ffify acton 3tor jitphb lyuitwday fioimuauy 17 j oil dont delay if you havo liar 1 work ta do lx it now t lny t sklos urn cloai and bluo to morrow cloud rna canto in view yostorday l not fox you do it now if ydu havo a hook to sing wag 1l t w iat leo notaa of gl lnoss rlns clour um mi tut d bird in spring ijot ovory iluy ton o inuulo bring ulna it now if you uvu kind word to say bay thurd how to nt rrow may n t eomo your way i3o n kin li sua wlillo you may xqvcmi onos will pot always stay tiay tlinin now if you havo a smile to show bhow u now mako hoarta happy roxm fow ijot the trlsnds around you know the lovo you havo bsforo tbey gh hhow it now gfct- the cmuiich in the valley ov thewildwood in on of ths lovsllsst spots of lows old prudford in tho valley by ths wlldwoad there ha stood for man than half a century ths llttls unpro tsntious wsathsr bsotan ohurab whlcb inspired jr w s lltts to wrlto uts song uttu ilrown church fffmous for nil tiro to norao this church ions years ago its uasfulnass us a houa of worship not from dilapidation but bscaua the worshipper passed on and away leav ing it alone in its seclusion now it slvry toned ball as iwmi and clear as whn it flrat csllsd tbe people to- gather under ita belfry psals forth only to call tho few remaining citizens together when their ranks are from time to tune atlll rurthar deputed all that mado tho joburob prosper ous departedjfflul-tiiausalnsaf-brad- ford which began la lmt when the iron horn loft it trandodand on half mile from civilisation tho town s forrnor business blocks and pretty otoirtntortiatioonmtnranfflrtfl gated back u farm land and plow and reaper havo auooaeded tno stir of a buay town life only the church and the wlldwood are left familiar ohjeots to the early settler defying tho rav agns of time to a marked degree thla landmark atmoat pathatio in iu lone liness remains unchanged within and without tho church waa built in tho daya of tho civil war iu creation waa mark ed by u aplrlt of unusual seir sacrlfloe whoso hardship and privations taxed their financial strength to the utmost the timber was hawed and lumber aawod by their own hands from the surrounding forests while tbe sldlnjr ilnlahlnfr lumber door and window wore hauled by loam rout mcgregor on the mlasutuppl juver a dlatanoe of noma seven tyv five mllos oyer oordu roy roada ncroaa the prairie through i sloughs that seemed bottomless and across brldgoless streams whan the wagonboxes were used for boats to float loads across the church was begun in the spring of 1861 but waa not oompleted and dedicated until 186 many of tbe men were away in the service of thelr country and money was scarce at a stress when it was feared the finish lng must bo postponed indefinitely jdr john todd of plttaneld mass nave ii go tho ball came to the church at about the same time a sift from mr thomas cola thon a rich man but wjio aoon after failed mainly for the reason that all the world stopped wearing paper collars which he had been manufacturing tbe furnace of the church was constructed out of the flre box of a oast off steam angina and tho color of tbe bulhtlng became brown instead of white because brown min eral was cheap and white lead quite beyond reach oreat rejoicing jsos manifested all up and down tho cedar valley when tho uradford church was ready for use people travelled forty miles to attend tbe first service and those h- in within a radius qf ten or twelve miles became quite regular attendants this little church meant much to the peoplo in those days of linltv church prlvlleoca the pastor lev j k nutting- had lent willing- hands at manual labor in its erection the song by tr pitts was written about- tho time the church was dedi cated it has been suns around the world tho tennesseeana sans it eight consecutive years mrs wright k r i i t1 tk i 31 1 r kubn awa ojp haum y of we j sflbsv ffifiumi mlfjm tlth uttzel brown church tn thb valiet thora a a church in the valley by tho wlldwood m- mo lovelier place in the dale no spot is so dear to ray childhood as the jttje brown church in the vale how sweet jn a clear sabbath roorn- tb ust to the dear ringing bell its tones so sweetly are catling oh coma to the church in the vale f there close by the church in the val ley lies one that i lowd ao well bno sleeps sweetly slmps neath the willow plsturb not nor rest in the vale there close by tho side of that loved one neath the tree where the wild flaw ere bloom when the farewell hymn nhai be chanted i shall rest by her sldo in the tomb selected thoughts awuit by anyqthor name vould be just as unsatlsfactorr peoplo borrqw trouble beaause it is easyjy gt and need not be paid boca thore is one lucky thing about spoil ed ulilldrnn wo never have them in our own family there is a good deal of gospel in the right kind ot a hand shake beware yof the grip if the conceit was taken cut at some people there would be nothing left to bury combine politeness frith hard work there are no ugly women there are only woman who wo not knowhow to 100k pretty lots of man wojildnt know what to do with th6jr money if they should ever get out of debt motor cars are encroaching eo rapid ly on the business of the blaokamling that it is predicted that there will be nothing loft for- them to shoo in a few year but hensv i i no man with grit grace and kump- tlon will over be heard complaining that he in not appreciated should such a feeling ever take possession of hbn he wj smother it and double his effort to make himself worth some- thin- to the tvdrwi well ivs been taken away back about si sty years again thin week that announoemant in laat weeks pes paxes that jlmmlo uuukmun the jewish tradnr i nil pure i naad tho big building wnod by mm john arthurx toronto and was going th tut inn new brick rront an 1 aides and plate glass windows an i all uulto unnerved me for a little while why i remember whan will htorey the aaddler mr hfarey ha was called after he became ileeva and justice of u a peaoe and got tpto the glove business i remem ber when h built that place it was flrat his sad lie and harness shop and his residence it was at that time i860 th fiscal building in town my how proud be was of ic lie had his mntepetnted trosslllirtrntwtr storey and down tbe door posts were the words saddles on one side and harness ori the other then at the aide where tommy gib bonsjhgahls at i uu h us pi to 1 and jbwh ind tt was mr btorey a residence the jarlor in front dlnlig and llvlnr room in the centre and pantry and one but toora uchcd that upstairs there were more bedrooms my but w ii thought a lot of his new ahup and home he built the first fenoe with fancy pine plokets in front it was painted white the lawn extended over to itansom adams garden one whore lindsays dopr and feed store hi now mrs storey always had a bed of flowers to ihe rentra with bleeding heart bache lors buttons johnny jump upe and sweet william blooming in profusion then there wore rose bushes along the fence mrs storey was always good with roses well when i read about mr stork mans purchaso of this property and his intention to remodel and improve it all these old time tilings popped into my old head anil then as i sat in the old rocking chair nursing this rheumaticky old leg of mine which tbe mild damp winter husn t improved i thought of the year 1888 when mr storey went into the glove business starting with making harvest mitts which he cut from a pattern taken from a pair of russett harvest mitts he got from edward moore who had bought them in georgetown ho told ma himself more than once that it was at mr moore s suggestion that he com tnenced tho gjovo liusiiioen wall in those days he worked at gloves when he wusnt making harness or saddles or collars hut tho glava business soon grew in this old new building so that it crowded out thn harness bus altogether and then ha built an addition to tlto end of the shop and later another this lust john ar thurs detached when he bought the property and moved to the street line at tho front he spoiled mrs storeys lawn and flower beds but he made an other store which for thirty years or more has been a busy place for trade and with numerous merchants male and female well thoughts of thoso old days in the old gjovo factory utlll keep crowd lng upon me i think of jim a 11 worth and harry jenuor hr und teddy lucas and tom janes and nan washburn and xjeue cameron and col i la fltax ford and many others who out and riaaegiove which wen a national reputation and then james moors went into partnership with mr storey and finally the old place got tooxramp ed for the big growing business and the flnq factory oyer on ilowpr a venue was built and that was away back there forty two or three years ago my my bless mo how the time flfos say these old things take mo away out of my reckoning jlmmlo stark mans new entarplse took me right off my feet and mode me forget ell about the tanneries aid john clarke and jim mcintosh and the rest of those ukhlul fellows who ve grown gray in service in these growing ooncerns out tholr catching on as to who the old man really is that would never do id rather let you remain in ig nnrancfej about those interesting pro ceaaes or fln 1 them out for yourselves no thoy 11 not catch the old man happing say here a something i nevor got on to before and i pass it on to you i came across a paragraph of tannery lltamtutstlnvqtner day which frankly says j when we apeak of hemlock tannagaa and oak tannage it may be well to mention for the information of those who are not acquainted wth the technicalities of tha tanning business that a hemlock tanning liquor la not pure hemlock solution nor is an oak liquor made from pure oak extract in the oak llauora there is a- percent age of other tanning materials added besides other chemicals varying ao cording to tho tan yard foreman s special prexorencott just as one cook recipe for a certain dish varies from anothers these are secrets of the trade well now i tell you im glad to know tnjs here live been for years wondering how this was and never asked anybody who really knew i ve seen thousands of cords of hemlock bark piled year after year in tbe tan itery ynr is an 1 have seen the men stamping thousands of aides of the finished leather with that myatlo atar tba hoard mo res uue and ac tori oak bole i understand ir how and i guess you 11 be glsd to get this in for ma lion too well ita hard tu tell what ii ha pen this weak to stealmy old noodle off in some direction away from my in tondod theme but if i can net parti culars of how they make leather in the twentieth nntury days iii give you tho secret if not uoxt week some day later sojong some goods pay more profit than others usually the poorer thequalitythegreater the profit the grocer pays moreforred roserthan for other teas and hesells it at a less profit when you buy red rose you buy the lies t- faithful services are appreciated complimentary letter from blft seed firm to h 8 msodonsld who u in his frith yesr tber faasr pases has ple irrpub t billing the following loiter from the gardner seed company of ilocbeater n y to mr hugh s maodonald who has been for so many years an es teemed resident and who introduced numerous profitable varltl of seed grain among tbe farmers during tbe past quarter of a century rochester n y jan 37 1vsl mr h 8 maodonald acton ont canada v renr slrt the first thing wo wish to soy in answer to your letter of january 17 that we appreciate jo the highest say i waa tickled clear through last rwhen i heard of tho heard the fast growing demand for tm- pleton a rheumatic capsuleg and itazi mah for asthma which v ifas- ea e aeourlna- the inm agaioy proves the- value of the medicines mmi more folks remembering jim mcintosh with a line souvenir in recognition of bis long service with the firm and a week or twp later when they presented john clarke with the fine gold chono- mlter which ho said be prised more highly thooi anything else tie possessed excepting mrs clarke and hed gu right up- to his lawyer and put it in his wflp that it was to go to juck when he git through with it that was a good act by the messrs beard more say while we re on thin tannery business i wonder if ypu folk wouldnt like to know something about tho ex tent ta which this big industry jiaa grown well i can glvo you some par xlculars and they re no guess work either for i came across a late copy of footwear in canada in which a story of the works is told and i aupposa tbe facts there publlahed have bean given by the bcardmorea themselves right out of their books well here goes the tanneries have a combined floor space of nearly a million square feet some floorage that bin t it a good deal different to the days when the mcqlosnens and the atchesons and the tobeys wore tho tanners jiore it is aatd the tanneries with tholr yards and employees houses nnd the com pany s out of bustneas hohby the farm cover about 600 acres my what would those olfl families of hums and btauf fere and allans and storeys and moores and uydera apd mosaic and speights and nick 11 ns and milnes und kannawlrur think if they could look over tho lands they cleared und tilled and owned or leased or built upon in tho early years of acton s history and see thq buay hives of industry and the scores of homos which now occupy them the capacity of acton m tanneries npw is over a million sides of leather per year and on tbe average coo men are regularly on the pay rools say honestly now how many of you folks who read this had any idol of the also of our chief industry the mognl tudo of tholr output or of tho number of men they give work to andhhey work day in and day out month after month and your aftnr year with scarcely over a weak s let up 4 how many of us really know that there are sixty ileardmore hpusea in tqfn en very one ot them houses an employee and hut family nil the time excepting when repairs are being made perhaps 111 toko d notice tr give yotfraome 140a of the process of tan nins pt the sole and harness leather ml f jweche farosdaomo of these days thai js if x can get reliable infortfdafon with- v century you havo given the beat efforts humanly possible to the great work of putting- high grade seed in the hap da of the farmers in your section as a representative of our arm you have always been honest square upright straight forward and untiring no one ever tried harder to do the right thing both to his- customers and his business house the juatlfled aatls faction which you must feel at the knowledge or having done a difficult jop well ahould be increased by the word of tribute- from tho people you have represented it is a pleasure and a privilege to express to you our grati tude and our recognition of tbe un uaually fine work you have done it is true that after years of un ceasing effort you ore entitled to a rest yet we regret exceedingly to nave you retire to tbe tnactlvo list although it probably la not as easy for you to travel around tho country as in the days when you faced tbe hardahlps or tho canadian winter to walk mile after mile through bllssards and storms ws know that there is n great reserve of strength and hardihood in a sturdy argyieshlre man like ypurseu you are physically able to keep in the game and do not let other circumstances bold you back year after year you have proved that you con out sell com petftors in the faoe of the fiercest op position do not give up the field to another man when you can take orders all through that country and can hold all your old custom ore those people think of hugh maodonald whan they think of seed they do not think pf particular brands or varieties course wo realise that it would be unwise for you to start out in uio worst of tho eovere weather but we want you to jrenuxln in the active ranks and to let averycne that you aro atlll in the business that alone will give you ardors many of- the farmers through out tbe counties of ualton i eel well ington and went worth would rather have seed qf you than to get it any where else wo shall bo glad to supply you with special letters or cards to send around to your oldicustomers to let them know that you are ploelnr orders and to ask them to mall their orders to you or tojjold them until you get orpund to thorn thon when the weather moderate you oould go to them and get the business you always have please think this over mrr macdon aid and do not give your decision until you havo deliberated on tbe truths wo have pointed out meanwhile please accept our sincere wishes roc many mora birthdays and our congratula tlons on bavins passed your eight third milestone we wish to thank you for your kind greetings of the holiday in acabd game uow can a christian thesa days avoid tl a least appearance of evit so many que unliable tilings press us on every hand what can a man do and still be a ci rlatlan and at the same time eppuar senslblet society la full of forms or entertainment that are on the aliady side of safe conduct dancing card playing and gaming of every kin i are encouraged without restraint tlo games of penny- ante bridge casino pinochle old maid crib bags rummy lookout solitaire poker soft an i at iff uovqn up and a few titers that wo lo not know anything about are all hung ployed without a question i y poojjlq who should know better wlm the pastor says satan is in those gnmoh tint worldly wlae man urns his futa away and declares he is a back number a puritan who is out of place in this generation but at the judgment tho conscientious chris uan will a pear to be right let the man who has been a gambler speak hero one who has been con verted and km ws wejt brother tm not here to expose gambling ah the police deportmot ts in the united states could not cloun up gomblhuff the toih doesnt lie with the underworld the fault ilea with the homos with the home life of the church members i don t falk against tbe professional gambler because that would waste my lime italkagurjat tbe honjm yfttore card games are played during my twelve years in the field i learned that all the me and women who filled my housea m d bet till win dragged thorn into thn 1 it csroe from homes where card playing was considered q k it a ui rosa tho friendly poker table or wiilut t t lo that bstau puts his brand on tl e y uth of ths country the underworl i no longer tries to draw innocents down it doesu t 3iave to the homes turn out more recruits than it can handle th- wowd of gambling ted from apovo yes out of the homes where reapectsblllty thnkc whatever lisp pens there fa bo right but the pastor who pruys for his people cannot help but sac that tho card tabic in a home has more influi noe over the young people than ull his 1 ray or at a throne of grace what uan a pastor do with the card playing homes in his church t that is a question 1 usxllng multitudes what can ha dot walt until the seed sown brings its harveatt yes per haps weaturn a ivpcate ex emperor william and his bon hated in germany the editor of the independent ham llton holuhss been travelling in oer many lie lias this to say about the germans und the ex kalsari there are two mlasi prehensions about the germans that the american people ahould espel from their minds at once the world has for tho present at least tut reason to fear cjarman mon archlnni f militarism while there is of course un active but small moot archlet and militarist party militarism and kalsarlsra are killed as dead as a door noil certainly for this genera u011 i foun i no one who had a good word to say for the bate fampenr or the crown i rlnre i loth are hated as coward a and of the two the crown lrlnce is most detested i was also told by every one that there is not the slightest posslblty of germany n sea retty rearming herself and making war upon rurope the soclallat party is the only real pacifist political party in the world pandit la now in supreme control kvon if tl e socialists are overthrown the people aro heartily sick of militarism as tlftx failure of gee it salutary eoup d otat ahows bom of us woul 1 like to know why the qormans do not quit sanding auch largesurns of money to william tho defeated and runaway coward coffee supplants rum in little old chicago report cornea from chicago that business men who formerly bad the hnblt of leaving their work in the middle of tho afternoon for a cocktail ore now substituting a cup of coffee for the former alcohol lo beverage saloon keeepera are adapting them selves to the neworder apd one of the most pretentious galoots in the city is now employing several of its old bartenders to serve steaming hot oof fee and sandwiches throughout tho day particularly catering to the busi ness men afternoon trade the man ager ol the place has taken a lease for tho neat thh toon years at 14 000 a year rental in commenting upon his action he is quoted in the papers us saying that is how much faith we have in coffee hour coffee and corned beef sandwiches will bo our specialty the boys are coral ug back the cook- tall was really a second consideration at 4 o clock a man likes ta get out and forget things for a minute lean on a bar put hi root on a rati and tell his pals what he would do if he were running the united state- coffee goes as wu as cocktails and tl not ao hard on tho bartenders sotno of this fifth drink conversation used to make hard listening for the boys at hlnky dink s old place a whole battery of coffee tenders have been jn stalled and hlnky dink intends to specialise- in banana aplltg and other confections if he ever gets over the shook of prohibition the la bolls hotel management has installed a grill where patrons can go into ths kitchen hd supervise the peeking of tholr orders if they choose the- chef is on deck at all hours for ihatjrry purpose majwger steven says we are going tornnko eating o at tractive there will bo no need of the tjld tlmo cocktail wo americans have depended too much on the cocktail or whiskey klok to create an appetite and then we have en ton whatever was shoved at us we intend to make your appvlte right here if you have not one when you como in ail of which is evidence that the gloom- which settled over qbtoagp s drlnklntf tatabllshmentg is gradually lifting and that not only the dispenser loss of plant food mixed farming and specialised live stock farm 1 1 n ulno bring another source of fortuity t the soil- stock nurns art t u valuable and even n v ihiul lu 1 w tliun evr and uld lo h 11 1htd with tho greatest a so tlintiv ry i it of plant food which tbfiv cmuitn lu returned to the oll but actu il invedlkstora tell us thst ot least la p r- coi l or the plant food in crops fed to ulook is lost in many caaos much ovur co per cent is lost be cause the m u urn is jitrown out in open yards where ovory rain and snow wash tluough it und carry off the strong cnjl growing plant food blven though the 100 acre farm is conducted on tho basis or a good crop rotation and evim though as many head of uvusu tk as possible are kept an i apsuklng generally this should be tho caua still there is not half enough manure to make up for the drain upon tho soil which ordinary crops oause houce tho upto data farmer especially he who is prepar ing for tbe future must turp to an other source fettlllxeni if be is tl supplement the manure so that he can get the beat yields possible and still grow crops of 1 lglt quality germany 8 determination to bring ruin there 1 much to justify the charges mauo by un ungluh writer that oer many white proudly confident of win nlng the war determined if li lost on the battle held tc brlruf about the ruin of england by fomenting strife and destroying industry in that country secrut agents propagi and bribery were to set capital against labor employer against employee and so paralyse knglund more even than that a ravolutlunjwas brought about as ta itusl throw olvlllautlotl government i mix uiuf of oluss ugal one playing a gti bring ahna in t fighting for hlnimo iould over- reanonable thd this set- tie and ovary sxab iund every one while a passion for the welfare of others and tho fine spirit that in the end won the was iionejtistoiit how much of the present condltl ns la the result of such n propaganda the american people an i tho american nation will do well to examine rurvfuliy into tbhv ex change t o d hut ih ase ssad ajar tfmnr tntsroeelvsa td the new oon dltions our habitjj a good habit piico thoroughly form ed is an immense economlssr of moral energy it leaves one free to conoen trete ms main mreiiglh on some other noli t lor example the man who has formed the- habit of total abstinence from intoxicating liquors does not and it necessary to ho always resisting tba temptation to drink but may atfdrcss himself to fresh moral conquests in now direction it is in habits that we lock up and secure all our victories the young in particular should be taught tba importance of so setting their habits as to make right living more and mora easy with the advanc ing years noacqualntancewlth water could you do something for a poor old sallort aakad the soody looking wanderer at the gate ioor ol i sallort echoed tho woman at work ot the tub tim ma urn i followed the water for sixteen years well auld the woman you oer twlnly don t look us if you ever caught up with it there are two rrttads and deedfl kinds of religion mmsna here is what scsjivrjmsrtiulaiiibeuigot 3 feemfevtiuiiif potatoes 9 y ftr acre wtiibr h i sat mr e it pay to fertilize osvourupphsrryvsubor and mgka msjlmiim praflta the soil and crop improvement bureau a tsscbaa4bupaatium- awodatlon uu taaasse ihstming tojumtro 13 dustbane makes sweeping easv purifies the air saves labor ask your grocer beware of imitations i aqk for it at your local dealer 0 lovely evening a watering place correspondent i writes a beautiful young lady arm in nrm with a youojr man an evening or two ago into whose oytrn aho would sweetly am he it s a lovely evening said the fair onn tea replied her attendant u they were silent and walked on ltwas a lovely evening yesterday said the beautiful girl as they came round again yes meekly answered tha young i men evidently at a loss what t say thoy came a third tlmo and it was his turn now thnpa it wll be a lovely evening to morrow said he bo do i said she ar the aavandrnpper arose looked off i nn the water from which thn tints of the setting sun had not gone and wnndnred whether all ihtautiful wo men were like thla one i most wonderful thing i think the strangest thing i saw was the flying fish noo laddie dlnna mak a fuls o ynr mlther wha ever heard o a flah flaein r another atrmngp thing i saw when crossing the lied sm we dropped anchor and when wotralsed it again i there was one of tl a wheel i of pba- roah s chariot on il aye laddie i believe you wove scripture for that specials for february made in canada pure amber and buckwheat hopoy 12jc to 20 c per lb jn pulls of 5 tba to 10 lbs good dry hardwood 4 0 per load also somo green birch a cor of frost wiro fentc on order prico guaranteed aga gny drop till delivery s gunn s suro gaintcrtlltzer also llo run teed against any drop in prico till delivery one weekfebruary 21 to 26rqair week special look your machines over and find out what repairs you will need and call at my shop during that week and lot us talk it over your patronage solicited at tpe implement shop iflllx st actonf chas e parker wanted honest dependable salesmen to repreaont os in tile sale of nursery btoek we eupply all outfits free of charge and allow a liberal rate of commlaslon apt to fc 08mithdlonrltor winona ontario the brunswick j e palmer valuator and qu1de is prepared to select farms in new ontario for any who desire to purchase f have a very intimate knowledge of the best localities for farming v wut also aot as guide for any sportsman who desire the best of hunting of moose deer and other gome con arrange tot aeoommo datlons for homeaeekers or sports men dsst of refenmees j e palaaer landerson house cafe cochrane announcement for farmers j3xtra cash prices for oood fowl and newlald eggs call me up by mall and advise me personally and i will go to your place right away to do bualness the best satisfaction guaranteed to you try me before you sell your fowl then you will see also we buy all kinds of scrap iron und other junk bides and skins alex gilboobd p o box 10o aoton ont x am waltlnc for tour xiusihom there is no record made that a brunswick cannot play and play better frank king the denier will demonstrate main stbect georgetown uattsoimmmnmist this repreaoiuing auelphjuslnesa col lege training will open the door to unlimited opportunities for many this year as our enrollment is un usually large there a a reason investigate and you will use this key too start any day pt guelph business college horau plda i oualall ont a i- bouckprlnolpal propruter wo hoyo no bolloltora to coll on you ouf training doo it m in 3iiaiiii- i i money in live stock frefijl lection of brood- m lag cattle and tbo right kind of flnancur back lng will pmtyou it it position to make- money from your herd tho bank of hamilton is prepared to promote any legitimate de velopment i wm bank of geobgetown branch- hamilton q fi bfacgjy mjtmgw strengthen your business morale ff soldiers know what it means when an armys morale s shattered fl the fighting spirit is gone the mevi invitedefeat jf what is true of military forces is true of some in dustrial armies v at the first serious jolt their morale weakenshopc flies courage disappearstheir fighting spirit is lost fl there is no place in business today for the cal amity howler he is drawing salary or wages under false pretences more distressing than all else jie is weakening die morale of other workers and of business itself strengthen your business morale fl take stock of your men as well as your goods fl retain- enthusiastic profitable workers even at a temporary toss jf jyenture into new fields for business t trade and prosperity are interdependent the sooner capital labor and management realize this the quicker will conditions improve i tell the story of your business and its products in the newspapers advertise create sales stimulate trade i fe l im etltf n ji atssk jk iv