vjjw sp r7 butr artori 3fag p tliunboay brptenpq 1 1923 do it now it isnt enough to say in our hi that we like u nun fr ma it isnt enough that wo oil our mlml with jmonji or allmt hhiso nor in it rinough thatwh lienor ojttuirciuiiuluiiiuuiwir m if going right up ti tin mm tiiiiir and foiling mm tbat uunlm if a man na u work you really uil- mjrej dont lavn u khul wuril u nsslri in fwr that to tin tut tiiluhi nmb him vntn nml cnuh him to inn hu head hut rnnnh out your band uml toll him wfll ilimr und urn imw his arntltutlo nwaliu it isnt llin flownfit wo hires graveh hm wurk tu tho living that tolls twenty var8 aqo from ths issi thursday o of th- bsptoml frm ptmi r 17 1803 ixilliir wliont tit liolhivod to be on urn imiuoh again a lwlln irrncii for aaton is dim of mf luloat plxi millions very mil try weather hu prevailed for mvoral days this week anion cornet band plnyml nt a bur don iiurty at arkell on tuesdoy ovenlng hpoclal evangelistic services will be commenced in tho methodist churoh on buuday october 4 in connection with the wesley bicentenary annl- vorsary a number of the young men of the method bit church met on monday evening nod organised a young mens club with mr w j humphrl president and howard oram secre tary the object or the club are mutual improvement and united effort in tho interest of tho church flt albans church wu beautifully decorated for the harveat home er vices held last sunday the former rector rev jk oodden m a- of caledonia preached morning ard even- in the acton naaeball team which ha had so many decided victorias this sumtnerj won another on saturday when the hilisburg team with whom- there eaistedauch exdung rivalry last year came to town for n nun- the core ahows 14 run 13 hit and t error for acton while huleburg tal lied i run 7 hit and error the batleris were hynds snd patterson for auton and lwian and qood- fer- hulsbunr born lindsay at 4 pembroke street toronto on sunday september 6 1b0j to mr and mrs n it lindsay a son married bonathancolde at toronto on monday september t 1901 by rev h a msephorson fred bonathan of acton to mtaa verm cole ojoeora town r dltjd s mann at ewood manitoba on prl day september 1 iso hash mann jr non of hush mann ac to p aaed 40 years the sunday school lbsson for bunoav september 10 the pire brtnqers ccnturiea aco in the absence ruuchea it was customary to borrow flra from m neighbor when ores own hearth became cold thus chaucer the early jsivffluh poet had partdarua reproach trollus for abbreviating hla visit to sarpendon sarin in hla quaint anglosaxon wo oome hider to feohin fyr and rennen hom ayeyn in early colonial days a somewhat ataallar custom appears tobava pre vailed in ifew b the maasa- chusatta charitable vlresoelety es- tabliabed in lttx had or its object to rejuve aufferaraby flra and to mvanttneana by which urea may be pfeventsd amongst other practical thing directions for preventing cal amities were promulgated- sams of these directions are interesting oddl- tiea and some have a present value the following are samples oblige all servants to id to bed before you do and- inspect all ore places before retiring do not allow a servant to carry a candle to hla unplastered garret never- read in bed by candlelight sternly forbid the use of aegars in your famoy especially at nights a housa was lately set on flra by a which a woman threw away to pre vent befog detected in the unhealthy and offensive praouoe of smoking- in the bum year these direction were issued tho legislature of m chusetu enacted a law which pro hibited carrying through the public streets any form of fire uncovered as ughtedsgarn an of- fenae it was spectned that th smok ing of any aegmr or pipe on the street or wharves la illegal and la forbidden the penalty prescribed was two dol- lars for each oonvlotloic thi regulations were- really a modification of a much older law for la the year hit the oneraj court had ordered that oo man shatrtake any tobacco within twenty poles of any house or so near as may endanger the same what a howl presentday advocates of personal liberty would raise at snob drastic- restraints- patrick henrys plea give me liberty or give me death would become universal it raayfcbe little solace to reflect that eventually ho got both and that the i de await urn in the mean- hberty iiikk tih3 1iiciov1co piithi cian luke i 1-4- acui 1 l 10 jjhb 4 14 3 tim 4 11 lolden tm a friend lovoth at all tlmcii and a brother ttorn for mt- vnralty lrov 10 17 the text explained 1uk a li 1 rnirnnmanlt a many h tukn in hand it la hnre utultxl tlwt there wrn many nketchm ln 1 jeau and that theno being incotn pluto it i lakes purpose to prepare uh uuthentlr lruut worthy iiccouni luknhnd apnclal iiuallflcatlinh which are shown in hla clopal which is conv- plnte nrdvrly and clear ho alma to aatlafy tho raretul critical mind of the flrenk thwiphllua with vcertaln- iv oonrornliir thoun thlna acta 1 1 the former trontlnoiuk fera to hla ooaiml whlnh la ulo ud droanol to theonhllun lukn lt act 10 b rman of macedonia jiu cod on in wiyi on- tho oiijxkalln aldo the icrcum jioii und about one hundred nilluiroin xrooa thi man rcprenenla thn uttconvoriod mucedon- not a christian convert pleading their need vorae id euraiiclitway wu aoughl to go forth tho promptness of their reaponan to the macedonian calf ahows the intenan eurnratnoaa of thuao early cvunxellsta vera 11 hettlng aall luunaay oh- serve that luke ha the true creek feeling for the sea and gape rally re cords the incidents from harbor harbor ilartlot verse 14 lydia this may have bn her proper name or it may only have been that by which aho passed among the colonists of pmijppl being from tho lydtan town of thy at ira from inscription which have been j- found op the site of the ancient town tt is clear that dyeing was one of tbi staple trades of thyatira and t waa from t hence that lydlu brought over the purple which ahn sold in phlllppl lumly col 4 34 uulcn tfte beloved phyac- clan lukes profeaalon ttnd lovable dlapobiricdtnn bare declared he was not only pauls helper but his medical attendant- tim 4 11 only luke paul 1 in i to me a prisoner awaiting hi exe- ouuoo his loneliness is patbctlo cd4xloke is with me lesson themes the popular demand for neilahoo lukp was one of the most skilled de- voted and successful of tho early pro- meters of christianity he believed in che popular demand for the gospel although many had taken in hand to draw up a narrative concerning those matters which had oeen fulfilled among them it seemed good to luke t0b wrote hi beautiful gospel later also to poblish a careful record of the things that he had seen therefore he wrote his beatitlful ooapel later he wrote another treatise addressing this also to theophuus doubtless luioa crxperleneed many disappoint ment but he was encouraged and bis bean was warmed many times for example he and paul must nave been surprised at the welcome and corduu- ity of lydtas invitation when they had so recently oome to the new land but people liked then to bear- the truth or religion and stlll do they care to hearken to the earnest word of exhor tation we hear much and frequently of the lack of interest in religion but thing of the worldwide interest lr lukes two treatises hla gospel and the book of acts and the jrecord- railway time tables at acton qrand trunk railway system oolna yvsst no 29 al lojbs z39 pjn 609 pm 839 pm 10 jzo jo- oolno east no 20 70 ajn no 30 l 11am 14 asbpjn a 17 pm m 113 pjn 4 bumuy 7dg pm going vtmh dolly ukijit llurkday lnlly ncpi sunday dully fiuoiit hutidaj tftuidny only beautiful stand in the niploen dlktrlct twir which a canadian paciflo oalow camp has besn ereotsd im aghts the result if this camp fin should be nsfllsatedtt below canadian pact bo tank car unit en the road left showlno the pumps and how they throw stream high over a 80 foet tower look ut the hoards at your feet the walla which aurround you lho roof over your head the ehulr in which yfau sit and your furnlturo all are products of the canadian rarest and practically everything you come lojlo contact with in the day depends on the foreat for one or more of tin oonywnont par la then take the toout ou ent tho paper you rend hy tho wood fire at nlht the food is pro- u cod by canadian farmera who depend on the forest for a regular rtupply of mo u turn tho paper i compoaed largely of wood pulp it is almost beyond compre hension the umnunt of lumhoir uaed by canadian imlunirteaaach day and the amount uaed hi construction and in the development of tho country aacl year canadas prosperity her whole future la une with hat of bar forests ontario alone kivos employment to i 17000 men in the bush pulp and paper mills in the samo province employ 8000 men and the amount of capital r r hmy invested in the two industries mount time our over 100000000 sary fire loases what l costing canada a year in mnneoes- ehtpenslvo ashes eh the farmers lot that 1 a significant declaration made by becrefary wallace of the united states departpent of agrloul- ture that thousand of farmers in toe united states will go bsnkrypt wlthwheat selilng at oonalderabty less than the dpat of production the dls- dulstlng feature of this is that whai ta true of the states is in a sense true also of 9 elnoe 1 1 an undeni able fact that many of the product of the farmers of canada today are selling at ruinously low prices while the commodities which they are obllg- ed to buy whether these be clothes shoes agricultural implements bulld- ing materials or the lke are selling at very high prices relatively to the prices obtained toy the farmers- for their product thus it la that there la much weight in the arguments of secretary wallace- that until a fair relationship pt eeatored between agri culture and industry and commaroe agriculture will havo reason for com plaint t ft- m can you guess r i can arwaye be heard yet never seen speaking only when 1 ajn spoken to 1 have a maryelloua msmory and wiu repeat anything yqu tell ms word for word i live sometimes m large bulldlngs sometimes in dark tunnels yst i never move from my accus tomed puce what am it answer an echo vhe oil of the fople many oft have come and gone but dr thomas kolectrio oil continue to maintain its position and increase- hssphere of usefulness each year t its- sterling qualities have brought it to the front and kspt it there and it can truly anas have benefitted by it- land would use no other jtrepa through nearly nineteen centuries 1 people are not yet tired of religion lukes beautiful book kenan calls lakes oospel the most beautiful book that has ever been written con earning this tt has been said that if the spirit of the work as well as its form is taken into account its subject as well as its style the moral and spiritual phases of the beautiful a well as the sensuous and the intelleo- tus the claim for thl- gosdel tabe the most beautiful of all books may well be regarded as unp see liable the life of jesus christ is the most im portant the most exalted and the most fascinating of all historical studies luke was in personal con tact with the people who associated with our lord and from them he drew his information lute is distinguished among the oospel writers aa being the only mgn of a liberal education his training aa a physteian was the best that his day offered he starts out with the purpose of obtaining infor mation from all reliable sources thui gives him a wealth of material for his work literary critics are struck with the real beauty of lukes oospel in its literary style and method of treatment- hi narrative both in the oospel and n the acta flows with an ease and a grace unmatched by spy other historical new testament writing the traits of lukes gospel thl oospel distinctly joyous it con tains more purely happy scenes than any of the others it discovers the brighter side of its incidents it has more about infancy and childhood aod youth than have the other oospel the angels none that introduced tho lord jesus to the earth is both glad- aotme and beautiful lukes book i m clear case of glad tidings la this writing wnftnd the programme nfj christs mission as he onfolded it at naaretfa and discover it toje a mis sion of light and liberty and love and gladness the sorrows or the life of christ he telhvof course but he shows how the darkness that sorounded jesus was dispelled at the last moment that he calmly obmmeudsd his spirit to god the three great par ables of solvation the housewife the shepherd and the prodigals father are set to the tune of rejolclnjr when the t is found lukes has been called the oospel of grace in it the toys of god for man appears throughout emphasised in many concrete expert ences and incident 1m not limited to the jews but extends his regard to all mankind iaul was tho great apostle of the grace of ood as mani fested to all men and luke his pupil delights to set forth the atfxut of grace in our lord he dwell upon the sympathy of jesus tat the poor and for publicans and alnnera prominence is given to women and to homseenee7i and also to prayer and praise lukes oospel snows his contribution to chris tianity to be distinctive and of the utmost value and to this i added the u pique und indispensable history of the acts of the apostles fbr study nd discussion j wa luke ajw or a oentllet we ever closely associated with jesus t what was bis profeaalon t where and when did he become associated with paul what books of the new testa ment did luke write t what was his purpose la writing these books t which f these book is the more valuable tu the christian church t whyt daily readings for nsxv week monday september 17 timothys isarly training t ttm li 18 tuesday september 18 doing good from childhood 41 im 3 uit wednesday september if timo thy called to service acts is i thursday sptemter jo psuls charge a time thy a tim 4 15 friday september 81 a good min ister of jesus ohrutt- ti tim 4 6w saturday september oood saturday september jia young man quids pun 1 tlf0000000 yet for every tree that i felled for every lo that helps to keep the wheels of industry moving for every board that is used in construction twelve ore destroyed in the forest hy fire this mvan tha foreet ores consume twelve times the ii mount of the lumber which is the flfo of canadian industrie aod thnt ouch yoar fire 1 depleting the forest which ahould hold back uie rnln fill so aa to onsurs throughout the year the moisture which the life of the farm five hundred thousand acres of forest are burned over in ontario each year and the government of thl province la burdened with a forest ore protection organisation which costs ts000 a day why is tho country put to such a n7 becaute there pre no meana of aegre- gutlng the criminal fools and careloaal take tho flm which in october lust took fortyfour lives rendered thous ands homeless and destroyed property valued at eight million dollars in the vicinity of hal ley bury the terrible fire jn 1916 around methoson and in 1911 around cochrane these llku tho majority of other fires were the yult of criminal carelessness settlers al low their slash fire to grow beyond control the sportsman builds his camp fire in s mossy place and forgets to extinguish it a lighted cigarette or match la thrown away carelessly and originates a small bloxa which may soon develop into a holocaust beyond control of man yearn ago the railways were per- ipn responsible for many conflagra tions but nal o today although one half of the canadian pacific hall way rightofway he in forest areas in the aut end la flanked by forest for hundrodof miles j in both ontario and british columbia this railway has long since ceased to be a factor in the destruction of tbn formats in order to eliminate tho possibility of fire being started by passing trains all canadian paclfla- locomotives are examined at the end of each trip and great carets taken to see that ash lmins and front ends are in perfect condition jeoglnejrs and bremen are given explicit instructions not to dump live coals or to throw waste upon the right of way and should an engine crew notice a tiuixe by a series of whistles the section men end are patrol are notified and the nearest despatch er takes steps to secure whatever additional men am required the canadian pacific maintains regular ijd efficient force which patrols the right of way in forest areas after the passing of trains and which co operates with the iomlnlon provincial und other nreprcventjoh organisations to tho fullest extnnt also at various hlnt along the line are kept a num- berpf fire tank units each unit con- sisttnc of two tank cars each of 7000- gallop capacity equipped with power ful pumps and approximately qns mile of hose this equipment baa prov ed valuable not only in fighting forest nren but in fighting fires which have occurred in forest und rail side towns bsva the forest i m bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cresm on satur day after twelve oclock a m tho government is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of 1 tho methods that will facilitate our work in this direction i lci us have your conperntinn in thj m to secure higher standard and make better butter too bad the school 1ns hi tor was a dear jld an and in a kindly paternal sort of manner he gathered tho class round him now supimtin willie brown he skid to una of the boys that viu and i worn playing murblos and that you have ten marbles and that i have n breath lean openeyed attention the class crowded nearer as the in spector proceeded at the and of tbu game youlmvo wanhalf my marbles and of course want to play again und win them beck nearer still curid the lnlorimtod pupils at the end nt- tho aocond game i win half of those you had tell tno ixcltement waxed lnlortso how many have you loft this was too much for willie and with a look of jnevpreaalbla disgust he exclaimed t crlckey blowcdlf it aint u uuml it is usually sato to say that when child is palo sickly peeyish and restless the cause is worms these parasites rango ho stpmaoh and intes tines causing serious disorders of the digestion and preventing -the- infant from deriving ausianance frutn food millers worm powders by dastroy- ing the worms correct theae faults of the digestion und servo to re tt tore 4he organs tohsalthy action relatiyitv walter said tho custom or after waiting fifteen minutes for his soup have you ever buun to tho soot no sir wull you ought to go youd en joying seeing the turtles whlx past you tho juggler 2n1 white shoe djvssinii forqet them if you would 1 nor use your huppl- tss and pnuottg your ufa forgot your nelghttors fahlls forgnt all the slan der you over har boraot fho temp tations fmrgot tho faultfinding and only remember tliu good points whlph makn you fund of them orget all personul quarrel or storiee- yu may have heard by accident and which if repeated would ktwm u thouaund tlmus worse thuu thy reully are ulot out as far u possible all the dlaugrueable- uf life huuh things will oome but wilt only gruw largttr when you remember them oulitaruta everything disagreeable from yesterday atari mt with u olouiishit tu morrow and w it for sejlatt memory sake only thomo jiltig whluli arc lovely and loveabln y there muy j to oilior uoru turnover g huf nu bu co fled until you have used hollo way i corn ttemover one observant pupil 1 think that- children hro not as observing a thoy ahould be aald tho insiwctor to the teacher i hadnt uotlced it replied teacher well ill prove it to you turning to the claai the inspector i some one give me a number thlrtysevonr said a llttlu eagerly the inspector wrote 71 on tho hoard and nothing wu said v will someone give me a number fiftytwo said another lad tha inspector wrote down sb an the board and smiled at tho teacher he called for usathor number and young jack called uuu seventyseven now see if you jin changn that boy bwimi und palulahte mother oruves worm icxtcrmlnator s acceptable to chlldrun und it does its work surely arid promptly the tie that binds now children said the minister who wus addressing a class of very little irlrls can any of you tell me what binds us toguthesflnd makes us better than we are by nature t after a brief nue a tiny voloi pip ed out please sir corsets i like a qrfp at the throet vor a flcanv thftt not qlasawi there t irobttbly none which causa more terrible suffering than usthms sloop is impossible tho sufferer be come axhuuslod and finally though tho atiasjluaases is left in unceasing dread of it returp dr j d kel logg asthma ho mod y u o wondocful remedial ugont it immediately ru- i loves tho restricted ulr pasaagvs as thousands can testify it eold by dealers everywhere 1 degenerated iflfty yvurs ago tneals were fur mure heavy than they ur now one ha only to rmtd dickons to re 11 so this our grand fa then would have felt siitrvvd on tho dlot that most of us find sur- aolenx hut if wo go back a fw oenturtu we fltld npihillloa that om umutlng louis xtv of kniice who itud tho mpututlon of being a very moderate franchannan used to breakfast off four cutlets of whole chicken four or flvn eggs and some hum tho records uf u dluner given by honry vill how that eaoh guest consumed nearly seven pounds of food the run oourse uloiio included eels salmon pike barbed now considered rather until for food mult land sturgeop fly i pads kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers anqel brains llurrf are some bright snswerk from school examinations epidermis is what keeps your skin on tho days are shorter in winter bo- canse the cold contracts ictlquette taachtu us how to bo pollto without trying to remember to bo poise is the- way a dutchman says boy uold was diacovored in california beforo anyone know it was there sores flee before it there are many who have been afflicted with sores and havo driven them away with dr thomas edcotrla oh all similar ly troubled should lose no time in ap plying this splendid remedy as there is nothing like 11 to be hud it u cheap hut its power im in ho way expressed by it low price lettering on flour sacks many articles for household use such a towat and pillowcases and for wear especially children gar ments are made from the fine strong materlsj of which flour begs salt sacks and so on ere constructed they are uaed in their natural color or are dyed whllo trimming and em broidery may add to their appearance aoooritlng to the taste und wishes of the worker to remove the lettering from those bag is the itrat step in converting thorn to new uses and this is some times troublesome a simple wolhod la given us by a reader rruer m i c shake the flour bag well wash it well in clear cold water soap it vry thoroughly with u strong laun dry soap using cold water to make the lather then plaoo in cold watvr with m weight on the bjf to keep it down let it remain for u day or two when lelturtng will likely bo almost gone- if not repeat the treatment then roll it up wit th- soup lit it and after that woah und boll it will soon ike very white praser u says but no hut water must be used on thebag until th lettering has disappeared as thut would mi the coloring mutter in the lettering housewife making p6arlb to order konio yeurs ngp conaldirablo intar- ost was taken in the attfcovery e a hibthml of making real diamonds tliere wus no mistake uhout the gn- ulnoness of the gnnh produood the drawback lay hi the fact that they vr exceedingly snuill vourtoen years ugo u krone scion list nuiiltrnibd by oaruful lnvsjlga- tlun the accuruoy of the ideu tluu u pear is thoroault of u disease t attacks tho tearl oyster says answer having established this fact his next step was to procure a number of pearl oysters and plant them in his own lesr fishery kronen waters after first inoculating them with the dis ease which induoea them to produce peurjs at first the peurbi he had leen able to produce by this moans wore small und of iktje worth but us ho himself um ark oil lhy ware real poarls not mere globules of motherof pearl afors than sufficient an irishman und a negro had agreed to settle th question of who was the battey man they also ugreed that soon a ona wus satisfied ho should in dicate to the olhtir by simply saying sutllulont after pounding each other for sumo time tho irishman sang out shtftclunl when much tu his dit- acton creamery co t j onehu prop t we are still buyinsr ejtrb open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto phone 53 during july and august exam inations far glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lens grinding and- quick repair department operating as usual write in or phone 10w for appointment- a d savage optometrist ev mf o- optiolan savage optical building bight at the post office guelpb for sale tjie famous no 21 fleury plows only six of thorn 2100 eadvivith two shares and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows one set four section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices j n oneill son gakage and carriage works georgetown ontario van rem6vl notice after april xt t will be located at my new stand on mln street in the store formerly occupied by afoffata confectionery 1 prompt attention to repairing- of all kinds will be attended to as usuar at our new stored just around the corner from hill street t e gibbons va mill street acton ont v praylnpcg 03lbahioko3iubt trsrontq enaq cryfi or vvvnvvvvvvyvv xx gastoria mother fletchers ofstpria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething -drops- and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infant in urms anil children till ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomacli diarrhea rcilate bowels aids in the assimilation of ioou plxtuoting cheer fulness rest and natural sleep without opiates j to avoid iiiutfttloiii ntwavlkw fur itir gfuttnbif c4tccxt e difrfllotn riirh itarlni iliyriaij everywhere rctoiniilcild it acton elevator near 0 t r station following brands oa hand flour manitoba flouhpabtry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain bought and retailed alex lnoble henby awkey manager this stores policy to represent goods ok- actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and chec- fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage y co jewellot guelph ontario iet your job printing at the free press castor i a for isfimta and children in i m for over 30 yars svmm r- lltts