Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1922, p. 6

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cai tat tor at th lot to- in kuilitu vcl iwlhi sf i xr una will mannico iovlbhinojffllnjhw at tin mst- mintlltmi mot hud i ut church toronto n monthly july 17 1dh tiy tlm ltv ii hr iovnrina of heetou brother f tl krnom iuallu er- leuilii johnson or toronto you nicest duutilr of mm james jolinwn illuokwutcr out to john kcnrti ioverliig of toronto harrleter fflfrg acton 3trii irrfltf tiiijiuioay jvly 10 ibsi itnvnr looked bel- the hdv the loeal i tu rul will l 41 mills hoard email of the whout binder 1 oakvlllns tux rain u 47 milt h wm 43 mills luat ytur bjownrm urn now moors in t near ly vry homo in town it hwiku v ry much us if ttisl will 1 a jcurv article next winter a int of berry tickers rot un urt- tod dunking- uonday forenoon iiiwiwkibir heevely nml lrovndal oinmr cousins worn in town on won- day liyulty to your own community 1 the flmt tvldenc of ool kiiii hip over tha tuiut tm wednt urn nlsht kit- mayor x k cartr haa bei elected resldarit of duolph chamber of com i the wild raspberries have linmed this summer before the uveraae pinker realised the fucl jlockwood hair data haa boon changed to prlday ami halurday hi tmber 1g and is colbornes new hih school that waa expected to coat around iso 000 will likely coat 40000 the oueumbor vines ore bel pa- watched these days for tha flrat fruit nv uio amateur srdener tho verandah vinos will soon be dense enough to conceal tho corner atreet light then urn una news of local import violating the motor v shleu act oukvllln utid hurllnutoii tiro onforo intf thn luwj mnilylnir to motor rurs imlirn- uuiiutruta hixwrx and llarr huvu flood u iiumlhir of btfoiidurs for ihxwiiiik irimuinolniil iiht nto llomn taiuiilra siimild 1m mild in xii kin a wlfabaaur punuhaj john it hill u tcufuluar township uliunl who wah mloiihhl u faw wiwlii aso no simimtndod mantonrn for brntul ly iwutlntf ida uutut wife waa li 1ojh uhk intra ttt hhlnlda court a ullloo on ttlduy on a nlmlur rharico uhil wuk aantfiirthl to tiot lea thai oit ytir itor inorn than vikiiihoi montha n tlif uitturlo itnformutory mr motor driver putu knt forant wlmn iwiuoiiih anoth chi anil purtlrularly when poulna a i m run and ilkay to iiik yollr dim hiorw that la whul thy ar for and uit nonklarn ltmao do not tixcuaa 1 1mi t ki on your ilithtm whllt the liuri la j u un i t ltomemtmir that lip horimi and huzzy huva rlchta ua a uiiiiiiitiiiuui thullk koodncma lihmt cur drlvtira aro lut thvrn km u few who riwl a rnmtnctpr of a plaherman who wuw nuliltllntf for ion the other day millh- wliat a au uu- u flh if whan ha jullia lia a pdliitil butt limtk o fellow who buy a iw lawn a bt albatia church la quite attractive and has done well for the flrat aeaaon talk your community up not down if you live here apeak well of your town and your country juat the thought of a coal famine makea the hesm of the family ahudder even if the doar daya are here another newspaper haa one out or bualneaa the kitchener new llecord haa abaorbed the telegraph before they keep abona ahlned again a few of fjha hole- on ualn street have been filled with crave and the roadway la improved in conaeauenoe the vtea 2axaa can aupply your every need in the prlntlnjc una and at prtoea conalatent with nratdaaa work in order to overcome a deficit of 11000 from laat year uount jtoreat muat boy a rata of so rallu tbla year the date and place far the uetho- dlat sunday bcbool planlo la be in considered by the onlcera of the achool mr j ilnberta apalriat who haa opemted a bee yard in- naasagaweya tor aeveral yoara haa removed to montreal a b crtppat la flndlnn quite a de mand for hla lea aupply and la de livering to many cltlxena from hut lci house foundation of tbe new tilahmaji ulock are about completed and the cturpentora are lay ins the joist fortthe ground floor facta fbrunaa and atatlatlca are available in almoat every induatry which prove tbat bualneaa cenerajly la katharuuf momentum the usual date for clvq llpllday la only two orthree weeka away iu time tho matter waa being eonaldered and tho proclamauen made the brick work of mr and mra oeorge murray newj reeldencp in the maplehurat aubdlvlalon la completed and the interior flnlah 1 in progreaa the brtclnvork of mr lawrence william new residence on knox avenue la oompleted and the other trade are now in charge of tho build- in u aome or tho bather are brought before the reeve for neglecting to robe thejomlvefl appropriately they will have no one to blamo but tbomaelve the law la plain the recent twocent increase per gallon in gasoline prlooa la explained t by the fact tnat the supply of gms on the continent la juat 4 day ahead of the demand there will be a bualneaa meeting of the women institute on vrlday july tl at8 oclock at tho home of mrs alex bell knox avenue a full attendance la requested the brickwork on the becord i lock la well advanced and shows tbat tho architectural lines will make the building a very attractive structure for that important corner the ladles aid of churchill con- gregatlonal church held their monthly meeting at mra thomas ityder acton on friday mrs jrydera hos pitality was much enjoyed by the member h bl i tbm borne actonlana and others outatda of town grow the beat sample of weeds to be aeen anywhere wonder if they know whattbq law say about weed eulturot it la given for their benefit in another column mr t il cook of theauth line r lipped and took a header off a load of hay on saturday striking on hi bead lie escaped with a gash in the calp a couple of inches long and a very apre bead for several days bronte harbor haa received agov ernment grant of 11800 which alhould p gufaelant to place the piers in ex- oeuent repair credit l due w v w fisher and local gentlemen for ejrprt put forth on behalf of xlronte the bylaw rantlng f3ff000onus y the baby carrlag company with otbef odncesslonf sam paased on mon- v dy at brampton by a majory of ot of a toul of vote polled in the four ward only were agalnat tne bohuaj itavarlvs andy ouinp a fluhliig wxcun ulit thua mutt think bin hooked oil to mumi rl hkn fiiiurt of llijuor from a bootloggor una ii to look like u talr of ahoia dodna the policeman aimaka throuab ultcya and vhnii ha gota homo pulls id cork and flu 1m hoa got cold tea baptist church work in intlli iuina for thv holding of a domlnlon- nl mlcbratlon by theilaptlat chui cointnoraorate the inauguratloit fifty years ugo of mlawtonary work in india by canadian llapttut are liow being arruiigiml the niuttor waa under dla- dubalnn at u mooting of tbe llaptlat foreign wl ion ltorl held in toronto tbla weak the nxnrt date for the holding of thv aimiouil aervloea in thn llaptlat rhurcho will likely bo un- houiirml uhortly preearvinb canadva hutorlo sites the ontario lllaiorlcal society 111 aeaalon at ulmroe btat wtvek ttaaaoil resolutions advocating that noro hla- torln aite iri ontario im aultably marked and that the dominion gov ernment be urged to lncrtasn the grant to the historic altos uinl manumtnu imtsrd the grant waa 1g000 ihla a a land a rd design for tuhlota haa leen prepared and about 16 monu ment will lie arectvd soon each to coat about 100 spray i no by aaroplan a farmer in kent county with a 60 acre orchard ha solved in a new way the problem of ridding hla fruit of a plague of caterpillar lb gaged a flying machine and loaded it up with half a ton of insecticide the machine daw to and fro oyer tho treea at a height of trom ik to so yards acalterlnat tha poisonous powdi half an hour the job was done and it probed quicker and cheaper and much more etroctlve than spraying the tree from the ground neighborhood news town anl country mock wood lv john vlltlo tirvai immi ulinlvt r- ni ry mormon ul llmmvr u weok uk ittiv ituvld rmi of tlmt town ihi- mtt uv mr i jill iulilt hjru mr ri 1 murtln lnuiiagcr of tho ltoyal iiank u liollduylng with hla fulnlly at houlhamptoh uuh kinanor kiowhm anllml lunt whl tor iburopa and mttl vult lcng- lnnd rotlund franc und llelgtum llhn knti to ihi abroad two montha thn jihhii in mint hava seourihl i ho rvtri of ulna vlrtoriu townand wruiin for the kltlm lifieachar in thn tomilor room or tha iulillo iu i unit mm agnemllllon of xlmlhay who hiiu txhin staying with hr brothar mr a k thiunua during thn luut month of bar iiiiivhm dlwl on holiday morning of last wnck urn stanley itobliimm of llruro minus 1h vultlnlr lir iiamnta mr und mra wm ijlwonu y mr and mra wm mrnuii ur and mra iouglaa mcklabh and mlaa agnea watknr molorwl to mra wm mrntubba old boma ut mullisiik itiut vmk nassaqawcva mra john mumlm mijoyml vory miirh her- trip up the hvkes to i iluth ti itli hnr brothwr mr 1jvi diirlnif the wk flu flormun muruhull iruva mtlx k to anjoy a holiday ut courhlrhlug park ilttla miss juno frank who had bur illar boon broknii u iou1 of weeki ago l getting along- tilcoly uhtt wai a very patient utile muftamr ho voter lists for tha township for 113 bava tieeii r4dvod by th townahlp clerk and dlatrlhuiod to tha arlous peraoii rquipod m a good coating of gravel baa ikmiii put on tha uualph itoajl from tha kim tree through tha swamp similar attention to the croaoroad east- ward i badly klendnd whlln hugh camptell u rarninr of tttrahxar townahlp waa looking ut hla herd of rattle in u ature rlold in naasagawoya on monday afternoon hla ulitnmohll was atolnn from tha rtutdalda a girl picking rasplnrrlea vurby saw the thlvf auppoued totu twcaiml oonvlrt from tlia prison i at ouelph jump in the car und dlmapiiear cncwsons corners tito bultillng of- ut tiulverta ou the linw provlm lul highway nimmisslliit aa tb driving of motor mim and olbai willi ltu in tin illlfh to pau the apem of ohiutlomi ut a number of polnr wt of hero llui full whm i s rtudy for cuttli hom inlilm hdvi ixvou uttadknd by lfml1 ily 4 hiindny molnail ai thiilr umiiiul plfliild ut lili 1urk yvstnrduy cunioua acrostic thlu luthnr 1-i0v1- ullltnrul iiiuim tin ui rimtlc was nil uru uko und in well worth jimmtlng 11 hi rup ihniu i an austrian army uwfully itrmyad itoldly hy itatlnry wiwiaml lldgrud cimuii k coiniiiuniliira rumionudlug avoiding bothers livery time you soi liis f m lihlllitr ilkhtrilrtlon ifvustutlng- a lokiiay nlng furl hadlo concert at stanley park the management of stanley iark rrin with commondlble enterprise havn arranged j rad concert bauveatyvnlni america greatest artist and knuala- una will take part tim concert will be received frora toronto and amerl can cities by one of u10 most powerful radio aet in tho country the famous magnavoa will be used and the set operated by an experienced operator this will be an exceptional opportun ity to hear the radio wireless wonder a vlaltorjuat home from ireland mia lister of haw york wa the guest of ur and mr a t drown last week bhe waa en route to exeter her former homo miss letter u a nurse in new york and ha just returned from a visit to great llrltaln and the continent tier visit to the oa in flanders and llelglum were especially interesting she also visited in ireland but found condition there so unsettled that there wa little com fort in getting about thl waa es pecially true in dublin the wheat harvest has begun wheat cutting ho commenced in many part of thl county and will lie general within a week or ten days the wheat u well filled according to report and the crop it la expected will be up to if not better than last year averagu the root crop will be exceptionally fine the hay crop baa proven tb be one of the heaviest record corn ha been alow until now but ha commenced to run up with july warmer weather and oc casional rain thl ujl applies to the adjoining county of wellington also official thank to the fireman lost meeting of georgetown council i based the following resolution that this council wishes to voice it great appreciation of the able and generoiui assist noe rendered by the itranrptou milton and acton are brigade at the lire n lhe oneill block on main street georgetown on the morning el june 10 last wo real 1 so that a great wa rendered to ua by the above are brigades and we wish tha towns of brampton milton and acton to feel that if they are in a similar predicament and 1 danger that we may be called upon to help them and we feel that after the splendid example ot bv them that our firemen will re spond in tbe same generous and whale hearted manner ordination ef rev harold carr urapresalve services iwere held at creemore ilaptlat church on thurs day- 8th jnnt- whealtev harold carr who wa the minister of the ilaptlat church here a couple of year ago was ordained by a 00 unci i of ministers of the church miss mcklroy the fiancee of itev mr carr wa present with him when the ceremony of or dination was performed thl wa be- both these young people are appointment to go to india aa missionaries where they will work together l itev mr orchard of the canadian foreign mtaalon board ex- preeacnht appreciation of the quality of the candidate hi board would have tha honor or send log out to carry on its mission work oh those noxious weed it la time the municipal officer got after the owner of aome vacant and un tenanted iota in town where tbe weed are allowed to nourish luxuriantly to the menace of all neighboring field and garden already the boy and girls have forgotten all about school and book thelranlnds now being centred on get ting a much enjoyment a possible out ot the mid summer holiday what i more a a rule they know juat where the fun is mrs minnie moore of edmonton sang 0 wellrendered soprano solo in knox church last sunday morning- which wa vary greatly appreciated maater kelly of quelph aon of xrof kelly cholrmaater alaoaang a eolo with much acceptance dollv varden a somewhat disastrous ii n which looked serious for a time broke out in 1 pile of kllnwood in the east end if thn yard of the toronto unw com panys work here a week ago friday tho n ran through the wood rapidly and was making for the workmnna cottages nearby mr dowdy ntanagor of the company phoned to acton and ueorgotown for help by tha lire pan lea georgetown iranian warn quickly on tha scene with their motor truck and chnmlcal nitlngulahera but these could not lie used to advantage tha fire started about two oclock in tha afternoon and continued raging until about four when by the cxerv tlons of thn workman neighboring farmm and the firemen it was sub dued between 16 ami 100 cords of wood wera consumed tha origin of tha lire is unknown the removal of tha dally varden atop on tho toronto suburban eluctrlo lviry iinluvor iiitflli for furnn for fortune fojml ouri fruy flaunt uumirrm gruppln giving guiilin llnuvna high lilu hnud horohi tiufdl- i ood lhruhum lalum lamaal impti in iii joullo john jurovlllx join joe jack and jill kick kindling kutuuorf kluu klna- mm kill ijiw low bivolu loftlt ions line mon murli mid mobs mld mound- mid murdrou lnlnom now nluhlfulu imur now udful nature nods oppoaod opposing ovroiiiliig odds itmir pi uaulilu partly pqrrlulsfld ujrtly preautod quito quuklug quartiir iiurtr quick uut ouuou ruturiih rocall rufumtuitt ragu have sinking aohllora uoftenu seign iors auge trm turkey trurol truou trvuch- yous turtar trulitl lliiwlae unjuxt u ill merciful hlkrulne vauuh vlla vengiianea vunlah vic tory vulitl wlsilom walls warwalls warring words what were xitkhi xuiillpw xlmenns xaviert vet yuasyu youth yo yield your youthful ysl kvahiusly aalmis anulnusly xeulw holl i on lhe floor with 1 uloitd wttii dlmt not popular ha rsldonta barn from flying atoive from the quarry blast hail to lie reckoned upon tbe whole community is really better serv ed with the two hew atop at tha third and the fourth line so dolly varden will du no kicking- limeh9use mr nought gowdy passed ull tha subject upon which he wrote at the recent university examinations ho intends giving- up tho teaching profes sion for tbe present apd will enter toronto university at the opening of the fall term mrs william uowdy returned from quelph hospital lost week she did not receive as much help from the treatment given there as wa hoped for mr und mr s donaldson and family n quelph visited at the home of ur itobt doughty on sunday mr d u uowdy is holidaying in muskoko mr b r marshall nd miss kdwlna left on friday for m trip to new york mr lioughty vulted frlenda in quelph on sunday mr mccrae and ml mccrna of sam is vlalteil frlenda in umehouse last week mr wm marshall itulph and miss olive wera boma from toronto over the weakend mr and mrs karl marshall and family of acton visited friend here on sunday the local boya defeated terra colts here on saturday by the ecore of 31 s batteries terra colts gray lyons and mcnally vjmehouae tars- wellwnd mllucro lunch was served sfterthe game by uie local teem tha bridge oyer the stream below the saw mill at the toronto una company plant has become unsafe and t how being rebuilt t nut th ahr rmamt miin ui- lmmma cllmlmr alio shuna wkilty is mrs henry ford hhe la mhlom identified with public or social lira in learlorii mich whom she lives aha la ashocute1 with philanthropy am social betterment she 1 aold to own a third intett in her huabanda business but aha in decidedly a home oeorqetown ionatlotl of appreclatlou to the fire brigade have been received aa follows rank of hamilton 110 00 b ii thomiiaon co s0 00 toronto lime 10 00 mr gordon tlatner waa at bunder- land uuu week attending- the funoral of hi uncle mr james halner form erly of georgetown mr and mrs g w davta have re turned home after spending a pleasant holiday with friends in buffalo and bocheaur misses ifaxel and lilian cook of winnipeg are spending the month of july with their aunt mr j tyndle toronto and mrs fred morrison of ashgrovn dr and mrs f b watson left last thursday for their summer home in muakoku mrs glass accompanied them mr und mr h 1 mokerrlhen of toronto spent sunday with frlenda in town t r and mrs nelley and or and mrs thornton of toronto spent sun day at chief jacksons norval presbyterian sunday school will hold it annual picnic at stanley iark ttrln on friday july si lr b j hynde liaa moved into new house on albert street re cently purchased from mr alex kanv nawtn on monday a mr cyrus moclure waa coming down the white bridge hill with a load of hay a whiffle tre came loose the horaea were frightened and ran away mr mcclure wa thrown from the load and had hi lag broken he wa removed to guelph hospital order have been losuod by the court lo the corporation giving them possess ion rtf the cleave and gregory pro perties o that everything la ready for a start and the taylor oonatruo- u co hit received instruction from messrs chiptnan a power onjcweera to proceed with tbe new wmierwork system us quickly a paeibla2efcmd llttla georgia gotnla wiui stamlllig ijwrl from ull the other happy boys who wm playing uu only happy itoys whalw thn mutter wutnyr aakml a passerby why dont yon play with the rest of tha imyst they dont wuut ma to play with n rnplled tho lonely imy bitterly wbata thn trouble tliat tha other loya dont want you to play with leirtt the stranger persisted theyve found our something about the bid aitswerod trying hurtl to hi luick the teura wuk it aomuthlng liadr they think so hut i cant help iii tha boy defaulted himself como on tell ma all alwiut it lw mas urgnd muvba i can help you no you cant help mo wall toll m anyway the liny hesitated for n moment but decided to oontlde well air the other boys way that i am a softy because im und bo gulped itartl im twin with a girl auy bet hart t6 lull bou atop mill think out h remedy jiiht taka it look rnllnd tlin loom in whli h you urn sltltuu now 1 tjlkl homo lltllo uwkwurdlieas of rninulilixf iii it uuu mlaht be improv ed t tlmru is thul bookouan for in- atuncif hu lowtat shelf la only u ftiw inuhea from thn uioilnil ho fuit it u illlncult to get a nop or broom under soma out mual dither gt down 1th u duater or biive it uluthig until a big awenplng day when the furuituro lhmoveil ti a remedy juat pluen m hoi k of wood umlor nuiili leg stulll thn bloi kh lo mutch the wood i low many 1koh huvo you tho lid of which huvu to im held upuu while you seunh for uoniethlng a bit of bttak in euih whbh 1 on id bo thrilht fruni tho outer ndun to tho d woulil nive over ao much wr and tnur on 1eopln lire ulwuya forgetting thluga und you do it yoursulf why not lmv u few uhaots of puller und a poll- ell hwiiglug inultln u ouiiliourd or nlono to u window in nvery riwini mi that you 1 un make notes wherever yi hapten to bat huv a wimln liueket lii audi roon huvo anil truye for ft ho mu smoker if you huvo njwtrlilty hi your hotii hitvn u ilttlit in iruoli ouplioard und ai uvohl groping uil fuinbllug icvery lltlln houblo smootliod uwuy la worth willi- notice to gyeditors op the estate or huqh m douoall deceased tim 1 rod ora of hugh miiudoiiuiill lut of iho viii gn of a 3i011 1 tltld- wl llllkl oil iii illmll thn nuv lltll of muv 1ujj 11 ul ull otheim uvli u chilmu avuluht h a u- tut nr ilr imfiir 1 llin tuy or augimt uu3 by post prn uiit or othe wu 1 livil freshi tim food ut a rertulu military run woimiwhera in kngluml waa of rutli nlnod qllullty thn ordnrly ixfli ir wan going the oiiiula and puhmul through the mesa riu rti ii comiuiny were ut dinner auy romphiliitut hn uuked vm ulrl frlvuto thomuw auld ut what la ut thn ixmf la hud irt luirtt raid tlm nirirer noiiuonsel ta nothing or tho sort why man do nil know in thn crimean wur officer ud general would have bou thank ful to huva that meat y a air said lvivnlo thomas hut that wus seventy years ugo und t might have lnn fresh theur a worthy example 1 her dress a in manner mrs ford la ory quiet htm seldom your any jewels except her weddliuf ring and occasionally a string of pearl she la fond of motoring und outdoor ifc but tier greatest interests are otiry kurd her son fcdscl and hla two babies henry and kdscl ii milton man badly hurt krnest watson of milton employed t thu toronto brick company plant- mot with a had accident in the pit while bo was operating a clay car llplted underiidsth it und austalned aerluus injurtea hla lea let being broken 1 17 two places lietwwun thu ankle und tlin knue no use tnvinq wlmil you um templed to feel tlutt them la no use trying that la tho time cull out the rimnrves give your murage a uhuklng up summon your grit to tha frontj at your chnerful- ies in working- qrder them la no time whan it la so ubaohilely ueceaaary to try and try hurd us whan you in- gln to question whether thare s any use in trying salesmens opportunity wo urn looking for capable huii in this kstrlut lo represent ua us salesmen wo trade in oovernment munlnlpal und corporation bonds mid all can- jidjau socurltln thp right hum ran secure w lmirmuimnt und profitable- couiinitlun where aaifuuinoo will tm glvmt by tlila ofrti a unllnttd securiualcoipora- uon ltd cunailiaii lanlila lfulmlnif titranto i lo the umlorslgiied milliliter fin tlm icmeolltru i hfutemmit of tllnlr lnl- ioiiiiiw thn mituro of th ninuy if any betd by dioni und full purtloiiluru of their uuuiuh udilrohheu and imiiiii- thmw l and notice is betehy filrtlur ylvin thut immodlutely ufter tlm wuld uovetith duy of augllat 1033 lha 1111i1i lvei lltrl will proneed to dlslrlhilto tin imuetm of the tul1 euluta ammig ilia pnrtlsa entltleil thoreto unl aha will lldt lli ruupouslbln for uny ohiliiiu of which nlin hhull lint hllvn reoelvuil until 11 lit tlm time uel forth for hilnh cllntllblitliiil duted ut aoton onturlu ihlm sixth duy of july a d 1023 sarah ann mnndougall kxeiiutrw alton out iyjlnfaniiurher flolii itin 13 notice to creditors op allan and graham madon- ald oentlcmen deceased tho rredllnru of- alluu modniiuht und aruhuui mtidonlitd imtll into of the vniuua of anton the foiiimr of whom died oil thu sfth duy of jiiuuury unl the latter no thn lath day of juim a i d 1032 uud ull persons liuvlng chiluiil ugulnst their or either of tliuli m- tutox ur required on nr imforu tlm joth duy uif aiiausl next a d 10j3 to send by mull toutu propulil ur otherwise deliver to harold nit nil funnel of the village of anion bar rister at luw thn solicitor foi the ud- m in in t rut or of the eriatna of both of tho uhovn nuntnd dnceuaed peraonu their chrlstluti uud auruumou ud- dreshea und descriptions thu full ui tlotilura of their cluluia und tho uuturu or thn anourlty or seouritlea if uny held by them ror thn uunm a li on und ufter tha suld 20th duy of august a 1 1023 tha mi lit ud- mlulstrator will proneud to dlutrlhuta the uaseta of thn buld two atatiih utt provided by luw upd among thu purtlum legully uiitltloil thereto uhd hn ho ruby gives notlno that hu will not bo rt- sponmlbln thor ufter for any clulul of which ha ahull not huw rurnlvml duo and prut mir notion ut lho tlmu tlxud for aurh dlhtrlbutloii duted ut anton ontario llilu uoth iluy of july 1d23 altun gruhum cumeroii smith adnilnlatrntnr h n fumior uollollnr for audi admlulhtrutor 33 july the month of sale durinf llilit month we took through our ttocic und clear but niltl linen ul special sulc prices natuiial huatm of poncke sijjc at ukducei 1uiceh 50 ynrd end of thiu silk ah inchcu wide good valua at tho rculnr price 1 1 to clear at 110 per yard ckkam hvmce r4 mclictwidc nil wool good value at s27 to clear nt 21 hunt ahconk at itkduced hucks lnrjic uuc aprons rcijulur 55c tor 45c largo bizo aprons regular 45c for 35c all over aprons regular 5c tor 55c laplek white cotton gownb 5 dozen ludlcs white cotton gowhh regular 125 special at 05c hsnmank natural woirfehhts ni dluwers all jica in utekek regular prico 1 75 a special at 15 lauilsfi ulach cotton hose ladico uluck cotton hose regular 35c a special at 25c iioys hloomkrs boyt kliaki denim hloomcnt and boyt stripe cottouudo hoys iiaijiimcan shifts boy iljilliriguu shirt short sleeves special al goc mclean co mux stbeot acton ont voters list 1922 municipality op township op nassagaweya notice la hero by given that i have aunmlttod or delivered to the imruons antonad in sao is of tho onturlo voters uat aot tho roplas rmiulrtl by said sactlon to tm so transmitted or dellvomd of tbe hat made purauulit to aald act of ull persona appearim by a lust re v i sod assessment boll of tho id municipality to bn anlltbxl to vota tha suld muulalullty at elect lima for memtwir nf the iglalatlvo aa- aembly und ut municipal isinotlonu and thut the suld lint wua flmt pout oil up in my offlau in nussuguwnyu on tho x6th duy of july 1033 und remains there for ilispootlon and i hertiby cull ujhih ull votnra to tako immmliato prooethlliiga to havo uny errors nr omluulonu corrected aa- nonllng to law dated this luth duy of july 1032 john mahsiiali a2 cierk of auld muuioipullty wiuards ice cream tlic cream of all creams as every person known williards ico cream is tho best ico cream bold tho latest thing in ice cream confection brickettes the threo flavors of ico cream with a spoon in a dainty bo excellent for parties picnics etc price 10 centa a good link ok candy on hand all the time j a moffat meals berned at all hours rooms supplied for travellers shoe and hose bargains at harrisons wqmcns oxfords nd strap slippers onil pumps mlc ol plcntlcolt kid nd culf by th best mnnulcturora murray mrnlo tdy and banner shoes goodyear welts andfine mckay0worth 5 00 to 700 ah sizes fnjho lot for a holeproof hose for wanwijikilteb brown bluo and gray 175 and 200 a pair s pairs for mb0 assorted in colorsif you like sample hose in silk for women jjto d j125 a pair mens brown oxfords goodyear welted best makes worth 5s0 and a 00 for s4b5 a few pairs of mons holeproof hose at 86c misses patenf leather slippers sizes ii 12 13 1 2 re gularly sold ror 205 bargain 200 regularly sold for 300 for 265 patent with buckte for 300 satno sizes i boys andouths shoes good qualities at lowest prices we will sve you money if yon allow us hairy harrison the shoe man phone5a mill street aeton box 454 wash goods wn huvo in stook n full linn of voile ilutlato and tissue qlnif- huni dross lonatba sport skirt lenatha of lurttenay in strliiaa and cheoha no two alike i newest shades tn or- geo soper jmill ktrml arifls saturday treat everybody likes a dish of our ice cream because of its velvety softness and richness of flavor it tastes and is like the good oldfashioned creamy kind you love so well our sat urday treat will please you this week it is a great favorite fresh maple pea nut 23c lb this preal summer fav orite will not last long at this low price ousters of fresh crisp peanut- covered with maple cream regular 40c lh saturday treat price 29c velvety ice cream weekend chocolates 23c lb a real good assortment of real good chocolates liisto like tha 50c variety vekend special 29c lb they theres no secret about tho recipes wo uta for our excellent bread and pastry we make- use of the best ingredients and a lot of practical knowledge youll make no socrot of how pleased you aro if you try our products ask your grocer or phone 116 and wagon will call jas fairbanks hakek mill street phone 44 illswscueam cjuocolate llkls 8 vgh 25c 50 dozen of neil sons 5o chocolate cream cakes saturday 8 for 25c t satukdaysonday chocolates 49c box try u box saturday you will be so pleased with them you will want a box every saturday per bol 49c t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton pipe fitting is our specialty c no matter what the pipe lilumhlnrt job may be it will lie in skilled hand when you entrust ua with the work all kinds and slaea of pipe attain ed threaded cut and lit tod lwfect join lha and oldeiiua tiuarantood pipe repalkna and ruuawlna of all kinds ask for our eatlmate phone ao w f mooney acton ont our outstanding leadership is iflie to our being pioneers of pojlular and economical prices and giving the most courteous and efficient service jse tannery coqperative have plcfuro in announcing to their many ciutiomera an improved system of delivery which will unable ui to add to our already exihtlnp efficiency in that department and will be appreciated by ail the same rock bottom prices and the quality always die same to ensure morning delivery please phone our order before 930 u m v we are itecelving hcnvy shipments of fresh fruit and vegetables dally prices are right pints quarts und half gallon sealers in stock at lower prices ii s phone 46 mill street acton van deliveries daily x s jltltfikawuiiiwlli lvki i

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