aftvw i e artnn 3fln ri0rf riiimnia janijaitvac y bag tr dirt iinddln nixl dint nillnlni tha kmli wii tojul to lit if imil rontnohftd tho 1114 uyjll all lie tomll ii ting hlm for that waq fathers wav kouult nni hard ho uoiimoil to be illnulnrkil round a loll tiled to hide it ksumiml to mo tint tniktlur loving nhi hut uu molhor uwki til ay thut la utliors way worked fiom oarly ilawn till night nivor had mutilt lime to lamii mill l lay and yet tho light if livn tluu uml sublime lr him u mine today i 4hhh twuo fathers vay j to null blu lunula had grown with toll iiih faun wntt tali ilia heart www true no nixit of soil itravo his soul and unafraid lan ulwuyu to the light a niii nil wliolokumo ufa he triad ami thon tamo to the night ait y to aiiillc a 111 to lrmy and tliul wan fathers wttyl tub han who kept on j ollw ouajiaal wannino wnu having suuper with bin yy frlenla of the tlordon rannh thut hunduy night and he wu in tiuoh unuaiiully good spirits that ayort01d mali loertnj tha ranch grouch win lied from time to tlmo mann lines eyes wore vory bright mil lilif faco whh flushed it tha midst of tho laughter tliat followed olio of oio boy sanies young tom gordon exclaimed hay mann ing i thouicht you were groin to lake uoma sort of u government examina tion in 1ocatello tomorrow y toinrrowty tuesday im going to rldo ip to hoda hprlngs to morrow aftofnoan mid take the tan oclock trnln- i wlih it were tomorrow now im koyod up till im as nervous an a witch two yearn la a ion tun to vrult for u dream to come true tom looked pussled i thought you told us wliun your admission card come lost month that the exam wan on tlio lothr welir manning asked blankly tho wtli lutomorrowl maniilngu race had suddenly branch ed iio loaned forward stating help lessly at tom v tom it isnt ao hs tuosdayl kor mwwvr torn roae want into the aitjolnlnff room anjj come back with tlio altnanao thorn it is manning ha auld polnthiie til tha oalandar monday tho 10th ttm mura hard luck if youve made a mlatako touoould not at to soda spring in tlmo foe tonlklitu train to any your ufa mailo a m intake in tho data uann- inir mink limply back in hla chair lie hud mad a a mlataka and a dread ful one omo cruol trick of memory had doalt hjm a frightful blow the opportunity for which he had worked and waited for two long year would uaiui by a hundred- mile to the north avhllo ho wuh o impotent to hall it a if it were on the othertldo of the continent ilia thought wont swiftly back to tho bcglnntnic of it all two yean be fore when he had act hla heart upon booorouiff a doctor in caatlnx about for way und tneanu of lumuinc hla ambition ho had hit upon the thought of on to ring tha government oervlce at waahlngton the departmenta closed at four oclock and the tnedlcaleobool lectiirea began at half poat four to ilia hitter dlaoppolntment he found that lila mtatoa quota of appointments wan full thon a friend already in the ecrvlce huggoated that he go to a woatini atate whero chanoea or ap pointment were better eatabllah a realdonoe and there compete for a ulaco iio reached idaho with lesa than live dollars in his pqekets and support ed himself for a winter by teaching hoiioo then had oome that letter from the civil bervlce commission naylng that no examinations were to 1h given in idaho for two yearm but he had struck desperately and had worked und studlod through those long years and now he was to lose all through hut own terrible blunder of a day i as ills thoughts camo baok to the present ho hocamtf conscious of voices add reusing him in tones of sympathy tboit ho hoard mr gordons voloe deep and strong in splto of his seventy nothing is impossible son you admit hi until mannings head came up with a jerk thcre la always a ohanoe ur gordon wont on oxcept to the man who quits ive known trains to be six hours late in this country son but v never know one to wait a minute or t with a tense thank manning rose to his f eot and leaned toward tom tom my mare has already carried me eight ml lea tonight to get hero will you trust roe with the roan in u try for that train t qo it i all i ask la that if worse oomou to worse you bring back the shoes a horse is only a horse but ahoes aro two dollars a set the roan was tho apple of toms eyo and thaewwas his way of saying whnl4mlno is my friends 4l thirtyfour miles to ride bear luver to ford and a milelong dugway to climb all in two hours and a half lie know that he could not do it in that tlmo but there was the small chanco that the train would be lajto and so surely does hope throttle hope- leanness when the hard fight has be gun thutus manning sprang into the saddle his mind was already mar shalling fuels for the examination to morrow uy tho way fellow ho pulled in tlio roaring roan whos the be- nretary of tho treasury when ho i saw tholr blank faces he let the roan go never mlndl he flung back will find out somehow so long and heres hoping he svrung the roan lno tho hear luver trull it was eight miles to hla i ranch boarding house then came the steep mllo dugway up to the bench and the straightaway twenty she miles to his goal lie had two hours and a half and would that train lose time doming over the divide and be late at soda sprlngsj lie forded bear itlver without mis hap andffpurred on hla way the moon was rising- as he drew up at his ranch home that was fortunate for a lighted trail is a fast one into his bag ha stuffed only clean linen and a hndul of toilet articles while little mrs barrett much distressed hovered about offering a running suggestion of imposnlblo tilings that ha should take theres just one thing you can do for mo mr barrett manning said tell mo wholst secretary of the treasury t t tho- sooretaryof tho who never mind he replied snapping his bag jihuj ill and out somewhere gomcujno r smiled when i domblmre ny l jnfovtilsiuon wlthyou goodbyei llo ln iovfil ilmltlkuh the whltn tr taknd ailotm knar luver 111 d nsi lona- ti ihitdrnnai x hug through rnll at smooth tin- off ti fhe rlulit w- b to the left it whloh 3efnui thrpunh the floor onk run jfeywrrpirt t tfx tun nsuf mile arter mil tlu rouu twnt along bin longrxnuliltiir tintlrlng strldn at the uuu ii nit ii xlatitilng druw rln ulldlnund til hhdiln mid lifted und itlralglilniind anil ill red tli wl-hur- rtl blanket tlin he wm in tho saddle and away njnln down tlio rlblmtu of wlillx trail unit utro toll od through tli mige i on ami on ami on ho nkde wltt tli nhlll of the lilglll alllng lit clou almuthlnv at 10 cav lcnotl he look ed at hla vat oh it wum jlmot ton ooloek now but if he train wore on half uli hour into might still tint it hattllng hark in the suddln to half rouoh ha hvhun to rhln fur tvo ounce that wm in him tha sweat lapthnrx of tha uuditla lonunr creaked they ware wot and llr in tlio tounh of bin kneoh yot the roan did not lira atthoorli doing all that tin iwniltt o reallutd that ho und this man wr out after komuthlng uomatbtng aniltlngly t ijenl it wan ilia manu uamn but th vsmrw doing it toitotliur a mile ubiud manning ould mnk out hoda luss whar tha uat iruiiuo descendad in a imld protaotitory to the benrh to laad itu ronky crsgu again two hundred yardtt beyond after laavlng iuhh tlpriiiuit thn train would thtimlar throuuh thin piihn on ltn way to tha uu wliii 1 1 ha rxanliad the gorua ho would ha only four mllau from the town a doxeii ilniiiu 0m ha nolirad hoiu vu ha iniaglnl that he oalight tho wound of ii dlutant whlullu and u doxen tlmou bin utiulnlug uuru told lnm thut ho muni imi mlatukan two bundrtxl yards now und tlio lht t tho llttlo town would ii wlnktni lih on for thouo luat four mllos u i hi rd yurdu uml lio would be looking htralght down tho railway trunk llfty yunu more ami ho would knowwhath- aithut track hnhl a tiulu twautyllvi and thut lump in hla throat would allow him to breuthu again amj then ns ho swung into tha puad there cam it tho train it was thn lxpreuh sure enough headlight struck him full in the ayes u it camo thundering down the pass uo re i nod in the roan und watnhad it go shrinking past thon uu tho wink ing tall llghtu dlsuppourod in thn black anowahed that marked thn and of thn tuns he gavn u groat gulp und more urged tho roan on toward tho town kor ho would not glvo up not yet there wa on mon uhanco a plan that had occurred to him on the trail trtiahtng- back- his- hat- he dash nd onwurd to thn town ifn cluttered up to thn llttlo hotel and leaping to tho ground shouted to01d lillly to oaro for tlio rnun anutchod off his bag and wan off on a run lor the atatlon dig tim lohorty tho atatlon agent was putting his looks into the safe for the night whon manning rushed in tim i want to hire tha itooti gang to take mo to locutello on tho handcar whore can i find themt tint whoulad peorod through tlio window und then aa ha recognised manning came forward limiting and thtuiit out his hand hollo munntnl going- vctit und on the handcar yo uuyr and whats your idea in stopping off ut iocalello i wondorlnt no fooling tirol munnlng cried and uulnkiy told him of his predica ment lvo just got to bo in iocatallo ino oclock tomorrow morning or bust trying va dont tell mej im afraid its busted yeil tie by morning for the gangs camping out up ut lava fixing a culvert and that mean manning could not finish ho uueutlon and thar means yoll gat them no message lean ya take it yourself theres no telegraph officio them manning turned dully and walked out of tho platform iio did hot see tim dart suddenly into the oinee and squat at his key kvon whan tim ran out and bumpcdvlolently into him he only veered off with a mum bled apology not until the irishman dragged htm back to tho light and twice repeated his news did mannings numbness leave him theres a wild freight up at mont- pel lor im telling yet tim cried shell be along in two or throo houru and yoll mako pocatello by nine oclock cosy and then from a very undignified scrlmmoga u rumpludup irishman was backing breathlcsaly uwuy growl ing out go on wld ye would yn bo crack- me ribs yo young bear i come on now and bunk in wld mo tilt that freight hhnwh up yoll bo needing a couple qf bourn uluep by tho looksof ye but in spite of tho fuot that ha needed it manning did not sleep he intended to watch for that freight lie lay wideeyed katutilng to the clack of tho instruments in tho oftlco outside jjuiduxt jim every mo- you airnmont his eats were training to hear the whlstte or tho rumble that should announce tho approach of the freight many tlmuf he raised himself stealthily elbow only to find that tho rumble was tims slumber song after a time the rumble and tho cluck of the instruments blendod into a rhythm a soothing lulling rhythm and then suddenly ho bocattio uwaro that the rhythm hod ovotidd iio wuh olttlng bolt upright rubbing his eyes out in the ollloe tim wan bending over the telegraph instrument get a move on yo in there mann in tim called shell tie tiere lnsldo of ten minutes when ye gut on your clothes come out in the freight room and land me a hupd they were out on the platform when the freight came sliding in tlio ca boose u lopped directly in front ot them good luok to ye boyl said tim as he pushed manning aboard and power t tho pen y push in that examination i o tim manning crlud turning tell mo some thing i you ought to know it- whos the secretary of um treasury ut waahlpgtont tho slcretury of tho treasury tim shook his tieud and 1 ought to kndwl say mann in honest now i didnt even know there was otiol hurrah for ireland i mannln shout ed back at him waving his liand and itumulad laughing into the car he was happy now iio threw his bag on the long side aout ot the ca boose and laughed again when a lurch qf tho train throw him violently on top of it he had won he was on ay to pooatelto and ho did not care a rap if that old crack hhawhip i caboose kept him spinning round all tho way v it did for the next flvo hours that wild freight lived up to its name most of the time manning wag bounc ing between the seat and ute floor the coal box or the stove and toamrd tho laat hoshotplumj into tha brake- man who had just lurebettln to enjoy tho fun have a seat the man mid with- a ohuokte- umanln picked himself up and got a grip oh the wood box tho trouble witn rmhig ma freights s fhe dont let jouglayloiur enough in one place u gflt used to it a goon as you get mirnbenoujth not to mln oo4 lumm ttttststf h nfttnfpma1 did yota everi try sa1ada aartaturrtvl leaf green tetx it kru proven ex pi ens bit rrovtolfttion to thousands of those hitherto used to japan and china greens iuh i heail u pauhdhgvc uu wnla awoar uiot hi all ppod baok und bltlon n i n if iceep 0 hlmunlf and jiiat koop oom- it ur imly he boilt 1 wrote tha window near walla nnglno had hi in at thut momiiit tho wlimlo uflrooin- ed a ull for brakoa and thn hmke- man with a boatholy who u ted 1 ica- tellol hera uho lal rutrontod hiinuly to hla loat a rrriulid in aiiliitm uu tin was numbnd und hrulaad in iwhiv manning ommtmhl down ut exactly eight oclock and llmihid up iba iocatallo yurdu to tho utulloii an hour wiia aniiugu for lilm to gat a bath u uhuvn kino broiikfaat and to walk to thu pout uo wlmm tha vxumlliatlon wah tj bo held at ulna oclock juut nu tho p para worn bain dlatrllilllod ho pr moll ted hla odmlaaloiirard uml took tilu unut hit fait ooilfldnllt ho ciiuih hv hud knpt omlng ha aald t tliorou a lot in thut lug with hlu upa n to tha oxuinlnatlon 10 r llvn bourw hn wrota ataudlly uwlftly turning hi hi pnprra with n tinlrt ansuraiioo that brought ruourrlng amllau of inlnmat to tho hpu of tha grayhulrod ttxumlnor atd tlian um ha ploknd up tho laat wot of oueatloua und road down thn lint ho wturtod in audden duuiay that puimr wau liimd- ed general liifornuillon and ttti viry hint uueutlon f ull was ttilu fiatna the prewant hkimhorh of tha praannt realdaiith cahiriot and who wna thu mecrotnry of hie tmuauryt all tho other tmmhoiu of thn cahlnot ho knew but tho ueuro- tury of tho treasury hud aoemlngly if eked uway hla numo in hla own gmut vaults lln relt ltumlliutni1to imvo to udmlt on paper thut ho did not know a matter of much common kuowlndge ho put down tho ttamns ho knew wroto a daah in pluco of tha ona ha did not know und handed in tha paper thau ha caught tha flmt train to ho da hprlngn und rodu tho roan taluuroly buck over thut thirtyfour mllau two things ocaoplod hla mind on that rldo honwron o h i tru lio coo u 1 1 1 ah i oto rg6t ting of tho date tho olhiii who was ha anyway tha secretary of the treuflury tha flrut jiuxslo ho clear od up on nonuultllig hlu oalnndnr to tlio left of tho gayoolorod print was the present years labia to thn right next years and thuro on tha right wum hla penciled croon tho othor piikxioi ho uolvod nearly six wooks later when it had almost paaaod from hla molnd ono htormy day ha sat in his room wondering an ho should hour trom hlu examin ation mrs ilurrett tapped ut his door and thrust in the mall thu inlsulvou warn twoi ono markod olhoial lutl- lifum and imiarlng tha civil harvloo commlualons imprint tho other a tula ram b tamped and forward ud by mall from thi atatlon lcxoltudly hn tnrnoncn hm fatter bqnnod ltn wt lmga and hlu eyo a gjoaliiod ho hau tnado an uxoeptlonully gooil avaruge ha tore open tha talegrum wondurlngly htared and than reread it uugorly it i from tho treasury department at washington ha jumped to tilu foot und throw open thn door 0 mrs barrett bores nowa for you ive juat leamod that name i asked you alio lit tho sacrotury of tho treasury its nhuw mrs barrett lookod up from her work her oyos worn twinkling sho opened bor ups to speuk and thon ilka tlio axcoadlngly fine woman alio was forgot the pun ufter all now thats a rout pleanaut- sound ing name i should uuy iloaanntsoundlng look harol he held out thutelngraniluu hlgnnil to an uppolntmont in tlio traaaury lcpartmont imaasantsoundlug that no la u poem in ituolfl lessons from childhood by david itogers tha griinteni prnaout ever given u our world was when some 1d00 yours ago on u oiilutniaii night god gave us tile in bo the child of bethlehem and evor aliuo childhood has been axaltod tlio havlour of the world put siihillgnlty upon the children und gavo thim so large u plaoa in hla inlulutry thut hla followers real- uo that tliuy cannot do too muoh for them wlpim tho king delighted to honor i do not piopoan to ontor into that deeply lntarnatlng uubjoot tho re lation of chiulrmi to tho church any further than to oxpross my conviction that tho children in virtue of the atonuinotit belong to christ und his church am that this relationship is ootitlniind until it in forfeited by actual trunugrymloii i boliuvo further tliat if wn all did our duty ministers teaohura uml purentu comparatively fnw of thn uhlldron would get outside of the churoh ut all worn thny kept whro they hulong in tho chirah tho time and strength employed in reeov- iii log the prodigal would be saved to tho churoh and could ha devoted to othor work it iium passed into a pixivarb that tha children aro the hope of tha church it hi ralatod of old john tralaiiilua tho gorman school miiutur und 1 nut ino tor of mnrtln xuth- nr that ho a i way a uppeurod iteforo tils o laud with unoovsrud head for the reason that in know not what might ho tha latniit giontuhu in his pupils tha not wan piophntio for tho great luthur wuii ono of tha boys stll i think wo mo lluhlo to limit our thoughts too miioli ito tho future of nhlldreu uml thuh toll ouruolves of the prohont pownr to bo galnod by a prop er uttnutloti to tho young wo aro upt to tlx our hop on loo exclusively upon j ho gold on nhoiivou to lie gathered in 1 yours to camo i would not say any thing to woukuii hopo 1 would rather hi talc of tho pro lit und value of thwj rltllrtrannow jwnrawaxa owhal wo owo our chlldion i aonot liellevo u tnuiiu eduojitlon la porfool that he litioumiu thoroughly doveloped until ha in brought under tho influence of chil dren or ut leant under the influence of thn ohild spirit tho king of ivuauitt wua vlaltlng a certain vlllago nid hn ahlldron of tho aoliool gave lilm a reiaptlop in npoaklng to them king hold up an orange and nxkid to what kingdom doea thin belong r a llttlo girl ropllod to tho vegotnbo kingdom thmi ruining a gold ooln unkod to what kingdom does this belong to tho mineral kingdom unuworod ami to what kingdom do i haloiigt hlio hohltutad bluuhed and wuh about to iniawer tho animal kliigdom whon uhn thought of man having boon nutdo in thn image of clod ami millid to tho kingdom of ttiicminnirwi trth pi ym oved 4jj utooil in hlu oy und placing hla liaiid on tho childs beail aald moat devoutly god grunt that i may bo ucrountod worthy of that king dom o thuro la power for god in ohlldniu the measure of success how may wo motaura our own huoouuiit iiow may vu know whethor wo urn making progroau or utundlng going forward or moving back ward t all of us want to shooihmi but uoams dlmoult ut timon- to know whutlter our covotod duslro is bolng at tained in tho llrat place wn muut mako certain that wo know the real moan ing of uueoous vor auoooua la not fuma or gloryalone it does hut moanbelng tiotir bucoess is rightful liuppy ucoomplluhmenb gained through helpful servioe tho man who gains u utod goal by pumhlng othera down does not belong to the exalted clusu of tho truly successful as we suooead and climb wo should lift othorvwlth our huocenn should bring groat or comforts to thosa around us our suocuau should muko it oaalor rather than mora dlmoult for our nalghlyors to muncood so tn measuring our own auoeass wo may safely uso thla rule i know i urn moving forward uocauau 1 have continued oonfldonce in myself utij in my fallows i havo faith 111 god and in his goodness i beliovo lu my work and enjoy it i know i am nut re trograding because i place oliuraotar aim selfrenpeci ulmvo famo or per- i hoiutl glory i must ho getting on because i try to muko ouch days work i u bit butter than that ot tho day bo- i fore my earnest uttompt is not to lat u day pass without making some one happier muoh us 1 lovo work i will not let myuolf bo suah u ttluvo to it that 1 havo no time for whola- uome fun and healthful reoroatlon endeavor to rnntlo und ho cheerful mutter how dark and gloomy may be thn duy for i know that somewhere tha sun ihlnou max hale the things that neveb happen in gen oral tho things wo worry about are tho things thut braver happen this being tho cuo it uoomn strange that any of us should worry at all but wo do just tho numo it u not work that kills says henry wum boooher it ls worry honest work is healthy you can hardly put mora of it on a strong mans shoulders than ho can bear but worry will break him down it is not movement that den troy a the human mechanism but friction thla latter htataaienlrrom the great preacher gives ua tho key or tho boo rot to overcoming worry wo must use plenty of lubricant plenty of the oil of cheerfulness of ultlntudo of ease we must take time after the days work to reloix to think to study there are good friends with wiom we can mingle and fireside companions ilth whom we can enjoy a restful hour ifo ehoufd not all bo action oood books- aro restful iamniukiitf nor nhoujd wo atttiasw hourst of rolaxw- lltin fret and worry ovat lie possible mufxortunfis ot tomorrdw they ore often thtna that novexhappen blven though they must happen we ellould hytyyftry about them-uubortiiin- u- jiirfaa in ull our oduoatiorial institutions our lltoraturo our homo aervloes our ohtrhttluh untorpruo w are learning thn vuluo pf thn oil lid and thnt in having tho nlilld tho nation the church and thn individual aro blessed we think momutlmort of the oust of a child if you want to know ttuy some ona what n bey la worth go and oak his moliik by tho tlmo she goes into the jqwa of ilouth to give him birth ami then takeu lilm pure ua tho lilies l jniwjui tho llllos grow and nutf into him tierduyh of life and hor hours of aut hor prayers and tears und toil and unxloty and olean and tall at tvoiiiyono she fun tell you what tio u worth the ohlld touclioa uu 1 a iejowu in ifultli it boglnu by tniutlng its parcnti a ohlld cannot do ll no a mother hut tho nourishing protecting proaenoo which onfolds tils ufa ho tmhtn mid turns instinctively in every orlula hn dnnu not cannot always imduratimd but ho trust he hollo von ho nhould wo trust god muiis way is to holiovo only what ho ran undo rifluhd gods way is to give undmhtuudttig to ona who chllduke boglnu his lire in rollunoo on tho in- oamiirahenslvo but ullanfuldlng kauiec 2 thu tutidurntuij of tholr years draws out our sympathies some people havo not muoh natural affea- tlon but lu every ono god has mitsj well of sympathy it may bo hard to reaqli in noma ranon hut if ady hand can draw rom it it is thut ot a little ohlld th portrait of william hi is nturii und inkpiroa uu wlttriuvo f hero in u sovorlty in tils countenance that mnkoa una stand ut a distance ono day tho king wuh deeply ouguged in inuttars of utato there wom a knock nt tho door who is there t said tho klng my lotd llnckt was tho reply coming from u child lab volou what doos lie vuut ild tho king us he went und opunud thu door i want tho king for my homo to draw my car- rlago his o or tury who perhaps hud mivor seun a smile on tho royal fun lookud on with wondor but to hlu astonishment tho king laid down his pan and purtihmeiit und laid aslrto thu oureu of state a smile spread over his features ho took hold of the string and trotted up und down with tho carriage to tho complete aatlsfao- tlon of my lortl buck tarhups none but a child could have aroused so completely the sympathies of the kins 3 they aro object lessons of in- tiocenoo to ua wo do not uuo tlio word innoconco in un hereditary pr theological sense but 111 he popuvw seiiso in whlcli if la unod in the heme tho field the nawtsjjtlaoe jnbls sqiiae at leust there is no doubt hat children aro innooenj they have done no wrong- in all persons who hvo come to years of maturity we find mora or less of defllemoni iiow re freshing it is to turn to our babes and llttlo onus and look into their tender faces bud roallso thai they at leaai uro free from tho stains which dsp llguro our oivn huraotr and as yi permit oufflowoa to uotno under the twll of their hmocunoe wo have a uanging eslre to et baok to j tho teaohablenesit simplicity and purity of childhood 4 they touch lju how to culttr vato and lraotlao an unselnsh love our life is fqr tho most part a hcramble after thu good things ot this world the theory of life propounded by the chrlptlses snlanau of our modern times is thut it is u struggle for cxlslenrio a struggle whoso merciless law is tho murvlval of the oltmt tiut a single ltttlfc babe eh ivors ttjls tlieory jnto atoms and shows us that strength und powor must jay them selves at the foot of hulplusp weakness leunlng over a o radio and feeling tha fait nniuiara of our oblhrattftllo th v jl i unconscious infant that lies bleeping limleriour eyes wn loam the meaning of our master whon ho sold the hon of man iino not to ho mlnlntorod unto but to minister muny no crowned king ever hod uuoh loyal find loving service us has tho little ut of immunity tanked under the tiny rovers or nestled woeuroly on its mothers braaat e they lead ua goiiwurd ai little child shall lead them j low niimeratle the instances how re mark u bio the wuys in which parents and others have been brought to god through th influence of llttlo children wo need make no effort to recount for ws are sure thut many lust a noes ore available within the knowledge of ovtjry one of our readers ona ony and thut where tha child was an adopt ed one wlir we give there was a oh i idles homo hus band and wife grew up together in mutual toya but having no interest outside of their own lives they beeama utlnsh grasping eovetous years pass ed and they were growing rich but wore miserly savlng every possible runt they pinched themselves living utmost tike beggars with thin cloth ing and poor faro in tireless rooms they gave nothing to thn relief of tha needy and distress about them ap peals for gods work met jwlth no reaponse thus time passodcllll they had reanhftd past middle life then the breaking up of another home by the death of his purentu sent a llttlo child into this cold lonely dreary home at once tlio child found her way into both those withered hearts and little by little the love awoke almost in- alantly there was a change tha hnaeded money was brought out and spent more freely the poor warn re- nmborod gods cause ruoeivod help tho facas that wore growing old and cold with the linos of greed and grasp ing desire became mutt and wfirm with loves subtle warmth tha two lives ware transformed god saved them bol through a little child ii the old days there were angola who came and took man by tho hand und led theny uwuy from tlio city of destruction we sea ho white winged ungals now but vet men are led away n threatening destruction a hand is put in theirs which leads thorn forth towurd a calm and bright land so that y look no more backward and hand may be a little childs b t- thomas january 1031 j attacked by asthma the first fear ful uonsatfon is of suffocation which hour by hour becomes mora desperate ami hopeless to such a case the re lief arforded by ur j i kellokgs as thma remedy is very grateful its hollt is tiulnkly apparent and aooit the dreadful attack is mastered the as- thmutlo who baa found out the de pendability of thtia starling remedy will never imi without it it is sold vvurywhera vf start the new year tight by resolving to purchase regularly ftt our store r wn ahull dtiiy i to aervo i for tholr mis ur offer i various vnyf n4 siyus tn prove tliat during ihu lomllig yen tha publlq in giving llifim the txit vultiei ing ft few specials for the coming wvukf toadies all wool jersey cloth ijrohwi regularly f uoctbla weak only 805 print aprons for misses unit hnmll woman only w ji tq ladles good weight cotton lloai ut zso a pah we bav a full una of ladles all wool ildld ivl ftntj wintp coats also greatly reduced mans heavy driving gauiitlnla warranto rubber interlined kegularly 1100 to 400 we stock better gooda for u lower prl d iforaeli f ly led tbs wea vi m l starkman starkrtfl block actol ontario v short cuts homntlmtis w near art tlatamofumt pooplo who seek short outs as if thorn were something admlrablo in tha long- out way round instead tho only ob- juotlon to tha short cut is whan thor oughness and omolenoy have been hu or i flood to brevity the history of progress in a record of abort cuts when all mathematical aloulutlons warn parformed by means of beads strung on a frame they were inevitably primitive bach mathema tical formula is a demonstrated trulmph of a short cut bo is ovary muohutilcal contrivance which does in a few minutes work which would take tho hand worker hours or even day to do work lu a short time hi not thu ohlof thing tha nrst thing in importunco is to do work well but the next important thing is to do 11 quick ly if nothing obmantlal is uacrlficed tn uwroiit h fbrkdnrittnobti vuluo keep on the lookout for thn short out for when you havo saved tlmo you havo saved one of thn most pruoloua nommodltlas known to mao the poor mens bst prlmiutfut up in umall ihittlas thut are easily port- ublo and sold for a very small sum by- thomas eclectrln oil powsussea power in concentrated form- its cheapness and the varfnd uses to which it on lo put mako it tho poor mans frland no dealurn stock 1m complete without it to keep auto radlatofts waiim to the olty of london ontario be longs the crodlt fof installing- a very novel system by whlnh tho radiators of uutomofalles may 1m kept warm while tho earn aro standing outdoors iii cold weather tho local electric company has installed current taps on poles at convenient points through out the cjty anyone wishing to take udvntange of the electrlo current for heating purpose whllo tholr car w left utamting payu un annual fee and receives a key thai tits the conduits of the current tups tho patron also receives u license number which is uttachod to tha collecting rod of his olectrla heater so that the inspector of thn olootrlo light company can see whothur or not authorised parties are unlng the plugs by moans of this sywtem or heating auto radiators there la never any trouble from froxeii en gines even in aero weather j w kennedy a son luritrarc plumblmrtinwnlhlnir elecht wting slavai tinvux swcr ilpe ileatink cortumivlnlb special for tho pet month in order to keep our v vorkirtcn cm- ployed during tho quiet acasonwo will give yo vytfy attrctivo prices on electric wirine and other insido will let us glvo you an estimate on your house a fuuline of skates tiockcy atissorieb gloves and mitts carried in stock j w kennedy fc son kennev bbos 0ij stand main street acton ph0ne95 great dollar ssale at ospringe you will got batter values hero for you doubt if those prices can bo equalled dolun wo dry goods yurtls unbloachwl cotton 1 g yards llleached cotton- 1 b yards irint for 4 yards bbirtlng lllua strip ed for yurls vlanneletto st in iwldo for v 5 yards flannelette 34 and is in wldo tor ibax stanneleto fjhoots lrg sle for 4 yords u ingham vutldu jn4 cbaok for jl 14 yards 0loita for v 9 upools fr v mens oyeralu foi fw mans shirt for f 1 mens enman mpace- llncrt underwear ppp mens cnmini ftlblmxi woollen underwoay fvk mens kotuml wood un- derwear 1h ladles and ctilldren un derwear ut reduced prloos mens und itoys rlwautom utltoduoocl wmki oneonv men bashawe- tlan overooat regular 1t for on ily mens cloth over ooat regular 1s for litonh7uslwvs4lwseui3 overcoat fu wv 1 llt assortntt v 6 utnv and hoys vij t tins corn l 1b come early 4 package lljjj la ulna 4 lbs homii j lulslrts for 5 ihm claunm oumints for 3 lib tins jcxi or maslo llaklug lwwnur g lliu lolng hiiijrfrtr 2 lbs ianl iaula or mlnltoa s uiu ittu fj huik for 7 cakoa oai m b tills jbsd ul ru- s top rz g tina huunon tor m sltfrt 8 only iarttudoo fusitera tqf eunh sl iloru ulatil y 1100 per pair off orntilto and t sit duceil jrlt wiviwrn aiu- u for dr ilww iyt jaxxi sk tb mils 1 vi 1 t rl gordon orjnge dusltess asti sifters no banner- aah sifter doily i kluklig ahnfijjisr aabrw alff ftenly cuay iorker motion uliiing aoht n larae slilfllnf tray nr iiit tlnd ilut proof uada of flavand iron 1rlied at ttzjs and flm dustlesa cinder- sifters kavss 31 4r ri nt of your cual bill thm aro dillliibi iflars and mads bf heavy gawanlud iron 1rioed at soao th durrt dutu blftm- a duailess airier mint to stand with twd imrneiis vfit at 7joo the hond harpwaitk co 11 ptn 1d17 ouelvh this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to kcll to those who knov gnd to those who doat know at uniform fair- price to fuioil all guarantees and cheer- fully correct all mla- takea to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jtewellen guelph ontario igrand trunk ws the double track route tlkttwicicn montreal toronto detroit chicago ji2 ix re lied dlllnj fslisztei bleeping nalrsl on night trains alt iarlor cars on principal day trains trull information from any oran trunk tloket rgent or c k hornky district lasaengtf ageit toronto ii a holmfcs kztnl acton ont phana 1- i studebaker announces new prices i touring coupe sedan a series 22 bigrsix prices iw w70 series h specialsix prices roadstek 2rasmrqjm ll2s touring s jsiws clup roadster sojft coupe 4pibiig k tmo 8epan- g250 the new lightsix prices s jw9s p eb pmseimie i tm95 h rtoapsrikit iisb tpuripig roadster courroafoster sedan aluric o p- wjkwvllle ontario i iii j n oneill son eorgetowi out dlatritratora o studcbnktr and dodge brothers aotor cn forgoi aciondmuton s fp rnobleltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 feed onta a quantity of 1peed corn and oil cake just received ilour peed norvai bran and shorts kekd irxour rnoee ltd flenrv awrev manager shoes slippers rubbers spats for 1922 williams has been serving you for over forty yeart with his reliable goods they have always peased tryiiis stock agatln thb year lbrpnictlcal ketuilla w wiuiams mill street acton children ory r rw rutchms oaxqrja