i i i r jjhjp artmt 3fnf jlrruu uf tintfiuav atkimr i whirn dad was young w tim lit tl till iliui i mil mtl m iwurrnn thnlr h tlm wdrll wuu icuy j- whom tlmy xiofiikxl to whlaner what did lloy miyt wall tlin story wu old sn so wan iiky itut i urn niuiicy lain him u whlsstn urw of tho arast today nlmc in a sumptuous way times to nigh tl cl all tli tru whom iul whood up the kruy von thn run i is dhmikoil from ilirt to aravel all tlinrss irtljrn tf rashloii vroultti an truval llul tlin stury thatll told hy that towhtorii km tha itl yuvn my kaddlsuruna uvlll oil olous hi you rids wcmn wui wind dont muttnr ut ull whut behind a ihatiftaui- or turns that has i una uko tlm mam liad druv when win young wliltllik nuujd t in xluliid thut i yi dlil hindy for ov- imwuillm wuhtil onrd run of ul inin- d i fill- clou c atc1i in hand tod marshall food besldo uie road bad of thai now tirovlnclsl highway and lookmd tnleorably at u noisily ay rutin concrete tnlxar ha wim under thn nalnful necessity of hiumirtlns his authority m rwildetit oindnthji- and did wot know just how to do it ja glanced half onvlously airniatf tho tiwd to wh dick edwards suparlntsndsnt for ths llalrd cohavructlon company stood bldn hla autorooblls confident c pulont and solf assured ted hvd not boon wholly comfortable for two month not slno one day last vintsr whan john nichols district n intmf for tho rtjovlnclsl highway partmsnt had mummonod him from tha draft ins room to hla private offloo mr nichols was comparing several shsets of paper at hla deak and smiling in a peculiar mtnngr swlndlo shoots thought tad a ha rocognlsad tha papara in mr nichols hands as tha laat monthly azparuvo ac count of ths anairnwra- tod could not hju wondering whathar ha bad eaten uh plentifully or slept too oom- fortably tolbult tha depaxtinant mr nlohola foraflnvar waa tapping an item on tada own axpahaa ahoat and ted looking at the item read one dinner is oenta when ur nichola ralaed hla head he waa atill aralllna uamhall he aatd abruptly you be reeldent enjclneer on the ciooarden notion thla aprliuf ted merely a tared and bluaned to the roota of hla red hair the iiom aelf- oonaclonaneea tnat when he waa child had made him flee hla motbera caller allp inla a basic aeat lnb4a claaeea when he waa at oolhure and later clinet to tho wall at auoh aoclal ajtairs aa he waa unable to avoid bad led hlra to hope for a quiet oorner next aprlnjc where he mbjht learn the klneerfda bualneaa unobaervad and here he waa about to bet made reepon bible for aa iraimirtant a piece of con struction aa there waa in the whole dutrlptl llul it waa the ilalrd conatruetion company that had completed hla mis ery they and perhaps the boys bark at the offlce who had predicted that the balrda would lip aometblua over him now km ted stood watch in hand beside the roadbed be waa aaalnc bun self anxiously whether they were not juat what the company was trying to do a truck backed up to the nvlxer and dumped load of pravel atone and cement into its capacious hopper which then rose in the air and slid the care fully measured insredlenu down into the mlxlnc drum of the machine tfte uneven rotation of the mixer aet in amiii ted looked at hla watch the mixer ceased to shako and the trouah spread the semi liquid trap stuff evenly across the roadbed he clicked the osso of hla watch shut they think im easy plcklnc be muttered and pullliur down his cap nervously aa if to hide hla heightened color crossed the road and approached dick kd- mornlna ted came the cental ateetlnr wbata on your mlndt for an instant teds resolution wav ered then he spoke qulokty that mixer operator of yours mostly he aid with embarrassment he has a bad habit of running hla batches short the apeclncatlons call for a minute you know ills dont average three quarters that aot kdwarda inquired af fably well thats eaally remedied wei want to do everything rhrht you know o tonyl he called to the mixer operator fut sure you run each batch a full minute- no fudain goes you know luve a olxar ted not well see you down the line i suppose and stepping- into his lowaluna roe da tar he started the engine and waa off j oreatly relloved that the ordeal was ended ted turned down the road to crank the battered old automobile with which the state had provided him the troubled look in his eyes almost cleared aa he turned back on tha highway to a abort stretch of new pavement that had recently been opened to irnflla round the long easy curves the per- mancnt now road stretched hard and white and wide with a satisfied thrill he realised that he had done hla duty tho white stretch ended aa ted approached the second of the four con struction rang- he frowned ttlght hundred feet of pavement that was only two days load exposed to tbe blare of the sunt lie drove an luist the tamper that was beating down and smoothing the mixture with its wide belt and stopped just beyond at the mixer which wm turning out a fresh batch every minute o ulkel he shouted to the contractors jcoremon how about that uncovered section that oh well have it oovored right away the foreman answered tolerantly ted flushed even tha underlings did not take him seriously hut thats what you told me yesterday he aautu were a little abort of men this morning ur slarahall but ill see to it right away mlkom words were promises and nothing rtnore ted found that out when he returned two hours later and found the pavement still uncovered the tamper and tbe mixer were plug- flriiu gnly ahead the foreman was pacing back and forth and whistling cheerily for some time ted sat leaitlng over the steering wheel of his automobile apparently absorbed in a pair of rub ber boots lhat tramped about in the gray mixture as a laborer piled his hovel to tho thick stream then tie sprang from the automobile ill be hanged if ill b cowed by toremaiil imi iloiifl mhii mlk illtiuoiiu it ounll iehd t1 util im utnuaol hltiihulf by trltrlnu ull uictcjiinn uml im n from 11 n work up ulivud to uml iu it ulld iov r tl imveitiatit villi illrt from m tllo tliut ho tainted out u llttlt liuluic uwuy as u tiiutlm of tat t h fouiul hlmuulf otijoylmf mlurtu kriiiiiiiliieah tlm u uouhihm1 nolirau liu hud tuuon uuvu him u ort of trslillurutum 1 ui uuu jctiwurli4 illovo lip utiil oliin akultl tlin hy wum untlor tlm smill of his illalnu- ing uiilfm oiiaoliiuaiieua llu ft- it tlio ulwunllly of ills tryhik to illotutn to u uwoiiihi mlllloiiulrti oo it trustor im ttxl uurahull who wiim only liulfwuy llirouuh his cihirui at hiiioko whutu lliu liltf llu led aukvii ivlwunlu looking ut lili itllo tnui hhtury ami tlm row- of trucks wultlntf to dumli ti4ilr raricu tod nimlnml 1 ho mild und swul- lowtxl 1 va liaeil at mlka for two duys to oovof thut pavotneiil ur ilwunlw und vlthout relilt this imhiiioii to im my only altruatlve tho spmilll- rutloiut call for immudluto covurliltf you kiuw thn superlntoiidant laliod comfort- ibly uruiiihi u lauphoii n tiolu und iirual hu huiids into lilx pookotil i uiwim you remlln tvd lio nil 111 rlnnlug whimsically hut it is oout- lux us about forty dollars an hour all tha time warn elueed down ukt oil yes k know sdmltt1 td miner- slly rml hut i mupmtua you rvulu that wn an hvr ucropt thut pluotf of rtmtd if it la not properly protected dur ing eonstruotlon knpt from tlm uui und knpt wnt- it wni to mo mr l xanln the loy stopped abitulied ut his tenia rlty wur ttml looauikod his oollar it ihtotn to me beoontlnuml that it would bo rhiutthtr- for you to build uocurdluif to specification iii the flrnt plucn it has to lie done nveiituully kdwards thraw out hs huuds depro- illngly why of coursl of coursnl thats wlutt we nlm to do hut its thu btlor thats whurn the trouble oomus labors incompetent shifting und hard to get and worth hanging to wlmit you get it now ulke hern who is causing all this trouble we hsvu to take more from him than we like but hes a cracking good foreman and worth humoring a- bit even if he is inallued to lie orlclous he might be trained tod voitturvd to reply and kbutcod wjanlncuntiy ut the disgruntled mlko who now was carrying out the boys ordars all right ted said the superin tendent laughing oo to it train hlni if you can and if he quits why well cast atlout for another we should worry about the expense we watti to do everything right you know the day and its problems were typl cat of the days thnt followed ted had to nhl continually to get the work done properly we wutit to do every thing right pontlnurxl to batfla him throughout the season combated und overcome a do sen times a day ho lost much of his natural shyness he largely outgrew hlii ma if consciousness in the prnsence orbdwiurds in fact he to regard hlra rather nu a chum called him dick and frequently rode with him in the roadster hut ted was not sure of the mans sincerity though ho could not quite doubt it it waa not until late in tho summer that he found definite evldenci for his suspicions tod edwards declared one day the two stood along the road studying a set of plans am 1 told you before were not getting paid enough for the work were doing- in that rock cut the hill outside marfan theres a lot more rock there than the blue prints estimate and its hard going i know it will cost us more to bet it out than the four dollars a yard that tbe tract allows a lot morel well you may bo right lok tod admitted and if you are youll be paid for the work you do the esti mates may easily be wrong when they were made tbey oould be based only sn the outcropping roclc hut now that the top dirt and loose stun is off it will be easy enough to deter mine accurately how much rock there why noj pick up ono of my in strument men urlmes is working near there and your own engineer and rui some cross sections down there t accordingly kd wards had the engln ears make the survey and compute the yardage again the result was aston ishing the figures erred it is true but they erred on he other side thorn was leas rock to move by more thnn a thousand yards then the plans indicat ed the etalrds would therefore have been overpaid rather than underpaid for their work guess the little old blue prints will be gxod enough for you now dick laughed qrlmos as he shouldered his transit ted gave edwards a quick question ing glance but the superintendent wai still staring at the figures i hupposa tha blue print stands kdwurds sug gested when grimes and the other en gineer had gone 1 told you thut if thu plupa erred in our favor wed make it rigt didnt i dickt wellt well its a poor rule you know thut wont work both wiys oh strictly spoaklng perhaps hut her els where you have an opportunity to help us out a bit were losing heavily on this whole contract well appreciate it if youll just forget about little survey nothing wrong in doing that surely sorry dlok but i cant see ii that way dwards sat for some time looking up at tho steep bluff that was to lie graded then he spoke again slowly well ted ho suld ovary raun has his prion yours is a high one of course so 1ji bid the limit at once let the thing ride us it is on the blue print and wlimi the province pay us well give you half tho surplus in round numbers that wilt jirobubly be couple of thousand dollars v the color quickly flooded teds fuoe ha shifted bis feet in ernbarraaarntmt there you em fgdwards went on knnugh to finish your schooling with t one swoop and nothing out of tho ay in wluit youve done either nothing crooked simply fallowing a set of plana what- say buy ted sat and tapped hi notebook with his pencil youre entitled to it anyhow cd- wards continued a man of your ability working for the imliry salary the province doles out ridiculous its a crimot why my miser operator gots more than you do uiul you aaaw how jo bundle his jobl my own sulury is easily ten times yours but i listen to you for my orders itll tuke four years of scrimping and pinch ing to lay away enough for those two years at school hero la just the op- portunlty you need und desorve and i of course the matter is between you and me absolutely tod oat quiet with downcast ayes ho felt as it he ware suffocating his tongue and hla mouth burneu he tried to apeak but merely mumbled he gavo a swift upward giant- at ed wards and met thq mans eyes ffivary man baa hla price they aeetned to be saying the pencil in teds groan broke with i a sharp anat m ha sprang fa hi rtet a revelattioy ini green teet its so sweetly puhe clean and delicious salad a tba wslj is sold on merit nrkcl snotit alone try it once a kid youwillnevor fo back to jrpblas at nil grocers nnfliluu doing icdwiiruu ii uuld i ulmrply mid utrldlng uhriiptly up tha n llu rouduhbt iiuiikl iiim bui ld provlmio utitumolillo uik tlioii i cultliiil tiff ictlwwrdu msdii no moyn to stop him kxlutlons hntweuii tlm two tnmutund i ii ml i y tha nu out wuu niud ind ikiiliuima of tlm blu prlitt pttyinunt wuu omiutnd on the liwsls of tha work dlnks u ut nl uuttirn wuh unfull- ing and woniatluius ttd foiiml hlmhnjf lug yhtitlitt thhy hud vr huil the mm no ruble ouvflrsutloi it boomed o much like a drooui toward thu bml of tin ttihutm tod mil to go to die hohpllul to bu iu- td on for bud toimllu lie fi ttd ut thn mlsfortuno that knpt him tliuru for ulmiiat throe woekw it wuil not uui tonsils that anuoynd lilm it wh hlu bolng kept uwuy from his job he triod to toll hlmeelf thut he was foolish to worry 1 ho work wus ulmont dona und thora wurn no dllllniilt lirolilnms ahead lgdwurdw who damn in fr- ituuiitly to sou him ussurtkl him tliat orlmes win hiindlliig the work ttnpahl in hlu placa mutnrlitls worn oomlng hi till tho mliiuto and the workmen wura ninuing nvrellunl progms ha udvlund ted to take pluuty of time to tonviilnsolllg hut ted did not take u mlmito longe uui wus nornanary tlin flrfct iluj t if dootor msld ha might roturn to work t thn station hut it was not idwurdm hut iriiiiiitf tliut sut behind mm tnerlng wliiwl weill 1i1 you bug borrow or steal dicks oitrt uskod tud laughing dltiku ur nothing my cur ilnky 1 f- j iarr nought it orlmes riplunt you bought ul gnspetl tod vup orimea said smully shifted the noiseless geark dick wanted a hlggarone so he isvm this ut a renscuablo prion ted narrowed his oyos and looked at tlu hying lands upa grimes had liought thl rodtr which was of tho latust model andas good ml imwl iqven tho reuuonabln llgure must havo re- prohonted a tidy sum ted himself could not have bought une whnel of the cur without feeling tha plnoh and orliiiq was guttlug fifty dollars i month inns than iml ted brought him bolf up sharply it wus potmlblo hi rvmlndod himself for a man to havo an inronin outside his salary hows thn work hn asknd genlully great left off ut stutlun 40b last might hlutlon 4flnt croat brottr why lots seo thatrt one hlinrirtul and alght ututlans in alghten days that aver aging a run of six hundred feet a day vou must im nils taken throe to f our hundred feet is h good uverugo run you know yes hut weve boon unusually lucky wauther favorable matarlalh coming hi on tlmn no breakdowns of machln ery und lalwr us steady us youd want to soo it im snld tol then as they camo in sight of tha construction gang uskod what foreman havo i lairds had on this sactlonr mike good toon i you for the ualrds you watched him clouelyt mikn likes to fudge on getting his suhgrude- down camo down easily all along here crimes utiswered there wasnt much rock t certainly tod saw no room for crip oliim when they dmw up beside tha lulxor icdwards greatmg him affably llul ion tod with pride the long stretch of covered pavement that they had completed during bis absence not such a bad job ut carrying on tod ha said tlut teds onthuslusm failed to kindle and ho was worried all the following week while he was waiting for the proper time to uncover tho first part of tho section that had been laid in his absence ho investigated figures pondered und concluded utid thou toss ed his conclusions aside only to return to thopi on tho morning when tha section wus uncovered crimes und edwards mat ted whom mike had his gang busy nloarlng off tho dirt lcdwurds saun tered out upon tha clean light gray puvernant smooth as the bosom of a freshly ironed shirt bo declared 1 toll you follows this is as pretty a bit ofswork ui tharo is on the job a mighty good jobl said orlmes knoollng in the dirt to sight critically across the pavement yosi ugnjod tod on thn faro what do you mean t uskod wards in astonishment i moan replied toil quietly that baiieath tho surface its just plain rot ten i dick icdwarris oyos became narrow but his voice was genial well come on tod he suld lots end ull this melodrama icxplalnl 1 think ill usk ynu to da the ex plaining dlok ive bean wanting all this week to usk you u few questions i thut have bean troubling me well lots hoar eml iorhups you can toll me how it happens that on this particular run a given amount of maturlalh bus doix no and a half tlmo tha uouul amouu if work tcdwards leisurely ouppnd a match id lis band und raltshted bis cigar where do you get that stun bo usk od laughing good humn redly itlght hare and tad drew forth hlu liotoliaok iforo is a record of all knatorluls rooqlvod diirlng the three weeks i wus gone n ordinary cumstuiiitos thoy woro enough for a run of movuli thousand ft y6u huve used them to muko u run of lnoro than ten thousand foot how do you explain that hy claiming error slthao in your flguros or your in format on kdwurds piled minplaoeiitly t hares no oilier way in you demanded ted seriously uxpect me to ballnvathat this pavi- nieut is night inches thick hallovw it or not aimworod tho superintendent easily thats what it s feouroo wo try to do everything ight ted jorkud off his cap nervously and run his flngors through ids thick red fhook of hair ho looked absurdly oung mid raw llyt ifo wru not blush ing bow ho had turned white youll vo to prove it to mwl he said all right odwarda replied in the patlont man nor of a parson who hum- unrousonabla child how shall wo prova itt dig down through exactly answered ted that is tho only way burely pinky began orlmas you dont moan yes i ilol ted axolalmed hotly and turned lo iddwarl where shillt we make the test mdwards spread out his hands in vtingly anywhere then well save ourselves he time and trouble by using the proof that i found yesterday replied ted and jed eats a la eden v- ul ull tub ii uh lluy ill jhvi nu food that riiudoi inl- llkn iunuhfc ul hut uth- aiiy lonlaln 1 uml hulk with at ids uml i rilu nil to i n uiul itfulul tho uyuliou dm not ioiik lit lugging uiiiiitlttm of himiinor with jiiis iiiid juiiih in uloiil vury jlo iiuiiumr of sorvw thn uutiiiul fruits and vglulil s th liottvr ho day tho ulmph r thn mod tiinipluj loiuiotllouu dlngust wllllo thn rlup lnt t in or a tomtito with a fnw ulitu of rucuinlxii nvr it im uttiuo vsiy tin tolir ui immii und torn tlous of your uuliiilii uuii rliiiid tlmfr own nutlvo dullmry lo druw uiloi do tin tvlth null ldl in tin pu llwui tuniiul i10110 t clrlmih lionilliig nvr thn holo was insuring tho dopth of tho puvfimmtt itli hlu ih null only about four iiiciximi ho okululmod not a bit or woll tho tho dirty iiooku howd you onto to hit them lt by ull it orlmu tad askd him i qrlnikm uskod in ttstoiiuhmnut jr ut guiiu tvd i didnt know any thing ulwnit thlul thn provluin wu puyhibf you to know ulhiut it wuuut it oh hi u way hut you sua thuro s uo uuiiili for inn to look uftor all onro when you wont gono und ii to tfll tha tltltll 1 wwwil t round horn murh thu was mulii uy going that i thought mlk wus cupuble of himidlhtg it i dovotid ulmost ull my linn to tho oiuthwork on thn ithof lions ii h i uuderutund said tod yo ituyod ut thn iitlu r tnl of tho jol conuldorutlon ono rouilhtur oh loimt now tol lutorruptm wards au hn tujolliod thtmi diinl bo nauty about this mlkn has triad lo put aomathlng over thats tho slso wom sorry it huppunod its our ul in to do eviirytlilug right wnll lihulld tliiri uartloii of oiirtm wn uut affoid to lnt anything like lhs htippon not if its going to got out suld tol oju of oiiiho wo imml 4tnop u iltirk now you follows nuiax your own prion irloitjv clod toil you tild to buy innthico tioforo ami i knpt still about it thlw wholo disgusting bus- iihh lunt mutli to my crodlt it may mean my job hut just tho sumo the provlnoa is going to hour about ill oh yos i think you ii kubulld all right i l u was mmiiii time lutor thut tod stood in tho oitlon of tho district an- ihieor for thn 1rovlnolul highway do- purtinutlt ho flushed to ttin roots of his hall au ho told of tho thin pave- mil nt as mr nluhols llstouud bo i iml in a peculiar maiinor that made ted remember tho day lust win tor when ho stood hi front of tho man mr nluhols wus fumbling in a drawer 111 hlu desk lie drow out u set of expousoatcount shoots uml studied tlmiil his uml lo imciimu ubuost n grlh theyre crooks sir that llalrd con- ntruiitm company led flnlahod just pluln unuorupuloiim crtioksl oh tmro mgmo1 mr nichols know thut when 1 uitt you out tlmro theyvo imm u doing ounty work for yours and hnvn undoubtudly boon buy ing tho rommlnhlonnrs all i larknd was coucroto proof of tho fact v sent yotl out thuro to gut it and youva succeed ml im afraid i dont qulta undarstaiid said toil dol you huppou to romombor u dln- nat of tough roast bof grauwy potu- tfios und soggy iiuatry tliat was set in fiont of you und lutlf u dosan othor follows one day whan you wum in look ley last spring making a survey it wus m that dinky rwstnurant on tho oorner ted shook his bead 1 dont rem ember that pattlflular meal ha re plied well i mcntlound that una because 1 was thora myself ut tha other end of tha room tho only good thing about the mnal wus tha price it was thirtynvo cants meals are ulways tnlrtynva nontu at that restaurant said toil yea mr nichols run his flngov i down una of tho shoots here it is luoii moo on your expanse account one linnet 35 aents woll and hare is fine umo item on that othor or swindle shoots ono dinner so cents again oneillnnor 76 cants one din ner 86 cents h ores another ono nlniior q6 conts most of the follows continued mr nichols tnado tnonoy on thht dinner it was sofa enough tho pro vince oould not question the items they woro plausible i hut the discrep ancy between thn price you gavo and the jirlres tha other fellow gave fur nished mo with a clue t course i hud noticed that your expenso account ulwayawas from ten to riftmm doluts less than that of most of the other men and i guessed why woll then i reasoned that a follow who bad a conscience that wouldnt let htm choal tha province out a penny when no ono hut himself wus likely ever to know about tt wasnt tha kind who would sell tflmself to tho llalrd construction company irotty good hunch eh ted tod flushed a uttlo deeper but thora wus u glad light in his oyos as ho lifted them and mot thoso of mr nichols i tho province cant offer you any such rukaoff as tho ualrds offered lou my boy ur nichols continued with a sudden smile but- it can pro mote it men according to ability und wall the first of tho mouth isnt far off watch for your pay chock for lug vrdrvalna uu tuil un for mlr an u rule wot lluvn bo bleu hilw d ildous tho ul unit fruit ujil vogiluhl ur of tlkmihlv miguriilahnd v lllil them with uo tulliy rondlmeil tliut w utttly drown 1lu their dls- tlurl uavnr kaduhes atone lilark htjliui unuugarod churrlns wholn ap- i or plod a piurh r w hall jr ba sc architect do you iniiini to iu1u oli maki altkhationsv why not consult an akchitcct pox 524 brampton phone 166w food chopper is a neccbejiyy in the kitchen lauticulaltv at tmi8 tlmtor yeaj nil i nun i uui chopimiru l- ly without iiuuhhig i tub moi uplullru of all klmu rnul ivuhs j1 j2s electric washers blue bird 155 a b c miss simplicity 135 plui tho plot viigutatlon und lift would itnik hrightor o ull of us if wo oould tnjoy the ihk ml eut ll folly u mil happlo tliwi for thesn nvhu- innlal dunuso whli h j i gruhv diet wim i u rami buok i4lnttnr r cau him tip dont write your voice will brlntf resulta when letters teleftraips qd travol- lera fail long distance is the greatest business getterln the world it connects you with 12- 000000 telephones in canada and the us every bell telephone is a long- distance station am ft oar ooajuf a vn wowfolmwf up biuinmar a- a llemeuy for esreohe to hav i ourifho is to ouduro torlurn l vnr h h tlcllcuto organ and few care i o ilml with it roiihldnrlng it work for a dot lor dlhomiis kuluctrln o irftns u uluiilw rvmoly a rw ilron upon a phwo ttt lint or mndlraled 041i ton and plaoed in the our will do miiuh i in ielltvlug puln wo arc now a bio to ml p ply any ono of these tlirco lines which kivci you a choice when deal in k with us of any stylo of washer that is oil the market hany terms of payment may be or ranged for and thcro ts no need of you waiting until you havo tho ready cash let tho wanhcr pay for itself each month a machine will he placed in your homo on trial without any obligation or expenao at any sort on your part normap h speight georgetown distributor for ceoneelown milton acton liettinptnn i ewuu r lnlvtu oum mmlliii uml v ry lino 1 vs jlvrl- 2 25- itnlvrkal 2 78 fulvrul 3 bo wlrv cumilng luruw lit any twill idly h iiuri tarlt bo fntdcuvthg 8cabon ouiplico or all kinds llie itonu haujwauf co im a4 canadian nationalgrand trunk 40000 harvesters wanted returninq fare 20 from winnipeg plus lutlf a rent a mile from tartlug point to winnipeg h qoinq fare 15 to winnipeg ptev half a cent a tulle beyond to all points in mani toba sexkatchcwan alberta iltlmoaton calgary mdlcod and coat i wmm mf aishfuttlhh aitd 2ert- calclou lojt uxtan ucford ul egg 1 pi m collingwood kvnctangmklland t thereof in oacario inury sound sudbury capreol i q ttes ugt4thald 23rrf toronto itigjewoodsjidallstaticauaoulbatasstat 1 theno in ontario special trains loavo standard time toronto unlon station auffust 14tli 1230 noon goo p m 1030 p m august z3nl 12j0 noon 0 00 p m 1030 pm vor times f aooi otter seavrtons st rpedsj tram scrvtca pcartmr ttirougrh solid train to wlnnlpog- without ohanc roatrtmurant carat on qpoclal trains meals and lunches sonrsd at rsasonabls prices special oars for women convertible berth oolorist care of latest deslsn forfurtlurr particulars apply to nearest agent caruuliaii nationalgrand trunk fiiulamys the canadian national reaches direct all important distributing centres in western canada itravel the national way to winmpcj- wlen destined to any point beyond the ad and the man i he saw an ad from day to day i and muttered i it their stuff may he just what dicy say but fm not going to buy it as time wore onlic made remarks it would not do to mention for he was mad because that ad was forced on his attention but ih a week or two or three he said theres no denying the way that ad gets hold of me the stuff may beworultrying for just about a fortnight more he dared mere words to win him and then the ad completely bad aroused the spender in him next day be drifted in a store and quiedy expended afew of bis good dollars for the stuff tbe ad commended he found it filled a longfelt need its excellence surprised him and now hes glad because tbe ad so deftly hypnotized him advertise in the acton free press ikismii- w huvu wltat yoi 10iz want guelph this stores policy to represent floods ex actly ma to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at uniform rair price to fulfill all guarantees and chce- fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you sat iaf action savage co jewdlcn guelph ontario grandtrunk the double track route uetwkkn montreal toronto detroit chicago unsxosllod dlnlnif car sorvloo vill infoirnauoj from any grand trunk tlokot axvnt ur c bj horn in district laasnxr aavnt toronto il s holmes acent acton ont phem r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car ftolfxdoatl a quanntv of feed corn amd oilcake just becelvko floub fekd norval bban and shobts feed ftodr r noble ltd 1enry awrev manager surprising bargains for acton ladies summer shoes in canvas tans i oxfords etc very lov prices on a lot ol good good4 in small sires the quality is there and the prices are as low as the sizes comb in for bargains w williams the shoe man mui street acton hkilu children ory for fletchers casxorla if toi k mmmmmmmmmmmh