jrvar y hvaiv vn y v s vsk2s x t t- 1 pip artott 3ffrg ffn0fi thubudayjoijy 1 ims hard luck i sought on expensive yt uiig udrg who put un x ri 11 my i hit wrote down tho umount ot my louc yclii cunt ami tod mo to say ninety nlno and whan htriu1led my anil tuiigua ruin me aid lull 1 ml beiieutn u d nib i i ih 01 i hult said h 1 wont to a tun lullui willi u thumb ring ii thumixd in my blood i ro inn u and go got y aid desiulrlng i w nt i distinguish ui i ho lex knd up my i t tlon of h mj and uo not y in ti a uullt tx a muster i f n ii il iirt and ulrlpt t k thi in o whlh u purl nt in plimit 1i rum i no 1 junt nvt my linurl uajlntanod for six oi lalit mlnutca itinn kui lit 1 in an i tilinou way and murmured my lqd your condl tit n i bad tht ho tooth mum co mo out right i anall leave nil i huvn to my wl low i know that it ixn t u lot hut she won t tako it liurd tor im only u bard and u llttlo is ull i have g l tlirno doctors hve sagely assured mo tht inside of a weak i 11 bo dead lieyond the least doubt if my teeth don t eomo out and i huveh t a tooth in my houd twenty vearb aqo from th imm of the free pra of thursday july 23 1903 boma of tha foil wheat 1 being cut und i turning out vary satisfactorily tha bulk of tha burk supply for tha tanneries in now in und messrs board mora a co are ha vina the 1 000 cord piled in the o t n yard during the rush teamed to tha tanneries an interesting though rather rough football match woj played in the nark oit saturday afternoon between storey employee and a team from the acton tannine co storey team won with a score of t 0 the member of tho board of edu cation found themselves confronted with a very difficult fask on monday evening when the application of twenty qdq jkiraoan toeiheihuitlqa oiiiiature jo of divine origin- head or tha itjgb school department wetnpiwhrtroto tboiirtot-oonjnar- ation three of tbeae persona have bean aaked for personal interviews mr joe lynd ton of mr wlluam lynd main street returned on sat urday from aa exteneivo trip of a coupla or years during which time he vlaued south africa australia new zealand england and other points joa left acton on march two years ago going out to south africa with one of tha last canadian conllngants pur posing to join tha south african coo stabtuary he was accompanied by billy pavnall well known hare and tha two weifl together while in south africa the next february he got his discharge and shipped as seaman on steamer at durban und want from there to australia whera they stayed a weak at sydney from there they went to new zealand caning at auck land and six other porta leaving here for london eguuid they wore on the water sip weeks without landing com lag to the canary islands by way of cape horn joe says he is glad get home and puts canada and his own little town of acton ahead of any other place ha has beei peculiarities of dreams thar are very few people in the sfortd who never dream moat of us being- quite familiar with drea it la a land we enter throughout our uvea but our walts are most fre quent between the ages of twenty and twenty fire when it la believed our dreams are also most vivid although it is possible fqr vuut dreamland at almost any hour of the night we enter it most fre quently after six oclock in the morn in women who sleep more lightly dream more often than men do at any rate it la certain that more women than man relate their dreams tims in dreamland pass with in credible rapidity and we can do there la a tew second what would take us days to prfotra in everyday life the ancients referred to dreams as visions and certainly the great ma jority or them relate to sight these dream pictures are usually colored but as a rule only full or saturated colors are seen it is only rarely that pale and intermediate shades enter into the dream scenery we can both hear and smell m the world ot dreams dream smells are interesting in that they almost always persist for a abort time after wc wake up eating in dreamland is a very un satisfactory affair for although w may dream that we ure sitting dowi 9 a sumptuous repast we rarely par take of anything and even if we do it has 00 la to our movement in dreamland differ in several way from those in the waking tate true dream movement are peculiar in that we can experience sensations of flying or floating in which uui bodies a a whula have freer move mant tbn in real ufa t further whereas movements at tha smaller joint audi am the wrist ankle fingers and toe re easy to dream about movements of the large joint nearer the body are always carried out with difficulty we can dance or jump and we can write or play the jjlmno with ease but when we dream that we are fight ing or kicking anyone our blows and kicks uck all fore it 1 as if we tried to ktrlka or kick when immersed in water the sunday school lesson for sunday july 22 1023 john till aiohti k luka 4tt i luhn 10 35 27 i john i i 8 tloldoii text god lw lovi und ho tut alii loin in ii vo u bin nth in o xl and 1 ubldoth in hltn 1 j hn 4 the text explained vurao lis forbid him nut a lrlt of bigotry l llttlo ountaaiico- trem tho lobjuig lifre urn noma no in rdlnutnly wcldod to tl nlr own crood und religious nynum that ihny would rathor lot sinner porlah than uffer th 00 who dlftr from them to bo cunlo tbn instrument of their wajtu tit 11 kvon the good that i d mn tl ry either tinny r aunimot adurrt curko verwo ci mat hi fui a to go t jeruniilem t mlwrt lo jeruwlotn ut trch t t iii death jo un know it 11 dl iples fosred it mark m count show that thotr an xtoy ointlnuml through uiejoufftey johu wo golag bo ore them and uuv jhul followod wore afxad mark 10 33 vfitno 7 a vtllugo of tho uamarl lull 1 tho hamurlhui were th d conduntu of u mixed rum brought to ulwitiiin from uubylon by kaurhad don in the eighth century ii f they accottn i tho worship of johovsh but lalor boenmo duuirfected snd ustsb llvhod u rival temple on mount qerl lm viro ttur he turned and rabpked them tho saviours rebuke of tho narrowness and bigotry of james and john had good re u its for they be cuma in later years strong npouaa of the universal goapel and full of nympalliy for ull men john is 35 there were auuiding by the crom john con trust two roupq atundlng by tha cross of jesus tbo four- plundering soldiers- who cast lots for jesus raiment and their- oon turuin and ilia fair faithful women nd hlmelf tho beloved dlsclpla i vnrsa xi llohold thy son an or tlst taking thl iuuage a a theme painted a notable picture and called it jeum makath his will by hi post tlon and property his gentleness and lovable disposition john was well fitted for this committal of the mother of jesua to his care john 4 7 for love of clod if god 1 the source of all love then whatever love a man has in him comes from qod and this part of his moral one that loveth is this true whether he be haothen pr christian here 1s no limitation if a socrates or a zaorcus aurellus loves his fellow men it la by the grace of ood that he does go cambridge bible lon thames the character of john john ws a fisherman a rough uneducated man but his natural endowments were rich it is probable that his mother in structed him faithfully in the things of religion his calling was conducive to holy meditation since fishermen often pass whole nights- in silence upon the water hi eametnae of soul 1 in dicated by the fact that he early bo comae a disciple of john the baptist and later by his prompt response to the summon of jesus to follow him john with peter and james enjoyed more fully than the pther dlsclpje the confidence of our lord doubtless be causa of their greater ability and de votion to him john was a powerful tfnd impassioned speaker as is indi cated by his surname son of thun dar his fiery temper in the early days was shown in his rebuke of one who cast out devils in tha lord name because he was not one of the disciples and in- h seeking to call downne4 from heavon upon a village- of the empress of canada establishes new record following tho announcement that the canadian iaclnc liner empress of canada has bean clioiien lo show tho world to 500 tourbtf in a 10 000 mile round tin world rrulitit inuvlng new york in january next come tho new that thu majestio vessel ha added to nor laurel by racabllahlnl a now truna pacific ror rd on her loxt east ward voyuge tho km pro of canada made tho run from yokohama to van rouver in h day 10 hours und eilj minute nearly iht hours ira than tho pmvluu reronl which was aatub- hobod in th and held lnc by the km ton of lul m hlstar whip the avtrago jmoi olthn canada an her record trip was 10 6 knots par hour as with all canadian puclflo thier the apeed attained was no morn than was compatible with asfnty in tha opinion of the commander of tht veaite und comfort for the pasmengorm tho pmpr of canada with u gro toonage of 22 qoo ton ha ucr oommodtttjon for 1760 puongcr of ull rlutuiih und a row t f hi of her cur go mpuco n lurgfi imrtlon hit been tltikl fir the carrlugm of ullk und re fi i uor hi ourgo the first nlas urromm xlatlon i in iv 1 f thn ircmlirti olanno inrludlng luxurious suite with rlvati luith room in udtlltlun to thn mlngli doublo und furrilly room thi utatoroninh nr pf tho mist modarn tyiw u til phono nytjm lotwn 11 roonui and on affording an addlth nul attraction in truvollem there 1 even a well aupolnted mwlmmlng ihkii on hoard with a gym naalum adjoining the uirgo lounge provide ample room for eoncerts and the moving picture which ura a special fon turn 1 f th cunadlun pacific service it wo romnmlkifil whan dealgning tin interior of tl o mprea or canada that ho wuw for m ml tn pica i service 1111 i thn room 1 urn largo and airy and tie hint word in marine architecture upl in hoi y it n ic the ship uptiilii m wdii known on both the at untl un 1 i arln having joined tha luumlluti litilrii as junior officer on l u kmiflhh of j upon in 1900 and hn in ttiu rocli lout of many rongrlua- n ry niimmskm oti hi distinction as i rimuml t f the fastest und best ui iwilnt- 1 whip 011 tly i urlflc the wearing of a panama traw hat fully two thlrdi if the panamas on the market are made in ecuador cplomblu und quay- aoull the city of panama 1 merely the port from whence the hats are shipped tba mutter for panamas la furnished by the fan palm or pal ml cha tha toqullla plant a reed homu- whal resembling sugar cane and by a rare south american graa after tho hoots are rut from the palm branches they ure boiled until soft and tight yellow in rolor thoy are then hung 1 some ahady place where there direct current of pure air the green layers that would have expanded intp leaves ore now torn out by tha teeth of the workers or nlse cut into trips with a comb shaped knife when material 1 thoroughly dry the a curl in at the edge in weav ing tbe hats wooden block or cny and concrete mould ore made use of spraying potatoes for late blight re swimming th gqhaeffet rt latu blight and rut 1 tftu mimt dca tructlvo dleoo of potato and in tome years causes tremendous losses the potato leave um tho factories in which tho mtarch i manufactured later to be stored in tha tubei produced underground should these factories bo impaired in any way tho yield mut necessarily be rnduooa in the cao of lain blight losa rrsults both from tho blighting of tho leavo und the consequent failure of ho tuber to attain their normal alxi and by tho rotting of the tuber whtrli follow un attack of the dlnvtuu thcu loosen can be greatly rudpcod if not entirety preventtrd by careful uud thorough praying with bordeaux mixture ap plication of this upniy nhuuld in given whether the crop i being grown for seed or f r lurli etock careful experlmants conducted ovor the crown of the hat is proceeded with many years have demonstrated that first the brim edges last krom aeven ho beat spraying solution to uno i days to six months may be occupied home made bordeaux mixture uf the in the weaving according to the 1 rice 4 4 40 ntrongth tho moot convenient of the hat the hats are now placed method of making thl mixture is by in isrgo mud bellshape ovens und e us of conoentmted stock ou bleached by means of burning sulphur tlon of ppnr ulphatu blucatono the next process 1 that of starch t on lima diluting thorn aa required made no difference it was a lecture dollvered by u wtn od purveyor of liver pill and lllu trated by dugiaiu of tba frame ul j ixilnlllig out is whrte man in that ho oxplulih a totally different iki itver 1 m excuse mo obmrved the npeotacles but i til a uig that is put win re the liver i waver you mind where tha llvor 1 retorted the lecturer if it was in hi big too or his loft our my pill would reach it and ahaka it for him my- garden my garden invite intu it all the birds of th country by offering them he convenience of spring and ehedei solitude and shelter and i do not suf fer any foe to destroy their nests in prjng or driva them from their usual -haunts- in fruit time lly this mean i have always the musla of the skason in its perfection joseph addison the friend of all s thomas ecieclrlo oh 1 a valuable iaraedy all those who gutter pain it holds out hop to evuryonji juid realise at luf stcding- aarfarlpg yery wnre ittgro unlmunt that tha hjosafbg of half a oontlnent it la op kale everywhers and can be found wherevar inquired fur ssjsaribuia before he had progress ed very far in the tutelage of the spirit bo joined with his mother and brethren in asking for the highest places in the new kingdom that he thought his master was efbouc to cs tablub this flery young fisherman was after honored with tbe remark able title of the dlaclple whom jesus loved with his intellectual strength and moral power he exhibited a depth of devotion that ws equally remark able master and man into one of the assemblies of tho early church there oomea one day a white haired old man with a strong saintly face as he walks down tbe aisle he speaks words of encouragement and blessing to the people hear him as he claims my little children love one another what a kind exemplary saint he seem to be was ha always like this 7 not by any means his nam is john and whan ha was a young man ha had a terrible tamper upon one occasion he wanted to burn people because they did v follow him evidently be had a fierce vln dlctlve disposition but contact with the master jiad so mellowed and cha tened him that he became known ev as tbe apostle of love bight at tbe paint where he had been weakest at last ha become strongest the law of love our golden text gives us the law or ldvo ft ja the form and principle and the supreme revela tion of the christian life join about abiding in love the affectum that is based on chance uklng or stmt i lar aates is superficial it is fair for awhile but lt is not oertalu to endure i by themclve the affections are fragile things they ntc o be consecrated by tha controlling principle of obedl ence because the affectlonal life so often 1 impuudye selfish and vaclllat ng strong minded people d i trust it they dislike to hear religion inter pre ted in tirmi of love thoy fear the sentimental and rightly so but let lhm read jesus aocoun1 of love and than see thl quality exemplified in tha life of john the apostle hera is strength true love is not a senll mant or a passion only it is the giving of the whole heart to ood arid to the brethren jesus even said lav your enmea do good to them that hate you where i the aentl mnta in thl where tho note of weahnauat no christian love is not a fluetlng proforenoe it is obedience to law tha luw of tuve the law that christ uommundad and only u 00m pun ion of john tha apostle call be come tha followei of the lord of love for study and dlacuaai whut tivuiit howi that john was nut uuturully the apostle of love lie is honintliuh unlludt ituw did this tnnn come lo bo mil lied to him 7 did unking fur u piano of honor l hrul kingdom ahuw tlmt he un july uiqbltlou7 is it wrong want the best that we ban gel7 what 1 th heart of john tf teachings as ahowit in the books ha wrote t from whom did ha guln his knowledge god 7 where and how were johns l duy spent olly readlnae for next week monday july j j the call of mat thew matt bi t is tuehtlay jtjiy 3 matthew w feast luke f 17 s3 wwdm sduy july sc a 1 ubllitn s pruyen luke ih 14 thursday july 26 joy over u be pentant rliinar luke is 110 friday july 17 finding and losing ufa matt j 8 ii 11 saturday july uk 1 aiat in of tha kingdom wti rs 44 fi sunday july ao the unlveral in vita tlon isa 66 1 7 jllg jpowdere starchl rubb well i into the material and- then pounded i with wooden mallets crushed fiat tbe hats are now packed in bales about a yard long and sent to the factory here the hat la carefully pared with a sharp penknife the rough brim edges are turned in and a band is affixed to the crown the hat is ready for wear the value of a panuma hut depend entirely upon its texture und pliability it ahould be of one piece and u close ly women as to appear smooth to tho naked eye then the- genuine panama will pass through an ordinary lger ring- without the slightest difficulty gems of thought w aversion from reproof la not wise it is a mark of a little mind a great roan can afford to loe a little in significant fellow la afraid of being anurfed put cecil jealousy la aald to bothe offspring of love yet unloss the parent makes haste to strangle the child the child will not rest till it has poisoned tha parenl hare how grout a pity ttiut we ahould not- feel for wliat und we are born into this world ull just as wo are leaving lu walalngham man is an animal tlmt makes bar gain no other animal doou this unu dog de not chungo u bonu with tui other adam smith never do to day what you can put off till to morrw delay rosy givo ilearer light a to what 1 lmt to be dona aurou burr tomb 1 grave i thi uloths of tht 1 plulu uit embroidered doudl a firh ii ttfe und 1 rniifl prusurc method of resus cltutlon you nhoold be able to save yourself un 1 ruscltata your fjiend lxfor iwlrnmlng in deep water 3 where poaalblo bathe und swim iy in protected area 1 keep your arms well forward ion walking into tho water so a loj rendi li make a quirk troke in case you rti p into a bole 4 ire ready ulwaym to- throw your hiwiy firwnrd c when cuught in un undertow or nwift eurront if you do not struggle lucaliimt it the f roe of the current will ring you to tho surface c lry for help outy when yoi need h l itnmomber what happened to the tw y who calletl wolf wolf when tin 4 if i a good man whoo inllmatu friend are all good and whoas enam are decidedly had lavuter the hoart that i sooueat awake tu tho flower i ulways tha firat to be touched by the thorn moor the one great accomplish ment 1roilut fulmtey pf tho illliol hlalo normal gavo some udvlc to hi htudent in u recent bscculaureute ud- 1rs which ul young man und wunmn just haying furewell to nt itiml dayp will read with interest tho uiiu fn at uoconu uhniciit uf lira said preutitnjoliuley i humuli ooiidutl conduit 1 paionallty in action henna to kimui good ouit duct we eaek to eslabluh good personal churn l tor to yuung lieopli juat bi ginning tlmlr life work rtluiency u the quality thut ihjunt r mclncy i iton dlttpnml uimir knowledge an i churso ter but knowlmlgo tuui bo suppli mehtetl by klll ultd phyaluil ntiiess ti the inuht lj udde ho woclsl vlrtuo uci us uolitaneas punctual ity al control ahd industry a wall obedience and loyalty but the crowhing quality uf the great person allty is the pulon for rtghteousaeas thst urge through ui the uhunnnls uf his being that quickuns hi ym- lutthla hummopu hi power und quloken hi plrll it t th ureal guarantee of onluunt rvlce many mothers luiva reason to bless mother qrtvm worm j2x terminator beaaujbe it has tolleved the uttte ones ut aufferiag add made thjm baaithy these uiionjuri j ire p u fol low r r 1 bluestono a took solution this 1 preparod by dlsnolvlng 40 pounds copper sulphate in a barrel contulnlng gailotur of water a convenient method i to place tho chumlcol in u sack and upend it over night in tho barrel of water jut below tho surface a more- rapid method i to crush thn blucatono cryatul and dutaolvo it in a mailer auantlty of hot water and make up to 40 gallons kadi gallon uf the solution will then contain one pound of bluestono metal vessels must not be used in bundling this chemical 2 lime stock solution slake 41 paunds of fresh quick lime in a bar rel by gradually adding water mix thoroughly and continue to add water until the barrel contain 0 gallons in order to keep out dirt and prevent evaporation the barrels containing the tock solutions ahould be kept cover nd to make up a tank of spray ready for use transfer four gallons of tab slock solution of bluealone into tho spray tank und odd 3x gallons of water to this dilute solution add 4 gallons uf thn lime block polutloi thl should be poured through u fine idmii trainer to remove auuotld par tlclc utherwiae clogging of tho no xles will result tho aolutlpn in the tank should b kept thoroughly agl tuted while the lima i uitng added tho tank now contains 4a gallons of bordeaux mixture if the above dlrocth tin ure care fully followed tbe resulting solutlou will uaually contain the prupor pro portion of bluestono unit lima but nlnoo tha ouinuooltlou uflbne ufiuit vurle it is preferable to ut tho mix tum in unlec that the foliage may not lie injured by utt excess of bluotono a testing solution may bo preparod by dbutolvlng one hulr ounce uf kjtulum ferrocyanidu in un lialf filnt of waur thl matarlul 1 a polsun jrlprlnklu m few drops uf lb ik re ugurtt onto tho irurfueo uf th pruy mixture and if un triking the eurfuce of tb solution dutlnct brown oolo reaults more hi ahould b added lo such 40 gallon of volution fortbe control of potati beetles communoc apruylng about the tnlddlo july and repeat every two weeks iroughaut season when the plants are small co gallons per ucru will 1m umcleut thl uniount whoutd u increusod us the 1 luitts grow larger th sprayer shout i it tqulhxl with thruu nuxxle to eauli row two ht iioxxlo tkilntltig ulltfhtly upmunl und mi tuliillng iwwunl tut ttiut hoili utlmr un 1 lowsr wurtmy oflh iuuvim will be thoroughly protut tel tho spray should bo upplliwt uider u t rus sun of lb tu 300 pumi 1 at al four apluoatioii ure hwcawutry timing ihu auaon but nv or uvwii six will usually 1 found ivferubl luruouur ut tent ion should im glvn o thn utter ui 1 lltallon if thwo ujhi ntgloitd or ure urelouily upi tlu 1 u luto uttuok of lute blight muy mu niorti duinugi than if lio splaying hud been donu iii 10 tutor apruy thn itilkirtliui of ppar sulphate sboul i be inrreuaed ualng the funnulu 6 4 40 tlidt 1 aod six gallons of the stock solution of blueto0n instead of four wild 30 gal ions- o water instaud of 32 bordeaux mlxtur will uuo oontn i early blight uud upturn un i will ail a replalt fir thn k tutu tuu uutle j 11 muu uiry 1 luht uloglht 7 if y u urn an oxivert swimmer it may h sjtfo to go in kwlmmlng ut 1 v otherwise be sure there 1 some pn along able to neecue you 8 if yoof have heart trouble stay oat of the water 0 before diving tnuko sure that the wuter is deep enough and that there un no rock or sunken nbstructli 11 the bottom 10 come out of the wsli t before you ure exhausted 1 ilwairultesrlwo outing ih fore going in th water f if over boated keep out of the wuter frsmh supplies in dam and where tivor br thomas ivcleotrla oil has bean introduced increased supplies have ht en ordered showing that wherever it goe thl excellent oil lm pnrnaes its powor qn the people ni matter in what latitude it may t found its iwloucy i never impaired it i put up in most portable shape in bottir and an be carried without fear uf breakage i7 a m ml p m b00 p m 11 03 a m ss p- m 9ja p ra toronto suburban else trio railway going wast ially except hunday batly except hunday iully except bundaj sunday only sunday ooly yi sunday only qolno cost 7 4 a m dally except hunday z 02 p m dally except hunday e11 p m n doily axoept bundo a a m r- sunday only c 41 p m sunday only k cs p m bunday only freight delivered by peclal erxprea freight freight picked up at an ad in toronto b t thetfoiu agent aetoa a complete line of s m p voducts handled by t jas symon hardware acton whin using w llsons fly pads there is only one y to kill rail tlals l it dtxkma tha room mm much s poggo wom thm window raise- one 0 fie bliads where tbe sun shine ia about eight iocaeg plmce ms mnay wilsons fir pads ms possible on pfts properly wetted wfa wafer but not bpoded on the window ledge wherethe light is strong leave the room closed or two dr three honjs then sweep up the otes and burn them see illustration below pot tbe platen mway out oi the reach of children until re- evirtd ia toother room the right way to use wilsons fly pads railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway systam going weat no m j 113 am no 31 j rosbojtt no 33 3 z p m no it t obpjm no 39 119pm no 36 hun lay 1 0 30 a m coins east no i 7 03 a jo no 30 11 llaxa no 34 135pm no 16 11 pro no 38 s is pjn no 34 hunday 7 os pm 1 notice to j atiions ok ti1ih e3 tabuailment during jijly and august ejum 1 nations for guiases on thursday rrlday and saturday only of each week ivn q rinding a ml quick bepalr department operating as usual write in or phone loftw for appointment a d savage opumeirist ev mfa optician savage optical building bight at the post obloa ouelph removalnobce after april m 1 will bejoegted at my new stand on vain street in the store formerly occupied- by moffat a confectionery prompt attention to renalrlne of all kind will tx utt nded to as usucl sl our new store just around the corner from mill btreel t e gibbons mill street acton ont 3 spies rtrrokttj canaoa windmill on turbine principle uppiur thut there haa been in vented ubroad a windmill that is bas on the principle of tha water tur n in appearance the apparatus risuntbu a cylindrical venetian blind reeled on u atoel tower tha cylinder vhlch lu stationary la merely a dir- ictor for carrying the wind trom agy quurter to the turbine wheel within thi wind after striking the vanes of the wheat goo out ut the bottom itom tho vortical shaft tha power trulmmlltod to a auceeoalon of gears 0 fucllltutu getting undcrway even n u light wind and tfae speed hi an- 1 rolled by j- ceotiifugul regulator tho now wludmllr it 1 uutd 1 especially adaptid to ganeruting electricity whtitriur tho coru lw of old or new growth it must ylulil to llollowuy orn ltamover bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m the government is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of the methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us jiave your cooperation in this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j 0nel prop we are still buyinfi eggs open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our mollo phone 53 afrectrnofamilv welfare houtul workata in our great cities uro until lly unlvirslty trained thl lug limn und woman thy are not trunk tiny uro tuught to use their inliid uv i if tl ey do care intensely about mnclul welfare und what helps or hln ler it they ure in close oon- tai t with uctuul uo lu conditions tholi exi orlonct uf prohibition ought to i n uf value a survey of the effects of r hlbltluiison family welfare in twenty i no cities in the united butw lm been made by the lio ton family wslfure society with the co operation of tha local welfare sooletlas they no i u 74 par oant decrease alnoa 117 lu tho number of cuo of ioverty mine t them caused by drink in nw york city tliure 1 u at ter onl r umj in chicago tto per cent wunhlni1 in oily 71 iwr uent lloe ton 7 li unit ht iouu r pal nt cuv lun fltlritnt mtootvos tot hk ir vtnt i ortlati i oregon so ir tnt it w uld utm that piuhlbl tlon murt ha tlulnt gmd wham tt is in out nooilod uiliur worm i ow tors seldom fall iwoy immediately attack th wpnu sjsd expel thent from th eysteni tho are oomplat in themselves not only ag a worm destroyer but a a highly rtirrflnhi mod h a for chi cor raotlng wouk iflguallotnilia ruaturlng- th debilitated system to healthful peso without wbluh th kruwth uf tbe child will bo retarded and tl con gutuuon weakened circus history 1 tit itrut dii hunt i ix tiiht to ainerl i wuu luuiijid uihjui iu1 the fuo liu i i lief in witvhcruft had not nllrtly uultililnh ukul sftnr u ir fiiiinulkw iii ittiotln lmiuihi th elo i hunt was utftuisxlliutu 1 by the itstlvei on h gmliii i that ho was an uplma t f avll unit ii und cuma into town wrong mid itral ll ill iwitik in tho oldest clr us tn am rlui i tle john robin son l irt us which date from 134 fir tlirw itenerull in thu circus re tniilitrd tu tlm fuinlly and ttvafamllv n lino 1 in the oln u around 1hsi twenty v i tit cur show tha of th tmuuu n of twit marked tlsa acton elevator statioht j following bninds ore hind flour manitoba flourpa8try rolled oat oat chob oats oilcake hav and grain grain bought and belalled alex l noble henry awrev manjujer nothing as good for asthma a thpia semndle oowe and go but every year th a of thu orlghiul ur j 1 kllokg asthms hem ly grow grunt r no further uvldvuue lll be uau il uf it rsniurkubl varying quality which tlu suftrrur from uutunui utajiiu to kuuw do not uft r sllvuier tawhck but got thl silundtd rumudy tu day it uai lo irnrt xhlbltloit of hi clrt in tbo huud 7 juhn hob i noon ltoblnod a sex distinction u hi n u t an n wind a towel urolrhi lei huul un i lulls for h bucket i ivteahaeryei te weme negrnntnyr ota big du liux waait a man winds li w i umun i his hhi i und tutls tut watri it maun tho i nd uf a big night rtirni and llil lo castoria motiifri fletcher castona is a harmless substitute for castor oil raregorit tcetlnnj drop and soothing syrups prepare torclice infant in aims and children uil ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stoniadi dvarrhc i regulate bowels aids nt the assimihtioit of 1 ckhj promottng cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opi ttes diltalioiis always lil u llic hignaturc of cj to avoid inulalk ejli vrq illrr tluih i rch pirviipr 11 yulcljiin tverywhero recommend it this stores policy to rgprcaent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who knuw and to those wni dont know t a uniforu fair pna to isiliui all kuaratitee and chec ally correct all mis takes to dcserveyour conhdence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellen guelph ontario freejres job printing is always neatly done castoria bor infants and childroa in use fpr over so yoaru fpr over so a v