v qjije arton 3free naa tiiijiujiiat auoubt i 1m the luck op the horseshoe tim inicnr hail a hnnulim nulled above ilia glided sign tim t umaler lit slut l dm r thatuyhl no l lltwii nine titu hukkamltli ally hung an old unit rusty wi tiib man that ownml ili ow rtf k tim grocers till who ehot hlr tbe teamater un collided on ik the uufkainlth ihl 1 the thniiajh tie ulaek day aim in i lit tlltt garage iliuil m and making lot f in twenty veallo ago prom tbe lu of tha free praes thurady august 7 1b02 acton civic holldt kirn ilrlgud- to ht in jjvrv oltumi hh ubl attend th cor uniitlnu ilmg tfehiliig t rnmiinlhl at 111 luhllc itchool un llalurday erternpon alulu htreet pavement ho lwn com pleted and ut into u the indies am of in iiathodul rtiurli held u liwn aorlal at tbe mnthodlst 1 mihiiuiicn mrli avenue on monday evening- ttia weather wa esiellsnt anil lm ladlaa aro iu l congratulated on the nurma of at a meeting of tho itoard of hducs lion up unndiy evening e- clialuingo wm formally presented by ha toum ii to the trustees to try conclusion at a gamn of baeeball in fhe park twxim tlnui next wank ha ton lrohibltton awncbllun i ar ranging for a oonvnntlon to organise or tlwt referendum vnlo which will b taken un iecmtr 4 nejtt born kknnet- in afton un thursday july st 1b03 t mr unit mis john knmy jr a aon that dangerous border line ubimviv la always hovering about a border una somewhere said du utfiuzhltlllly 1 alabwham lt u atonal rha takes such chancre soma day aha iii be worry tare all border una to ha avoided f what about the border fine of hap piness smiled lday there la ho bonier line to happl- hesa aald oorta positively gene- vuvvaborder line ere always aboul uia laid of conduct rhe would b honined to be called a oelp but aba tnuahea at that border line frben aha hint that thia one or that wax concerned in aome thine quaatlonable the uatenera curloalty la arouaed abe la aure to investigate furoinr the mla- chleta aa on foot i yet no one can poealbiy traon the binnln of the trouble to oenovlevel it a- the aatne with otbaf bordef hnaa continued dor la out of her tanr eadorianoa tly are alwaya on the odea of tblnjp neither dellnltaly rtht or wrong yet where with a turn of the tonue the wanderer ik that dir ection may be thruat into dansert bat with happlne it no near the border line reartotf 1juh lone in broad aafe nlda where tbe aun ahlnea and there la no dancer of dark equivocation to make one won der or queetlon the happy folk keep clear of all border una regional it bid pain benonev when neural gia rack the nerve or lumbago crlpttlc the lack i the time to teat the vlrtuaa of xr thotnaa eclectrie oil well rubbed in it will aull the pain and produce a aenaatton pf eaae and teel a trial of it will eatabllah faith in it master in your own house a wellknown writer ha aald that instead of praying foi more bralna the aenslbla thing would be u pray for the power to oontrol thoae we have it fa the aame tdoa which another ex- praaaed by the eta lament that tbe difference in people la not mo much in endowment aa in application really stupid people are rare moat of ub have a aulllclently able brain if only we could make 4t work but when we nave a taak to be djapatched we never know when our brain la golnv to do it duty and when it la bolng to go on a atrike i low many of you have aat with book before you trying to read and round that brain of your absolutely balking you want to at tend to ufo book and instead you are thinking of laat weeka tetania tourna ment or a forthcoming house party students know that often they spend upon a leeaon two or three times aa ions they would normally spend merely because tbo brain refuses to do ite pare many writer way that they must wait for inspiration which 1 another wy of saying that they can dnly write when they reel like it and thla la a way of aaylng that their brain la not altogether a satisfactory servant wo hav bralna enough to make a great deal mora out of ourselves than tna majority of ua succeed in do in the trouble u were not muteni of our own bodies the lntruxnenta which the will ahould control absolutely defy u and claim the right to self deter mination these little revolution should bo bupprwased with promptnees and decision no youth need four the future lfhmce he ha succeeded in mak ing til brain acknowledge him master robert c koranun complete in itself mother graves worn exterminator dins not require the aalstance of any other medicine to make u effective it doe not fall ip do its work jim bensons start i dont i cet a start the sunday school lesson for sunday august fl 10221 summer on the lower st lawrence iltl tluht i nivihtatko ur 1 4 111 tl liv vmi ratitiath rr jhvuh la 84 1 vhltoncal rime f37 vl it c ul 1 rflh you nt otaad rrti llxi tlrat of tliu rliuplor to tha twainnlliw tf tla rlntl tt tim jnufimy jonuuib lit u itulutic of tihta bun il lnlloa hulml four month naturally rtr tha city hu i lulu f nfty years u mill tha work t f hull ling fouhl not lm ltofftl t ir thy srrlvnl in july hut 1i1 ti i ulw th work of hulldliuf 111 tilt following hprliiif 3 iu i mhii- voriuia toll if cur iitim and tnuwoiim tall i ollc work inm wlu i a i immii n to th laak tlia liimiin of til prlxatx ll their liy kurniiiu uiil of him ltvltam wnit mil uuloil lo iliiprawm tha 1mmii1a with tlla wtltli i lilt y of tha ihiutloil vrao 11 iumii la u nulural k- 1 noaluii of kralltu in and adoration vtrnf iswiimn huvo ulwuya itouu thotxi who rviiiaiubt iwl th h old layw it id tint to ha wondornd at how vi i- that ihin muni to thoan who rtrni nl iha lmil tluit had itwail d vr istlialik oiwl f tha people who rijolrji uloud ovnr tha biiiiuirnkhia 4 h klfuwtl yoara liuve atupaxl botwmit the haying of the foun lutlqil an i iha went hare rtonltl jiuihtusy on the part or tha popl of iha uml caused iha latter ia parauadn th king who iuixuhkimi cyua to atop the work wlmn thl kins was aucceeiltxl h irlua parnilaalou won tmmturad to r uina the work tha inalnrlal pr inrlty i f the hkile la to be attributed a thi falthrulnaaa of thaae aplrltual laadarm who wi t up the faith and count so of tlia nation thn artaxarxea ntlonail hia la not tha one who cedd yruw a careful reading of thf whole text rleara up tnany dlf- nrultl nw 16 adar tiomapondm some- whnt t inaaly to our march this was inly one year aflar tha laying of thn rouitdutlon of the ho una ih is th evant marked a knore hoimiful tpoeh in their history after the lapse of seventy year jehovah had once more a visible dwelling- place u la interesting to note how the preservation or thn neglect of tbo inuae of ood ahowwt it effnet on the iplrttual condlllon of the people itlmatrated truth insignificant people and things are npahls of blocking grwat unilertaklngm v 14 illustration ruvnral year ugt when a publlo hullulng was being torn down there was found in a sub collar a piece of statuary which whan it wm ught out j and put on exhibition waa the recipient of enthusiastic praise front connoisseurs it wa found that figure was to have been given m prominent place in the building forty yaara befor this but the flippant cont ent of a newanaper reporter who new nothing of art had started a campaign of ridicule which resulted in ho banlahmaut of the artist maator- toptea for reaaarch and dlaeui i the jfoundstlona lahl v 10 ii ilow long had jvptfaalent been in ruins whan the aral oajpny came to rebuild tha temple t vwtheo waa the actual work started t wbo had a part in the laying of the roumlauont 4 why were tha priests theret 6- what wm thn pur pose of the outward oeremonleat what placn ahould they have in the beginning of our church buildings tears and rejoicing v 13 13 to what eilenf were the oldvf mknle justified in weeping t what wopld you aay of the practice of con tra ting other day with the present t iii a second kftort v 14 be llow long a time elapsed between tho event recorded in the two section of our textt 10 why had thn bulldlnir boeu delayed t 11 were h jew to llit me for allowing thn work to cease t in what way may tbe faithful prophet have helped iv tha dedication va ie 1 is how long aftar tho laying of the foundation wa it till the house dedlcatedt 14 what were some of the apeclal reason the people had for mjolclngt dally readings for net week monday august t tbo keaat of ahasuertts kstli 1 1u tuesday august vaahtl queen ksth 1 911 wednesday august hat her chos en queen bsth 3 1610 thursday august id klamair llot icath s b is krlday august 11 elliors cour age rth 4 10 s baturday august ii kstherm triumph ksth 838 sunday august ii ouurtllali ah- gebj 14 11 slen of the temple for scalds or burp df thomas teclectrlo oil la a standard remedy for the prompt treatment of scald and burns it healing power quickly soothes the pain end aid a speedy recovery from the injury it i bum an excellent remedy for all manner of cut bruise and sprains a well for relieving the pain arising- from inflammation or various kind a hot tie in the house anil stable save many a doctors and veterinary a fee i how jim llenaon 11 aver elg hod u friend lie aenui to have everything against hliul eicepu hu will said uonad jims determined to succeed he told mo bo yesterday ilea had to stop school and 0 to work but he ii keep up with the claa by tttudying even ings hell earn enough during voca tion to help tbe folk a little during hi absence at school in winter x- oecu to be with iii- clws in tech a year from september nud tn pay his way uirouarh mode hi start yester day when he sent in hi application and had himself listed a a working htudont fifteen month hmioe jim made hi tart to success the day we thought he waa down and out just because he had to drop out of school oreat difference between thn wisi to win and the will to wlnl which have you boymt th terror ef asthma come like u thief lf tho night with ita dreadful throttling robbing lie victim of breath it aen beyond the power of human aid to relieve until one trial is made jf that remnrkabjo preparation ir j kello e asthma remedy than nh ii rush tulfo be- cunuda ha i tmbln rlvera bu t tha momluldi u tha hntutl mi ltoth shorn eeu hlesaait with mliy ltioli of ull tlw rlvr i uid thn moht itulorlr 1 1 hlun ht ijiwn iioo til thn low r hi ijiw mini thn ijliuljit old gmy wnlltl city ut quubec to whom thn rlvrr enter th uulf ko unci with uliht ful 1vanch villam imiiiy of which have developed into tlnuiduiily ff ulur nd fumhloiuihle lummiir nnurta a ions tlm ruggwd north ahorn with its purpln hoadlanda- ih hind wlih h rlxu thn darker 1 urpla ljur ntlitli lllla ufo lie round murray ituy cup tu i algln ht irene and iui tit i uul ihiv thn irctlh cuatoms uml luhtfuiijcu togollnr fc with i ho iilihrin ui l of hn habitant haw u pwttuluii fitmiltiutl for thn anglo buxon tlie amiuiry iu irtnbnlrlont the river im so wl in llmt ihn nppualta mlmm upiieuiu ubn u linxy hlya lllln on the luirlnon tlrn la lht tuu r thn hm in i ho ulr thn llllln nr4 utu hlud with uiuv nlmiiiiidhiu in trout holt i m kiumoihttlou lit uooil unl wlultut- the l urlut ihiomt murray tuty t nil- iiisyixh if hjll tanlilon or oit th mliwv jltlu rrciilli vllm4 lm in lounl to huve u wirlh whll- holldny rim mi u hi miuiim wlilln i hu miksnd is miiiuliy tmthli with itu long whlto sandy tmiiohn itlvlnfu ll loup cvuil kilo and moth beach are unions thn tnt popular all orferlng thn lieat of houtlng lathing and ash ing amid rurn natural scniiory there urn exelleut golf miuranm oil with the north and aoitttl ahorea thoan however who woul i mcapu from ull tnum of clvlluutlo will nnd uuixtuury in thn knut fnriml chid hack i out try at thn lovlnoti of quelpw with h nlmuikh in i mml rlvra ijlkw h jlicli luliv icdward and xmu hi john trraloiis and ituivitldea natlotiiil 1 urk uwund in tlli uml tin ton all thlu tirrllory la urv i by tint cunaillun national tlallwaya integrity thn word lit its orlklnwl unniin himtin whplniiwa iluhitigrutloii id tin hrnuu ing up pf thn whole into tn hnimitu vtiou wa spwtk of u man of lulitarliy n mean that iu it n inun who hixu lalutalikil hi whulsut pf tluirufltir und who can be counted oil to li vurt with any of its obintujiji or iirliijlnlnn for nny coimldntution hhukitapcarc tj to thlna own uoll be true l uxhortutlon to pn mi rve liltigrlty if you imtruy any nart of youranlf loan your inteitrlty if you ikuit n i to miaiinnsa or rh kury in onlnr to ibtaju a iteraoiiul hdvuiituuc you loan u if ihroush mollvum of vanity or welflnlvrnat you rnaort to prcteiuto you loan it kallurn in he liidimtrlotim ui i uike thu in out of your capihtllth la failure to maintain yur lutierity an indolent men muy h hoinwt hut iiih indolence rub him of iiih lntorlly can a man who 1 cuiisclou of hoiiia loss r integrity rckitlu what ho linn utstt sural it must be poimlblo to heal wounds to the ctuimctr us wall as wounds in the body lint thn h pul ing i rocesa in either caan require wurslcal t rint nn nt uml thn utmost care guard against furtlur infection ami a there i a limit to thn power of tin body to resist injuries and infectlonn there ik a limit to thn powur of the character to renew ittotlf after u auo ion weaknnlng and dulntkgratliik attack utmin it thn ponton who wants to keep hln intigrlty had buutf not b always making small cj promise with hi lit so if kino to be strict no limn or woman whu linn tean lio utility pirly hi u ilivortn uult i iihinilniit or com tipoiiih tit will bn pirtnlttiil to littniil or la prohoiitoil in tht coftluutht jomuu ihlir la only u reuulununt of un il i court rt itulutloii hut t huu i routed onuihruhl npomilntlon ut the hflglii- nlng of tin ivoiiilitu aoohnu whon thnun- undrt 1 1 pi rmntii lihjluilinu niuny atn- oilrui n ui uuluu ivu ihttlr lnllnop tu he priienlad it u midumtnot acvoral i ttlm have bout i rcupmidtiith have itlunl for invltutioiih on the ground that tliu iiilai omlurt of which they wro fnmiil bullty w only teohnltuil tin y rlalni llu y either uilnilttci guilt or illil not ilitfuii i tha uiiltu hi r1er to upuro tluilr wlvis uiirforlug ul- thnuiih tho women won really thu iullty nnnu llowewi tin ioiil chaml nvlaln m di- partliu lit at iha coint of bt jnmeu rub a mirh men niu lnillilhli for ut- t tiilmirn at couft uml unit h iipl ciimidih rljiln dtniint o hi liln i tho ip- uhm of tht tiourtx riin limoount purdiiu in tlivoroo cjimit thtf iilalntlffs tufl not tlcharieil from nnaontatloil come lie used perslatontly uie disease 1 p permanently to rout tnkr subsuttitq just one reckon daughter that yminb nums watch must be feat what moke you oilnk ao tar why when you were seeing him out ihe door last nhjhti beard fllra say- just one nit it wasn t much pust ib oclock ten great things tbe greatest trouble maker talking too much the greatest stumbling block tlsm the moat rldlnulous asset pride the worst bankrupt the aoul that has lout it enthusiasm tha itoorest wretch the one that has no tl reams tho cleverest man one who always does what he thinks is right the most dangerous person the liar tho moat disagreeable tho com plainer the beat handwriting that you can read tha heat taunher one who make iu want to leuni the parmer and his arm the iarmar intm thn moat wan it an 1 natural occupation mid nujcht to ii ml life sweeter if leas hlshly muiaoneil than any other ho ulopn strhtly atteakln lias u home lluw can a man tko toot und thrlvo without land v he writes his history upon hln field how many tlou how muny v wiuroert he hashltl friendship with hu ulth his tnam hulioga his irefa the uatlm- fsctlon in his growing crop in his lm proved helda his intimacy with nature with hint and buuut ami with thn quickening nlnmental forces his co operation with tho clouil the sun thu seasons heat wind rain uml front nothing- will take the varlou dih temiierw which tho city uml artmotui ufa hretwl out of tmtli iiuu furmlnr like direct and loving conduct with the soil it draws nut the polauii it tumblo him teacha lihn patlanre und reverent uml reatoros the propm tone to hie ayatuni i rlesheil lie he whoxn youth wnh hnksed hih ufarm cllna to thetfuknt iimui much of it put yourself lulu it bmtow your hourt end your brain upon it uo that it ahull auvor of you radlutn your vlrluo uft r your day a work is done john llur roughbj 8ces two sides a ovilulii funimi wnu ulwuys enm- ululiilmi a frhtml mot liliti oiiu morit- inu und remarkeit i luo wuithnr jumus cor tin m uhalut got to work vour ilol ta look in fluu noiidltlon to tlum us uln t ot to dig them will jiimoa 1 m ttluil ynur wlfe i milt i rimin us ion t huvo live wuh in r muy lm ignition ttut no occasion for gratitude no i ran no tptiqh o finln tim huld u little oh woman apeakhig of imr hard working won hut i worry almut htm right mmurt to her mind mi worry waa u proof of arfnctlnn uml u not unworthy mihntltnte for as- iihuiiii e am whllw aim w is an ignoi mt ihl noiil it im to ih feurwt that many who hnvo aome rlulm to jefliip hit t und rultur mttke n blmhtic dii take no bfna lnt iiulte well this fall auys hli urteot innate oldoi ktater im irviulfiilty worrlitd almut lit r and inotli r slater auya nf hur hrotlmr llnlph in working uo hard i m worried for fear he la going to hnak down whlln we ahould thinik our friends for many thluga w own tin in mithlng- thls anorv the ruct thai they urn woirylng nlwjut u ho fur from iteug oft union forj grutltudn might projhirly inspirit vory illffnrent reelliig more of un um humlrhriot hill hlmlur i by thn vi r unlou luutte our friends than ur liolpol hy ri worry novor lielta while h of tun luiimu llulp your friend hy hopeful buoy ant thoughts and jf you amuse your- nlf by worrying uhout them to iuti mt you ilo not on that account de vil theli gratitude i afllhrirf worm imwdera are u prompt vlluf from thu uttmuks of worms in rhlldmu tin y urn towerfltl in tholr kctloti and while leaving nothing to bu desired as u worm expcllant have un invigorating effect umiii the youthful aystem riinedylng fever biliousness loss of itppvtlte aim plemsnesa nnd other sllmiiila that follow disorder caused hy wotm in thu stomach und bowels introducing miss kmlth may 1 introduce mr- miown or let me introduro mt rowu is a simple rorm nf introdua lion the man iwlnit lntroduoeil to the woman always thn woman itaknow- ledgr the introduction by bowing and saying llow da you do mr ilroyri reeutlng llummme la useful as numo ure easy to be mlaumterstood bhaklng hands i nut necessary unless the lady in question happens to be the honti se rise if nut the hostess she mains mated introduce n younger woman u an older one j roofing sale mineral surface roofing at lowest price ever quoted in canada redeoiujen wwlakvvuew 295 perraoellosaqjt kejioop now ywwiflameir eke a per will utco o ffirslotoo say wm u dm ou tolmmuu ad nil and te maruaw ivrrtaeeft ssjtsaa- njoam twiuujiiatcobipanyud horse ailments of many kinds quickly remedied with douglas- egyptian lini1vientl stops rijkrding inbtantlt rhfevkntb iimiop roihonino 41iihbb thmtlai 11 fl tula shiialna and dkoibeh the w all arena i i jul til tor tha tatihi a wall far boumhom oaa kkftl it handy at all dalm an i dnunluu iurlntf u corn la both rlaky uml ineffeotlvu h a iiiuoli hot tin to use ilolloway u corn itemover and eradi cate thorn entirely shale acgeptaole ag puel ltullroilils in icathoulii nnim in fair way to iluonrl opui in fuvur uf pltu ml nous slmlo mibstanoe common t nough in geologlutl formations to mnke the uhimliiu exthrlmviit widely luterostlnff lucking coal the kothon- lun provisional government ha been investigating thn imusl bill ties of shale uml ua the report comes by wuy uf llnlslngfortl whale la how bulttg used ror u good muny purposes tim gas factory ut tlwvu for uxumple im using hhuln usiluhlvely for making gas uut no fur shale has not been adopted us a fuel ami wood is lie ing burns 1 in thu tiro itojces tho factory prob ably wultn to see how compete i y shale can be used to run rullwuy trulro and th railway factory in itevnl is now experimenting with tire boxes vuftuhle to unlng uhule in u locoiuntlve that id cun bii uucceasfully uhdii how- uvor seems to have been proved coat is u stronu argument for the use of abate nnd three mark for u itood or home 30 oi in poumlu of imlu us ugaliiht 30 marks for tho same mi lira of tout makeif it very much uheup- ei it would be odd hut hot impo ullile if lati i even should show that in ualng slmlo for fun the utile known rouutry of isuthonlu la leudlng tbo world willarcfs ice cream tbe cream of aj1 creams an every person knows willinrds ice cream is the best ns icc crenm sold the latest thin in ico cream con feet jon hnckcttca tlio three flavors nf lec cream wilb opoon in dainty boy excellent for parties picnics etc price 10 cenjl a good one of canily on hani all the time j a moffat kajljy time tables at acton ormnd true railway byetam oalnd weat no i wtetjb 10 leaib ijibjd c os pja s g it pjn 10 34 am n if a 1 13 p u 00 p attention bring your cream and eggb to acton creamery co open evkninchtulay friday and saturday ako wednestlay afternpons highest matlket i trice at aix times our motto quality suburban cuotrio railway goioo wast i liajly n t hund i ilaiiy sxent undy i llully eeet kllndaj 0a in muuday only st p m liimday only it p m 4 llunday only celno et a ui lally aiceiit bunday 03 p m ilally nxr hunday id p my lnly impt tiunday 61 a in hunday only tu l hunday only t p m hunday only train mil i whirl irt toronto at i 46 p in on katurdaya now run on ilaylllit uuvlng time and leave at ix 4u noon vroljcht dallvml i y special eaprea itelalit krelsllt pi had up at an ad i- in toroliln bt tiktiiohn agent acton the acton creamery co e j otieil proprietor kenney bros i nil ilnp uf hummer footwear in mont and tulles oxford tetania and ilowling shoes ladies patent strap slippers buckled girls andboys and children sboea prices as reajqnablk ao the quality is qo0d repairing men h and ladlea seweil work end all kinds i f repairing all work promptly finished firing in your repairs store open tvary evanlng exoapt wednesday kenney bros milu street act gg0 m i o summer necessities screen doors screen windows garden hose lawn mowers garden tools oil stovea paints you niro invited to call in and look overour stock water services how about having a water services put in for tho long dry summer months you would hnd a uwn service a great con venience estimates on this work cheerfully given y7e want your business and guarantee satisfaction x w kennedy son kenney bboa old stand main street acton phone 95 i polite pirates htorleu of ud venture ere nut all no tion to london ban uomi thu etnry of thu looting on thn chltm miini u venae ut 1 400 tonw thu veml loft hlmiiuhul for huns kong with u curgo and 330 olitneso puhmunrorn uniur thu command of rupliiln llndfuiy crawford two dayu out jtwn nf tii lunmoiiucm antiroil the cuptiiln u cabin uml forced tlm itt the point of u revolver into tho in u mm rim m hero worn brouuhl an wldonera bchlduil thn cuptulti thu olilr un1 kiiooitd unklncurti und otliui of fice a one chinese paseenmu wilw nil nt drud itulllon jewellery and pae- m niter ulothlug to thn vulua of 110 ooo luiwiud into the pouaiaslon of the pirn tea a phonliikjiiiik wuh ordered to came ulnnrsloe laptuliiciuwrordk ship und tn it the plrutiia un huvlilg 111 at itlil- abled the euwlmi of the limiteil hii tteforn uuvlng thu chief of the plmtj liieaantail linttilu orawfonl with hu yojil wuluh lind chain to rephu u bin iwu whluh bud been stolen from hfm similarly nllvur muuntod wukluw ntlok wee prvsunted to the uecond nttlcer end to a chlnnnu lady pnsttonsui wiim given fiod with tho inntruthom to stutre it himuik her fellow puas uilgem rhlnasn courtesy in tiwdt tlonax castor i a no 33 no 16 no 39 36 hunday g no 3 nil 30 no 34 no 34 hunday 7 ob atn u llam 3 it imh e itpua 13 pm b p notice t matron t thu elblthmnt during july and august hxutninatlon fi thursday krlday and katurday only of ouch work m uhud- ing and ilepulr ikeimrtmpiit open a a d savage optomatrlat and mfo optlolan tight at tha 1oat onloe guelph tfsrgmto cwau ka e k cook can spully vou shirts collars ties handker chiefs buttons and studs ann bands garters suspenders shoo laces gloves mitts in- koiesshoc polish and he doesnt ask big profits either call and see e k cook wll r bthbft t for infanta and children mothers know that genuine gastoria always bears the signature of bxac4 3opt ot wrrpper in use for over thirty years gastoria speights habdwabe cotucuy mwervjklw oiianiteiwaiuii tinwauitf sporting goods gramophonks ukconna mubdlivs prices right 8ati8fa0ti6n guaranteed c c speight mo street acton is 4 m edwards co bakers main street acton nitt l v m cooler bread buns cakes and pabtry wedding cakes a specialty a uni op choice canned goods has been added to out ntock which wih meet with favor by our customers i m edwards co i acton children ory free press ads bring resultsl cfkssi a 1 a js