Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1922, p. 1

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t fortyievciiih ycnr no 30 1200 wciiyiuah acton ontario thursday morning march 30 1022 i bo w unitki htatich sinnlq copies five cents the methodist church acton ncv i m movtn ptr pira willow at connickional rund day 11 ii in ltov it j d lumpum tor- on fjentnl tiounmtr if lliiperuli- nuutloti iuiki 3 30 n in iimiiliiy hrhnnl utuuliin- ury day 7 ji in llnv it j i lllmpuon flpodul xluuli liy f ho choir ouululed liv tin on liuulrii a hiiuiu mini telle abide with mti you aui1 inviticd comu wtesbytkwan knox chuhch acton mlnlt- rv a c stewart m a manuo willow throat flhmvicnil ii n mtho milliliter ihiljit imhl thing t i intim mluhder htihject the thlugu tluit unit holiday tlchonl uml lllblo oiuum ut 3 p in tho guild monday evening at hlrunuiiu leaving uddreue with tho nailer will lio nulled mum by tho 1uwtor au- aim couwarjy mvmen new advertisements aurrlu in 1 11 a jc ssj pom dale 5 roomed muuhcuut collage largo garden 1uuy turmu c ikoimtcil sslf llox 370 acton for sale top lmcgy neatly mw with rubier ttrm elm mi apply to st- mill fltreet anton for sale now itculn will i mini plunn for uale uluo wuuhlng inohlim mini good wrlug- or cheap apply to u a umihiifx mill hlrtt at ton wanted young hum wluhlug to huru tjie grocery liuduett who can take order from houno to houbc gt0iljub fur tho right mun apply ut mira to d e utiuhi for bale quantity of white illouuom fiwout clover fctyrup making outllt tenultd- ing of 3 pulih ui ilk unit 10u bunkutu uml upline apply lo d ii younfl 181 at tho molver harm livestockwanted having htuht m whtilxuulu uhhutolr i am dwdmou of getting in tnnoh with parthh lutvlug cuttle hog vul clve or tihtxip for mil ii wrlfn or phono if you imvn any llvu utook riiily for killing hunt murk ot price glvmi w j lattkhmon 1hona 111 llox 0 acloii out 33 farms for sale of every also in tho counting of halton and wellington if you wt to buy or mall a funn ma um honiam in wery quarter of acton homo lit nttmctlvo prirom for quiou hula w nlm to plotuta you of a hm1tii itual lcmtnta asonl talvphono 10c mill hc walhtow av property for bale a number of furmtf for uate rarmliik from bo to 2g0 north bomo srottt linrkuliiw in liouimtn now on or tho lament nrnl boitt nit m tin bulhlln lou in acton on which u a mll hoiuhi with eloctrla llulttu und vratnr a ixtrsaln for quick muio mo trouble to ihour property r j kerr h knowi photi 36 aotoii to our customers in order to fuxilltuto our bualncuul and k1v all tho bnolt from daub aala wrhnve dnalded to oonduct n mtrlctly cash buitlnnhit on and rftoi april 1 cuatomnrx will pluuno uh- utt us in thlw obaniro by not ra- qututtliie any tiroolt urtar thht data mm tho oaah rulo will ih htrlqtiy olmtervttd w ijvndsborouch ilutcher mill st acton look now you have your chalioo to not top price for your fowl riuht nt your pluno and on your own wulght- tto par lb for uood bono 30o lb for rood duoku tho bitly thlntf you nava to do in drop rno t card and i will ba rlalit at your pirns to do bualnnsa with you i asiiiiru yoq tho bant of mitltifuotlon abto i pay top prloom for hhlom nkln and horao hair bpoelul prlaa for boof hld and honto hnlr i uuo buy rasa rubber fimtliarw and ull klniu of motnla i am tfultlne for your call alex giutoord box 100 acton ont band your nddroaa unit phon no noref und of fares to guisipii hy a ueualirj mum ukk macikjnauys hut the value all in the goods with the cominjj of larger focilluert for travel ii rt into the city of cuclph uie umplnuon hail come tosome io try that oldfnhliiorud hcheme of ndvertwlnt ji refund of farcn on kiurchiuttti inatle uu a drayinfj cord to attract buslnetuu wo uhetl tliu word oltlfohhlitned advisedly became in umem poiit thbl plan itah heun tried out and not proven 8 bucccful i there is one mingle piinciple however that would preclude bucjt an aminkemcnt from the meumdil of thltl ann that principle bl our utrictly adhered to rule of one price to ali we could not podhly he true to our hlandardfl and charge one customer our rcjiujar plainly written marked price and another customer a lower price for any reason whatsoever be it to nave ht travelling expenses or some other excuse then arain if- ono fnoipmer known that jhe can secure a certain price advantage over another what assurance has he that honieother customer in dot becurino an unfair price advantage overhim on home other pretext 7 no sirjf one price to all and all the time honest htxalghtforward values to every customer alike no old- fashioned juggling up or down of price figures with quality htyle and value of rmfllclcnt magnetism to bring you any day to guelph to d macdonald bros ltd wyndham carden and mocdonnell streeui guelph onl guglpils leading and largest store weekend special wo wcro sorry to disappoint our customers last wbek in not being tibia to offer them tho assorted chocolates till saturday noon on account of usnot receiving tho shipment until saturday assorted chocolates regular 40c weekend special 26c lb neiisonts assorted chocolate pieces kogular 00c lb weekend special 46c quakek kisses regular 300 lb weclfend special per ft 2c try a jazz sundae mill street acton h wiles wonderland friday march 31 it experience with tho following ahnrutitorwi youth cxptirlut ixivt a mil i- tlon hope mother imtitimuro opportunity chuucti touf twin- pair work iltdiimloa uto ah u lanco ut tho vniht will tudloutu ull tho vuhniimkuuotioitn und ln- tluoncon of ufo with whusli youth must bttttln uru roiirvneiuml tliu lory hhowlnif tv to sj tho hoitroa of trim iiuppiiiahh pniv- inir thiu ambit um muy wlowp but novar dlu und tliut hopa 1m tho conn tit nt frioml und hupiort of all thuno cuniutly torohyu iromotltn hortxtn hnuptthoth no 4 saturday april 1 a hid i uk ltomtto htitrrlng- tom mic 1 unit itoom lloyw ootn- ody i tough luok x mw tuespay april 4 yen or no wltli norma- tnl- mndso chitptor 1 or wln- imir of thn wuht rutho oom- ody r h gregory hot water electrically now is tho time before you let your furnace out to instirit an electric water heater bo that you can iiquu hot water all uu turner without trouble fuss or dirt w come and ask us about it acton hydroshop mux street acton news of local import a cromlnant pathar on sunday tho mo t hoi in t rorrfitcutlou i- tubfi vrd with u romhu toronld rvurhx x hilmluy itov it j i ilmiutoii tl a ii i ixtfl of ui nn- rul ctnif ironrn oftli at will tm uupy pulpit commlhlaimc to ga rural aaaamlily at th tntxdlntf of tl juaph lnm- bytury luat wtxik mr jhn i ffannady i uimiliito u ooniiiilw4iicr to at- i tliri louorul ammbly wbhdi lu ut wlnuhuttf in j urn uttl of itorkwool wll b llav job nlutlvn for thi dlatrlct th maaan knittlnq mill mi aiiiom mnuoh n btully aiikkd in itlu tlo imirblnry plaovd in bla w lnlltliiu mill plujtt on thn liwr nittu proiiorty trrt xiontrlit puwnr olor hax tkill limtumod und it will it imi muiiy ilnya lwrrt thw i dndld odurfm nibrmrtil in xfr mumium lut liiiililifurturou will i hi plunwi umn h itiurkt haaldanta bf draabrlda comlna hara anton lu llkoly to net uulto an ln- ii x if ititw oltlannu fniin ira mibl- idea i uitillllou to umuyor lator ilmltb ml blu family hiti tunnarlax tharo m iltmliiir uml nntimbar of txwtrtj 111 imi uuicuuud 111 thu titnnarioa bam itou will onllully walcoma tt now roiilnntu uml our jltlujm will aim inuku thaiit fool ut boma amoiiaat i to ravlva laoroaaa in ontario tho ontario abiutiiur ijntrtwrn am- 4lutlon iw thiol ynur oudouvorlnk to ink our cunudluu nutlonul murni iwidu to whom it wum pmtiiio yvurw uo him litnroaiii wmu ctmudam ttatlonal uimt in mullty am wall an in nuna mttin bud u vwry rrmlllubln luortmtaa lub for yurw wo alll buw um ititod nhtrlul niid iimplft of it to iut into to umnn hurctumfully mbbih baa ball maatlnd saturday nloht a tnnatlnif to orsunlia a lkwt ball club tor anton will imi bald in tho couinllotiumbr on hntuntuy night ut im p hi tt u dtmlrouw that vry- ullti who u liitonhttttd in roal btum ball ltoi uttnllil thin mnatliar u 1m- itortnllt plulin will im tllacuaaed for thn rornintlou or a real uv club tbla your tbn prnaporta urn tiuioptlnnally brlht for it ifood btifo linll uuuwoit and thowa lomiiud ahldild luukn ull nvtra irffort iittnnd thin liutiiuurul nntlha- mlaa btaruman raalana aa mydtto sacral a ry at tho mooting of thn anton hydro commhodou luiit ffhluy wnnlnk ubui lzuwil- utiifknu rw ho haw un tury for flio commluhlon ulnot itn in- lloii tondorad imr rnltmitbn trt titkn oitodt april 17 thn com m but ion ruffisttiid vnry miirh thhi dooulon by mihh htitikniitii und pumd u raolu- tloil to thut dltoot mid uxprniukml thnlr upprnrlutloii of tbn nkotillant aarvlmvl hhrt buw rondtrdl olvlno tha boya a oood tim alxuit ninety kliikhtnii troya who wr rurruru for tho dully whl of that city woro bumiuntted by imaldnnl iclllott und tho munukomont ut tha y m c a laut whlny ovmlnf a uplomlltl iniinu witu htirviml uftoi whlrh tbn hoyu worn nutortuliioil ut tho gram oporti iioiiho with tbn production itox liiitiltcrovitu duddy lous clviiu tho boy i upnt u mout anjoyublo nvnnlita nud uuaiilmouhly votnl tb itrltlah wbltr und um tnitnuunr nn o k arowd patl caralaaanaa with m qui a huii ubootlmr urdhlant took pbtnn uutiirduy urtnniotni in aahflold near aojrlrb wbnn willie cnmoy bm1 17 yntirn und only mm of ttanl carney loat bbi ufa lln wum vultlntf iiih uiioih ttdward honnott nbout thran mllth from klnmbrldica mid went to tent u ahot un to ahont homo wild utwhtt whllo pulling- th kuh out from ita ptuno by tb bnrral tho sun which wum loudad wont off and tha aharga oittttrud tlio younif tdiiowm rlitht tnmplo tliu younif man dltxl about nn h lutur a vary enjoyabta boo labia thn mooiui nvuliiii provldad by iha lttdlbm aid nftlnrmuuiodtat church luat tburmduy ijvfiiilntf wum of u very unjoyublu nhurtictr an axnallnnt pro ktumma of miihlcuf und litornry num bora wuh rontrlbutod by mru btout uoprupo of oilolpb who han ilollaht aotou uudlnncou with liar mlniflnic ui huvoiul provlouu odcunlofiw tha hun duv hcbonl ornhnntra mlaa olso moont in pluilo moiom wiimhjm lltutal uuwiii und tjrna kotmady with piano duo tin air amiiu mithon nd tba muavm mum ut in coruot und piano tlnhltn mimm clartv moora und urn qatrandnr uvo ioadlngm lttv i af moyol- wam tho ihjnna aftar thn prourumino ifrhbliititm wro aarvtid vurlouu provlnria wbhib i ttld in ilkhtoiifiiif up tho prohibitory luwmof tba provincial id mukhk tbtirt fitrtlv gnturui irinra iclwuld luluud und itukatrhiwuu wiru rtrhtitd on llui itkltor bmutiitiom which uruud that rltflil to nitihirt llijuir for bviiruk iujhvu w rvhtrlcttid to llratihixl dhl- tlluim mini brirwiru truiiurortutloii of luiuor ablmd by itiuh out of tlndr bondnd wurxhoiuttui to h viit tominou jirtlcrrj j lily by ruilwuy or uliu wum uiho inuid thut to luiuor mhoiild imi nx tort oil for lhivoruu luir- froni uiiy provluro into u pro- 4r it fohiti country wtmrti u prohibitory llijuor luw in in roro ud thut thn unltcl htatia of atmirlca dtouldumi lunluilod in thlu rutftfory karl prohibitton of manufacture and transportation dominion government unccd to stop tronftportation to dry countries ottuwu munli jit prohibition of tho mu ptrtal1on xrorlutloii lul trulihimirlutlotim nutlonwlih lufuidukf im- und inliir-pro- u hitoxlcutlnif nlx ihiuoi a wua urud wiun fmliiul riibhttt yutnrduy inornlni y a lursa iluuutltii riiiriutxiilinu tbn iinihilou alllunra tblm lrlllatlaillllilltoly followtnl kpivmi of tho tli tho hi i wliat gulph paopla wnt lu ptilmtarllii voto hi tlunlplt oil motuluy ttin oitlanum doiidl by lht ma to im i mi if to thn pluu of lmt lute hi mnyor by popular voto of rutupuynrm tlio imlntmt to run htrixit ruilwuy utrulubt tbrouuh ut aoruim hquur wujj iulirwd two to ono toronto man buy halton farm two of thn iwut farm in ilultou county wra purrhuund by toronto tnnn laut wofllt dr john noblo imuiibt tliomua flrlcoti huiulrnd urrn yuiuioii mlblltt rottd near llrotttn known tbn llrodorlrk imrtn und k a how lu tt lumubt tho aimlny kurni hour oukvlllt diaj rt baakatchawan hon j t illulu uuihl 03 ypuru juiikd of tlm molvltlo dtatrlrt court lu lltih- kutobnwuti dlod ilitturduy of imuu- iiu ut ida homo in mulvlllti follow- lllf u wmuh llllloiix jlllllli llluln wtui iipihdsitnd to tho boiirli hi 1bi7 un wont from llrumpton to houhui in 1111 3 i in wum h roitulii of tui llluln nr ekpariaroa mi jfmi k thrmili life you special knox guild concart a vory ploimuiit uvanlnif wam hpent t 111 kuox church on monday voiiiub wlitiu u tnuulcal pruurumnin wm lvaii ruler lht uuhploem uf tho youn ltioplom qulld mim lualmil andflraon u i plwultid in her ukuu puliln inuiiner duriuif tha prormmo wblnh coiihutad of a dutt by muwmmi juno kbimihly und viola ttumloy pluno nolo muriiuurlta uymon pluno drnitt mimmdm ltura oruy and jean knutihdy monff o canada by tha i of tbn nbolr a featuro which uddiid ihtortut to tbn proiiramma wum two ludufltlonu from thu sunday bo wool orciiontni alucliiitadlt ut thn mr a t mu mi who iimm dhurra of tho train llilf of imith the orcbetrunnd the choir owlinr to nlckiieam the maplo lvaf quurtutta nvam unublw to kttand thrra wum a boo1 nttandnoa iii mn i to ot the innlomenoy of the weather tltu inlluoilctm of n im 1 1 uli it nvll till htand firm or huvluif uunk to tha liiwowt dnptlui you hiiu bitvn utrwnutb to rluo from tbn uuhnu of your iluud itulf to run uii umbltlon from itu 1wip tlion you uri mniln of tlif mturf ttut whiu ttoo tho morullty pluy icx- imirhiiioa with ulcburd llurthhnum nu youth whlakay mi11 havy panltlaa in outiljib roller court on monday uu u intra hi wult mmd jmmph omtx of miirdan i1c and onjdh for itoluif toxioutihl und utiut blip to tho ontario itvrornuitury for ulx mnntlur for huv- ihk llnuor lu u plnno other tlinti a prlvmtn dwolllnir it imiiiim hlrf uorond iitniicn a youmf tiiin who wiui company wutt flood 110 and roatu for txdtitf drunk sttll aumioum about hlobway rout itenvti llcutrtwoll councillor anthony and clink himth wttl toil on mr mo yuiu liflimty mliilutr of public lllsh wyu nt oul itirllamont llulldliikh in toronto lunt tinmduy rojjurillint routn of tho hlubwity through ceortiotown they woro promlutml tliut tho tmdlmwtnd rimta of three dlftarnnt routow wuukl lw plurnj txiforo tbn council end people of tit in vicinity in thn vary nwtr future llnrahl anathar 4ocal nawapapaf- suapamlad thellleiiworthl ihniii publuihoil ut hup worth lu grey county for umny ynuru huanuiptiiulutl pulillcutlmu thl im one mora paper uddpd to thn rummlty hut of lorul nnwaimimm durhiif tho pant fuw yourw mr w 1l klnnli who bun tidltnd tho pioiiini for yourti bin found that ruimlnu- u uawhpupor in u miiull town 1m not u puylntf invftitment huuovor lnmt a naval aet of parliament john joyih m 1 of nortli huron introtluceil u novel bill lu tbn leginla- turu an motuluy in the form of un amaudinoiit to tho mtmlfllpul aot tho bill which im intended ttuuppyrtutny hi townaldp uffitarm wlpm out tho blob knukau it illoriil for ltuovo or couunlllor to null brvj to tho tnwuublp wtthnut mutfnrluk illfloutlon mr joynt tlilnkw tliut vlaw of tlie fuot thut thn price or itruvtd im more or ih u llxud mutter und thut u councillor cuimot utt uny mtofllnl trsatment thorojm not vital point in hie luw whlnw abould prevent him hilllnu loud or two of lnivnl uiiiomm ha rut ira it from the municipal uervloe obituary cioitni iicviy kahuich ulluduy t r ji wuizi it- iiim bouit ut auruulnr u mm old inillu uontlomurv lr thib pnraou of leorata ijnvy virnni- thu futlmr of dr t tt j krmr und k of hundd lnuh kurnifi ii a imtrrlatr uml ipul clnrk i of artn oramt- futhor lumier wuu hi iiim h7lh your in wum ull nurly uottlnr ttt auiuutar nd roull remimlhr jlt wll vn flum thut liutoricttl town wam u pluuu t mom mnrrniitlli imttortunro thuii umlltoti mr lurmr wum uiiltn un orurln in iiim rooimuolty und ttnjoynd tbn eututim of ull who kiiuw lilm llu wum a cuhirvutlve of tha old ut houl obi iiumii coiihrv4llvfl to thut of thn uerifm of inmwii byiiunalpm whluli pollthsl ux- hw liuva lu mroiit yuru nulud mr of tlll ohlout 1 lxru of tlm anlh un churrb of bit ii tuwt full bo ujiont it wtk in acton with vurnmr unit mr ilurold i duriiiif iiim vlult muhi numnrojim in ilu umoiitf our rtlxiiu it will lui u iltr of uinran r to kir iurinr thut iiim uuod fat bur puuutid uwuy dur- hitr bin uluminr ut lludupnut huiitiury wlmrfl im lu utnihuii um winter with blu duiiifhler mltll jollltija nouiuhir on- t tbn tlnot eltimuinj vr rl- ibnt in anton wnu in id to ruit id mimnioaor ctmttery nuuuuuuwnyu hint iloturduy wluiu tin bur lul umrij joahuu norrluh totik pluto mrm nor- rluli wuu u wotnun of iinumuully utronu i ruuiim tonutltltioii uml rouchnd r nxrnptlouul uii of illiuitymivoit yeurm aftttr tho fliuth of her huuhund tnovul trtrm- artom mru norruh rnuidml for u mi in iter of yiutlrm with her uon tcrneut in toronto a r or mi u ulm wont to allierta vult lier duiiifhtnr mru flooxno tlinre ube puuwd itway on thn lolll lout tin itmly wuu brouvht to autnu ml the fuiiurul wan hnltl from jobu- lonem burial purlom on lutiirduy uf- toriioon ut nun oohmik mrm norrlxlim marrlwl life wum upent with hr htiuliund in nuuutgawnyu thny prouiwroum rurmnni und enjoyed hlfiptmt nuteem of tbn rommuiitty thulr uhucolt uuuof lutlouu ware ut l-imeat- mothmllat ottureh hem tbny wre uetlve whikorm ulid lilterul iipimirtirm wlinn tbey mtlred from bo farm mr uml mru norrluh cumo to arttm to renlde tbdr prtty lirlrk bomu on lnkit avoiiikt iilwuyu bud u lomnu for thu old itnliiblwiru of kuuiuiimweyu und ull olbr frlenilm iln to feel ut home tbere mr norriult died lu acton ulmut tlftenn yenni iiuo i mill pavto hmiti1 am thu rvuult of un utluck of pneii- utlumtmluvuljjiniuiinuuuuluway iiiddenly on humluy lift or noon uml i huppy iwimn wuu uudly utrleken mrm ijmlth wboua mu ui u num it wuu limy lluwthrurm wmh n dnnicbter of mr wm lluwthorun i ion nl mom creiicent nud wuu iwtrti in collluuwotid tweuty- tbree yen m ntfo uhe enmn to anton vrltlt her fulberu fnmlly on tho necoml of muy ulxteeti yiatru oifo uhe wuu murrlnd to iavld hmlth von of tb bttn dun ltd flmlth nt anton their foutvr duuifbler momi and tbolr baby duuifhtor iivoriw nr left without the lovlnu cure of a devoted mnthnr whn mr elmfth mil luted und went nvenieuh mru hmlth cunitt from tor onto uml reulded with her father and nluter durintf tho prolouitd vlult of mikw huwtborno with frlendu at auli- tini where uhe wiim tnkeu herlnuuly 111 unit fall mru ftmlth wuu bouwekneper for her futher tho midden deuth of thin minhlnvetl ututer hnm been u tvrrlbln blow to mluu hiiwtjjnrno who ihoutcli till uurferlnif rrom bar recent lltnohfl took the 11 rot train for bomo upon luilnif fidvluod of mru limit bs lllneum mru bmltb wuh a tlno tyiwi of woman friendly nud ulneere uhe wuu u memlmir of tba mothodlut church und iilwuyu eujoyotl the utirvlceu and participated in itu untlvitlnm thn ftint eral oji ttmuduy uftemoou wum eon- duo ted by ttav t m moyer many floral tribute ttore leutlmouy to the tihtetun lu whlnh mru tlmltli wum bah i u thlu community tine attruotlve prlcom nu feetl ut the acton ishxtrin flour and ted puuii fl of t h another license for a poo room isnawrcquestcrl mr allinon of i tee ton dchtreti to open one in conjunction with a barber shop in acton tim riiiiltir uuuai4n or tb c mu hold on tuowluy avenlnu conn i ilium hurriuon ifolmeu tholmrtl proiiut und aftuu 1 linll in hie tbuir tim iliiuntn committal pr their uuvm tli rtimtrl und rorotuim puymeut of the following- net oun canaral aooount womlliull jl mt kuy uuppllem 1 0 q dlllti luhor ul eumxtory itiimhiy lulmr unit uupplbu bur a- uimhur bjiul uervlceu i duimlll milk churily 0 ho it ivor upooti tteaului g htllm toilet 1upnr for j 1 htewurtu miirmulude m u hiko for 3 ibh itollnd whtsitt wbltn hwuu for co ibh minto ton 1 h iuikiirm with hi ooo fitr 44 o lioitlo hour mixed vllli tur 1 quart llottln t lifer uiituup ftlr ml tabular 141 lb ui iihuter 14 lb dxo j 1 lb jnre luiiolc iepper for 10 nutmegm for t rt v chum hwhoi corn for butter and eggs wanted cash or trade 40o dc russell mill st actpn ravlawlngj tba sunday behool leaeona 1aut buuy wu the thlrteanth of the rtret quurter of 102 und the ftrat hiurtuily ruvlew iluy of the year the utteuduuoa ut the sunday hehool wum enhuuoud in fio nee qi once in two at wuut of the hohoola in town for on epvlnwiluyprogiummem or mihkiimi in- teremt uru curried out in the metho dist humluy kohool an unuhimlty in- ttimutlmr bo iv loo wum hnld mr a- t itnnvu buperllteniluht ami b etajt of worker omphunled the leadinr thourhtm of the iouiioiim trove to ran ikntcbem or thu uvea of tho prop beta mtuilhd und with colored chwrtm fttvo un impreumlvc outline of each of the iwolve iuhmoiim utudlod tho hunday hobftol oroheutni enlivened the pro- uiunmie with u number of wacred itelootlon the htiperhiteudont report ed that 00 home department mem here ure now enrolled there wuh u i n rite blithering of ucholani and vlhltorm ut knoa hunilay bfholil hare nltiii the wim u omprehenntve review of the lemuoiim the huperlutendant mr john ici kennedy and itev mr btewurt did mueh to mnko thlu epetdul hervlce interuullntc mid helpful thu ortdieutra ulao hud a whara in tha 1 mimical iiurvloo whlulfenut bavrasulvn 7 nw oaruoe for aotow h h wllaon uitt of tlio clmvrolet automobile co wiuiiom to lnuouuo tho forniul openliiif of u guiuifo oi ml htreet nud will curry u lur utook of reiuilru unit purtu for chevro let ami ether nuiktut of nuru if your car or wtlnry imeduhprlnu overbuul in rail urouud ttnd lutvo it talk wltli iny head mochaiild our prlooii nro the lowokt and work uiuiiuiiteud ourlnu the next tan duym will have n uale of fully itiiuntnteed butterhm ileulur prlfo 113 to halo price j24g0 termm etrlotly cmhii mini hurvey whtm im uuthorliril to tvoelve money und wive reeelpte hophiat to reoalvo lle of your vatmiiuuo v j c w i lien 0 a raeumlnfl work at the redout tnentlnit ujtlni rem- bytary of woyhutii wuuk oil reimtiat of the oniiuiicutlon leave of uhwoocu wum brniitwt to llov j 0 wiuoii of knox cliiirtli weyburii foimorly ot aotnu mr wllaou hak reoently ihi- totully blind in one of mm eyom undoritoliitf tituitmoiit nilt of wbleh it im the nuhflacaweya council meetinp bavaral famllam in netl ere olvon grant by the council the following hut of jmoountu were m kited ut tho luut uimtlur nt nuuua- ituweyu council thou vrunnlm uruvel sfi trtiuh lcrumouu uhuro town- llnu ut ia w mclhull poutakn nrnount 3 8 itm ictuit ilumltorti iluinutiu ucfomit 13 co k kuley far mru cooper 4c 00 treau c lt tdootrle bell morfnt 4 us it l kumlinf hflhool kulru 35 10 a ilopututiou of rntuikuyeru wult oil oii tha council rvtpeutlnu aid for the fumlllttm of a curitlll w cunllnell m wlnnlok and j rlpriunuliiin who through lllueum nre unable to provide for tlnjm the counoll ugreod to mam i3g00 lvtii- month for tho curlll family 55 for m wlnnlok- and 1000 pur- month for j hpriugideeu the heave und mr auiiew ure to lnvektl- kut tha hovurul cumin uml report to council ut tiaxt meetlnir the treuuurer wall limtruoted- to bnvu ha mo repulru mudo to the hall a bylaw wuu puunnd to oourirm the upimlntnieiit of treuaumn jind define tbn dutleu of tho ohloo a byluw wuu piiuttod uutlnriliiif the itthtvo und treuuurer to borrow money from the bunk wheil nejilib the treuuurer wum nuthorled mt n lux in the itoyttl liuttk ouelph for keeplmf dooumentm of vnluo counoll adjourned to meet at the of the lttovu rt j mauiwatd clerk wularwarka account clouvn in ivor on urvlcem i do llblminu lubor on utrvleou 1 00 w 1 moouey repulru ut pump 1 40 v mooney lulmr und nuiiplleu a 30 in inhere thorn no u co uup- plleu 133 os 1 u0 26 mr t j taylor uppeuretl ttefortt the hindi and ihuukod them for the inmi- r in which they hud auuluttxl him their ihulroum thlu winter htr tuylor uluo wiuhed to ututn thut tin thut he bud llvul lu cnorgti- town uml accepted oburlty wuu ul- lutely fitluo und iiufoiinded uu be hud ipivnr llvil lu 1 lul ton county prlor comlui to antmi tin uimt nuited en he bud hud tio offer of work he hud taken wbuttvur upimarwd axeept orruulnii wbnnowlnu to uick- iti bud not beuu ublu to ucopt work that bud been offerad by tlio coi potation he wuu only too willing to luke whatever work wum offered lie uttalu thunktxl tbn council for their liifddort and liuuud to uouu be lu a position to do without uuulutalioo tlu mutter of delivery horuett run- nliilt over the imulevurdu und ileutroy- int mm tl null wum cottulilere thn chief uiih inutruotod to inform the drlvtiru thut nnleuu it weight were ut- tuiluil to thu liorue or u driver lett in nhnruij thuy will be wutmuoned und tbn tl iln luipouod nu provided by luw tliu cliicf wuu uiho hiutriioted to uee tlmt tho bylaw prolilltltlnif cblokeuu ninuliif nt luige wum fiiiforeed jtiio chirk wuu inntrunted to write the hthool truuteeu requeulmf thut lea c liini l tli u unliulotcii unit tluy ipuut not run urniuu tmulevanhi oi liiirm younif treeu planted on the utreetn on thulr wuy to und from uoliool moved by rrunk hnlmem ueconded by 1g t thetfnrd that j j coonuy bo uppmituil nu uu til tury iiimjvmtor to enforce tlio bylaw for removing nil rubhliili to the dumping- ground cur ried v movnd by 15 t thetforil ueconded by c ii ilurrlunn thut thn auditors lepnrt nu premnteil by tbe utidltoru w a nlm nud alox hell be aocepted ami tlmt the uuunt number of copli imi printed curried the clerk wuu inidrunted to wrl to the luihintrfjtl development t paitmont of iliillwnyu requeatlng that aden ho pluoed on their hut of townu doiilrmm of having tmunufuaturluitr roncernu locate here tho mutter of erecting tdgnmadver tlulnif tlio town nt tho entrance to the town and ut thn grand trunk und toronto hiihurluti ltullwuyu wau illa- autiued tint council will have tbeuu hljtin made and e rented immatllutnly nnd dnhigutud vurloiia membere to go into dnlu llu und re i tort progreum add huvo the work gone yi with ut nnoa xi r allliioti upimured imfore tbn colincll und deulnxl to know why they objected to grantnir him mjioonuo to operate u pimtl room lu acton thn council oxplulned that mr ileluhiium bud expreuued blmuelf um willing to erect a bulldingr of oonwld- nruble ulxir if he hud mmu juiwiuranoe of being tlio only poolroom they eon- xldered thlu 1111111111111 on miu jtreot would lin tttttt total to the town und the counoll uluo conahlored that one pool for aotoii wuu uulte hulflclent the cmiiicil deulrntl mm time to eonuider tbbt proposition uu it wuu felt tlmt kuuorut feellnjr won nvemn to bitvlnif more than nun pool room- bo matter will be dot tit 0 ut a future meeting the highway contracts are beinggiveiroiitr actlvitloh around lcorlwood point to work itelno commenced 1 at once options on right op wav boon eximhe t kvidel polllt l tm vim tionu of til llighwuy ut oiiiiii a i to- u wood co rroupo ml nut nayu the irovlnulul highway u without iioiilit u reullty in itoiuwooil mr tlrel itovliielal jtoud luterii- temlent wuu in town on momliiy und imule uriungemnntu for reiiurlug thu new hlgbwuy light of wuv from a 1 itlchurduoiru corner ut the rib hue on the iiut him htwuu niiimouit uml nimuiiguweyu to cerowu nrniii on a york lloud a new rouducruper hi liere whit h will iki lu opeiutlou liiiiuiillululy to i down the tutu till tlm roadbed iii laid it lu uluo irrlderttmul tll iimlrmt lu muilu for tbe u u oo rut r ui tlerowu ttirunr und ouiilpli tim optlonu fov the uvw ro omiliv right of wuy fiom alton to criwiomt cormrm nvi r tbn furmii of ueuhiu wurdlaw mecuh boon denny murray wutkluu uml llrown expire in a few duyu if thlu route hi to be dually dcldd uimtii the optlonu uhmild be taken up thlu week larm loand in halton h i lean auaoelatlomi tim ilrht ifurm uim auuoolutlmi it iiulliiu county wum ettubllhhed in num guweyti townublp und biui ulncu met with good mioromw iuht week the uecoiul farm loan luociutiuii in the county wau com pleted in icuipeuing townalilp with tho following ulllnora ireuldei w k llrudley oeorgetowu vieoh kouiutn wrlggleuwortb oeorotowu dlrttetor llwlu hurrop milton mun icipal wroctori j iduduiiy und mecullnugh oeorgetown the auhoelatlon axpeatm to bo ready for buidneiu in uluiut u week themcndoub advance in tta prices the tea mulket iium advanced ulnnn luut muy fully iko or ln in london colombo und culouttn social and personal mr chini mrlnd oc tonmto wau liome over humluy mr d itnlmirthon of torol vlultod auton frlendu thlu week mr it d warren uf toroiiti vluitod aotoii frlemlu on wfdiieiidiiy xir imeut llluek of toronto vlultod frlendu in anion over hunilay mluu mildred mutthewm of toronto wuu hitnwn nvertlflwerrtitk xir wm cook tif toronto uptmt the wtkml wltli filnnibt lu aotnu xir w d korbcn of toiogui ant hunduy with hlu futlier mr n 1mlhu xir a i hemutieet of mlllon uptiut u couple of duyu luut week with anton frlendu mluu mule wultxer of kloru iipeut thn weekund with bir frleilil xflum jennie alidurtion xir uml mm cburhii a 1 mt- thewu und little hilly upeul unnduy with their acton frlendu xti7ndmrwarihittmtrnflwrn mnuvllle iuitei ut urn home of mr william wllllumii thlu week mr j c xtearthtjr nud mluu out moarthur of hnrunlile vhilted at mr c ii llurriuouu luut wl mluu lletn ihuekey wail taken to the oiiulpb houpltul on tuewihv to be opeiuted upon for nppeilitlcltlu xir and mru williird liiulry und i buhe of imterlmro upent mumjuy with xir and mru howard allltiou xir hurry helmet- jr who haw htiuii crltiealy til from minimum la tlio pnut week hi now ulowly recovering xfr and mru joaeph wutiion und their twin babeu of toronto viulltj xir und mm kruertt bcott luut week xir xloyer or woodutock vlultod iiim brother itev i m xloyer ut the methndlht raruouage during dm week i clayton lleuwilk and mluu uldu allan mm u i tho weekend with mr ml mru 13 k ierryinnii ut ihouglmm itev t alliert xtoore dd of tor- uto wuu with but brother mr h i xlonre nt xtoorecroft hint tliurmlay amurilday capt john tlhaw of xlollim iii lu nt preuout rnutlnod to the ifuiilturliim hlu frieudu hero will impe for blu ipeedy recovery mru lrod cooper imu tetunmd homo dter mpimdlng weveral weekh ip ounlph oenerul lloupitul wliere uhe him been vaklug ireulmeut t itev h a u iluugb m a rector lit alhuum churtih at tended tha meeting of the aiiitlimh hyuod at hamilton luut week xliuu margaret lie mm it who h ipnitdllic the year on tli touolilnif htatt of inulon bukland city uehootu hiu- urruuged tn upend tlin lbuttor vuoutlon lu italy itwivo ilarber wuu home fiom ouelpli houpltul on xfoiidu for iv day or uo hut lu not yet recovered torn ida recent ithiettm uml him lutein leturued to hie houpltul vjmmu hnwlhorne who iioji been vlult lug frlendu at auhlon hluce tlmiikuglvlnif hud who imu tieen very iii for wonin lime returnej luimn on monday in order to attend the funoinl of bur ul liter xiim david hmlth xtru cliarloa 10 akin i toumto who waii taken iii laut otitobei und ooullnod tn bud for hvt monthu hud recovered und wnu able tn be out hut had u retupuo nud wum obliged tn i eturii to bed xlru jumeu molinn her mot imr lu with bur dr m liirtr of torout f aev- eial yoaru un outeonted nud mirteuuful liruntiliouer in acton will oolebnito blu ulnntyiteeond birthday next mon day a gathoilnir of relutiveii and frlendu will im behl nt blu homo to eommemnnitn thu evont und extend fallnltutlonu nnd ban been un in winnipeg um u i y beuuved iuivu or itbuonoo gmnttl ami elnoo the meeting of the iteubylury mr wllunn iiwm infoitiiod tba olerk that bo imped to reuumo iiim work in april tremhyterluii wltneam the wyinputhlch of thlu community hav inmn with ho v mr wilmm during- hlu trying affile tlon all will rejeloe at the proupeet of hi return tn iiim mlnuterlu iiuuhh whlui be lovem no fully m will out evantuany i the dully puller reported on vrdny thut mru uiutm murtln u mlchlleuged worn un ueumed to be tbn utorm intm of a rmiikublo werieu of vlolatlonm of thn ontario tempeninee apt ut ht catherine in ihiamlmr her buuhanil john xlurtln wan given mix monthu for holliug ihiuor then blu wife wont lii keep houuo for conuttinttnn llesc tho other dy be ttm whm caught hidllkur llnuor nnd wum glvei nix monthu tiieti mru martin evidently iteoliled to go into tbe bootlagglllk buhliifhu by luruelf him wum caught with the gondm uml tlie mnglatrate fined her 3ift or threw monthu oh j kuoum t will ico to jail the reut of the fnlkh lire tjoro uhe ualil ibiot- legkerh may put over their work for u time but eventually thny to jail with the reut of llni folk hovetul pertuiiiu repuled to o tho bllalueuh in anlim nm heading that way right now death ol ajoiirnallttt w r devi of mltohall suddenly pauaed away on kv ot bolh waddlnj annlvaraury w h duvim of muphell who wltli in duvlu bud planned to cotohruto tlm ulxlloth lamlveruary uf their wed ding on wediuudny of llila week died at hlu ihiinu ou monday evening xir davhi who waa in lilu nighty- tblrd year wum imru in harneykll oueenu county ireland nnd culuo to cimaltt with bin pnrentm at tm tuns of 1u- yeurm the family nettled lu ouehim city wlmm mr daviu enteriid the employ of thu cuobet mummy member of the olobn ta from 1h67 ho inter wont in toronto und wum u to lhrt in the mprlnk of the ommlm- yur im wont to xlltvhull und in oom- nauy with hlu brother rijainlnd the xlltohell aflvooate uf vybleh blm uon harold havla lu now thu prnptletnr icitr n number of yearn mr duvut oooupled varloiih milulolpul poultlonu being mayor for live yourm and later iollue mnglhtrule ho wuu u mum- in i- of the anglican chtirob lh i den hlu wife he im uurvlved by tun hoiiu and two duughtere tim fun- enii will take pinna thlu afternoon mr jliitold imvlm of tlm advnontw hi man led to helen thn eldeul dauuh- tnr of xir uml xlru joneidtllolnittn llower avunua aiton more kind words by tho craft tlio allimton herald uayn tim arroh l-iua- vuuuu now oiirriuii tlm uainft or o a dill who liuu been with tho painir for u number nt yenru au man- iiker jiml iihuihtnnt eilltor xir h v xtooro who la known thioughoijl tlm provlimtt itu one of the imtftt biioctifitrul weekly iiuwupapeimeu 111 ontario ilftuf foitytbltm yuuru lu reluxliur tlm week ly mind tliu vmtu iliuil liau been on tliu heialdm ekrlmmte hid ulime 1h01 and hi thn twenty elglil yeuru it imu 1 held itu hupremuoy an tlm bent pi luted itlwiiym well now riled- and the mout perubdont limlmint and oonilit -mt- ad voeule of prohibition und tempuraueu limoni- tlm weeklleii of thn hnruhlil uihiiiumtaneo tuo llinulil cmigratu- luteu xir monro on hlu louif nud uueful career at tho head of iuu huwu xuiaui and houm thut bo niay long bo upitrud to oontluuo um itu edit in h t monro editor of tuu attom k-im- riiiiui buu tukeu n puituur into the biimlnoum o a ihlbt who un nil appumtlee utui tetl with tuu viimi 1inuul thlrtimu yuuih ago lu tbe now pintuer lu tlm company nud will be manage und auhlatant editor with mi xtooro pieullont uml editor ve longrutu- luto mr dlllu mi bin iiuunuu uml ml vumi- lu the buidneux mr xlooin wum limllng bin dulleit um publlulmr uml iolioe muglutintu rat hoi actluu and im lu ftirfwjinto in imvliik mteli cniu- pulent nmlnim mr dlllu to iiuulut him oukvlllo btar i

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