Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1923, p. 1

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w j rr f jjti ht fortyninth year no r3 thursday mkn ing july jo 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 10 1023 singles copies flvo cents the methodist church acton rev cha8 hackety pastor parse rfjewt how st the cnngrtgutlnn iti invited lo wor ship at kmt chiu ch it both eor vices next huniliy ami durln0 ttio remainder or tin- month of jmy 3 30 p m hunday hchool a wfcigomk to all presbyterian knox church acton minister rv a c stewart m a mansewillow htreet i ii no ii m the minister subject the manhood of tltn muster second in hrlvm of throo 7 00 p m thn minuter hubjocli i- nijournsnnient himdaj- hclioo und lllhlo class ut at 10 00 n m strangers leaving address with the usher win bo called upon by the pastor i all ark cordially invithjd- golden opportunity for economy these july days when clearances arc in order in nearly every deportment of this big store people who are anxious to make homo funds and personal allowances gb the longest way possible will find many a gratifying saving these arc examples merely examples all the smart voile and ratine frocks third off with sovftuch of summer wcathcrbtill hcforc the saving of one thid the regular cost becomes jtll tho more attractive gingham dreesew sues 16 new advertisements advertisement in thu n iitmn eeeta per rort mihimum clim toe per insertion family wahina wanted family washing wauti 1 tu do at homo ai ply 1 o ltox s4g at- ton oni painting and decorating all kind f inlrlnr unit exterior minting and dii orating eatimalns cheerfuljy furnlshedl aiily dox ib 1 ree phi bh oki ice for sale eight roomed house- nnil lot on tho corner of 40isin and arthur st root hard and soft water virmt class garden call uud see for youroolf robert w laivq stocker8 and feeders for sale blockers and feeders for s apply to nonaldtamprflt- pnanitsrts mmtitp o ouolph central 3 4 stone for sale good freestone in any quantity dimension atone sills lintels coura ing rubble sills lintel and coursing can bo cut to order writhe d r lkslii 53 georgetown it b no 3 money wanted on mortgaqes 7tt paid on flnatcuuu orst mort- gajres on lmprovod toronto and bub urban property mortgages being about 40 of tho value of tho property e o black 514 411 cpu illd toronto 9 head of cattle strayed strayed from tho prorata of the underalcned lot 2 con 4 erin about june 10 i brlndla calves i red calves 1 blue calf and 2 spotted calves find er will be suitably rewarded for in formation that will lead to their re covery bltf austin swxckbtamen tele 98r3 j itli no acto wanted woman to cook for men employed at dr beat tins farm for four ir flvo months references required per sonal tntervlow may be arranged with mr raynor vernon jpark farm 2nd una 4 ratios south of acton or bj writing to arthur tknald i r r no 4 acton farms for sale ss harm tn uu comities at halton and wellington varying from 40 to x0o acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business place in acton tor sale fire and life insurance money to loan j a- smith raal estate aent acton onl phone 105 cam of thanks the ladles baseball club dnslro o thank the cl livens who so generous used their motor cars to convey the team to rockwood on morniny evening and also to express their appreciation of too coopwahon of the band in turning out on saturday und helping snake their same with ulmlco sut h u success in spite of tho bad weather miuj d it lindsay hectreuk proi hon jubilee celebration and civic holiday at the roquwt of number c cltlxons nnd in compliance with the custom which has prevailed for mi years i hereby v monday au0u8t 6 ms civic iioltly for 1033 antf kpefltfutly etjuest all cltlxenu to serve ho flsy as hus lean decided that the proposed jubilee of actons incorporation he celebrated on sal urdsy sundny snd monday auxuat 4 5 and ii 1 would silscvst mt the occasion lw iimde one when our oil ens shuud invite llmlr friends unri former residents to visit acton on fhesv days and partlclputn in tlxj his torlcal event aoion ahould also in made utiructlvaiwlth th profiutu du- play df flax nd buntlnk pu tblm occasion in our history okohuk uahiikr lhxvv acfon july is ims years to 42 bust a great special at 249 smart as canbc katinrs drcsss regulgrtynqcd at 6 50 wsivsteaearlng now at 433 to 1250 more voile dresses in light and dark shades sizes 13 years to 38 bust measure regular 7 75 to 0 op for 550 cool and chc voile drosses regularly pvccd at 7 75 to 2100 clearing now at 517 to 1533 gingham dress aprons with square neck bhort sleeves and sash extra special value a 129 childrens dresses in tub ginghams sizos 3 to 10 years special july clearance values at 98c i july sale of rugs wilton and tapestry rugs tn rofim sizes with substantia reductions for a limited period during jujy and twat in spite of higher prices for foil all the shortened linet of wallpaper clearing papers for all kinds of rooms lots of choosing liberal savings some of the prices liko theso atjoc single roll values to isc atl2c single jrolf values to 18c at 18c singlo roll values to 25c at 5c single roll values to 40c at 30c single roll values to 45c 1 at 65c single roll values to l 00 lilkngrysmall prices with tho ordcl for drastic clearance smart new summer faeadwear will cost very little colored shapeotrl iq0 and 198 merely fractions or regular figures many trimmed summer hats at half price pcrhops a find for you here atz50 and 495 special tables of trimmed hats values up to two and threo times as much lovely wash fabrics reduced 1 50 ratines for 100 yard 2 75 ratine velour at 150 2 50 sponge cloth at 150 125 ratine voiles at 85c 1 00 tissue voiles ut 59c 1 00 ratmspun 79c 50c voiles for 35c yard 65c phsso crepes 59c anb a host of others d e macdonald bros ltdv guelphs leading and largest store wonderland prioay jutv 20 gypey passion t10 picture which qihtori andni the jueen of ni ut technically thu piuuro is full at interns cnnmdy trout i tm the ooeiui h we lit orohes tin r0m weekly nw iaturoav july 21 4tg8 tb nicbcfl hutrrlna wesley hri a intensely real nd wurmlv nitii drtuna fllhwl with mmsnoo pathos an4 laugh lot- comedy creation th um kuu ip kiits nt 8khts tuk8day julv wtf mie siren cpll rltnrriiibt oornthy oallon hovq roniaiioe thrill suit sus pense wr itut lft out of this ploture comedy pleasure loplsodft nt ii vf uo-aet-eni- huuh c0m1no attbaotioi the younjf lajah j a mccldre son weekend specials assorted chocolates our famous assorted chocolates in both hand and soft centres are still being sold at tho old weekend price of 29c lb turkish delight turkish delight regularly 40c lb weekend special 2c lb t variety bar four bars in one weekend special price g for 25c our ice cream parlors when down town ii jpping come in and irave a nico dish of ice cream or perhaps you would prefer a light lunch we deliver ice cream in brick or bulk mill street acton h wiles the bbfiof op thk boot hs in the wearing mlss jr summer footwear bargains for everyone aix sizes in the lot coii8ibthir of cuiivhh koofweur ovfordfa imd strap suppera all nuw goods to clfar coml in harry harrison the shoe man 4j 2- necesbary repairs to be made toudl strqels in town gravel to be used instead broken stone on the roadway new pavement to be laid on brock avenue boutx side ifhe reituliir b0hil of tbn council was hold on monday evnnlrur with councillors llolmns uarrfnon thol- ford mid iioll prttuinl untl lieovo bar iwir in the rhuli 1 tho i lnitico committed iirasantud lulr nf lr nth renirt tnd riiommnnil ed juijliic t ut tltn follivvlfid ncrounts xr qeoeral account i v hltchle use of grounds 3 t 00 i lorn ihii klllott 1 runjxrt hunllorluin 1 0 alfred itiiui f labor 3 1 hydro mmtrlrj unimlwilf ii hi root huhttnk us 80 hydro kino trio commlhhlon town tuill 03 llnll tdlonhoni co town hull 2 0 acton khks imtaui irlnllnir r lists 8 oq juh kyrtton mill ill w utiunu ami vvulkrt j i john u wiiuotj 1r lurt 35 00 a h illslli i ulnr li imili ry 10 40 30i 07 jo wtsrvorla accoun mtx inlxw re luylnir i s 22 20 t lliikor labor 0 00 i nd clouvii lubor ro luylntt mains i ifl 00 cliua pll lulkir rafluylnif ut nlulns i 30 w j hold dostaicu unci sui- ra g 00 jan hymun auppllns 3 60 iloll tnlanhnno co nulla from town hall v 3 7f iiclljtelcijhon co uhunc au lumi houst 2 ofi jasymohjmiiios d hit hoard moro a qo thrnudlntf pipe 1 60 hydro elnctrlo cnmmlulun poirr st sprlnar 35 ifj hydro- eloctrlo- commuslun power ut um htuao ib l jus itoboruon co nuoiiiios 564 87 w y moonny sorvloos bb 43 t703 24 tim rort vuu udoplod art usreomont with lho toronto huh- urhuq itnllway was rocolvod by tho council covnrlnst tint rlxht of way far laying tho rrutlna on tholr nrooarty in attlntt tho mains on camonm aueot ucivfjil by c h itarrlsun aaoonded by k tbotfortl that tho i novo and tlm clnrlc bit instructed to uxocuto tho u gnomon i with lho toronto suburlian itullwuy milk in jf lirovlslon for a yourly rental of 100 currlnd thn mattor of inylng the sldowalk on tho vnuth aunt shin or i rook fjtrml cams up for discussion it wits decided that thr htnvo should tuku lh mutter up with mr porboa und hut it wuk not vieoevsury to udvcrtlso for tflitdors us it would only incur oxtwnse for nothtntf mr john ihirr wnu jflvim lmrmltutlon lo cut down u mapln tr on iurk avunus adjuvant to his house tho municipal offloor wn inslructud to hnvo all tho weeds out in tho munl- clpullty it was ddaldod to talta immediate action with rognrd to ft i line in thu holos in the rouds und rnpulrlntf tho roads ffanerully with cravol police court newg milton man flnad n four charges 81k brampton crmi adjourned to auouat 0 on saturday wllhain hhipiiiird jr w up for trlol before iwoo mukla- trute ulco at wilton on two uhartfas of ooliib intoxicated in u publla plaoe and two for breach of 1aquoslntf municipal uy lw he wu convicted on thn four harw ihtvd 110 00 and costs on such of tho o t a charges and 2 00 und costs on the charges for vlolutlon of municipal iy laws 86 60 in ull diivld llrlll inuii hnnl aiktricetown laid un inforinutloii injforv 1olica mag istrate moore lt thursday churartna i tilt iuwreiidti a painter with passing u chnqua oil him hoarlntr the forsett tuimri of j a wlllonehby uir hq 60 lwronoc sot goods valued ut id 00 und ituh amountlna- to 36 00 from mr lirlll he was to uill mxt tluy for tho 7 00 balance still duo on the cheque fntiteud of rallliiff ho is ullctiod to have sklppeil to detroit a warrant hus benti issued or the upprehvitslon f ijiwronc juntos llsvirsou k c spmiured in court in ilrumpton un monduy hsfqre 1olhe muglatruto monro ua couruml for four of tho nlk penioiis charged with soiling liquor during old ho too week ho pleaded not guilty und re- ilnmtfd that tho iriuls be positioned fur u wm k ah thu muglstruto und tho crown attorney both expt to lm on holidays until the first of august tlt dutn ut the trial vus hxud for august 6 i wo olhei uwulnet a mun ullil his wife wle ulidi poatponmt to the hiitno dutu ut thu rilit of their counsel j ulhiliun of toronto irovlnclu conatuble athlna rounded up two men on the morning mdlal car for toronto on tuesday he was mi route fur ho ton to usecut a search wuriunt for an alleged chutgo of thef in thu cur ho noticed u uouple nf men who hud it buttle of llquar ulid saw them drinking at tho second round of drinks liu wu at thalr side in u s oond souilrw llm lotte srreatid them and lodged them in oeorgetown lookup ontll bis return from hollon in tho ufterrioon hu in company with cuiistable cousaiis brought hem to at ton avhmt brouiiht bfuie lollu mitilatruta uiiiint thy both pluduil kullty to being uinlr thu inrlunnn ihjuor und wuro tlnod 110 00 and ousts naoh onn wuu m quliin ft ouolim hd the other howard vklnson of toronto tlly ne for lho first- tl in that morning wht they got on thu cr ut luelph the lluor was alaobol which wilkinson gut from s man in social and pers6nal john wood vlnltfnl in toronto mr i i huyoni t t imii on tuesday mihm mumlu miihhio i toronto inst weok vbiltod frluiidr ml mi myrtfo oiiih was homo from toronto over ftuuduy htowurt 1wrlo won home from toronto tiwr huniluy mr nellfodanald was in town yes terdiiy for u brlof visit mihh mumlu musnjes api lit luat wnek with frbnds in toronto t4ilnl dunn u nrt vujtor of iondon was miss marjnrlo 4wltser is r inition ut jort lclgin mui sin wlkglns wn ovi r the wnuk i ho i frm uihmoh murjtriu und iiuru hull aro hollduyliik with frloiulu it kiin mr ikilton of toronto wus h guist ut thn luipthit t uruun this wook miss mrlj4tlhlln of norval spont thu wnk md with mrs w a htewurt m1u huxol mrunimlt wiis horn from hn bridge thn week on u brief visit ml lull hiilun nnd ixirln jo u jipindlng snverul irs murray i f toronto vultud ut home of mt n lurbeu over tho ik on l ir juck uoharlwoii und mitrgaret mronuui uru spniidlnr u few holidays in dundulk mr und mrs hurom andnraoii of torotito v mr nnd mrs hniicer hlinbnnd luitt wnuk mrs john wtstirwlbur stroot will rllclynjuilwcdncaduy uftornoon july 1 from 4 to 8 p m hnv n wuddnll halllnufud has rn- rnnd from u month s holldsyn at 1m chuto and ottawa mrs joseph lnby and mrs rob i ihnw kpont a rouplo or days this week with frlenda in toronto ir j k cutth a imnt u fow duys luat wok with his dniightor mrs w itutlodge ut turru cot to quelph iius or so with her jsihi alteon hu n spoiidlng u we y uunt mm uobert lie i iffy mlas murlol 1 loury is holidaying 1th friends ut llrown cottaire titur ton iuki iimr itlndsay muutr itohhte hall apettt a few iys in llm rountry last wook with maslor doimtd mcdougsll ttonnett ratunuid fter holidaying for a t bayfield mtns margni mm ihlu wook couple of wuokm irs jullu a mcarthur returned this woek aftor visiting friends for u pie of wonks at urnntford flas vlolot uilrd of uoorgotown spent thn wo k ond at thn homo of i i iiurtmun church htreet irs tl a dills and miss mary mc- ihormin of colllngwood ure spending k or so ut 1ort curling muskouuj mrs w c oeorgotow uiul mrs h h itibsoy and xllas uorls i were guests of mr wilson over tho wok 1 orster of toronto homes of mr sooorgo jool leslie jr this ultrd ut tmiio und wo k irs r ic mccallum oordon uiul dotty loft tuesday to spend u mouth with lelutlves ut wallacoburg and dutton tr lollop loft on friday un a trip lown thu ht ijiwn net llo will re luru lo his otrio on tho wocojul f august mrs dreii t t broth r i von jp woodward und chll- wllluims visited bar other filunds here during wc will save yqu money sir john henrlrie dead the former lieutenant oovernor of orrtsrlo siiceumbs aftai operation hulllinnrs md july 1h hh john homtrle resident of thu humllton urldgb works und fotuiur moiiten unlaoveinor of outullu died at mid liltilit lust nght ut johlitillopklns hoe pltnl hsro mir john wher wwijijjiimf from hamilton stitu days ago onderwents rtltmit for an lli- jrf last thursday und his iff was reported fuyorulila until siojidiiy nlghl vhuti piisunionluib vol oped und ho grew rapidly wiithk hm det4 occurred t midntgbl misij alice johatoilo is spending u couple of wtcks with hnr sister mrs mulun ut hlllsboro llnuch lukp luron is blhel oulpil who hus been visiting br ulster mrs o 1 hwltser loft this weak for vancouver by way of prime lluport my ii a hwuukhumer wus called i ouelph on monduy through the tuth of his duukhterttilaw mrs h uolph hwackhamer ur t j p fufiix r eontlnuos to iprove in health ut his old horna at itustor tie hopes to toturn to autun uboui the rirst of tho month hui lotto nlokllii of uruod lluiilds mich loft this week to visit ststor in toronto uftrr spt ndlng u pin of wueks with hoi hohu mrs it khsw mr und mm u jteeaor und hilly und mi uiul mrs h llourmt and fiiinlly of toronto woru wook end victors ut the home of mr a itoeaor ijiu avellilu mr mil mm o ii drown wvm ut klt belief over munday to uo their duiikhteiuflaw mrs albeit urowu who wum quite 111 uhe is now im proving ruvldly mr 13 hoss wild sons un i mrs miwtil ivturned bonxt last woek ufttn u dolluhtful motor tilp to itilt chatham wulluotautif and other points un touts mi ami mis j ii tjkn und thu dun of iowuhmun motond to cleorgo town on muuduy rhay visited trunds st llui i jo i ii route and on 1 utaduy wi i ai im frlotidi mi und mis tuoriu itiundow o huiitllluii worn wiuehd vlaltors ul thu bonie of mrs wauy molonulil mini rorlniio mfllnuld who hud boen holidaying- in hamilton returned with them ml william unydor und miss hiiyd r of icloru visited acton rrlomb on huturdity mrbiyder always un- joys u visit lo the aid home und ids ill liin fib nds ui nlwuys khtd to it htm mr ond mis arthur m church of hnnlrldfi imu1 ul the home of ur und mis wllilinu iltiuk during thu week mr church wliohjjjl m for hundlldue injjjxlwtiiutndlng the musi nlo it rtd i toronto this wook mls minnie itentiett wnt to imu ulgln yesleiday as s leader in th dump of cunudlsn olru in tntlnlnk mihmcs daru tluvuge und olive u- luughuu huomiminlwl her from the methodist huuday school aw members of thu m ul i u 1 t they wui 1- in junp fr ton duys actoil jubilee celebration is now assured will be held on saturday sunday and monday august d 5 and 6 cmvic holiday and band tattoo will be featureo a mm tins of ropnaenuitlvu cltlsoie f aarliius orxanlsntlnns in town vns held on toewluy evening when it wasv dntlnltely deoldeif lo observe thn pro pomod jubilee- celebration of actons in coaporutlon in connection with clvlo holiday and the hand tut i cm klrohg committees were organised and a oorv feroncq with keeve ilarter and mem bersf of the council aecurotf their me dormutrou und support the followlhg committees und con venom huvo imn upiolntel und oiigh is supihkrted by u strong momlmrshlp publicity john clarke jr con vmnmr decoration alex bhnd con qport8 and games marvin kennedy cohvnar bands ano mu8ic amps msaon refreshments j modensid i convener finance c m harrison con itouvn liu r in r has proclaimed mon duy august us clvlo holiday uud announces thaluiiturday sunday and monduy will bo observed as the date of the propoaed jubilee celebration he alao auggoats that oltlsens invite their friends und fornur altlsens to visit them and iiartlcrputn in tho- colebrutlon und rikiuests cltlsons throughout ute town to iocorute their homofi wjtli riugs ami hunting the commuteehns nlnnn 1 ball tournament callthumplnn parado with prises for dncoruted cars uthletla aorls arid a bund tattoo sunday will bo ko to church day and with visitors who will be here to purtlcipata th churthru ohould be crowded on that day the pastors and choir will im requoatol in rnako the luy a special one tho plans urn now t for u sane enjoyable und mcmnruhlu telnhrutlon actons jubllno u u municipality to aocoroplhih tho muccbss desired it only requires loyul cooporatlon by uvery cltlson and home with tho com ml t loo in chargt und to demonatratn that acton s hospitality la at once cordial generous and slnoera the free press drawing contest dorothy smethurst aged 10 years wine first prize and free prsee fountain pen mr j l jours nngruver toronto hits just sent in his award for tho drawing cuntist in the junior third cluxts mghtoo of tho pupils of ulss muriel if floury untored the contest mr junra uwurdod lb flrt jirixo to dorothy hmethurst ago i tti and aends an euttruvlng of tho drawing which is hern shown the nuoqud pru wus kwurdnd to jeuii timlth ugel 11 whoso suhjeot was a dotf und a butturfly aid tho third to violet currle aged 10 who took tor the subject of her drawing un arch and towur in commenting upoti ilia drawings in this contest mr joiies says this collection of drawings is the boat so far tho ftrf prise is certain ly a flrstclass puce of amateur work ami the acond und third uro also very good if yog would huvu ull thu pupils draw ull their uit woik in blue k ink it would mivu us tlmn und trouble us we cannot reprodutu them without re- tuolmf i mii hopliiir this compnlltlon will dlacover und dovulop reul urtlsts umolig your school puplla snd i mi u good advertlsvmenl of ins inkm 1mrss enterprise us well tho work of thu hniilot third clus i of whleh mus idutor is tho tu hr will go to mr joinvi tu xt und the resplt will be uiiuouned 111 auguet there aro twenty tlvo untiles in this computltlon new6 of local import accident on speyalde crossroad a motor enrcatn to grief on lhq hpeysldu crossroad on hunday even ing through a fallen trrn on lie road a tt iron to mun was driving tho mt wus irrqught to acton for rnpulra the bill for ripulru may bo hando i ovor to tho township council more sucoeeaful entrance candidates jtllo ucarthur fnrabi11 mcculg marjorlo mccucbepn and hoy mo- known pupils of miss mjirgun t to donald of b h nrf h krln woro hucctiasful at the entrance examina tions tllllo maude and margaret ma nab pupfhl of miss mamfu mosul on nt h b no h kramoau worv also satmod like found money a ii umbo r of pcopln in this boot ion wero ugrnby surprlsod last wook to ricolvo thequis for u seven per pent dlvldimd from thn liquidator of the dnrnlnlori iiun co it fs ovor live years aim thn company cloned lfji doors thore tny bo a furttoerjllvid- ud before thu npunces of tho company urn finally cliisad another pupil psssea entrance in odltlon tho list of uu coasful high hrhool nntrunm rundldatos ut acton lubuqhotl last week willie frank o pupil from 8 8 no 7 j4us- uag a wi yu hus been uwurdod u cttrsl flcnti wlltlo was 111 und uniible to try tho oxumlnutlon he wus recom mended by h s toucher on his yocr a ork felicitation for acton cltutens band during the earvlio last hunday morning in knox church ilov mr stewart paid a high compliment to acton cltlxans hand for piu splendid lusa of tnuslc thoy are rendering und for their gnneml deiortment he spoke particularly of the charaoter of lho ilctml c ivon on the lawrt of the bimderlnnd house tho prevlai evening nnd regurded the bund us valuable usaot to the town i quite poser tho following interesting und in- mioun liibcriptlon is ulleged to havo imon found aomc years ugo in devon fnglund itihcrlbetl on a curiously hupv i stone of blurk basalt it nuturuliy uruiihid quite a hit of in- mt amongst uiuiquurluns i ur oijo weko uvouh iapk itla va motorsd froi mayor hmith holklrk motor tn selkirk man and mrs smith of reached acton on a week theji trip wn u lelatircjy one und occupied ubout two ik in route ijtief vlslla were mado ut ht mul minn madison wis chicago and other point a mayor hmlth w to 1h superintendent of the t roll mgm tile- at selktrk ibtv inft cluu uttontlnn to municipal ud- ilulstrutlon mid has succeodert in matly improving lho financial stutus of the town ml and mrs hmlth uya enjoy u visit tu tho old home here they wont to toronto on sutur- uy uvi nlug taking mrs oliver cook nd children with them for an outjng acton flower shew auoutt 15 the success of tha first iinnuul iwur hhow held lust augustls ra- riombcred with interest tho second nnuul show will be held on wednes day auguai 16 in tha park and tho i tn co r are determined that the flow r hhow of 1923 will be an per or if jiey cuii poaaibly acoompllsh ml tho prlui list whlrh u now in the printers hands is unusually at tract i vo will be ed in u rw duys it comprlaes loti hats of hath society und special companions artou is tecorolug in uro und more noted from year to year for the variety ami beauty of thefowers and lilunts surrounding hur bpmas und the kuwer hhow im bound to rate tn w interest and onthuslusm i crewsons corners morning mr morgan iwsons corners hxpught i a bouquet of beautiful bush his tcrundfathar tit cutharlnes in the altonieyoenersnlckle id work will bee the laws undsr his jurlsdlo tlon ar enforced hon w v nlukh thu tiuw atlor- hy gorturul iwiio wus sworn in oi monduy iiuj asjtunutl tha dutlus uf his otnoe and evidently liitnnds thut tin laws which oomo itiider his purvjew hsll bo enfotced in an inlurvlow with the tortmli star on tuesday hon mr nlcklo said i am sanding oufu littii til morrow to all tho crown uttnrnuys in the m lnoo udvlslug them of whut the bet ting taw is und stating that it is tt bo enforced this was the utiawor given by lion w f nlokle who took his desk ys terday morn hue at tho iurllutnent llulldluga fdllpwlng u brlf lueotlng of the ferguson cabinet wlmii usked by the star as to whsther the govern ineiit had uuusldoiod whut uttltud u would taku with iegard to thu untl- bottlng lnformutlou uet ves wo huvo oonadarutl it said tha auurneyueueru ii is u law nd us sunh it must b oho vod thu ultra vires and intra viies uapcl of it may have to tie tried out by a test tmmt if that is nouisaury the crown authorities however ure to i mi notlltnd by lutiur that thu ul1 hutuiitu ypurutlvu on muuduy do you propoitu uny t bairn in ttu udminlstruttou of tho o v a t h wus the asked that m is on the books is it nutt ha uaknd inlofly then it roust also be unforced koflowlng the cab i not council moot lug lbs attorney ueiierul wnt dlreotu in his office and began to wndu into tu business that wwslls him roses fron onbuturda crew no n of cr thn fwsx iuks is from s brought from f ihii and planted on tho homestead tho cornors these roses from tho hundrdyeur ojrt bush are as perfect in foi in and swet in per fn trio as the rusts fiom bush of prosent day pluming mr cruwaon says his gralidfuthur built thu largo stono houso n thu homontiud in 11139 and 1h30 it 4 37x33 rdt in tha year 184t ha ullt the stone imrn 38x40 feel which has boen u lund mark for utmost s can my the leanto 13x60 wus bi ased to 34x60 by mr morgan crow- son u father nmkliis tha barn coxdu qtsndardlclna of etjga for domestlo us tho regulations itespuotlnat th orudhig mid marking of icggs uffeo tu july 7 ain a further evldoiuu of the uiitqiio poult ion canada hus tiikei in poultry work the new regulations nxttiid the standardisation of eggs to those intended for domestlo consump tion no other country has as yut attempted to take such s step this iuulatlon will not iypy to shlpnmnts or dhvrle dlm t from piwluusr to tnisuiiioi co n a u mors will le mir th uliirty lutoroatod in the lugulutlons wllltil rtttiluil lulluwn livery taao or uontulm r of eggs that is uxpoaod illspluod oi trfoiod nrsule by any pi reoii nulling or delivering eggs dllrit to roiiaillliniu hi i public pluuu oi diumiii uluill im iiuiim lubellod tnu gitl oi ui n inpanled in lonspu noun tfttcis with thu nuinu of tho iiihs u guuli of tggs toutuliiod thornhr a qraat demanatrsuon 1 he splilidid lhuioh parade by tin ilamihur of acton loyal orunge lidgr ulid anon true llues on hunday bill in wus follow ud on thutadsy tin iwalftli by a most suliiesaful dentiin- utuitlon lloodul by alton cltlheiiu lluiiil tin inumhois of the ordm r- hdl lo tin rmoirto hnburbuu ntuthni o thuli upixiiul tiuln shortly b foru vlllht o oliiuk jn tho morning wuat toionto wus their objective point unit they formed un important walter lawsojf sr fatally injured at 7th jtjne crossing motor car struck by train goinff east monday eveniti hiq 60n walter also seri ou8ly injured walter lawsufi tho will known miller of htewarttown n colynd in juries whon hu motor rnr vuiii trtxu k by tho i 30 train going oikt n mo n day evening at tho seventh lino rvoist ing which resulted futully u few mill utea afti rward i mr lawson and his son waltor wrrn driving up thn sovuuth line the son belnk ut tho wheel whon thoy f u hod to ohairvo tho itpproachlng train tho oow catcher struck tin front wheels lurried it with tho oieupants for a distance nf ir foot hurlnd it over the embunkmoiit ut tho kuddell farm mr la who n hr wus thrown a considerable distance the son who wjffl not rendered unronac ious by lho shock managed 1l rise und rush up the mbankmi nt ulioiitl ance the train mopped a were taken un loanl ww found o imi allvu taken off tho train a station ths father died iilmrtly uftef tho truin left aoorgotuwn for toronto where ha wus being token to the hospital a dqctor who wus amone tho passengers did whut ho cnujd to novo tho mans life upon tho trains arrival in toronto lho body wus re moved to the morgue i walter lawson jr received treat ment at the hands of dr t maroellus ond dr a mcallister of looixetown his condition is regarded as critical as his injuries which urn internal aro of a serious nature the snot at which tho tragedy oo- y n nif for un ilnt itotn mon tr iuwaon im son was georgetown -is- muu loularly dangerous mm tho roadway ut the crossing communds u clear view of tho track in both directions mr lftwson was about so years of age and his son u l 1 will bo remembered that a similar accident occurred ut this crossing a number of years ago during a blind ins now storm wtjen mr j wrlgr of ashgrove was caught thero by an ftomnon train and inntnntly killed miss ilesxny then a hciiooi girl at- tending at hendorsoii s school was wan mrsyrlht who wus giving her ride home was seriously injured at that tlmn nnd is still very lame the late mr lawson is survlvod by his wfilow one daughter who la u n in toronto and two sons in htewarttown 0t swifhina day and s ho ware if tho timo worn adagu of ht hwlth day proves true we are likely to havo a wc ftatveat this year hu bwlthln s day if thou dost rain tat forty days it will remain bt hwlthln dny if thou rni fair for foity duys twill mill nua malr it ruined on hunday hl mwlthlns duyrttlt right it la to bo hoped the furrnora will have mornunshlnn than showtmt school promotions i in tle report of thu promotigna in t week s fium piuom a mistake was made in the lists sent in names of four ot the pupils who passed from senior first to junior becond class wero listed as having been promoted on trial vfhereas they possid with high standlntf the first three huvlng ob tained 76 of thn total murks they aro the following knthurlna htewurt clara hauer zenny iroon andrew huohunan apple trwa en the streets orlllla horticultural hocloty lias adopted a new principle in oouneotlon with ehudo trees they huvo planted this year a number of apple trees un tho atreata und wit keep them proper ty trimmed and pruned no etatement la made hm to where tho upptes will go but it id prtsumed thut thoy will he oommon iroimirty tho old song in thn shade of thu old upplu tree will huvo a roul mesnlnir to orlllluns in tha future alxchangu an unfortunate mishap on monduy ufternoon about twelve miles from oakvllla on thu humllton highway mrs f 1c mccluary who had been an ocpuputit in u touring cur oomlug to acton with unv und mrs a l itaugh und mr h llurrlsn from toronto und ut nut intundjn 4o cross the stroot to u fruit store when she wus suddunly iiiiuukod down by u car coming froih the opposite direction mrs mtcluary wus shakoi up but not luutiy injuiod und is re covering nkoly ut hoi huiuu huru the new voters lists the municipal votus hats for 1dj3 fur aolon huve ixum pi hid d und bund ed over totho count il tho luigeet iji tha history it tiiimpruiis thirty two olouely urrutikud names n cltlxuns the rlglit to vote bullous lu polling nil livutin no 1 thuie are j73 and hi no tan in no 1 3y voturs uro untitled to vilo ut municipal elections only und 30 in no 3 tho utheh s34 voters may use theh ftaiiuhlso ut ikiiii inunlchial ulid itglslutlve elections the hat of the town pawns of lid gives d01 ut munlolpul elootrla current a wojnun in lou r thnn in obaraot atiini what tustomury lulu sturm failed lo i unmet the twelfth of m j will ihi refui it on ruootd us one of the nni t days on which tho orange order walked the anton uontlngept ur- hmne at eight p m delighted un days niijirymeut und hupp in thn untkipation that aolon is to bt he hb uelebrultop for 19u4 always un duty li pllt hit dlshpuii with the oidliimy i out utu on her ij tiln mtove und tnriiel on thn luat the duhwushlii iwlnu ihi luut job prior to unliig uway foi a loiiplo of du holidays lialn time wus uoartr thun iiliij imiiw in 1 und uln lnft at oiiue i i gut xudy font uiuy to tin n uff the mov 1lhii iili n tin if two days later the h u vuu utiu on hut thn vvatr bud hnlhd uwoy th b iltom wus burnt d out of tin dish pun thu dishcloth wuu u iiim uiul thi dlulnti nil ihiuknid up mout f iitmtutly tin boalitkul cottugu dll not lake ilrg i ergtlh news kimirl dosant liu muter vahloles one uf uln dtlsuiih iinuikt thu ntlur duy thut it will bi ul good thing when motor iuiu will ull be tun by wibuih insteud of by guholliit thn tutit ipiw u days at least those old ruin shook les that muke inutu uou thun u kutllnr kuu when tb y ure lulinltig make sunh un lufiinu taukit on our jhire they formed an important si mukn such un infunu tuukit on our thin f tin big parade the sp eilies utroets ull duy long that ym inn buully ui high turk w- re hitmt ellntf uiffrtrrti jolirsolf think i ut nuts op n ultiu loiul the winllni wus ideatly u i hniu aro ullowid t go nil utfui law i just molested ulthoilgli against it hut th is ubsirved in milton luwij u luw unto himaulf upl be i us he pfeusth hpei d bwu tenuis f tr th in u m they know they tun go the limit without j r of pun hi hi no nt and uh lo niotoiot un thy ought to imi banliih d frum tiiu um of the earth mlli hufpnnm i

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