wht jttjwi mttt tft fortyeighth year no ii 13 00 moil ymau i actqn ontario thursday mqkning september 14 1022 11u in un1tod btatkh sillglo copies piva cents the methodist chuttch actom rev cha8 hackett pator piwinia- willow bi ll 00 u in tim minister 3u4 p in hiinduy hi hool 7 do ii in tin minim r a wircomi to aijl- puesbyterian knox chullch acton islnuter rv a c buwirt m a mun ie willow htreet hlcuvicicil 1101 u in tint minister hubjeol answer d and iiiiuiimwiril prayer 7 no ii in i lui minister t hum4 kh itli til or rulthlrum hiimlny hhml mill hlhle clan at j a iii htraiucur leaving add res with tlic usher will t called upon ty th pastor alul auk coiumaiujy invitici new advertisements 10 watch found a silver 4iihiiir ml wutrl uy noowr owni tt i kh1ci0 lhkhh ol incm for sale tattuitoea 76i ixir bushel h a hlolttly qiiuhi ktrel anion telephouo 100 between 13 and 1 t in old house foh bale two storey log luiardul over ucksr valuable lumlwr and timber would i also be suitable fin- hog- wm if moved j a fkndkimton lm 31 con c losquesing k property for bale number fj nw farmm hated iw- son luunulnif to pure base e r j kerr h know ileal kstatn aittnl phon 18 acton j for bale oood cord wood ihwcii untl mn 111 bo per cord also pig mix we october v and nun horse for uule j o hkntlkhhon 111 h il no 3 ami auction sale hamervllle hun lot 274th una krln will hold u sale ot their farm took implement furniture eta kl wed needs y heptember 30 enm- encing ut ii orlook hoy ihndljoy auctioneer for sale 1 yirk sw with eight pige threw weeks old j 3 cnwu due end of ontnlw i durham uradn uull rising two yul apply to o h cutth u- ii it ho 4 acton ont strayed to the prumlae of the undersigned a bay nurv nnl no it owner nay have mima by proving prnjierty payuur uimnhi o if bwitzril 11s main htreet acton wanted immediately capable wprnnn to act an housekeep- j or ror th cordon hnm milton onl flood wage apply in perwon to haliuu oommlttce uhh aohham mhh illtowk co 1 1 verm r beriiry i wonderlajnd friday september 15 star dust kvmturlub lloutt i lamp ton comedy mhlpperm itoositm inland now twopluou oroheatrai saturday qeptemul 16 where itotnmioa llldum u ooldwyn picture fnaturlns olur adatne carl uantvoort und joun jlomholt coitmhly anaortiml utiruea iutho niiwn a tcolill picture ut tha umiul price llo nnd 18a throapluati orchaatru tuesday september 19 koollah mnt rune tram the novel by ponn hyrnc with an ullntnf cunt icplitoda j7 if tint adventure of ilnhlnnmi crunoe kducntlomil tonidy coming three mvo dlimtti jp c silverthom were holding open house during september you arc particularly invited to visit this store during the month of september as our guest and without feeling ohllgut- ed in any way to make a purchase apparel sections are now prcbculing the vanguard of new ufyles and fashions and these uro proving a daily delight for fcrninino oyes every where throughout the store is felt the magic of a new season new goodi and new modes autumn und cooler weather are on their way just as tant as titno cuu bring them tor months past we have been making ready tor wcckt past the new goods have been pouring in were cooler weather to come at once it would find us amply prepared to meet its requirements as for the new price there are many instanced that emphasise real udviuitugci to be gnitted in the new seasons chopping womens new coats have been ascndlcd in almost complete numbers prices down an low us 15 00 for a tuilorcd ulster in sizes up to 20 years or 38 bust new fall frocks evidence various style moods thoy take russian lines egyptian ones they lluuut circular skirts or feature draped styles an classic us those of a roman matrons in the days of romes glory crapeknit crepe vclettc canton crepe crcpo romano crepe n the backbone of the fabric fashion for silk frocks wool kinds include the indispensable serges as well as homespuns tricotlncs gabardines and llannels and prices on serge frocks for instance begin as low as 12 00 new millinery dress fabrics dress ac cessories and wallpapers among the interesting things to bring you to guclphs big store this week d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading andxargest store farms and town property wi wanting jnrn or town i ivoperty boa our i let soma 20 vurm and 6 town ivopertlo to nhooaul from we aim to plea you j a smith nal icatat agent lhone 10b aoton ont card of thanks ut and mrx john buvok j wuh i to flxtnnd tlinlr tnot urnleful llianltn i to their many rrlendm in acton for the 1 kind ymnuthy nhuwn them during their recent uftd iojw to thank thntn tor the many fluwerw tinnt abui to thank the fellow workers of the sohi leather tannery for tht aulietantial preaant received rrom them privatesxlepf house h o ltl furniture conhletltik of molld mwbosuny tllnlna room aulte nine plecew aolld muhotf- i any hall eoat and mirror colonial j atylj line toned piano walnut ran i olid mahokuny dronii walnut iiurlor f aulta oak beilroom wulto three plei titnaef tewtngntachliiu apply to 11 t miinn i cleorketowii nt to dublin ubrary auction sale colin mcmillan uttd ooorao ic 1eumn 1 will hold an extimlvo uuotlon nle of i 70 head of choice fonder and atookerm i on lot 31 town line kuduettlnit nnl 1 naaaaitaweyn mldwuy between crew- mtn corner and suburban jnrk atop on toronto bulhirbaii ilwllwny on wd- readay be ute ruber 13 at 1 so oclock harp hit montha credit r per annum off for uuth it j kidhit auatlonowc weekend specials jelly beans jelly beans assorted finvors regular 30c special per tb 25c wrapped caramels wrapped caramels real tasty regular 40c special per lb 32c weekend chocolates wckon d ctiocolates assorted hard and soft centres regu lar 40c special per lb 32c the acton cafe for a real meal or light lunch stop ut the actoi cafe centrally located appetising food and the best service our motto cleanliness and quality mill street acton h wiles thank you we take thu opportunity of tlmiik- intf the cltiaena of acton nnd the ur- roundlna country for their very mberul i tuttronaice durln tiu iiaat two yearn j nnd wn aoltcjt your putronue for our oucccejoi v humloy who ho a munmf ed our atortf aucceimfully mr numleyha aeoured the agency for our homemade uandlea whlili will lm dolivored to him frueh every t it mooiusuujt xv itw the house of distinction poll tax poll tk notion nro lelnir ariit out to thon liable iuyment muat be mi within lftoen duya or coatw will wddeit for oolleotlon i w j ltwid tux jolleetwr munlolimllly of aolon beiktamtmr 14 1023 yfo wish to announce that community meals are now being served to many acton patrons and are found to be delicious and satisfying a very pleasant change from monotonous homc i i cooking if you haven t tried our meals wo ore waiting for you community house meals are supreme d v ritchie proprietor quallw the toronto bargain store bargains for friday and saturday only mens pure wool sweater coats regular 705 for mens dress shirts regular 130 for mens working pants regular 2 25 for mens working sweater coats regular 305 for 405 169 175 adler nicols mill street next door to daptlat churah acton 0ht a million and a third attend toronto fair 130500 more than last yeara record attendance the show was as magnificent as its mammoth attend ance news of local import eullbilnj ptiir t lomlo fir mliui mary c jlllmnn u ahuwln tit luindon julr thu wiu ulittn n- til in ihofhii urlm dnparlmaiilu hlie hf m iiukk ii mimb r of now nuhjoot ltd br rilnlu iki h r iih- t ihui yui ut the oxhlliilliiia will ut mill nnuiil with tit chwliitt- of m k liaht on huulrluy tlit 4tlh hiiudiun nullml ichlbltlon ht t momi tlut will l imrl it lat ix ur not only did th tulr icunh th nllllon und u uartr objactlv but it ii t 132600 uvur thut nnrk kt tuidm nil r il u iixowii ut taifdoo whirl ruu u llnof itiuo on 11 mini ly t i0ji th t in with i rdw 1 iii till tlllljllllf irlr util the iwle of i fchlbllu uhii hlhltorm htatd i hut imvtr 1m fin n dl thiy huve nimli n kkmi run of bunlne hi the two wiwkm of the vulr tltn fird ill t purtliiilurly well with ooniuujuuy vkhlbit v will im nulleit however tl iindltloiiri noum hardly have been bet ter for tl holding at a tolt for iluhiitf the wholn two week there wna hut one day when wnatliar rondlllon did hitiuh in the wuy of hoidlnc th urowiu ut hofiiir that wa on youtia canudaa litiy when there wu a fulling off of over couoo but ua may he judgwl by a ulume ut thla yara total of 1j7zko0 und luat yuurk 1143 000 even the mod- uet fuiluro of one day could not hold hulk the people front oxjin nalntf their conviction in the rutur proorlty nf ihn oountry riiturday ihiiii the rtnal dtiy tiuik on mora or of th earn i vul utnioaphere thoiich with li tray koiiillon here klld there the people were moat orderly one of the exe- tion imni whan eome amrtlve pereon runcle1 u woum iw u nice thin if all the men atraw it on the urounda tmld he mtuied to cirumble1 ahreda hut it did not improve the uppeurumw of the krpunda any when the growli uiortlviiiiie picked out the fountain na the receptacle tor the rrasmenttf of the aplrlt of aummer tatandliik feature of the uloa- ln duy wu ihe reappearanoe of the lajcnuttt flhorua in front of the brand land thla body of s 000 alnaerrf tnude u rumurkahly flue impreaalon upon the huice uudltnin of j 11000 people who were able to crowd into th enuloaure and upon auveral thouwitida of other who imicknd th outalde of the atund in order to ntch the floating nmuuwfii of tlmvolcm awrt from the ulna in whlh mane audi a fine ettect there wna the mtuxinb f an intereatlns aeono when the 3000 alnger marched ott the roadwuy in rront of the atand wuvlii their hut nnd handkerchief at the nudlenctf ulid when the audience wav ed liuck and clieered them a ion tut thuy were in ulxht than when thu flmwork utarted and while the aky ituant with all manner of thins the hujee choir marched i unfa muuln with the llhtander uaild at their head alngluk o canada und eknhunalnif once more their kroot- inuh wltli th people on the atand to mil onlooker it might huve aeemed that thuy were a party nf pilgrim march- left behind with thla imrthttf featlval the icxhlbltlnn omduliy came to u ilomfl busy week in police court variou charo laid seme blapoaed oj other still to be heard on tueaoay chief countable tfmlth of iturllnston brousht tranaoreddo ftevunl nf toronto to ah havlnk ar- roitel him for ilrlvinif a motor car on ie torontnllalnllton ilahwuy and olloe uuclairatn ltatr havlnif aen- noinl hltn to even duy a uuurrel liutween two famlllea in cllenwiiuaiiui may 1mi ulred in court hi u few day unlite the partlem lint oil to icood udvlcu and keep out of law crape w c iteaany oeorsetown wm nhuriecl yeatertlay aftnrnoon before 1olice mawlatrute ii 1 moore with lllegully kucpltir bltfk nearer to private realdence than the tuhllc heahh act allow the caae wum tries ut aonie- town thnmuh a moclure wa chafaml laat thuraduy by chief cniuatahle cooney with belli intoxicated on the publlo atreet thn defendant came befjire 1 moore polloe maauitrata und pleaded trullty ie waa dned jo 00 und coatu when questioned on oath um iuipilrtid by the ontario temperuiico act the defendulit wore thut he wa in ouvlph on labor xiay and while in the lavatory of one of th hotel u atrahaur came to him und uaked if lie wanted to buy a lxttle of liquor a ttottle wo produced und he puld k 00 ror it hi dlil not know the man who upnlled him the llquor never aaw him before hut thought ho wa u forelknur on monday andrew wolnl of icrlu townahlp waa ehonrvd by kdwunl klnndy lniotor of the inland itevenue i3epurtmnnt wltli belmf in lmiaaeaalon of ailrltrkuuwlna them to have been unlawfully matiufuctiifvd thl cae will be heard at the town hall on flnturdny forenoon jtilhktow o mckay of the da- purtmunt of akrloulture of canada of i nd on laid it charre before il 1 moore iollon mualatrate avalnat the oehiicetown creamery ror vnlllnir butter containing over alxteen por cent of water in violation of the dulry indua- trln act certificate of unalynla of two atm of 1 butter made by v c cutlloc uomlnloil analyt were aub- inlttud mr c cole buttermuker pleaded rullty to the charae a tlnn of 140 00 und coat wa impoaed fw htrlktlia w o panea who oww him 17 and culled to dlaciiaa u aettle- ment of the debt william ifalley w tine ss 00 and ooata or i7c when he upimaivtl before maslntnite craw ford on monday ii rend coocart sturdy night n vt iuluriliy avunlna the a cltljt lluiul pu to iv i ollur of th ir popular iwixl ch ut thu cnmiminlly uo ifiound i lo ul 1 hi id now iminlwr ovr twenty moiiihu uiui it i kpett ty will h out in full fore fur ihrlr nim nt vt muturduy ivuiiliuf new 625 floor to be laid in the town hall receptacleri for papers and other llefuae to be placed on the street of the couih ii amu tl iru hul wtil t f acton land rallied hltfll ihe water iwnity ftutt lot mill htrt iwtween w hrlttnd tluulrt untl mi lltr- tti mnrriiyu i wiim pimhwed by mlu muiruy from ciuiu lllur kruiik ltolint ut h mr fool it 1 ulutwl thut mlu murray ihlfiid rectln miw ulim th r cpnwenlenc for suburban yrewallera mudlriay evcnlntcm htur tiave thlw lor-tliia- iiiformulloii there i pnw ilk of a wiiilthik nrrmittmitl will to toioiilo hiihuihun klenlrln luwit hlbv llu puh to the lily oultl t tvl for one fare ovr the huhilllitiil und loronto tlrt llnllway u tho mi tioiuilltuii pomiwiii ill noith lorinli hi v done for wimo the acton school stair 1 ht j i lull und iuhlln hchoouj tan huu limn oiuuiilmeil for the yura work follow llltfli itchool ml lcnulip priurlpul mb jumea uaalntaht ml ipul of hm kwood c tluuutun ilohool luat your publlo hi litntl mluu 1 unmet t prlnclpul i mihhiu ihiluy kolr muriel ploury ollu ii armatrttnir nellie aliderwi bid aiuleruon und iihmu onnllniii- taylor- dwyr wedding v viy prtty wwldlnie timk pluco lutuluy iiiornltik ut hl jiuirph iumv when krmicu o taylor of inwlon mjtulumt to ml may uua wytr v a i of tlpperury ireland rlut ihi hev putlmr mo- flttuvy nilli lutliitf the bride lihikotl rhnrinliitjt u uult of fuwn icatuirtune with liioe hut to mul oh and black fox vim ultendod by mr wm chulmlni tha luat man wna mr wm chiahfiliii tho huppy couple will r- id in acton lilllty t ullowlna the townahlp ihe frw ui of a hydiunt and free water roy itae on the road from the own to lejillu it wu dot idud lo make m chnih f seui for ch tunk of water iho dentilud lo aeclire recrpt- unlr for waute puiur und refuue to be pbided on tho atreitm to unit ut in pluic tho town in a more tidy con dition nlool mquputtmlthu ruftind of u dotf tax ut 1 l0 mm h had dfpnmd of hi doif iti june upon motion it wu deoldvd to rofuud ihe lav mm re- leetetf couimll itdjournmt at 9 30 p in trilux nduy ihnf willi ull ml th hh in th the vlnwtiie coinmlttue preneu their nluntecnith rlukrt und rwit miidcd puyiji nt of lh followluif i loirnlk social and personal mluu marlon jfui iu1i telepho geo 1 act i co uot waterwork aceeunt lull tllhoii co t 4 36 hydrolcleclrlo commluhil towur at pump inmmt 1h 1t hydrouniitilo comnilanlou iwwr ut uprinw 40 3j juu hymon uupplln 01 the 0 21 pttrt wua utloptel r for the luylntf of the hurd- whm lltuir in the uuditorlum jtf tho urn received from ij a word tin for kit und from w tramp- ion oeoraetowti for 17111 mr wor- lil wu hwurdtmt the oon tract for thl work ut hi initt of ls the c hulimii 1 1 of thu town hull oom- ulttee touncllloc ilurrlaou aplullllteil ii the council u commlllue on ln- mcthu of the inylntf of the flour ildi hi- dlucmuilnii i th property change hnde tho house on i jowtr avenue iielonu- iiut to mr j a mowut ha immhi aold tho mum mulholluhd mr 1ut- im houwe on ilownr avvnuu to john wviiderpln mr j c ntumi houe on main mtrl to j momulhm tlun huw were made by il j kerr rout ututo nicent acton berloua aeldent to an eldwy lady on tueduy ufternihin mr arm- atrthk fell oil u cetumit walk in the rear of ihe hnuwo of hnr brother-ln- law john hunter whure ahn ha llve1 u nuinlmir of year one f her blii wua broken on anoount of mr over ho year it i fureil fhat uhn will he iiermanently dlaabjud ulllmi champion baseball broka boy jaw krnlii ilelyeu ut itronte met with a painful accident while watchliia the llmnle ltuuelmil tuim practice ut the uthletlo urouiid there on bat ur du y a ulruy bull atmck him on one aide of th fane fraotllrltiif the lower jaw on tho nppoelt elde tho doctor wired the break in plare and expect tho injured jw to aoou heal burn note pair next week next tueuduy and wednesday hur- llnaton vulr will lid hold a feature of tho tlmt day will he a baebull touma- ieiit in whlcti u route milton und camphellvtlle will he the contestant on wednesday there will lie trial of i teed and a baby show tlurllimton klremuna land will provide hnualo hljrli cium concert in the ovenins trafalgar want radial line after huarlna from v a ouhy ohlef envlneer nf thu ontario hydro mteotrto iowcr commlaslon reaaon for the trutlau of th toronto ht cuth- urlne hydro rulli line trafalgar township council luat week passed a quelph salvtlon army band thu oucirt kivni by the outtlph hal vat tou army lland on the commun ity utilise jiiouudm lut frlduy even ing wuu urutly uppmolutud by the itlaenu the baud number about twentyfive uiemlhir and rendnrod a prourummo of uucred und keciilar imiu aldtinnim ituldwln of clielph tu the hundmuuter of iht nr- uuuliiutlon unit iium hrotiaht hi men lip to ii itnu utuiidurtl of vrlcleiiciy the concert wu tittondml by a lurae iilimlmir nf cltlxnnu mid thnite from the miirrni nll n tf country a vlwlt to the old horn in iitid mr j v ureii of toronto riimn up from tho olty on hunday lutf to uttmil the krveut featlvul kervlceu in h old home clmreh they were uccomtwnlod by their win d lunuhtnr trfiulle und arthur krujincit und umbel thirty year ukv itr und mr uron wore active worker in the methodist church here add thnli rxmovul to rorontowam rmatly rekruttnd they havo ulwoyw tutil very kindly ftwllns for the ohl ttnmnautl friend here and their visit uu hunday wan greatly orijoyd splendid acton exhibit at toronu a pllndld exhibit which wua greatly udmlred ut toronto pulr wau thut of keardniom v co und the anton tinrtiln company in tho new collaeiun there wa u oomprehonulve hhowlnu of their tnunuraotur of uole leather harneusi glove und ahoe luth- i ul attractively arranged to em- wllluh the exhibit photonraphlc view of actotiuliil the worku of tho oompauy her went profuuoly uaett acton wa he limelight throuirh thla fine ex hibit for tho two week of the vuir nd tuiiu of thousanda of visitor en joyed tho exhibit nnd rave anton u tw iluoo on tho map aftermath ol harvest festival thu iiillea aid of the methodlat church emmciluilid on huturduy thut tho itlval ducoratiopa wito to pmtty und attruntlvw thut u vm- uvenluif fcuthoiinii while they were in pluco would iflvo tho cotnpxgatloii phuuiljo a mollal evonluir wau thurv- hprnt on monday when uu intor- estlnu proiframme wua contributed by thu church ohnlr thu hiiuduy hchu l oreheutru mlu cnrinuit mndtnmhl mr monro und the puatnr i lev mr unckett wu in a vory huppy mood and lis nlnldontm and unondolu were timely iiul enjoyuble a brief address on hyatt in hervlpo und mission wua nturtislluif und appropriate at the oonoluulon of ilm proammtne th tuidltnioo proceeded to tho achool room whore tho fiultu tin were und vege table used in tlu decoration of the ihliroh were iiisuomhi of auctioneer cmr wum 111 hi elnineiil iii prefue- toty uitietiti hi witty interjections hi iiln tabling turla und hi aptitude inueourlnk bhbi for tho article offered kupt ull in the boat of icootl humor and remultnd in the dlupouul of the good with fupldity itnd pnrtt to thn fund tn whkh tho money wun applied discovered soohiar caoh tne evening lust wouk a numtuir nf gmwhig lad who wvro prwimring for u coin roast in tho ouurrle underttwk to forage ihrouk w pwlffliborliir farm er corn haiti for n uuxlllary utipply kind legurila to ull acton friend of uucculent ear they had none down af m wrote from qrautouj boot- oeorcjftewn plerlaia won plrat plao meaarm klik mul molntyre of the uetirgotown tflral co ur jjj lm con gratulated on their big win ut toronto exhibition where they won flint prie for the best und most uttractlve dlu- pluy ut the big ahow thereby da flut ing hi thomas the renowned dower city ami many other competitor thuy were ulao awurdikl flrt ugulnst i competitor ror thu let is urletltis rev canon nftel qos to milton itev culion nuftel of totora who wu recently named by the tliuhop of nliiifuru to nil the vuouiicy in the aiikllcan church ut milton hu no- pled the uppolntmnnt und will tie- ime the rector ot milton on the necond hunday in on i filter during hi rualibmou iii lfllora itev cunun npftel hu tnude tnuny friend und thuy will wish him auooea in hi new parluh major orant trip overseas a note tn the pumi iiiuum from major orant of georgetown received venter day aayu myaelf und two grand daughter have been seeing- many derrul thing in ptunoe helgium und kngluml we are in tiootland now wu fnild to an 1 ireland just now because of the dlaturliun words op appreciation lis yorkshire htouelph september 11 ibss kit i tor vtuat fhkm aaton onturlo dear hlri in reference to our hand vlalt to your town on krlday btat i desire on behalf of my fellow bandsmen tn w- preaa our thank tor the splendid at tention and upport which wna accord ed u by the inhabitants am announced by llandmonter ituld wln wo ahull in the nvur future lie puylntr another vlklt when we hope to he uble to give a oral- clou concert inulrumcntal und vocaj in one of your liurche or almllur building i urn youra truly oicouaia i- oiiiuinb 1 i8crtary ouolpli cltadal bnd utter utilectinir thu corn with out mo much n by your leave a itoy ale momotline known to do when lo and iwholdl nne of them run upon a cache nf galliiii jug pfljouor there wur four or ave imhed just below ihe laurtaeo tlk wlllaukhl boya f thl oomniunliy tlmy removed the jilgii uid emaahed them just u erfeo- tlvoly uh hum been done by onicom of tho law on thu order of tho court ut thu town hull on o number or occasion thl prwtilouh cache which at boot- icggtim current prlcim la eatllnaletl to hnvu beau vuluetl ut 50 or ib0 wa locuud uu the north wont corner of the turn neld near thn junction of queen hired und the mill pond iloud it ta nocdh to way thut the farmer own ing thocnrn fluid hud ubuolulely no knowluduo thut tho liquor wau there thu bnotlviikur who preeumed to ire- numm on hi nelahborm proinrty lu ui manner may yl hnd himself in ihu tollu nf thu law- i acton fall fair this year should be recordbreaker the directors of tho pair nrre con fident of large exhlliiu of fine character a ton bull 1 ulr will bo ihn ovt nt of lb la community on 1 ueuduy uml wed- nsduy o loltt i s untl 4 j hi yours how priimi to dllpmii piovlotiu uf- rl r i1cm ur win itomervllle of ilalleybury visited ut thu purtmtul home over the weekend mlsu murjorle muy of valley kail n y upxnt n couple nf duy with mr john liurr r mr jumen itrown of norval vlslte1 mr uml mr iuvd llndsuy 1uru avenue thl week mr hturtuvutit of flint mh h vialt- e1 her ultnt mr john crawford church htreel last week mr v a moleuu ami master hilly of wutfont visltett ut the hilm of mr win johuutone lust week mru w a htewurt went to hm heu- tur n y on monday tn attend u- fw whkm with her son in that city mlu alice johnstone huu returned home after apendbia u week with frluntlm lit pyeeltmi ami hlruluiiie alexander mcknnxlv uccompunltxl hi wife uml fumlly when they took passage for hcotlund two whilh ago mru uohluuou of toronto and lnr ulster miss nettle ilryer of nu puttee visited acton friend during- the week mr und mr j torrleuml fumlly of orungevllle vlsltetl at thu home of id ii young- main hi roe t luut week mlu evelyn hymon of han it hie murie out visited ut the homo of mr hud mr jua hymon over the weekend ir und mru nims field mainprise of hf muryu were guesla during- the wxtk of mi und mrs william mulnprlae mill htreet mr untl mru nell mcdonuld und mlahiim huxel nnt jeun motored to llutowel lo visit friend tho re they flrt or the week mr william htowurt of vaneouver ii c upent u few duy luat week in town the auest of hi brother ilev a c htewurt mr und mr alex mcdonald were t trufnlifur nn monday attending thu funnrul of mr mclwuuld brother ivlcr cmopbell utile mihji velmu murray wtt imought home from the hospital lust week und lu maklnguplendld proares unl ry laud porelfln postal rataa ineraaeed notite im given by the pout ortlcu department of increase lu the rule of itoslage on letter from austria hungary llthuunja creece und he- public of hulvudor foi canada from austria the new rale lu 300 crown for the first ounce und igo orownm for ruch aucceedlng ounce or fraction with a tout cunt rate of 110 crowna hungary 13 crown for the nrst ounce ulx crown each auocoedlutf ounce and 7 crown iout cunl rate creecn ho leptu for thu aral oiinco and 0 luptu for euuh huiceedlntf oiniae or fraction and go lopta for mtt cards lilhuaulu m uukninm for first ounce 4 uukal tin each uuct eedlng ounce nnd 6 iiukslua post ouitl rule bnlvudor 10 uentnvou foi first ounne 10 lentavo euah mtuicued ina ouuiv nnd is inntuvoa fpr pout caniu xflsu mary ilea ton of lontluc mich nrt miuu irene paul of loetrolt spent a ry plduituut visit at the home of mi and mrw john ltarr mlu myrtle youiuf left uat wuk for itiipiy itlver where aha had ac cepted u position us principal of thu conlliiiiutlon bchool there- mr and klru churleb i la i ley nf wrguu upont a day cv two thlw wck lu the old home they worn guenu of mr and xr n p mrlam ur jaa mckeasue and mlsu mur- tellu of itochetar n y vialtotl at the home of hi alater mr j j ken nedy muln htieet luat week mr jl m mcdonald who went to uuelph llohpllul for art operation u oouplu of weeloi uro i doing- well und hope noon to be home again mr und mr w k orahum and children have returned home after viiendlug un enjoyable two week motoins through western ontario mis dora hurvey returned home luut week after vlaltliig relative at rinii imlntu in the west she wum ucnynnimnled by mis dorothy hunk of huakatoon husk r und mr mile iteaaou und their three daughter iuulla ruth and mil- lu of icrln und mr thoma benny of orungevllle were guost of mr and mr j l denny over the weekend mr morri v hcott of quebeo city wa a auaut during the week of mr oliver cook muln htrect mr morri mid mr cook were close friend und neighbor in hetklrk mun for aeve ul yearn mf and mr william will und itr ami mrw lovurldge of toronto motored from toronto oh krlday und vlulted friend here mr und mr will ur ulway interested lu tho old itev charlem huokett chairman of ouclph dlutrlct wau uocompanlod to ihn annual tlnunclal meeting of thu district ut ouelpli on tueaduy by mr huokett mr und mra a t hrown and mr j chester matthwm mr nnd mra c ii uatika urrtvetl imrc luut wek from ttuukatoou tlny vluitud ueveral american oltldm nil mule mr hank hu re turned but mr hunk i visiting her jut rente mr und mra john hurvey jluko avvm mi and mr robert bhortall of winnipeg- mf und mr rtett hhnrtelt mr uml mm will hhortell and mr william hhortell hr of ilulllnufuil m und mra wllllum imnghum mr thomam lllnghum mrs ira vonutter und uon ouorgetown mr und mr joseph king mm churleu king- mis lillian king muster louden und iteg- jclng of irehton were guest of mr und mr linliert i ten no tt tu welcdmlug mimm mururel- ilennett home from unulund to acton ion vul w jluuhy and wuldia 1 ho ixhlljlu in ull dtipurtmoiilm hoiihl be lurgnr and of bettor quality than for yeiiru 1 he bountiful harvest glviu uhuiiilutile of gruln utld mntw tor competition prult ihtro ui lu u i midline in inuny clu whut im needetl now to iniike he kulr u rown- lilg unci nun tu for ovnryono to tuk un uotlvo luterut und sue that tho best of their ulmk und the finest of i heir productlonu of held ortihuttl uml gur- hii tho miwut uumple nf handiwork ullful hikru mini their itnnu full groundu i hlbllloi v ollltnru of the lull urt presi dent a 11 mir tin lut vltniitiulilent wulluto imuuv 2nd vlcv1iolwnt c woodhall hiiuit tuiyl muutir r tieo jlyndu commlttieii lu c hurgi of thu various thpurtmuiilu mo heavy horseu m sur coxe hmltlt cumpliell und itumuhuw light hnrm messru hortiip an derson llluck lludsuy iiwile ma- doiigull cose iuttvi sou und hump- si i re heef cuttle xi suru c hwuckhalner t hairy cuttlw miur mckenwii him mduu and i hheuii meuhiu alti und it w lowrle hogumesmru mcnubh hobortuoii nnd n hiiiih pnultiy muru john it knunody und w k aruhum uinln uhl itoolhmeuuih hortop and hnilth krtilt meusru win jolmutnnn v4 ii hhmoy und io j iluuuuid huttn- mmuru john it kennedy j la itaieii und mr i i mooie trj mfsuru c woodhall l 1 wit idle ilunlu untl iflownrti mr ii i moore mi hnvll nnd mu mcooutf- all tjidieu work muur mcdonald iiuvlll it ahum uml hlmr y mru it m mcdoniild mru dr hell mr hhnrey art mr win knmifty nnd mru j k 1fliiroii tim commlttoou uro ull on tho job nf boosting- their vurionu deport untu icvurythlng should go through ithout a hitch tho i rise hutu have beun mallei to ember of tho hociety tho direct or uie very nnxloum to huvo n large an exhibit a usmlhle of nverythlntr produced lu tho community any pouu- htht ttxhlhllor who ihslrew n lint utul tneinbi ru who liuve hot received will pi en se rnmmunlruto with tho lury who will forwuld onu ut once them im no limit to tlm num ber of entrle i no hiir to uxtiihith from uuy part of otuimln tho unltutl htutuu oi thu world thero uro uiimoroiiu itttruotionu thu homemeu have got tho loud this leur und there uhoiild hu thu llnout inhibition of horiioileuh ever seen ut he fulr tho trlulu of speed will be i fouturu und uu prlxeu nggresutlnif jgoo lu cuali urn o it tied there will likely he some excitement foi those who enjoy thin fmtuie acton cltixena hand will liscoune uweet npiulo both day of the luli make moot mo ut anton vulr your atogun if you have anything worth exhibit- lug enter it at thu ttulr if you have nothlmr to whow no mo along ami see whitt other ore doing yoiirexhlhltm may be tho mean of ullng you a good murkit for your surplus produce anyway you look ut it loaj should a record break or held cthuruduy evening milton oey um rlaht la ralph hhcphard ageil 14 of mlluni wua taken to luelph lenerul hospital thlm woek to have hi right lea am putated two weoka ago tho hid wau thrown ugulhst u telephone ioe when hlh horse rnn a wuy and hi leg broken ut tho knee a short time afterward ha attempted to htnml up und the bono becumo disjointed causing a clot nf blood to form in nne of the main ur i or i on of the leif lielow i ho knee thlh stopped the olrculutlon of tho blood and blood poisoning get in in oilier lo tiuva ihu boya life it wum deolded to amputate the log ubovi thef knen a tragic motor accident niiron johnston barleualy injured white drlvlnu on saturday cameron johnuton uon of mm han nah johnston main hi i eel mot with s uerloum accident on haturday nliflit ulwut ten nolook whlln driving home from cumphollvllle in company with other young men a trip to cump- itelwllhy hud hcun lukou in tho ovail- ing in w cur thoy hud secured from h u wlluotiu grtruge in retumluif homo they hud pro- outhted ucroitm thu hide roud from cumphullviua toward tho second hiiu kuipieuing und hud rouohud tho inter- hoollon at thn nusuuguwnyu um 101- hiieshig town lino utero then im h jog in tho roadway uml whothor the iphd wan uiioh that tho jog- tumid not bo tuudo tn in thn diiruuouu it wiui unt dfmoovurnl i not known tho other yoiinif moll uuy the mined wum not mora thnu uk oi 3 tulleu per hour j ho our aldouwlpml a telophone tmlo whloh wnuuhed that uidn badly utld youutr johnatnu wuh implnunl in tho front door of tho uui thiouglt which tho thigh houu of his loft leu wau iwiitly fiikitured uliove thn knee the joint of whloh wu injured a vory uorlouu frucuiro nf tho left chook hone and pomhlhly of thu bum nf tho ukull wum iituo huutalund dr nelson of anton ami dr mocdll mlltnh wore nulled ui thn uoono nf thn accident vi rut uld wau given to the injured younu mun und ir nelson und hlu brother dr juhnuton utnunn- pa nl pi i him in tho ihm nihil at ouolph ttiough hl injuries uro uurlouu thn hyinptoiuh art ho far fuvoiuhlo tho yemig- men who uaoompunloil him were donuld mndouuuli who had both uyh bluoltoiied nell moarttmr of loiiti whoku heuil wau budly lunnruted fioni the foreheml huok foi uovoral limbo thn wound inquiring unveru1 utltohe hi biolher john mo arthur ill hull und ituhii wllhunih vhn wu hero fiiim dottolt v lull in if frlnmtm all ihu ladh hilt joinstin were ubln o return in tliuh lionm uftei tho ccldeui ttie oar u oluivrolnt whloh wv- pruntlcully now wuh budly wiooknd tho filendii of tho hijuntd boye- up- pmulitlo very ureutly tho klndmmx of mt til mo in a neighboring furnior who ifuvo veiy kind uiiulutuuflo whon tho uocldvnt ncaurred cameron jnhllitlon iii un nxpeilnuootl driver und lust year took nut u chuiif- f huelllhi i no neeti to waste it i lv yon your fieedeni holomoli hnio in the rlnic you guve mo i uu- not mariy you foi i hive utiothei o uuctiell attl nvhut 1h thn untno of thl othii iprit wretohl ydu would do hint liurirft not ut nil hut purhuiih 1 could anil him thn ring ul u buragln