hx rjfsfyks v hhiw v- wtutw- r tru j- r iji arhnt 3frrp jlrrhk wi illi rill a him iu1 l hi- i 1 ll lll 1 mt 11 alwtttlt isc liall ran tl tit tr ll ilily ltj 7m i iumm ai immhui wni ll pfr llu will i mil fcw thiu imwu- edlioria and advertising columnu tbudi tlio excellence of the carleton place canadian us uu advertising medium ia wj rnanifcst thai llio tupjiorlois of diivid i indlay i literal candidate ir the hy election in iatmrk county uso its conferva live ndvrtniii columns rcncroualy to advance his candidature thats all right but the apology of the editor for the appearance of this campaign bluff in ik columns in opposition lo its tory candidate dr preston fa rather amusing thursday morning novlmuiik 30 id22 editorial government control again lroven u failure the socalled government control of the liquor traffic advocated successively with a forgo measure of vehemence by the citizens league liberty league and moderation league has proven a banc to british columbia as it did in saskatchewan and as ir has wherever it has been introduced at the great worlds convention at toronto during the week rev a e cooke of vancouver said government con trol is turning british columbia into the moral sink hole of the dominion of canada and the sump of the continent government control ho continued had been heralded as the harbinger of moderation in all things instead it has brought tn its train de bauchery moral degeneracy contempt for the law and an influx of the whiskey soaks crooks gam blers andtheir associates of half a hemisphere lie warned ontario against the result that would follow should she ever fall under the spell of the siren song of the rnqdcrationisrwhcn they begin their chant of beer and wine concluded tho speaker how to treat the county warden in this county fxqm time immemorial it has been the custom for tho warden to antertaih the members of the county council the county officials and prom inent men of tho county at a big dinner this has been expected year after year and to omit it the warden for the year would seriously lose prestige it is surely an imposition on tho warden however he above all other members of the council has borne responsibilities and sacrificed his time in the interests of the countys affairs during his term of office jthe plan might justly ba reversed it would be a sane and reasonable hing for tho members to entertain the warden out of respect for his patient i courteous conduct of tho duties of the office during the year in some counties this plan is followed in the holding of this function which seems to be a necessary feature of the closing of the years business of the councils term in york county last week tho county council entertained the warden and pre sented him with a goldneaded cane isnt it time ujat halton lifted the burden from tho shoulders of the warden cilizerediip itcupomilbilltleh v very citizen li under obligation to a poln officer of the municipality yet on many occasions when real service may be r given it is not only with held but obstructions put in the way of the officer doing his duty lav js tup re mo and the law of the laud rrlust be respected but it ii little encourage ment to an officer if he if abuved and maligned for doing his duty it is equally tructhat when a man it exalted to a public position that ha has a right to demand the support and loyalty of every citizen who approves of hi action it is not so easy to grit men to accept puhlic office and when vo have men who urc willing to act to the best or their ability ill the performance of tho duties of their office they ejtnuld he encouraged and not discouraged which is too often the case it iwt the town its you walking along main street the other evening as two young fellows were paising wd caught the following remark this is a hole of a town the lad in question is a native of this section has not all probability ucn any large place unless he has visited ottawa just what his complaint against this hole of a town ii we dont know and he in ii probability dont know himself but ho wanted to ouvoy to his companion tho impression that ho wai little faster than tho town in all probability the same young man refers to his parents as old man or old woman and if in company a little better than he is used to would be ashamod to notice or ac knowledge his parents what the press desires to point out is that history confirms the fact that most of tho great men who have lived came from small communities as a matter of fact small communities show tho same varieties of human nature of good and tf evil that you find in larger centres and the use made of them depends on tho individual and not on tho place it is pot a difference in quality but a difference in quantity winchester has sent out from its homo some very bright minds young men who arc making a name und a place for themselves in the larger communities wo are proud of them and hoy oro proud to acknowledge winchester as thoir homo town tho young man or young woman who runs down the home town condemn themselves and leave o very poor impression loyalty to parents loyalty to your home town is a trait of character that means much more than appears on the surface and tho lack of it uiows a very miserable if not contemptible spirit the greatest man in england oy for that matter in tho world was brought up in a small community and learned his lessons at the side of the shoe repair work bench rf- his uncle lloyd georga wab never ashamed to acknowledge his good old uncle nor ever referred to his hpmo town a hole of a town winchcsterpress w the thomson motor supplies bylaw the meeting of citizens held last thursday even ing waa a very gratifying one by the largo attend nee of the people of acton one their keen interest in the proposal before them the meeting was record in tho annals of the town the desire for tho iqcation of additional industries was clearly mani- est the proposal of tho council as set forth in the bylaw a synopsis of which has been published in l columns to guarantee the bonds of thomson motor sales limited of toronto to the amount of 1 0000 to induce them to erect and occupy their proposed new factory in acton was under discussion mr thomson the president in clear frank and conciso statements explained their proposition gave statements showing the financial standing of the company explained the purpose of the new industry and submitted figures manifesting the progress and growth of tho company and the prospects for largely increasing their wholesale business in automobile parts and accessories the statements of the bankers of the firm the reports of the financial agencies and tho balance sheets showing heir assets and liabilities presented by mr thomson guve satisfactory assur ance that ample security is available to safeguard the interests of the town in guaranteeing tho bonds of tho company to the amount- requested to those who have looked into tho matter the proposal is one of the most favorablo ever presented to tho town tho business is a going concern has a turnover this year of neajly if not quite 300000 00 has built up a wide connection is managed by young men of busi ness vim and prescience who hove already won grati fying success through their energy and application to tho interests in hand and who undertake this now proposition with a vfow to manufacturing a number of tho automobile parts niu nccessories they handle thus eliminating one step between tho manufacturer and the consumer and materially enhancing their business interests a new industry or this character f rlwaya of value to tho town additional employ- t moot is assured to our citizens new homes are built assessment values arc increased anckwith the natural increase in population all businesses and professions in town sro benefitted those who have looked most r closolyand critically into tho proposition feel that it will be greatly to actons advantage to glvo thejr support to the scheme and voto for the bylaw next monday judging from tho manifest spirit of thq public meeting of dozens last thursday evening tho bylaw will be supported by a urge majority 11x1 you ever slop to think that every town must grow if it is to grow at all through industrial development that when it ceases either to attract new industries or have its present industries grow into bigger or more efficient indus tries it must cease growing itself became stationary or go backward that tho town without adequate thriving industries is always the town tfjat must- ex perience in fullest measure tho dregs of business depression the heaviest losses through business failures that tho continuous industrial develop ment of many towns has been hefd back for years by luck of effort or interest to point out their advantages to manufacturers that factories are ideating every week in towns not nearly so ad vantageously situated as acton that every citizen should have a better knowledge of tho town and its possibilities every citizen should bo a builder not a drifter or a knocker and strive to make acton more and moro progressive business town a friendly town a town with a vision a town that will go ahead and every year through the co operation of every citizen become a bigger better brighter and busier town an opportunity is now offered to add apother thriving industry to our list of factories our pro per tyavners will vote next monday on the proposal to havo thomson motor supplies limited of toronto build and operate their proposed new fac tory in acton tho council has investigated tho concern jind its standing jn the business and financial world and tho majority of the members are satisfied that the institution is- a desirable one and the securi ties offered for tho fulfilment of itspledges ample to warrant tho proposed negotiations with the town private citizens have also given the matter consid eration mado enquiries of banking institutions and financial agencies and are quite satisfied the council has been acting in the interests of the town in mak ing overtures to the thomson company to locate their new factory here it now rests with our citizens to say by their votes that they desire to still further improve industrial conditions in acton the dovchnor and the qinoerdread man wit ritchl tli- u 1 rouwr- hurl lulu ii- whn mi ul ur ituluil ut to rd ii lin ulrt titrli iwrlilu- il1nn tl tur jo- till in to wri to mii jwuy fom thimukii ti ml your til j m to blh iiulo ulil 1- will n lr ulonie to w ml i lit hr ftli l ii in- j lilri imyli it molhr url i i riramtjittiw t tuu ror- if h- li uu u in tli vorll llw ixt lui k th lu- brliclt i i lo tl hnw tlrklxl holi llr luirm ftmwj tlu lc u il tli i it utru itikt th- iv iim ltow uliut tl liilitrr mui1 tw ii unf rh tii way i iik rtuli uik with lilumir iut nil nil w ntlm i uu lr up btoh ir unity htr tli tw tbtik uukiimi kf do util hi- in unruly woth-i- lbtoit tl i no i klill luv- lit lukfu vtry iuhi ukk ii ulihi i wilim liw m ii ur uiud lilt iiiliiinllit r lii hilntnlli-i- i imkililo iitro 1 to l willi m jyt- ii41 wublt th imily twy tlt wmm lli kltij uttswrorsd hui mod how huw 11 l tii qovrmri iluiititttorr awkt in uh wml vlr truth to toll th wum u llltlo fright xt th honor in kliir for i family hlwnhi tn iiow ll inimw xi r huron uuuylt u kioint why y urlrl nhiu jiint uthiut your ua fnw iimiitlin ohlr hiiiylh hha wiu lltll illx if u thin whit hoc loolhur illtid und tliut m uluiut nfdti yrm ktt 1 ku nhd n nil i n lisra i hoiirt you uml i toll ihht4 aid will uu rihhi frtinlii ua your fatkiorw vrundmv with th- irr who hot rmlhr i if uuih u uiiomtt llii- who luol u airt uu ihkit thought i kuhjmhl rm tluh nll vhlln itulm i xll lllrl n 1 willi htilmii i k wu i thld cjlltn on tt yll w llv- in h iuilil iuxk omm thr l ii ulw ut it thut fw wh- llally i uyu hll h uii ll ii hi n iklii our my fmnily holiuhiurf l lla hf of ilinw riuht mi jx w iiorl- ih o il uu uuih boys shoes ih iiii ft itoy- vry rhmmku ituaiuint t er gibbons aqent for the olooe laundhv ouelph mdl st acton ir nl ul1 u i luu hliu tal tl to orry tttxut lht i ulxit m oth lo hv- iuuu uflr umi wllhnul ihntlichl hfut will orowii luif loll h b whkl1 khwllri ih i iw ull i lo ihri u ii 11 ur for irih ull thin clily ihoutih u liurt tt 1 1 1 1 1 lo wt anl limit you fr t uuul thut iily thlri llulll i not ull khi tiii h4 ti lunch bo thl- hirschorn ladies wear tailori special redactions in ladies suits dresses and coats also reduction in ordered goods a hirschorn main street georgetown editorial notes additional industries in acton will improve mar keting k conditions for the farming community happy indeed is tho town which is spoken welt of by the farmers who makoit their market t vith potatoes selling at fifteen cents per peck wheat at less than a dollar a bushel and other agri cultural products at correspondingly deflated prices manufacturers and wholesalers need experience little difficulty in discovering the cause for a decrease in the demand for their comparatively highpriced com modities simcoe reformer hon mr raney attorneygeneral has issued an order to all magistrates that hereafter all of fenders against the ontario temperance act shall bo treated alike and no more creeping in by the bitck door paying- the fine and having tho matter hushed up the general public will stand behind tho attorneygeneral in hbruling bul letin yount jo iinr lin for hutlliitf chiihi inuuhixt riiit xrt luiulcky ulti tin no uu mkllnd jumi u ulrl uflor ull kor ttiii nit rw luyti thorw wan u cuuuut iiuhiiu of irttutrulion ut liur numiroft ultit tliri iuulnt old hotluu wiui nittlo to lint iim lhat foot rormtiout in loittit if tho smmi4tikl vultor hiniifl km onvi rnor wum lo lutvu thu kuhi oim fulliita woull tthuro hum with it tljiiiiititnr hlin lhtluhixl lltu kvtl tlinrry runiliurjt iiulll it uhonn with lin rldi limtiii mohofxany uml mud it ilulutily lit but uhor ult wuu tlona uli i iooiuhi urounl willi tllulufui- tlon 1 mo ilrulfuliy om ruuhlonoill houiflit twitch i mf th oovir or tho knoliliyluusvd drouiilitif tuhli into ut iiiovlnif thu hruldml rug thul lay hi front of thn rourttahtor i1 lh ri4utliii of utt inch it hwiku uu though tt hoi iioiiin nut ut tho ark thn whttltt in nun tloim for thut mutter with oruittlmolhi rm hlitdk wulnut tlilnicu itownutuirm tiki i ull ajiii uhm uueit to llvlnc in th ickiwiutlve mutt- ion oh ttnurt tho mlnitlwl ior- r aioiummom und lliilinr riautiwl ii troii tho kltihn wtitr1 orunlnmlln r llnii wum doltitf hr luirt to wtilcomo thn roinlrta auoutw muvml hy u mullun thought cullutu hurrlml lowtuatulim you won t ho to tnuko thut ln- itnrbrvuil tnult will you uruntmothort uh inqulrtht with uluborutm mrnlm- th oovemorm iluuhtr ih oultn u younif hily you know old lutiy lookml kikinly ovnr hor uhhjtnclcu llumtihl uuld uhu 1 mitlo you nt th luut line i diutlo ror you c utyl tut dont worry i wont lnuk it if you dont want m ufloiitoon who ii tha ijiiijiji urrlviwl hi a our from htjnru- buuah thn flovornor wu bla bluff nd brimful of boyuh amtiiluonnoau iiim llttu sir inivd lo b tull ulmttlcr tuuu who uiuwuml to tho uama of ltoltortu whon hnr ruthnr did not orient unit full hr itobu or i lobby hhy callutu loved liar ut onoa for hr rrniik unci rrloitdly wuyu hha iwt tho wuy to hoi room with thn comfort- uhlo rtllnif thut thn oovemorm ituiigh- tnr wouldnt in thn lout mind ttu imlntf iildfauhloiifkl whl in itoburt ijthui uml jimoiili huron wunt ort arm in urn lo mako the roujidn of ho old ltrqn liluov tli urn wuu only tlmo for itobortu to kt rid of tho dtiut of truvel und h1i fmuh itowii imfom tlmy htiwrd hot fjithnr lit ilia foot of thn utalru ilolxt ho rullml hut varu on tho tnbls und thn kltnhan mitulu of inarbroafl yvint lirlni utty lonsnr i huwnt immiii mo ituiiary in n year com intf tlourl uliuwnrad itolmirtu with u lauuhlnit aluiica ut imr humlauu if you only lnw how i lovo to huvo tliuldy llkn thlut she uuld ro alud he cult ih with your fothfir ror it llttla whllut llnm tulktl ubotit it for duyu oovnrnor tain did utuplo juutloo to thn frlod iihlokun und otlmr rood thlnam vrhfch ura ituroti hud lirttvldod but it wum tivldnnt thut m conuldnnl tho bltf tilutnful of tandnr brown ulkr litoai tiu cirowli of tint fnuut wuvwt uklln thn howl of wblluhl utffiim with which 11m huron hml tttouicht to rnukn tt u oomouny dm- unrt uitylna no no linda uothur vbm m klnaorbnuid doeunt tuiud utiy 6trnm itmnomlmf how aood h uuwl to tuuto uftnr wnd lnfii tlnhlnif joot gruiulmothcr tluron utd u rautrutn- intf imiul on tho elbow which wum ul- tnitily bant to convey thu ft rut morunl to thu clovornorm mouth 4 wult u mlnutn howuuld uha 1 hot u llttla unrlun for you ami jony and from n drawer in tg old bluuu walnut uldebourd uhtt took w blua liluta on which lay two llumt riu- unrbroud miu vlth u whoou of joy the hon itotwrt iutii uotsd tlm blgk- mtid browii- aut hy mtik klniarbmad uni jouapb wum uulto content with thu ufkiond iirlm attuva tha ohoruu of lutiahtar culluta heurtl itutmirtuu voloo und know thut uha wum minuting old ahudlah rtiuut vlda daddy vldo with ilobu i huvcpt or u anrorbreud mun hiii not slnca tqy own arnndmothnr muda thm for mo utru huron i ii in loft arm duddy und ana of hit urn thatll imvo you u lot i 1luuua daddy arundmothor haronu tyu uought cuijatuh reproachfully cu1iuium mat them msrctfully add a thoy mourned in kllanou thut there wuu klimorbraud mun for thu oovarnorn daughter a wonderful evening followed robert lull 1k und jouojih duron mntchtna utorlfm with younur joe and tha two blrlu au intereited tluteneru all too uooil it wuu over he slukon ud hi f dominion of canada victory loan bonds maturing tut december 1922- r bank op montreal under autliorltyof the minister of finance la prepared to redeem the nbove bonds in full at maturity without charge at any of its brandies in canada for the convenience ofowncreofthelxmds the bank of montreal will accept the bonds at any time pnor to december 1st and will mac payment in each case on december 1 t as the owner may desire either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owners credit in the books of the bank this is the reason why the acton free press is this communitys best advertisingmedium always because because it reaches the highest class of the buying public in ilalton and south wellington and surrounding territory because i t because its advertisers are always of fering values whiclt make a special appeal to the pnblic because because it is the only local paper in this locality giving the home news and is read more completely than any other paper because because it carries the weeks news in concise form it carries news which ias not been printed before it is constandy increasing its circulation so that it ranks fjrst in this section of the province these are only- a few of the many reasons why the acton free press is the leading weekly of this community and therefore stands in the foreground from an advertising standpoint 1 business directory dr j a mtnlvrn phymlclun und bur rutin- uml iiidfr- in r juw vnli und 1 lulu kin l thn r ul ik ffmily furui l i i y l f u thou arfon out dk r j nfison phyaloun suryaon obulroin acun qolrlu uuooior lo ih lut ir irny oltlrd und lunidain o i r durlrk lit oikr hourn llup in und t to dr w s la1k1 iiv nuii iii 10 whilulili 1 rid yu ljr nona and ihntul 1hotiu no ji o u sji harold nash pakmlw m a urrlt solicitor notary public conwyu near ctc lfouru oio to c u lu ll g me1k durruuf baueilar notury public corgbwrt oit dental dr j m bell ddsids ditlf honor qruduutu of toronto unlvtr- ulty tha utut uouthotln uma it omra ut rmldi cortir ulll und tywlorlnk lllrt dr r g gollop ddslds duntal 8urqon qbuf bwui ltd nit of nova hmjiu hotlltit 3tt to so ivinlnc- w a polltlmi il migcellaneouo francis nunan doobblndar atooniit xhvm tit all klndu jmio to onlnr iwtodlmila of ovory domcrlptloo ourfuly bound itulltit neatly an j nptl do no wytillurn rtrl fiwlph out ovr wlllutmu idnro r j kfzrr auctlanar and ual ealata aant 11 1 ara iixinirlnri actom ontario ihxlsm ontriiiitod to it j ki rr r- colvi utlantlon from dole nf hktliiif to dutn at nolo iut your uahiu with hih 1aaldane oowi- avnu actoi ilioiio 3t acton cull ut my lgneuw rdy hindley auctioneer i1v1c iftocic ilkai lcfltatb amd ulcuohamdilli lolldatad phon crinjir 11 b n 3 acton wei j e ciieevers do ok binder quabm st caat qtlalph ont llook and mmmln hound in llaitdaomo and tliihatunthll oovra mameai loltamd in icoltl on llltllaa hymn ltooka and otlir immium all work promptly exacutaj d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil cnflinaar bnrvoya ilulidlvuiloiia 1um lt- imirtm ikcrlptloruj llhioitrhita otn cvrtltlohloa for tuirolmttfln and mortbvm burvoyj fot araltltoota llnlldetm and uuutaliuit comic 1 1 lrulna leparta knthnutou eta molean building douula fit uulclxilf thono 1004 ont consulting noineens jama lroctor llcdfcrrv tid m toronto bt toronto can ltrldsuw hnvdmonlk wuturworlt howriiuo hynlnit inolnonitoril iruotoruu arhltmtloitu utluutlnn 01 m vioiai uauwiiir iwfii it t tho moitiay wo tuivii our ollonta 1hono adol 1041 cuhlo jlit co toronto tho old and tteliablo granite and marble dealers wo mm matiufaoturoni and tllrot lmwrtor- of ull hindu of wj2 a hodntono work wo mil j llot tn our ouatomorw at whotowtlo nrloom thu- mvtntf our ouatomar imc out w havo tho tt lluuiin win tha only mechanic in tha dominion who cuoporlo pumtlfl tool- wwijarly w mii blvo wrrtnc from huudroda of our cotornora lu towinlo tl uif dlmooa wltoro othora imvo to httvo law uluin ordr to oollaot we have 0o uroot and boat atook of granite in the t dominion or tnoro than ww dealor tn the west wo r leul- vjdo not annoy or poat by onfltdk ou imormnt nta wllolt- uilew employ only mechanic mna defy oompouuon a bamblton if sons ouildren dry for fletchers astoria jfissott