Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1923, p. 4

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the home q h acton 3flm nu0 hrwtol town weuhw l oulrlo till- acton wile plttss ul thursday raomlon i tl iro pry uuimi i mill street ailm ontario the ulcrpcloi eric u per 7r in 4finu loaure chrsj additional to ofliret state tho data in wllrh mltd o aubatfrlplbini i on the uldreaa l bel unllad paid u indlcati advfcrtlsinc hatestr ana tent advartlm menta to cent per una asate tneaj ur lor 6rt inaartion end i ecrtta pr line lor buh ubse- qunt iaertion contract dlipltrs wvertlm tnanta tor ip inclvaa or worn pr annum i cents pet loch each inicrtlon advert ustncats with out psclflc direct na will be inaarted till lot bid mod charged ceordingl7 11 p moore prcikuot and editor c a dills manascr and aa all tan l editor telephones- editorial and buaioeaa office w ksaldeec ol presides tij v thursday morntng may 31 1023 editorial labor not against prohibition whenever the question of prohibition is an issue ha opponents arequfte jtrce in quoting the labor p ofglptottioirartrf ccruntf yasop ance measures jthis hoxvovis most unfair and w untrue to the attitude taken by labor mei generally in these later days the president of the building trades council of the united states says gradual ly the influence of booze is being wiped out in tho ranks of labor all members of unions should- now rally to their meetings and demand that it be wiped ont ontirely for the future goodof themselves and 1 tiie movement they are malntainfng regardless of what may be said about prohibition it has had its effect on the labor movement it has been for the ebctterment of the union men and women today the local unions and the central bodies will vote against liquor by big majorities where ten years ago b they would have voted for it equally strong when a st man ira subeicd up and le it a long enough f to conquer his appetite for it hethen begins to see qw disgusting and detrimental it is to those about i him who continue to overindulge the notjon has b prevailed in many quarters that labor would stand jp- behind any move to emasculatp the eighteenth y amendment the fact is labor is just as alwe to the evils of liquor as any part of the community w evidence of improving business in canada maintenance of the volume of canadian exports principally those to the united states unusual ac- ofctvity in the lumber business and substantial lm ttro in the ifon and metal trades are among the favorable indications of tho present time al though much is being said regarding agricultural de pression there arc signs of improvement payments on account of indebtedness continue tobe slightly better than anticipated the re rot is issued during bj pebruary by mortgage loan companies indicate- that flaking present conditions into consideration pay- r ments up to december 31 last were not altogether satisfactory it may be of interest in this connection i refer to the collections made by the soldier settle ment board which in the regina district were 683 percent of the total amount due in saskatoon 41 rjvper cent and in prince albert 542 per cent seeing that the soldier scttjers were placed on the farms at a time when stock and land commanded higher prices at present the resoltsjicannot but be regarded jaa encouraging the margin between the savings deposits ahd the commercial foans of th chartered tbthka is widening steadily the volume of railway thuhc of exports and of domestic trade is not dimin- iffwiag and there are no complaints of abnormal l unemployment in any section of the dominion in jv addition the activity in building mining lumbering vjaoa manufacturing shows no signs of slackening f tfcese are factors of a hopeful character the fol- ft lowing estimate of conditions by a leading m- jjftnerctal house of canada respecting business cpn- klvaitlons has much of encouragement reports from a various centres both in canada and in the united eii 3ttca indicate that the improvement lii business bjl conditions which has been ln evidence fbr sonre ssl ftwptha past is being satisfactorily maintained in tthelatter country a tide of prosperity set in about bjthui time last year duo mainly to the need of re plenishing stocks which had been depleted during the preceding period of deflation and to tho fact that moat industries had reduced their operating cspital to a minimum and were obliged to increase ctheir plant and equipment to meet tho demand that feed been accumulating for some time past as result of vthe first demand there has been a marked revival in many lines of business such fas tho textile industry while the second demand in conjunction with the urgent need for housing accommodation lifts occasioned a phenomenal burst of activity in the jfe building trade and in the iron and steel industry the wholesale prices of producers goods rising accord ingly the situation in canada has been somewhat l njuar although the economic factors have operated jrj oifa less ex ten jive scale zd did not produce clear ujbideice of a return of prosperity unulaome months after this had occurred in the cast of the united sutea whilejr may atrst scorn to be desirable that jwwo should match evenwlth our neighbor in pros- gyvpenty there is some advantage to be derived from jjljelng able to obrfcrve the course of business in the pt t states in time to prcflt by its lessons per iip the rriost sigrubcant fea uf th p jjfcn fn that country is tho increaao in wages which sihaa taken placenta he textile anjl iron and steel in- lijdustries this b of particular interest- to us on 1 otyunt of the strong innuetico which labor condl- nain tiie united states havp upon those in can- who may vote at the provincial elections the pesent law allows the vote to every man or woman who has nttitincd the ago of 21 years at the time of voting provided bucu person is a british subject each qualified voter must have been a resident in canada for nt 4cas a year prior to polling and for a period of three months in tho electoral district or in case of a city divided into two or more constituencies a resident in the city for three months in unorganized districts the vojer must have been living m ontario for a year andjat the time of polling be domiciled in the electoral district pro vision is made whereby persons who havo moved from one electoral district te onothcr may obtain a certificate frpm tho revising officer which will en able themio poll thcrr votes in the now riding but your name must bo on tho otcrs list get your name on the ust citizcnsor acton you have until saturday june 2 to get your jiames on the voters lists of trje town for the provincial election to be held on june 25 if you aro not already enrolled and are a resident of acton a large number oftnamesnrc not on the voters lists if you desire to see your franchise at the coming election forward your appeal to have your name placed on the list immediately to the municipal clerk tho lists may be seen in tho clerks office the onus of responsibility i plac ed upon the elector and no person may have his or her name placed on the lists after tho final sitting of the court of revision nqr can anyone vote whose name is not on the ist whether otherwise qualified or not your attention is brought to this fact in order that no one may haye a complaint on the day of election see the lists immediately and govern yourself accordingly every citizen resident for three months in acton has a right to vote and should see that his or her name is on the list actons proposed jubilee celebration owing to the apathy of the municipal council in organizing for the proposed- jubilee celebration to mark the fiftieth anniversary of actonjs- incor poration this historical event in local annals is likely to fall t nearly two months a the council fnor- p t t- a ha hrm ff jim luullui celebration as june 30 and july 1 and 2 a meeting of citizens was called a week later for the purposo of organizing for oie event about a dozen citizens attended but neither the reeve nor members of the council with one exception appeared to present any plans for organization the citizens after waiting until nearly nine o without the executive of ficers who had called nhe meeting putting in an appearance naturally dispersely informally the council has since been exhorted from these columns from week to week to take the matter up in earnest and rfppoint committees of citizens- to further plans or a successful celebration up to this date nothing has been done there still time with prompt action to arrange for a successful celebration which our citizens and the hundreds of visitors sure to ttend if invited to do so would greatly enjoy un less organization to accomplish this is effected at once however the matter might better be droprtod altogether our citizens are prepared to do their part to accomplish a memorable celebration but they must ijave active and intelligent leadership and the members of the council are our official leaders and especially in a matter so vitally related to the or gamzation of the municipality editorial notes a lot of people will vote for the man that appeals to their fancy most and carevery little what political party is in power and so it goes milton reformer some newspapers unfriendly to tho government are talking of the premiers 9000 salary but they neglect lo state that as soon as he entered office mr drury himself reduccdthe salary of the premier by several thousand dollars do net overlook the importance of the prohibition question in all the bustle of tho election this topic will continue to concern every homo in the province no matter who may win but it will bo for the benefit of every homo if temperance men are elected tho period of the limited partial and partisan newspaper has passed independence ofjudgment is the hallmark of the new generation of canadian citizens and it is only natural that the nowpaper should follow this attitude in relation to public and political affairs about 600 quebec autoniobjlc drivers are the blacklist and deprived of the right to operate cars tor a year a year or two of that policy and -jay- driving will not be conspicuous in quebec ontario will have to come to the same system shortly mail ahd empire i humor iti transformed titles tho rocnnl ibiiervuncn 4lirouiciiuul tho country or ctilldrtrt book lvolc at th lrwlanco of thn amorlcun i i brury aaitoclatlon lirut naluratly led lu hn tntllns nn roelhnb of tho ox imirinnra of 1ujnrianw in dentin- with rhlldlmh iiutrjm homn of tho tunnlotif mlhtnknn ttin1 clilutron make am no nuturnl that thy roour una in and acaln thn demand for thito mt hjlt4- pronounced ak cm turn onuren by dumaw u a uorannlal aourcu of joy vounjl america la ull too rumlllar- with tnoauultoea oni whotnur iiot it uupuoaea thftt muakotaora nm uorlul forco at tilts annuo nmw it rrt qtit ntly jronounoa tho nantq ua if it did hooka that tukh ihnlr lltlua from urupnr namea of ulucen 1 roan or itornlno underuw aomo odd trnnfr mul lory the bxy who wanted iron lloli mrelvod ivitnhoo fu r luth delay tho girl who uakod for martha 11iywltrli would arurcoly have hail to wait long even it aho hail not tluiuahl tojndil by clmrlra dlckenu whereupon nhu wa promiilly nandi d martin chuwwiwil hohln caruio melotlloun romblruittoli waa rwliy inlnrjireaed when tnfulrfl for by n rru ann ot nunny italy who waa not ypt fit miluif with craaoa and ma mm prlday but wh woa qullo famlllnr with the name of hla famoux fullow rountrymun a hln famllya iloblna wmm fjulcl ly ktipaattl f moan our old i u i hi tin hwlaa family llobln nor did it take much thought iranaluto several on u ak into i overl of the i uk and i 10 younb render may tmv beon to icai autlartud with bin choice even though it vroi not to be the talo of mounutlxoertmr ui1venturr he doubtleaa expected dut it tok a clover llbrarui dlacover in danny do wonder that erioua rom of bngllah literature daniel deronda and alter tho diacov- ory wdi made to explain ronvinolnuly to the youmrater who hud ualtnd for i that be could not oalbly want it he hud chanced to hear- an adored teacher who waa alno an athlete mention it to onother teacher a a highly lnteretloc book nd be hnl raturally aaaumed tliat the inturemtlnit danny waa a wonder in aome form of itthlutica i t ouaht monl llko ho waa a pitch or ho admitted tjorrowfully but u wouldn i of jolted mo none if ho d played footboll or wreetled or been an all round atar at a track meet laced a car or flew machine moat any kind of wonder would hayo aulted me all right but if ho aln t u wondor at all and hla name aln t danny the need for green feed ireeti feed in aome form consti tute an raaentlnl part of any well liithtnrrd poultry ration whether for ynunr chick growl n ntock or uduit hirdn tlir molnrn tendency u to rive a notnewhat narrow ration contain i nr protolti in a hljjilyroncontrated form thin in particularly true with togant o itoultry kept in confinement anilfed bmvlly for egg production om ar a inrso protortldn of the bird on our ciiriadlnn farmn during at leant five tnrtnthw of the your a liberal supply of urern fexl mlnlmlsea the dangers of thin eynlvm by adding belli bluk and vurl ty to tho ration and al ho ammo time replaces a certain qiitrhtlty of nh t the bo t y klnn inato lead jiilllllu ii m flexibility and firmness flexibility of mind flrmnesa of character that la the winning com- blaatlon but the two are iot often found in combination tho man flexible mind la likely to be or ylejdtnc cr unstable character the an of firm character is likely to be inelaatjo of mind mom people eventually becom aware of their aertouc faulta the roan wh it obatlnate learna that one df hla troubles la obstinacy the man who la too yielding ibariu that one of hi troubles la lack of nrmnoaa if with hln lack of nrmnoas there la no lack of intelligence ha should be able overcome hla falling ho should understand that ho can be attentive to the opinions and wlahea of othera without being too much swayed by them that he can be tolerant ofnthe polnta of view of others without adopt ing them oa hla own that he can alter his attitude when he finds ho baa been wrong without sacrificing any funda mental principles often a man weakness la u consequence of hla reudj ptlvlty of mind he le easily fa elnated with the ideas of others and he is too generously disposed toward them he can discipline hlmseu to bo hoap ifable lo argument without aacrl flclng hla own convictions it is more dlfflcult for the man who is lnolastl of mind to acquire flexibility in fact ho usually does not wunt to acquire his inolastlclty is partly owing tn tho belief thai to be hrm you munty be inflexible he regards inflexibility as ono uf the aterner virtues ull the more a virtue because it is stern yesj he knows that he la regarded oa obstinate and that bis reputation tor obattnacy la injurious but in euoh ipeclna instance when he might to idvantaxn show some openness or flexibility or mind he 1 llkery only to see an occasion tor the manifestation of firmness or poaltlvotiess on jhe whole there la only one person i the world toward whom it u safe i be always inflexible und that 1h yourself orotin feed is valuable not only for itx succulence which makes it palat ub iv to poultry but also herauee it ontalns mineral matter including nutritive constituent necessary to utiuujiln life promote growth and as sure rej toduotlon fort most among thiati constituents nro the vltumtnoa hu absence of which from any ration umtotimr for humuna animals or blrdu will ultimately prove fntat 1 hen fore it behoves every iwultry fcoolrfr whether biickyardnr sinrutllat u farmer to make provision for ar ample supply of green feed in soma furm und in vlow of the shortnsns of our growing sebsan and the late wprlnir experienced thls your ho time uluiuld 1xj lust ifte i feed may be divided into two kinds that intondnr for immedlati coisumtion and that which is to bo ht i i fci winter use certain varieties however arfltown for both urtose blng particularly true of grasses and itrumlnpua plants atnons the green fecda which are to bo used as soon an grown rape holds nrni place by reason of its qulolr growth palatablllty und value for louiiinjr und freshonlnr tho yards tin best variety in dwurf ease at and it should be sown broadcast under normal- wpather conditions it is ready fqr grazing from ova to six weeks after being sown auulfn mnltcs excellent rotm fctd for growing bttk and when cured is mluabla for winter feeding it lias tho added udvunubo of being utile o withstand prolonged drought tho fuvorlln- vurloflcs are grimm and tur ken ton mangels or soml sugar bou form tlm hulk of lbe green feed for winter uuo thoy are easily harvested keejt well and generally crop wnll the mammoth long lied or onto post varieties nro preferable as they con tain a higher percentage uf dry matter t a ft lmrnnfllntej 11 i i they might cause bowel troublas the jerusalem artlcholfe and es i eclally tho mammoth french white deserves more attention from poultry men extremely hardy and proline il un be grown almost anywhere and under any conditions tho green shoots torm abundant ahude und succulent ftiod for growjng stock tho closeness of tho foliage helps to choke out weeds wlillo the tubers keep welbus relished for winter feed for laying hens and early spring food for utile chicks details regarding methods and uma for pluntirrg all the above mentioned kinds of green food will be- fuundln bulb tins h7 and 88 second series und pamphlet 23 which nifty be ob talnon free from the publication iininoh department of agriculture ottuwu oiu w w le poultry husbandman central etxporlmontol hurtn headed for the junk pll the used cur junk man is going to buve his innings yetl thut will come when there lire more jtomoblles than ure needed to au commodate the mpulatron in othrr words when the butomubll murkoi ilu he ssturnterl some authorities put this saturation point at 2d 000 000 there are 12 500 td0 mqtor vehicles in use to 0ay al he present rate of lucres tli 0 000 000 mark ought to be reached in less than flyo years hlnoe 18bb stsutleluns suv 3 quo 0 curs have been iqnkod out of a totul production of more than 14 quo 000 rut this is low compared with added annual production of motor oars 1 while people generally enjoy stories of the past it is nevertheless true that no one makes a success who loses sight of the fact that he is really living the present tense those who speqd all their time and energy in day dreams or retrospection are not likely to make much of life wo cannot live to day and obtain desirable results without taking to morrow into account presbyterians all over tho dominion are much interested in tho meeting of the general assembly of the presbyterian church in canada in port arthur commencing june 6 this assembly will decide the future of the meryemeriffor church union in canada which has been slowly progressing to its cprisum- mation for tho past twenty years namely tho coming together of the presbyterian methodist and con gregatlonal churches to constitute the united church of canada r jdkejlloogs a sthma rpmely cream cream cobrect weights accurate tests payment on delivery wo need more cream to aupplylic demand for our clover glen brand acton creamery butter give us it trial acton creamery co t j oneili proprietor we are still buying eggs open tuesday fridayand saturday evenings quality our m6tto phone 53 oems of thought perfectly satisfied world would u very poor world to grow in lieslre lures us need drives us for ward and humanity has developed bo cjiiyjo of what it lacked u urely at bwcausu of wkot ii posvesaed times of general calamity and eon fusion have over been productive of the greatest minds tho purest ore is from the hottest furnace and the hilkhtest thunderbolt from the darkest cloud cotton wo hover get the beat out f people nji long as we treat thorn as s mob iguorlng the unique interest and value uub individual richard cgbot o man uver lived a right life who had not been chastened by u woman u love litrengtbened by her courogo and guided by her discretion iluskln i soitich and search und when i find i lay tlu wisdom up against a rainy day homoe o und little in a book but what we lit iheru hut in rttat books the ilnd hnds room to put many things jouhert i humunlty is indeed a huppjv lot when wo can repeat ouraelve in i hers uud still boyoung us thoy ihoumi volhlng mo good am v xuilun nor worse thun it mi lis txluculton llylwor unlvenrity unlveoilty tho tlrsl forty years of life furnish tho txl tho remaining thirty tho loniinqtitury schopenhauer iruu friendship has its ilvmunds rhosu who caul a friend uslda for u huncd wovd or trining tnlsunder uluhdlng prove that their friendship iwun little nore tbuu u tuinie the vermont issue in commenting upon the difference in administration of law in canada and the united states tells this incident and adds sahgnt comment an indian is founddead in the hudson bay country the coroner says poison booze they bury the indian la that tho end of it notmuchl the royal canadian mounted h i o get the bootlegger the chase lasts 1500 miles syme gets hia man the stupocta awaits trial can you imagine american pol loechlflln g a wood alcohol bootlegger 1600 mlleav mulder ii murder jn cantfda whether the instrumentof death is plstor or poison hooch courage distinction is often oruwn usually with some unrulrnoss between moral oourag4uid physlcul uourugt bomo limes perhaps a lreon is v unimaginative or insensitive ssnvtt bo aware of uny partloulsr risk o danger to himself in the bruve set that he performs und there may b i sums reason for making a distinction batvsatt morul courage and physical courage though tbm muhl be evn morn ressun for urgulng that the si t did not rtnliy rnvenl cournge at ull hut the degree to which irooplu ur imuglmttlve or suitsltlvv est teyur bo determined und when a man trim to slop a runaway hre oi gos lot burning building lu rencue a nhld or llluitges lj a deep uutswlft uurutitt to save u drowning portion it is reusopuhlu to ussupiu that ho bus twuuu oonceplluu uf urn huxjirris uf the uii dr taking and it is hard lu see why such an uct or any other t tltt requires physical ipitrage does ttt imiuv moral uountgo as vyh l wlit is mural courage if u i not lh ful flllmont of the teaching that u tna must saurince hlmseir his own lulur usts lu dofonse of what ho nstlnctlvel feolji to lie right t it lstrue that there rto ihstwiii ih of met who huve shown great nruuuul heroism in risking their lives fur uthoru and who yet have dishonored them selves by stealing or chesting uf ih other ways the moral courage thm enabled them to met huoaeesfully tb uddou test wttjl not ot b nbru thttt could withstand disintegrating pro osssas such as continuous hardship tn temptation on the other hand pel sans ortidlted rightly enough willi moral courage becuusd of th rest lutloti und steadfastness his mothers son- a good deal was written alniut tba lato lord northcllffe proprietor the loudon times but not of his ds- vutlun to his mother who ut b wits still living at tottoridgu us much in turosiod in hor brilliant sou us when bo started 0l bl a little hoy lord nortlicllro made a point t spending i no night every week with her when in ilrltahi he ws merely the boy come home again when he was with mother the eldeot of hr 14 chil li rou kvery tay whuraver ho wa ujwuys telephoned or elwgruptjod his mother 12000qi lbs wool wanted 1l ii ihtrl iur buyer tot ibu tlueli h worlwl und hplnntng lo will ho in acton ul tho u t htallon mil frirf on tho following duts to buy wooll acton- june 6 13 and 20 erin- june 5 12 19 and 26 highest market price will be paid m yaus wual dlrcal lu tho mill und got the tnlddln- bufiiness directory medical dr j a mcnlven physlolsn and surqson onice and itosldonco comer llower avenue and rigln htroot phone bb dr e j nelson i i in in nit k kluti ir antort ontario dr w s laird oi otrisr iif so woolwich btreet vyv izar nmo and throat y leoau phdno no 23 i o uox s harotd nash farmer m a brrlr sollojtor notary ppbllo convaykncar eto perbyman block acton ont monhy llnt tw miytaaqks hours b 30 u m io c djn balurdayt iuo lock h g meir barrister solicitor notsry publlo- oeerpstown onc t dental dr j m bell d d s i d s dentist honor graduate of t rottto ylnlv lty the latest nnosthotla uatxl desired if oltlce at residence corner mill and byederiok street dr p a gollop d d s l d s dental surgeon office ever bonk ot nova scotia hotjrs so to s 10 bvenlngs by appointment miscellaneous useful furnishings for spring housecleaning wonderful values in wilton carpet squares 1 12 squares 1 fvot inches by 0 feet rcnulorly 4li 00 for j36 75 12 squares 0 fett by 0 feet rcgulnrly 00 00 for 4850 12 squorcs 9 feel by 10 feel 6 incllc3 regularly 67 50 for 6400 brussels and tapestry squares similarly reduced for your housecleaning needs you cannot do better than to buy simmons beds springs and mattrebses come in and see our beautirul displays ok au kinds of furniture smiths furniture store 12013 wyndham street guelph ont phono 584 c o me to toronto motor car co umltsjct for used ford cars sensational pr 1 all than car have been traded in as part pttjiaat on newf pords wq guarantee tht title model and year and protect ou aralnst observable defects every oar guaranteed to be aa represented thm lowest prices evmr quotmd on vmd ford cars success and its recognition a vhim of salary is nt t the ssmi lllillg us huccuss at iii lxt1 it is only a 1ucugimtni uf biihmii and inutlmns tl is not thai lliu yomng mun whosw sslary is lalsul haouuke kih liaixlfatber is head of the firm may ll anything but h success und u ulury make im dtfforenco when you uim for nuiooss do not ooiifuse it with hh nnanoltll ntwardx u would not i 11 to yum cmdlt tq bond evury energy t gelling twloe n munh money as you sre earning now but it would ho rv muoh lo yuui uredlt to strlvo to worth twice as mtoh ns you are ut prvssiit no important reason for making diih distinction a that tt makes yoi tiumxiihlent of other ieople your i in it ks s not doifeudenl un their m lugnltion to be- a first class worker in a small salary is suooess while to 1 an unsatisfactory worror on a large i alary failure lerurtses that carried die physical injury or suffering they would otherwise huvi risk n lid that eitlsred porheps there are nut roniiy pvonlti whose qnursge i ijunlly good in r aponttlng to the quick slisip call and the long hard haul ft takes all kinds of brave people to make a jvorld sid oalmntaml r mlrrm stow briok or cupboard nttarna lnahmi and qumtly lw tha watalue g uu kl lttf tarfrt bbsshsssssssabssss ttesr cash pou down ford touring la ooed csndlllod baluca 8e0 aoath tneiyf cash 04 dowh whkpi ford roadster balance 8 50 montb guarantee ii i at tuak tu va jmm fnaa w wwta ta ma7 wm 11 hi wilua tm jafa ail nrbwiull aiiaat laa farrfcaia al fl tuall filll mawfari co t cash 0 j down ught delivery baluca 12 aienlk jzaqv tfrms a3 uttui as x wsb w enablt you to boy a jfokb ymistkam 105 oood looking pord coupe bahjfc17uala allalala ford roadster balaacc 11 aiontt cash down 129j ford sedan bnaallant coajdluan balance 22 mouti cash down 118 awl 1s a month soon pay for pord coupe full set of tools and pppp driving instruction tiveaej 2450 month suva ut ford sedan 150 cask down 4xsrr cash tas down good loofclaa naltable fordtouring 11 tnooill t0 cash toaa down ford touring in aoed bbapa balaace 8 so moolk ford trucks ffiacsac cash spoo down tcmu 9 auatb roma to tmuoc mjry cash j0 down tenu uaaoaik fohd toh tmucx hq 1 cash p0 m dosn tenu 12 monlli foko tom tmuck lirs bases gi ill we alwu good toelr of usod vefds ujsw prises m tolwiy- sibeeco v etour baring btulsess sss csnajssisjes ford dmmurm fisffls toronto phcihmaimeei francis nunan bookbinder s3h accar hnlr ft ajt order periodicals of every descrlplfgn carefully bound rtullng neatly and prompuy done wyndham street guelph on over williams store lodge directory sons of england lodqk vyoodoreln no 302 meeting orst and third thursday in uach month at 8 p m in i o o f hall member and visiting members cordially invited to ultend j precious little bee rotary acton l o l no 4v mcitm on thn mooond thursday of i in h month in the odilrcuowa hull at 8pm visiting members of tho order always wel come ej t thktroiinr w m k i klinnedy r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yearn rxporlunca acton ontario sales entrusted to il j wurr re ceive attention from dare of listing to date of saiti lint your sales with me- resldciico llowor avenue acton ihotm as acton cull at my expense cqrkhmokobrvasr ttzhonto cawah4 j e cheevers book binper quebec fit east ouelph onl books and tnagasluus bound lu handsome and substantial covsrs names uttered lu gold on llible hymn books and olhsr books all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario lrd surveyor and civil engineer surveys but divisional 1lans lto porv xobtiriptloiu uluuprlnf u etc certlucates for ptirubukurs und lnortgogagliurveya for jurohutv ts builders and muuli lpal cuunullu dwalnage luipctis lcstlmatals etc molean building deuous st ouwuh tlhoao 104 ont consultind enqi ineer8 iferiuctd jaroem pnxiuir kedfern 38 toronto bl toronto can tlridgus lnvuimnti wularworks sewerage hytunis inolhoiatoirt kuctorles arhttratlous i itlgktlon ouh iriu- ujiuully laid out of the money w savo utir ciiuiitm phone a do i 1044 cable j ill co toronto iaastqbja for infanta and chlldrca in ue for over 30 yct a always bears the slguaiuis h du xji siw iv fjulv r

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