Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1922, p. 5

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bflp acton 3fog irgflb tuiiumiiay july 30 1023 they all advertise s v a ben ik tnt mil obh d lit i itv much iiniii worn ir toil ttm mult tlin tin t tit it 1 of i hum u lnrulnltnl wy or lotflni f ikrt know l u uh 111 lly din inslsiunt hrty tlitt busy lltttu ihih they lux hull ikellow uh 1 owu iiioo tlio wutrh dug lutl k ui iu the txuii4 1 u hi r uiim lib lull lllmwku plan uiii un i it i inn dhtjf and uvnn ucrmnts kimur t uoiiili tii hiss lifi r tin y sling lint muii ih i n host musterplot that lutlui mull llovhlo will flm bl j it ixl tinlt liefim h ii uilvtrliiu the sunday school lessor foh sundav julv 23 1022 v twenty years ago from tho issue of th frasj priu of thursday july z4 ktffej tii ruin lot up occasionally jmti day hunduy mill monday but it m down a great deal motn it interfered uurlug hut week with humorous pic nlcs gardei parties nml pleusuro trips unfortunately a giant deal nf hoy that won out early liutt week has tioen ilnm aged by wet weather a jolly party of young tipt nmni bers at the tennis lull uud their rlends wont to itnckwood lust thn is tiny and spent tho afternoon uml nvn fug plo nicking in be plturtmm und rocky nooks noar tli town whllo naiihl tn th huseliull ttia lit tho park uonday nveulng l wilson of tho vmxm futau un hud liu left shoulder bone badly wronuiml liy i one of tho leviathan players of tho other aide runnlnx against him ut th third base km u currying his arm in a sling the basoluill clubs gardun party in tbe park on monday won tint will at tended because of tho rain tho baa ball match wu rather unaarlng but the programme was good and wu liven by harry v thn imy wmnina of oalt thn cornet tand husehell quartette uoura t mc luro- harry jeans frank uclntnsh mid jim hmlth mr k j moon uml tho mason twin mloa jennie hmllli wn uroomiiunut olid mr i wane ln wum flhulrman last wink mr jummi hrowti dla- poaed of bu aaw mill aiul four anroa of mill yurd t ur initur hnyora tif bayera mllla naiwasawnya ilia aona will continue the hiikinea in naaaaca woya whllo mr buyer will do bual- naaa in arton a vary intaroatlnjt aildnwa wm da- llvared at tho moating of tl epworth leasue on tuaaday avoplnar by ur orlando jnllltta or liockwood iteal dent or thn dlatrlct lau an tha t aubjet- or forwanl uovament in miaalona- died- masaljcs in actnn on huntlay july 10 1mj chrlbtoiihor maaalaa went to yeara gokeltvlluk at ouolyh uanaral hoapltal on tueadav utternoon july it 10j thorn bomcrvlllc of ica auealns in hla csrd year canadian flax cultivation 8inc tho inception in 11 of tha drlaloii of kconomlo iribra produo i uon in connection with tho dominion guparlauntal kurma auoh proffraaa jwta boon made in nax rruwink in can- ado that for every aarv oultlvatml l yeara iujo thera wore in 1930 thirty- two ucroa undar culture what u more awed la exported to ireland and other coantrlea and it ho been proved by actual aplnnlnb tuata that canadian libra la au liable fori tha manufacture of the in eat lloen damaaka aha that tho fibre obtained from flax vrown on the xorlmontal famna in the woatern part of ilrltlah columbia in ontario the vajlay of the bl uwranw and in tha maritime provlncea haa not only befit of flft claaa quality but equal la the beat grade of irlah or ltalstan how much thl kraufylna and on- couractnc atate of urfalra la directly due to tha work or the plvialon it ta not poaalbla to aay but hat mucn of it la awlns to tha ntconuoaadauona advice aoad rtiatrlbutlon esparlmenta reacarcti otr made by the plvtoton u undoubted a oetbook wu expari- onced in lltv when the hut buljunc with much valuable machinery and puantedy complied record waa de stroyed by lira but neapuo thla dia- aater the work luw been constantly j axtanded tberthvlalun throuih its careful and thorough teatlna of every newly in vented pulling tiaoaedlna or acutchlnjr machlno haa been able to fumlab in- formation of the oreateat value re- 1 ardltujr the erfeouvenaas of theae nee- eaaary implamenta testa of xoeed ina useful neaa have also been made relative to reliable varlettos commer cial acutcblns tortlllalne hlndor twine i maklna retting and the recovery of oof tow a ayalem of kradlng has i been adopted whereby purchaser are enabled to carry on their business without personal inspection and the examination and urudlna of soar for export ta undertaken another impor tant axrancement is the dosuatchlng i to flax grpwero ap inn era and any end inter in the production of flax for fibres of the contents of cnble- arama outlining conditions and prices prevailing in kumpe received from the irish i department of agriculture the little kingdom op tonga tonga little kingdom of 100 lalea la the one remaining nominally inde pendent auta in the iltcmc and though under llrltlali protection it still flies ts own flag itu kovoniment is a limited roonorchy time wan when mm leaialatlvo as sembly gathered only once in three years and steamship companies with veaoela plying to tona advertised tha caot as a tourlut attraction oeorge tubou ii vium thtu on tha tarone ha wua a muii atx feet seven inches in height and weighing some thing over two hundred and eighty pounds lie wua wont to open parlia ment with groat f romonv tlio boom of bra aalutlng cannon and murh gold braid attired in u scnrlev coat blue trousers plumed hultnnt with an crminetrlmmvd plush cloak trolling from hla shoulders and held by two vfllvettclad tu king qaorga would march from hla mlucu t the parlla meat buildings ouns popixnl of in tervals whllo tha populace stood around and bowed low in honor wf aq pair for him a d daddy anld bis rdx yeurold youngster i want to marry grund ma do you indeed and do you think 1 woud lot you marry my mother aht woll why ahouldnt your retorted til young log i can you married mine dldn t your raltavaa asthma at onoa if you could read tha thousands or unsolicited letters recelvod by the makers from gratarul users you too would realise the remarkable powers of dr 13 d kelloggs asthma jlcmwly all cases inrdpfent bd ehronlc are benefited by tola greati family remedy why surfer or ixperimeu wlut worthless preuara- tlorw whrgrt rtinulna klloggs nan be purclouted dvoxywhore uaniicl- ano thk mhl dan u 33 out t nt wl o througti faith iiihlimd klnuii in- wfnmhl rlglilooiiu lit obtulniht 1 iiiniuf atohikl tlio liiouths nf lions ilali 11 53 hltarlol battlna rlmn c3k ll ltrn 1 lml ly luibylon luud protwtllnk vtraok in hie irha- tr hot n in 14 bono i imury dan 6 1 it omius iho alla was tluitnl on tho ihrofui nftr tl full iif llulylm u illvllcit tho klmtj m into dlstrlrts with u prim a ovtr wih tlutrht uud vi- tlioh bo 1 lurd iiv i rl nts hml i ttelnif i no of thh1 a plot on ll part if mi who wrt jiutlouu of lanll r kuiiihi in mi cdlrt 091110 ivuuod that foilhtlii praytr lo uny hot thn king tr thirty uy danll dhl not change his t ruyor hallts vrw h th nntiulurf of laiil had lwtil nwlft hi rvihirfi liuiilol m duflulia of the nil- tho king iturt u rhangn k it tho kings wordrf twelve thousand miles at least must be era vchelto bring saladato yourtablc yet so oariuully is it prepared so carcftiuy is it protected that the delicate leaves reach you but a few weeks later in all their tender freshness to really enjoy tea at its best insist salada your grocer tipoi has this delicious tea ask for it salada y ih tukn if in lltf tlmt u um who is kwrved ulthiully un luiilel h his ood wilt not allow hlni to trlnli vorum ii thhfl hoom wru doubtltws kpt for th purihwo of xuiutlng pun lulinwnt un crlinliials tho lords pmb ul ly r that th kings regard for llalllrl might lud him to otk to ao- lonil llwh bis rvotiun virs1 111 vim ifviiulnoniuim of the kings rganl for dunlol is hra hown though ha was king- ho blnloelf was in iminds vnrao 1 t action shows that thn king anlortalnnd wirni boi that ianltl was still alive versa 30 llndoubtadty daniels light had ot shon fcr naughl the king knw tunnnthhig nf ootl from knowing danlfl ills faith would liava dona drstlk to 0110 of turgor opportunities tlian iarlus me 21 this was tha rj netful inr of atldrenslug ihn kins kvan uiulrr those clmumatanoem daniel did not forgot to ho rourtoos tiirough ii of hlrt lonk nirvtir daniel roin- mandut tho roaihkt of kings var s3 how uager daniel is to iscribo 1 raua to itnl for ills tit liver luce tha almpln dignity of his dn ilamtlon concerning his iiuiooejiay bo om lot and his loyalty to thn king is impreuiva verse 33 tho law nf ho modes and ieralans that could not in revoked had bon satisfied he bad ien raat into tho den of lions ond that was sll the law required illustrated trvth wo recommend tboae who have lo do with shaping our lives not ty ipoketi testimony so muuh ps by our course of action v 20 illustration during a political cam paign a worthy man who wss a can didate for a small drrloe was surprised o learn that a prominent and highly reapetled man was casting his in- tlurnca in his favor the candidate wondered at this as hs had novr even mat tha other after th election lm it to sea tha one who had helped him no i dldn t know you said tha greac man but ihavo had throe boys in my ortloo who were in your illble topfes for- research and discussion i daring to do llight vs 116 what ware minn of mm events that followed the rail or ilabylont x what was tha cause of hi foolli against daniel t 3 to what teat putt 4 might ho havo mingled caution with courage a king in distress vs 11i k what waa the klnga attitude to ward danlalt would it have been possible for him to interfere with the working of tha lawf 7 how did ha show that he wan anxious to save daniel t what hope did ha still cherish 7 9 doea this mean that he was a believer in jehovah t 10 tfor whut reasons was tha den closed and koatedt 11 how would you contrast the night in the palace with tho night among the lions t 1 ood tha deliverer vs 2033 12 does the cry of tho king to know if ianlej ware still alive indicate mucin or little faith t u how did daniel account for his delivery t lcwhy did he speak in his awn defense llv how enukl the king liberate daniel wbn ho had been powerless in tho matter at flrst 11- waa the dellv- erande of daniel from the lions a sur prise to the king 17 to what is the deliverance aacrlbedt dally raadinae far naxt week monday july htha kirst he turn from kills earam 1u tuesday july sk tho captivity koratald tv 36 3730 wednesday july ifctho copuvlty a judgment jer 3d 1510 thursday july 27 captive of sin itom 7 1 36 friday july 28 freedom through chrut horn i 1 10 saturday july 21 tha captives cry v i7 i- sunday july 0 the kings e- sponse tr 8g 18 auebtionable advice under tha caption household hints a bid lea magazine recently offered the following suggostion it is nulla impossible to wash oil floor mops with soap and water un they only ha- 0 hard and matted ta clean them property put one gallon ot gasoline and a heaping tablespoon of borax into an open pall 1ut tho mop in and soak it over night in the morning wuah the mop around in tha liquid nd then rinse in ono quart of clean gasoline when dry it will be found soft und looking ilka new one important fact la omitted from this advice willie the mop is soak ing thegasollno will avaporato and will form mufflcknt explosive run to wreck a city block ordinary courtesy sug- gimits wunilng tho nelghtiors and also kins arrangements with tho cor- r and fire department before setting ths mop to souk a llttlo forethought in this direction may relieve others of nlderublo trouble the friend of all buff are rwdr thomas he lea trie oil la a valuable remedy to all who surfer pain h holds out hot mi to every ono and realises it by stilting suffering everywhere ll n liniment that haa the blessing of half u continent it la on sale eyrywh re and can be found whore or enquired fur wider highway tendency 18 shown in roap building of b 500 miles of completed federal nld road ror which statistics hava lieeu collected by tho ii urea u of fubllo 1 load united his tee department of agriculture onehalf haa been con structed of sixteen and olghteen foot width twenty ave per cent of a great er width und twenty five per cent of a less width as would be expected the wider roads have been constructed largely in the more populous btstes although some tof the leas populous states are bullahlg wider roads for the main highways there la a gen eral tendonny it la said to build wider roads to meet tha needs of the con stantly increasing traffl c as shown by tho twenty five par cent of the mile age over eighteen feet laj width seven per cenl being twentyfoutv feet wider c- gems op truth tolling paopla you bellavo them cap bin of doing wonders ik thu html way to tnako thm attempt it those not acauotomnd to mulferlug aslly imagine tlmt ttuy are liarolo ctjrtuln sultslalicea urn in tlimolvo hurmlass mlxeil with ittlmrs they he- 10 dangerous ho with ooitulu devotion to u inlragn is ninra ten loos than devotion to u riallty oottlrtg drunk on champagne is hi cleaner than kottliuf flrillik on chpsp whukny thoy who lark nothing- know not what they might iki callable of if tlmy luck ml everything all who can not hnvti rhlllrtii would tf lo have twolvo win n i think of tho hidden suffsr- lligu in ufa i fuel instf pity for thn visible m n audi 0 not is llevrr so uniform that tho orator does not wound soma by ids aaverity and exaggeration and leuva others indifferent bncausu of his indulgcmo an 1 un k of force wa may tile of ttlinnw but alivmo sometimes makes ys live the to are times when we weep out r all proportion wo are rolnaalng un annum illation of tears forcibly dam- md up on other occaslona ts fresh supplies in qem and where er dr thomas kclectrlc oil tuut been introduced inarrastid suppllos itave been ordered showing that wherever it goes this excellent oil impresses lis power on tho peoplo mo matter in what latitude it may bo found its potency ta never impaired it is put up in most portable hiibpo in bottle and ran in carried without fear or breakage the bachelors culinary troubles two old settlors sat smoking in a cahhi fur away j 11 the backwoods no rmlnlne presence ever graced that settlement and domestic arrangements wnre primitive and rude lie rafcwrrantttmwritftqi friiita politics cooking and one of tho 00 n armed bachelors said i got one o thorn there cookery books once but x never do u hi do hothln with it too much fancy work about itt usked the other fou vo it it tsvery one o thnm roc i lies begun in the asme way take a clean daah and that settled me at bread and butter at a party little hetty had been taken to a party and just as they were heglnnlng tea she whispered to her mother in a sad tonn mummle i thought you said thla was a party ba it is dear whispered back her mother fwhyt- well the lady s just given me some bread and butter was the grlovad reply irahtle homtib and trees in twi nty yiurs lm dominion kir- eiry 1 if u noli has dlstrihutol sixty million trues to furinnrs living in the imlrlti rrovlinus that this has boon worth whllu tin 1 that it has ihh 11 of grout lrennlll tmth rhiuliulally and lntiia wuy of uldol ikimfort and pleasuru is imuln clear iii forty ttnrs written by uettliiw tilling of their success with treos tliomt f rty letters form the piluclpiil imit of kiillutlii no 73 hun uas in 1 rulrlu iroe ilalitlng just liuliliiihi1 hy tho forestry llratich the wrlttru ar most uiithuslsstlc in regard lo tlin vulllfi of hhojter imills which i uvi nut only gristly increased th anli value of tholr funna but also have ininln their jilnres hiore bm ilka and illiiblid tlleiit to grow wpplea plums miiitill fruits and to ruler vegetables uhecii lme wer inilhmalble before thn other tmrt of tha bulletin explain thn ro operative plan under which trees uik milt ollt fre to prairie settlors copltu if thla bulletin hiay lie had freti iiimi uniillrutlon to tho director of 1 orrstry ottuyu aroused at last a young fellow who wua thn crunk iniixr of his village in icnglund wns 1 for lima to enough to have a very dilatory lauiirirnsa ono nvaulnc ho was out for u prac tice run in his ru tlier ulrv and ah i revluti d tru k contumn ha rhannnd to luihs tho laundry woman who ut the tlmn was a couple of weeks in ar rears with his wuahlng he bid hcaroely reap hod home aguln when thn hell raug rurlouslyj and an cxnlted volu was wafted in from the porch i i jeujiti toll master hob pot to go 110 more till i am get his clothes md to hlml horse aiulfents of many kinds quickly remedied with douglas egyptian liniment stops blxhbino instantly rvatvbnta buxinr roisoncha oflskb tiibubif fribtoija e bains and bstumss toe t all srhiiui uolssmt tse uw puhb u wu 1 tabls u wall m tor np rr naitdt at all duts sad draggbs lfaaafsetarvd only by douglas a co napakkb oo opportunities everywhere john d with his uncanny foresight und hurt i business logld oouldn t do anything wrong kvory thing he touch- it turns 1 to money and he became the head of the biggest trust ever known ijishlng out in hla own defence nays t brought tho price of oil down from 60 cants to ton cents a aullonl he took his toll of ullhull ho- c7utamty owwlbp bettor methods of refining and trans port there are ion opportunities to day for uvory onu 60 yaure ago ha says to gi t on young men jhould study their biihlnsus thoroughly work ua curately ami industriously save their money and atari business for them- john d has done it so ho know attention bring your cream and eggs to acton creamery co open evenings tuoday friday and sabuuay ajso wednesday afternoons highest market piucb at au times out motto quality the acton creamery co e 3 onkil proprietor r summer necessities screen doors screen windows garden hose lawn mowers garden tools oil stoves paints you are invited to call in and look over our btock wearer services how about having a water service put in for tho long dry summer months you would ond a lawn service a great con venience estimates on this work cheerfully given we want your business and guarantee satisfaction j w kennedy son kenney bbos old stand main street acton phone 95 6 l4 friendship krlsii lehip is w great thing hot only io the luun wlui ratelves it but to thn man whrt glvui it win 0 a man iasss on t tjjs fntjitd and acuiuulntanoos are wiutt gnthnr round with tear dim mod v and solemn tslos and tell what a soleiidm follow jim was and tow mm h lis wns loved by all who imw him anil how muuy worn his irtuos huiwlir dldn t they go to him and dl him a few nf tbostt things while i walked um ng thmnt why do limn til w aio gutia to say gootl thflpgs of us ti thn young man with lime of iiuaalhllltttts nonnlng iw- j him words of approbation und rrloiully onnc ursgemt nt are the mi prthilous jewels and many an oh i hiking hack along the rood ravollotl run sua many putons thai road might inivo tieen inadi till 1 hluoidlilor if he bud received iiwl limn mime word of approval ininnndatli n kuih u wonf iifxpecled inumnut tniglit 1 ihhui tha ineulia of mpurrlag hlni 1 ter halklla of accomplishment and hroailer tlslds of 1 ndswvor w ur ull nf us too prone to with id tin wor1 of frjen lly praise to knock and nrlthlxe rulbsr than to i nil lorstt thn at m ns und mo tlmrs betjiuba it takes tt ur- ago to go to a insjt and toll lilm roc o futi uul man to man that ho do nerves i rslsu and approbation much moiw coiirugn than to tell him ha is wrong vet this la trn friendship tho wot 11 naeds friendly peopln do not bo miugre with your praise whore raus u justly due it is the word of kindly ui rovul rrom our fellows that xlves us ontldlhicel lit ourmeivts bntt in narh other 1 ha uoswl of good will is a splandl 1 one to pass along mot to morr rlur your frleii 1 lu di ad un 1 gone but o duy now your word of good will nd rrlen lly endorsement may ull that is not dotl to klliille tha spark of plrutlin that ilea in tho heart of ry muii ibis is friendship and it tuwkiis tho world a bettor and hupplai i luce- 1 in n ibuw ivons ilostou the store ot quality tannery cooperative i matinlace customs thw inetbol of 1 ropnaal of marriage 1 ctiitiil aula is to uuk llu girl if nn muy i uy her tlolhs hhf through bar part tits namcw tho um sin thinks is inxidod to start housikeoi ing if ha is iimi poof of loursa he can it miy if hi doclds lo buy thnm thu woddlng is ftdehrattd twho once for hoi frit mis ant onto for hla for the worn tilt to propose u malnh tbroughihtr tilw niseis not unusual lu lnliinl tho man doca nit enaulra what a girls position is hut how tnany tlallvus who has as each ontt may 1m elltd upon for u girt twoniyftur is considered tho mar lu um i in iigu for u girl in i ithuanla lly that tunw ehe must huvn made with her 1 wu hands w quantity of lothes whli h slm distributes among the gutsts ut the wedding hhe must ulso havo servod a domes tic uiiprenllrishlp umler her mother i servo his futhorvlu tuw for a year urter msttloge la required of the lilmjtl young msn at tha 1 nd of that tlma lie may retire to his own now homo where ho receives preaants from ull bis friends und rnlatlven miller a worm powders seldom fall they immediately attack the worms und exitet them from the system they are complete jn themselves not duty as a worm daatroynr hut as a highly beneflclul riodlclne for children cor rooting weak digestion und restoring the debilitated system to hoatthfulncs without which the growth of the child will he retarded and its constitution weakened humor and wit inirsoti visiting prison why are you here my misguided frlendt ivuopcr i m tho victim of tha unlucky no 13 jursoiw indeodl hows that iiisoner twelve jurors and ona udge chicago news a franch lady is showing a vlsltot the family portraits in the picture gul- that o nicer there in tha uniform iho says 1wus my greatgreat grand father lto was aa brave ok a hon but tone of tha most unfortunate of mealho never fought in a buttle li which lie did not have an arm or a leg carried away then aha adds proudly ho took part in twenty four engagements a llttlo boy wua going on u visit and wua told before going by hla mamma not to ask for anything to watj as he hud been in the habit nf teasing ror mtimetnlng t tavvry place he went happened jo null at his aunties und walked around the room a few times at lust he thought of a plan and suldi auntlo don t you think your cookies will gat moldy electric washers i blue bird a b c mhh simplicity 155 135 railway time tabled at acton v qrand trunk railway byetsen deles wast no 30 slia-m- jo 13 3 3pjb jo 36 b dfl pm slttpjh 1011am losojn lllfloan 3 u p-m- it pjn 13 pm e ta pjn onto suburban euotrlo rallw oamj wst 2l hunduy oolno east l3 ji bunday wo ujrc now ublu to supply any one of uitsc three lines which ijivcs you 11 choice when dculinj with un of any itylp of wnsiictbnt u on the market i wy terms of payment may tjo ngctfjfor and there 17 a i 3j2 p 111 mo u m ii aim m iui nt imp m lially exeout rundsy dully fti opt hundoy dully etitpt hundoy him lay only ttmidsy only muuday only arrange imvo tiio fcudy cnh let the o need of you waiting until you washer pay for itself cacti month a machine will he placed in your home on trial without my obligation or expense of any sort on your part 7 4h j 03 a 111 f norman h speight georgetown imhtributor for georgetown milton acton ilrampton when using wilsons fly pads there is only one ly to kill illthcrifcs thiot is it brjm the room aa nqcii positiblv cloxe fae yrlodowu roics one of tha blind where the man mhinem ia about eith inch place mm mtuxy wilson flf pdm poasibl on pfite properly wetted with wmter but not booded on the window ledge where the light mm mttong leave tha room domed for two or three hour then mweep up tho btem attd burn them see iilostrmtloa below pur the pleiea mwey out 0 the reach 0 cbjidreu audi muiredjja another room the right way to use lsons fly pads a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown hon just held on attractive opening in hit splendid now premises in the mcgibbon block tho new store is central and commodious attractive new stock of latest spring styles equal to the city shops 1iest eossible services given in ladies tailoring at returnable prices our customers become our friends vo always have a welcome for them a hirscliorii main street georgetown caqleb trained to hunt wolves you often read about tha falcon hunts of the days before the invention of sporting guns and amokeless now dei hut thoeo hunts must have been tame oompr 1 to a modem korean wolf hunt with trained eagles off tho sotithwetorn coast of korea or chosen as it la now called there rises an iminensu isolated rock of black i la wn fcnuh un island like uiemnsulu during thn days of chinese supremacy over korea this muss of mountain projecting into the aeu was kept ns an eugln preserve j the eagles wore trained and used by the tcmporors of kunu ror pursuing j antelopes and wolvis with tho exception of htallucs sou- eagle which preys umin young seals thq korean sea eagles are be largest of any aiiecles found in torn pernio countries thoiiah probably the great forest etigle of tha imilliptnea is larger their plunfuge is very dark becoming almost plack with aw and thn beak la very pala buff approaching white coming out ahead of grown ups tim mlchlkun htuta normal school nt ypslluntl not long ugo held an old- fumhloned upelllng boo words of htiimlard aort referring tn farm life unlmnla and crops were used the third fourth and fifth grade children polled ognluid tholr parents uud the sixth seventh und eighth spelled mgulust their touchers and supervlsora- htrange to record the children cama nut uhond corns cannot ex let when hollo way n corn itemovar is applied to thorn becauoe it goes to the root und kills the growth castoria for infants and children- mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of baact cop of wrappw in use for over thirty years castoria tag oaarrauej oaaamatr ospw vea ctrr tt in x oolna eat ilnlly tmoopt hundoy dolly uipt hundsy lally 1 kept hundoy lunday only hun lay only hundsy only train no 3vhll left toronto at 1 45 p ni 01 katunlsys now runs on daylight saving time an 1 leaves at 13 4s noon freight duvirotl by special 1 freight kvoltfht plrkotl up at an ad dress in toronto m t tjiitioihi agent acton notice to ptron of thla eatablletimsnt duruig july and august isxamluatlons for cllaasns on thursday lmtluy and hulunlay only of each wotk ia ns ortnd- ing und ltt lmt l iwn as a d savage optomstrint and mf optiolan right at thu lost tyilce guelph j 7- hear the u h until canudutu radio concerts ijjfnfny on our uodal c itegi noratlvo concekil radio receiving sjes satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded live aosnt tn acton wanted automatic tdephqrteii and time recordeib ltd 140 victoria st toronto onl rictjctotrti can spup1uv you shirts collars ties handker- chjefs buttons and studs arm bands garters suspenders f lacea gloves mitts in soles shoe polish kd he doesnt ask bip profits either call and see e k cook uiltj 8theeit acton t speights for habdwabe outtlilly silvkbwahij ouanithwaiuh tinwattb sporting goods liockby thnn1u gramophones friges hiqht satisfaction guaranteed c c speight mul street acton free press ads bring results m edwards co bakers main street acton bread buna cakes andpastry wedding cakes a specialty a linii of choice canned goods has been added to our stock which will meat with favor by our customers m edwards co i acton v

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