Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1923, p. 4

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w i the home or stye artmt step llrwjh utmur slttj ton wll ol oourto the acton frei ifceks u publlahed mill slrtel ac n ontario the at bac ipum p u u ir 7r ia kdvc pf clurgfrj adjit on i to nkri it the uallad stataa tha lata f which autiacdptloaa are paid la mica u j oo tha eddrem label apvzrtising ratestvspilast adwtlae picnli 10 cent per ilea asala atuur for flfal btaettlen and j ceota par line for eseh awba qncet inacrtioo csnlracl dlapur otwu ctenta tar jo inchea or nor per aaaasa is cta per isch neb leuoa advertisements w telephones- editorui ass uniincaa ofic kaalaa ol ivcaidcnt thursday morning july 10 1023 editorial halton old boys in manitoba a letter in another column from col a claud gray of winnipeg gives particulars of a movement inaugurated by col dan mclean for the organiza tion of a halton old boys association in manitoba this will undoubtedly interest many of tbo hundreds of former residents of halton who now make their soldier settlers success more than 100000000 has been expended thus far 111 settling exsoldiors on the land in different parts of canada according to major john barnett chairman or the soldiers settlement board who in a recent address told of the great and far reaching activities of that organization some 30 000 men representing a farm community of 130 000 people have been located and 85 per cent of them are making good over 80 per cent of ihe settlers had been able to pay back the rrmney loaned as it was due and the country is collecting tnc money at a rate of between two and three million dollars a year jhc soldiers settlement board has over 250 trained field men posted at various centres throughout the dominion constantly trovellinr from farm to farm attending to the troubles of the soldiers offering help wherever possible and doing everything in their power to further the success of the undertaking no public drinking for america the vote in manitoba last week on a referendum to make legal the sale by licensed hotels of beer and wjnc was dcfetcdiy a majpnty of 34000 coming as it did less than three weeks after a referendum on government control which tjio province favored by 40 000 majority it is clearly to be seen that the people have no desire to go back to tho barrooms and this may reasonably be concluded as the temper of tho people throughout this continent of north- america an occasional adverse vote on some phase of the liquor traffic may be given by some state or province but the country as a whole has no desire for the return of the promiscuous sale of intoxicating liquor in tho vote in manitoba last week it is report ed that not a single constituency not even winnipeg with us denso foreign population gave a majority in favor of the wine and beer bill the turnover was really astonishing some constituencies which went wet by two to one on the previous vole in june went dry on this vote by four to one gnomes in manitoba they should taitc ine urer op- portunlty of communicating wrtvcoi mcxean what might have been the official report of the returning officer for halton county in the recent provincial election is a revelation when it ts realize that there were 5353 votes unpolled it is not difficult to conjecture how different- the result might have been the conserva tive were well organized and the vote polled for mrchilliner shows pretty closely the strength of that party in halton the u f o had a very poor and inadequate organization while the liberals were hfjuoro or less indifferent had the votes favorable itb preiqier drury been as faithfully gotten out as were those for mr hihmer the election of mr drury tir wuld have been beyond peradventure and his m yjority would have been greater than that of his ppponent was there were 16759 votes on the njrotera lists of the county of these but 11416 were spoiled l a centre of courtesy toronto telegram a few days ago contained bp fourcolumn writenip of acton bygone of the staff fcfrwriiters of that journal characterizes this town as ope of ontarios brightest prettiest and most pro- greaaive manufacturing centres after describing ute business and manufacturing interests tbe writer jcobcjudes with the following that 18 the material jvde of the life of actoi there is a aide even finer 1 fo the town where everyone is courteous the sr wt dren leave their play to answer questions the wdafa go several blocks out of their way to show jjfdfdrb around everyone makes your business his ioalness till it is finished the i o d e and the ijutjlor chapter have redecorated the town ball the woinens institute has placed a drinking fountain on tetilid street with a watering trough for horses every organization has sorne work qn hand for the better- ijttjneflt of the place and the general welfare of acton sjbcsl of air cton did her bit in tho great war and be citizens have seen to if that by day and by ufght tho nwnory of those who went out to dare to do and to die shall be with her sons and daughters on tho tkrn street not far from the government building rtands a magnificent granite pillar its decoration 3b i so impressive that it hnngs the tears to tho eyes uvpf the beholder for it displays the names of 10 of fjtptona bravest who laid down their lives that l canada and acton triight live present we loved s them gone we longed for them dead they livo for- 2 over amdng usl can acton fail to grow to prosper sjtfaitd to progress as she works in the midst of such memories advertising ontarios beauties it is rfther satisfying to see acton played up prominently in a new ontario government publicity jft ontario canadas premier province mat vafned by the board of license commissioners those of us who know tho natural beauties of halton county are glad to see them adequately recog jnuted in publicity which is evidently aimed to attract hlg motor tourlsls the booklet itself is a most w satisfactory production one has seen railway and jtfcbteamabjp folders galore playing up specific points jilt or sections but nothing heretofore has dealt with jjjfpthe beauties and attractions of the province as a hole in the same way beginning naturally with xjy thcniagara district the gateway used probably by g the largest number of visiting tourists the public tion illustrates verbally as well ss by an abundance ejvof excellent photographs the features of the district sld follows the various highways to the western border illustrating features most of us never saw gf before in ithe lake erie district the reference to acton comes on page 23 in tho outline of various from toronto to western ontario passing vcto the eastern section of the province the features of the quinte kawartha and rideau districts are l onipih4siced and after several pages devoted tp the ju or the foderal capital the interest 4 oarrjud north first to tho muskoka then to northern qfltarjo and finally to tho soo and lake superior fj districts ft is understood that the booklet is to be ijjdirculated widely through the united states in the j tourtif bureaus a note in the introduction indi pottos however thst copies may be had from he p board of license coiptnlalonors queens park tor- aoai itj w w w ash f hon e c drury offered leaderhhip of the v f o tho farmers sun announces that within the next two or three weeks premier drury will decide whether or not he will continue as the leader of the united farmer group in the legislature an invita tion to r in that capacity has been extended ioihe rrarner by the 1 f 0camtfdates who- were successful in tbe recent election and he was allowed in accordance with his request a short time in which to consider the matter should the premier decide to accept the offer made to htm it would be necessary as the next step to find a seat for him ft is reported that two ufo members are prepared to resign their seats to make way fpr the premier hon mr raney is said to be willipg to vacate his east welling ton seat and d m ross his in north oxford if mr drury desired to seek reelection in either of these ridings both are regarded as fairly safe ufo seats although the conservatives in nortjj oxford have threatened already that if premier drury runs there in a byelection he will be strenuously opposed editorial notes official reports sbow that drunkenness in canada was reduced last year by 185 percent prohibition and temperance teaching are evide havin very desirable resutfs the globe says in the last manitoba liquor vote second thoughts were best it certainly looks life it a wet vote in june with a majority of 40000 was turned to a dry vote in july bv a majority of 35000 trie acton fre press entered upon its 40th year of publication last week heres hoping brer moore will live to celebrate its jubilee the free press stands for the best in the community and ranks amongst the best weeklies in canada burlington gazette while the u f o were badly eaten in the pro vincial electibn the farmers are by far tho best re presented occupation in tbe new legislature there being 36 agricultural members merchants come noxt with 10 and lawyers third with 15 from this the numbers drop to six doctors and six manufacturers onllia packet the second referendum in manitoba- which re suited in the utter defeat of the proposal to allow beer and wine to be sold in licensed hotels may compel a division of wets into two classifications those who- are really wet and those who are merely damp the result will take tho edge off wet en thusiasm in ontario farmers sun it must be gratifying to the people of this pro vince that the work or extending the hydro lines into the rural parts ofctho province is proceeding vigorously over 650 miles of transmission imes have already been constructed this makes power available in 03 townships the plan being on the fifty per cent bonus principle provided for by legislation the removal or tho british embargo canadian cattle is evidently opening up a fine new market an official in charge of the cattle ship ments from the port of montreal recently slated that nearly 40000 heady of store cattle would be shipped jrooi the port this year he says the rush seasons will be the months of august september and october in the memorable charge of tbe light brigade the poet says then thoy rode back but not not the 600 sometimes history repeats itself and only a corporals guard is able to answer tho roll call after the battle there appears to he great unanimity among the leaders however mr ferguson is pleas ed mr drury is pleased mr hay iv- pleased so we might as well make it unanimous mr pjeasleb suppers by deinq nbiahborly fult ieanloo look 1 1 ik txofti 1 rovukml hnl amused brultn oft u h irltod ton vera ion with hl wlfa and greet ni honour flyn who wun torn intf up tho mmoothly rpkext urnyrl wafbv- ttn ilmcan hitlil i o hi m that litn otnlnv hdd not bothered thorn lit utiy rj vwey jtwu n t 1 rlvmiy ut ull culcb hun mil i to iawum mm i won jctnt uouin out my vlnwhtxul uncjo hum webb nl ihy don t hitch with my wlfn iwllon it ln t uouauoj mi you noedit t fool you vo hod any dltruaaloit hv1l foicfa lt up ln mr joniilo toaumml her hoad tim deacon wondprln if ftnythlna further wro cumlnai waited in nlloncoj to make ii 1 lulu to you cm lob nxiilalnad i ii nay ihut mine unoln bam m hiuui died a afwll lrk ha a work 1 my wife m feelln a iniiald utile whan vr ha a hjtd a llttl job of tuamln hat preaaed him tu ll dotio and anew uaaafd it on la jna o help lilrti out lor inaiancn ho i nftded to git hia apploat to the rider ijiltl loat fall and he banred em up and piled om out by ih aide at the road and when aver i d be haul in m oad of my npploa up then rd hettve tn hve or nix imish of hia take on along l tho aumo lime course toppln but my toad that wuy with hia apple jd bava tu under loud a little witli my own when i hiartnd 1ut my wife made auch u pitiful case of undo 8wmmye not botn able to- do it himself i atrsin d k p itit and made tbree rout morn irlpa than i d haul to otherwise xhd it wa the aumo way with tuff from the a to re ho a coma ovor here and wood or to her- how in tho world he was om to ajlt a aack of rain up to feed hia hena with and when 1 d be hooked up to co down to the store on an errand shed come out with m list of thlnaa uncle qoniniy had fstched over a sack of earn or a baa or mlddun or aomethlnv ilka that nd ahe d want i should fetch em hack dions when i come from the atnre thlnaa ilka lout hen dor u man- too remarked the deacon when be a try in to do hie own errands and git back to his work i know how tls they do sol asreed caleb farvenl ly hut i want to jx us neighborly us i know how so 1 did em and felt kind of a warn llftlrv up within my aelt fur beln seen a thoughtful neigh bor even if 2 did need to be spurred i a mite by my wlfa without tryln to tell you all the things bta been clever nough to make my wife btlev was needful for his comfort or welfare 1 11 tet ypu about the last thing the one we was tslkln nvr whn w mm lit lrtm two words to avoid fall ate i po not hiettwo tiny words whl h tntiil he paiul fairly rrenuenlly to rbll ten of ill ugea i ut thnm 1 tin right v y urid tha wrong wuy tif unlng ihrm tni tm muiy in the r it iiihw the wrong mi i lh nt 1 mvlnted way orrerllii i it it n ccmmlty fin i ut if it ik to do tho intnri 1e 1 g mm i to tin hill thern muni be r uson with it to jmhp on any i fig lon t d thla it it t i i tint i n t you know you nh ul in t un thul w ntr- with ut any bin lly axplunutlm im enough to ilrlve any cl lid f r rrvotia inmpprumiinl to lllhtractlnn un i the don t earn willi ti wllfiilrtfaa glacier eqqs on mount rainier a arty of xcirnttsta xi hiring the ut cracka of 1 oradlan hurler on m unt rulnlur d lacovttifl u large number of gturtor eggs in uncommon form- those rurloum thlngx were lying in email jinntltko hollows f r m flvo to ikih tojrethnr they are t no pebhlea uboul tlio slxn of ullct egga w m rfi ntly ttmooth white or i ink nrurly g i ulur heven of thw gg main were lntad and the pebbfoa mlleoted fpr vnrioum rounoum it iw nuld the glarlar ggm orrur on at glurtloca hi h all a but hitherto hwve ot been orn tuntered on american c ntlnental glaciers f jfall fair time approachinjc the pairs in- which our raaders qen erally ir intsraatad i following are tho dates of tin aire of 1933 ul whl h axhlhlturs isltora of ihlj section are inter- iter v weak mebbo ha b hintln o to h h ta to arlt up brimmer hill way tf so hod any wnugd up there not owi in a boss nowmdaya he soya kind of hepdem me when i have to git round sazne a other folks if kellup wknl as kind m he is i d know how d make out 8o this morn in when i found i d got an hour i could call my own i made up my tnlndyd go to asa brim tners and aee if i could make a dicker with him for that dutch belled cow hes got to sell and aee in asa uvea right on the peak or ilrinmar mill i stopped at uncle sammy s and told him where i wm goln and asked him if be wanted to go along- he listened to me all through not oayln a word and then he went back to tbe woodpile and come back and cllm into tbe wagon and we drove off on the way up i spoke of how bad t needed the cow and about aaa a belli a kind of tlokilah man to trade with nd peedln to be handled about so well said caleb closing his flat nrtt bringing it down upon his knee in tha course of time we dim the mil and i drovtnto asa dooryaru he waadowniy the barn so we got out and walked down there that is i stopped to hitch the hoes to the clothes post and uncle sammy hob bled down ahead of me 1 d jest finished knottln the halter and was turnln to go along down when nil at once a row broke out twtxt them two asa and uncle sammy about all i could make out up where i was was something about a shots that uncle sammy wanted pay tor and asa was ordorln him orfn the place and uncle sammy wouldn t go seems khst ten year or so ago asa was drlvlri by unnle sammy a place with a load of hoy and he run over a shots in the roaju where it had no business to be anyway and uncle sammy had wanted pay for it ever since and asa would n t pay naturally the pig havln no mora rlgnt to be in the road than ass d hsve bad to drove the load of hay into uncle sammy a kuchenl noaw uncle sammy was sayin want yoti should settle this matter up to dy kellut s took time to fetch me way up here to elect the hill and i want fit paid and if you don l by thst time id got my wits mo i broke ilb on what ho wuv wuyln uml told ass the facts that i a come up to buy his cow and had jwt fetched ssmtnv along on count of my wife a wnntln me to but by then asa umii so mad tv wouldn t listen to anything ifehs beep ordertn uncle sammy oft up to then but now he swung an roe umi ordered mtr off with him jiore that be hollered whjm we drove out of the yard for i realised quick nough- i wo n t goln to buy no cpw of him then when yujj git oftn my land you stay oft both of ycut i don t make any dirfvanoe betwixt any man thalol dun me for a bill ten years old thst i never owed and a man than take hu team and fetch him where he can dun mi 1 don t want another word with wither of you rarl he hollered and put into trm house and ahut tbe door and ive been settln here finished sir pesslee trytn to make her un darstand that when uncle sammy uses me to further tits private brawls and tne a justice of the peace tool- it e time for me 16 look to my own character i dknow what aaa can do to spread rumors but 1 it let he 11 du all he cant and now 111 never git thst cow neither tojob sal 1 sorrow ruiiy a willing worker the bargaining for the cow had been ilng on lolsurely for un hour finally tho -prospective- purchaser came flatly to tbe point how much rnllk does ahe giver he asked 1 don t rightly know answered the mor who owned her but nhes a nod good natured critter sfd shell glvn all she can no nbed por stinginess the dear old woman tiumid uiiidji over the hills to get u bottle of mdi clue for s small loy who wua hi in her reroofe village wboit she hud des crlbod th symptoms tho dot tor set uhout preparing a mlsturv one in gradient of whloh wesa poisowwhlch could be admin uterml only in the smsllost quantities hpe watched htm pouring it out wltli the utmost care into thu measurini glass he poured a little from the bottu hud the glass up to thr light and then put in a few mor drot ah doctor she said reproachfully you needn t be so stingy lleoiembec it a tor u pulr wee orphan laddie jhc state of practically ail crops throughout the dominion is- exceptionally good in the throe prairie provinces good growing weather continues and tho wheat is heading oat damage by hail has not been above the average jand no serious damage is reported from insect pests average crop arc indicated for quebec province and a good allaround crop fpr ontario jh the msfitimo jprtfyfjice bay will hm below vorao ssti a large crop of the test au ol 1 irlalimuu was kitting in front f his houso puffing away and pulling hvrulcully ut hut plpo lie wt uhl con tlnually light a match and pull an i 1 ull ut hie i ipe then throw tho match away and light another como in to dinner iut said his wife at the door palth un ol will in s minute hid dy said he molke has been teltln me that if ol shmoked u bit nu ghlass ol cud see the shpts on the suri ol iff t knew whether molke tf lodii tool- in me or whether olvo got hold uv tlm wrong kind of glass what he came to tho ihuum qjecrs in thtr smoking ompurtment chatted uwuy pn many niibjcui finally reaching nmbldon yes gnntlcmen said one real um bit ion e tarts in childhood and if we alxiy it s impulse we gt fsr beyond our wildest dreams- look at roe in my boyhood i was anxloow to become pirate today and he gnsed proudly un uml the eompartmonl i run successful hotel c4amdmbthwhrrrrr in u pjbw munpini icfuifii ma boy of the seventh and eighth grades were asked the jueetlon whom do you most wish to resemble when you grow up the names of lincoln roose vlt and waahmgton headed the list with s large majority when he same u u ration was asked in the third and fourth grades the winning- name was simply father doing dublin it was the kngluhnans first visit to dublin urd ha was driving round on u jaunting cur seeing tbe sights when they got near the river as an irishman tells the story he was struck with the unpleasant smelt and asked tho jarvay what is this horrible smell t the jarvey replied proudly shure an don t you know that the smell of the 1lffty is one of the sights of dublin think this over if i will keep my yardstick as a mmiur for my own oonduct rather n uu an unfailing criterion for tho conduct of others i if be more upt to b u decent wort than if i go around lolenittng hiiis in myself thai 1 can pot undure in others srt itfjl snart or bibb ht inbator adrit atao iiiiii a uddnaitt arton october 3 3 aberruyl v oolober 3 aluston u october 4 s arthur heplnmoer 18 id ancestor september 3c lira m jit on hop torn be r 1 33 ilolton hei ember is 10 llurjingt on september is 19 oaled in september 30 27 c ollhigwood w heptsmber 11 i cookatown ortolmir 2 3 cm ksvllle or tooer 3 3 krln october 13 kreelton october l iergus september 30 31 oalt september 31 23 ueorgntown october fl o rand valley september 37 38 iondon weslen ilrbei luinber k 15 markhsm october 4 6 ullton september 3b 29 oakvlllo september 13 id orangevflle if r heptember 13 14 ottawa control canada ejepl 7 17 newmarket september 37 30 lukikwood haptamber 2c 2 j took ton j october t 10 hheburne d heptember is ib hlralfonl september is 23 toronto can nal aug 6 bept 8 weston hedtember 38 20 woodbrjdgo october 13 13 all right parson wav lead the a colored m in in tor in ijoulnvlllo uii naunced to hlm faithful nock the fol iqwlng l rrethren and sis torn dls mbrnln 1 se gwlne to i reach a powerful ser dion i se gwlne to bind da unbound sble 1 se gwlne to define do undefl a hie i so gwlne to unscrew the un scru table and i so gwlne to lead you all through do impassable paths to in fernnl happiness ny omaha office better than a rarflb if you tari bring yourself to tho t ilnt ot saving halt your income that will do mom for you than if your siilury shout i hp dadulrd loi uu inereusn in salary often dors not niukn tha w rkor a hit rlrhnr if i o mhifidu all i n earns if his extruvugunt ideas tinre tluin knp pace with tha incrousa in 1 is earning now or it is hard lo i h w ho would be any better off t r kitting morn money hut one wll 1 urrn ti save half he makes und then uses common sense in investing it in n thu wuy t j wealth if your employer does x l lnrcauc your salary as fast aarou think i i ought thou do the ligtlnr thing huvu u uitlo larger l report ion f it not mentioning names it was doual i s first nxo rtenrn in gn wi up rhurch though h jltue i hup had atten it d hunday school when the olloctlon was being taken his father- i lace i the weekly family i iterlng in tho plate ttt jjow was a short on and no ther rontrlhutlon was received from it this uroused donald urloslty und hn blurted out with ull tho esgnr h ltd hood trying to under an i i a dl 1 you huvo to tiay for the row atlanta journal fall term opens monday august 27 special individual instruction in all subjects write for full particulars i guelph business college hare id- bldo- quelph ont v d bphott ivinclpsi business directory medical dr j a mcnivi n physician mnts ourgeon oflloe and itesldnnro on or avenue and icigln htroet 1 hon 88 dr i j nfison itl i1 ih 1c til kl n acton ontario dk w s laird ok onru ii 0 win iwlch btrol icye kar iise i d tlirost lcoal t ihono no liv 1 itpx ttf harold nash farmer m a barr lur sollo tor notary publto conveyancer etc j petlfeyian plock acton ont moni5v ufnt ow mimrfjaoefl hours 0 3d a n ti c pm haturtlayu l i uk h g me1r bsrristsr solicitor notary public georgetown ont dental bbf-r- internai and external pains are promptly relieved by thomas eclectricoil ro0ew a oncatcit saxlcltthait tvtn dtasa ro ifb ial pains iby m lawn and garden tools now i the time to keep your lawns and gardens in shape wo haye the necessary tool garden hose in fifty foot lerigths with toozzle and couplings complete woodyatf king and cdmet lawn mowers in all sizes grass clipers with both long and short handles let us know your requirements and we will help you fill the needs phone 95 w d talbot main street acton bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a rp the government is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of the methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us have your cooperation in this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j oneil pb0p we are still buying eggs open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto phone 53 jm infer ipp4jajojk tn brittaft wwutbi arraoiwywu makinq 8tkkl car wheels in soma milts atsel oar wheels sre cu from a cylinder ot hot motel while ttieitecnll till hot the disss un out oh dy a pair t c powerful rotury stears the blanks sre then rhtatel hitd holrs are nunohed throuch the cnnlre uftnr which they are cm one by one tn u hi 111 whfr they are shaped by tiles under hydrsullo pressure the lses are then msohlnort and the weet an fbiuhed a auuit pulr or tonss sets tha flnlsha wheels and staoks thaftvon th door the entire opera uort o a whasj la complete in leas tiin r minulb hia ii akes only una nuiv to run t build up acton the merchantile trade of acton can be materially increased how by the business men doing more advertising the free press has space now available for acton adva at reasonable rates the free press goes every week into over 1200 homes witliin a radius of ten miles acton business men can use this bpace with profit to themselves and to tb- town generally the town that do4 not advertise can not prosper advertise and build op act dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor ormdusie of toronto univer sity the latest aatthetlo used if desired offlot at realdenoe corner mlir rjid prwaerlek street dr f g gollop ddslds dents surgeon oillo nvrr itank of nova bootls hours n to so fvenlnirs h a ixl lunent mi8cellaneou8 francis nul bookblndsr isan i aoc o ajllrinds tiat lir tascrlpuoa carefully bound baltns neatly an4 promptly dona wyndham street guelph ont orar wtllums stortr lodge directory sons of england lodge woodqreen no 302 iretlna orst und hlrd thursduy in each month at 8 p m in i o o f hall members ond vlslflna members onrdlslly invlfed to attend j prpcioua little seoretsvry acton l o v no 47 meats on the second thursday or each month in the oddfel hall at t p m vjalftns mernbora of the order k t thbtioili fer always wel- v kknnedt r j kerr auctioneer and heal estate jent it years emporium o acton ontario sales entrusted to it j korr re ceive attention from duto or- ha una to date of sale list your sales with ns kssidonce liowtr avenue acton phono j6 atun call at my sgra4ngg tfokowio can4q4 j e gheevers book dinder jquebee bi east v quelph ont books and maaaxlnes bo and lit handsome and substantia covers names lattsred la hold on ulblss hymn books and other books ah work promptly ek sou ted d alex niven ontario land surveyor and clvlt eholoeer sarvys riubd i visions pinna lte- lorts pesorlptloiis lilueprlnis via cortlnoates for yurohssurs tand mortsbaees hurveys for arhueuts tiullders und uunlcliul uuliall iraiikseltelorts icuttnuilus eto uelcan building doual l ouwu it 1 hotta j0d4 ont the old nnd reliable granite and marble workn yf are manufacturers and dlrsot importers of all kinds of monumental and haadston work ws sell direct to our customers at wholesals prtoaa tha savtlng oar oustomers 0 par osnl ws bas th bestappuanoes and um onty meohatuos in uy jpo wtw can oprau pnwkjeatlaoobi k i proprty oan t rtvrmoi tntm nundr our omtwnni ta tilr m oth hiim wmratttlurr ban to unm iutala im to ooltaot w tan th urdmt n tow took orenlu m bonlalob or mor thu bm- thrm joaton in th vom wo sro udu- kato- 4m1m ftbd nplor oo ovwta st wk mnw 9 t ri wtooolrotitlgfto vout s ui onjtor oour booiwoio ssssivj c v 1

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