j i l w iv bb arifltt 3ffng llrrha tfluhhday auouht u 1031 whn um im when jtu wm up in the mm lh niy of w rk inn thi do no morn you it looks 111 bout the th 1i 1 v lit it fugi sums u on lilt iuo ut f un mist i r w ii en ix nit i iluiinnt xiut unimui they urn hi rluli tli h hh i 1 it e mil otll irut win re ii limy tu hill 1 t7 wll ut uk 1 wlu i dlllllio will ont lh the farm water supply in lorn t lug the farm homo tho flril ossontlal in u muliklont supply o pun water nuslly uijcnsslblo tho origin of frash wutnr iii thn urth i usually trucuubln lo hn sulnftlll upon tho our faco thn earth s i rust consists of many layers of varying thieiknoss these whan oonsldemel in roniiootlon wth water supply urn divided into two ctussns porous or those tht olio water to porcohitn ur now impsrvjaus or those thut pi movement of water whan a porous stratum nvnrlles un impervious on therm ik the rolluctlon of tha local ruin full from thi lmmuil ato surrounding drulrtugi basin winn a porou stratum underlies un impervl aui formation urn water will lie eol- locted at tho outcrop of the formfir which may bo ut a groat instancy front tha wall should that point on ut a higher novation than ihi locution nf well artesian or lowing water would aftcurod this overflow jplgtit have sufnalant hoad to alovatu tha water into home und barn in lho course of time underground streamlets and stream have formed und fort una to is tho person that locates unn of these j when digging for walnr thusa sirtmms usually flow along tho uurfueo of em ltoparvioiia- eurui lay a nd frn- quently tormina to in a spring on u j hillside the source of our farm water supply la usually a well that ponotrutce tho ordinary ground wutei level or that taps on underground stream bomn are fortunate in locating near a spring and other sat their supply from a stream that flow through tho farm these sources aro ujl good provided that they are free from contamination there ur three types or wells in com mon use tho dug well for shallow depths the driven well for earth for mation and the drilled well where the water bearing stratum ts overlaid by rook or hardpan these wells should be protected fron polluted surface water for this rou on the well should be located on rising around so that the surface water will flow away from 1l dug wells should foe walled with watertight materia if stone or brlclc is used cement mortar should be used to sual the in- barspooes concrete makes a good tight wall wells driven through olay are usually safe drilled- wells should be tlnod wtth wrought- iron casing ex tending to the rock and driven into 11 to form a watertight joint there are three methods in common use in conveying- the water from tho source of supply to the form buildings first by gravity when the source is higher than the buildings second by the use of an hydraulic ram when there is an abundant supply of run ning water to operate it third by tho um of o pump in installing these last mentioned galvanised iron pipe of sofflcjant sire to meet tho farm requirements should be used there are many types of pump on the market for shallow wells thn cistern pump with cylinder in tho bar- rel may be used for dooper wells the suotlon pump may be used if the cylinder is placed within 26 feet of the lpw water mark in the well the single and double action pumps with or without power can be used to ule- rate water to the desired height when water ho to be elevutod the wind mill is a ohoap sourco of power ajtsasollno engine will uo tho work at a very low cost and pumping can be dona while the engine la at other work water from limestone formations is hacavjind netisfactory for washing wn jg ulways soft can immiiinninmlim ifr 3trrr irphh iihnrl gtanf le loup noir haiu ih iioailljman havvi3h j d i blun uljovi i i kitthit kmw rank i m iriiid ills gn atha thlhllo um tull unn kml ii vi r amy i nanio ih uiiuomi for noil h i riu ff1lwh of tho itinp um lilvo tuim long hiiko lift firov i ih vlilt wrtmr and urn un gnxivni rouilk iiih in it ii lory of hiuyt lumilum i tmiutv if you will hut it tiniiy th thin ma fot ii of ivi rwhiilmlng dung ii triumph of iimnhoo i lid thmi whlilt iikh it iuru und yiuim uic un work on tlio abo ittvn i und loun uiwl di iitnuiiiionubi in tin a iilniy it nil thn hib fit ci wlth touia of mm in d uuia grimly mtprn und tounlnu with a half llttnr imonuirohonslblo sudnosh ii luiim hlinuilf andru und aniil tliut i mm from tho mlremlchl oiintt y whon ull 11 llfn ho huil honn u farm r but mi m in tho rumps mi mini him i loup nolr iynm und lurk kli i ciim from no man u land und hut his puxt woifhl txuir n scrutiny whun th uprlng drlvn wu awaiting r thn htghiat wutnr ho uiimi lo thn ountitlu iitrnuni llml is tho boglnulijg of tho ahol und for wtmk ho huudlod iho uppormont of ull tint lund- back in tho injur t ui tho grout plna forest una night whon tho nun wnm sautad round u grout riro llttlu joa mcclrurhlln inumd unross to aiulio und toui ml lilu slenvci thn limping flums lighted jos m broad jolly rum und twinkling oyes they roveulud thu tl rtn mtoriino thn slnlstur darknoas i of andre the fire snapihxi und clamed und huge rolling clouds of smoko bllluwod through the treo tops tim inoti sautad in u grout clrclo watcliod jim und andre und listened to thn rumbling roar of tho springfed river it wo i led to u froshot pitch by tio molt ing snows loup nolr orlod jfoti in a mvrry voice toll of tho pluc you cumo from und about when you wnru u toy you aro tho only man in ull this crow thut in t un old friend come totruttutwut youtsetl drew donor und loaned rorwutd 16 union iri the old daym on the abo nurh u question was not im pertinent tho mem in the craws kalnwater which is ulways soft be collected from the roofs and stored in cisterns for washing purposes the home und barns on every farm need water on tap wimraver reiiuirnl muoh more than does the city homo because the farm requires more water per capita anil the people on tho farm have less time to carry water it is estimated that the average farm family of 8 with 4 horses s3 head of cattle 60 sheep and 10 pigs require over 600 gallons of water per day in conclusion then the farm water supply shoukl be adoquato to meet the maximum requirements ovory clay it should be reasonable in cost simple in construction durable und easy to operate it should be fresh pure and cold at the taps toid it shuuld bo avails able for flee protection j a clarke superintendent dominion experiment al station prince edward island r fall fair time approaching the pairs in which our readers gen erally are interested the following ore the dates of the fall fairs of 1923 in which exhibitors and visitors of this section ore inter- estedt 4 acton oatobor 13 abe october 8 atwlon t z oclober4e arthur ueptember 1819 i ancestor t heptember 8618 brampton heptember 21j3 bolton 4- beptember ilid burlington beptember 1819 caledqn heptember 2017 oolllngwood september 1114 cooketowu m i october j3 cooksvllle j october 38 erin i october 13 freslton october 1 fergus heptember jost oalt heptember 3133 georgetown ootober g tf grand valley heptember 3tui zxindou western kali heptiuubar 8 ib varkham v october 4 milton heptember 2839 oakvllle v september 1s1b orangevllle woptemtjor ul r ottawa contra anadu sept 717 newmarket september 3720 bockwood hptomber 2630 rookton r octobor 9mx flhslburpe tttl sfldlcmbar ih 19 stratford heptember 1123 1 toronto can nat aug 36 sept weston- september 3isfl worked tognthor year after year somn or inum owned fnrnu somw had wives hi id run they worn ulj good friends no uiintbor bunk mates in tho i com rude on tho drive und loyal woodsman when there was an enemy to bo mot or trouble to bulianlshod joa mconuhlin wum sooklng only to draw tho stranger into the olrclo of thol friendship in the duiiling llrellght where all the men could see bls uct andro only drew back frpm jon s extended hand i i rut ha seemed to shrink into hlm- nelf then slrulghtening like u how whin the string is cut he leaped to his feet and his thin dork face was contorted with ungmj for a long time no words came from hi lpu thun suddenly he poured forth u tor rent or speech half french half brok en english while all tho men stared he drew back and back shaking his fist fiorcaly at tho startled joe mc- oraohun und talking so fast that ho one could understand him lie said rash hard things that sprang from an evil tamper and his voice rose higher and higher till in conclusion it reachod a climax of fromy bacre bleul he shrieked you ask that of met mel met au tat once he seemed to realise tha meaning of his words lie sat down log and burled his face in his hands half an hour later when tha man rolled into tho blankets he took his place with tho rest he seemed forget entirely his wild outburst und once more was the taciturn non- mmunlcatlve stranger andre ile loup nolr the mon did not forget tho lncldunt they shunned him and l him to himself down abol swept the great drive the pines were tumbled into tho splashing river the men trolled along the shores und rode the bump ing midstream lass in the forefropt f ell the drive rode joe mcorachlln with a smile on his lips for he took pleasure in the rush of tho current and tho cool spring air and the wet ell of tha freshet- covered lowlands joe mcorachlin had three small boys of whom he was proud and who ho bragged would become great rivoi- in tholr day all the men liked joo und every year when the drive was over thuy sent presents to his buys ia oup nolr came down with tho ar of the drive ills silence had oven round him u web oi mystery und the men left him quite to himself he showed thut he wue un old huhd on tho logs ftc he could ride the utrulght pine like an amphibian cen taur ho handled the pike pole with the knack of long experience und no man on tho river was quicker with thu pttavey hut ho was left to the doubt ful consolation of his own society from tho fur landing thn itieu cumo to the long rapids in tho nhudow of uuasell mountain whore they vnet tho west brunch men uud came down tlio driver mile aftor mile authoring up many logs hero there and ovorywhuro they passed tho old co mp of kvan iune pino the haiitlnel hook ujid cuucomgouioo itldgo at last the drive swept into the gorge of abo 1urpluh logs hurrlod ulotig in the brown wutur jostling tumbling bumping oi ashing ruahlng in droves uud shouts and schools like huge su fished at play along thu bunk und up and down tho i darted red und bluv shirts thut broke the inonutoiiy of gomhrod ever greens and the feathery musses of greengold cloud that now und ugulli appeared ulong thi shore where alder and wllow and poplur buds were swull- lig in the spring sun in tho heart uf the abol gorge whtiro the river foamed in the narrow between fifty foot walls a huge pine was uvuuhv in u whirling eddy ihrowinnlo the ull aiictwoilgofl square ly ucroas the channel 1 he logs came ten und twenty and thirty to gether tliey thundered down on thtj iroejd pino and it splintered but the uvu pieces were wedged l he ledgoa und behind them rose thu drive tier on tier until it presented u sheui twenty foot wall of tunglsd tlmbors up thu rivur cumo the men who had gone uu before und down tho t ivur catiio the men of tho rear on the very brink of th high rooks ulwvu thu stood the ikiss silhouetted ugulilst the blue uky joe mcguulillit who tttoud on ii dunolng log under the lodges uiross iver looked up uud saw him etandiug thsre sjtw him wave his ii clgi midway in th whlto wuti r folily bifniuth th juttltg wull f thn i rlnat rounnd jum then in stout uvi in huint und waited with ti smlli oil hui hun for jon mrtlruc hlln was u stout in ut ted llttlu man who bud no fur of the rlvrr or of tin logs or f uny thing olfii ho lookul up alth miw high ubovo hltn ni tin mm ntunillng on tlin brink of th gorun ut one- side and th other 1 mv u roi thrown u iohm to tin furt her- bunk r un luoiihs i avmuu iiiugbt it ion iuw that thut was no tin y could llf hln ntrutght ui without dungui of hlu swinging ugulust thu rock wulln of tint iinoii jin kiiw hi high rock ui l4up nolr looking down into thn gontn ut him and jon irtandlng thoro umlu thiv jum grlniml hnnrfully foi he hur pored no ll tlinughts t thn inusnlvu jum criiukod tiud n iiii l und tils hltrt leaped sht nil t b thut tb strength ut tlo rlv r mild lour thn jum by itu own power ho unnw that for thn tlnio hnlng thorn wus no ui upti from thu gorgi lliul hu must wait fur thn rnixi to omv down to him uiut lie thought of his thren smull boys and their durkhulrod mothur who worn waiting h tho cublli by tho river far holow until tlio dru should bo ovor und jon mrornchlin should come imnwi to work bis furm rtnhind him now wuuonly tin dark dorp ervor for all tlm logs nxonpl tliohn in tha jum hud bui n rurrlml lur iiwy i knd down und stfw the white foum licking at his calked shcax lln likikud jjp und sow high ubovo h ud the townrlilg logs with the full force of tho abol itlver twiilnd thnm down cumo tho grout loop of ropo low- nrud by nmn on olthar hldn and jon mcorachlin raised his hutid to cutoh tin m wuu no uptrry no sound of ftirowj i i ioup rjcir d isup pe il reel in thn heuvlrrg musn of mighty pi mm hi died llnro in the abol unit on tho bluff uihvo tin got go- mtronu mm ihokiut und c nihil nut in voices- that wro fltrougi ill hill n ii wan not right for 1a ijjh noli to throw awny ills llfu p rlmpi hint ho tiikin tlm i hum o of thu ruyi i ro h loo in i if hi luiv imii huvnd iuii ufki- ull it muy bn thut it wjm bent no ion met rachllu r uvi n d in k oil auun ami wint homo to hit wife und iih thiol gurooiis lliiuuso ills wlfo wluho 1 it he uovui uifuln worked on in rlvur but thu thrto boys irnw to ho m it rlvnimin und upheld the fumlly niiilix for lfty ynru in dm nil u man cumo up to tho i umph unil told u long 111 sounding mlnry ulout andre or iwo ioup nolr thut bu bud lived it shumeful llf i thut ho hud good rouson for not m v ullng hln pnut tjie atri 111 t the imtn u num was at nil hut u llrfnroiit miiiii ublcrritod in thn mlndii utunor frn infitmoiim dei d commandmentb fpr hugdandq r i um thk wfu ugu hhtittl linve n hit i hut nn whom thou hunt pruinlu l to lovi i in rlnh unil irot i uu loni i hi tliy mukor glvilh tine power fo mm i not kivqji up ull my old uwrut in in for tlm ninli thy propto tny p opn unl saved tin u fiom un urroi f buttonli tu mlilrta un i of tiir linn huul7 11 i ip ni uhult uiivi i lady thou ubh tin ly yn imy u jmlrutloii mi thl h but till whilu in nr for i thy wlf h visiting tho uliu n hu imud untlktli toin hundln urn d f my liuubii lust diulr n illlshnt i bin hhult iii ot inuki rim tjn oknd thut 111 if pyo ii ml told hi him that an tin abo vut drou tiumn whutnvnr it might 1 oil fur un in t vf thn grimiest in r i liny foiced him to iiwnllow h nls uud nni him forth un oiiiiu ong rlvormi n ki tint inuvhig it i inlro uud yuiir wing t storm ii en in ed tin hail in wah th wmid le lu nolr die i year limn horo iium f tho innii luivi thu i tho bluft uhovi tin abo oems of thought mud wiiii iltstn oiks of um ii y you in i of p in my of powt r httd ully ihiouiii uiinilirtni in u gee tutu of command heard bint or in a dtp vopo uuoruohtln joul take nn uxnl cross under ie juni ready to out out tho crossed pjtitil wu l lower a rope that you cau rnuko fust to your wulst und whon ypll vo cutl the jiium wsij- lift you oufl 1 joe ran out kupl front lug to log eiid vtood at last on a littlo pont of it as ull tho men looked down ut him nml suw hu hand held high in air th heard u booming crash und knew ti more logs had thundered into the roar of the jam thny hoard a whining e reuklng noto that began so gently as hardly to be audiblo and bocuim littlo by little louder and more strident until it nee mod to porvado thu entire inhoftlmbera the saw t great maun of logs stir move change down in tlio heart ot the gorge joi miorachlln heard tho sauna und real- iad far batter than anyonu also be mooning of it ito dropped his ax and leaped into the air to grasp thu rope that won being lowered even thun tho jum lunged u yard forward and a sweeping tree trunk striking his legv sent him spinning in thn ulr ho fell and lay on the rock lnort und motionless the rope was lowered till it brushod his back it was lowered till it lay acsptis his blue shirt and dipped into tho wator on either side of him but ho did not move the men ubovo gave shrill yells of warning they ttegged him implored him to take hold of tlm ropo but jeo mccrachun lay un the little rock that rose above tho foaming current of tho abol and did nut move a thousand logs strained and creak ed suddenly under the terrlilc pros sure of tho hoapedup logs und thn dammed river half of tho broken pine snappec into the air as if it wore a toothpick und circling in u groat utic fell into the current the jam began voryshiwly to move down on jde mo- arachliu and still he did not move a hug pine that would have crush ed him bodily had it gone six inches to tho right brushed his knee in its wild plunge strong men grew whlto und weak and reeled back from tho that moment a terrible unfamiliar edge of the gorge slch at heart a voice burst on tho calm air come quoeckl queeckl else hoes garconu they havu no dud a hundred men heard the impassion ed appeal and their sturtlud eyes sav a sight never to be forgotten us long they lived htruight to tho edge of thu gorge rushed u loun lung man with u dark sinister ace sacrol shrieked come you quookl j fools 1 cowards i the boss shrunk back from the dlxxy depths a score of mon thought of their wives and children und covered tholr eyes with their hands but like u wolf in very fact le loup nolr sprung to the brink of abol gorge to tho straight sheer drop o flfty feet where tho river foamed on jagged lodges ho throw back his head mo that his hair fell a way from his forehead a florco glad light wus in his eyes und his thin features were transformed men who were young ut the tmo told for fifty yeurtf to come of that fa- and lis gloom o oy 1 with a terrlblu aty ln loup nolr hurlod himself into spucn it ooemsd that tie hail taken hlh own life that there could be only one ending to tils mad mad foat but all ut once tho gasp of tho crowd swelled to u elinor he had caught the tpie olosii where it punned over tho edge of the cliff und with straddling lege was sliding down to thai foamfleaked surface of the rlyer to the black rack where lay the inert form ofjoe mcoruohlln straight down into the face of death ho slid for the grout jum wss breaking und there was not u second to spare ho was throwing his lfo uwuy for jou meqrachlin and joe utile fumlly on the rock x loup nolfs knife flashed out and cut tho rope he pluced thn end of it under joe uu- orachllns arms unil tied it round his body ha plunged into the swift water with joe on his shoulder and curried him to the foot of the ullff holding his rooting ugulnst the forte of thu river swuying in tho edills uud stumbling over hlrtiion rocks i u loup nolr stuiidtug in thu swift wuter of tho abol threatened by the trembling jam throw buck his head im1i auwyt he shuutnel lo the hiun above gut hol thu ropo i tlioy screamed buck ut him we cull pull up two us uuay us unol iull uwayl cilud le loup noli hi ut ungry voice take hol tlm tope thuy cilod ugulu le loup nolr looking up hud uun what thewmhovllcuuld uul ono- thut tho rope hud almost worn through high above his houel it surely would hold one it might hold two but the risk wus groat agulu the jam stirred for a mo- monr l loup nolr husltatsel into his ditik eyt darted u fleeting look of ap peal a flash of old memories u old lost hopes lli raised his hand us if to take hold w the ropo tlmn ho saw ugaln the wokn place utuf knew thut what was safety utt one might bu death for two he turiled fruin the foot of tlio surge left joe mcuruuhlln bunging ut thn rope end und throw hlmaoh buck toward tho middle of the lieiauty is only it utim limy tin suld orlty wn find to 1m thu rlh curlyu thy vlfi u fielluutthui hold tin m hi ih thine vii nc llher uhult iumuli in i uiort lomliigu unto inluliborm hut cm the lontrury nr kindly of in in in pilvutn no s tit torrei t tlum h uun ii lit mi ami for hoi own wtlf 1v ihoii nbuli put inutry tin life rl hy wlfuu pi i poulln or coiitein4ut be d ml of hrr fuvnrite cut if ihosi nlinalh un her stylo nor dnny ini ight hhhoinr hew nts n nub h lov for thei otitwnlghs that for her hushuinl u mr tiinlllc iiomi in which i iitm uuy kind ly hut firmly not for und in tin- nd tin y will r ot tin the mon it ihou uhii in hold whi woman u kitircj ti uiihgrohri iiii h probably tnrin the- if thu a of th nhttlilh no tlomi will have coak icuil go uttcud i vi 1 medilh with thy uffiilrs fn that lu n hhjuldst thou i lomiiln whn will inn unity und inform going to run thut part ubr make n h uud plumper lineb thn watch your weight agrtny ih panning from fashion and omni irun dy in mom fuvoruhly dinponed in un nturrhlovorii unil tlm folku inlnuft thu rt gulatlun utnount of pltullni y o m in unsophliitlculnd lauguag wu in going to ho iillowi d to ixt n ihiuully ful i j noii um growing hruudir the imuii pole suhouilto is loulni uu lf of lis iiopulurlty iiiulnvtii tin mnvl turn um nrmtlol to loiiiul ut u hit rhunk beuvint e loiun ii tin l in ho i mi8taken again tjiiinikapnr unl jiu tin uotdi no i inning hnro7 anglor i think you inuut 1m mln taken im getting qulto u tot vwiut li ih uiriilsl of ull rlelilln- i if i t oust w miiml 111 hive it up wilv uti vellltkil oliver llf ehiil jll hi ii i u i wii y di i 1 ur i i iti riitlm ol ilk i ilul i h in i ii iliown it l l il int mil it llti all hol i hi i hi tuil i b in iki i h uiu ii lit 111 i i why 1 i a ln will t u ii ii i it mil i ony ii no h is a litllo in whl h in tin ie fi ull of it tk i it hide wlh h i nol out i n every 10c packet of wilsons fly pads wilt klumqpr rilti iha s8- worth or ny 1 sticky ily catchfp clean to handle sold by all dniffffiflts grocers and general stores ow orulo vlthoul u wlthn bridle gonitis in only i oulng itusklu uuporior powt r of he wo yot cup nts that wll not sir or bus lost hu honor hi afool at forty is a fool indeed young wiirii thorn is to rocroutlon or husl- hhm for thoa ubroud thou maynt then iivn u com puny of inmost old fellows i leathern juckots in tho utuily which may find thou niccollent cllvortlsemuut home iullnr on thu wax soul lisoir iniugo tha god -am- thu men pulled joes unuonsnlous aim up tha faie of thu ledge and out f ahol gorge they raised him barnly lp thn hick of time for u huge lug leaped forwuid and brushed his lutfh wlui titmbllng hunds they tied lo thtow buik to le to up nh tixo 1 that should hilng hm to tiufnty but it wus too lilt with u noutid like jnany u heurtauh jiiuitdur ttie jam hruki weru liorae down tho dark centre of the slreera as the print of thu weal is thn expmss llnugn of tin so christ is tho express perfect representation of ls to in oplo saying a fow id lo words about um wn must not mltnl thuti moro thun the old church stoeple minds tho rooks cawing uout it guorgo kliot livery one stamps his own vulue hlmsolf thu prlio wo challenge for ourselves is given us man is rnado great or tittle by his own will hchil- ler nulther- i njbjei hull not ilghtu irlttnrx ami other mus- mnn 1 or tholr rights um to ii things portulnliift to puntaloon er thornof u yn talking dlsugronahlo whon thou spmidnth fut moro ball ixiwllug on thn groon and clgurnites vir thou shult honor nil thy wlfus fam ily for although thy wife should iiever allow time to bo imposed upori by her todutlvum still if it txcurs then should bu puttnnt and complain not rmntin- borlug hi who govirnu his tumper is gteuter than hit who mioth u tty dost thou lovo ilfot iiuundi r tltm for thut life is mudo of is tho stuff lo who u peaks tho truth should nd with one foot in the stirrup upunluh 1roveirb dhncultlns i god s hoiisns i my llbrury wus dukmlui ugh hhukospeure out of which the storage op jruit and veoetadle8 the storage of fruit und vegetables for home and market must recnlve greater attention than it has hitherto been accorded the amount of waste nually is very grout as a first step towards eliminating this every farmer household with sufficient land to grow vogo tables and perhaps fruit treas should understand more about storing the crop borne crops keep iiest in an atmosphere that has u high moisture content whereas others re quire a low percentage of humidity ho it will be seen thai there cannot be condition to suit all vngetubles and fruits in tho sumo collar or storage building apples pears potatoes car ts cubbage isoon deteriorate in vory dry storage while on ilia other hand winter squash pumpkins marrows and other such crops like a dry utmps- phere moulds und rots soon destroy them if you know your collar is u very dry hub und you wish to keep upptes etc in it mako provision for adding more moisture to tho ulr by introduc ing wet sucks sprosd out ur by sprink ling the floor thu idea being that u largo suifaoe must bo wet und o vapor atiun quick the utmospheric humidi ty can be ten tod with u wot and dry bulb thermometer take thu readings uud check up on tho chart which is supplied with jt a humidity rutiglng from 76 to h6 is satisfactory in case of squash und pumpkins etc etiiy f i ost proof plate which is dry is nui table the top shelf of the puntry for instance or shelves in tho pussugn quality is often lowurod by pom veiiitilutlun- whsru crops uru u to md in large quantities ventilators should lie open us much us posuihln to carry off gases uhd bout coming from u igtgo bulk of uny crop whun vero weuthei in cum close up thu intllutors o lint store u- lurge volume of inytreip while it is wurm rrom thn neldunless yoi know thut you cuu reduce tho heat by proper vnutllatluii more utteutlon must bd paid to this when commercial storage bttlug donu in tho tall und our growers must help when uakdd to do it h hulmer huper inland ont ex perimental titutlon hum mot land 11 c o wonderful hor8ei o horse you are u wonderful thing buttons to push up horn to honk you sturt yoursolf no clutch t up no spulk to miss no gear4 to strip un-jloenao- buying ovwryyour with platans to screw on front und ruur no utuls cllniblpg up each day steul- ing the joy of life uwny no speed uupu vliuuglug hi vour roar yelling uuttnuns in your o voui inner tuihmt um ull o k utfll thank th lord uioy stay thut way your spark plugs nuvnr miss und rues your motor lovur makes us cuss your frame is uood for many u mile your body never mgos style your wants are fnw i ouny to tuuet you ve moinrthlng ills auto yot explain misunderstandings ii mliundeistundlnss ur rtjikmslblu for iuuidrvds of lirokuu rvleiulshlps und aoho always go to the arid tho logspriend whom yu think you muy have misunderstood i atlon bsk fur un explan- viii 1 thou halt not oovot thy nlgrr- irs wife oven thimghaba should bo haiitlfiotnnmrnn ittoro stylish than thlno i for thou know est full well thlno j i fitoth oysters nloor makoth bot- plum puddlnsm uud s ultogothot morn rongenlal to thy tustn than the in nurstlon n ithrir shult thoil ft thy iinlghlior s jood clothes und motor inrtt hut if thou dnslrnst simi lar thlugn k9t0 work using tho brains luid strength thy muknr hns given inn no thou might say thy jlii camu 1 inn through my own uxe rtlons thou shalt ivmtimbor tin babbuth day and keep it holy hi duyu shall thou luhor und dnvotu to thy butdnnss but thn kovenith is thy gutl m und thy wife a- y laut but not leant thou shalt not always attend placus of nmusnmont alonn or with other men but occasionally in company with thy wife so she also muy im au fiilt uu to what is going on in the world nulther shalt thou nngloct extending to hr those little courtesle whloli ure ulwuya dun u lady und whit ii thotl wort so fond of ajrlug for imr adinlratloii be fore inarrlugo under ull clrcum htain its treat her uk you would vrsh to la t rou tod were you a woman ho- tnemboilng that sympathy and lovo are lys the open nesanm to u woman w t without them life being worth- then if douth ovurtaketh hr flrnt thn cnii feel thut thou has done 11 in thy llfcwur to malm her huppy hhu will die blusnlng thun with u recouiinundutlon to thn prottlost widow thy ucguulntuncn with directions lo how john liked his suludn dress- ht louis hopuhlltuti 50000 harvesters tvanf ed toe goine 15 to wimhipee h cwt srefc wsjiu s tetohim jfiu betbinlflk s20 irani winnipeg 53cnt ofi lurtini paint ti twnt soma mm auqust aesmaraa tkbrltory btmjoo klaaxtoa lo lunfnw jancuoi i stmlc m taraaiaoudburr dlxcuim iflfmoo prto1 to port mcwel mott bflilwteb to hatc i auqust is tn d btmioaavtmtbmad wnt of tontoio to and inclndlo jumlltoa ui4 w oat travel canadian pagific nw comes a gwater babies lo did you over stop am different kinds urn lu the world thnro or human liable course but babyhood think liable a t first not stop there uro huby hltrls und baby kittens and pup plow uud chit kens ducks rnlves colts oh so muny dlf- t kinds and tli funny part of it is that they all not much the uimu they whltnpnr when they uro cold tiny uro hungry sloop when they ure comfy tn y are feel und wushed und bcoldod uud eurenwud by their mothers vos uiul foukht for tlurn is ho un limit so foroolous us a utothcr detfendlng her young uud ttyv tnuhy ill uttack fiuru times their slxe a frluud told inolhur mouno rtl aiy u 1 uturu ejpr us of wutchlug u oulng along u beam lu their nuinrnef cottage mid currying u buby motiso lu in 1 mouth our frlimid 41 ugh t her uhd took the baby from h r whereupon thu wne toother glurud vl loilsly ut her u dnnporute vusluu in her hoiiilllkn uyos then lady uoiuly restored tho buby to hi r uiul let hur uo rthn sulxod it with a wild grub uud dartvd ulong thu feu u to uufoty when the durlt c 111 lulu of night drops down on thu world und the huiidmuti goeh on hlu rounds uiul thn utufh toiiio out dldvv ut xti think of ull thn buhlos in cribs und llbsts and ntublus unit hollow trees oven junglo ruvos whuru tint suvutlei tnunts middle tholr cubj ull the babies miiuuglnil clone to their mothers wurm hrcusts liiothers thut hiui with souses almt to the slightest soujul tho hht mothersleep ulwuys uh guurd ho wn must be ve ry uurnful not 4o hurt the feelings uf uuy cruuturu thut is a niothor toi molhurs uiei inothors whttlmr furied tutluid or hurntn und thuy grlnvo ovr tholi lost bublss unit s one is uft to comfort nunr tako uvmi nnu baby bird from u host fot biids uro vury lovely useful things uud iftit the liisenu thut destroy tho plunts stationarv but nootation1 old colored muiuiny t so wulits u tllkot fu floruuce llukeit agent uftoi tun minutes of woury thumbing ovot lulhuud guides wlmro is floimicoy obi coiomd mummy hotun over d on tin boiioh a safe and sure remedy for aung children millers worm powders tmmtv tptem oamcwv m tcnoingcar sedan 1199 coupe j10ss model l no other car anywhere near oversnda price osexs the manifold advantages of this new model it is outstanding ia appearance andappointrjoeiits- itsbotryhnea are ions and graceful with high hood end imposing radiator drum headbghtsset off to advantage the fuhcrowned fenders fenders such as you find only in higherpriced cars jts body la allsteel with bakedenomel finish low seats add to the buoyant riding ease ensured by its triplex springs an exclusive overland feature important mechanical features to be found in no other lowpriced car contribute tb the dc pendabilityof the new 91 as for instance the new floating type rear axle with shaft of special niclcd steel and removable without tearing apart jhe housing a rear axle shaft 27 heavier than in mny other cjl in tr ovrlnd pslo os wlsjtkc nls j n oneill son georgetown milton acton wuinitmammmmiuiiinuvmwknk heres the until a firm hat won prestige jts suc cess can hardly be considered as thorough ly established prestige is the goal to be souglnvas it represents not merely fine goods aim excellent service these alone are not prestige hut it represents the worlds recognition of them prestige is thus the high mark on quality and the highest stamp and assurance of real suc cess heres the point however fine your goods or service if the fact be hidden and not made well known recognition success and prestig w not he won b tj tjp hit bemade known in the right way poor advertising or cheap printing willhardly do the real kind of advertising and printing is the best connecting link be tween your fine goods and service and prestige norman t a ajuutw the acton free press will serve you with the best and most attractive both in printing and in advertising i v weswrmh n ti