ivl j tw r 0 aram 3 fflrrbh thtiiihjiay iuiy f 1k 8ome0o0v clbc who in horn holy m 1 h m if 11 koutht it u lurty r ih in i j i k kim do tiuni ibuiiy rim tun i uiy yj i it i nu it mouth ly 1 ut will dy of th lot si ruin to luy if thnrf m ury hunl i i uiiplwsntij lies or fll1l lilt thlim t tin rut ulwuyii ft ro 1 to si iiihim iiy 1 leu inow imi t i hi i vnry tru i ui if some fruit or u l1u ml trip in offered to imcll f j we ho ir not it w rd itmt h m body 1 1mb whyv i will imvt vh lu uuntl i f t ho tiuimn ull tim words thin homebody flsn win i u anfl tlm iwwir untl h iiiimu l friend flood homebody ru mum iek tho cup of chid wuli r in j iuu run oh bomulm tw 1 will tfor add words of lov for u hr k it hen bravo homebody 1 1 1 will proffer thoro ore imttlos tn uf wi only can naht antl vlctorlie iim to win anil homelmtly 1 ls canum luki plane whin wo hnll inivo onlunj i i lit if homebody lwlsn huii rfoim hi vimarvrri tor our iuw imvt striven twill only w fulr thut th blussed reward to homebody else in glvon another cure for the car thief tho inaion of car stealing in on up anl judging by reports tho habit li on tho increase an insunuicu adjust r stated recently that ha had twenty claims to dead with in two tidy la toronto this in not up to tli lw anialaa record where tho dully avar tof oar stolen u between 28 and at one tlm tt was tho o no rally accepted belief thut caru woni usually taken for joy rldlns and tho theft were jooked on more in the light of boyish pranks- thun criminal act on par almost with robbing orchards in whloh practically every boy hiui hud ome experience nv the opportunity was afforded him mutt of us cult recall the fun we bad at the rumtii und eve i ih l now ao long as the orchard robbed e fc feti cjlned to treat it an a joko kvoji in robbing orchard however there wu and la still a fairly clearly defined code picking applem to be ealan by the gang is one thing and taking them to sell is another one i hooking which in fun but the other is steal tng this difference is more or lew recognised in count in fixing tho poind ty when youthful culprits are convicted of stealing fruit when auto thloves ore tried there 1 always an attempt to excuse acts aa the result of boyish spirit and this plea is very often successful in getting the offender off especially if uie female relatives aro present ut the trial and can be induced to weep ooploualy at tho proper moment insurance companies who under their policies have to pay for tho results of these ebullitions of youthful spirits take a different view of the of femes says a r barker in the monetary times and from their ex perience say that the bulk of cars stolen are not taken for joy rides but for profit the police take tho name view and aa they are dealing with cold facta and not theories their opin ions are entitled to respect longer t terms of imprisonment are advocated but the trouble bore is that oven if a man or boy is sent down for u term of years the parole board may decide after the culprit has served a month oftwo of bis sentence that justice is satisfied and order his release deciding the penalty therefore this must be taken into consideration also the reluctance of juries to convlot when conviction means a long prison term for a young man with a previous ly good record must be taken into consideration for this reason it might be benerjp treat ulooffonse aa a prank of a mischievous boy and punish it as such by spanking no jury would hesitate if this was the worst that could happen to the gnllty party and tho parole board could not interfere- phn boy a standing in the community would be more affected than if ho were left on suspended sen tence the effect wonid of course be painful for hlnv hut the chief value of the punishment would bo in the ridjeulo of his companions this would take all the fun out of the game ford 4ews 3hr kfa jlrpsbifjnrt ltarij anioswegtonb investment jokiaii hu 1 tt i uidundw morn in a 1 off in ndliig it ml til dt ty fr in tl iikjinukt lutir liuvlng tire p t i iti tiuru into ihu oujloii hou lull r ir tlio uy six ml inn dlatunt amu wuh titling retty good that morning at last ho liud sufnaltit niyru y for tin urcliuitu of thn in w ult wliu h hi hud knk txion huviiik up for lit hud lulkotl thn mutter over with hlu two slstars tflulla ujui anna and tiny had urged hliri to hi good to himself for nti whanjiuout u mile from it lty atnun riiwctl itohorw lo lik u uuk t tho ruin ufa big cany h which hud hurnod u weak provlouo hv hud itoan pie light from thu dro from homo and now rurjuslty impelled him i vlow tho spot vhon ho arrlyvd tiv found u conn id e rub it crowd of men ami womoii collected in front of tho rulnu an auction was in progrvus and tlto auutlunoor was disposing of un immonso pile of canvas tho uuivum was water- souked aomowhiit nilil0w ad und thu ends of tho bolls of uhivub were charred that canvas at u dollar bolt uia nguro the auctioneer just accepted is u splendid bargain remarked a man sisuklng to amos the mull who can make any us of it will muku no mis lake in purchasing it looks bad now but dried out thu burned udgos trim med off und bound there will bo worno good stock lefl 1 don t know but what i could use some of it to advantage said amou looking sharply at one of tho bolts which hud boon partially unrollod by che uuctlonuor it would work in pretty handy up on tho farm amos edgod his way through the crowd until he sol close enough to feel of the canvus and examlnu it closely and the closer ho examined it the more convinced was he that thn purchase of twontylwo bolts would bo an uxoellant investment good by ml of cmhe jlmgnlpg he ciiuolumlhwurfliy amos now did what he saw a num ber of other men doing ported out twentyfive bolts and a few minutes later he- bad paid for them then he shouldered two bolts and made his wny to his dory it took him but a few minutes to transport the whole twenty five bolts down toils boat and having stowed it snugly aboard ho picked up his oars and pushed off at the landing up home an hour and a half later amos chanced to meet beth thomas the son of a neigh bor what have you got there aroost queried beth making his wuy down to where the dory had touched oh l was down to the city and seeing a good chance for an invest ment i shelled out i bought twenty- fiver bolts of damaged canvas it only dollar a bolt 3ome bar tjw- t if 7 a iq i k remarkable people some people ore remarkable for their good looks no matter how large the crtfwd in which they mingle ahoy are sure to attract attention oth remarkable for the quickness of their minds in business discussions or on social occasions they moke un lent impressloa because they are able to think quickly ant muku clover answers hut however much w may admire these characteristics it u not possible for us to imitate thum we cannot be god looking or quick- wit ted merely by trying other people are remutkable in other ways a wealthy man tho lioad of a great corporation began his business career as a water boy and u man who has watched his rise from this lowly beginning has said of him that at first there seemed nothing remark able about him except his industry urn attracted tho attention uf his superiors and reairy paved the way for his future success by working harder than anybody else around stomtd desirous of working i- there ore same clerks who uru re msxkable for their courtesy they bsvo a line of customers waiting fur them when other clerks stund by idle there sxa yuung people who are re markable for their good nuturo whan vvwy one else guts nervous und ir rltable thy are ooo und smiling nd serene the encouraging thing ubmjt these lastnamed remarkable nooffut u that ws can be like them if we will in dustry is not a natural endowment but a cultivated quality coui usy is posslbhi to us ull whatever positions we nil and whllo it is uslr for juuns to be unliable than it is for oujers good temper und sulf control are within the possibilities for every healthy human being there is no reason why ymi should he ordlrtury tn somvortlfsvjili way you can be remarkable if you choose to make the effort sound reasoning vi i tags doctor to the oty older who is paying a oall dutr surlily snmnd- ors you will have a drop of something before you gov saunders no tbantle dietor i have three guda reason fut rvfuslag your hospitality linjt vm the dhalr- man of ha local temperance society f eoood im just gaeln us kirk meet ing and third lve jis had one t t loud color customer loojohg at epcksl iim tljej ntfjm vamv r fl flbop assbitait sir i tneyar gpeolsjly mad fox people wheoe jest guin i cull 1l you ought u have a guardian ap pointed over you laughed both of 11 wlldcofc investments that i ever heard of this is the king pin why amos that canvas isn t worth bringing home i wouldn i glvo you ten cents for the whole of it well i wouldn t sell it to ygu for thirty dollars replied amos bis faco much flushed j don t believe that i need a guardian i will let you know when i do need one amos said nothing further and un doubtedly it was very wise that he did not for temper sometimes got the better of him and then he said things for which ho was sorry later un by the time ho reached the house 4io had cooled off decidedly harnessing- tho horse he hitched him into tho light wagon and drove down to the landing after tho cauvaa when ho arrived be found seta goao stella and anna had to wave their two or three minutes of remonstrance when they learned what their brother had purchased but they shortly agreed with him that the canvas was well worth what he had paid for it pro vided of course that he could make use of it having taken care of his horse amos unrolled the bolts of canvas spreading the- canvas in tho sun where it would quickly dry the farther this work progressed the more pleased was he with ills bargain down to the genera store that even ing amos was chaffed a bit by the storekeeper relative to the investment amos took it in good pjirt but know ing that seth was responsible for it widanad the hramoh la their friend ship tho following day chancing to meet seth qn the road he barely nod ded to him as for seth he drove on bis head carried in the air it was about ttwesk later that rtrt destroyed the thomas bard amos- was among tho vwy first to come over and tell beth how very sorry he was he found beth in a greatly discouraged frame of mind not only had the barn a large one been burned flat but his father had met with a bad fall wis getting the cattle out breaking his leg the same necessitating bis removal to the hospital whore he was likely to be con flod for the next two month i or more it might bv lot worse said amos the barn was covered by insurance sml luckily the flnopcurred before you got your hay in the hays what a worrying me atnos replied setb i ought to start the haying to day last year we cut over fifty tons and this year there is a full heavier crop i vu got no plo to store it 1 if staukut until the burn is rebuilt it will deurauatu all of ten dollars u ton i know that dad is fretting his head ofsabsht it both you go ahead with thcjiuy- ina eaid amos hire extra help the same as ym always do and the while know that your hay will lwi lit first class condition when the tlmo oomss to stow it away in tho now warn my sister ur i urv going to help you out th sorup in good hap wo tulkl it qvor last night shan wo gut batk home from thu 1i dont believe i understand exclaimed fctrtli r dh1 t how you tun help us a- bit start youi mowing cure your hay and stack it as fust us you care lo and well take care of 1 declared amos tliat oauvas i bought is go ing lo work lu splendidly we vo got enough of it to cover a hundred ton of hay let ulonn fifty bom i ain going to trim off the burned edaes and the girts ars going to stitoh to gather iwo big oovors whloh will pro tent twenty- rtvo tons of hay oaoh beth dropped amos hand und turn in started tn walk away his head bent low but amos followed and piao ed bis hand upon bath h un ofti ring iuu hhp whl li mlu im lii town nn nfftr m well 1 um alutl thut i tun i i llttd ho tli und now wn ti going stick toguthur like ainim shortly r tuxnn l i nun ui thu murk on tho cttnvus wum ntuit in ollclht jiiuvllik tilmtnnd t ikilii uf two bolts if thu canviui uiou tiouxlit ho ounvuii into tlm li i is whun htollu boguii tlm mllklili k i f uii two utrlpu togothur lr ulstt r in i iiik hor run thn heavy mutuiiul till ugh the iiuwlng muohitm it look thn better iuri i f thrpu du i to trim tho edgin of thn uiivmi und llirh together twrlv i in its mid by th timo it was done tho tlrat of tin thomas hay wuti bi ing otucknd u ft w rodu fiom thn ruins of the hum ovji this buy the big cnnvits wum diuwn thus protecting u itoiii the lets hi nun ending tho urrivul of thu vxi two or throe louds tho later i urt of july fou lubl uf tlio tliomuu huy mtucu under cover of two immmiso pltts of canvus the eamu reaching clear to the ground on all sides it was ubout that time that the rebuilding of the barn wu ulartod it was not until n ovum bo r that the now burn was completed long mr thomas hud returned from tho lupltal then cuquj thv day that the work of stowyig thu hoy in tho barn was started und when thv ilrst nunvui wus removed it was found that the hay was in a most oxcolloni con tilt ion mr thomas declared thut 1 was fully as good as any that ho hud ever handled the day thut the last of the hay was stowed away in the burn beth ilrovo ovjir to the weston farm with tho two pieces of canvus iicutly folded up just as he wus ubout to drive off he thrust un envelopo into amos hand and tho same instant guvo the horao a sharp cut with the whip amos opened the envolopo and came u rrlwn nftvriqar bill y llrht which was pinned a bit of pupor hvdehurwrie upoiv- iwbybeuvj vcrxthcxcailb f it were the following words klrst dividend upon your wild cat investment it was in vain half an hour later unit amos trlpd to refuso the money say ing u mr thomas ud both tliat he did not expect or want any retnun oration finally ho turned to beth and there were tears in bis eyes as he gripped the bitter s hundi you madi a mjstake seth he said this fifty dollars is not the i rat dividend first dividend was the happiness which came to my n is tors and myself when wo you a helping hand in ttmo of noed sticking plaster friend ships a friend should be mom thun u piaro of sticking puts lor all of us at one time or another have hud a frlunl whose most pronounced chaructorln tic was adhesiveness and it is h question whether suuh friends art- worth having i don t know whether to go to kstejio s party or not wtty wurron confided to her tnothor ono evening and if j do go i sha n t enjoy my sou why not r asked mrs warren opening her jayes well you see edlih isn t invited and she hates lo have me go without her she says shou bo terribly lonely and thut she thinks 1 ii be real selfish if i go and enjoy myself without hoc thut exacting sort of fjiendslrht ts all too common among girl and it is neither sensible nor health it is a mistake to allow yourself to feel that them is any friend whom you must see dally or be mlserublo it is u mistake to be dependent for your happiness an tho companionship of any especial individual as soon as you begin to feel that way about any ono girl turn your attention to an other it is not a gqod thing to r strict our diet lu a few things we aro especially fond of and as one of our poets has said hearts onjy thrive on vurlod good and ho who gathers from a host of friendly heurts his dally food if the best friend that we call boast of course loyalty is everything in friendship we want a friend who will stick through thick an thin who will stand by us in advorslty as well as in prosperity who is iqually dy to sharejour joy or sorrows hut thut is a very different thing from mure adhesiveness distrust sticking plaster mends raspberry mosaic i or thu t nut iwo se mi mi rnsplitiiy ro worn in oiilurlo biui i u n paying hmlul ultnixloii to ui in i li unit it u uuridi ssiuy to finphuulb tlm impor tarn i if un mt i bin it miiy bu n i vimilih t ntii tht fill tint a t troflil uul in f tin ii ut lug ho dlnoiuichl i umiih frt in nuiiimi r lul pluntliiuo will yhll u tfotf i t i mil l roittnl tht nltuutlil i inn ii m i 1111 fill thun it impound it ymr hymltouh in looking ror 1 iwntii uffi tn i with in kilo uj lnvi it tin tin yi mig tun on miu mdsrsultiilili fin ol norvutlt ji tim wytnptoms will ncnt tn found dui ing juim uul will uruduiilly hotomo mun ir fiiouiirt 1 ati tlio nvas n mlvuiuus on the older ifuviii liorjnu durjt grtivti tulsud or putki rud nrnus canbu n ut rvod w utterufl over tho li uf surfucq thn romuliulur of whltli is a yellowish grieu tho youngt r luivus prohent u morf motlltul uppeuruntm with the lurk anas all nvllig protiiltiuilly nuiri oflbn thfiso rti mil ruufml i urkamd low dwurfod bun lion with yollowltli f liuge nuuuily signify th rohpiit of mosaic in on old i isolation thlti lonm iuu upply to t urts of tho ptufitu- tloii win rv tin groun i ik low or in which tiki u ill condition is such un to glvu rlso tti rh kly plunts hucb a condition con bo differentiate i from tn suli i y thu tuck of true mosaic rnnl illhg tin tht lftiv thu fruit from dlsuusud plants 1 in inly and links ituvoi conihol the most pennunont i untriil muus ores foi the diminution of mutujo from raspberry pluntiillous hugln wltl tho planting of dlneemcirea ufock thu practice of taking plants from un old planting irrespective of the amount of mosaic present must cease if tho dls case is to bo controlled old plantations with mosaic prnsoni should bi left tttoti un 1 new plants secured from a welt recumfnendot source exception muy bo tukon when hss thun o per cent- dlsnosoi plunts are found in uob a i it may bo iid v iuu ble foi u brow if to thoroughly t rudlcute the diseased plunts froi fow rows in hs plantation in order to sweuro his own nursery stock hut the wholesulo eradication of dlsvasod plunts from u commarclul pluututlon is not rvcommendttd us u gotierul uro for tht- control of mosaic on sotting out li new plantation with dlsfuse free stock it is advisable huvn it lnoluted by go to 100 foot from uny other raspberries cultivated wlltl during the first two years this jiatt h slioold uo carefully lnspeotod sovaruj times and ull dleuod plant movud root and ull and carried to onto tllsluiico trom tnu plantation quite safe to replant tho gaps caused by roguelng us infliction does not coma from tho soil tho second and third ycurs aft or planting the patch should yloltl u high percentage of disease- free stock and if the grower is deslr oun of disposing of such stock he should upply to tho division of ho tuny central icxp rlmontal farm ottuwu of to the dominion laboratory of plant pathology ht cuthsrlnos tarlo for inspections with tho vlow of obtaining a certificate of freedom from disease any information concerning this or other plant diseases will be gladly fur nlsht tl on request to t ither of the cniro mentioned ubove dominion luborutory of i lunt pathology ht cuthurlno onturlo heiqht of buildinqd the highest building in hurope for private business or resldenoe is in vienna and is 12 foot high loudon comes next with eighty foot struc tures llomo s highest i seventy- eight feet and paris who guards her skyline jealously has no pqlldlng taller than sixtyfive foel in now york the woolworth building is 7s3 feet high the metropolitan 700 the equitable 487 london has just grant ed to holme cor bott now fork urohltecta for the uush terminal build ing permission o areot a building oi the btrand tract on story beyond thi urdalned heighl tlm exception wui inado because of the growing impor tunes of jtltls soellon or london as a business centre new yorks business situation at the tip of a narrqw pen insula led to development skyward londons ulluutto would be intolerable with tho streets llnod with bulld lugs uuo wow yorks skyscrapers ihe ayuf llutik hu tiding in toronto u twoiity two sturlos and is the high ostjjulldlug in the iritutl ktuptre outstanding if u letitlmr in uskod to recommend somo student in tn graduutlng class for a responsible tosillon shn genor ally hs no dlnitiulty in making a selec tlon in tho us uul class there are some students ho poor that no body bus uny hope of their over amounting to aiiythlng the majority howevetl ure not distinguished for anything par ticular neither very good nor very bad thoy have average brains aver age industry but nothing to dlstln gulsh them and then if tho cluss is i htrgo one there arc soverul whi tund out if ull the teachers in the school were iiuustlonod thfiy would twi likely to mention the aamo students whut is it thut makes those stud ent stand out as buul did umong his brothers dirforent things bomo- llmes it 1 natural ability all men are not created oqual in respect to bruins l very now and then a prodigy is born who soems to huvs his own short outs to achievements which the rest of us accomplish by prodigious toll but such are very rare class after class will graduate from the high school without giving a diploma to ono who could possibly be called exceptionally brilliant it is not as s rule some remarkable natural endow ment which makes a few students stand out in a class a teacher to whom a business man uppoals for stjrno one capable of fill ing u position he has tu offer will generally say something like thlst young wilkin is h most reliable fel low you can trust him absolutely qr perhaps ho says anna morse is on of thu hardest wurkor we have a duuculty which dtscourags most of our student booms to uct as a spur to her the fact is that comparatively fow excel because ujf extraordinary en dowment hut us the world is con strue tod at present the yalthful ami industrious ure outstanding figures wherever they muy bo placed mr pea8lee tells how 8hinq les patched a quqrrel 1 modi who wus visiting with ti ii ilyii i the i dint whoiu his ut nut ut otuti t h coinordd with tlm tcui n i w iltf i foi him to tin lull siofiklnu- it win ii img wult for tlio linen wi i tilkl k ul ut bin wirthliiui lltrnl uiiin it it ut in im thru ami i k tt i t i ultt ll f ktbiit wimliig wulk li tl wn t tl i hkm tllii inoniln hi null un i li i bi ut t i it to buflh who wun wilklu witii ii i in fhuttln as in i irol rnt yi u und i who wus l inuuhvl the dmicuil only mildly liitvnntoxi culob ululifi i ut him ulyly it wus cyrus wunhik im suld and hut tho dt in on ntiinurnpil squarely unni him it wu u t no uuh thing ho in bind thisi two nun uln t hi oke ti word to uuch othoi slnca thn dtiy after llmlr fat i it r tlh d und tliat u mul thirty yvurs tun ni v tth louu tul b it piled with truii lull ushu rutin i mlw in moron that they stopped und talked with mr both of om untl with u uh other whlst i mi tid thou mi iuxl eift lulms i thn dviacon my tund eukcjt kollupm tkst i j ut dm way i foil said tjuluh utirt nbtiut whut id buvo said if i could huvt sulci anything when i rjnii sot uyri ihlt it thin thlity yiurn thiyvo 11 veil uiunn 1 fiuso un i furnindtjiu slili iiim uul unit sptikt tin tit lu on i thl f ti r u puuso whut wmi it they fiiiiiiht ov r icot lupt i vu hi rt of forgt t homnthing ut out dlvlflln the furm i d kilt w ii w whut it was culob replied vaguely hut whulever it wus thoy vo honn bitter i nuugh over it- you n member the time dthan cumo down sick an t tho best cyrus would do was it toll thu snlotmon ho guohiictl nonmbotly wus sick in the oihtr pirrt of thn housat i want to ltd you though caleb sulil briskly whut futohed oni to- kl liter y st day if i wnntod to put it into few wordn i j jost say cyrus came near klllln hlmsalf and buian happened jest in time to savo him i ur tlm roof of the barns boon irokln ximo on cyrus s sldu ant ho wus put to it how to nx it you know huw thut barns bulltt on u sldohlll with n bout twunty foot rleo on ono sltlu thut e isthann side and near forty foot on thn buck side where cyrus ulwuys kept his cattle and hay will cyrus know it wa n t any ono mun job to gut a luiltler up to tho eaves on his side of tho barn let alonu not tmvln a luildnr long enough by ten foot to ruarh up thoro so what duoio do pfl pu 6ho m fl lim i wnt aw when lie not ft up he w pothered how to make himself safe to go over the ridge oqto the other side but after hod thought it over a spell he flggered that if he took a long warp or eomothln and made it fast round his wiiint he could hitch ho me thing heuvy to tho lower end of it and that would hold him nvun if tho roof was a nhurp pitch what ho finally chose to hitch to wum u birch yoke beam ho judged thutd bo heavy enough to hold him but not so heavy he couldn t humlle it to fetch it where ho wanted it ho ho made a couple of half hitches round tho yoke and wont up the lad- dor with his urm full of shingles atocorrllu to what they told mo had got ulong putty woll with his patch in no thoro wiu only ono more bud plucn down lioxt tho edge of tho tuvos ho worked down careful to fix it and hod jest got tho shingles plucihl und was golu to nail om whod ho lost his grip uf tho hammer and mudo a grab for it thout thlnkln that throwod him off his balance and he fell and started to slip towards the edge not twv foot away his fall and th struggles he mudo to kotch himself wus too much for the heft of the yoke bewa it left the around and cyrus tar tod out ovei the euves and down tho oibor sldol course ho dldn t go as fast as if he d been fallln for the heft of the yoke almost off sot jils heft but he kept on go in down till he was mehbe fifteen foot from the grouod then ho fetched up with a short enough turn so he knew that thu yoko on the other sldo of thu barn had conn up att far us tho caves and thoro it had kotclwtl und left him dangling twlxt sky and earth tied round like a sack of grain and from whatuhe told mo he wus so scared he hollered tho first name thatcame into hi mind jest a he d been used to do when fee was a little fcllqr und got into troublo he hollered kthanl as loud a he could screech and r thun heard him jsvun then cyrus want out of his troublo if ethan cut the rope it would let him fall fifteen or twenty foot onto stones n such but fin ly ethan flggered he could go up it to the loft and haul him in at a window which he did after cyru d got hi breuth and nerves back ktban helped down that about all there is ip it except that bow they re gain to nx tlm roof tbgethtir they wore on thwlr way uf tor nujls when i saw em this mornln and i should say caleb nstltnuled shrowdly that by thls time theyd made up five or six years of not peaklng judging by the way they were jobberin when they passed out of my hesrjnl a question of values f tun twenty flvn tint i am not on upnukhik i rimi with im huifhor i iuu tivo uinull to buy u ti ri r i in j s i ami not lurk iniiuii ti in jim t i t x t f dandy 1 unit t u exi iiuiik d foi n if ill in i un liurdly til tnr t i otb v m wtu n i t i h in i y i um cmiil lortd ko it lint t bur b oi rn mont where are thcv7 moth r ut rnly whi i ui hi riuiu h thut wen or tin tuhlt i tu ot t iuu imod hv with th jmn turls tint wrn in tin t uiibouri iuu quality and charm distinguish salada j iiu3 tile most doliciousi ten yoti can buy camel is horse sheep ow wnc his hsad upon baths shoulder cjwar up bfith we don t wont any wst yeathet now that the haying season la eaalnr vvs said driva over iff uw ejoi iodiy mad toil your father nol tojsrorry apont the hay to-mor- jjwijtaru the dm mowjmj maohbio assu r hty it m swvggattd fiat you itie hut deserts of uie oql world would probably lie unpeopled and un known but for tho camel lu the hut dry debt rt regions the camel ls the hotmi the uow and th sheep of thn haulers pnd trailers he i carrlu all tho luriliis he furnishes flesh and intlk for food and hl hair or wool furnishes material for weavltlg cloth at night in oamp tlm little children of the chief get cups of the oaniel s thick choosy milk mixed with wuter on thu chiefs table is oooked ciujml flosh the herders wear robes and turbans of brown camel s lisir olulh the master sleeps undnr a uainel s hair tonj vor niuiiy hundreds of years the camol has been one of the most useful anlinals to nieti because of his great strength and his ability to en duitv heat thirst and hunger bstlno consistent a little boy wrote in his diary oot up ut seven went to bod ut hjhl ills govern suggested thut lose at seven was a more elaguiif way of putting t bo the child erased the entry and rose st seven se rtyoy sjrtrviifihfl ffjbbffib v ouried treasure thu gold that is on the surfsoo of the earth washed out of lu hiding places by rsstlcss waters is only little fraction of that underground to got possession of the treasures nature has bewti keeping for man through the ages wn must dig for thorn and wli is truu of gold is true uf ull the other good thbig of f things on th surface in ill cafe whut w may hop to find hut the real treasure is hid den and is only to be bad at the price iyf patlenoe and hard work home of un have many pleasant ao qualhtuhco but to real friends ho cause we are not foudy to take tho trouble to gut below the surface borne have u smattering uf excellent tleas hut will not make thu cjtort to think dwp lbs uveruge worker falls short of suofoss because hu is satlsflad to do his work superficially the legend of burled treasure al ways stirs tlio imagination uow many picks huvu buup piled to u hoover captain kldd s gold and if wu tould realise that all treasure is sti lu speak burled ami tluit wo can sooiira it only by long and patunt digging wo could couddeiitly lay olaltu to the best in life to be kept apart tjpurks unit guuollne caps and dynumlto ulecthu wlrus untl umlal objects children and iiiutehns ifibujtrio bulbs ud combs or hair pins uurolom people untl iuitpj tlrps iuu jets and uso ourtuliut i cimi oil laiiis and shaky tables koivst slush and ugumttu stubs urush pile and cumloss sinokors celluldld ciuiibs and hot iuilr curlers ushtod match o and forrst under brushy let bl0epino h lie hie wiiiip yu siv asking papa fy my imwi iii play sometloug lively on the piano hu id ratljr you wouldn t dear est fou know wornc people can t kosp their fe si til when they hiar livsly mui t mercy tempered with sarcasm the wicked witty prodigal returned und in his old manner aooosxsd ms father well governor lva comeback are yoy going to kill the fatted calft hut old man wa a mutch for th flippant young man und said no ray son i think i luid hotter let you llv canada confident of the future fjanada is endeavor ing to regain her after- the- war stride in the midst of many difficulties debt jlcflatlon and depression being some of them quack remedies and academic theories beset her path on every side some suggest that our debt worries can best be eased by go ing further into debt others preach blue ruin decry their own country and indulge in mis chievous propaganda generally while still others look for a new social order or some miraculous sign to indicate a better coming dajf all this in apparent gorget- fulness of the fact that just as therewaa i no royal road to wiq ihe war there is now no royal roadtopa f o i orrcgain our former buoyancy vigor and confidence some are leaving canada hop ing to escape taxation only to nnd there is no escape anywhere in seeking for easy remedies too many of us overlook the fact that the greatest remedy is hon est hard work faithfully and intelligently performed accom panied by oldfashioned thrift- it takes tlmeit takes patience it takes grit but every canadian know in his heart that canada is coming through all right our experience prdves it look back over the path canada has trod the french colonists cut off from civilization by 3000 miles of sea faced a continent r- a wilderness without the aid of even a blazed trail they lnd to fight savages frosts scurvy loneliness and starvation the united empire loyalists subdued an unbroken forest in one generation growing their first wheat amid the stumps and snags of the new clearing the selkirk settlers came to manitoba when the prairie was a buffalo pasture and grew wheat where none had grown before and where those who knew the country best at that time said wheat would never grow to- dscr the canadian prairies grow the finest wheat in the world in proportion to population canada stand today among the wealthiest nation in the wor w yfjff saviagl deposit per tamiiy oft mntd8ilforeim tradej qi population stands amongst highest of the commercial nations being- 192 per capita in 192223 as compared with 13s in 191314 the peak year before the war new opportunities for canada in canada although prices in the world markets fell below war level our farmers reaped lost autumn the largest gram crop in canadian his tory and canada became the worfds largest exporter of wheat thus in large measure making up for lower prices last year great britain after an agitation extending over thirty years removed the embargo on canadian cattle and a profitable ad practically unlimited trade is opening up for canadian stockcrs pd feeders the canada 20th century belongs to if canadians keep faith the next article will suggest prac tical opportunities for profit making on our canadian farms have faith in canada aaumtfammt tm gamlcsuoa by uw dominion department of agriculture w m mornxmwkit srisww dtj nfhtbnir ppsstiaitsg o o ililllliiaiiiiiiiaiiiiiaiaiiiiilii 0 different then honiw people hold thut lfo s a joke and laugh to scorn the woe of mn until thy nieqt hard luuk themselves and well of course its different then look at the tfema tb brilliant hesuj oj band of blua ttppodtouh rd is the mark by which ydn can always distinguish n maptx lkajmatch this dujfiocd head soaaas foyoutbni um surs and safe always dssepdsb rt fce glow the kind rats westi th sytsxetcsatcxssssju qilatche5 bssmwwwm mssjii of mimtrftsisjn what became of the peddler even in remote regions the once familiar figure of the peddler is rarely seen in the cities the brasslunged huck ster has practically disappeared advertising lias batrished those worn- out liangerson of x through adver tisements womunjeamed discontent with the limited choice offered by the ped dlers pack and the hucksters cart advertising teacheb us to be more exacllh judging values to require things to measure up to better standards to make better use of every cent we spend advertising has done away with hap hazard choosing by shooing how wid and precise a choice you really can have 1 lap- hazard buying- is going tlve same route people who read advertisements know what is what and they make sine they get il at the rightprice advertisements give you living news of economies read them regularly in the actpijfreepfes8 7 s5