Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 3, 1922, p. 2

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ffihp atton 3frrf reab incmutnxv auoiiht 3 iaa helpinq may roitl f huuawrk ut llio l unit wimm i rrunltf fur thn f iks i in l wlu 11 it u wlnln rtiah no tliutm work i halt id i ikik lint job win no i r i jtn jiuur rvully wi uliln t you7 itut lulniy ihrro ha noma lu town a irl 1 lltlr hit- h runu mill ltay j nut list a ly w mules u hut lrks tthr tinw wlwn h rail kt uwuv khun k i nl f 1 ratty too i think allii wluil 1 rail nf uftoinoonij ti bi if shs run b i tint shs has soma work t do hi turn nlio uuvm you know tlii i jut sail right in n iu aim ran aoonar uy a wliiln illshus than l run wlmn i lim tislulnmay atlil stjirt 111 hava a horns that a ll my own at than i ii titml u wlf and won t it l u lot of fun when 1 noma hum ut nlsht to nnlt labia twt for two a in bummr riokl jimt rlghtt an after upwr 1 ii t up an to my wlf 111 bay otimi oh i ii wlmi lb dishes now if you will wuali i ham uy a ii llulrhlnaoh i tj 1 m ssinlnary had the surest j oys and ths nlsvsrtst wrist oc any soda jerkai- in lowm cily an student at tha unlwrslty will gladly testify to th truth of th ata lament onn aflsrooon in aarly snrln- durinx a- lull 4 buainaaa ha waa trylnst to mako hla ays still sursr and his wrist atlll clsvsrer ilo was uslna in hla p radios tiro talt upauu maltad milk alsasas too nuksd to st before the blah class student trade they worn llld with water which cost nothing and which wben spilled la so much easier to wipe up than malted milk lie was sliding too wed iluww tan fnotdown ulojnaibla mrantvratraralx inch clrels marked in pencil it la a neat trick to elide a las inalde the little circle but tbe aired la not eo neat whan you mlu especially if the purchaser of the drink la looking the other way at the time and the alaaa doe not stay on the counter the trhtk wm old to pep hosrever and he waa abootlpa the glass na down the counter first with one band and then with the other now wtlh m tttrn- kand and now with a backhand flirt of hla wrlat after a few preliminary alldea of that aort he bfan ble dally prmctloe f perfect a new atant which once with the aasoe band ao that eaeir arnamaaiuaalun would atop in front of the proper cue- tamer pap had never triad the trick u public but the rehemraala were beain- ntnc o be encourmarina the owner ol the soul nary had promlaed pep an- other dollar a week aa woon ae he waa reedy to put pn this newe of what le beat in eoda jerkinc tbe seminary drus atore waa the favorite reaort of nil the nnderkradu atea in the unlverelty everybody who waa anybody at college drank leaat one class of malted muk there a day such a sbua as the seminary served was almost thick enough to aland alone and waa guaranteed make even a hungry man alxed atudent atf r rorget that he bad missed breakfast au of which la by way of preface to the events that were to make this a memorable day for pen although peps work at the soda fountain abled him to earn money for his expenses at the university it kept him from going out for the baseball team and apparently was going to prei htm from seeing the opening game of the season which was scheduled to atart in about half an hour down at iowa field lulsalng the game great mlsfortumr for it was merely a practice game with cedar rapid a minor league team that every spring usually beat tbe university team two or three games out of three bu11 pep liked bssebsjl when the crowd began to cone in for its last drink until after the game pep had to put his practice under the sink 11a took the first order and tossed a scoopful of loe cream high into the air and caught it deftly in a glass behind bis back a sleight- qfhand trick that as any member of the cruft will tall you marks tbe master soda jerker from the journeymen course some one had to exclaim slam him for- the ha ae ball lean tey use another good man and then the boys began to talk about the prospects for the year and to tell one another that the team should win the conference championship if they only had a few hitters and a good shortstop and a catcher that could hold captain sevens and martin two of tbe best pitchers in the middle west it you oould only hit as well as you can field pep said murphy nash sports editor of the undergradu ate newspaper we oould certainly use you this year how do yo4 know but i cant was pep s truculent retort pep was not one of those rare souls who like to be laughed at as be was laughed at an instant later when the others realised what his question im plied one gutaw followed another as the hardened molted ml ik drinkers be came aware that a soda jerker waa talking about his latent ability as a baseball player why if a foul up were a home run pen bellowed one fellow yo6 could play every game this year and never get to first base say i was peps indignant retort lf i didnt have to work for hplke id go down and make that team to day spike randall was the proprietor at the seminary no doubt he had as christian a name as any other child bom in iowa thirty or thirty ave years ago but what it was none knew and none cared spike was what he had ottered on the door of his automobile in three- inch letters and spike he waa to all tits customers and to the rest of the town besides he was in a corner of the room now sorting over a bunch of checks for deposit and had heard peps words he heard also the chorus of h a good sport spike and let i pep off today dont let business interfere with athletics back the team tu play 8nta claus for onoe pep he said youre through uj1 half past live honrtlib iwyj- howi6tfrtkmwa a nonchalantly along good one on iepi spike didnt 1st any ium man kid him of the hired and thin a jii such w u hma i lush 1 i way room ihiora a wm u duy tartnnioiiii vur iv i liuil nwil ull the timtityl umwh ton tit tlio iwiri into th walr mut wa0 ronilnit ulit of hlu wtilli i itauf wlilt roti ah r thuii u nronun jumiw into hla tin willi atmriihuc ir f ijkiu out itir your klj lo vutiltud uvf hi ihlf i th it tltlcf iuhhi kul- no 3k in tin how lo ih u lluu ihiii i a llaynr on u tlmt lwm imtl rhl lufl bo u t u ink tltlnkoi wl fill jji lxlmtx hulilhsiul and jiluulln tun it turn tha roault of hid liialuntuiiiuiu i sulfation into droin t uml vl afk tiht ji r a funny th ins lull urn tu luiikhnlalitly ti i u avca t vratikeil icr- huirwuy lowai il lim omit door but illil you itmitlonnjh len that our tjiatwiuu tarvltoi 1 iho iicrow mmu j rktr- hi l to dm uu as he want nut of thn j kir inattuid f to the risht whlrli la ha wuy lo thn ym uml ihn ultilollp ilalil7 cuii it w t tlm lxy lutm ulmady thouslit ikiiih f bis tnah iwiraalnt you ra way off twl wal 1 mulrlhy maali ivpa romi la januixhl full of ikwtl twls ha must lm on lila wy hi m lo sat a load or thorn i in might fiu i uri all yt sood tlmn twiyu bald hulk ii started out and after the kij dun t roraet who narvm the beat ink in iowa pity ttii nty mlnutns latr thn first cedar ltaplda itattar kluh khl tile flrat pltfihtkl iwll oi- second liaao for u alntflx ulul 1v was hot on the field lty the tlmo tlm fourth inning bad boguit the word tiaaaod pretty hiuoh all round thn tuld that lep smith can you imaalne it fvi llmltht had declared he was going to plav that day and then pxn atrolll in hn had a iat bag l each hand when ha sp- ifitaclwtl the lows lnnoli whore jimmy aahroor tlm ooanli wau glowering lit thn nuila exhibition his ao called ftrat team was giving in the field p walked in rmnt of the ooalih attd cut off hu vlew of thai hum drotpliis t baas he snapped intoiu real army aalute and cried itlr cumll- lie smith koports for duty coach ashtnois uimki to be a cap tain in tha army and the fact that wp had given hint the flrat well- rntlsivd kaldta ha had tmrt alnos ttwf armlatloe probably savetl the boy rmm being swallowed alive hut that la about all it aaveil lp rrom xj1 ut of my way the nnarh snarled and as lep languidly alopihml oh 1 tin coah domandod whore do you at that army stuff t what the big idea reporting so late in the soaaon and this time nf day oh my brnthar waa in the h a c lep replied airily as for re porting isle did you ever notion when ty cobb used to report before be was msnagerr wall 1 have my own ideas uf training too vou know coach it t when a fellow reports that counts what hes got whan lis dons show 1 d have bean her sooner to day but 1 couldn t leave my business any irlier yurtunstaly for pep aahmore knew lore about baseball players tbajrmuat iltegrcoaches do the boy had good res eyes that looked as if hs really could hit and hltters were one thing that lows needed aahmore observed peps hands his sturdy wrjjtts and his powerful shoulders pep was big en ough for a ball player one hundred ind seventy- five pounds the coach thought r as the result of aahmore s brief ob servation pep got a reprieve lots get this thing straightened out said the ooach the wars over and there s only una ty cobb what position do yon playt pinch hitter said pop without sroiltn dont want any pinch hitters lore i m lo f baseball players a catcherrntefvn stance or an in fl older or a regular outfielder forget that plnohhitter stuff not a chance pep replied shortly thats all i do pinch hit i m no good except once in a game x don t leoislatina pon detteh citizenship the 1iirlument of cunudu at laul jutloii psiumhi certain plfices of ukim lutimi which urv ultoguthnr in the intervals of bettor oltlsonlilp the following ainemlmunla wore nindn to the canada tomiiruio act 1 if it mi ilealrem a ltnvlnce tnuy now prohibit th uxportatloit as well hm thn imimlrtutlon of liquor within its bounds 3 tru importation is lbwl only by at mo 1 1 carriers wutr or rail with u iioflnxsry exrepllon from uml to j it was further enaplihl ttiat thu court shall take judicial luitlou of the hlatutos and law of the ivovlnoh into whltli the intoxicating lluor lias ltoen or is nllesed to tuivo tieen ahlppml taken brought oarrled or imported contrary to the provlalons of the ant and for the punosom or this part 1v the term luloxlcutlng luiuor shall in clude all ihjuor deemed to be intoiicat- ing under the law of thn ltovlnoe into wliloh the liquor was sent shipped taken brought carried or imported in connection with the illicit sale o fij oigjjlar i la m n ned that poraens guilty uf glvinb druys to minors shall be liable to a prison term up to hcwtri yesrs in addition to this nun ton c whlpplnj may be added x in the case of u lions who am guilty of improper use and sate or ilrugs it is directed that they shall be ileported after bavins rvd their term in prison the following valuable amend ments were mdu to tho criminal code 1 the law regarding cruelty to animals in transit on railways was made more striiutent 3 tha protection which applies to women who are lnnano has been ex tnded to the class of wpmen known asssssslcy it 4mb like to talk about myself coach but whan it comes to hitting in a pinch im the boy to do it pep was talking on hbi favorite sub ject himself end would nave kept on talking indefinitely if it had not been that the half inning was over and that iowa players were coming in for their turn at bat j cedar rapid waw not exactly run nlng away from the university team partly because ihe leaguers were just beginning their spring training and partly because captain stevens was pitching a good game in spite of hla handicap in the shape of the eight other men on the team tho game was to go only seven innings and now with cedar rapids leading three to one it was just half over tho vultlna team had made its runa in the third inning by sandwiching a couple hits with two errors nnd soma daring base running iowas run was the result of a base on balls a sacrifice and a timely hit by slovens in the hut part of the same inning overby an outfielder led off for iowa in the fourth with a clean single over second base the second hit that iowa bad got from sparks who was pitching a good game for cedar itaplds wetklne sacrificed over by along base and jsngush was hit by a pllohed ball iowa now bad runners on first and seeopd base with only one out then uarrowa fanned and it uphsms turn at ths bet since he had struck out on three pitch oil halls when be had come to bat before the tdspects for a run wore not bright as he walked to the plate pep who had been sitting on the bench at the end farthest away rrom the coach got up chose a bat and went over aahmore how about letting me pinch hit for this fellow coach t he iked w need a run say youve certainly got tut you coifldnt hit this roan has too fast well said smith you ii nsv know if you dont give me a chance all right the coach said sudden ly ff you want to ahow yourself up go out there and knock em in the consent was all pep needed and ie crowd beard the umpire shout smloi now batting for upham a em tie went round tbe flold as ths spectators realised that the demon soda jerker or iowa city was about to try bis skill as a demon aluager sparks the cedar itaplds pitcher grinned also all these college boys looked silks to blm none of them oould hit his fust ball they were afraid of it you oould fell that by tha way hey pulled a way the first ball he pitched was u rust one should or- high aa tho aide of the plate pep waa batting lefthanded he had nothing to wait for nnd he certainly leaned against that oat one the result was a slashing double to right centre and bo hi runs soored the cedar rapids outfielder seeing that there was no chance to catch the tnan at home shothe ball to second base to head off pep but by a beauti ful book slide pep reached it safe his bit had tied the score three to three quite unooncemod at tho all outing in the stands pep sat down on the base and calling time to the umpire beckoned to the coaches- at first base oet me a runner be demanded thinking that pep had injured him self the ooacnar ran back to thp bench he wants a runner coach i gu he turned hla ankle 4 in moment a runner waa on second base and pep walked toward tbe bench he did n llmjbuwajked probably never know ed pep qood hit said ashmore eg pap passed him hows your anklet wtat you mean- ahkler report- it measures ires up tin tea quality o of itsselling cost 100o of its selling cost ctandard the world over lipe a cash and carrv store the i yro u ursut muny fallui 1 hi i ollt m my l t turn my unuin give inn rtv lit i an will vvhut dl i you w t hollowed th why r 1ih1 p lot i you i was uftl i it id ii of the itlr itoolia urn gh i nnouwh for that an hour lulr ut uiu jiemlnury is p wuw explaining it ull in till jordan il wlirpl y nuuh all it lukis he sal 1 is u ood it wlrong wrut and a llttlw l run moo ami two drink glided dowi ii uiilitr uml ulopiumi iw in froi t of tihi and the othtr in front of wu ltlty hplkti jiin boro t rind lop an my iuf lrothr um1 to say wlmn lm was in thn army anntltki day aimtlii r ilollui lliut mu ti atory uhivhm you wlah to know the scorti cndur ilai 1u won ulx to four case is four years imprisonment s to sell cimirs by throwlntf dloe u now illegal so also is the dlatrlbil tlon uf candy by means of the punch board 4 j 3 uesslng cometltltns such liave been carried on by certain ha papers lii connection with foo until and liaaeluill games now constitute a criminal offence speaking on one occaalon on ths question of music publicity in the press a famous educationalist said this if i attained my ambition them would not tie a publication which ever went to press unless it carried its story of music tho more discussion thorn is about music the more there will be the mora matter printed about music the more concerts there will he kvnrybody b a potential patron of music nnd is worthy hf being develop ed into u muslo lover education h the torch lent which can be used to bring os par cent of the people whu think they don t like music into thi fold of those who know they do edu cation will convert ths infldpl s art 1 am always aware of the man who says hut music i dont care for it too hard for me to attempt to ki through a reoltul niter a hard day work i want soms relaxation i am always eager to take that man usl and argue the matter out with him am always conscious of thn presence of women who are deaf to the possl bllltles of muslo in their domestic hap piness und i want to tell them about ii of the children growing up with tlio wrong kind of muslo in tholr ears or working moil of professional tnon of business man or medical authorities und of civ la and other goyemmept uuthorltlos isducatlou lu affairs of muslo must go through evtry channel through tho schools the oluhs tha open forums tha newspapers and the periodicals dibea8e0 op rabpderrie8 circular no 1 new series issued by the division of uotany of the do minion fcfperimantal lalrms is of thn utmost importance to raspberry grow era it treats of moaala and leaf curl which have been found to be prevalent in the niagara district and the adja cent counties the kinds of raspberry must uryeotod by moauto are the marl boro and cuthbert and the least thn herbert tha last mention oil only being touched when adjacent to the other worts uosluo is easily recognised by tht tlwsrnlng of the cuneu the parse yellowish foliage and jin growth the lense on the fruiting cuitos are only about onehulf tha sloe of normal leaves und ahow largo green blisters line yellow spttoktng the fruit op u buah that has boon diseased for more it a yur is worthless and the bush should be removed by digging up the entire root carefully care being tuknp not to drag thu roots put us other wise the uphlds will bo scattered and iucii damage done to tha plantation ths cuthtxirt is ths aort moat affect ed by leaf curl the marlboro and her bert rarely hi flaring inj leof curl tho itai on the first and second year rauea are much ilurkor green than the healthy uuom and the tnldrlbs band downward throughout thn longth the fruit is dry and should not lie picked s recommended that plants affect ed by leaf curl should be dug up and rrlnd to u distance as speedily sa ikisslhle before the aphid sggs hatch this means in thn first or second week of may ah both diseases are infec ts it will be readily understood that greatest cum must lie taken la tha removal of the plants ajid the ut most possible watohfulnossbxorclsod for tbelr appearance particular care above all should be takyh that only diseasefree stock is planted and not took that oomes front an infected plan tattoo panama hays what thev are and where thev come from nit un ginorully known uh 1 huts cmtifi not from 1 uuuins i tit hlvfly from flouth amnrlca tiuimwiully from columbia un i icouador mil to minn rxtunt front muvcrul cen tral ainirlcau stuliru tho inunufuo lur 1 1 tha huts lu un important lu luatry hi u uudor from which they vi nxiwtrtfil iii grml numbers each til ui mulitlua the prlca of the i uhiiully rung rronl nrty mmts ive dollars hut in honduras uont uru inuile that will ui ii for twi nty t illuru nai h and in icoumlor a gradn ntlkl uummilal m 1m made vv ulritig monthu lo rtjlnh u uluala hat whhh may anil thro for una hundred dollars or nvun morn all grades of thfcuo urn tnada rrom the triavos of u i ului plant called jljitiupa which grows on tho roust ilor whom the flm st nf thnaa hats are iimiiurut tin tm th pliiiit from which thisk hutu urn muda lu jamaica 11 by some uuthorlllna to hn ex uotly thu samn tut lliut uand lu colum bia and kcuudor hut othnrs say that 1 1nro im u alight ilirfuruncu lu th plants the term uoe1 thru for ixith tho plant nd th huts lu jljliuppu sm lied with do n bin nu tlrut of tlfw kind manufactured mlou was inuilii lu im3b or 1s0 himiilard who rccokiilsed thn plant growing along tha cummuvu hlver is thn aatna uu that front which hats irw munufacthrud in south amorioa ii i hit ut a mlouui exhibition at il in tiull town the formwr cupllsl of jutrutlru a prlsa of twmity pounds uwutdod for u hut of this sort made in thn lulunil thu making uf thomn huts grew into so largo an ln- ilustry imforn thn earthquake in id 07 owing uomnwhiit to tha purchases by lourlats that u nchool wus wttubllahed n klnghttm to hiatruot girls in ths rt of mukliiif hats tha plant that furnlshnm the inulrlul or thu huts lu a huuhy iiulm growing n chjmti nialutufriveni twtd lndamir ilurim just ihifnrn tho long slioath r siiathn which unclosus tho ialm leaf uxiutnds it lu out orf th narrow oiititr hludnu on two nldns urn striptmhl rf the remaining portion la imvuiki leugthwlan into halves and than by utlukliig a pin or knlfa blade through nitrh hulf thn dgn of the blades li split off no tilthnr sldo leuving a nar row atrip of uniform width lu the iddls of tho bludau tha width being dtilarmiued by the quality of hat lo be muda us thn nairowur the strips the flu i- thn liat e strips still fastened by ths are bollod in water tar liulf an hour und then dried in tha sun same salt or lime juloc is added to tho watur as thny dry they shrivel i round tjornij form when ths matriarowanivntrinx ralloil btruw it usually requires rrom twenty to thirty ttputhes or buds which urn twotityfivu to thirty inches itmtf to furnialt straw uuincunt for an ordinary hut thn numlmr varying with thn slsa uml quality of the hats these hutti utu plultwl or woven la it pi wm thn work x log dona cltlafty women and ulrln although it pro vides ooouputlon also for bun in rainy woather fr whenever titay have outdoor labor to iierform it tokos two or three days to make an ordinary lint and tnlt to nrtoen days to make ann straw hat white tha finer hats ura being plalled tho straw is kept wet when tha plaiting is done tha hut is waehed and dressed und then blocked und dried lu the sun after being worn it may lie washed and blocked again und again the beat of these hats can scarcely ihi dlstlnguielidd from ths so called panama hat und the wearing quality la as good am thu juipupp hats a wold ut a much lower price there is whin market for thoso who do net wish to buy nxpenslva urtlclas as a ruin thruu jamaica bats retail kin bm ton from onn to five dollars although b smaller number muy brli eight to toil dollars since you have only one yes that ear has given mo splendid service u business man was saying to u friend for one thing i never have ubused it und for another i have an expert look ovor it wary now and then and make sura that everythii is right ive found that a drop of oil lu time or tightening u nut may k a repair bill uitr baimiblo man was he ott uondor hid cur did him service while ho used il und outlasted the curs of many of his neighbors hut after all it was only a rnaohlno he was talking ubout if he hud boon cureless with it ho could have bought another the strange thing is that so many young people are more carol tms of tholr bodies than this man was of his car even though they know that as far- as this world is concerned the body thny havu now will huve to do them till tha end m never huve abused it this man iuid of his car 1nw many of you say thut of your bodies t slow many ulghth have you donb with half nights sleep because you ware out with comtunlons who did not consider bed time or bocuusa you have become in terested in on exciting book many of us acknowledge frankly that we do not get tho exurclse we need that out too much of certain kinds of fowl und not enough of others w are not fair to those bodies of ours despite ths fact that when they break down thire is no replacing them hlnce we huve only one body a there is io improved tnodol that provide ourselves with when we axo tired or this why not tuke as good d or it us ths uveruga sensible motorist tajtcs of his burr martha l sklllmsn when using wilsons fly pads bead oipectiohs v cirtrultv and s rouow thrn ricriy beet of all fly kfflera 10e per packet at alt druprklats cuxcera and general stores u bhor lu rollml whll who owed him tbimaaud nn off nitnitntf m ashore ir ti mouiitalnu and rie thai ii tin uili und rwy atttrn linu imn to ihn rront in many iowim und lilts tliy soil at ltt r rl ns than tho ut hoi ihh iiiua thny uu uf fnl to they am generally lowdml ly the rluam nf huhuiiiihih nvory nip lorn wmta ihokinrt will a raah yi young lm ahoull ihhh in mind ittat llr b very iks u lush siul rurry storn vou run get unarly uuy thing yip want tl r duatloi uuc i frlon lahlp hiulth all ii io divtlral thlnss hut you miiht pay tor thorn ou cannot lultlvalo uu tinlovoly pmr h nullty und huve mends you ran not so to imki ut all houra und t irrugularly and ruprlnloualy uml be i ulthy thao thliiku ura ull yours hut you muat m hn i rl ufo is uaiib and urry atom no immly is sol fag to dallvor htlcceas til yill wra iwl uinln a nest icku you at an after it and rry it hi mo no tier how heavy it u no tnatler how your lrk snl o under the loud a mat many people prefer uklng thlnas aay to living uurcwaful in runt lliut m one of tho hlof olkaturles in tli way nf getting ahead w ru ol 1 fuuhl jinellmis when you tiling st the mtof thv tell you til out or that thy d u carry it t in tut trim in hfu s store thn k is always full what you wwtil is thor hut whether you gt what you if dupenda un your reudlueas to liny for it and curry it bomn john t hurtmatf uiwihihiii ti ma i th fw of hard ou aak for wiriu electric washers blue bird- 155 a b c fe simplicily 98 wc arc now able o supply any one of these thrco lines winch rivc you a choice when dealing with us of any stylo of washer that is on the market easy terms or payment may be arranged or and hero is no need of you waiting until you have tha ready cash let the washer pay for itself each month a machine will ho placed in your home on trial without an obligation or expense of any sort on your part norman h speight georgetown dauribulor for georgetown milton acton brampton the store of quality tannery cooperative the story of a merchant prince there was n old geezer and lie had u lot of sense he started up a business on a dollareighty cents the dollar for stock and the eighty for an ad- brought him three lovely dollars in a day by dad well he bought more goods and a little more space and he played that system with a smile on his face the customers flocked to his twobyfour and soon he had to hustle for ategular store up on the square where the people pass he gobbled up p comer that was all plate glass he fixed up the windows with the best that he had and he told em all about it in a hulf page ad- ho soon had em coming and be never never quit and he wouldnt cut down on his ads onb kit well hes kept tilings humming in town ever since and everybody calls him the merchant prince some say its luck but thats all bunk why he was doing business wben the times wore punk people have to purchase and the geezer was wisj for he knew the way to get em was to advertise arlvttrtige in tne acton frftft pra food chopper iq a necessity in the kitchen partyiculahly at this timc or vcaw iiilviiuiry 1 hm hoi inru rut tualilv will tut ltuulll if hl jat vocables i f all kinds hi i wtiits o llnlvoraul rimi loin with f ur kilv noiir inxlluni no- an i vory ntiff t s v 1 1nlvoral 2 a k 1 oav-tmul- 2 tfr no s unlvorut fjs bo wlro uiul g lui un fit any u u er rapsi lty uuartu mcii g fltesehvino beabon supplies of all kinds too bono haddwark co iw wo lluvs what au want phano 1012 ouelpm this stores policy to represent fcoods y actjy as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes fcr- deservo your confidence by always kivlnc you satisfaction savage co guelph r ontario grand trunk ivjx the double track route liimvren montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlnlrur c 81a ulna cars on nlaht trains and larlor cars on nrlndpal day trains kull lnrorroatlon frotn any grand trunk ticket ajrent or c it horains huatrlct lassonsr ajront toronto il a holmes agent acton ont r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived cnr no 1 reed oata i a quantity of feed corn and oilcake ju8t received flour feed nokval bran and shorts feed ftouh r noble ltd henrv awriy hanai1ik surprising bargains for acton ladies summer shoes ik- canvas tans oxfords etc very low prices on v lot of good goods in mull the quality is there snd tho prices are as low as the sixes come in for bargains w williams the shoe han hill slreei acton qhlldren ory for fletchers casxora v

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