his way into thu oonndenoa and osteom nnd apprecia tion of tho donrdmore people and he deserved it ills finger in bn the pulse of the hitnimukt and to its in estimable advantage hes done things and done thorn well hefl commanded men hundreds of them mid every one of them has a good word for him johns a man fllffilm fllgf trnnarnrmadcol wlial tho flnast homes in town do you know i havo no me times thought john should havo boon u writ er for hi mo humorous paper in tho mitt iiluio he u one if tho mimt lnmu- ttful penman in town everything bed wrle would e legible and he a brim ful of humor nil the time no man in town enjoys a praotlfal joke better thnp he vuu should have seen the loolnrof a man like peter smith the manager of the deardtnorn tanneries ut llrai elirhlge when he received from santa clauu olt the lleardmoro christ mas tree nt the town liall a couplo of yourn uxn v copy of tho methodist hook of imvm bound in muniicu john larko wna behind it it took him all his time to keen even with tho late william cameron in tho joke lino though more next wenk nljoht tho tanneries obodbyo w profits and pdrlls of ol fi3hermen ither tilass of toller nufort llnlusrmiint where can one and auiither sot of workers whose employment uo constantly places them in the huaardji tlio flshtirmen rlskt urtdi time he luaves porlj and aays goodhynto i ully her s no tell ing- whether or- y m be hla lost lima cot of port mo personal risk la indeed great though it is but tittle greater than his financial rink there is lio guiirutitit of u good catch and thnre is no assurance of a good mar ket whim hi ship puts hark to port tlie ratoh may bring throe rents a liound or jl may bring- half a innl a mund itul ut thn un mn lime th hips overhead t horgt m reiualu lod tho i out of thn vohuki m oipilpnient and supplies doeti not vary ilia siincosd or fnlluro of ltjk tilp tho only variation is in the mna share of th proats ho the uncertainty mttached to h rhhormans calling should command the doeptst appreciation uud thn vry warmest aymliathy of those of us whono clomit uaoclathin with them is tha eating of a ash now and again people living in inland centres very ldom have it brought to their atteu- uenhammeaasageashlngefi tn newfoundland banks just this in stant the writer has before him the previous dayj buiuo of a dally papr of a town on the atlantln coast nnd a few news items not unusual at all are reproduced here tha nrltlah nldilng schooner clar ice trohan which left yarmouth fl on fr this port with a cargo of 87000 pounds of salt flsh and s3 barrels of ash slfin for lloston drm has not y her datlii atlon andfcar is felt for her safety the missing vessel is commanded by captain oeorgo trohan and carries a crew of ave niou ha same paper contains a brief item about a young nova kcotlan who was lost at aoa during heavy weath- r he waa sent aloft to set something right and ho was tossed overboard hi some manner a few days earlier the same paper described vividly the oxpcrlenoo of dory mates who got lodt from their ship and were left on tho open sea for nearly thirtysix hours in- hitter weather and without food or water their experience was one continuous battle for existence against thn ele- onu people who live about llshlug- ports are ramlllur with suxh incident and they become more or lass callous it is impossible brledy to deaartbo the work of the nsbermeu to these out tha utmosphere of the bea but books dealing with tha ashermsns life sunh as captain wallaces lue water and hi aeries of brief narratives in tho shack locker or such volumes us captain courageous and west- ward ho will give ona an idea of how they live national pish day fell thla year on lbruary 8 it wau in port featur ed for the pttrpono of increasing the local consumption of ash but also with the idea of commemorating tho ashermen who dally risk their lives to provide rood for our tables and also the many hundreds of ashermen ho have given up tholr lives in that work tho nsherles aro a national pro perty and these men are working the industry for all of us it is certainly duo them in repayment for their brav ery tliut we pvovlde a stable market for- their produce and mako their live lihood leas precarious this may be done by making not oply a greater demand for ann but a more varied demanda demand that will comprise pructlcully nil tho edible fish taken by them from the sea as conditions are now fishermen land only from seventy eighty- rjve per cant of their total ch iho buluhne must bo thrown uwuy because of lak of demand for those particular kinds if the demand were mora varied the alahermeii could make a larger percentage of their autohto meana of revenue nnd tils time would not be wasted and this matter seem worthy ot national attention whon it is consid ered that nearly one hundred thousand men ure employed in the ashing indus try forty seven thousand of whom operate onf-tho- coast of nova bootlo tbeeo men furnish work for many others in supplying and equipping thorn not to mention the employment provided hi the marketing or their ash in canada nnd outside it la an lro manse industry with many ramlao- ttons uud should hnva every encour agement and each unl every oltlsen of canada can render this encour agement by utilising ash systematical ly in their diet chippy allans did home over there on qustph ajtd agues street aodnowbs one of kenney bibs rail and wlmr nnd rb lumberman httwy rubbers and socks heavy boots tor all the ffamlly qood assortment of fine qoott our prices will always com if end our aooot repairing carefully personally and promptly attended to rubber heels a specialty kenney bros put your drains into it it it were not wo end it would often be untuning- to see the sort of person who is demmlnutodsucoeuful by an obaervnnt world a man who has made money is frequently accepted as successful when lite life in the most tragic o failures ho hnnl i y knows his family ho ha lost all interest in literature and musla and art his fellowmeu appeal to him only as he aeea a way to use them his ao called nhnrrltloa are merely nn advertisement his soul haa ulirlvpllml till it it net to imikualhln to and it ills symputh iss have dried up ills intellect hus become petluluod t a ulngle pur pose he is less a man than a mint whatever work you do give your self rt chance put your brains into it glvan dull mechanical work may be enlivened by intelligence thouaabds of factory workers stand at their ma chines using their minds juat enough to make thp fowjnotltma required ot- them om mm h n worker stood ut a loom saw a chance for a short mil pnrfected huf liltft putenled it and made u fort u no ulvn yourself a chance by making your hand work an well as your hunds ulve yourself a haiio by develop ina character along with your day a work whatever it is you nun put honest purpose into il do net aim to get off with doing on ml tin as possible olv good measure it payw ulve sympathy and hulpruluess a clianoe do not l afraid to help u fellow worker who is el k utv behind hand sometimes men neem to lutve no high er idoal than tint brutes of the jungle who tur un injured comraile to pieces ulve yourself a chance by cultivating what mt bail in your nature kladll- ueaflund generosity svo yourself n rhanoa not only to make a uuccrnu in your s hool or your busliiatis but in mnklng a loan or woman of yourself unlnsa you are giving your highest and nubust quali ties full opportunity for develop you am not giving yourself elmtico mejiervu i thompson lopsaeii a teh so that euclf hours feaungs and thoughts and actions ura puro mid true thnu wll your 11 fn ha such when you pay 30 cents tor a half nounctpackagcof red rose teacrimson label you get ex actly the same tea for which you formerly paid 35 cents a packalgequality n red rose tea is the first consideration humor etc now tu thn time for spring cleaning if you huvo not got a spring clean out tour well an ohsnrvlng- man claims to wve dliwovered the color of thn wind he hiiyu ho wont out and found it blew a srhool teacher uskod an irlah boy to dow-rllm- an island flure man suld pat its a place ye lant lavo without a boat a paper htakia of n family who mntln u fortune out of whiskey says they live on 23rd itroej in a perfect dollrlumtremens a follow who htm actually irlml it says that though there are three ut ruples in u ytruni the more drams juu take thu lvua scruples you will a itoston paper in in favor of wo j men voting if they want to a west- uin paper would ike to ueo the man who could make ihfjm vote if they didnt want to a sulmmirlber wishing to stop hlu pitmir wrote i don t wuut your news paper any longer- to which the edi tor replied f wouldnt make it any longer if you did oems of thought of oil the vices to which human turn lu subject treachery is the most hiramou and doutestabla being com- ttoandod offraud cowardice and re venge the great wrongs will not jus tify it us it destroys those principles of mutuul confidence and security by which only society can eubslsl ju m htrelch would ytj touch u pettln without being stung ny h take hold of it stoutly ho the same willi other un- noyanceu and hardly will anything erfuge cover it ao shrewdly but that tho alttueing one will discover and punish il itlvarot it is better to suffer wrong than to do- it und happier to be sometimes rheuted than not to t runt johnson treason nnd murder are never kept together us two yoke devil sworm to either h purpose shakespeare the deepest tenderness a wo map tan ahow a man la to help him to do his duty mulock ileal worth rmjulrem no interpreter its everyday deeds form its blaionry chum fort- common sense in ad uncommon de gree is what tho world calls wisdom coleridge wo am asked in a long communl- cutloi if tlgbtjaclna- is injurious of corset it is main thbhf a6t0n qnt government liquor stores huoh dob son in the pat the history of every local option contest plableclte or referendum on the uquor question baa revealed an effort on th part of liquor interests to confuse the issue by a mibsthuia proposition if local option was the issue liquor interests wanted province wldo 1ro- hlbltlon 4 if prohibition within provincial powers waa before the people tho enemy would vote for nothing short of dominion wide prohibition when government liquor stores for the sale of liquor in sealed packages was under discussion tn saskatchewan tho friends of liquor wanted thorough gol pa irohlbltlun or nothing today ontario aces a ueforondum on april 18th 1mi on the prohibition of the im portation of uquor into the provlnoe for any other than purposea allowed in the trovinolal temperance act and also tha prohibition of the manufacture of uquor anywhere in canada for other than purposes allowed in any provlnoe voting on thla thla moans tho closest approximation to boneday conditions via the lrohlbltlon of manufacture imporutton uud bale of intoxicating liquor for beverage purposes ever placed within reach of canadian provinces and presto change 1 tho hauo interests want now what theytll a6vrhmmnt conth01u to many persona this means belter law enforcement but to tbe liquor interests uovernmeut control means tho opening up of some system of government sale of intoxicating liquors of all kinds far beverages purpofg great effort la made to escape tho deanitlon of tbe system of guvetoteot emrev jleave that till v sight unseen as we children uaed to say or a the old maxim baa it as a big in a base all that you are sure of is the kick and the squeal prohibitionists beware i aovortament control a advocated by aatlprohlbltlonista mean some system of government sale of malt and spirituous liquor for bwvaraae purposea it means going back to the sale of booae for beverage purposea with the government a vendor what might that mean for ontario it might mean government liquor stores in every city town and village of tlie province- in that cnad the govern ment would have to employ many hundred of persons bottling o trying packing eel hug and recording sales of liquor for beverage purposea the patronage system and the uquor interests would get firmly hitched up together as of oldt would temperance men or those sympathetic with llijuor interests be appointed if temperance men are appointed provided they could be secured for the job how long could they keep free from corruption- if friends of liquor are appointed how long can the government system keep free from corruption t it might mean a mall order uyatem and that might corrupt our poatal employees again there would be the necessity of employing perhaps thousands of persons tar bottling pa limlung and delivering any system of government lltiuor stores start out as the tool or the government and it will take superhuman power to prevent the descent of the oovermuent upul it become the tool of tha uquor interests already thla influence latalt in urltlah columbia in the recent election held immediately after tha provincial keferendum many people confused by the mis nomer of government control voted for the unknown system the uquor in terest immediately and aggressively set out to interview members of the govern ment and candidate for the legislature endeavoring to elect only auch a report favorably to the liquor interests mb oh money and energy was spent to aacura a uquor xjegtalaturej already more than one candidate ha fallen from high ideals to the subservience of the uquor interesta does ontario want a uquor legislature t jhe may get what ahe doea not want if she flirt with government control saskatchewans experience hay a good government 1 in power ubcral conservative itanner lbor und the government btore bystem is in e of cot- election time cornea around and tho government bus uquor hystem whloh may be used for political purposea such a system was tried in buakatohewuit rmm july 1st 1h6 to december 3 1st 1911 the cry raised against the saskatchuwan government as it approached- it first election was government uquor store for political purposes the govern ment disproved the allegation only by brlffglng on a referendum a year before it was provided for tn tha legislation which introduced the liquor store system and by the government itself recommondlne tbe people to vote it out tha people had ona year of experience and needed little exhortation they voted it out four to ope never again 1 the attitude of the martin government on this proposition the following letter from hon oeo lang ley minister of municipal affairs for tiaskalchewan plainly indicates tha governments experience tutgins sik usy w po- dcusirr ucplllbg to your of tbe 4tk lutuut sskulf me to aute restoaa wuy the flki chewan uncimatalhti wstked it nd4nl n uunlioa to sgsls take control tha 1 jusr buslatu i ibisk i cn boil ike thlug down into a malsoc ho govrnmai which buevca it ess do umd work lor the people bowkl take a atv whkb bum ult id and aftr leaking all around tbe aubjccl we wrre forced to the coactualea thai u coatiauaace ol our liquor numuuai would inevitably tnn that i a atrongly o obiulm that for entatiam to come sll sonmnwuti la caaada will be wlae to adept a polky ot handa on is ao isr sa dliectly carrying eav s liquor bual ait li cos gained we were loftuoaie in nlllsg it out o our banda witbout any whlapar of scandal but the toeoitiera ol the cevarnmbni of saikstchen were carried atnoat to the point of aarvoui break dawn is a licit lion at unavoidable diasater it ikui tbe eaiicat thlug lu tils oikl to talk el aelllng uquor in ecaled packet but tkat esaauatce the creatiow of uqoor warcbouaca the ahlumenl of uquor- la balk a urge bottling iaatltution ia fact all ike gcaaisl work of carrying on a liquor bul i govern mint orlchd and toe goveramsnt o ik cairylug the burdncaa on further under the induance of liijuor is poluted out s vutlai of the governments aiua sod aa there fa veiv canaldatsbm number ol peraeoa who overalcp the limit of prudence hi taking liquor tbe alna of the ovcrraaual pile uo until tbey become a mountain 1 knoc there are a great many aeopla actuated by the twal iouoti tiawho aay ciuuae haa proved tbatsa lot rem but ibe govern men l can be mibik siiowmi o carry on aucb a bualaiaa our esparlcnce waa tost a government ia juat aa liable to gat into trouble aa private curporatloe when carrying on ilia liquor bualnci if tbe pople ol uritlib columbia want to encourage good and capable tain to enter thelr yerantaat i feel aure ibey- do tn ahaulj not saddle tbam with the raaponal blllly o carrrieg on a llqaor buine aucb a bualnaai hldp it botr we may ia in lie vtny tlie eppoacd toebrlcfy and rlibeoumii voure ildccrely jii lb kea icvcry man in tbe bualncaa would ti i ataiacd by the aigbta that are un avoidable miuimer ol 4smafffi a4kacbvs appeal to ontaklo ontario do you want to introduoo the thin edge of the wedge of uquor control by your legislature and government itemeraber the license system and the old bars what a strangle bold the hud and have still on governments the world over let governments keep out of the uquor business for beverage purpose tsleqior of ontario do you want tlie political parties to fortify thomaolves in power behind the liquor business r do veu wish the parties against which you contend so to- intrench tbeoiualvad or da you want fair held and no favor whan tnb people go o the ballot boxt the introduction of tlio government hate bystem in saskatchewan by hon walter scott and hi government waa rin advance step for tha moment the license by stem waa deeply intrenched and the bar had been a t re mend o us factor in any election mr boott knew in had to dislocate private interest before he could give a lead to canada in a knockout blow to the license yatera he put the bars nut of business to avoid an overwhelming comeback to his challenge to the liquor intereata and hi uooesaor hon w u martin waa juatrtt wlae when he retained the business of intoxicating liquors for bvyerage purposes juat long enough to strangle the bar and tha uoenee eyatem and then one year from its jnceptlon reepmnendaa the popl fo row oat the prertimant sbtra ersfenv tn october i6th saakafchewan mvothar great temparanco victory i think he greatest of her career in roundlumbers 87 000 people voted for 4 bonedry nrovlnpe a major fy fafsiooo in oriejit tha largest vote of any election or refer endum ever help in una rrovlnoa durjngthe month of dooeinber it la eatlmated i thaflovo thancabtvlna- aervioea were held for this unprecedented victory ortera- peranpe brlusn cpluhibla jwjui refused by ih qpvorninant an opportunity to vote btt lenlwun jlwion that pfoynp haa atpoady commenced to pay the price nuitutulo uoutialang ape whither ilmlnehlp 0 state i drifunff nova oootlo alberta boakataliewan and manitoba every provlnoo that ban bod tho ohanoe up to dute to vote upon prohibition of the importation ot intoxicating uquor for bover- atfo purpose ha carried prohibition by tremendous majorities t ontario next to tha bat i may the score r ontario to lead tor a dry dominion i high i the r41t of canada cutpecta y oourtpay of mvnngellapi and boclal bervlce of the mpuqodjmmilllthji prizes and scholarships pqh jounfjatism coiumhln uulvrnlly will uword tlm olosn of tho school your prixeu uml htholarshli s for journalism amounting tb thousands of dollars thn judges for thu different con teals have beei chosen from the udmlnlstratlvn hoard of tho hi hool of journalism und from he teaching staff a prise of thousund dollars will h given for tlm in out hugkostiva piipir on the future tevi lopintint uud imi rovornlftif of til lit hool of flour nullum aiiothi r rlkti of one thoimiii dollurh will ite ortored for the ixiul history of the sorvkn rondvro i the public by uny amnrliaii uawspnr ilurlng tho precodlng year a prise ufnvi hundrud dollars will le glvon for tlm beet ml hor la i urllclo dur ing thd year throo truvt ming uiholor ships earh worth flftverl liundrodilol lurs will nluo lm otferoil j e- palnier valuator and guide is proi ured to select farms ll new ontario for any who desire to purr huso i huvo a very lutlmatn knowledge of the inwt localities for farming will also- net ns guide tcr uny sportsmen who dejro thn itost of hunllnglof moos deer and other gome can urron for ucoommo- datlons for hnmeseeken or uport- tnou heat of references j e palmer andersqn heuaa cafe cochrane announcement for farmers is tru iuuii prlcou for good fowl and nowluid kggu cull mo up bvbiail and udvlse me iersonuliy and i will go to yotir plane- right away lu do iiuslnens tha best uutlhfsctlolt guurnntnrxt to you try mo ixforo you sell your fowl then you will uuo also we buy all kinds of scrap iron and other junk hides and skins avtac giijjooud p o- bolt jofl jutan onl i am waiting for your lluslnos clearing jkucnon sale farm stock implements etc rhe underslgnihl hus received lit- structlnns front tn soli by ptihllo nuntlon on tho prem ises mount pleasant maple lrm lot is con 3 osprlnge on tuesdav februarv 18 l2l commencing at 1 o clock uie followlngi lloiujkh llay mare good driver botni in all hurtms llay mare good worker horrel driving home cowh hud cow milking well brod junuary is bttottod cow frvsh gootl milker tied holfnr rising s yoar milking brod january 3 tied heifer rising- 3 years fresh bred january lied cow 6 yours om due lhruury 3m iuhi and white cow s yours old dun duty llf milking woll young cattlro lied hteer hsing a years ltrlndlu holfer rising 2 years hpotted steer rising 1 yean 1 calf months old ut time of rule veal calf x month old ut time of sale 1 naif i weeks old at time of sale t pair of grey heifer rising l years 1 pair of uteers rising x years j pair of summer iltjh 1 york sow bred 1eomber 10 i how duo time of sals loijltlly4o vlymouth itook hens 1 plymoulh hook rooster hay ani ghaim 1 tons of hayt soo bunhels of oats 300 bushels of mixed grain 100 bushels of barley hooth 300 bushels of beet boo bushel of turnips also a few bag of upplos implh3mhnth vrost and wood mower 5 foot nut peter hamilton ten upnut ueed drill combined i throehorse bylvestnr cultivator hay rake land roller turnip sower set of iron hnr- rowu sections light set of harrows 4 soatlnnu iron nan frier cutting box fanning mill lleiiry plow no 21 adams wagon with box und spring seat complete obof bob slelglis two- uaatad democrat buggy cuttorf buggy pole and whirflatreos hay rank stock rack gravel box turnip pulperi una truck 2 sets of doubletree ueek- yoke atmio boat grlndstonei 20 rod of fence wire siiaur kettle grain dog chains forks hoesj crowbar grass scythe grain irudle stove drum and tin rprtlolcs aleo a few household effect hulmhhl sot of doublt hirumts 1 set of alnkltf liurius horso blankets 1 robe tidhwh 110 00 and under cash over thut nwauiif 1j months credit on up- proved uolnr hottiu 6 off roi cash hayrifrahi lmiultry rnoth umlture rash- no resort as the farm is bold and the proprietor is hiving up farm ina rov kindlev auctioneer o it ma11tim clerk kriu phone clearinq auction sale in townsinp ov iciiw 1 he umli rslgnryl ho reculvod lu- strtiotlona rrom p o ano e barber to sell by publlo miction on thu prom ises lot 111 con 3 two miles north of on pr inge on monday feshuany u 121 ut one oclock sharp tho followlngi hqhukjh gray mure 7 years old weigh 1300 brown horse 0 yours old weigh dgoot black home a yours bid weigh 1300 hay horse 0 years old wolgh 1300 buy horse la years old buy home aged thn above homes are in got condition and are good quality oattlw llluok cow s years old fresh 1 month j rod cow 5 your old hush hereford cow 4 years due march 7 grey cow 9 years due april 10 red now 8 year bred december 11 white heifer s years brod bop- temlter 38 red cow 7 yours brad lu july rouit heifer 3 years due time of sale yoiino oattltys steers 1 year old a cuivum 10 month old a young calves at oattlm pair of oer about s60 each 1 heifer uhout 850 htevr uud helfor about h00 luhii fat cilf lui ham bull ieghtervd a choice in dividual hook york sow with lilg at foot york sow brod novambur 10 york sow bred december jo thoua ure oholoo sow 17 uhout ubout 100 11m hiiiaiap4 choice gradu oxford uwts bred to un oxford nun ifowir 2r yoong lltick hmis 3 purrt bred wyuiiduttu roomlorit qda1n about sco bushels of mixed grain barlvy and oats ubout ifjo buhliet iff food outs u tpiutitlty of turnips trimmed halirvkbh lhiuhle scl of homos njiloto act or ulngln hurniih mpllomlsnthiteerlng binder foot cut nearly now mnxonnlvk mow er ft foot cut mumhoyhiirru seed drill 13 upnut nowj out of harrows sand u itew cultivator is ooli ockshutt afuirpnr plow j long long plows 1 neunuir 1 gravel ho 1 pulperi wagpn imfl box truck wagon not of sleigh with platform good a new so of sleighs in good ipalr outter gtvod ua now buggy now 3 hay rack whlftlctreo qnd iienkyokcn 18 grain bags cliurn new crosfnut saw bharplea cream hepara- tor wood heater newi two doxen htl pulls nnd kpllos now numerous other nrtlcua no reserve as tha lease has expired tmums i0 6b and under cash over that amount jo moutha credit on an- iroved joint note 4 per annumtiff clearing auction sale in i itim rwwirn- farm stock and implements ulidfrulgiuid him mcolvm w tlniih from thomas ohn friday februarv 18 102t it one o clock uliiiip to following iloiuu u 1 puin d yours old 1 fattlk- i jorniry vwtw duo murch 1 rd cow duo in mitnh 1 grey 1 red tow due july august 31 1 acey low duo oct 7 1 ronii low dua may 3 1 whlh lu ifir duo in april 1 ruun holf r hio april j 1 r 1 beirors due in april 1 uiclulorod li i1w due my 1 brd by lihiio itroi 1 registered hhorthom bull it for n rvicn bred by luiliavluuui 1 baud of fatoattiet tyeur old 1 holf or itn old utocr inlvi 1 lull to for old hii1dwp 1 oxrftii i roglhtrullon plolt pluu r mm 1 owl st plytnotiui hock putlots 30 whlto ixikhoru hens imilkmintfl 1 iitcr hiirrlllon hludi r fl fiuit rut 1 dcerlng inuwnr d foot cut 1 mauweyllwrrl rake 10 foot 1 liiternatlnnnl hoy loudur 1 musueyllurrlu drill 11 boo 1 lnter- uutlotiul cultivator 11 tooth 1 cock- uhlitt illxo 14 ill him 1 hlssoll roller- 1 nat of iotnr hamlllnn harrow 13 foot j floury plows n 21 stono- bikut t adutnu wakkin bo and shelv ing comidotn 1 i ntocrut 3 ton buggln 1 nut it til stoopm mlelghtl 3 liloli runmr 1 nut light iilnbzlu t t utter l chuthuin running mill with buworl cutting imx 1 hay rack 1 stock ruck 1 pulihir 1 sugar kettle whnolhariow riio ulxivo luipletnents are all in iiuiiimh condltlnu 1 no 3 mi lotto c rcit in separator 1 nt 3 kuvorlto i hum i huttnr ixiwl nnd ludilln 1 i uroka sprayer mall i to 30 itrutu hugs 1 hay oar and pulleys druw ropo 160 feet grind slontt whlrriotroi tn nkyokes fork iirowbnru inul othur wmull articles hahnkuh i set of limn hurnoas 1 sit bather tug plow hurueuu with heel chains 1 set double driving harness 1 sot single lutriua white rubber mounted jjayandlijunluahtlly clovet- huyiuutitlty of timothy buy about 200 busholu now mutket iiulu fit for soodi uhout 300 huuhrlu abundance outs uhout 11 buuhuls itewl barley ubout hi buuholu puum homo maple linnlwii no ltesorvo us the iuno ha hxplrod tlflllmri tho 00 uud under usb ovit than amount 10 months credit on appmwd joint union c4 oft for cash hay bruin and fowl und fat itttllo ruuh r j kerr auctioneer phuutt intnn t w irtlltaiiam olcrk i and li- h4 j kerr auctioneer phono 81 acton a jw mahtjn clurg cleajhna auction sale in townhhip ob ichin farm stock implements hay grain roots house hold furniture urn undoruigued has received in struction from wilson button lot 10 third lino jqrln two mlleacast of osprlngu to noil on i wednesday february ifl 1821 at is oclock ahurp tho followlngi uohhlofc heuvy horse 13 years farriugd mare 0 yours good in all harness lady can drive her driving mure yours broken uliikln and double cattlk huohthounh 1 reg cow clover l306n bred october 13 1 reg cow with bull calf ut foot viola 101353 rttf row ismperuncn 10070 dun april h ruun holfer 7 months eligible for nkltrutltjii quadicb houn now milking s months li rod aguln roan cow milking wall duo april 37 roan heifer rising 3 yuuru routi holfer ik month red stoar lii month eligible for registra tion roah steer is 4 months 1 young tulf a fat steer about i 000 it these cut tin ure nil well brml and in frooj condition puh13 llhwd yoitlcfct york sow due about marh 1 york sow due about muroli h york sow bred doom- bor 0 yofk how brod deoumbi r 10 york sow bred deciiiibcr 11 y shouts about so ibti hhicioi m re tlmuter ewen bred t rotf lelci liter ram 3 leicester irrudo ewea lirtil to rrtf iicnater ram u lelcentur two inmbu eligible for ri glstrntloii hies uru u choice lot of uheop fowl 3 fl luirred itock hrjtih tired- loluy llurrml hock pullet bred -to- lay 1 iliirrod itock rooater brtd-to- loy strain impllomicnttt maaseyharrl bin der 0 foot cut with truck and sheaf currier in good running ordvr mititeej llurrls mower a foot cut nearly nw deerink dump rake 10 foot nearly new musseyhai rln ultlvtitor 1 1 tooth muaiiey harris 11 hue drill nearly now dfmrlntf stout rollor ii fool pearly now miumuy harris niaiiuro iroadiir 3 sec lion diamond huriowa 6 hm hon harrow 13 foot cookuhutt wulkliik plow cockshutt 3 furrow plowi oliver inlo hdinif plow lwtuto digger uuaauy- harris cuttlllh liox speed jack belu mc- oil motor power attachment for kord at mtiubuyilarrlrt turnip sower tal lin turulp pulpet und hllcer ohutham inihig mill wltjt hmufr bug jioldar louiy ucurtlor fluwdy scufflervand iiiouldoth 40 gallon gaaotino tank p0d wukoii with adams box ua- ijuiuhllii to bugfry armstrong cutter bottslolgh utock ruuk hny ruck gtioep fcmwiiuif rucks gravel box liiauura nianuro box butpy loit hay fork now iientty tar tt wood track i jto feet of new mp nnd jiulloy i set of mlu 11000 ifjb tuck foe scales wlieulbprrow grlndntonei a ladder v 9 tattonllia crates for chlokemij 30 grain bugs and n gunntltytf potato aacksl 3 cioshutit iutwl feed box barrels doubletree neckyoko shovels forks hoes crowbar chain cat tlu chains other urtlclus ton numenma to meii- djmluait and w06iqiinntlty of lumhori 11 foot for uuteu upruou iuitlitlty or inch lumbor foot spruce luilsoin and hotnlook ubmu huldwood lumber iilde sills und ncuntllug for stock ruuk name 3x4 in untllug 40 cord of uoft wood rulxol und uotno hard wood if not provlously sold ubout so funoo posts haunidmhhut of heavy uuitt hur- tiflhs with brldlcx colbiru and breech huf mot iof tug plw thurneu mot of chain pi iw liuriiinsj oct of blllglv huriitiuhl li lluht irlvinf miliar with linmosu and tuns 0 oollapa bln kn in hell ourry oomli bmshea hay oiiain and noots3 ton of tlnioihy hay ouanmy of mixed buy about 36 bushelnor t h so bunhels of o i a o hnroy seun 4g hiihbels of bluok hurley seeil 160 hiisholu oflluiinr ottlu seed b huwlhln of new murkut ouu fit for huoil uonio ffd out 30 busbulh of mlxud grain ponn oats whoat und burlny iiunntlty of mnuuolh i houhumold ljl i koth happy thought itaiiuo in kiwi hhnpiit 11a- tlliiiit homo cqtil heaterwlth ovili 8 wood limtiirh luuildrv utnvul stove- ilins lelivhl i rnn separator no i dulny ultiirni butter bowl and laddlo motor high upcod wablilnw machine marly mw sldoboitrd dlnliikrooiu tublo 8 dlnlnu chulrx kitchen chairs 3 kltohoii tabic 1 full loaf tnbhi kltohon louiigei rooking chnlrs nnndg hlnuer mbwiiih tnnohliio rumly iew 1 iron btidhlcud j yooiloil liotfutoartsl 3 sots of npilnuui j llilltlltitiiieai 3 fouthor hmis pllow dreuuvi j wah stuiidu j toilet sets pictures 1 iuff 10hxi3 fcut jo yntil of linoleum t ounntlty of honieiuud curpcu olook bimpu luutoriih t older biureln u iiuantlty of older vim gun a lot of fruit jul dlkhin urunltu bread dlnh wuuh tubs dotiid bollci wriuucri flat irons toa ketthi pot uann palls utrul nor pad 1 dnxen uap imllm ltu no reatrve as the farm bold and the proprlatoavjs glvlhrj up farming 1 iqhmm liotio nnd under cimh ovor that umoiinl ia titoiiths credit will bo rivcii oh apprdvod joint note 0 pur gent per mm dm off for cnsh hoy grain touts aioullry lumb jsoeew m cattnr lliroo mouths k j kerr auatlonser pjionoaa7 acton q jl majlxih olcrk m isisiyit l- svl