hsjpwsjlrf i gr it the home of lr artnn 3ffrrr jlrrha i two whi tlitir uill sir belt jalo- i pbl it indlcafcu un iptioo r id ixlvadc postage u- lo office in th united r which wjiefilptloaa r auvkbtiitlnc hates tranuoi edtortlse- mcaulo vanl ix line sat ncuiitv cor crft inacmioa end stcnll per line lor each ubae- juot inaerlton contract diapuir advert- mtnta for jo ucha or mora pfr tsann i4 crnta pr inch each lnartlon advert lacnaeta with out ipaclfic dlractlona will ba laaartcj till iobid and i bar gcd acrocilirfsljr telephones- editorial ud rjualneaa oac haildcoco at lrkjent x faking financial progress under govemioent tdoklrol it isgratifying to the people of canada- tp sec by the statement of earnings and expenses of the canadian national railways for the month of july 1023 that satisfactory proitts are being earned gross earnings are up 1475007 an increase of 7j per cent as compared with july 1022 after mooting operating expenses amounting to 10530020 there remains a net operating revenue for the month of ruz i jmyrtp22rttt6 fferopcratmtveiiarj fur these same properties k 723004 so that the figures for 1023 represent an increase in not of 740224 1030 per cent for the first seven months of 1023 tho qet earnings of the canadian national railways have amounted to 2084400 as compared with a deficit on the samo properties of 2202003 in the corresponding period of 1022 the improvement in tho net operating results 1023 as against ihe first seven months of last year therefore amounts to 5 187453 thursday morning september 13 1023 ejd1tor1al toe valoe of ontarios continuation schools it may not be generally realized that the con tfouatlon schools of which there are now 180 in 1lia province are a great helping in lessoning the coat of high scnool education both to the pupils and tho taxpayers generally the cost per pupil in the continuation schools on an average was 8653 for the year 1022 while the cost per pupil at high school for he same year was 121 in the continuation qfi at high schools and collegiate institutes the aim of continuation schools ts to relieve the r- congestion in the junior classes at high schools and also to give secondary education to pupils residing in rural areas and villages near their own homes which te quite an item to parents in the saving of board objectionable to many citizene the attention of the chairman of the park com- mittco is called to the fact that garbage and rubbish are still being dumped at tho westerly end of tho park in tho section known to all old rosidonls as lovers point indeed this outrage is growing more and moro outrageous on saturday papers and other castaway materials were found scattered clean across tho driveway and for forty or fifty feet- over the greensward into tho park tho practice of dumping there must bo discontinued both for sanitary and aesthetic reasons now that acton has become football centre and the west end of the park is tho location for all games played the dumping nuisance is being more and more noticed both citizens and visitors are acquiring a very poor opinion of the towns authorities for permitting dumpage in this part at all and fortheit lack of supervision of what is going on there citizens say this outrage must stop a suitable dumping place must be provided in some other convenient but obscure place accessable to all but unobjectionable to any neighborhood djetva- townand country durlinoton mr v c virtue ho purchased tho premises of the hurllngtoft tiahifi and horvlco htatlon on water street itev a cooks delivered hi farewell rnoaaugo in i ho haptlst church 01 hunday whan be preached to largi nircjcatlonn both morning- and van chief justice sir william mulock all canada sensed a public loss when chief jus- i f sir william r meredith was called by death a icduplo of weeks ago tho appointment of sir wm v mulock to succeed the late chief justice will meet wjth public approval sir william has long been 1 identified with the public life of canada particularly ft of ontario and throughout his many years first as jfcilaparliameiitarian and later as a judge of the higher sk courts has always enjoyed the full confidence of the public his first great wnrkwas tho administration of the post office department at ottawa which he pat on a sound financial basis converting annual deceits into annual surpluses though early in his pterin- tho rate- of postage was reduced from three to rtwb cents since going on the bench he has presided stcitlj many- interesting and important cases bis de- icudons always being given with that careful thougbt- fol and studious preparedness that has characterized g all bis public duties overeonfldence r temperance peopto have lost many a battle ltbrougb overconfidence to them the righteousness t0t thelr cause is so apparent that they fondly imagino yone must concede- it and voto accordingly such fting mayfoae- ontario if the church and the gbruitiuhnectors are not wide awake constantly this pirpvjate will slip into tho quebec british columbia afldrmanitoba class governments are human and firtbe moderation league or some other similar alton catches its ear more clearly than do i tempeqrance people wet interests may be advanc- wjfjodi organize and educate these- are the two cs- aintiaia for ontario drys the o t a may have jreak apots most laws haveit may bo hard to enforce the pursuit of the murderer is difficult and tfdgggerous bootleggers may resent it and revile it toosstaatly thieves and robbers always bate polico- inea and prison cells but the o t a with any weaknesses it may possess is infinitely superior m rltijirgqvernnient sales system that can be dovised jthut prohibition is an economic as well as a physical skftd moral success is evident better work b dono wfron men are sober fewer days arc lost from labor filldrea have better food clothing and opportunities foitrainlng for lifes duties so on guard ontario w against any and all subtle drives and campaigns to ktf bring the whiskey flask and beer bottle back in spntario again canadian baptist fl canada is compromised by the bumbunners to b the states h notori rumrunning which has been carried on border towns across the lines to points jk on the- american side is not creditable to canada it ja deplored by our citizen generally the dominion onvernintnt will be acting in accord with the wishes of the great majority of canadians in going into conference with the united states government to j discover and cooperate in measures calculated to l curbvrumcunning across thebordor the montreal jpstar sajrsr it would be intolerable for us to be so j inuch as suspected of sympathy with lawbreaking bnllaws may be criticized but never disregarded th j united states nathm has adopted a tiod policy s toward liquor importation and it is our duty in vao far as lies within our pwei to help them carry itout this is tho attitude of tho british govern- kbeat gteat britain may not feel able to scrap ao vloaf established a regulation as the threojnilo limit sii fornatlonal control of tho sea but she will certainly iv otjust as far asahe dare in encouraging the united v states to exercise their right of search to diminish pjhe danger of liquor smuggling into their territory t though the smugglers fly the british flag and though there j an almost inslinctiv and universal tendency s toregard smugglingof any sort as a venal oltence the sympathy of the british and canadian peoples is not at all with the criminals who endanger lifo and y law and order by theiraction in violating a renacted u fifaffi 1ii mi cirya ataaj an issue of the next presidential election the companion of boston in a thoughtful article on the next presidential election says the prohibitory laws are not likely to be under fflcrpflrtr thmrzh hr nrt pi who have hoped and who still hope to stir up a wide demand for an amendment to the volstead act but unless something unforseen mitigates soon and satisfactorily the grievances of tho western farmer we are sure to see a campaign fought out on that front there wilt be a powerful demand for econ omic legislation intended to help tho agriculturist back to prosperity congress is not likely to ac complish much this winter for there is no depend able majority and no strong leadership there but next summer we shall still havo discussion on what to do to restore prosperity to the farms the agri cultural problems in the united states and canada are evidently very simitar we have no presidential election to remedy matters on this aide of the line it is sincerely hoped the house of commons will at the next session be able to devise some measure which will relieve theaituation and which will not nave the usual censorious opposition of the senate bundny next 1m tho flftloth annlvi tvry of tho incorporation of uurlltib- on tm n vlllajta mr john ami tor ialumed homo on lrltlay lul from a waak vllt with her brother j d ilaysarth t dafftuo n y mr and mr clinton cotter and fnrnlly hay rvturnod to tliolr liom in plttaiburfu h a aftnr anjoylntr a montha fjolidayai nt tho iort nalon township rural atohoolvfalr will tx ham nt noliton vllloao today koptambor 13 tlio annual docomtlun aarvlco of tho sortm of rnblondwnjt hold- on bunttay afternoon to sraenwood comotary i procerus ion formod at the lodgo room nnd march od to tho cdrnatary commonclna on monday sop tomb r i a now train aocvlco went into mt the iralrjm which worn ad vjtr d a hour on account of day light bavintr in toronto will ravart to standard time complaints continue tort rooolvd that bomo property ownoni aie very alow in havlnc vreedd out ob their vacant proirty or in uumt caaea on property that 1m occupied th law recjulrea that theaa woeda bo cut oosette editorial notes if the league of nations is to be of any value it should be made a real influence the future of the league is at stake france defied it in the ruhr occupation iand now italy islollowing suit in the grecian trouble if the league is to be of any value to humanity the larger nations should set the example by supporting it the annual convention of tho american bar association passed a resolution providing for the inauguration of the president of tho united states immediately after election it is difficult to see why there should br any oppositionto such a change the vexatious waiting for months after election be fore jnaugu a ration has little if anything to recom- tnent that system milton william crooti driver of maurice mlcttnlcke truck wrloh rtsured in an accident on th toronto- j famlll highway on thursday in which a car iwnwl by albert fnlorcian of letrolt was mmomhed and aeveral of the oc cupants injured la a milton young man lie wo lodaed tn the county jail kronk crooa father of the prisoner attempted to cat hueon out on hall but the amount asked ifiooo was too lorre miltons tax rate has been struck at 40 mills mr and mrs j b thomson of santa monica conyon cal paid a visit to mrs thomson brother jl e uccutcheon last woek e tc hartley of rle l is pend ing the week of his vocation with old friends of milton and neighbor hood messrs wilson wuunatt got their first cor load of albertacoal last week nd it all went to customers immedi ately the supply will be kept up mrs j m paterson wife of the ilev m paterson at montgomery la with her daughter elisabeth were vlaltors at the home of mr and mrs w if paterson of the toronto brick co champion itev w m mackay ant family who have been pending the past six wcks at their summer cottage at bosodaje victoria county have returned home for the past three or four sundays i town hydro- esec trio power has bean off all day with the result that in the ch arches the singing by choir and congregation has hod to be gone through without the asstalaneo of the organ which does not add to tho pleasure of the service itfias doorgla agnw who has been supervisor of the cperating room of ihe ouolph qenoral hospital lor the past five years has resigned from that tature the selection was not an unexpected one as mr sinclairs name has been prominently mentioned in this connection over since the election results were announced j a pinard ottawa was chosen liberal whip a great many of the people of tho united states are beginning to realize the anomolous and isolated position their nation now occupies in its lack of co operation with other nations in the great issues of reconstruction the other day when senator under wood was being pressed to be tho presidential candi date for the democratic party ho expressed the hopo that the convention would pledge the party to take our place in international affairs the tourist traffic which is growing rapidly is becoming regarded as a distinct asset to a community through which it may- pass british columbia has reacfted the peak of tho biggest tourist season in her history and it js estimated that as a result of the amount of travel and tho expenditure of tran slenta while in the province this summer will bo worth at least 30000000 a similar ratio may rea sonably be estimated for the other provinces here is an economic problem which is no rqvth but rsthor difficult of solution with farmers grow ing wheat to sell around 1 a bushel and a brick layer getting an average of 10 per day how long will it take a farmer to build a brick house on his farm the inaquality is marked it takes just as intelligent and experienced a farmer to grow wheat ancoesafully aa it does for a bricklayer t lay bricks in a manner satisfactory to the architect yet the latter gets three times what the farmer receives for htt irrvlrrs i erin the voters ust for the jtownshlp has been completed and is being dis trlbutod as the law requires mrs horning with her two daugh ters or los angola cal polda visit to the home of misses mcclure of the eighth line last week itev a tome win conduct anni versary services in the baptist church ho fountain on sunday september 1c mr and mrs zoo dron and chll- en of moorofjoid visited with mr and mrs w j young lost week mrs horry harrison and son poug- las toronto spent tho week with her father and mother mr and mrs a d leltch mr thomas justice of winnipeg man spent a few dayj with his brother major justice mr j h cheesman has sold his nve- acre farm to mr lyons of chelten- iam- i ts o marshall in operation for appendicitis on thurs day and is now convalescing nicely mrs f h amcott left last week for edmonton to visit her brother who is hi mrs t smith has returned home from plumls man where she spent a very enjoyable vlalt with her son mr cbas trimble she reports that for many miles around plumls the crop vraa ruined with tho wet weather and the grain was standing in water and could not w cut advocate oakvillc oakvlllo reverted to stanilaid tiro on hunday 0th lost mr n gilbert manager nf uronla huaaball team prctlchod in tho mntho- dlst church palermo on sunday in the ahacnoo of the pastor w nelson wilkinson managing editor of the dally news chatham formerly of the itecotd here wus lt town over the holiday high hrhool opened on hcpttimtmr 4 and registered 308 pupils it i ni- peclod that it will reach the 32 mark xastttsat mtrtglstot6u huinoefwus 187 danger signals of mora conspicuous dnelgn have txinn ordered by hn county council to be placed ut tht o t it and radial crossings on the main road out of hronto in the individual musical com pot itlons at toronto fair inrank ioekaloy son of the bandmaster won ott flrnt prise ori solo cornet agalnnt a largi field of competitors mr and mrs clscy unci daughter of virginia ohio and mr and mrs clifford hdnriott of detroit mo to rod o town and have tkoen spending tho woek at tho homes or mr and mrs w ii sargant and mr and mrs j a ctemonco of town there are people still living in oak vlllo who when thay attondod school tho youth of oojcvllle wero taught by two or throe teaohers now it re quires twenty two well trained and high salaried instructors kocord the merger of ihe bank of hamilton into the canadian bank of commerce seems to bo tho practical thing to do too many banks in the same town means a heavy drain on the working expenses of the institution the merger in this case is evidenthtjliintltuuon and accepted a similar posltaj oave instead of undornouth tht popular one among bnanciers inasmuch as bank of hamilton stock has appreciated in valuo since the announcement of the proposed merger matters are evidently stirring in political circles at a meeting of the liberals of tho province a few days ago w e n sinclair m p p for ontario south was selected to lead tho liberals in the leg is- the childrens memorial hos pltal chicago miss agnew is sdend- her vocation with her parents mr and mrs wm agnow judge elliots handsome and loom- odious new bricl- residence un martin sueet tsnearing completion and will soon he ready for occupation tho many friends of his honor will indulge the hope that he and his esteemed family tnay long live to enjoy the comforts and conveniences of this moder a uu reformer how a famous poem was written admirers of sam walter poom the itpusa by the sirto of tho lload are many ho was an onthuslostla traveller and on one of his trips through efngland he came at the top a long hill to a little un painted house almost in the road so near it was near one side was a queorly constructed sign post finger pointing to a wellworn path and a sign coffin in and have a cool drink following tho path ho found in the side ofthe bank nnmo iiltttance from tho house a spring of icecold water into which had imxm sunk a barrel and above which hung un oldfashlonod gourd dipper nnd on a bench near by a wonder was a basket of fragrant ap ples with another sign help your- solf scenting a story ho wont back to the house where ha found achlldltum old couple in straitened circumstances with the rocky farm as thnlr only source of livelihood but it was rich in the delicious spring water urtil un abundance of fruit so the sign won placed guiding to tho water and from the time of ripening of tho first purilf plum to the harveatlng of tho last apple a basket of wtmtuvur fi ultrmtirntj be in season was placed neur so that ovcryone passing might rest upon the long hill and refresh himself tho old gentleman explained that they were too poor to glvo money so took this way o add their mite to tho worlds welldoing tho beautiful thought and its real helpfulness so impressed ftmn that ho mmortuluod with his pen tho spirit if tho ideal homo let me live in my house by tho side of the road where tho ttco of men go by they are good they are bad they weak they are strong wise foolish o am i then why should i alt in a soornars seat or hurl the oynlas bant lot mo llva in my house by thu side the road and be a friend to man queer railroads- of thg world when the engine of one railroad line in england gets off the track the crow alights picks up the engine and sets it back on the truck again this is the smallost public line in the world and rune between itavenglass andkskdalo in cumberland tho largest engine is eighteen feet in length and about four feet high the line is seven miles in length another queer rullroud is in tho west of ireland it constat of u ingle rail raised about three foot from the ground un this the train balances itself the engine and coaches which are double hang on either side tho locomotives have two boilers and two amokeatacks occasionally too many passengers crowd over on- one sldo throwing the train out of balance und the conductor asks them in a polite manner to get over on the other sldo and restore the balance there is a combination steamshiprailroad une in the congo in africa the rapids of the river congo make navigation impassible the entire distance spe cial vessels have been constructs these vesoels are really two in one being joined together by girders which support toothod wheals over the rap ids are single rolls as the boats steam up to those tho toothed wheels are en gaged by the rails tho vessels ore lifted out of the water and passed over tho rapids there is a suspended rail road in eberfeld qormany the mils cars the trains run high over tho etreotsnn hngo aieel upporls so that ha ordinary traffic is not urfeated scholarly reproof dont talk to tne about oollegos said the setfmhde man look at dial do you suppose i should have been any more successful than x am if id had a college ducatlont no admitted the professor hut tdwrtltnbrjyoaipnrlw riiatto brag about it wmi made to wear surprise is specially adapted for use in hot water it lathers freely but lasts a jong time without crumbling or break ing up a pure hard soap 1923 tuesday and wednesday octohek 2nd and 3rd 1923 4 5j w 1 1 r on u acton rail rair j business directory medical races 750 in purses new und enlarged prize list dance in town iiall second evening op the faih excellent midway and merryfforound acton citizens hand wui be in attendance the first evening and on the second dayof the fair special pjrizes horse specials ilest uiinurnl iurpone team new shoes all mcltvjp so 00 7 00 t 00 ound by n p w i t0 nuvolty itaca hum nam mid hitch to rig trot or pace boas uround the truck thun uiihurnusa go otioe around track um you pltiuuv no simps u lowed and full set of harness ut four oclock by it j kerr auctioneer cash s 00 i host und luetwst itoud ifurso spood and soundness to be considered once uround the truck by mclean co 1st cash 1500 2nd cash 300 3rd cash 1200 ileal high htoppfng horse in harness 1st by wm john stone cash f00 2nd by jflo ilynds cash 3s0 oast lady driver single rig 1st by w talbot cash 1600 2nd by uoo kd wards one whip value 100 host baddlo uorsm 1st by jos hymun cash 600 2nd by frank fjpellvogal cash 200 utiut high jumper in hurdle itace must have four to enter let by w j patterson and wullaoe lasby cash 1000 ind by duncun cample cash co0 i lit 00 cattle and sheep specials hunt thoroughbred iulry cow and calf cow under 3 years any brotid pedlgreu to be produced for cow und calf at tlmoof exhibit calf to count twentyfive per cent twuiity imir cent dlffurenco to count between male and femulo fomajo to lusy preference by t j onell acton creanmry 1st cash 700 2nd cash 300 10 00 tloat thro muvkotublo lambs any bred by h n llrowo 1st cash 300 2nd cash 200 s 00 miscellaneous specials lleat 3 ixixttii krnsh isggs donor to receive same by john it kennedy 3 one lb tins golden ftaglo coffee value keut lirgn louf of xtread made from five hoses flour no othnr donor to roculvu some by it lindsay 1st 49 tbs ltvrfnriiiiliinourvdrue3nj0l ttvflvoitbos iriour vultio 110 3rd 14 tbs plve itoses flour value 16o ltcst 1ie ilnlf iozon turts und layer cake made from excoulor iuur no other donor to rooelvo same by d ii lindsay 49 lbs excolalor flour value ileal idokoht hlecults baked on klectrlo itartge sold und inetullud by acton hydro electric commission 1 carton 60 walt bulbs vuluo liotjt 2 hniall loaves homemade dreud donor to rocelvo uumu by jeo i lypds becrntary cash llijut 1 dtixon homemade huns donor to rocelvu sama by mihs uottitt ilynds cash lletit 2 lou vow urtmtd muds- from iflvo crown blour no other donor to recelvu same by wm hortup miller prls wlmiur to upply for flour to nolson at co let 0 tbs klvti crown flour vuluo 210 3nd 2s tbs viva crown klour vuluo 110 lliwt posen tuu uutculta made from lily white iastry klour no other by wm hqrtou mnir prise winner to apply for flour to nelson co 1st t lbs lily white lustry klour vuluo 00o 2nd by niiwod co 1 lt- ludillu tuu with cup and itaucer vuluo 76o donor to rnoolvo huoulu host i air diwmhihi chickens donor to receive same by humid wiles cash iluwt i 1ouiuih- of hutter in blocks exhibited by a maker wl not v un kuton prize ut any fair since 1930 thu elm leu of the fol lamina caeaerole iudys urn broil wringer table cloth by the vulue from ti00 to utiut 10 it crook of out or donor to rucvlve butter by jf c hill cash heat i lb crook of flutter donor i t aton co lttl toronto uf fulr by chus wilson host 3 lbs liuttor hi 1rlnts donor k j nuleon cash host b lbs hutter in urlnts donor t il kennedy cash lve butter night ivo same by bri same byjohn 37 llest 7 lbs ijuttoi- in 1 tb 1rlntu donor to receive butter by john luluhmuii cush hunt 10 thu liuiry itutter in crock donor to rocelvo same by chun lurkur one wringer value licet h lbs lluttur in 1 tb 1rints donor to receive samo by thu simpson co ltd ouolph cash heat 7 lbs uuttor in 1 tb 1rlnts donor to rocelvo same by d v jtitchlo cash s8 to ludy taking largust numbor of plrst itlses in polry claas in uoototy list and specials in butter one years subscription to toronto evening telegram value j 29 llest uarrol of northurn hpy apples donors to receive same 1st by j hassard cash 60a 2nd by 1 l harrison 30 heat lltig hand llckd hnow apples lonor to receive same apples to be delivered night of fair by geo ilynds j 31 litwit uag tultnun uwoets donor to recevie sanio apples to be delivered night of fulr by n if tlurden cjsh v 33 llust hushel northnrit hpy apples donor lo receive soma by m edwards co otiu bag lake of tho woods si our 33 dest uulf llushel notthern hpy apples donor to receive samo by dr j a mcnlven caab 34 jiuet xiuuliol tipltxenburg apples donor to receive same sumplus to bo shown und upplus to be detlvumd ut picking time tlis actun 1iuim liuess oitu year valuo u sfr itut hdilituloo tlunor to receive suina by dr j m hell 30 llestlulg lotutttvs doiioi cash to recvlvu autnu by thus morton 37 llest hushul ll lah cobbler lotatoes donor to receive same by nulson co cash 38 dust two jdckn litrly lolatoes donor to receive same by geo uyndat bcretary cash 39 llest five heads of hod cabbage donur to receive same by j v hynds cash 40 host uushul of iouttoes donor to rucelvo same by c woodlutll- vuluu 111 groceries z 41 llest 1ock vullow olobe dwtivurs onions donor to receive sarne by at lirown cas jzm tlescjiahlblt ofvoiabes ur meld iukiis grown from honnlus muuds bywni heiuilo co ltd toronto 1st seeds to bo so loot ml lluuula catalogue value 500 3nd seeds to be uvluctutl from hminlus catalogue 300 3rd seeds to be suleotutl from tunttles catalogue vulu 300 43 llest husliul of ioars donor to veoulvo sutive by mrs fkurkmuil cuuh 44 ueet lluskut uf uuaeat winter loiirs donor to receive same tlis aorom loual 1ukss une year value j 46 largeat lud lluet collection of fuhoy work collection to be 1 shown togethur open to acton only by christie uruwo jb co toronto one bok best assorted biscuits value 4 jjat written copy of krut twovere of the charge of uf uia light utlgadejopon to acton 1ublio school and surrounding rurul schools within radius of rtvu mllos of acton by a t llruwti one parkers lucky curve foun tain leu value 47 heat lady kord cur driver by dr ii va coxe cosh 45 uet uluplay cut ilowerh not shwn in hoololy iut ix or mora vuhetlee taste and arraligemunt eon adds red by llujch wuluul ik hon uuelph fruits is season value 4ft in jit and lirgont collection of ilants not los 10 varieties by thu ltobort himpson co ltd toronto oh cuso uf hjlvurwure value co ltust collection uf lluakutry not leas than four pieces oped tu acton uuly by t 1l lcstubruiik co 1st 3 tbs orutigs lkimt tuu vuluo 270 ind x lbs qrang lekoa ta 61 uuskatryi luist ituhhut uuy shup open to anton only by m llrowu oiiu pulr luce ourtulitm value 61 liaet colluotlon lulli kunoy wifk aototi and four towu- ships only by uuludu l co to rxolvo toa from kelson ii co kivt pounds lllue label hutudu tea value 63 lloat luyur cuktiuut lionun tea lllsaults don or tu reoalva suhie by it ii huyhou co toronto tmr j it kennedy ihva itiuiids mountuln coftue in u lb tin- vulue 64 llest4 dosuii igus donor to receive name by if p fcockhardt a co toioutn pur x it kouiiily five pounds ludella teu valut 66 ueet llurrsl tipy applos donor u toelvw apples of some tiuullty um uxhtbllutl by mr kelly cash 80 uohl hoine llun by youth under ik years by j ll uao- kunsln tmuli i 67 host luli uf lowl uuy breed 1 male 4 famules tu be jxhlhllid by boy ur girl under 10 years by hoy ilindley auuljuiiiiui- 1st cush isu0 8nd dash 100 68 heat 6 lb ciouk lluttur donor to receive same by d h liudsayt 0 lbs maple leuf iflour value j sft lloat lurgit loat honituiiudx itread to be made from mapls leaf flour donor to rtcelve bread by d h lindsay 1st 49 lbs muplo luuf klour value tuo ind 44 lbs mapls leof llour vulue 110 eo ileal colt uuy ago from hlr milton jbw archie mocacrjsrn terra cottu 1l 400 jnd 300 w r0 4th 100 l f rtl ttt iinati luiiew dr j a mcniven phyalolan and suraeon offlce and hesldencecorner i lower sue jtnd elgin htreet c5rfk si dr e j nelson fitisniciiick htitipiirr aoten ontario qr w s laird ok oueiph ho woolwich htreet kye kar nou and throat a legal phone no 33 o itox it jaroldnash farmer m a barrtstsr sol loiter notary pyblio convsysncsr etc perryman block acton out money lent on moittoaoks hours tjo kon lo 6 pjn saturdays 1200 oclock h g meir barrlstar so i loiter notary public gaarastown onl dental 1 80 t 3 36 1 76 1 26 1 00 1 00 3 20 1 76 00 e oo a oo 6 00 3 00 00 6 00 f 60 fi 00 6 00 6 00 11 so 3 00 s 00 4 00 3 00 x 00 a oo j oo 1 60 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 60 10 00 4 00 3 oo 1 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 s 00 i 60 4 00 4 36 3 00 3 76 1 00 6 00 1 00 4 00 10 ft m dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used u desired office at residence corner mill and frederick btrae dr r a gollop dds lds dental suraeon office over bank of nova ffma hours s0 to 610 bvaalngs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan b account books of all kinds made co oirfer periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and prompt dona wyndbam street quel ph out over wlluanur store lodge directory sons op engirand lodge woodqreen no 302 meeting first and third thursday in each month at 8 p m in l o o jr hall members and visiting member cordially invited to attend j precious w p j little saerwtary acton j a l no 467 meets on the second thursday of each month in the oddfellows hall at s p m visiting member f of the order always wel- k t thetkoltd k v kennedy w m ka r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 years experience acton ontario sales entrusted to jl j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to date of sale list your sales with me itaaldence uower avenue acton phone 38 aotoo call at my expense fall term opens monday august 27 bpeclol individual instruction in all subjects write for full particulars guelph business college herald bldo ouelph onl v d bpllott principal j e cheevers book binder usbeo 8k east guelph onl hooks and mvgaslnes bound ui handoome and substantial covers names lettered in gold on zubles hymn uooka and other books all work promptly executed tbe old- and reliable granite and marble work we are manufacturers end direot importaus of all kind o mnoaentar end headstone work we sell direot to our oiutocnefs at wholesale brloea thus saving our customers 40 par oenl we have tho beat appliances and the only mechanics tn the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can civ referenoee from hundreds of our customers in toronto ami other places where others have to have law suits in order to oolleor we hav the lergest and beat stock of oranlte la the dominion or more than any three deader in the weal we are learlu- mate dealer and employ no agenta and do not annoy or pest ouatomers by sending out ignorant agents eoltok- lag orders w employ only tneohanloe and defy competition hamilton sons oor norwtob woolwlob bil ou1h children ory forjjrrcherx casjiloria i iv t mgimmliii-