Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1923, p. 2

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ftjfflpey vjtsuipftjt l fjhg rtnn jflrrr lnbh riluhbday july 0 1 0 13 holiday time i litvu 4i iik tut li minimi r iu wlioi- immji huu lu i ui 1iru mil mi iitiiiri lltt il jim ami li- lilm lo hi tlioriii tlioru h i foxl ami uh l jt huintful ulii r oil huh that u liny just lnv i l i i llk- tn wutrl 11m cull mul mtlv anil ill with itltln lumtih fjr wulk liuicuoi n the rnk ami suiiimmiui wuko uinl litui thnr u jl of cm utn uml upnli null 1ntulixh tlmmliiiit friik lint whut i llkw ili in i of ii am hor line uiijilo il iloaj my sujmmi it nut km mt ulji j wuu us big im broth- r wlwm uruntfpu iwih m munil tin lluu jim dot t you wluli uliutliui 7 08ubmar1ne logging ifilvurtitik t mlilp uitul jumt hon i id with ijik wuh iiumhmi tho wultim urnl twilw f whon thu lint connuati washington of the luko whllo wlmdrugglng th- luko men of ui unit m1 h tut cm couitl and gooilitlu uurvey dtscovumd u mubnturln forest the tnpa of the submerged tre- wri ho dose to tho surface that thay were is bmhwco to navigation unrl or water logging oporuuons to clour tlio luko ware ihoreforo started it u thought thnt thu fortuit lu pm- historic a ntmluuit of one ihat grew in the iaka washington urvu in tho duya whon it wan dry lund or that great landslides to remote agus cutrrlod the truei into tho luke the trees wer without branches htood vertically or nearly no thoy were semi petrified the longest trunk removed was uljoot 6 indies tho tap ten inches thlnck rose to within four feet of the surfacu of tho luke the butt wan five feet six indie in diameter and tho roots firmly bedded tn tho bottom of tho luke hud a twenty toot sjrad it wua found 1500 feet from the shore oft the aouth end of mercer island in lake wahlngtonuuly a hundred trees were destroyed the flnul clean up gave u count of more than a hun- rtrirt tmnh rtihw thn flpr ihpe iolnl months of last yaar aft mnttou loint the largest trunk in that area stood in 131 feet of water 1 100 feet from shorn the tree wan cloven feet lone with u flvalnch top und athreefoot butt j whenever possible the tree were pulled out by the roots vaatonlngs were tnade to the trunk by dragging the bight of a cable through the water at the required depth whon tho bight touched tho trunk one end of the cable wm passed througfi un eye ut the other end and the loop formed was run down to the tree when the trees were hauled up they were out into four- foot sections and thrown book into the- lake since thoy woro waterloggvd they immediately sank homeumea a trunk wan caught that could not be uprooted such trees were bjasted off at the top until ves sels could pass safely above them something of the extent or the sub merged titeat and- the difficulty- at retnovlng the towering ancient trees may be determined by the time three years and more that it has taken the engineering corps working steadily to mako the lake safe for navigation edwin tarrlase around the world on a bicycle with the exception of the north and south poles practically every part or the sloba has been travelled by the cyclist mountains and deserts havo proved no bar to the blcycje where ever the cyclist wants to go ho can the first man to go around the world on cycle did it nearly forty years- ago and bis machine was a big ordinary- or n thay ware colled he met all sorts or difficulties on his way but ha sur mounted them all even managing to escape with his life from maneating animal and tribes or natives beveral people have followed him since between nineteen and twenty thousand mile is the usual cyclists route by the way and three years is about the times it takes odd stories have some of these world cyclists to tell of their trips ope man did forty miles through he notrabeda tunnels which some of the north american railways put up to protect their lines from an avalanche of snow am he track u single only a few inches spare room was left and into those inches the cyclist had to luck himself and bis machine every time a train pass ed forty miles of this all tn the dark mult have been a little never- rack ing another man had his machine solemnly cursed by the village p t as an invention of the devil after which the faithful villagers broke it up and spent some time looking for iu rlfler this man by the way did not complete his world trip instead he walked back to clvllixutlon still another- wprtdcyutlst experi enced great troublo with his money it happened in china wheru they had a colnnoge which worked out ubout a thousand to an english mix- pence and which the native usually thread on hiring and carried round the neck to take enough for a month or twos trip therefore muant carry iris a considerable weight uad tho cyclist only got over the difficulty by scrapping- the rest of his luggugu jbven then he hud to take the machine to pieces und literally stuff its tubes with silver to bo chuugred later as he went along when reached civilisation again he hud spent all his money und couldn t gee a meal until someone idwntlnod pp preferred creditors a foreign jew who hud gone bank rupt was attending- before the offlolul haceiver for his tlrst examination only six creditors were present now mr isaac aad the oitulul receiver what have you to say about your position the jew looked around the room and noticing the small number of creditor present saldi veil gentlemen hi the circumstance i intend to make all of nty creditors who are present this morning preferential orudltors what do you mean bvlhut7 asked the xlocalver vell answered tho jevv they vlll know this morning thut they will get noting and the other vlll not know till the next meeting wmmi wse 3trp xcbb iart glnrg ilelenc to the rescue alnnci w toi man h n anh pklilshhkn whm in it furl w temper a hi fumnl hit initialled hln hoethun unto wildly thut his nfc helene i ilium und lnr best frl3nd anna llulinn mhrunk imrk nlraost fnurlug tluil u random blow would full mi their htud tjiny wrro in tlm living uom iif the vetltintuii home huns who wiu uudly crlpph d by rheumullsni but wllh hi right foot lu u hulr hut there wuh nothing fbo mutli r with hu tongun whut a fool i wan to lot that nlim hkull it a nioih krt go out wlui the own in- do y i he ruged lvo been waiting two hour expecting to o him hhowup ony minute and no signs of him yut all the other oowhards huvn come hi long aga jus wait till i gel him within reach of this canol lltlonu irlnd to pacify her unohi nlols i only fourteen meu ut u boy yo if he is utmost un big u u man you ve uld yuurself thut hu mean till right uut thu old uiincrtfuhqd tbe up- loased don t try to excuse him to met here a gale brewing on the flood tide and tho marshes buried tn fog a nix yearold with the bruin of u moume could tell what coming it looks to mo a it we were in for u etortn such as w huvont seen for yours ilefore dark the wator bo over the meudows und up to the town unless ho off the isluml before the tide so deep on the bur that he cunt cross hell be drowned und every cow i own with hlmt r lie muy be nearly home now sug gested helen soothingly ye he may snorted hans or he may not haye started at all chance dawn under the bank on tho island whittling out whistles in that clump of willows probably he for gotten all about wind and tide and fog und vie wont come to his senses until it a too late to get off if he doesnt appear in ten minutes im grain to fii rf niif nffsr turn fcnrtfi nr nn lmrfi turpentine industry ft old t translate into nveryduy english naval store aunply mean turpentine and reald tho earliest mejittoti of the turpentine und resin industry in tho united states- is found in an old manu script under date of ifllb which may be seen in the publlo record office at london pitch nd tor were the chief products of the industry up till the mld- dle of the blgfateontb centu their iinllva llu a vliik i4na still lj j7s extensive use in tee oonslaicudnomt majntwutaoe of aallliu veaeel caused thorn be duled naval stares the term which j now applied to the tur- wrttaeadpgn industry which ha jinurutfu3 ja old time produotloq tf helene was alarmed wlien her uncle once determined to do a thing he generally did il nemember what doctor koch said she pro tested i know l but the last shilling ive got is in those cows perhaps ive been fool to put all my egg in ono basket but there they are and all i do now 1 to hope they wont be broken why can t i go for you uncle uanst asked helene you remem ber i drove the cows for you u om season before i went to copenhaget to take lessons on the corpel pedersen hesitated hardly safe for you to go ou i those marshes alone in the fog with flood coming pooh i i know every foot of them i qould find my way over them in thu darkestnlghl with my eye shut- be aides annah go with me lu be glad to sold hor friend the cattle owner looked relieved yqu may go if you think youwont get lost he consented where my cornet t asked ilelone you know i used to take that with me last year when i struck up the national hymn the cow knew it was time to be moving and they always followed me i its an the wall in the dining room remarked pedersen i ve never touch ed it since you hung it there come anna sold helene ten minutes later they had left the town behind and were striking west ward through the fog over the marshes helene had her cornet to her up as she walked borne people put their money nto the savings bonk others into real estate and still others into stock and bond or invest it in some busl- hans pederson s bank wo u fourlegged one for he turned afery penny he could rake and scrape into cows rlgbtiy managed they pafd a far burner interest- than any other security he knew of his herd of over doxen was the aneat in the small west danish town of melby the money that came from their milk cream butter and cheese was put to rood use it kept hans old mother in comfort it gave- a crlnplert nephew the best of surgical treatment it paid for helene course la instru mental music at copenhagen it gave hans himself an opportunity to re cover from the rheumatism that threatened to disable him permanently smalt wonder that bis mind was cen tered on the welfare of his herd i the cow of the town were pastured on the common meads and wide tnarsbes that stretched westward fer tile and farputiylnr to the sandy shore of the north sea herders look them out to their feeding grounds in the morning- and brought them back at night ordinarily the pasture were perfectly safe hut when a strong- wind blew from the wast the waters of the north sea were forced up the little rfvor and into the winding la goons and the marshes and meadow ihemselve were flooded sometime to a dangerous depth then to avert disaster it behooved the herder to bring their charge home in gjuod season or take them to refuge pre pared for time of peril it was on u foggy afternoon in mld- juna that thn two girls left melby and struck out uoross the marshes tn search of nlet and his cow helene muq oourae in copenhagen had closed only the week before and he welcom ed the opportunity for u tramp with her friend in the bracing salt air the strolls west vlnd and the donee gray mist hud no terror for either of them they were both sixteen healthy und vigorous und they know the meuduwm ilk- a book they needed no compos u thay wulked briskly seaward over the dam rich grass wed better make straight for the holm ajd helene uncle hun feels sure thut nlel is there the hulnie wo a marshy island oe to the rivermouth connected with the multi meadow by a bar or natural cuuseway under water at high here the grass grew unusually rich and wweei and it was the meficil of the hunter partlouuirly on pleasant days if hud one disagreeable feature winding lagoona narrow but deep famlliur vflth the place however could oslly reach any part of it by making detoui helene and anna rapidly traversed the two mile that lay in t ween tho nofama and ate by bo thluk wo the mist thut they could see only u short distance but all the taay they were looking und listening sharply far any urn or the podarmdn herd and its guardian they cant have- passed us in thn fog ald helena im sure we should have heard their bells for were on the regular traol to the island ut ipont see what nlel mean by top- plnf eaoong he mmt know that by tbl time everybody else he etatd u bur of tin dun lib nutlnnul hymn a tho luul mini in- dloil out jfulnl shout ing wiu und dili fur ulmud in thu fiitf ihiu nklhl xdulmod h hm eniphullfnlly 1 i know bin viiku n rntlo off homotblni u thn niutlurl i t t uh liurryl the two klrln liik into u mil huildoiily th grusiiy hwuii cm to un und they hud ronrhed thu w iy ho i mm put the ornnt to her llpx und the n i ivor not cm rung out plutx iiiy thcv conned a ruin nihtt u ouih wor- heard bl time much loinloi und in urur ilulpf till wuyl help helene cast u oilck glaiuu uboul come on annul tn cried thu bui u tu the right they run in ihui rilruotlon ian prununtly the nnrrow ausewu of hand uppiarvd the water luppn 1 it on both sides already though it was not much mure than halfflooded the tide wiu ulurmlngly high only u ecunty strip of road remuhicd un covered and this wus but u few tnh above water ut it highest point ilelone noted this with alarm un the girls hurried across to tho islund wecant stop long on tho hnlmu she cried it 11 be su tliivp on this bur in less than un hour thnt wed huv u hnnl flglit to get buck just fuel thut wind blow i kucb moment the gulw won lucre us lng in fury hurling tho sou upon tho lowlying land the cuusewuy wuh ubout u hundred feet long spurred on by four they flew over it ut u run niels nellsl whore uro you shouted anna as once moro thny stood upon the grass a glad cry answered tlm in her i this wuyl thoy darted in the direction of his voice scattered cow browsing un concernedly on the luxuriant herbage loomed up and vanished again in the thick fog guided by the herders soon ran abruptly upon for hone well soon find oiutwhat the trouble is obsejvedr svnna tho fiolqia aatot be far away why dont you or ywr oochotr r4- i helene put thomrrttsuant to hr him he etood on the cdjre of a lagoon brlmmlna with water from which pre lected tho head and shoulder of u cow tho wavejeui were washing over her back hoeno once recognlxod tho animal by the whlto tar n her forehead its moroni ibo exclaimed what is the troublo nlala when we wore startlnj for homo before the fog came in ho slipped intp this ditch und got her foet caught in the quicksand i ve tried for hour but i couldnt get her out ills face was flushed his eyos show ed that he had been crying youre troe blue nioli sympa thized helene comfortingly tit body elo could have done any betti alono the throe of uail huve her out in u jury the problem however was not so easy a she had thought muroi deeply mired her feat stuck they were glued for a halfhour they worked their hardest without mujclng any apparent gain the gale was in creasing and the water was deoponlng rapidly it began to look as if for the sake of saving the others moron might have to be abandoned to drown in tho rtsng flood anna and helene fell almost as bad as niels as u last resort they fastened tho herder s rope around tho unlmal horns all three pulled puffed and pantod and tho cow worked harder than any of- there little by little hor shoulders rose but it wus a long slow process and niels particularly was almost discouraged nut helene cheered him on and blistered hand and strained muscles won muren the cow with the whit star ut last stood safely on tho grass the gala was driving tho fug over them in a misty avalanchu niels und thu girls were startled by u hudden hissing a low waye came rushing through the bras the island wus afloat helene woke to tholr peril dive the oqws together niels she led we must gat oft right awayl wave after wave each higher than the one before it followed tn the wake of the first meanwhile the throe worked frantically in tho fog to round up the scattered herd it the lsuuid was becoming spbmerged the water must be still deeper on the p at last all the cuttle were together helene with her cornet pluced herself in front of them 11 go ahead she said and you and anna nlel keep them from straying helene put her up to the cornet slid the strains of the danish national hymn rang outj it was the old cull the had used the season before in bringing tho hard home asthovllver note floated through the fog the cow followed her she reached the clump of willows that marked the beginning of the road to the mainland her heart unk u he saw that the waves of tho channel rolled unbroken there wa hobrn of the bar minutes were precious they could not afford tu waste any annas fuxu whitened as she stared at the dull green tldu even niels ruddy cheeks grew pule tho cow halted shrink ing together in a do huddle forward ordered helene lifting the cornel again aha slopped boldly down into the water fiuiienlna her eyes on another willow clump dimly visible through the fog across a hundred feet of rippling flood urg ed by the shotii of niels and anna the cows plunged splashing- after her the tide was more thuh knee deep fortunately the bar ran straight to ward the bushes so helene had no difficulty tn keeping upon it top on he moved throwing her spirit into the iarnut followed by the uuw hy the 1 1 mo she reached the wllldbowud willow the ground from whloh they sprung was submerged and only the taller grass tuft woro visible struggling up on the marsh the procession halted in tile dbepeitlnir water it wu still two mil to melby am fur u they could see ahead in tjiu fof the meadow were flooded all truce of the truck ware lost vrmn jehlnd them higher and higher wuve oaxnu rushing ovtr the holme ilrlvun by the briny gale from the north uu helene took counsel with niels and ahnu t no use trying for molbyl iho wuter d bo four feel deep on 11 lo meudows before wu could got to the town wed lose our wuy lp tho fug and perhaps go into thu rlvr wo d better ntrlke fur the hold the hold was un ulavuted iimlimuro intended us a refuge in llnio of hood if hud rum purl of earth crownod hy a living hedgu f out do you think you cun rind it in this fog quaverad annu hn wu badly frightened weve no murku to go by it not more utuh a juurter inlte north of here said helena f m sure we can find it through tho i isfiig wutrr hut the hold dul not uppour jjitlmes urn t mhut suddenly on in uh in i bib r u noli hho ntlpptd und wont down i kucrw u tho tinft imiruhh him rcomol b rsclf iulokly i hi y tiimn i buck hobmo knew ihil tin rriiit oiild not bo fuv din 1uii hut they nniil find it noon if ut ji 1 mtt rollurti vei itushln ti r r mm i bit nimili ihn itlunlnif to mwih p llx in fr mihulr tift w in r wun ih ho bl 7 fuiu thut tholr pllltlk wuh llopi i hh hhtutlh ll mill ik but hiii fillkbt it off uloiitly nluui uiil a ii i ii wit 1 1 no til lit 1fp i ulf but llu y kijit hi iiwh oti thi hlidilenly rlkbt bnfori them 1 1 to i nod u low bluou lulg- ltnluno hldw u innu iihilll blust of triumph on her lorpil wi v found itl inllnif round in tin nttiut ulde sin lid tho ultlu up th ulopliik run- wu to tin iiolblly hullt cncltisurn six fill iliovu the muiroiuidliip mursh h nil winn nlmvo thu tuln wudru it un- in w iilinoiit link rhi r thej i muliim for hotirti tilt- b blunkiilhii am ilu tldu roui sliui t of mill upruy h w over bum but thuh mitt- iniuiki utmmui inovod in tit ruwliiu ood rowiimi mllnlrht hu gain ulmtiil unit tho in it run buck from tho muihhih kluully tnwurd ward morriliik u r uiuhitf pirty frdm mnlby itppeurtnl with luutorns home tine hid tho look on hr n in in tr fucj nm tut kiisoii from iiih light d window on tho tows troopln pus to ihilr hiiiiih morn llijiii rocom- pi iiiiml hilrii for tho liarilhhlp uml pull of lnr rip to th- llolm it worked in ihlhuhoiiliu tb it 1m told thn itory of u youlliftll inidtto who toik hln girl to the oporu vow the curtain wus lute in rising und the rirl complaint of fnitllni fulnt the doctor took nomiithlng in his pooknt and suhl to her keep this in youi mouth but i ful alio it rim oun womun plucnd tin iiblot ion her toiiguo uml luriud it over ovnr hut it would not dliototva hlio felt betti r hownver und utter u while slu- took the lublot from her uth und hllpped it into her glova it wus unxlou to nxumlnu it in the llghl thut tustelisu sutihlulict thut hud ifordiwl her sui h relief when they hnil loft the oporu house the girl n topped under ui electric 11 t und unbottanlnff her glove auld that tuhlat you guve ma muilu me el ever wo much bolter then she iwnt ovur something white and round in hr hand looked up nt thf doctor und htumrmirod why louis its onfy pearl but ton i notblttg was to be gained bydsuiy- tna o agml the process lo star tod uelekie in the lead with bar cornet all dtpendsd on bar dvment neltb bfteia oor xnmv aoijd render muuh akunc turnlur so that vhe gate safety in a nutshell a flftoonyihir ola ctrl of dotrlot hua writton ibuwu mlogun for uullsta orivu rlglit und more podontriunw wlll left watch your tup on it tuking uin other follow dust is b4ttir thiui to dust relurnelh hix foet have uwullcd muuy a driver woutdn t glvo un inch what a steamer drinks tw o m mi iii t venillu htnnd by a hydr nt oi lilt iiiiyitldit writes hoiikihh kl uiik in it i- ndon paper life m u of ifl iii i lying nearby nod tiny uptlmh 1 ll ii o hydn ut a twist of 11 s but im ii id thn water inipply 1 1 i t off thu iou1 lu ilkmiiiikctcd und till ill ft h wuillh re supplied it hu h htt ii hill ll iinol truiilvt- biinl lllhh yt lb vumfwl imiu ml tukn in he 1 -ti- iwr of j my ii ii of will 1 mil 111 u ullll illlh 1 und b of hc m x both h ur rluro t no f ml r 1 ui h itolld lorn lllhh v ll lollh oil u iluy h hnaillllk i till tbl huw lo 1m mudi good o un i xtru 3uo titnih fp fioh wulir buu to hi tuirltd to feci hip ikilir ho for un hillira ilorm thn uhlp u- in rro hum or wuli r thou i h nr i ii tln iiuiiuhi ui urn g30 ions of mi wuur tbl of nrrm vrlo for us the iiik r ri ih hnuilf uf frshwuti hioiim ml uml hii buluel lo ih inrcuhid llilu i not doutt uny huiihiiaunl fihbbii but under iihoiih thut huve boon mcii iitllltully keil out hln intiht l n iinrv hur iituhlllly ut nil out inutli limn thn wuti r foi thn i a und puksengt m h uilsdlu ton thu llmr in well liiulppd hni there lt wutir wutiir nvi lywhiiit and plwity ilrlnk hi wiry cubln 1 lu lu wutur fdr cooking and for thu lundriiit und it ull frli almiut tin unih uf frmli wuti r urn i onuumetl i very iluy hum- imiu tb vmn run hltort unit con tensing hu tu b tlou ciitnlt used nuinr im uiipr tiuio mo u mix f wllh rush wntur lo muu it morn pulutuhlo yim thu 13100 ion llmr lurrioi thu bout p of 3 000 idiih uf wuh i to b pnilhi ma tons think of thn ma pstlc uml other fclunii und then you 111 hnvu to multiply i bin flguro ve or six w hen the world inrgrst vnuu in miiko houthampton s nufii to auy thut thut port wuter tupitly 1 iluinuuid by ul iooooo loiuj all this wutir ih knpt in tuuk in th duuhla bottom tr ibu hl tli tttukij ur nleurid out tifd i avuy t uro ulwuy hpotb huly clean k wuttr htnrn1 in tho i if ubout 1 chunged every puusutiu uut unit hoi more princely wit thn print ii of wulos still goon mei rlly on hi way neltfmr sulfadmlnb to rod bluck eye nor riding accident cun uuell lit happy spirit unit u mr coue would say every day hln epeech e grow ltlir und bttr thb othe day he suld in a speech i oxpoct tho only reutton thirn wer itoctmh in the anen of bden wa that i5vn obviously knew thn fnmlltur prenpriptlon an uppla u iluy kenj the doctor uwuy ho was speaking ut a bumiunt e to him by thu hrituh modlcul aiuto- ciutlon and referred to himself u i lonely isluml in u ecu of modlclim hut hu did not uppeur much ut situ i naxt momaul hu wu observing i um glad to uno pn at nt thret very eminent physlclun from thu jnlti htatean country to whltih w own grout deul he hustuiki to u7ld thut he wu hpeuklug of mod it inn hot money an independent income through systematic saving la pouible for every individual who will plan and cdrry outjl yttetnatic regular prtgnunrne of baving and investing a fixed portjon of hia or her monthly income in safe bonds how to budget your income and determine from the results of investigation into thousands of cases the correct ratio between income and etpendlturc is completely described la our booklet buying bonds on the partial payment plan 8end the coupon be low to our nearest office for a copy of the book and particular of the clan milius jarvis co ottawa new york toabyst toronto montreal london ed ptram cnd me a copy of m lxul on the putui payoxit pima nozu9 nun addrem wtoft- iipt ruttrlat tir nopirtf ra pw mil lot uuy want on ihblwmftsffliiiflaimalrettam k llimitv ebr the success ofyour farm m coft the success of your tarm and for your own best interests con sider the ban- of montreal as your banking headquarters a place to which you can coma regularly to de posit money obtain infbrmatifmi and disci ma with the manager your plans and problems in the saying department interest is paid regularly on all deposits small accounts arc welcome acton branch l b sh0rey mancr rank of montreal established over ioo years artipical graphite jruphllf onro milery u nrortu t of hi mines in now tnndn urllfblully in no- h iliinntltles ihui this form lu rowdlug the lint urn i vurlrty in u at t ifl i gmplillit may to cniployod for uny pur pltso to whl h i iiturnl gruphltit lu tilt xitpt in the tu iiuruot un of lurg- ill i i hi en und imlfittt wen u fnw yturi ago grunli d fur iimthihlm of munufiio tirrltig cruhlhlch it which urtldci i liriiphltii wus itntttaretlleiit ilinldis lb- pnduith lu tvilih iii lindul gruphltii nttrn into onillil with the nsluiul vuriitly tin m imt lurge numlier for whith urtldcb krupbitv is purtlculurly nduplcd hlf umong those ure gruphltn ulvftrodi w thn demand for whlrh hu incrnasnd kreutly 111 rnmtut your artlflclul gruphltn in munufuctumd bl1y by line trio power ffi ntirutml ut nlngiiru i ull the output hu lncrtud great ly in lute year uua imw form un impohunt xlfimiint in tin loiiutryu hupply of uiuiihlii thu bulk gruphld ih miiln from unthrui itn or from p trolnum cuke and 1 utlllsixl inulnly in luuricantm hut ulso for liulnt foundry facing holler sonic pirviittu live unit battery fill or j prohibition and the colleges thn uttltudtt of uludi ulu towunln prohyiltlon hu bnon lehtnl out tuetty thoroughly ull over tlm united ututes und the verdict is thut thoy uru over whelmlngly in fuvor of the prohibition umnndrnnnt in u few state univcunl tics thn mutgln on thn side of thn dry was rnriull but iii thn denumlnutlunul tiistltutlons it hu lhen almost oiki hundred lier cent strong ohio w- lyun university- is ana of the latest coll otto to go on record us u unan imous body against tho proposed wins und bcr amondmnnt freeing the young people of the land from the temptation of intoxi cating liquor is one of tho groutoit l not the very groatnut henent of tfn prohibition luw und it is ericouruirlng to sco thut they recugnhto its vulun and ure doing thnlr purt in hopng to create tern imr unco untlment wrecks many a man illlnks junou boosted thut he wus u most curtful driver in town und hover run into anything but ho h run into somnthlng now thut huj- munhoit htm jinks that so7 whut did ho into a 1 ruck or u rullway trulnt dlltik neither ho run into debt hou9e0 made of rjtraw htriiiiiti im ll muy iioiiinl to iiin ruilif yut ii hi u futl tliutoii- inuki houith fr in hu w hi i hum hi ntruw iihrl in ilu ltt i tint i m t loi n nt inii mil ri will ivilvlna- klilv inli i to ill in tw mnl oniiui m i li hi ii mill jomii h into itbtk vlubi i hu i wl i ii i bit b und i mi i i inlr i ii i li i k itl n i f i wlu yhb u ilkbt flilk woiu i r i i u lli u tjb t un ll i i i lo iii lib ii i ii i b t i 1 i i in ill ii i i tl i i ilih nut ll t mi uh lilf frum 1 ui i i u id viiviyiinviivviij white shoe bivss in cake oh liquid gramophones at a price everyone can afford plays all makes of records this grnmoplunil i woll worth double the pneu wc nro a kinj tor it it will rivc pbrfect mimfattltm lis iojjc is plcip in und tlic volume or sound joan hl rcitiliitcd to suit itn blzcd room it has n reliable motor which opcrntcs steadily and prnctc il 11 i lcnly the cabinet ib btruiijfly made of jutiuinc walnut iq0 utccl nccdlci inrhidctl with each machine and for the next two weelw wc will givo with each machine purchaicd 10 recwrds free price of no 1 gramophone fiflt0 price of no 2 gramophone 6250 wiu ue shaped c o d subject to examination charges prepaid within a radius of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 129 131 wyndham street guelph ont phpno 584 nwccmesa greater tburingcar sdann9s coupq j109s no other car anywhere near overloads- price offers tin manifold advantages of tins new model itiaoutotjindiriginappcaranonidappo itsbody lines are long and graceful with high hood and impeding radiator drum headlights set off to advantage the fuucrowned fend fenders such as you find pnly in higherprriccd cars its body ia aphsteel with baked enamel finiah low seats add to the buoyant riding ease ensured by its triplex springs an exclusive overland feature important mechanical features to be found in no other lowpriced car contribute to the dependability of the new 91 as for iriatance the new floating type rear axle with shaft of special nfctrl steel and removable without tearing apart the housing a rear axlo srwft 27 hoawler ttuui in ny othav cj irt the ovwland petcet er uslgli niss jn oneill son g aero town milton acton imilmmllllllla build up acton the morchanlile trade of acton cun hu materially increased how by the business men doing more advertising the free press has spaee now available for acton advs al reasonulde rate the free pressgoes evry week into over 1200 homes within a radiiib of ten niiles acton business men ean use this space with profit to themselves and to the town generally the town that does not advertise cvn- not prosper i i advertise anvd build op acton is- i

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