ftim tt i orty seventh year no 4 2 00 plcil yhalt acton ontario thursday morning july 28 1021 rn1 j u in united states single copies five cent till mctifodist church acton rev i m hover pmut paw nana willow st ii lun hi iiv mr ontario c curlott litt ahhhlulltll all vlult iiim- qtinlliru und thn mem hern lit t ikui hwllng und teimu tlulw urn rur lully invited to ultmd 7 n 111 hpciilll u mtvlr van durviil xi lf unrmnu van hurvrut mid hurvwit- kaiioiloiueji vow auk wvukd comia acton i1aitist church a k tvlerr pastor 1ft u in ituu luy hchnol uiki lllblo ii u in i lio heavenly voloo irf h proval 7 p n victory thiougli prulun you altlu coiidially 1mv1tkd new advertisements motoii cycles foft bale mntnrryrli for wale iso up with or without ill in ruru ti nnw arranged jaflc olvxn 3 4 17 mucdlinalt ciunlpli maxwell car foh sale drivoll 4 coo mil rf nmw pinion ring mid buttery n imllu 3hoo 1776 j j hklyy acton for bale luuiutlful iihvic 1 1mm nearly now coat 1b0i1 will h for 50 oomplato willi bench uiil do lolla apidy 4 3 ho 400 anton thresher supplies l hnouin homi 21 inuli ut buty cntu per foot uhw throutier halting n hmith 33 138 york hl toronto dr p q gollop d d s- l d dental surgeon quite over hank of nn hcotlu houith 8 50 to gs0 kvnnlngu ly appointment real estate wfl liave homed for bale 1m dnteronl iwrt of acton ranging in price from x80o to 4 000 ami noma on very epy lurmh with a winull ruali payment down own your homo and itnn t pay rent he un lxiforo you buy j a hmith lleul ijiutn agent 63 it mill uml walluco at acton largetbrictcshor and owcll- ing for sale the llrlck hhop mi mlifhtrcot wcu pled liy chtuf 1urker implement afcent und tho dwelling in tho rur itriik cottage tn good location i loth are deulrubla iroprtleii apuiy to 11 j kbitlt 43 ituul kjttnto acton wanted hulitl com ihiui torn in on or women hy non union iiuiiit 49 tinuru 3c00 lcrniunoihy of iwntlllon una mn to oil to matlnfanlory worbnnf we npontta uutiuu sick llaiiadtm ufa innuraiim ltvldnnl vncallonn and tithor o oimrrttlvo uilvnntarnii not fotiml in union nhoim apply ltubinuum hyhticuh ltd 33 c3 hpudlim avnua toronto wanted toronto buturduy nlht hnw m organ uxl itn nntlrn mnchanlral htnlt und ouerutliib now undor 0mn hhop condltloiiw wo havo a noinplatcf mtrf in nil dvpurtmnntm comixutliii itoom lrcws room and lllnriory hut uollclt uppucatlonri for futurn imiiiltie m pclaly from eximrt job oampohltorm and unotyiki otmrutom tnn or woman tnm 4v tiour j 36 00 full portion inn on rmiuont batuitday niokt imikhm 4 4 73 ulclihtond st toronto proclamation civic holidadv iii rt nil ill ii in with tin cuhtoui which hiih nmvalwd for muuy ytutrx monday august 1 will iro olmtrvd um u olvlo holiday fuf 1021 und i liufihy proclaim thul duy an n ilvid holiday for arton jind tvhimhiirully imiiiout tlmt nil our oltl- koiim luiorvt it um hiirh k i haintlclt liwvi itcovom oinin town iln july 30 1031 3 voters list 1921 municipality of 1 the village of acton notlulm lurwliy elvon thnt it huvn tralinmlttml or dillvxrwl to tho iwrnoiim tiifinlloiiml in hi 13 of iho ontaho voter tint act tho loplvm riulrw hy wuld tmintloii to ho wo trtnimntltmd or dnllvortd tf thfl hut ititido mimmiiit to uultl l ull poruoiin upihiurhikhy tho hint vtbpdammiynii lit roll of tho uftlri mlliili ipiillty o h oiitltloil tu votu in tha uld muiilclpiiuty ut olwtttoin for iimmthimor tha ixislalatlvn alt aamtily and at municipal lctoctlouu und that tho mu11 lint whm omt pohttwl up at my ofltoo at tho town hull anton on tha 3gth day of july 1911 und rrtnalnn thoro for liimprotlon and 1 hornhy cull uhm all votnnt to tako itnmedhitii prooninlluqm to huv any orrow or omuwioiim corrootuil acoortl- injf to law iutod thl- 3dth day of july 1031 i t n wlukjll 412 clork of huld municipality wond jfbidav juiv 29 he devil the btrtnb btarrtnb arlla com edy tho llaunlod 3ioua ntarrlnk hunter iceaton saturday july w homer oomiyllomo utar- rln rhurt ruy comedy torov muon buirrlnb johnny lllnps vo n wauh fgr h pllur foe hon day august 1 clvjo moll dy nlflh onl 0 nly iu8t many wonderful economies in the july sales these nro tho fnctn of the case tall ioodi will ho com inj in summer iods must move out and to ho certain that they do without u lingering farewell prices have been mnrkud down to ttwukon the interest of tho moit keen bar- caut hunter co iimp from tar or near values will speak eloquently for themselves the minute you arrive in town to investigate kiddies rompcn at 69c 129 ant 1j9 kiddies drctkcs sizes i to 12 years 149 108 and 539a 1 00 patterned voiles at k9c black votla blouses at 5l9h white voill bloiuci at i9b and z9h rogulnr 8 25 tricollotto blouses at 195 10r50wis7 em broidered baby floucincs for okc yard washabjo wallpapers for kitchcim and bathrooms at 45c single roll all tho high rrndo as well os low priced tapestry papers and many other lines of wall paper greatly reduced in price womens and misses sum mer voile dresses at 750 and 500 gingham house dresses at 2x9 dreis aprons at 149 and 198 visit the royal city this week and profit by wondeitful havings offered in the rig store 1 7s plain color voiles at 75c yard other lines of wash goods and staple goodn at i mm en so reductions mens and young mens suits at 2500 savings of 5 00 to 1000 other lines of mens cloth ing and many lines of fur nishings at big reductions too big bargaini for boys special july sales of homo furnishings a tremendous list of bar gains that can merely bo hinted at in this small space d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store wyndham carden and macdonnell blreeta guelph ont saturday specials wc have just received u fresh shipment of tho very finest quality turkish delight wc offer you this excellent confection this week at a reduced price regular 40c saturday special price 29c solid chocolate nut plain milk and raisin regular 70c saturday special price 53c o special lino or assorted chocolates regular 50c and uosalurday special vtittg always a welcome treat is willards ice cream cooling of course but more than that its crcamily de licious a rare dessert and titbit welcome alike to man and woman all the wanted fuvoni fresh fruit and all the old standbys mill street acton h wiles acton music store mill street all the latest hits in sheet music sous agents p0k sun records ceciluan grama- ihonkh jiaynes pianos also player rolls now stock oftoyu und novelties always on hand e k steele mill st acton 1920 our rlfin um mown ijook wtmt you cn huy to tluy in our ktoro for 1i4 00 compared willi wtuit you could liuy ono yvuy ou lop id kuirar j r 1921 tuesday august 2 a lurainouiit nature chap- 4 of llm hon t taran nlv look this list over pull jmn w l ho old iiikh iull murrilaljjdo 4 i qo koup n g toru j likii wft lhu iiip 30 1 doxon kuk 5 lhu prunoa k raitn tomatawh cniw laat 1 01 joo ibw huirar u ibn kloui 4 iba whltn ueudn 1 lb boup viukc 3 hunlkilsoap c ibd suroh w 3c 1 doxan oransw 3s 3 tina bulmoji 3 lb itnulnq t ll iii ull 4 tlnu frk und ityitn 0 38 3 hoxom mituiui 3b r t una milk v total ss4 00 r l gregory m d c russell mill st acton sf news of local mporl anydiinqunta in aotont it i unniiunrod from ottawa that ii thoun who huvn fullod to inako tho ihihlrnd rnturtifl of huomo nro utout o ho jioaorutod thero nrv thouhatids of dnfaullnrh tho i onalty u 115 for mil day or in full it a op und id band conoart anton cltlktuin itnul unvo a lillly odltuhlfl oonaert on tha luwii of tha tlllllru community llnusa on mon day kvniilnu th n inmmn wu lankthy and vurud muuy kindly um- nx pro umid nupot inlly y vutltorw ayhn iru holldnylna in town 10 olohlni vonpr iiiimhor ahldo with a wmh rnudored willi xplandld oitmi ot albania sunday sarvloas rim huiklay noivhnm at lit albany iun li will tin ooniuiotod durliuf tho utiifo of ilov mr muuiuull tho ntor on hhi liou luyu uu f illown mnxt flunduy mr jiimnm murtlu it a of milton will havo ihntsn iho rol lowlna tluoo htiudnyi lhu nrvlom will hn hi 1 hy mr johtiplt uooumnnt j v cllniiwillluiiiu who u u viy uc- rtptuhlti ivoy itoador lutom ohor modnall holidaying mr ie m moloilhld rollixitor of utitoiiiu id tjijoylny hliitiiiuinl lioll- naynri will vimii ritatlvu lrtiolrou john h true 1 1 un of thn uunlph cuwioiuh omod huu 1m ap upihilntad rflllnvlnu- collnotor during hlu alwanom haruo of tlm offlim and 1m anjoyluf iiim mtuy in town vary much nnturtilty niout of hlu lelimm in txilntf hpmit on tlm howllnif bronnw of acton athh tlu auuootulloii btydyfno lor th pruthood mr jotiit holland ot hamilton utnt duy oi uo in town lukt wook mr ilollund ih htudyltiif for tho prlimthood in upiiiil nv yur at bt juromn col- on kit honnr and hft bwiu for two yium at tho cirund momlnary mou- triil llo hi a hrlslit younit niun und will no douht mnk n name for hltnuolf in thu futiirn it don not nnmn lonit johnny holland waa runnliiif about tlin nfretm if anton tn knro imntu und in thn primary cluuv at ultlool lild ifllku 1 uaw wlnhi x 111 111 nvory hikicphx in hlu uiionxt milliiif splandid saranona hy dr maarthur luy ilr moarthur of moffat nraaoh- d two nhlo uarnmiih in uio uthoiliht chumh idnt kiinduy hlu thonimi iiitinjiijtthquoaiml i a w which imnonhtrntod clodn ow r ovr uln and thu biniit udvahtaana of pttraonnl mirromler to him in both rotijrtu tlonu thorn worn mi m her of former purlmhlonom of tho ir nnd a mimlmr of thn frlomlit of hlu hnyhood in iiim introduction ho mnurkcri that h nn- joyt 1 rroutly hlu vhdt to aoton that ha whm u natlvn of hultoii county hud hthmi tho mlulutdr of four chara within tho hoimdit of thn county nnd nfti r thirty yoiuii in lhu nilulalry hav- ina occiioi1ikoi1 to rihru from llw ruuhir worh lio hud xottlod in tho noil 1 1 ty of hid birth a camaury with parpatual car mr w btwrlt of vancouver f huu kindly nnt tho ithim phiquj u d hcrlptlva hooulat of tlm hplendld ooiun vlow 11m in i iark tha nnw rometory rocantly npnnnd nuir cnntrul iark villinniivnr uiilfonu prpotual tnru huu tmnn itdoptni hy tha maima- di4 nt und no plot or ifiavo it uotd without til in care linhiff provhltml for tho cfmmti ry throuuhoiit lu kit llkn a olty puik without nttm cout it niiut hn couholliitf und udd krmtly do tho peace of mind of thouo who hav bur lad lovod onou to havo tho aaaur- atmo tlmt thny nro luld to roil in m bountiful romatory which will ho knpt beautified ull tha mnm whethor you wintimie youi rlductnthaeorrp munlty or nol iluoh u pluoa will urow morn htiatitlful from yoar to your and riith tho moat andiiriur und kacreil form of chrlutlun burlu1 bt albans annual ganjan party vllihtfut woather und u eood ut- rtdunrn liolimd muk tho annual ijar- iuii puity of hu alhaiih church in tha lurl lnnt thui hduy ovenlinr a uciikii owlfiu to uloknoam two of thn urilulm hllud to iippnur worn not 1roitoiit hut john a kally uiimi to i ioumni and prohontod a number of notloud which urontly iuuuod thu homo iiim numhon with tlut mar- louittm at u vontiolo7iiut woro x- outloihilly iood tha cltlxoiia llund ily loudhtod with lho iirumammo and vnderad u innoroun lut of number hoy mr mauiimtill rctor of tha church wuh thu capablo and olltolant innun mian kntlileon duks of totqutn wu uluhut uiiii ahly uo- ipaulil mr kelly in hlu tiumlwra at thu olouo mi auction uuhi of work iul thn liuullitc rfinutliilnu ouuold wan hh1 with mi kolly au lhu uuotlonwnr tho churat ball l0ua lur i umaw of tood bawobull waro 1nyd lunt weak on vuduaduy tbu itnptlhtu ttuvo everybody u iturprlae by beiitlnif 4hu atiifllnutih lu u vary tbjht jemu lh hcora wuh 7 to 0 with tho uuplhttu on tho heavy und on thok- duy thu auajlluand kuva thn treuhy- tiltinh una of their harduat sumo of tlm muuton but thn john knox boyn won hy u douimruui mlly in tho ninth beating their rivulu p to a on wod- tieudwy thu lousue leadera hud another hurd butt id with tha ituptuta the jhiptlhtu lud for- the flrat few innlnfcu but wvro do coated on monday th anauiulid hut tho hunt bit u 10 to c tho mithodlntu had u hlupk week huvlnir pluyid no uumia the utupil- lm it rut i ulr of uhoon muiniforturnd jit aotouu now uhoo funtory nro tin inhibition in thu irtnot ilooui window thny nro thi mother ifuhhunl utvlo of rlilldmn t nhium munuracturod of cuuudluii mudn h uthorx tun lolor tilk upimini und aolld unwod ootn tho tlrat nnsruvhib horwlth uhowu thn careful muthoil of ronatruotlou hi tho manufuotiim or th mhon und the unoond tho mil rttiuill 1 nhuruoki of tlm uho whnu omplnttd lua itohhytorliuut mothoduth 4anilcunh haptlutu won tuit 11 j a 1g3 p first lot of shoes have been completed at the shoe factory hy motors ilewetfeoii co proprietors actons newest industry is now turning out its sihni1i products ixk the canadian maokkt machinerv installed and employees 0eino gradually enoaqed mcauru howobou ki ctt tho- pro prlelorm of tho nnw uhoo factory uuwl- lifiui hnro u uiwrlullntu in the mtiuu furturn of ohlldrnu u uhoou uu 1 hnvo u luru trudn in their k pi undid pro- dllrtu 3hulr truda biokuii la thn vry buppy nun tthoo manufaoturertr to ohlldri ifh whlrti fholr bljr al on tho ftlotory amhlbltu thin naturally ap- pnalx in tha parentd who dealre thn lont hnm obtuhiuhla for their llttlo folk 1 ho funlory lu ttrumially upaadlnir up under thn oxperleiinod dlrootlou of mr if a kolkln tho uuporlutuudnnt a lama number of tho mimirouu ma- rhliina maiilrad have lioan luutullod und einloyti4 are imlnif ndld uu rapidly uu the haw oruunlaittlon nun advantakeolluly place thunl i enro lu biliitf tilvon to reuldontu of acton nnd tha ejrporln who uro imlmr plumid uro lookliift for homeu here 1 ho tlmt tmir of uhou turned out which occupy thn place of honor in our ti how window uru uttructlve and huvn ulrnudy rnmmiimlml tho admiration of hiimberu of ouroiticliu it lu uumly u hutlarurtioii to ull tltut our uhoo ftmlory huu won hvurd by a firm of thn nntorprlxn und ikpnrlanoo of howntuon a company mr plunk hobnobbing with editor thu lluolttinjhnm que font uyu mr v o ilunk of aotou ont ra- inemontltik w h ttton y a hon ltd the oldeut ulova house hi uuliudu wuu in huuklnjihhrn on tuoiidny und ruvo tho nt hlu uhui i ill mr 1nk in ulwuyu n vloomo cnlm a tlhnrul of hu old nahovl vm lrumiunod innliilnuh on th 1hh tv dwymr ui iimulont g upiiiowcluh thu iftmimvw linaure ha ju fi rvaular uantlemun in urkumattt nnd demeanor u never comh but ho drop a bm n thowl t of nbinv kind worthy of plqclnn tu noinury h htorohciune for tutors u tn itlior conyornuian or mrotfruiih in niihvi iiidirfviunt hnulth for u nutnl tr ttf ynuru thnt fuut huu little effect on hht dully ruutliiei htu burden whlgh tn othaih would onitendei dapreuuhik illonv only norvoh him tu net thromli it ih pin n nod fin tho duy und got in mllnthm for tho duty oc thai morrow ufa uotlvlty under tho elroumauinoiu phould bo n ntlmulunt to thoao hufter- iuk from imuklnmy or trivial ullntoots thu ioat nlwdya rorsctu noma thtntf utter ida ylulu tlev canon holllt dead a dliiputoh uuyu in tho death of itiv cution lo 1 1 it lit montreal on lluttirduy thn aurlknti jllocnuo of mnntnul loueu it doynn in iwilnt of uervlca uu a cleruymuu he wau lit hlu elifhty ilrut your und hud behind him u nilnhdry of ovor llftynvo ywirn itov cumin itolllt whu father of mi a a itolllt for uomu time tnunnitor of thn hunk of nova kootiu horn ouhvhi df loj milton 163 tlm county town haroou motoiod litre on wedneday ovotilntf ftitouuiir h1 on ut our pluyara with uomo ilogreo of dellumtr in the flrat intihifp how ever oukvllle pounded out hit after hit until im rutm wore uoored and this nuturully dtucuuruuud tln vlsltoru uo tiutihrhupu they did not do uielr iwnt durlne tho ranuilnder of ho same which concluded with m ncoru of lti to fltur nwe of inureat solloltaj thn kmnt iukhm lu ulwuyu hiiutd t ecolvo iihiu of vial torn from our riuil ru lurhirf the uuimtit t holhluyu particularly theio lu tixuoh movlntt ibout if you huvn frluudu lu your nun it oi if you uru uolnu uwuy on u vlult let uu know it coutu you iioth ltitt but u llttln offoit tiulpu tho uiiwu puper und lu littematlna to frleuilu l0th hern und olitewhare where tho luper clroulatua votee pay to mamber of counoll acton u counoll ut itw luut ueiwlon voted u hundred dollnru in thu hoove und ttrty ounh tn the foui councillor to ike payable ut tha end uf tho yuur ihiu lu the flrt town or villus coun cil in ilalton to vote pay fur iu mom berk ultd lu fact lu few urban platen in ontario ure couuullltru pjlld town- uhlpn nearly ull puy uii ullowunro hy commluulou fool und in oltleu hy u uiutad ullowuiice uhould tlh inutunco prov hutlufuotoiy to nleetini many ohur plui ou will follow tho loud oukvllle blur exmenagar prltehett in trouble taet thumduy ut oukvllle herbert lvttohetl oxinatiainr uf tha leorau- town und lltxnwtlllumw co operuuvo hociety wnm nommlttod fur trial hy inilh a musutrato bhleldu ho lu cliariced with maklna a fulao fluutlclul utatement on which ho induced uliure- holdoru to ruun tltooo on u note ho lu out on 16000 bull tu bu tried hy u jury ut next hnmulonu or bofoie thut by tho judge if ha ho uleotu jiu put one over on tha olobo which hud re ported that ho hud beau urreutod in- uteud of miiminoii um wuu the ftiot lie uot the aiolie to pilblluh uh upoloay though ho wu hot urroutod in tbu nrut place he wuu lodaotl in jutl hero inet thurudav tnornliiu nnd kept thert tilt about 10 p m when ho w rulcou d ufterthirnrrlvrtroflltu uondamen champion council proposes to supply thegtr 40000 gals water a special meeting will discuss tho agreement with a g t r representative council met in resuutr ue anion on monday nyenlnk tho iteeve und councillor j dill cord i nor diuiny und millln wero preuent tho fifteenth report of tho commit im on kluuuoo ruoommendod payment f thn followlnk ucoountu nibnkuall r j a mrnlvou lloanl of heultb v ltuuuell llomtl of health aron ltkh 1aitjui prlutlns o dernrfut culthik wemlu cum than ciittluu wedu idtnoro a co utmetu and wulkii n r moore uhoti factory 1l mol hirwou tllo n i mcljim iitnhitu a wulku wathnwonica nunn uirvlrou n l molum ieiwlru ciiuudluu 1 ulrhuuku pulley stt 69 t j luylor uppllud for the ptwltlon f couutuble l hid mulloi wuu ditto uiuiod but ito notion wuh tukon thn nivcnuulty for u dumplntf around i the corpnrutluu wuu referred to rim litiovo utid una or two coun cillors were utithorixed to meoure u ulte for duntphnf from itobert j wallace t f50 od for five yea re tho bropokul to nupply the 3 rand trunk hall way with water whjcli huu been repeatedly dluouaaed wtuf uguj e topic of oonaldo ration it wuu tlnully decided tu cull anpeolal muntlnu when u repreuentatlve of the company would ha invited to be pro- unit it lt uudofiitood the cono ration lu propured to uupplja the hallway uompimy with 40oim uallonn of water dully now und to meet the rmuln- montu of thn ronuuiuy within a yeax cnmpl lint wuu mudo thut tlio oel- httt of wiuulhall a mokay william wllllumu und the wonderland flcti khow huva witter lu them uwlna to u defective tlruln an luupedtlnii willlm made and re potted upon i counoll uttjourned up to so i tn two trophies were won hy acton bowlers succchhtuny defended mercury trophy thrice against guelph won wallace trophy last thursday the oualih mercury havhi nilly clou id und hlu acton luwn ikowlem are alt t all i lift trophleu thoy utn lay their luindu oi thlu yeu laut wihtnouduy nlaht- tc ulron ouelph team of lawn ixtwlnra raino to acton t try to tako tho mercury up liank to i in loyal city thoy r ilcfiuttxl by tho acton loom with ore of is to ib thl j th aooond llirin thlu team tried for thn nup lout wnek on monday they play oil 11 endu when lho name hud to lie called on wednesday nlaht they u tor tot r usuln hiid playod tho 31 end uio kitnn itelna a oloao ono all tha way through the uoora iwltuf tied jwo tlmo ihirhitf tho pluy tho fu iph layeru credit tlio acton iireenu with be in li uploiidld rondt- lloit and tho arton cluti bvo tho vlultlnir toum u raut receptlojijtrculs hiajtrhmriri vory uportiimaullke inuutier tho tcuniw uu 1 uooreu uro an folluwu u 1 hlwroy o hyndu mr 1 hyndu jr w j douht uk ooalph h j johnuton if howltt j mctirejtfar l aiiken uk the ucora by tnidu acton- 103 013 010 103 013 100 030 32 ouelph olp 300 303 010 100 033 101 is on thurwday evenlna arlon return t tho compliment by roiuh to ouelph lo cuituru tlm wullnco trophy they hud to tlhl luinl huwavnr lu order lo win out uu j ii huothnru rink whit h deft nrted wau hi sood form und it wu not unjtil tha taut ixiwl wuu pluyod thut lhu vlultoru were uuro of victory it wau u koenly con tea led kunm from utnrt to nnluh at tho clone of the 10th end with two on tin tn tr the rlnkw tltd but on the uoxt end llklp jouhl not rour uhotu und 1hlu juat ulumt put the trophy hi arton ttrip in thn final end thorn wiro two ulmtu for anton lyln uliout u foot from the juck and huelher hud oua luiwl lefl hn trletl lo kill tho end hilt fulled hy about hulf all inch thn juck comhuf lo reut on tha aide lino mid acton couutod nun a luro crowd wutrlind the pronrebu of the came tha ucnru v quelph social and personal mr joe hyndu of toronto lu m lui hlu htillduyu imrp r john i hear row wuu homo toronto for thn week tld mihu helen powell ii a iff toronto vjalled acton f hen lu ihlu wot rf t hlack of toronto upent thn week nd with acton rrlcndd mr victor colomnii of torvnlo wau in tlm old home town over itfinduy mutf helen wurren of toronto vlulted acton frleti lu over thn week- nd mihu mlldn 1 mutthewu nf toronto fulled acton rrleiflu ovet thn wook- mr wllllum whllo uml xuwi kuuj ut oahnwu vlullol aoiou frleiulu thlu r mru aloif v hcolt nf llmmpton vlultetl her ulutoru lit m durlna tho week mutheu owendnlyu un 1 dtkrlw mud- dock urn vlultlnu ut ihuntford and ort dover mr and mru ira vaiinutter of fiooruo vlwlt tlactxiiifrhmdu on lonaay mim iloiothy iinduborouuh of cult upent hnnduy ut tho honia of mr wm laiiuboroiitl mlue kleanor muuon of kltchoner hot been vlaitlnir her uru ud parent during tho week mrs anna muildrmk huu ixmn hall- duylnb ut centre inland toronto um pout week or uo mihu mary vunnaitcr of cluorno town vluilod a mr und mru ho hart ilciintlt w thlu week nd mru it m ilenderuou of quit vlultetl at the homo nf hon oavld henderuon on friday mru itlchurd flruhum of auharova huu lieen v ur nnd mm k v i induuy thn piuit w tic miah jeaulo itydcr arloll nivent the week end ut the homn of liar frlond imu luluu mccutcheou miau vauru wiuu retuinotl from iielph hohpiihi on 1 unutluy u 1 lu iivulemcinu very nicely mat- w tun andvruoii it altkini j ii huither ulc acton k mcoonull j iluhmuit oeo ilyijlu w j uouhl uk llielph 011 coo 003 003 ho 105 00031 artou 400 011 310 310 003 010 111 38 h ih miirii t ronchulo thut there u no pluco lu the country where lorb wullui the donor of tha trophy would rutin r uee tho big nup thuu i thu hiti itln in tho tub hnuuo of act uhhtla auioclutiou lu hlu nil lunne town a third competition for tho mercury rrophy whm phiyml on monduy nlsht when anothei rink nf num from fhioiih tried roncluuloiiu with oan- lii r could m skilled ptayeru again the defence wiin huooenaful the acorn helm anton y ouelph 17 the playora wein quelph aoton o mcpharwoii i it hhorey c hnrlhrr q hypdu hr lyil rmlth a hyndu jr jnn kauton uk w j oould m the ucoie hy andu ctuaiph oio 030 ooo ioi loo 301 eoon actou ioc 303 1js 010 oil 100 011 3i mhtunbroujhrjuur rlnkului ao- tumiday nvoiilng for a friendly match they won nut lu tha ajtaresute and went home quite huppy und laud in their pralao nf acton athutlo au- uotlatlqu rita itremtaeu tnuoector ikinyoh remark tiui pluoe lu a rtreum wuu tjulte ulncere 7ha anverul hnku and ucoreu wero folio wu milton aoton i13b ib ib 93 en g8 4 00 7 oo 4 19 j lluylluu 0 a ifenutreet ll white j f uttw uk33 jnmeu muokle j ilalnnun o hyndu x wood uk 2j k ournun w crpuler co 1tolemy juu k hell uk jt t heurdmom c uuiutell w l worden 1 tyndu uk 37 1 00 3 10 34 05 1 mccullum a mckabb 11 inurhum e orahum uk 23 jon agiiew a ttuchutuui it molheietii lloht ucott uk 12 i3b b0 13 00 19 70 a orr dr aiiderauii j m henynu c lurner uk 33 j mellln j hobble k molhiiiald j iltltiuej ul 14 83 76 the four rlnku comprleed uomo uf theleudlni ultlmnu of the county town there were tic amlereoll m- j m heuyem comity hchoo in- upcotnr u- p xjttle exwordeii u a hemulreet town clerk it white k ii tor itarnnnnr col ptolemy archy mcnhbb the u i o man nnd otheru a happy fumlly ruunlon tt lu quit u number of yeuru uluoo mru jumeu moore hud ull the mem- fc of hel fiimlly tosothor drwn ure hero fronttklm on tn- tho other membem of umi fumily wero homo ftir tho woekxinit thorw wero mr und mru churlou ii mooro and lluth fionrnugdum mr und mru kred kunu uml mr jdhn u moorfi from turimlo the company nmilo u houeo- ful und they hud n huppy time to gethur iho mooro hoyu are ull in the uowupapei o tho pi luting huahieiiu charleu lu 1 rualdcnt mul chief owner of tho uundau blur prlnttiib tt ar thur lu iveuldent of tho mnore print ing co kdmonton altu und jolm ih nuiwrlntendept of the prlntln depurt- jnont uf urapd a toy wholeuulu vide llonera toronto -t- tq increase bacon trade thn vulun of l exortu from cunudu duilng i10 wum 134 000 000 a wmeaprrad effort luhnfno tnaln- tulned by tha dominion department of aurlculturn lu coonn ration with the lprovlnolal deiiukmeiuu to inoreuuu till trudo uilil inoldontully to muln- ttn thu ouullty of cunudlati bacon tilth yeuru auo proeured tor tt a utondy murkit hi croat llrltaln ak- kntimlvo fomlgu competition oi url- tulnu reipilremontu i making mioh n- urfort of prime ilmporluncn in cauudn nccordlnb to all omphalic wtutemeui iippcnrhur lu the agricultural liuetlu thn trftirl to increase tbu trade und mulntuln tho ittmlliy or the bai mi will bo iirnctlciuly larrhnl uu thruush u uml kir in plir yoluliu und throunh hlnthur oniununtlon tlm qaactte notaa thnt rireul llrltaln annually re- ill i ru goojiyo 000 iktundu of imported haaon police maalttmu for pool county hobort oiwfotd police mugiutiute of urumptou huu received tha ap pointment ut tho bundu of the altor- nej flouernl uu police mug ut rule for tho entire county with power to nit in the dlirvroiit police village und uiuulclpalltfeu bamo of haltanu aged nawapuperu uulton iiowupuporu ure advuliolnir in yuuru uml indeed uomn huvo rouoh od u rlhi oil urt with ull the honor of having weutherml yearx of utreuu mil utotm hut of courwe with few if uny prtviilonm tha aoton vwtx lhuuui huu entered itw forty uaventh volume in u ounfer juat the en me only hlxteen but toi teul maturity tho milton champion head the mat itnelxty npntywar xhtrxjoorteiowrt herald can wrdly be culled a kiddh ill llftyfour the star comee along litxt for in unother week we enter oui thirty hnvenlli year uh thn utnr them wvrv uuverul predeceaaorm only undi other name oukvllle titur death of editor of harrlaton review the diuth occurred on sunday e ihk or d ii ikowur for udrty yeuru editor of tint hurrlhlop hovlow xe truhod who wuu in bin flotrj year ha only boeii uerlouuly 111 for u few duyu t i in media to cnuao of hlu deiith wau tuliier ho lu uurvlved by out turn lrt iluiwui of montupu hlu wife tin vim iloceiimod hlni uomo uoven yeuru ugo tlm luto mf4lowr wne u mom her of the miiuouln order the anglican chun h un 1 wuh u htaiiuch conenrvu tlvo iti pollill prior to uetlllnir lit llurrbttou whvro lie founded tho ilo- vlnw ho wuu in thu uowbpuper buul- iiuufi nt lllllitliurg- icrln aruiur and r aotna yejtru wuu on the ntaff oc the quelph norftlcl wero her mr nnd mru churl h thowu und muhtar hilly from toronto for uevoral dayu mrlclhurtl hurper und mom ijxuln hariuv motored frtm toronti on nnrf- duy ami vulted nt j 3 oamhleu mluu vuru wlgginu returned tn tor onto on ttunduy lifter hiwiiiiiuh two weku vocation utt hr homo hero mru w tviilu mill her llttln dultgh ter putrlrlu of iran 1 vlow man uro vlalttnir frlendu lu acton und vicinity mluu mary mopheruoii who huu lieen holldnylnsat herlime in rwrotutnd lo her diitlnu tttcolliiigwikid thlu week mr und mru krtml ilahoock ivunnlu anil lsunicu of mlltnti upent hunday ut tha home of mr wm landnboroukh mnutor jack ijnidubornugh of oalt lu upeudlilk hlu holhlnyu ut thu homo of hlu uncle mr wm iuulmthirough mho olh r ammlrong lu vlaltlng frlendu in toronto ihlu wi k uho will klknt augmit ut her homo hi druiuuilm mlue hauuetl of ouhuwa huu boon upending boll luyu with h r friend mru icdwln mnddock nt potdmanler xlat thnwa mru h c huuumi und mluu jeioile left mi ttieuday ror a vucatlou ut the homo of mru uuuuollu parent on tt jonephu lalund mr t aderuoirof new york city vlultetl with hlu ulutoru mru oeovcumubell untl-mruv-juheppjtrdv- ho urn both iii mm i uv jolindurf morruioii of mount fnrent vleltihl hi r old time rrlend mru j a moarthur church htrool during tha week mm thomnu homer v hie who huu been iii for aoveru monthu tu nblo to be about again nnd took u abort walk down ulreet on tueuduy mf end mru j h denny and mru thonuiu uytler of actou anjoyail u motor trip and vlult ut tho the home of mr j h hmlth icrln utut trrlduy mr nnd mr william wullamu mul mr und mru oeorga onborne of al bany n y took a motor trip to dow- muiivlllo und tyrone durlne the week ml mru a t ltmwn mr wu hum thurtell und mihu ada homer motored tn toronto yeutentuy und upent tha duy with frlendu in tha ilty mm hurvey f undy ot leumlngtorj who movnl from icrln to uoniey town- hip in 1876 huu been vlnillnif frlendu nnd relutlveu during the week in rrln und aotou mluueu icuthloeii und murgurot lood- rtiw of hamilton who hnvn itoun upemlluu u week or tin with theh bixither itev kuther clootlrow return ed home on monduy the aoton tnmnfu club wero thu uuomtu of the alton club uu mr aiuou muuon u tejilili court on- huturdny uf temoon july 10 when u ileithiuit time wuu upent by nil advocate mr itouh a ml er won nf toronto hiwmt the weekend ut tho homo of mr bpeiioer himhuml mru alulernou who huu been holidaying ut her home hero returned lu toronto with him dr viirmor mr hi ardmorn und mr iluwtlitgu hud a iiui oeiuiful nulling ex- nurulon to vmg ijiue liui k of nu minkt laut week they motored ijlowu the two tiuntlred inlleii tiud hack it col iluunntyno d h oofcol- uhio unlverulty hitmllton kr y und mrw llalhtiityne uio upending thu uummei ut their homo on the aotou crouhroud between the uaventh und eighth hue uvrtd mru wmo unwell m a loft nn monduy for port arthur wheru thny will upend u monthu holi day ort arthur lu hev mr mnuni utllu boyhood u homo nnd hlu pnreiitu renlde there mru wm mncdnnahl whu hull been uerlouwly 111 in toronto hi recovering nlotily now hhe mutto u hurt vlult with rolatlven in acton on bu turd ay uoy mr mnodoniild lu utlll proanhlng ut owen bound mv jk moohrvln of moxlon city mexho upeut u coupto of 1 tiny thlu week in tkui oi hoim town ictl think actou wuh never hnjm uttrur- tlvn hn lu thinking uerloutily of du poalng of hlu inturuhtn inmnxlint und rntiirnlur to cnlijuiii mr uml mru arthur id mooro utitlj theli three children murium t hetty nnd jim urrlved fit m klmonlon altu on krldav ufternuon und will upend a month or no with mru junin mourn mill mliut moan mr tuooru lu preul dqitv of tbo nfoavn print tf co kd- taonton w